rv ' 1 o S If " BMl I I 1 j J , , ' The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County- Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park- -Head by Thinking People VOL. XLV NO. 37 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI HSI) AY. Al'til ST 17, 1933 HOMER BROWM i Woman Who Was 1 3 Cars Of Potatoes WIFE MURDER GIVEN "LIFE i M(.nt:ilitv Saves Haywood, Mr: t'ountv Man 1-rom Electric (hair Shot Twice Is Now Improhsj Joe Hrownmg Is "dotting Ahing Nicelv" At Hay wood Hospital V V The concerted -opinion of t.virWt.v .14 &jicerned that Homer 15:wvn, ol this S cttnty, wife flayer is ol unusual y A. mentality. .Monuay f1 . ..; of Pmnvn's path .rem death in the electric .hair to life in'.- A V1' J. C.B. Ehnnhaus Moo- ,, ...m.muted Briwn's sentence trout Wth '' bv electrocution to a life sen- ateneo. 1 ne acuon iohohi. - .Vvestiga.tion of the eac by lp,';n:;;" f f Sioner of Paroles r.ow.n .u. i.m.. ,; :p'-P fv- Brown was convicted at tne ' :"":'!):!;!, term of Uaywo a! county sap.i- , ni'jor i'-.u.-i f murder m lite mP: ''C- ;e v ' '. s t : Vice. I't 'J The i:tmutUt,on r:.K'iV..:u.,. It : ill i-' poors, within 1.'. minute, alu-i that the:cn i'r.ce of death Ue commuted. We 14,. . ... . .i.;.. ,...nvwn.l:itioll oil amniM '"4f'hc low mentality of the prisoner as we are not thoroughly satisfied and & convinc-d th:.t he was not insane, it I the time he committed the crime vw 'I have some doubt as tap t ne moral re sponsibility of the I risoiier :u 'S time the crime was committed, tin. I T't Ulev.also a 1 ne vi i it i ju'-.k., - - reipuested that Br-wti s .-entuu-.e:. . commuted oil ground- of the pno ? ners low mentality. -The lather. .ra ther ami sister ef Mrs. lown an : lUdtor John -M . Queen joined in ask in, ex ecutivecicmency Xi Ki . si-iiUM O.V nunc '"", - e the f.wnshi,) in which the .nuriie. vv.-o W committed asking commutafon al-o was submitted. .. ( ; (The governor's ; or.ier a;s . . that . Sunerior Court Judge K. i'"1 ,,..,.1 was a spectator at. the t,-;.-il is convinced the enteluc;ol death should be commuted to l.le un Drisonment." : , w At the trial, linens counsel W . J Hannah and .C. H. Smatiters. teiie.: upon a plea of insanity. UfovnrH Alan Wins MJM. V T Tennis Tournament Weatherbv and Komph .Won Trophv For Doubles. Di. Padget Was Kuniur.l p Mr. .loe Browninir. 20. of the Sun burst section of the county was ie ,,.vi,.,i i,v li.nitnl authorii'.ies to be i, Kltting along nicely and improving ii om wounds she received last uiuu day whin she was shot with a shot gun at her home when she opened the door hi answer to a call for her husbaml. i',.ar mi n have k'en arrested and !vdgi:d in the county jail pending- a i. string -which will likely be called wlun Mr-. Urowning's condition will ne! ,uv. hi V r.iteno. iU",'C-. of the sl-.noting were that .Mrs. ' Browning answered the door v. hen someone called for her hu.-'oand. wh... wa., not home. When -he 1'ar . ia 1 1 v upi i.ed the do..r a vliotgun was pit.-h, through the opnting and tired :, her twice. 1. was the general opinion that the shot was meant for her husband. Siuo-iif ,1. A. l.owe anil Deputy ShvifU' VVi'.l t'ai-ver arn-t-.-d F.dward ifiiuhani. Mo. ,.f Cecil township about o'clock Friday morning following the shooting, t'n Saturday: the sher ilb arretted Clark l-'rady. 2'. Kohert White, 2ti and Wade Hopkins, 28. alt (,t the SuiVmr t section. Shipped From Here ,1. (.;. Terrell, at the Southern IH-pet here, told The Mountain eer ye.-tirday that fwr the first time in 2 or ;i years that car loads of potatoes wert- hoiim' f'aipped fiom here. l'lie lot:. toes are being shipped to Geor gia. The third car was shipped Wednesday. There hu been an increase in the shipment of vegetables from Waynesville during the past two wicks, Mr. Ter.ell u -povted. -nusines., in all Imis at the depot - ovprtss. f-eigi'.: -and pa-: ,.K!-,.l-.has showed a marked increase dining the pa-- IVa wieks." '.Mr. Terrell a v.cd. J. Shetlield Ami Son Bound (her i ihor ni Son Hold S i Sla. , ,!(' 'K' Wood iow Welch Is Hoi tor jiueh jntereal 'Sieinsr- bnowrf in FhmerShow 22nd WW Duncan MacDougald. of L.ey.a d. won the Western North ( arolna si v.u les championship here Sumlay ah Piedmont 11, tel , court alter a v ei k of plaving by some of the outsfand nsr plavers of this acctron. 1,1 Charles Padgett . runnev-up, did tier lilav because he had just com ted 'three- hard sets against Col- man, of Canton- . . C II Weatherbv of -.his city 'and EdRomph of l':";i'!:l' 'jrano trophy by defeating Padgett in a hard fought battle. Mr.' Tom lrwtn had charge o the tournanur- whii. is the se.-ond an nua! tournament to be staued at tm Piedmont, C EWeatherby anounced yestei- tOUl nameuL ---- , .. . :i,o. iha last of this week j,iaei.vv . aii interested in or tne nrsc ui n'.- - ; ,,,,. h a.; tournament:; should 'P9t m touch with Mr. Weatneiuy. South Carolina ruri 1 Held In Court House Here ' Last weel a very 'unusual event SSSH,Grimb Ston. who. is spending his acatioii hC1iPViP cc wa- hnid m the eouit :';uit. Quite a mt i- . - .7 ;hown. by loc:-.l people, not or, y nut V being .,n out-of-state case, but also amount involved. . ... B. D."Bunn Named Apex School Head n D Bu'nn. former superintend ent " Of ' the ; Wavnes'ville Township schools., has accented; the position m cunerintendent of the Apex sehoo s. Apex looted abou 12 miles from Raleigh, and has an up-to-date ch 1 stem There are 37 teacher, in the schools there. . , , ., ,Mr Bunn has not definitely deciderl when he will leave for Apex. Judging fro-m the numerous iilqui . iT iv.,-- niaili... t he Summer l-dow- er Show- held aunu dly by he (iardi Department of the t ommunity v.iuu, pio-'.iiscs to hold unusual intevest tor .1,,, nul.ti.-. The exJiibits- will be u display in the ''uihling next, door to the Wavnewood Theatre, and the show will be'oiien .:o the .'public at, -2:011 in ,,. .1ho..u..m on Tuesday. August 22, and will n maiir 0icn until ;i:U0 o'eWk in the eveninc One display that i- anticipated. with l em interest is the exhibit to be made ,V he New College Camp, of Colum bia University which is located on the Spiingdale Stock Farm. Also in t,Tel emtio in the prize to he given for the most biautiful and ou.'stana ing exhibit in the .-how. exhibits must be in and ar ranged bv 12 o'clock, as the judges must have lime for their decisions lefore the doors' are o,nen. to . the public. Tlio l'-i!.nviou ia .. lisl "1 Ito- prize t,, ' iUen on August tlo--iel; ' V lciv....iwi:iliiH iiri..- s'il 2ti 'cimtina lio.a. "f l w 1 predoiiiina! inw 3 M:sr. l!aiie,.us K"U'juct: la i'.l. t . :. : ' - . S. - oil-! ... . , ' I ....... ;'. .ll,r.t i, ill I if ill Pl'f tl ' ' : ' " ;t.iMi -i . ii VII s". s, one . . Si JO) .bane. Sin field and hi: son. l.e muni. wc.-e' bound' .over withotif b.itnl to the November .Decern'., r term of Superior c.mrt a a prebmin .ry hearing here Monday afte'iwon before Magistrate F. D. Ferguson on a charge of laynic Pud' Miib'r .:ii Sunday. August b at Wooilrow. dames Web b, who w with Millei ,i tin time the deceased was .-hot, , ... ... .1. .I- : I ... . li.it s 11c was als;i nil in nif l.t" "v --- , ,,,-,,1 to be "doing very nicely ai;,l getting along line" at the llay 'w .nf County Uo-pU'd yesterday Mr. Widch was inn able to attend .the hear, ing. . Vouiik ShelVifid was iirrested soon al'tei the shotding. Hi- fa. her was :. i rested the next bay by SheritV DoWe. In the absence, of Solicitor John M. '00011. the st.tte was represented by CroVer.S. Pavis and la e i avis at the In aring. The tlelen. hints w. if repii. v.en! di bv (Jeorge 11. Ward, f Ashe ville and M.i G. Suumoy of this city.. wmiy Millions In Insurance Paid To North Carolianians New Yoik, . Nortii Carolina life iu s u ranee lolii-yholdi'is and bonefiei-i.--ies: we re jtaiti $ lO.iillO.OO in 1!W2 ac cording to the -.pei-ial "l.il'e Payments ! ;oalized" iiunibe.r issued today by tiie Nat ymal I'ndtO'writer, Weekly in siiratu e new Siapel'. : Th an in- e-;se of St'i,2lMi,(HI or IS pi r cent more than the ' 1'.' ! f.ta' of oOl.ioo.Poo North ''aribina ratiki ! 2.btb b: pay. mi'iits among a!! .at.o '.-, wb:!:o it i :!tb it. '.population, the per capita- b irii; S12.S0. Charlotte, lid -NMr't-h -Carolina, eitie. in" li.''e ill. uraiice 1 ay meni - in -iit::. HAYWOOD DRYS : ORGANIZE HERE ! BAILEY. iMlES.' nti.Kopeal droup Plan lo Or- uanie ( tuinty 1 or Novoni. hor Klociion J. T. Bailey, of Canton, was cho- i i 1... ,i , i. V oi-ees ...l ..ion - ,-ii : :i i ei ini no ,v-.- of Havwvod county at a meeting of 1 1 mailt. t e.. seiectnl 1 rem. various sic tioiis at their lir-st meeting here ::-i!-aa ieo:iiing a; the I'rt sbyti i ian chu'.th'. About 1! persons wire pres ,m ;.nd made phni: v 'i gaui.iritf the county for tiie New nlber election, M P llHI'..i-,i ,ne..n;-..er for idle dry o. in W, .. inn c:lk Carolina, df- j liuiol an aoo.o ... aa.l a-iMiM ' ll. oi canio .turn lltat followed. Other o!1k. i . ootoi wire; !'. I., tlrteii. or W:; io. s oh'. ice ' ''ri man ; James Atb'ii- of ayno-Mbe secretary U, a- un i ; Mr . iboi co b. bbe.iptoii. , r t aoli ii vie i Iriir.iian of women so-.crs ; XI rs. S .in Knic.h', of Hazel- a, i,!. vii'f ihairiuau vf ouili;- people; M ; i an a W i 'gb , 0' i anion and W. Ci Allen of Wax ille Plilbicly chai . au-ll. At the I., ginning " ;h' nieeiing. lb,- Im. !. lb Hay presided lie : tap d tin pm po e o! li:e mo, ting ....,1 ,,,,ji,.,! out !. important things .-it-remember in. the. canip iigtl about, to begin., O'dir- speakers were: The : Kev. I1.W. l'.aiicom. pa: tor of the. Fir .t. lhipli- ! t li r 'r Waj iifsville, and ,l:i,i;o. Atk;n . ; , V aynci ille. I l:e ,itiet tion of P'w-mlup organ- ); ;i:,oO. . left lo tin. disc ltv.li II id the geuoinl ollicors. Wins Junior Title ... w s i (tourist busi- INCREASE HERE lUoudinu Houses. Hotels And Tiansjjtti ialiop. .Lines liopoit liu-icasi's I l oni Mi in mo r isitors MANY POKKUiN I'AUs SF.'KN O.N STKKKT IIKKfc M,..s Alice Mill lniefsori ol Krlio iliii is., wlio won the w .'man's wes; 11' chaniliionship m n" ,,,at was held at Kianston era junioi toiirua 111. it lic(i (H In (linos Uoccivcd In Audi Wrcclv Last Wod iii'sdnv .!(cinonii ( !((" 1 ( N si PI K IOIt S ll I liL III UK IODXi (ltn M Lake UhrD. I'hilh-ariviomc Noii'l To Prcseiil l ausl t'oiuing to 1. aio Jiinalusba a- the major at,: aelioii of the IPoo season, the "Atlanta Philharmonic Sociidy. ol At! iita, t a rrgia- Will pr. sent the i i. pern !'. in by. liounoib in ron- rl form, on satuulay nigiit, .-iiiru-i i. al S a'iil obdiick, : ., .eiii-.i line- tu t he announcement the opera will be presented by Ml members of the Allan! i Philharmonic -ociei.v Willi a (IroMt- of I'.n. com-ert tnchestra of LIU. and o oii,e'e; anno)- th, gem-ial direction of Lawrence (i. Nilsoli, ami the conceit management of Walter 1 1 1 1 l i ' i -1 ;,( 'Atlanta. Xo other anno.uncriiient has a roil -ed such wide i at eie-t and favorable cm- ,,-,. :.. the. and . Suporin't anient Janiov Atl.i-u i'- b-aving- im stones im tinned to m j I.e. .1 lie event a. memor able ocra-'ion. Kew jur? List Is..: o. u Vm Drags' , I In ii ihh Ol stnini,' Will Ho Placed On The Now List ,1 . ..o i I 11,1 iii win, h she wa CI V h D.o.i ( n V,e,b ..ii.d'h, i: A general survey of the tourist center- ami transportation companies made by The Mountaineer vestei'day , sealed that .there were more visi tors in Waynesville at pitseiit. tour i here hail been during- the season. A check of foreign cars.' made Tues da by Homer Davis showed that 2ti loteigu cais were on the Mam street that day. Others were -ecu passing bioUgh" but not being able to get he state name were no', included, t ars be. n me- tag - 1 1 .nil ' he .a.' ' ';' w, re checked: Indiana. I'eun ylvaiua, Mr w.nin. Ohio New -York, New j.a'et. California Michigan. South r.,,-!'.n.i l-'lor-ida Alabama. Xlissi I . nisi. ma, Te;t. . V.iaain.:. Arkao.s. floorgia, 'I'eiines.see. llh ooa, Cuba-- Ma-saehuseli'. Rhode Is iaiiil Wa hington, Idaho (j. ben-idb of 1 lie Southern KaiL a , i. ted that tile ravel I.V mill) ,i .(.'increased about twenty -pel' cent earing I he pa 1 two ' '" m , ,i, o an l rain i rael I i "111 , and to Wa. iiesviflo, i'reiglit and epre .s hipiin ill -- h.ive ab-o increased, accord in., o Mr. It : H ii. . - Tin- tueeii t'dy H.uss Lines n per; , a bhni oiioti:iel bad inc oased frt-lil thirfy: lo forty iter tent -during the p.i ( t . wool; v Jam.- At kin., manager of Southern Asscmnly at Lake .1 unalu-ka, ro, ; ,,: Ii d a' .....ee'v.-d. ill.; t : I -, in bhom 111 l 1 1 . l.-.V'.'e. . "U e are pi act ically tilled to ca pacity hi-' -slated, -uuriug, tne nasi. I wo weeks there h-.l been an increasi' t f at -b a t Iwetity (T cent til' visitors." W ol I ill Pi'i nab 1.50 1 ..no .V this Tliur. w- ill Wibinn-, Tie hi -sup- rvbui- foi ;:i(b, wiii be . in W'ay no -ebb- iv aft efiwoii. August :17. 11'' , . t. . ..iv,..., ilf I'laiiK uc rgus.tni s 'mit t 1 ' ti , nirl h'liai' ft'lilli - to a I).- Ill j-' :T'ho: uurpose t'f the igei.tmir is- lor I ,0, the be! , supervisor to r ."ce.iyc" -p.ay- ; meni oiv loans if any c:on; have been , (J0 sold iand. to tiiscuss. market ing; Wf other ' I -1""1"'' ' -. '.-'. ; '' ' ;'; ; Mr. ami Airs.- R. X.TJ.irhrr hail as . their guests oduring last week 'Mr. B-irher's sister, Mrs. a. S. Summereb, : ; nn and her. e: daughter, Miss Frances ' Summeroll. of China Grove.: . ODD AS IT SEEMS voom nniio et si DAY 5 ibest- eolloction t.f' (ItadioH: (-1 1 Lir. t . .,. :', . ' . to) seeomi . . . . ... . . r, lit si (-oliootioii of Primilius : Cla.iioli . o . ... i 7 pa st code., lion, of named v:i- VietieS' tit : ClatlioH: ; , :IU-sf basket . of one variety f i n.oiioii ...... . . (Not bs than six siirays.) :,-si r. l':.-eii.,n of tlalilias: (a) Firsts . . ....-'. 1 1. 1 s'ocoml . . . . . pi );, st sp' eina nt of single dah lias . ..... . : ' - . 12 P.. a eolloction of zinnias . ;.! la s; c iilleetieri cf dwarf zi.n- nias. 1 tHost eolleetion of ea loniltrlas 15 Best' ei illeetjon ,'of nastu.rt-irn.is . jy;iiest ..cblertkin . of petunias ; b" post eolb-ction of niarigolils ' iv ltest eolteetronaif dwarf ma rigolds, a ;. i. .... ,- - , ;...t collection oOf . annual phlox- .. :. ......:. . '. on nest collection ol, sinsie larkspur .' ','... . -i 21 Kcst collection ..Of, double larkspur . . , i . o- . 22 Pest collection of asters .o. 2a3 Best: tollection . of lilies: ; (a I First . . . ...... . -a : . . I h i Second : . . . ,:- ' 24 Itest collection. . of cosmos . ... .- -. . ... 1 1. . ... i . . n r f ..r.-Otl- COllll. I.iCS.C HIIIt-T.,li"ii C'f .S s v ,3 - iesa t,.,. j ,.i - .. .... ,.r OoT.-eru ',0 Thn rmlv (.prmarl Shell t .. .'. ., I. !. i :,, T'nrtp I- States sod uu 27 Uest coiiecxion ui roses. . t -, , ,v- ... :,! a n i First : ........... - 1-OM . mg' the worm yi .- : ii: -seebna ' i : . . . ... . - - a.rfPt,f barge.by a-bmanne, n.slBet-collection' of wild flowers: I , and landed near Orleans, Ma " 1 1 1 1 1 't i (1.) (ond T l Milk is heavier ,,,,, 't9 Best collection of Hydrangeas .50 j than cream. The oil ;and. I4t ln A 5fip.et-entrv outside of .W ay- j cream causes it to Use -'" 't noavillo Imvnshil) 1.00 I . - - ; , i; iv. in iia, n. -. regisler t,f Pdceds, wa- Im v dhb, week copying, n .mes frm the tux looks for a new iury let frtag. w-hich the commissioner-: wall draw fiiP. jury 'f.ir the September, term nf Civil court Xlonday : . l b,, li i being- brought up t" 'Life 'by - the boaitL and a repn .-i Ci'ive fiom each community. All j.er.-o.in iif -pi, tionab!" clnii-acter have, been eliminated froiri the new list. Un.b r the present. -..vtW.. . . M n Illavnes s-ateii. a fiiifl'iroo"i" likely be drawn t.oyMry service --...more than once inten years. Ac! S i : I 1 1 boa I I .'. .... I-:. ! .. Wn bi IP I b Alley.. J:.. H llanliab, ('. K. La I C-.-ii- . I loiiorai y p: W. Meade. Judge ;:. L..-..L .L i;. Mo "a i b St aniov Ve. i)-aii.L A i 'C':'-;b Lee, Jr.. Harry 1 1 bnne . Aikui p'.L.. Paul. Hyatt, ai'dpbi air . blobn -'Hi. : loin: on. a pi a ' i ' llavwood county o: a aMiai-e, Mi a Or. , i av.. Sim: -wa , ' u 'll in !b"-b an . ,ib a bin;' Li :' : ;,.)l ;V-I ilf ill i.-oliO colrlllig- liere. She oi gani t ali a bo Ll ,,- e nleiit -of the ebb, ami .yas a, interests.. ... -. bll go el OWt ;' .in :al wa.- i-videii I (op. Lai uy in the i !' '-.. .Surviving, ti-en-'il are lier . mother, A ';'otid;i, ai d-, opt:! '': ii i o roti -Koyh'-bb:.-1 .iol'ili N. Jobi-i -"ii., her . bu-b:,f, !".- Waym vide. A. ,'e: ;.lol!'elsol , Cl be 'Ua-v, ! r. le Allev. . I ' ile. and C. .V! lb, -iree. weie: A. eli I'i. Aley; J. Mor'aii, 'I'.- L: Cuyu. C. I'.i r- , Ibr-'.'.. i V, . V. L o. V. I illy L'elix Slovalb ''.' i- '1. Krvaut . .Miia.li-.-beb:. ile of. .lo:.pb I at I orni Van - 1 ie j ,' ..a a I" f"i' : h v da i oolvv a ril. to a, irrio l : :M-. I't s.i.e r i V.-ayne.- ! a::'o. Site bad iirnil y' aifab s s-tnc:- as a ineinber an I ; napn : ehincb ,Va;,ii vibe Alu-ie iie aii eoinmunily e of Mis. .b.bllsoibs -oiiriioniity. : ao.;- ,,i tli. faiiol: I i -: : -. Lairme . c 'ait:nor ugh: or.. Alls. I 'am f -Ibib-r.-bi 'oinp -'-ei Dahlia Show Hero The date lor I lie Annual Dahlia Show which is under Mie sponsorship of the Woman's (Jul), has beenton natively tiM d as Septeiubci V'iU. . 'l'lie show will ' h' ld ill the building iie io ! 1 1 1 Wayuewood Thcati'e.. cat In-1 condil ions, I h is year, ha ve been uiui-ually favora file a nd the (ba,ora aire more beautiful and in gieaoor piofusioii tlian has been true fin many :-o;e-on.-. It ii- cx.H''cfed tha; exhillits will' be geeat'-r in both size anil number than I or auv diow Vet. and . t be p.u iilit: is t ageriy I inking lorwaro to tins - least of bowers : Chapei Hi!! Lach Now HasBhic Hair Hill', wife , of ibo br airveittimtl : he a'p T. -I. W'V n. .! , lb di i .loll'llSOll,- of I onrliftitn A SYn. Meade inticaFi i m ba a-: v.-a.- boo , van 1 - my. winl e lit:, r-t a-in,v' tii-igg. ; I w':o elio d y. :! h:.; . wa. :: pi. n. bluing.'- .lid. . ": no st i DMi;'. Thte i :i ivs nbniii'a! ,e in : il C-i 'a iiia, , el ip.il vbiieu e;.:: : v.pi;-' ie.i.ie: ,ua, p- ri-e- -o d- :ard I fi-dn-' a t o Ptio ' "n a obi fi:e .way i-e a ;-....; oc'-led' ,' . ion: ': a war-- :aye.i .'. . .' iPi -Pr - Ad- , son 'appeared with be:' i i .aaat :h' ia i- blue 'The third annual reunion of the ' , ;n ViolH next Sun- Mooov iamo "in , , . 9fi at thiv Dellwood Methodi.t church All famHy con. ncc-ions are invited anu eAcu ibe present. . j One of t he largest suoscribei .5". ;,, periodicals in the world is Ma- :. gill University. The university reg-. .50 ularly rtceives about - 35UO maga- ! . zi'nes. The collection has been lated .50,1 . by visiting librarians as one of the e f nest in the world. -.50: ..: ' " . 1 urkish ollirials , j: are considering the proposal . to seivl l.oo'o ,-.;x d'ummeis to beat their orum., .50 . ..outside the houses ol .tenntpjeu IHnjaniin I rankhn - . was the first Postmaster- .enera of the lini-. i States, lie du:W dh';e for a year. 50 tiKntis fo- a lea ir hour a -day. . 31 Pent displav of flowers never liefore exhibited . . -50 32 Most attractive and best con structed bird house (must l.e mnrie bv exhibitor, either linv ir Lirl under sixteen) . . 1.00 33Most beautiful and outstand ing exhibit In show ....... 100 50.932.900 miles were flown along American a ,a tion routes during 19J2. A conf ribulor in i7.tm-d has a uni)ue name tor i ,i...b-. :'!., " -h" ("Bar.. Noth ing. ) :'.'.' '''' Brad- pr(Msnii I u mine . - muep to tne ici-iei -oi '".'ii'.-p1,'-. jnccnie tax payers., canceled ad. tax a, rears prior to .- .The; -tax law; had been protested because : city '."residents bore the 'brunt of the tax ..-bunlen; For example, the JiOO.bh:) inhabitants of Kio hy Janeiro were : paying 55 peip cent of .Brazil s m . come tax. During the recent warm spell Miss Lucille Fleetwood, postmistress ,f )U n 11 J.-'- e' " K patrons that they telephone to sie if they had any .mail.. .Her .plan : met with instant favor with, all her .700 patrons. California has shown the mo t rapid imru-i . i- Mi- Chrk. ..Injured In W nth I st Wnk i'd lo P.i Slowlv Uecovorin Xlr . A. W. Meade, who was injure.! in an auloiii-bab' collibi.in a w- k ago. was' repoi ted late .yesterday as s ill in a critical condition." Mrs. Meade was the driver of the car in which Mrs. Joseph , H. Johnson was fatally - ihju.'"etl. t .. li I. f 'Uvrk of Asheville. who was in the oth er ca r w h ich li g u red l n the collision, was reported in 'slow ly r(covring still vtiv i' k i Rnasevelt Saved Lawn By Elying Presitii nt P-oo oy. ! may have been: thinking of his., front lawn when he flew to Chicago last summer to ac cept thf Democratic nomination. Recalling how 10,000 person hat! ap nnmil nn .lawn when he was noti- Std Tif his nomination -for the Vice 1 tMtlim n lJ'i he slid a a.,,,.n,,io r.Viinti. oceiirCil at t p ova rd . The'- were packed m. so . tig.htlj , I .suppose, that aoout. a wceK later a:i the CTass curled UP and died. We hat! to have the whole olaco phnveil un and replanted. ' Is that .why you new io v n.iauo i !! DION, ii I I HII ') ON -I NO U , Funeral . services fop J. ail. I,"n n, (PL who died Friday at his home in the t ;ai I.' Chapel: sectitrn of, Haywood county 'we're conducted ..Sunday after noon .t :'. o'clock a: Clark's Chapel Methodic Kpiscopal ; church, : Soutn. wbvh the Kev. H. C. Fri embn. of Clyde iinicjati.ng. Suryiving are: the widow and . .vn daughters. Grace and Vaspie. I)L( OR VI ION )W M (0 L ( KLLK si PI 2 :: liecoration Day, will be ; observed, at the. Cove ("reek Baptist church on Saturday afternoon. Sep'tenihi r j. 2. according, - to an annouiicemcnt : from the fonnnittee yestcnlay. Kvcryi.h.e having relatives there -and., all Others are. cordially invited to be present,: AS " " fnr thn notification ceremony la.-t The sixteen southern states j- . e, nru- the states It has m-1 year ?" someone asked. have -a land area ot a4..ouo m- . . , p.. p, Z 74.; persons since "It was cheaper, ' .ur. uooscveit i t miles or 31 per cent of the area of . cit --tJ ' phed, with a lauch the United States. I 1J,jU- . 3IARRIAGE LICENSES T I Xloore. Crailtree R. F . D.. .and In 1 1 1 M 11 1 C ibtut B F D Pufus XT. right. W aynesvnlo II uitc 1 nil nm 1 nt in II izel wood, - John Kathbone. Fines Creek, and Anna Mav Smith. Fine Creek. i'i .if il .. - - .....

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