Page 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Society News SOCIETY PA GE Local o o o o Y1 I terns 1 - Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - Phone 137 MR. MOODY DAVIS WEDS MISS SMITH IN LEAKSV1LLE A wide circle of friends in Hay wood county will be interested in the following account of the wedding of n n,...,iw ft.,..:.. r,ii-miv1ir Wnv. 111. iviuuuy ayis, luiincuj vi nesaille. and Miss Rehekah Smith, of Leakville. which appeared in The Greensboro Daily News last Sunday. Leaksville. Aug. 12. A wedding of cordial interest throughout the state was solemnized in a pretty home ceremony at 4:.'!0 o'clock this after noon when Miss Rebekah Smith be rame the bride of Robert Moody Davis. Rev. H- P. Powell, of Marion, a former pastor of the bride Rev V. II- Willis officiated, using thw riny- cpremonv of the MeChodist church. flnlv thn immediate families and a limited number of intimate friends ujitnessei! thp ceremonv. The vows Vwfnrr nn imDrcvised altar of stately palms and ferns inter spersed with floor baskets ot giaaioias and regal lilies. Prior to ithe wedding ceremony a beautiful musical program was ren dered oy Miss Sallie Sharp, of Reids ville, violinist, accompanied at the piano by Miss Mary Smith, a sister of the bride. The numbers played were "Poeme" by Fibick. and "Liebes traum" by Li.stz. The bridal chorus from Lohengrin was used as the pro cessional and during the ceremony Elegie Op. 10 No. 5 wa- softly played. Miss S.illie Smii:h, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She was beautifully gowned in stained glass blue triple beer with a largo felt hat and other blending accessories. Her arm bouquet was of pink ru-es. The lovely 'bride entered with her father, by whom she was given in marriage They were met at the atar by the bridegroom, who was a 0". ended by bis brother Lee Fergu son Davis, of Waynesville. as best man. The bride was attired -in an ex quisite gown of white triple sheer, made on princes- lines. Over her gown fell a bridal veil of tulle and Aleneon lace- which was worn cap style, and held in place with orange blossoms. Her arm -bouquet was of white roses showered with valley lilies. Mrs. Davis is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Smith and is a . voting woman of rare charm and accomplishmenis. She was graduat ed frm Woman's college, Greensboro, a fte'i'w-ar'D taking post-graduate work at Columbia university. Since her college day- she has been a member ff the faculty of the Leaksville town ship schools. 1 he .'rides' .maternal grandfather ttii; i oi v.. w . uancK-K, wlio servd with valor in the 'Mexican war and the war betw een the sr.':i tos. She is also a descendant of Ethan A.1. !ci. of Revolutionary fame. Mr. Davis is a native of Haywood county, a -on of Mrs. .lasenh Smallev Davis ami the late M-: avis. He Cullowhee ;ir veteran, After re located in the pi si- of pul)' received college, being in his education at He is a World W -ervic!- overseas. tinning from France he l'1' where he hold; I eaksvill' .'.ion of superintendent works of the citv. Arnvstm-, ' Mr Davi on both sides were pioneer builders of Haywood county. Immediately following the weddim Man ;nd wile motoring: to Chi. cago (or exposition have room for two passengers to share tar expense. Leaving- Waynes, ville on 21th. Will be in Chi. ca.o .") days. Reference requir ed. Apply Mr. C. F. Kirkpat. rick. Hotel LeFaine, Wavnes. ville, .. C. : Kodak Finishing . : Photograph Views of This Won tleri'ul Mountain Country Films IJoth Hast man and Agfa SMOKY .MOUNTAIN PHOTOS CO. at the Aiken Gift Shop A Real Chicken Dinner ..... Served amid the beautiful seen, ery abounding this delightful Inn is something you owe your, self while in Western Carolina may we expect you for dinner at noon or in the evening? The charge is only one dollar. Mountain Meadows Inn ASHE VILLE Latest for Milady ' if' black satin frock with bodice top pale blue crepe to match the jacket The hat, purse and boutonnlere are of paper-thin wood, bird's eye maple, to e exact. Mr. and Mrs. Davis left for a trip For in 'the mountains oi leimessee traveling the bride wore with a suit or ccessories nals triple sheer. in brown- The wedding guest tained at a bullet were i . i. . ' supper ov ok. bride' ''s patents when ithe out-ol -town ts were Mr, and Mrs. t! rover Da Miss" .Mary Davis and anil Lee guv v'i.-; 1 ntvis. id- W ayne is. of AV.ivne-svilk': Miss Sallii Sharp. . of Ueidsville; Mk-s Jewel Sumner, of Kandleman; Miss Minnie Walker of Durham. l-oriiKil announcement ; were i-sued the bride's ' parents on the day of the wedding. JOINT HOSTESS" 'HONOR PRIDE .Mrs, U. N. Barber and Miss- Mary I'.arb; r v re joint hostesses at a lov ly all'iir Monday afternoon when they cutei tained at,, bridge ar. their home on Love Lane, honoring Mr-. Rul h Prevost. attractive bride of the sum mer. Link and .white was the chosen Color combination with sve; peas being the predominating (lowers used. Contract was played at eight tables on the porch. The high score prize went ti Miss Virginia Sma.'.hers and Mrs. Talniadgc Lucas received the consolation gift. Mrs. : Prevost was piesented a beautiful silver carving .-., as guest prize. After the games an . ice course was -ervod which fur ther carried out the pink and white Color scheme. (iuc.'.s invited . for bridge were: Mr.-. I'revost. Mrs. Edwin Howell, of Providence. Rhode Island, Mrs. Hallctt Ward, of Richwood. West Virginia-. Miss Virginia Ferguson, Miss Adele Ferguson. ML-s Isabel Ferguson, Miss Mary Kirkpatrick, Miss Salinda I'erry, of Asheville, Mrs. Fiar.eis Massic. Mrs. Colin Mclniie-. Miss Wil.l L Crawford. Mrs. S. P. Gav. Mrs. Robert Stretcher. Mrs. N. V. Lancaster Mrs. Tom Lee. Jr.. Mrs. Lrvant . Smith and . .Miss Eleanor Garri-on and Mrs. Jack Murphy, of Canton, Miss. Adora HolU'.elaw-; .Mrs. Hugh Massie. Mrs. Frank Therrel. of Xashville. Miss Nancv Kill ian. Mrs. liess Lee Page, Mrs. W'illis Smith, of Raleigh. Mrs. George . Harmon, of Savannah. Miss Mary Ray Miss Vir ginia Carter- Virginia Smath eis. Miss Christine Johnson and Miss Sue 'Hall, of Asheville. Mr-. AKin Wan) and guest , Mrs. Talmadge Lu cas, of Jacksonville; 'Mrs.. Earl Smith, of Canton, Mrs. Caroline Hyatt, Mrs. Allen McLean', of Tampa Miss Hen rietta love. Mrs. Paul Hyatt. Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr.. Miss Marguerite Ma-sie, and Miss Eleanor Bushnell. Those invited for tea were: Mrs. R. L. Trevost, Mrs. Grady Boyd, Mrs. Edwin Davis. Mrs. W. W. "Norman, Mrs. J, H, Watson, and daughters of Monetta. S. C. Mrs. Wilson Baron, and Mrs, S. K. Brown, of Brunswick, Georgia, ' . , Mrs. Charles Ray. Jr. arrived Mon day from Chapel Hill to join Mr. Ray for a Visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ei Ray. , ..-.,'.. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr. Dr. S. P. Gay. and Dr. Jack Turbyfill returned Sunday night from Chicago where they had been on a week's visit. Mr. Barber attended the meet ing of the National Apple-growers As sociation and Drs. Gay and Turbyfill attended the meetinb of the American Dental Association. .' Miss Louise Frye, who has a posi tion at W. C. T. C, at Cullowhee, spent Monday at home. EN- TERTAIN AT CANTON A lovely social event last week was the bridge-dinner given on Wednes dav evening bv Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Osborne at their home in Canton, hon orinir Mrs. Osborne's brother, Mr. Howell, and Mrs. Howell, of Providence. Rhode Island, who are snprHiincr .their vacaltion with Mr Howell's parents here. A wealth of garden flower was used in decorating the home. In the dining room where the bridal motif was used I'.he large table was center ed with a beautiful bowl of white flowers and flanked with burning white tapers. At this table the hosts and quests of honor with several intimate friends were seated. The at h er guests were served at beautifully appointed small tables in the living rooms. Alter several progression of bridge scores were totaled and Mr. Howell was awarded the high score prize. Mrs- Howell received an at tractive truest prize. Dancing fol lowed the ibridge games. The guests present were: Mr- and Mrs. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Provost. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jolly, Mrs. Nina Howell Darck. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Massie, Misses Mary and Martha Mock, Miss Wilda Crawford. Mr. Dave Felmet, and Mr. Whitener I'revost. of Waynesville Mr. anil Mrs. Bryant Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Bottoms, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Duckett, and Mr. Douglas Badgett. of ('anion. MRS. WITHERS ENTERTAINS WITH TWO PATIES Mrs. A. II. Withers entertained de ightfully on last Tuesday afternoon it bridge at Belle Meade Tea Room Quantities of garden flowers were uranged in decoration for the af fair. When the scores were counted Mrs. R. L. Prevost held high and Miss Nancy Killian was presented the low score gift- Thost. plaving were: Mrs. R. L. Prevost , Mrs. W. F. Swift, Mrs. Hil liard Atkins. Miss Nancy Killian, Mrs. Nanv Rotha. Mrs. Joe Graves. Mrs.l J. W Seaver, Mrs. Cleveland Kirk patrick. Mrs, T. Lenoir Gwyn: Mrs. Willii'm Shoolbred. Mrs. Jerry Col kitt. mid Miss Wilda Crawford.' . Withers was again hostess at a orctty party at Belle Meade on Saturday afr.ernoon. n this occasion Miss Wilda Craw ford won the hisrh score tronhv and Mrs. Tom Lee received the low -core prize. Following' several interesting progressions of contract a delightful s.'il d course was served. The guests present were: Mrs. S. P (Jay- Miss Wilda Crawford Mrs. Hugh Ma-sie. Mrs. Guy Massie'. Mrs. Francis Massie, Mrs. George Har mon, of Savannah. Mrs. .Robert Sti-.. ichor. Mrs, R. L. Prevost. Mrs. Wif Mrs nor jam Hannah. Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr.. , HiUian! Atkins: and Miss Elea Bushnell. . .UA'. l.YD MRS. HRYANT SMITH HOSTS AT P.RIDCV. A delightful social event this week was the bridge, party given Wednes day evening by Mr. and Mrs.. Bryant Smith at their, home in Canton en tertaining a number of brides and grooms of the summer. Four tables were arranged for con tract in i'.he living room which were graced with: lovely summer flowers. No progressions were made and after a series of interest rubbers each Couple 'was presented with an attrac tive gift- . The guests were then in vited to 'he (lining room where a buffet . supper wa-. served. Those present for the occasion were:. Mr. and Mi'-. Edwin Howell, of Providence, Rhode - Island giiests of Mr. Howell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Howell, Mrs. Ralph Pre vost nee '.Miss Dorothy Lane- and 'Mr. Yost- of AVaynesville ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seaman, Mr. and 'Mrs.- John R. Murphy. Jr.. Mr. .'-and Mrs. Phalti Lawrence. Mr. and Mi's. George Hud son and Air. arid Mrs., Elmer Os borne, of Canton. MR. AND MRS. COLK1TT ENTER TAIN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt enter tained at a lovely party on last Wed nesday evening in honor of their house guests. Dr, and Mrs, R. E. Hal- deman, of Mt. Holly. New Jersey. Quantities of gladioli in various Stretcher received the top score shades were artiptically arranged in the rooms where three tables were placed for contract. Dr. and Mrs. Stretcher reieived the top score prizes and Dr. and Mrs. Haldeman were presented an attractive momento of the occasion. Mrs. Colkitt served an ice course alt the conclusion of play... ; ' .'.' The guests present were: Dr. and Mrs. Haldeman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank- Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bell, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. WThite. Dr. and Mrs Robert Stretcher. Miss Mary Barber, Mr. William Shoolbred, and Dr. Charles Padgett. .- KINDERGARTEN TO OPEN SEPT. FOURTH The Community Kindergarten, con ducted by Miss Sue Willard Lindsley and Mrs. Henry Foy, will open Mon day morning, September 4, at .nine o'clock in the Community Club room. MRS. AND MRS. OSBORNE MRS. ALLEN McLEAN HONORS MISS A'A.VCT WEST Mrs. Allen McLean entertained charmingly at bridge on last Friday afternoon at Belle Meade Tea Room honoring Miss Nancy West, of Ma rietta, Georgia, who is the guebt of her aunt. Mrs- R. H. Mitchell. The tea room was attractively arranged for the, occasion with vari colored summer flowers and bridge was played at two tables. Miss Jewel Hipps scored high and received a beautiful compact. Miss Martha Stringfield received a handkerchief as consolation gift and Miss West was presented a lovely evening bag as honor gift. A salad course was served after the games. Those playing were: Miss West, Miss Ellen Louise Killian, Miss Jewel Hipps Miss Martha Neal, Miss Hes ter Ann Withers, Miss Martha Mer ryday, Miss Louise Stringfield, and Miss Martha Stringfield. INTEREST CONTINUES IN BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Much interest centers in the Bridire Tournament at the Hotel Waynesville with only two weeks remaining of play. On Tuesday evening, which is the regular day for the games, eicht ta bles werti itGCcmKlol III.pU prizes went to Mrs. M. D. Katz, of Richmond. Virginia, who received a finger wave from Ruth Rav's Beautv Shop, and Mr. Norman .vlii.-kv. oi Miami, Florida, who received a smoking table from Sluder-Garrett ! urniture Co. Prizes were given for the second highest score to Mrs. Charles Frazier, of Atlanta, who was given a basket of fruit from Joe Mor mino's Fruit Stand, and Mr. Thomas l'-win. who won a meal from the New Carolina Cafe. On nexit Tuesday evening the grand prizes will be presented to the coup le having the highest score for the tournament. Partners in the lead now are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Colkitt; Mrs. Harry Hall and Mrs. Rufus Siler; Mr r.hd Mr-'. R, L. Prevost; Mrs. Ethel Craig :.nd Mr. Hugh Sloan. The ! .'ghost single scores at present are ii 'ld by Mr. Cleveland Kirkpatrick and s. liny Francis. Miss Lola Hovis and Hipp, of Charlotte, are their aunt, Mrs. E. W. . Mr, Hrovvn. M r. Macon guests of irown. and Mr.. N. II. Ilarrell. of Knoxvillo, is Mrs. Horace the gue Keener. t of Mr. and -Mr. C. B. Pheilfer. of Sylvania, Georgia, arrived Tuesday for a week's visit to rela.ive in Wa vnesville. Mr. and .." Mrs. and daughter, t week-end visitors O. Y. Kirkpatrick Charlotte, wei'f Waynesville. Miss Louisa Thaekstun returned to, Charlotte Monday to .spend the re mainder of the summer with her 'aunts. Misses Estelle and .'''Georgia Kelliy. Miss Estelle Kelley, who has em visiting here returned to her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion E. Doar, o: Geoigetown. South Carolina, arrived Saturday for a visit to their daughter, -urs. j. K. .McL'raeken. and Dr. Mc-Cracken- Mr. Doar returned to his home Monday and Mrs. Doar is re maining for a longer visit. , 's Virginia Roberts, of Tampa, Florida, arrived Friday to spend some time with her grandparents. Mr and Mrs. J. F. Cabe. ' '..'',',"''''.. Mrs. Joe Goodin, of. Tampa, Flon da ..arrived last week to join her chil dren at the home of her mother, Mrs Joe Justice. She will be here for a month's visit. M''s; Arthur Fisher; of Greenville. South Carolina, is visiting frier,!! in Waynesville. .'. . Mrs. Sammy Duval, of Greenville, oouih i arolma, spent last week-end wun ner mother. .Mrs, Joe Justice. :. Mr. D. D. York, town Saturday.; of Pigeoi i was m Man and wife motoring to ( hi cajfo for exposition have room ior two passengers to share car expense. Leaving Waynes, ville on 21th. Will he in Chi cago 5 days. Reference requir. ed. Apply Mr. C. 1". Kirkpat rick, Hotel LeFaine, Waynes ville, X. V. ':: ' Mountain Reh eat Fourteen fertile acres a :J nice home. In the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains at Fairview. Fifteen miles east of Asheville and twelve miles west of Lake Lure. The house has eight rooms and bath. Large sleeping porch. Fruit and flower gardens, woodland and pa.-Muir. a wonaerrul place in wnicn to get well. Henry T. Sharp 610 New Medical Building, Ashe ville, N. C. Phone 4642. MISS KILLIAN HONORS BRIDE ELECT Miss Mary Mock, attractive bride elect, was feted yesterday afternoon at a charming bridge party given by Miss Ellen Louise Killian, at her home on Boyd avenue. Many vases filled with gladiolas and other summer flowers formed a color ful background for the affair. To ithe guest of honor, Miss Killian presented a piece of crystal, and novelty gifts woip nrpspnted to the winner of the high score and consolation. Contract was played at five tables after which 'a delightful salad course was served. Those playing bridge were: Misses Marv ami Martha Mock. Mis Eliza beth Butler, of Jacksonville. Fla.. Miss Tillie Rwtha. Miss Joy San lersjn, of Miami, Misses Elizabeth and Edna Garrett. Miss Hester Ann Withers, Miss Jewel Hipps, Miss Martha Neal, Miss Rosalyn Ray, Miss Gladys Dicus. Miss Martha Stringfield Miss Marga ret TTvatt. Miss Maiitha Plott. of Statesville, Miss Babbie Way, Miss Louise Stringfield, Miss Nancy West, and Miss Elizabeth Henry. Joining the group for tea were Miss Nancy Killian, Mrs J. M. Mock, and Mrs. Guy Massie. PARTY RETURNS FROM CHIC A' GO The following party returned Sat urday from Chicago and a ten day visit to the Century of Progress Ex position: Miss Janie Tucker, Mrs Johnnie Ferguson Mrs. Graden Fer guson. Miss Eula Patterson, Miss j Elizabeth Henry, and Miss Josephine Cabe SI We believe: Working sincerely striving to GIVE MORE . . . both in skill and service will gain just reward. Garrett Funeral Home Phone l-W Waynesville, N. C. Main St. yyj. I NEVER GET TIRED Ms v fcs m i m i. v li i sr.y-i!. 1 OfCAMPK '321 iilVTHEY DON'T I ' fSS S? GET ON THE I ; " " Glutei's coidietfTcrbcucirt ippcse you WHEN the family heads for the mountains or the seashore, and dad has to stay home in the harness, It' a bit trying to think of something to write about . . Then pick up the telephone receiver and put "Long Dis tance" to work, and when you hear the sonnd of a familiar voice, the words just tumble right out. It's this personal touch that makes long distance tele pho:!3 service so satisfactory. Nothing takes the place of th voice cf a loved one or a friend. People everywhere use long distance telephone service to keep the ties of family and friendship alive. They appre ciate the value of the intimate, personal touch, and too, the cost is low. Ask the "Long Distance" operator about a call to anypna, anywhere, with whom you would like to talk. You will be surprised and pleased with the speed, clear ness and low cost of the service. Southern B l l Telephone and Teeqraph (fjn Co. n Mr- Paul Calhoun, who has lepn tending Jiasiman s L-oiietre in York for the cast four vear v;.. iting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. a iuu"wi.. - j m 1 1 1 tr 1 1 r um hv Mr Pinrpnro Snnfnrrl i Island. While in Asheville mu urn iinu nu more e joyable and iiiiuujiicic, service an excellent food than at Asheville-Biltmore Hotel WOODFIN AT MARKET one too hi $y a '

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