THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1933 LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 Latest in Berets Mr. XV. B.i'erKUson U-r'i Tuesday un .i business trip to New York Cits'. Mr. Frank Miller left Tuesday on :i Imsiness trip to Raleigh. Mr. Thomas Kojrers of Fines Creek as lure last v !:. llev. Kivvin. of Cruso. spent Saturday in town. Mr. Charles Moody was anions; the visitors lure from Cecil last week. Mrs. Thad Howell, of Jonathan, spent Saturday shopping in Waynes villtv Among the Canton visitors here last week were Messrs. J. M. Wells and II. A. i )sborne. Mr. Key I.. Medfoid of, Crahtree was in town .n Monday, ' Mr. Dave Boyd, of Jonathan, was u Visitor in the eity Saturday. Mr. Herman (iiien and Mr. Charles Hawkins were anioni; the visitors here fi' l-'ines Creek last week-end. Mr. John XV. Shook was here on business Monday. Mr. V. C. 1'i'iee of Fines Creek spent Monday in XVaynesville. Mr. John Cailyslo Haynes o Clyde was a XVaynesville visitor Saturday. ' Miss Hester Owen, uf Jonathan, .spent Ki-i.lay shopping in XVaynesville. '. Mr. Medfoid of Jenathan was here on business last week. Mr. Cas'om Ferunstin was here from Fines Creek last week. Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis, of Camon. were XVaynes ille visitors Friday. Mrs. F. K. Mayes of Crahtree spent Saturday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. l'.oy Fulhr. of Canton, were in town Saturday. Allium the visitors in the city last week were Messrs. 11. l'.l.edhetter and XV. A. Moure, of 1'iyeon. Mrs. L. M. Hicheson left Friday for a visit to .Mr. Kielieson's parents iii Kicliiuond. Virginia. Mis. XV. 1. Kirkpatriek is still seriously ill at the llayuoyd County lospital. . Mis. XV. L. Massie is improvini: af ter an 'operation at the ilaywood County hospital Monday. Miss Kuth Hayes, of I.enoir. is the sliest of her uncle and aunt, Hev, and Mis. L. 15, ITayeii. Mis. M A Movers, of Franklin, spent Sunday with hoc daughter, Mrs, 1. M. Haves, ihs Mary 1 :ii;:abel h Crawler., of .Now p. rl. Tennessee, is the puesi ot her aunt .Mrs S. IV Cay. Mr V. I, lua.lshaw and Mr. Zeli Hosiers, ef Cral.iree, were XVaynesvill, visiters Friday, . Mi--- .Muru.iivi Hyatt loft Saturday !' Chi, an.. llet'e she will spend tell I days at the World's Fair. ASHEVILLE Kind Down .:. :i :()() :50 3:20. 7:00 7:15 "llM 7:25 :i 7:35 1 :.- 7:15 1:15 i:35 5:111) 1 :00 1 :2U 1 :.!() 1 : 15 1:55 2 :()." . 2:15 2::i5 :i:(l0 3:1(1 3:15 3 :2'7 3:32 3:12 3:5(i 1:29 4 : 15 NOTICE Change Of Schedule ,SVI.VAMlRIHV(()KM-:i,A ATLANTA Keail I ; ilusl (:'. 'it v 5:11(1 5:15 6:20 :' i:.)(i . :35 1i:lll 7:00 7:10 : 7:20 -7:30 7:10 7:51 8:13 8:34 8:19 9:09 8:55 9:10 Note Black Far (12:30). Indicates Fl Indicates E X. C. Lv. (.'. A" 7:(H) l.v, A-iievi.le 7:20 .. .;nka 7::!(1 .. . ('anller 7: 15 .. Canton 7:55 ... "Civde b:05 .. 'Lake .Urn S: 15 .. WaviR.-vi 8:35 .. Balsam !:00 Ar. Svlva, X. l.v. Sylva, N. C , ,. ;.l)ilsboro AVhit1ier . .. M-:iii" Kryson ( '..' " Almond ".Topfvm ,. Ailtli'ews Ar. Murphy. !;0(). l.v. Svlva, X '.': 15 .. Franklin 10:20 .. .Mountain City, Ga 10:30 .. r.lavton 10:35 .. Tijrer 10:10 .. I.akenunt 11:00 .. Talkilah ' Falls 11:10 .. ClaB-kesville 11:20 .. Demorest . 11:30 .. Cornelia 11 :50 .. -Alto 12:0li .. Lula 12:30 .. Gainesvi 12:52 .. Flower? 1:08 .. Buford 1 :30 .. Lawrencevilh' 1 :15 I'ecatui 1 :30 Ar." "Atlanta. C,a; ,. figures li notes P. M. Time ur Stop. astern .Standard Tinuj. . X. ('. Ar 15 0:15 8:50 8:10 8 e'lH l.v. A r, 1 1 :li 10:.lll ldCia l(i:2ll 10:1(1 10:(H! : II :'.() 0:.00 8:55 8:13 S:3S 8 : 2S 8:11 7:11 7:25 7:00 (Ml .11 :(l'l 10 10: hi 10:35 10.20 ld:t 0 (Ml 10:0(1 50 9:5(1 Th : . ; . , . ,. ; ou points This original mode' s in stitched Idaek satin, sliowini: :he eNaiz.L'.eratod point over tin1 rut'it eye. :35 :2(l :l(i 1 : 9:35 9:10 lie Branch 1 : 12: 11: 11: 11 : 11: .1 1 : 11: 11: 1(1: HI 10: !) 0 11 !i 10 9:10 30 8:30 15 1( 35 20 10 00 10 30 15 5(1 30 20 00 :15 :00 7:15 7:10 7:35 7:20 7:10 7:0(1 -:." 1 (:10 (i:21 ! :00 5 :3H 5:21 5 :0(l 3:15 3 :00 (12:30) OtluVs A, M. Time -Indicates Central; Standard Time. QUEEN CITY LINES, INC. I We Are Cooperating In Every Way With The NR A: Our Clerks Only Work The Alloted 48 Hours, Our Store Will Observe the Following Hours: Week Days 7 AM to 7:30 PM Saturday 7 AJIt FRUITS VEGETABLES MEATS AVE DELIVER Fergu sons Phone 45 Grocery Miss i:Hzahelli Foyers, of I'Vahtiee. visited friends and relulm in Way-' ucsville last u cek-ond. Messes: XV, S. Jolmson and AU'eit Johnson, of Asheville. were iini'sts i( relativ es in XVa tiesvUle Monday. V 1 Mrs. llarrv Haas, of OramioPuru-. sVailh Caroiin.i. is spiMidin some tniie :. Ihe Hotel l.ep'.tine. Mi M.miie Hall and siMcr and nieee ,',( Flei id.i h ive arrived to pmd mi no' time at 1 he 'lev eu ill A pa i t im HI - Mes-i'S Fall and FleV il Afford, ot S It.'tlrr. Ceerci.i. a rii v Tiiosda v lor a in Mi 11 u i: h Mi- ,1 o, 1 'nil U lu'Un'!'; ot S 1 1 a'a.l a , I' li U l.l.c Is a !. lle.-l at 1 he heme of M r. and Mis .1 1,1 11 Si n nr. held 9 .XI Wv Mamie l.lllhel, ,.f Ap.A. is Hie ctievt f her unci, Mr XV. II. fail llel'a a lid .l IS. 1 .111 her, , ' .Mis, W ir .loiics returned to lor heime in Wihoiiniton Tuesday alter a visit to her niece. Mi s. J K I let 'i acki n. and III" M a Yackrll v .:'....' ' Miss I a.lllsa Hoc:. I";.- iif Clyde, vvho 11 u 1 1 e r w e 1 1 1 an opeiatiini I'oi-. append! . ci'ris" a I ih" 1 1 a v wi id County hospital 1 I us u eel, . is II h I U'oV illi; , Miv I' C. Aloie and Mis alWler .M o o l e . . J' ( I la llile Calls, V ere week - end 'Miosis of I r,' and .M i s. c-V 1 1 .Me IVm e!l: 1 " ill Hi. Mrs. I. Is. 1 1 it hard, , Miss I. a, :! Uiehaiii, ainl Mr. .Maros.toM Ku lianl, of S; i va n lia h. Ceorria are juiesls ;,t lire Hotel I.eFaine. if . " Mrs. W. C. Ili ooki r ainl Mrs. V. K. 1'ishe.r nl. 'i'aiupa, Florida are ru'est - a I i he home of "Mi s, 1 1 i '. rrnson oil F.asl s l ei-I . . M i s. I : S. Marsli, al I. i" a tell da.v Vac, II loll Hi eu X'l'l li, has l elllrlieil l o the Stale 'llichway ellcilleel ill:.: ( i l'W st a I ioned i in llicfivvav" v 1 ,,.'" V Hi,: and Mrs. it. 11. Ilaldeinaii, ot Ml. liolly: New Jersey are expected to .oi . v today for a Week's visji, to Mr, and Mrs. Fen Colkiil Mrs. . ('. Iluf-ilies and r, r.-t ndson, of Norfolk'. -Va,., anived Fist week and a l e in si . ,-, t ,,. ,, . ,s ; IF Miu hell, ,,,' ' M r.-.".' ;i:"in: l!ns a ml ( o ore,. Ifoss. Jr.. of Jaleicll, Weil; (.'.UeS'ls of .Ml" ami .Mrs 'I', lanoii' ''.wyil clurin;.: lasl Mr. !;. N pi;,, i cuirmM t,, his In one S. i.i u nl; i v a il ei a n el ended h us iness 1 1 ip thioiich the sniiihern a. nil' S...U1 h','., -est 11 II sin les. 1 51 1 I'll I X Will M IMIAI Mr ami Mi s. I 'land., l-'raneis :,ri nouiiee Hn- I.i i t hi of a son. '!'. .i I P. - Orelle, (.11 'i dlies, . lay. All! is - '. .": .Mrs. Islmer ';.!, and '.'hililrin, "f 1 lurha ni. are .sieii:,lih;.: ;, 'few' weeks: in l:)a;' i.i n c! as. n u ' si s of Mrs. ." ' it. us i, jollier. Ahis. A.:M,, M.,v. . II Mis is' laiHiiia ami l , j. I: .M . ,, ,u . ell h.a e: re u riied, f rom a . visit,; ;,, i . ainl Alls. I r J r 1 . i:n liadin and friejnls in Hiekory irml Craniie J'alls. .-.'.'. ill-., ami Mrs. J um s Wheel, r o! I'' 'at nr. (la., sphnt last: vv k ei d Willi Airs. XV.hi-i ler's mm her; .Sirs. Fdwin I la vis,: Miss J'Avel I :;pp rel tirncd. Monday f I'opl Stall sv.lie w hi'l e". sfle spent severnl, days as Mho i.i., i ,,f Mi;,s. Carplyn'Fontr::" " ':,.; 'dr. John Kirkpati iek returned lo his .honii-e . in Fayetteville Saturday after a fovv 1 ivs visit to his jiaients. Dr. ;i ml Mrs, .XV. 1,. Kirkpatriek., "..".,.'. Ml-.' -: Hull Withers.': of ,J. mphis, joined .Airs. XX'ithers tmd liftle ila.tish t' i- la-i. vv-( k-. ml for a -visit to: Dr. and Mrs. K. t'. Walker. . " .. :, X!r. XVillnir T. I'a-tts has i 'turned t'i hi.s honfp in: Washini-'fi.n, I). C. Mon day after a. few days' visit in XX'a y- nesvilfe. "'" ;Miss. Lois Johnson,, of Ashevilip,. is R'p'enHnf somctihie witli. rtdatives.' in the eity. ' . How to Itcip Healthy Cliildron. Vow ;n iihs to Tencli Correyt Ps ture Kxplainctl and Illustralod in The Amcrifan Weekly, the Maga zine -Distributed With Nest Sunday's Baltimore imcrican. Buy it from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy. Mrs. Noel Wright and infant son. of Savannah. Cieorgia, arrived Satur day to join Mrs. Wright's mother. Mrs. Frank Johnson, for a few weeks' visit at the home of Mrs. F. J. Sloan. F V Miss Francis Kay left Saturday t'vr St. Fouls. Missouri. W here she will purehase fall merchandise for the Kead) -;o-w ear department of C. E. Ka s Sons Store. - Hr. Jack Turhytill left Sunday for Chicago where he will attend the meetim; i f the American As sociation and the Century of Frogiess Isvposition. Mr. Fred Crawford arrived Friday from Ihirhaiii to spend a months vacation with his mother. Mis. XV. T. Crawford, at her home on Hi. inner avenue. Miss Louise lsdwards. head of the Home Hconoinics l Vpat aicnt of llie XVav lusv ille High School, .returned last week after spondinr. a month's vacation at- tier home in Ced.u tow n. Cn'orisia. Mrs ll.illett XX'ard and infant son, llallett. J". arrive,! Sunday from their home in Kichvvood. XX est Vir ginia to spend several weeks with Mis Ward's parents. Mr, and Ali'B J. K. ll.pps. Mrs. C. S .le Neeigaard arrived Monday to spend several mouths In town and n. stopping at The i ; oorgi.i n Mrs de Neeinaard has IV. u out ol lowu over a year and lias speiu tlie time wild relatives and I i lends in New X'oik Citv and Fiis(. I Xiiciuia. t, Mi ami Mrs 1 alga i I t h K . 1 1 . ol i ; .lip-' oi .. l.ll Mondav a f 1 ei." a w oik' C'li i. the former's paienis; Mr and Mis Is 'I' Hucki'tt Ml" a ml , XI is ( X K i i k "pat i l, k and .I aiighti as Miss Jane K irk pa (r ic k , re turned lo their home m t 'ha riot I e Saturdav after spemlims a IV w d.i.vs wilh ihe till tnri ' p.iicnis, 1 ,r a. id Mrs. V.' 1. Kil kpan iek I i . S I ' ( la v left Sun. I, rv lor I'hi. 'ago w lleie hi' will spend tell d.ivs allendin.; the 'lueeiin;: of the Ameri can .Menial Association which n- hcinK the paymen: of the indebtedness se cured thereby, the undersigned Com missioner of lianks. having succeed ed to the rights an J ciuties of the North Carolina Batik and Trust Com pany, Successor Trustee. . will offer for sa'.e, at public auction for cash- in front of the Haywood County Court House door on Monday. August 21st, 15l;:, at twelve o'clock noon, certain pieces of land lying and being in Hay wood County. State of North Carolina, and described and defined .s follows: l.yinjr and bein? in Beaverdam Township. Haywood County, North Carolina, on Crabtroe Road ihout miles Northwest of Canton, N. C. and bounded on the North :y the lands of K. O. t'arsv.ell, on t he West by the lands of K, O. Carsvvcl!, on the South hv the lunis Uatcatl' Robinson. Ion tlie Fast hv the lands of Will Sor- ? ,. , ' . , i . .. : i .J reus, and more particularly ucscii.iu as follows. BKCINNIN'C at :i stake in the cen ter o1" Crabtroe Koid. corner of K. O. Car--well lot No. 11 and runs thence North St! degrees Hast -1 poles, sur face measurement, to a stake; thence South -4 degrees Mast (magnetic) 1!'.2S jvoles to a stake: thence South So degrees West 12 poles to a stake; held al tl Slovens llolel Xh and Mis Hiehar.l I '..a ! r Jr. li II. : Monday for I'll icigo where they w ill all, n, 1 ihe ,, XVoi lil's Fair, .Mr. I I.ii Pel : will a lso attend Ihe nieoling of ihe Nalional A ple-l I row ei s Asso i la l i. oi a l 1 In' I 'a I in er I I ou-.e. .VI l el , XI i - XV . i '. Fuss had as ll'ieir eilesls oil 't'liesilav the foilner's pa n nl sand sister ... Mr. and M is, I I . M. Cuss and M issos cla ris a ml Ainieria Fllss, . of I li lldel soiiv illi'. Till' visitors were here for a surprise dinner xyhieli Mrs. Kins gave, in honor of Ivr'lius ha ml in . elelu a limi of his liiit hda y a 1 1 1 1 i v e I'm i y . !.' t Miss 11. X". Arnold, of la is,,i, X'ir riiiia, and Mrs. William I'.uri'l, of Henderson airived S'linday for a visit in the i iiv and are occupying .llieir I'm tiiei Indue, ini Ma in slreei . s ill, ami Mis. Thomas M. Seawell ar rived Sa Hi i da v lie spend a few 'd:I.VS 1 1 I e a mi a I I ,a li e . I U 11 a 1 1 1 k a I W here Ihov . I I e V 1 si I i 1 1 : : I h e i r ilaugllter, Alllli', a I (amp .1 una I uska . '',-,", .Miss lleliliella Hove, who has a posp i,,n as I 'olu I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 or for Hie I mllisl i ia 1 l oniiiiissiori iii lialelgh, will arrive Saturday to spend a I wo Weeks' Vaea.lioll VV i I ll lll-l" mill her, ,M I'S, I I in' li I .ove f it! Mr, ainl XI i s, , j,, i low i 11, of I'lovad' in 'a Kil,,,.- Island, arrived TihsiIj; h" a visit lo lire, follnel's I'Mi'i'iil- Mr . 'iii,! .Mr-s (i Howell. .l i ami Al l.-;. I low e" slopped , li I ollle I',. Woa nesv ill,, in l:., !iv... ! XX ' X'lle.inia and spill! a I'e'w days as rue-Is 01 Mi a nd All s; l 'liai .-s Fad-l-ell":.' .lis 'i: ' Al is I l I ., Sin a 1 er; who spenl a w eek in 1 lo-. i ji y wi i li h'"'i" s i --rer..-' Mrs i ', No I. -eek , and . Mr Nohe.'k .'.' re luriied lo '.her home in " J ofi nson I'ily. T, nne-see SluiiJay ..with Mr Shearer ami M'is ii ml' M rs.. S I ). Ma v na ril 'w'ho Wl-re week -Ud' C li":' I i . ,f t lj' Nolie'ekS. :,',:' ' ' .Mr. and Mrs. X F .MaxwcJI and :.XT r.s'..' ...Ma yvveil's' si-I.r. MF-r Finn lie l.ii li g,i". ,.f , At la nl a . i.oorr ia , were week-eml" ..-uesis of Hp. former's ninth; er, 'Airs;: A. M Mirs vv oil. .a I. her .home ill I la zei W"i iVuls xi:i or i n xivs We' wish to 1 ha nk i.ui'r', f i i, lids for Hie inany deislsgof 1. j'ml ni-ss i-lio.wn us dm in": ah'- illness, and deeili .of Mrs-. Sa ra h K . 1 lay ties, . . ; Tl I Is: , FA M I Fy. . .. miri-; () sm.i-: rxutih' deed : ' s OF T'CST Under an, by virtue "f .authority contained iti a certain deed of trust executed by J, C... Sorrells and wife, to the f atizens. Nat Bank of Raleigh, . C.. Trustee, on the 2dth day of July, 1.2T. record' d in. Kook 21, Page ,121, Registry of Hayvoo, , County, North Carolina, default having been made: in Use This Laxative made from plants Thedford's Black-Dbaugiit is made from plants that grow in the ground, like the garden vegetables you eat at every meal. .NATL'RK has put into theBe plants an active medicine that stimulates the bowels to act Just as Nature put the ma-t'-rials that sustain your body Into thf "vPKe'table foods you eat. : In niaek-Draught yon bave a natu rnl laxative, free from synthetic drVtBS Its use does not make you hava to depepd on cathartic chemical drus to get the bowels to act daily. V.iio t'ou ran art Ulack-Draught in the form of a SYRUP, for CHILDREN. poles to a stake; thence South 86 de grees West 11 pole3 ti center of Crab tiee Road; thence with center of said road Xorth 2 degrees 30' West 24-80 poles to the beginning. And being I.eit No. 11 of the T. C. Dobson sur vey of the T. X. land, dated . March 7, HU'. as per man of record in map Hook A, at p.ige 89. Haywood County records of maps, and being' the same land deserilved in a deed from K. O. Carsxvell and wifie to J. Sorrells and wife- Sophia Sorrells, by deed dated JunP IS, li'27. and regis tered dune 2:5, 1i27 in Bcnvk 75, Page HIS. Also a part of the lot No. 12 of the above- mentioned survey and being same land described ;n :: deed from A. 1.. Hramioi. and wife to J. C. Sorrel!- and vv:;Y Sophia Sor, felis. da:c( (Vtober i 1'.'21. and rcg- the I'.ihh dav liecemlver, 1'.'21 it; hook t!i, pavre 2 Is Haywood.. County reconls of deeds Hattd this 1 l:h dav of dulv. 1933. (U'rn'kv i mien, Commissioner of Hanks, on Re lation of North Carolin i Hank and Trust "Company. Successor Trustee. tlriu'c South 1 degree- West 5.62 No. S.'i- '"Iy27-Auy..,?-10-1' 1 WhenVbur. I Head Aches and Tlirobs... When Neurnlgia, Neuritis, Rlioumntism, tumbago, Sciatica, send their knife-like pains thru your quivering nerves, . .when Muscular Pains torture you... when Periodic Pains lay you low . . .those are the times you need Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. Why suffer needlessly? Why let ordinary aches and pains rob you of enjoyment, success, prosperity? Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills relieve quickly safely. Ask any druggist what their users say about them. Dr. Mifes' Anti-Pain Pills will stop a simple Headache in ten to twenty minutes less than the time needed by most similar prcparaiioiis. They arc not laxative, Ho not upset the stomaclit do not cause Constipation, A package of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills in your medicine cabinet, pocket, or hand-bag means fewer aches and pains, greater; efliclency, less lost time, more comfort and Jgl enjoyment. 25 for 25 cents 125 for $1.00. iislvsS NOTICE lieiiniirr" with (his dale (August 3? 5KW);.care. following :'on all out of town checks: Five eenis ..on all checks of less than IViv Ibikirs. 1 en cents on all checks 'iver '.IVii: Dollars. Twenty-Five cents per Siundredon alloutof tow : hecks CASHED, ( hecks deposited five cents on al! checks less than ten dollars, Ten ceiitJ; all checks over, ten dollars,; , United--States and State excepted. First National Bank Wavnesville, X. C. t TRAIN TRAVEL BARliAIN FARES: .si ,i (! m ::i : ,..',, : J coi.r.MinA. s. c. . ; , . At (a ST.. (IX. ...Y; . , .. . . 2.:0 ('II ARLESTON, S; . :...... :; M.00 SAVANNAH. (,. .'. .,. . . . . .5.00 (i(i(l Uftuininu Auu. -Sth. .'-"ALSO ;.' ' Jacksonville .. .... . . . . $6.00 Return Limit August .'50th. RKI)l'( KI) ROt'M) TRIP l LLM AN FARES The above fares apply from all agency stations -Murphy to Asheville, Hot Springs to Old Fort inclusive. Asheville to Tryon including Brevard. See your nearest agent or It. H. DEBUTTS, AGPA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM

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