THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page T REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS : x. Coghurn and wife to J. K. '-), son, iot, Ueaverelam to nshin. J. j;at fmathfi-s. trustee' to W. 1'. Calf. 7 4 at res. lit-aVfidain township. rfceon, Itiver Kailxvay Co. to Clum ;;au) Fibre Co.. ."i.x ai its, la-ax prelum township. p Carolina Moru-aue trus tee, to Central Investment Corp., lot, Bcaverdam township. ti. H. Clayton and wife to Arthur I., iu.nks and wife. lots. Beax erdam tow nship. II. A. Osborne and others to Mr. John Trull. 2 traots. Ueaverdam I township. ':in i'. "Wells and wife to Thomas 11 .Wells, lots, r.eaverdaja township. T. .M.Coul ui ii and wife to I., j. Tatliai.i ami wife. lots, liea t'ldani low nship. J tardy Smart and wife to l Vainer and wife, half acre. Ueaver ilam township. 13. !. 1'ressley to Madie l'ressley, lot. Ueaverdam township. i.urnov i'. ttoo.i, i;ank lommis- il. ! sinner. to St.tlenf North Carolina traet. Ueaverdam township. Carl l'.esi and wife to C. ti. Wolloy, i tracts. Ueaverdam township. Sophomla i:. llutton to Krucst STATEMENT BY GURXEY P. HOOD, COMMISSIONER OF HANKS In Compliance With Chapter 183 Of The Public Laws Of 1933 For Citizens Hank & Trust Co.. Waynesville, N. C. Closed September 17, 1933 1. Payment To Auditors During Period Of Liquidation: A. Payments to Independent Auditors: Dates Description Details Amounts Totals 12-13-32 To : W. Bo wen Henderson, Cer tified Public Accountant, Ashe, ville, X. C, by check Xo. 18. For: Services set out in state ments rendered and copied be low: W. Bowen Henderson, Certified Public Accountant. Asheville. North Carolina. November, 13, 1932. Honorable C.urney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks. State of Xorth Carolina, , Raleigh, X. C. Correct Statement Aucjit Citizens Bank and Trust Co., Waynesville, X. C. Professional Services: Senior in Charge (C. P. A.) 4 days .$100.00 Senior Assistant 12 days .... 300.00 Total Services . , . . . .... Expenses: Salary, J. T. Xoland for Services 27.30 Travel in lieu of hotel . .". . . 13.00 Postage anil long distance tolls 7.6." Janitor (2 cleanings) .75 $100.00 Total Total 78.70 $178.70 Total Paul to Independent Auditors. ........ ..$178.70 1. Payment To Auditors During Period of Liquidation : H. Payments to Department Auditors: (go ta (Elturrlt mtimij :k 1 iE FIRST BAPTIST Kev. H. . Baurom. pastor Sunday school, t:43. YV. C. Allen r-uperintendent. Marnitifr Worship 11:00, Subject: "Lot I's Have Peace With God." ii:o0 all 15. Y. P. L'.'s of church meet. Kveninjr Worship S:00 V. M. Sub kv: : "Safety First " Mid-week prayer service 7:M0 Wednesday. FIRST RRFSRYTKRIA S CHURCH M. HA.FIAVOOD PRFSHYTFRl A S CHURCH Rev. O. C- Lundrum. Pastor. Sunday School, 10 o'clock. Morning, 10:40 o'clock. Junior, Intermediate and Senior xepeis. 7:15. Kveninj: Service, S:00. FIRST MKTHOMST CHURCH Rev. Wade Johnson, Pastor. Sunday School. S:45. Sc. man 11 o'clock by 1U'. S. 1". Tur- cn:iiH piesident of ilreetisboi o t ol Kpworth League 7:15. Sirinon by Rev. Jolinson S o'clock. Subject : "Ret ribat ion." Dr. R. P. Walker. Minister Bible School t:45 a. m. Sermon 1 1 a. m. Christian Endeavor.' 7 p. m. l'rMv.--nioetm- U'e.lnes.lix- S 1 Tht. Pastor will preach Aue loth, " 1UI fMf'lfM lliimu S P. M. m Francis lve Ch U'el. Kev. B. B. Caldwell, Pastor. ' Sunday School 11:4.5. 11:00. Sermon bv Pastor. 7:00, Meeting of all B. Y. P. U.'i of the church. 8:00, F.ach Wednesday mid-week Prayer meeting. ST. JOHS'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Arthur J Racrtte Mass at 1 1 Sunday. Mass, week days at 7:.'!0 A. M. Mutton, aoOU acres. Cecil township, lanost Mutton ami wife to 11. It. Klch ni:iii. T. .1 and John Michael, about 3500 acres. Cecil township. William 11. Cat rott and wife to Orville M. (iaiiett, and Mattle Mae I'i'tilaiul. ("lalitree township. I' A. v'oclmrn and wife to H. X. Trttl!. J acres. Kast Fork township. Soplnonjj ;. Mutton to I'.inost llut ton. l.'a-t 1'oi U tow nship lanesi Multon to K. U. Kicknian. John and T. I,. Michael. Kast lVrk township. .1. W Crasty and wife Id H. I,. (Iioon. Km os Creek toxvnshop. Van C. Wells and uit'o to Tlionuui 11 Wells, lots, l'iitoon tow nship. C I' Chi istopher and wife to T. H Wells and wife. l'ii;eu township. Nellie Karnes and wile to John M CJuooii. 'a iH'sville township. .1 . Minimer to M. , Summer, 1 lots, Waynesville township. 'I'lioniasine -II. WocNey to F.ll.i . olsev Heed. Waynesville township. J. W. Shell and wife to Konneth Anderson. nitent. Waynesville town ship. K. IC liiiimer and wife to 1. 1. Alley, lol. .Waynesville township. Kate I ', Stockman to liii niiimhaul Southern Collee,,., l,,is. Wayticavllle tow nship. -.trustee, to Mownrd Sl-evenson-. lots. Waynesville township. .'- W. (Irasiy to ; . ;,-,.,.; W.i.vnesville l.nx nship. i. ntn-ran and w lie fo W IT MARRIAGE LICENSES l-:dwa i d T. I'arlin. ivied. . I'l., and K illirn . liond. Hviedo. Cla. John J lirookshii e. Canton and I'earlona Queen. Canlop Jesse La-wih. Canton and . Hazel Clout. Canton. Tw etrt v-li vo i', Haw ha Counl farm els attended :l leliacini; school held by the county farm aiieni last week to demons ra 1 e the of proper terraces. Sales al the newly established curb market a l.cnoir. .(';ll.1.Ve)l Counl. have aieraiii'd about $ .Veil -i monih and are ci;ow ini; steadily 1 lu i M In, 7 H7 T. T. I'osier of lilanch, route- 1 . dim' the tirst. treiuh silo for Caswell County and will use it lo feed ten cow s i his w inter Wilkes l.nmels who are keepilli; i-ows :ind sellilli: milk lo llle local clo-ese l-oloiy s;i llloy would llol i:ie up dairy hit: for any other kind of fa r n i in; a I present ship. ' ' ' It. .t. Mvafl and wife to J. 11. Mvatt, i-nlerivd in tract, ' Way lieBV ille town- I I I I-yell a sensible li l will make li monkey of herself mIioii she Ims to si iatrh for her living. Mll'K i: F SAI.K. OK KK. Al, Ts SI Vli: l'tK TWIN -'K Tl 10 TOWN l' 11)1, . C. (Ml Monday. September I. IMila at the court house door in the town ol Wanesille. North Carolina, the'im derslcned will oiler for sale al public audi, hi to the hiiihesi bidder for cash, the land of the follow ini; properly ow tiers fiu- la es d tie i he Tow i "I Clyde t'oi tlie years 1 - :i and li'it:'. as follow s 1932 Anderson. J, M . 1 lot 48. JS ! toll Mot. r Co.. 1 lot. 20.35 Mount ( leu . 1 lot 4-97 liy.-rs, .1. C. z bus 30.45 Hud. M C . 1 lot 3.07 I i '..Idw ell. A I i Mrs.. 1 i,.: . . . 9.16 I C ,i roll. Annie Mrs . 1 lot .... 13.87 I Car:. N T. Mrs 1 lot 27.75 I Chambers. .1 I-:. Mr.-?.. 1 lot .... 10.18 t Cl.i: k. C 1' . 1 lot 1.68 k. Mrs.. 1 lot 4.07 Carstarplien. IV M 1 lot S0.8S Co.ikley , C W . 1 ft fi.ll I Crawford. V A . I lot 1.11 Ciawford. Wil.-y. 1 ha 1.11 1.i is. 1'i ed Mrs . 1 loi ..... 5.55 Ia is. Minnie Mrs . 1 lot 10.18 lYruusoii. V.. 1 lot 27.H4 Cord. W. C. Mrs . 1 1,-1 34.31 Co ntry. Chas (C,.b-red 1 ba .. '.'.04 Hannah. W. 1 h i T..55 Haw kins. 11. . 1 lot 1.S3 Hawkins. J. IV. 1 lot 43.27 ll.iynes. M. C . 1 lot 5.02 Maynes. If. 1.. 1 lot 1C.45 Howell. Marry. 1 lot ... 7.56 Mushes. Carrie, 1 lot .14 Hull, lionnie Mrs, 1 lot 4.07 llaynes, John -M-. I lot 2.22 .lervis. M. 1. Mrs . 1 lot 22.44 Jolly . Mr- 1 lot 13.22 Jolly. C . 1 loi ... 10.18 Jones, c. i:.. 1 lot . K7.06 Jones. .1 C, I lot 10.18 .lust ice. J. I- Mrs., 1 lo! ....... 34.78 Johnson, (leinude Mrs.. 1 lot . 23.55 Kirkpalrick; Mattle Mrs.. I bit . 2.78 l.oat lierw I, Mallie Mrs. 1 lot S.BO l.inb-y .J. I '. . I lot ' O'J McCraekeii. . I Kst.. 1 lot . . . 30.53 Mann, C I'- . I lot 13.21 Massey. Kobi. .V Andeicson. 1 lot 11.10 Messer. .1, I. . I 1-i ......... ' .I II. 1 bit S.25 IVnland. K . 1.. sex e nil acres .2 27.59 Dates i0-o.;)2 li. 3.14.33 2.9-33 Destrintion : Details Amounln lotal- . To: John (J. Allen, Chief Liqui dating Accountant, by check No. 4. For:-auditing Expense John (i. Allen, September 12, 19;52. . ... . . ... . . $15.00 To: John C Allen, Chief Liqui dating Accountant, by check No. 13. For Auditing Expense John (I. Allen, November 3, 1932 7.50 To: John G. Allen, Chief Liqui dating Accountant, by check No. 30. For: Expenses J. (i. Allen, March 10th, to 13th, 1933 both dates inclusive .... 15.00 To: P. II. Long Liquidating Accountant, by check No. 27. For: Salary and Expense re: Reconstruction Finance Corpor ation Application 1-20-33 to 1.31-33. Salary 10 days (a $0.00 . , . .$ 00.00 Travel and Subsistence . . . . . . 20.19 acres, Waynesville loxvn- uhi 1 H II 1 Cell .Molol" Co . I lol livers. J c, ;' lots l'.y i d. M. C . I lol ..... Caldwell. A. K . Mrs . I lot Can-. N. T. Mrs.. I lot. ha Clark. Nannie Mrs. I lol Coakloy, (1. W., 1 lol . . . t 'raw ford. I-'. A.. 1 lot . . , Mavis. Minnie Mrs. I lot I'erd. W- II Mis. 1 lot . lenlrx , Chas . (Cob-i ed ) llaith.ih. . .1 I lol J oh iisi-ii. lerl rude M rs,. Jolly . W, C . 1 lot Jolles. J. i , I lol ... . Just ice, .1 I,. Mrs, I lot , K it k pa Irick. Mall ie. M is . I.i.lrlex. J, li , I lol ...... McKh oy , I! l . I lot . . . M . nr. c i: , I lot Massie. K ,V A . I -..( . . . Mi-sser. .11. I lot Mornau. .1. II., I lot Ko.-.-i.s. .1. W.. I lot . . . : . Spears. A. li . i bit, bal . Thomas. W. I I , ,y ; l-'inley Tilsoii, I, I : Mrs,, I lot . .. Walker. A. C . I lot . . . Walker, N. II . 1' loi; ... . Williains. '. Iv, .1 lol . . . . . .$:! 3 5 .... ;i i . -i 5 3.07 a. HI .. 12.7 5 -1.07 fill 1.11 1.0.18 .... 0.2S l loi :'.(i4 .... 5.55 ' , 5S 10.18 10.18 3 1.78 ' 79 . . . 5.0 ... (i.57 ... I I. -11 ... 1 1.10 .... i;.t;4 II.H3 . . . 5.55 . 30. 00 I lol 3.70 1 ... 5 0.13 ... 4.25 ... :',7 ...5.10 I lot I lol Sn dor. Soaper. W. Spear- I'rocloi . It. 1-'.. 1 lot ....... Kohinsou. .1, C 1 lol Koblnsoii. Vance. I lol Itoiii-rs. J. W . 1 lol Senlelle. 1 1 X.. several acres Shook. II C. I lot shook li li 1 lol mi Mrs.. I lot . - . 1 b't V K . 1 lol Thomas. W. II. X- l-'inb-y. 1 lot Tilson. I.. 1-1. Mrs.. 1 lot . . Walker. A. ('.. I lot Walker. X, II.. 1 lol West. Mrs. At ha. 1 lot West. X. C . I lol . . . ...... West Waller. I lol Williams. C. I-:., 1 lot ... . , . : W lall. I-:. .1.. .1 lol Walker. . II.. 1 lol ....... Sab- made of the forei;oi-- receive lo salisfv llu ta(s due 1 '! Iho Clyde on said property a.'. I luv t'o - mentioned.- and said -s:i01 lia ; ' ''" Pin -u.i nl lo the order :tth! oilier of Ablernien of the: fhly- i i,i. .... and aecordim- lo lay- em -e.i iii-.k I be peliall ies to i by law . This AiiciisI -It 1 1 ; M. V. 4.47 4.07 1 ii.75 5.55 3 U. 5 4 1.4 0 1 3.07 13. S7 1 !.! 111.02 3.70 51.43 4.2 5 2.7H 4. 113 4 0.59 13.49 5.10 S.14 and discount- nioiinl cpllccteil I: V, -v ' "V, '-' -;J ';. V- 1 Total To: I!. II. Long, Litjuidating Accountant, by check No. 28. For : Salary and Expense re : Keconstriictioii Finance Corpo ration Application 2-1 & 6, 1933 Salary 2 days $6-00 Travel and Subsistence ... Telegrams to antl from Raleigh office February 1st. . . . . . 80.19 12.00 1.50 1.16 Total ..... . ...... Total Paid Departmental Audi Total Paid to Departmental Au ditors . ... . ... . . . . .... . . ... . . 14.66 .-.$138.65 .$617.33 Total Paid to All Auditors 9.17.32 to 6.1-33 . ..... . . . . . . . .. v , 2. Payment To Attorneys During Period Of Liquidation: Dates Description Details Amounts Totals NONE -Note: Collections for Citizens P.ank & Trust Company, Waynesville, N. ; C. amounted to $21,178.13 as of June 'i':: 1, 1933. "''. V; Ratios of above payments to collections: Total Paid to Independent Auditors Total Paid to Departmental Auditors ' Total Paid to All Auditors Total Paid to Attorneys NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE I STACEY W. WADE, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the statement of the Citizens Bank & Trust Company filed m my office on the 31st day of July, 1933, by Gurney P. Hood, Com missioner of Banks. : . , , , , In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and ' official sgI Done in office at Raleigh, this the 1st day of August in the year of our Lord, 1933, T,,,1. T.Tr, STACEY W. WADE, Secretary of State .0225 .0061 .0286 None. A he Mouii o :aineeir i FOR E YEAR ON 1 A This Applies Renewal Subscript on New or ions

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