THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1953 Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER HAZEL WOOD NEWS Mrs. James Kuykendull and small son, Jjniuie, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. McLean, at Topton. liev. and Mis. O. C. I-andrum and children are visiting relatives and friends in Kentucky. Mr. ami Mrs. Lawrence Davis and Kinall sun, Dcrrell, are visiting rela tives in Greenville, S. C. The 1 lazelu noil llcioster Club will hub! "their usual monthly meeting Thursday night at the Hut. Mr. C. S, AValter, vice-president of the Carolina Power and Light Co., will be th speaker of the evening. Special music will be rendered by .Mrs. Florence Bowles and Mr. C. Mclnm-s. Mrs. C & Walter will sing and -Messrs -Snake" derringer and Harold llayncs will give exhibition dances This plans to lie uuite an interesting nrogi-am and a large attendance is expected. vi:iiig hkli.s alurday, August 5, was unite an important day ill I lazelu ued, beinf a day of three marriagi s. The wed dings were .solemnized at Clayton, (la. and were as follows: Mis.s Cla.lya MrLln.y and Mr. ,1 .( '. I Uirrcl. .Mr.-'. Jiurrtll is the youngest daughter of .Mr. ami .Mis. .1. It. MeKlroy and .Mr. Luriell is the youngest son -of .Mid Ad. lie Hun-ell. . . . t i i ed' Hazvlu .il. d. -. .Mi.--.- Kvd.'.n iii- Ireeame tile l'li'lu of .Mr. Karl l:i-.ln!i. .Mis. j:i.-eii..ll' is lie -.e.aei da H:-liii-r . i' Mr. and Mis. T. . I lavis of I !.! .-. I. S1k is a gi.iduale of Wiiyii'.-vilic T. c.-. nsb i p ll-b S. .in. 1. 1. Air. r.i.-eh..if e.ine- lo lla.el, I in. i, i. .Mount 'lb. dl.'.. V .1 M i 1 1 a by Ti ii n t a ii, I .Mr. I. ill In-:1 ( illtila lid 'A ele ;l!.-" la. II led ".1 Se . -ill. 1. 1'.. .Mr-, l.ilhliinl i- lie ...'I'l'iii la';. r of Mr. and .Mrs. Go-tye 'i'laui! .Mr. Cillilnnd i 1 1 1 . -..i: of .Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cillil.nid ami is an elil il,.. ee of 1 biyle-I 'i I ki ngt ' hi Co. Hazelwood Wins Bleacherv Game Last Saturday at I laz. lw.niil 1 lu local c.lub nose, I out Snyles. IMeacH ery nine in a elo.sely I'oUglu contest, :i to s, W .-Morton led the Saylos baiters WJtL three fur live, "while Fisher ami Price"two hits each. Saturday ot'"t1ii.s week brings llca con .Miik- to Hazelwood. The gam Will be called at :;::! KAVI.L.S " l; II U Lance, :'h. . - j ;j j lll.lil n. i f. . . : . . ..V 1 .1 0 Landretli. ns. -SL ". ..... . ,4 n o W. Morion, ir ..... . ... a 2 .3 0 L.Mla. lb. . ' .... ... . .5 .1. 1 0 V. Morton, ef. 111 .'..'; ...... a 11 10 (larrisoii, . .3I1. .'.........In 1 u I lo!:,:. e. . , . . ........ I o H 0 DaUdsoii. p. ......... . .4 1 2 0 10 ; 13 1 ii.xi;lu'( kid ai; k h is Queen; ss. 4 2 1 AVyatt, i f. , ......... . . . 2 1 u Fisher, ;'l. .4 2 2 it ' iiobes. .11. ii., . 1 3 0 Burrell. 3b. . ........... r, 1 1 1 i Pi-iCe. c. . a n -1 0 1'. . ..... , . . . . 4 n l 0 Putnam, p. . ) i 10 Knykondall. rf. . ..... . . . 2 n n 0 Sanders. V. rf. 2 u u 0 In '.t 13 2 (',) Went n for Ku kendall in ."til. W.clc- Game Hazelwood entertained the Balfour ball club on the local lie-Id last Sat urday ami helil them down to . defeat of 15 to 0. I'utnam. local "south-paw.'' pitched exceptionally g-ood ball, allowing- only -ix hits and striking- out ten Balfou,. batters. He pitched. him self out of a bail hole in he fourth inning, when two hits and a walk filled the bases, he struck out the next two men and the third ground out to . Rc'.nnson at tirst- Alderman Provost ."tarred ot the bat with five;. hits and live runs tor live trips to th" plate. Dock Queen w-as next with two doub les and .wo -ingles in :six tries, An dy Wyatt arid Alderman .Fishe,. also hit safelv three time in six tries. Brevard led the visiting batters with three hits in four times at bat. Parker, visiting hurler. who occu pied the mound at the beginning of the game, was pounded lrom the box in the second inning bvn barrage of live hi:s. Hammond, who finished l.he game, displayed better ability but did not receive the support of his team-mates. Saturday of this week Hazelwood will play Saylos Bleacherv on the Hazelwood field. The game-will be calld at d: 30- BALFOUR AB R II E Capps, ;;!. ............ .4 0 11 Hammond, lb. . ..4 0 0 0 bright. If.. . . .........4 0 2 1 Brevard, ss. . ; 4 0 2 2 Ash. cf. . 3 0 0 0 Bentley, :2b. . .4 0 0 0 Heaton, rf. , .... ......4 0 0 0 Brown, c. . d 0 0 0 "arker. p. . .... ....... .0 0 0 0 Stewart. (Z) lb. ....... d 0 0 0 Erwin, (ZZ) cf. . . . . 2 0 0 0 33 0 6 4 (Z) Went in in 2nd inning. ((ZZ) Wem m for Stewart in 3rd inning. HAZELWOOD AB R H K Queen, ss. . . . . ; 6 3 4 1 Wyatt. ef. . . ...6 2 3 0 Fisher, 2b. : . (1 l 3 0 Robeson, lb. . ...........5 0 2 1 Burrell, 3b. . ....... ...4 0 0 1 Putnam, n. . ...... .....5 110 Prevost, If . . .......... 5 5 5 0 Sanders, rf 1 0 0 0 KuykendalL, c. . 5 1 2 0 Pice, (ZZZ) c. ....4 2 1 0 PRIZE LIST FOR FLOWER SHOW (Cantinued from Page 1) J5 Lest collection of sweet scab- iosa 20 Lest collection of sun (lowers 21 liest collection of roses: (a) First (b) Second 1.0 0 .50 L'S liest collection of wild Mowers: (a) First 1.50 ( I. Second "5 L".l - --liest colleetioii of Hydrangeas .50 3u liest entry outside of Way- nesville township 31 liesl display of flowers never before e.xbibited 31' Most attractive and best con structed bird house (must be made by inhibitor, either boy or girl under sixteen) .. 33 Most beautiful and outstand ing exhibit ill show 1.00 1.00 1 .00 For further in fi nation i oiuern iJt.u the sli'.w call any of the foHouing members of the committee: Miss Car oline Alsieatter, ebaii ina n, Mrs. James .M. Long. Mrs. liufus Siler, .Mrs. ,1.1'. Dions, Miss Alice (Juiulan, Mrs. ('and Dell. .Mrs. V. T.Slieltori. Mrs. La.Milonil ..ill. and Mrs, T. Lenoir Short Measure Found In Beer Complaints are .leaching C. I), liau in. jie.i l ol' the S'.aC ilr,i-ioii- . eiglil ,il..l mrasini'-. tliat la-er i 1 1 .a li i n g- dealers it, '.hi.. Stu'e in bai m U .-'hurt as much as three and hall' gallons of the .specified contents. Mr. liaiti-oni -aid tiiat he was noii I'io'I ye-1 ei day by a dealer thai lie hail bought a band supposed to contain 1 "'. s .gallons " beer, which upim be ing emptied and i milled with water actually would hold onlv 12 gallons. I'.easiuse none of the beer is manu factured iir barrelled in North Caro lina, Mr. Lauren) yesterday sent the complaints to VV. ' 11. Fisher, U. S. district attorney at Wilmington, ash ing Federal action in tracing' the al leged beer shoi t-ehani -to s. He .-aid that sinre beer his been his department will coope uite in 'enforcing' the i.iw againsl shf i t measurements just as with any ut her c-oinmodily. Mviici: STATi; OF NuUTJi I A I il i L I A . Ci 1 1 XT Y (IF 1 1 A V '( K ( J . TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CoNCKKX: -U persons will hereby lake notice that Wade McDanicl Who Was con victed of manslaughter at. the duly Term, J ! 3 1 of Haywood Counly Su perior Court, and sentenced to the State Prison, will apply lo the C.ov ernor of Xorlh Carolina for a pardon or parole at an early date. All persons who oppose said par don or pa role will forward their pro tesi to the ( iov eriior sv ithoui delay. This August 1 1133. wadi: Mi Daxii:l. No." '.mi Aug. 1 Ii-1 7. (1 H I ol llllll s s 1 ):t Monday, August 1-1, llloo, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at the court house door in the town ot aynes vii li-. Havwood Couniv, North Caro lina, I will sell fit public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property: Being in Civile lownship. Havwood County, North Carolina, Adjoining the lands of .J. A. Collins, J. L Mor gan, and. BLCilNNINti at the. center of a bridge in the eetKor line of State Highway; thence with the center line ot said State Highway, live calls as follows: N. 71 .40' W. 148S.5 feet to a stake: thence N. K7" W YY. 127.5 feet to a stake; thence S. 7S" 4!)' V. 20.D feet; thence N. S4J 2S' W. .157.3 Lit, Ihtnu N .1 1 W 1 w 0 fut to a stake: thence N, 2L W F. '-'S..O feet to a stone: thence N. 10' 00' F. )2.,0 leet to a stake (B. C). gone); thence 22' 00 F. (iiiS.2.) feet to a hrge YV. O.; . thence N. SS3 00' W -7..i feet, to a stake in the enter of a .small branch: thence with the center line of said branch, N. W 00 V. Ifio.O feet to a stake in the center of Pigeon River; thence up the center line of said river, Nine calls a follows: "N. 87J :00' V. 190.0 feet to a stake; thence . 64 3rr K. 22...00 fecet to a stake; thence S.73 10 F 2)0 0(1 fct to i s iki, tlu nee S 1') 20 I 20)00 ft t to a sfike, thence S. 08" 2.Y W. 27,").()i) feet to a stake; thence S. 403 00' W. '430.00 feet to a stake; thence S. 13 4.V K. 150.00 feet to a stake; thence N. 72" 50' E. 615.12 feet to a .stake; thence S. .17 12 h. 10.36.7 feet to a stake opposite a small branch; thence up said branch, two calls as follows: S. 41 00' W. 1.3o.00 feet to a stake in the center lino of said branch; thence K. 24 o0' W. 270.00 feet to the BEGINNING, containing fifty and mnetv-eight one hundredth acres, (50.98). .Second Tract: Adioining :hf pbive named tract. BEGINNING on a stake in the center of the State Highway, and center of Tanvard Branch, and runs S. 73 E. with said State Highway, 36 poles, more or less, to a stone in Pigeon P.iver; thence down the river as it mean ders to the mouth of said Tanyard Branch; thence up the branch, as it meande'rs, to the BEGINNING corner, containing (2) acres, more or less. Sale made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon me by virtue of a deed of trust executed by J. Emory Rush and wife, Annie Rush, dated June 24. 1924, and recorded in Book 10, page 219, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This the 12th day of Julv. 1933. J. R. MORGAN. Trustee. No. 82 July 20-27-Aug. 3-10. T. N. Green Family Holds A Reunion iUy J. A. Francis.) It was quite a pleasure to have the privilege to attend the annual reunion of the T. X. and Louise Green fam ily on July 30, 1133, two milea west of Franklin. Leaving at six thirty, arriving at Hazelwood at seven; leaving there at seven-thirty and entering Highway No. 10, we began to notice the many changes that have taken place in thb last fifteen years. First, we noticed the improved roads, the means Ot travel, the construction of more modern residences, better equipped public buildiiif-'S, and a more seien tiliee method of farming as was in evidence by the conditions of the' farms and abundant crops that have been harvested and are still standing on the farms. Arriving at .Mr. Lyron Waldrop's at ten-thirty where Hie family and friends were gutheriiiK for the occa sion and for the further purpose of ci'lehi-ating the sixty-eighth anniver sary of their iieeting day. Lefore 'be noon hour we took occasion to visit the cemeiery where the body of tin- father anil mother were buried. We could onl..- reverently' look upon tin remembering t Ii Kind deeds ..i, ... I.'. . toil, and the many' hainl ioaps I hoy underwent for Hot oilier l"ii.os" Hi in lo pi. aid,- r..r their cliil.lrei, and Ibe elevation ,,f buman i I y, "n iciiirn we found Miiilc a - ' ''' -in;- iiss..,c.l. Th.- spirit of !' -ndship in d cordial .r. ciipa u:l.s 111 iden.-e ,n . very hand. . i h, m'm" ''"' "'' """ ' II"- nr. -I boiiiiiil'iil '" '""" "f i ! Illilie. v "ci . d i.. .in, in,, ai.. I, ii rnl i c and I '"'' ''11, 1 the supply u.,, ,,ol 1 "'"'" ' 1 " had supplied their Ualils. Ur- 'b.ohll Ki.-lan;,!,. Ill,' poosl lu.iM- '' '' "' Fianlilin. ealb-d on and '"'"''' '""cly r.uarks after which T. ' ''-" ::'' - a short f k, e, ,," Ih" 11 - and Mrs. T. ,. (Ireen. ! one-1 h ll y the , for business. The s, 'I'gi luxation (net ciliary and re ord of last vel r not being there, no reports were made. . -As Hi tvue of olheors had expired, Good Food And Meats : Must Originate Properly LET US SERVE YOU IN OUR DEPARTMENTS CANNING SUPPLIES Jar Rings 3 Boxes 1 Oc Jar Gaps Per Dozen 25c I Certo Bulk yinegar Gal. 25c FRUIT JARS PER DOZEN Pints 60c Quarts 79c 1-2 Gal. $1 Open Week Days 8 Until 6:00 and Saturdays Until 9:00 With You Join In Co Eo Ray9S SOOS Waynes, N. c. B. & L. Official Takes Own Life Hestley Stepp, 47, secretary-treasurer of the Labors Building and Loan Association of Hendersonville, took his own life Saturday by firing a bul let through his head while at his office. He did not leave any statement re garding his act. It was thought that ill health was the cause. Youth Sentenced To Prison, Released "Xot a true bill," reported the Guilford grand jury to the court which Jud.;e Hoyle Sink was presiding, in the ease of Hubert Vickers, 111, who was charged with robbing a drinking friend of The "not" was written in such small letters, however that the clerk clerk didn't see it and Viewers went on trial, was convicted anil sentenced to I s to .'; "months in prison. The error obeli. .n of ollicers for the ensuing .voir nil" held, resulting in the election of Thomas I.. Green of W'aynesvill''. president. .Mrs. .Maud I Haiti, of Frank lin, secretary. flic six children, thirty-eight grand . liil.ii en. and forty-two great grand child nil pre. .-in all expl'ossi d theni m v. immensely , and Imping I . i loe, I next year. DIZZINESS fir-v";! by liiaok-Draught (! eiibal to take Thedford's Liaek ! Irauglit, ns I had been hnv I !.; ' lions writes -Mr. ('Im.s. 1 ;. :'l . . as, ,,f i -,,!i,n,l.i!s, hi. I. ' "Wli.-n ' :. . b.-HoHS. T I' I ;-l. -.';. and fired ;.( .', , n. .I f. ,- I;!?,, d-.i'.e li:" work I , ,,',V,'d .v.isxv. I know til 'II ' t I l.a.i I, it' :- tale- s.ieiet! in" .'ilfer I found h,.v.' g 1 l:laek-I ! niglit I-. ".at Is ,f, i r I, "-. - !. I' it , mi' of Hi" l.lle. fur T "! i"i- don't feci I, lie I am 1 n , i . td 1 1 r off to sleep ,.v.iv till,,' T sit cov.n. Tl.nt, to in,', is n v -re bad fe, ling." .Yroc i...,i . nt ii ' i:hick-Drau:lit i)t thu fn'rin ot i hYi:b"iJ, lur Chiluukn. THIS OUR MARKET PROVIDES MEATS , IN THE BEST COMBINATION OF QUALITYSANITATION AND PRICE We A re Cooperating With The NRA. The Effort To Spread Employment was discovered and Viekers went hie way rejoicing. Judge Sink said he had seen the satne thing happen. Vabbage and bananas should be included in the diet of a two-year-old child, says a speeiaMst in the U. .S. liureau of Home Economics. Humanity's Kailiest Ait. Wliy Md the Prehistoric Man Ix-ain to Draw KxifUcnt Pictures He-fore Making ProiK'i" Clothes? See the Article Illus I rated in Color in The American Weekly, the Magazine Distributed With Next .Sunday's Baltimore Amer ican. I5uy it from jour favorite! newsdealer or now.-ltoy. WAXTKl) TO TRADK small fiive room town house in south Florida, presort: value S2,(KIU clear title, for ;i lies;) cable location in mountains either With or Without building- If iiiteie-U ii write, P. II. Jones, Home X' . !. Kah igii, .. I . Aug. 1 Tit I'OL'XM Illti k Lid right-hand glove, di if. iil .'!' i'os'. tlliice. Kinder may ha-, e ---fto'e by giving de-criit ion and ; ayin.- .for- this a.d. . Apply at The .Modi,! .1 1 til I'l . . T - One .Megaphone such ;ts ue.l by Oichestnts, will; steel stand at tached, b.dwecn Ashei!!e and W'ay nesi!lc. llewar.l otrcred. Return o; write to The .Mountaineer. i i i:m 1 1 i oi: nam; la-is. . liii; . .robe, vanity, dressers si. .red in la-ior Mouse next door t' Huniiaia House on .Main street. Mrs, .Miller Ui stairs can show same. li. ( I. Stone. WEEK - ' ' i " ' " Want Ads OTHER SPECIALS Sugar Per Lb 5 1 -4c Corn Flakes And Post Toasties Tea 1-4 Lb. l Oc Lard 8 Lb. Carton 7 1 c NOTICE OF EXECCTRIX Having- qualified as Executirx of the estate of Mrs. Sarah K. Hay nes, .de ceased, late o Haywood County, North" Carolina, this is to notify all per.son.-i having claims against the estate of the deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 10th day of August, 1934, or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indbted to said estate will please Ynake payment immediate ly. This 10th day of August, 1933. MRS. THAD HOWELL, Executrix ci the estate of Mrs. Sarah K. Haynes, deceased. Aug. 10-17-24-Sept. 7-14. Tombs of Christian Kim?s Filled With Slaughtered Slaves. How u Stranse Lost African Civilization, lias HiH-n HroiiKht to Light Is Told In The American Weekly, the Magazine Dis tributed With Next Sunday's Balti more American. Buy it from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy . Free Truss Demonstration AKRON Meehano-Form TRUSSES Iiy a factory representative You are cordially invited 1c consult this special factory representative without any obligations to yourself. Hospital, physician and sick room supplies WACHTEL'S i c o u r o n a t ia ii l") HAYWOOD ASHEVILLE 2 for 15 47 15 21 3 (ZZZ) Went m in 3rd inning.