Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1933 9 LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 Mr. R. T. Boyd, of Jonathan, was in town Saturday. Mr. Wade Hill of Canton was here on business Saturday. v Rev. R. A. SenU'lle, of Pigeon. Gap spent Saturday in town. :j: jjj Mr. Z. V. Ferguson of Fines Creek spent Saturday in town. Mr. Charles Moody, of Cecil, spent baturday in W aynesvuLe. Among the visitors here from Clyde jasi wcgk was mi: j a. Collins. Mr. W. P. Iiest, of Crabtree, was a visitor in the city Saturday. Mr. J. R. Terrell, of Clyde, spent some time m the city last week. Mr. F. A. Justice, of Crabtree, was a WaynesviUe visitor last week. m .Mr. J- F. Shelton was among the visitors here from Jonathan hist week. Mrs. It. (.). Covington of Abbeville, visited friends licit; Tuesday, Mrs.,ui.v Harnett,' of Asheville. visited friends in WaynesviUe Tuesday- Misses Kugeiiia lio.ston and Martha McCracken are spending this week at Craiv. ree. .Miss Xancy Crockett, oi' Franklin, 'fished friends in WaynesviUe last week-end. Mr. Way .Mease, of llenson Cove, was among' the visitors in the city Saturday. Mr. Dave Sinclair.' 'of Wilmington, :u rived Saturday for a week's visit to! Miss Mary Barber. Mr. and .Mrs. Hob Wells, of Kcan ansville. were guests 'of Miss Mary Barber l;i.-t Thursday. Mi;s Frances . Rt.y has returned from a ten days visit to St. Louis, Mo. and Chicago, Illinois. Little -Miss : Betty Latham has re turned ;u her home after a visit to relatives- in Greenville S. C. Mrs. 1.. M. Riehcson returned Sun day from Richmond, Virginia where she had been visiting relatives. Among the visitors in town Satur- j (lay were .Messrs. Xathan Walker, t . C. Hill, and Jesse Green of Clyde. Mrs- R. L .Lee has returned to her home here after a month s visit to relatives in Danville, Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia. Lliti.lo Miss Katherine Hill .Vft Saturday fo,. New York Citv where she will sneiid two weeks as th. imest -. - - - - . . - - . . . . p, ,. t grandmother. .Mrs. M. .Momanil. Dr. and .Mrs. John Shackford and aUL'hter. Miss Klla Shark-ford .Mi-riv lit I ui'sday trom C harlotte lor a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James Atkins. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neal, of Win-i:on-SaIem, arrived Tuesday for a few days visit to the former's mother. Mrs. S.T. Xeal. Mrs. George Semmes arrived Sun day from her home in Jacksonville, Florida to snend several week-., with he,- parent.-. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Ray Mrs. Willie Anna Des Champs, of fJishopville. South Carolina, is a guest at Da-Vista Terrace. Mrs. Des Lnamps is an enthusiastic booster oi WaynesviUe, this being hei& twentieth summer here. Mr. Dallas Rathbone who has a ncsitior. with thp Hell T7.1'nh.nt fVitn. pany of Pennsylvania and makes his nome in narrisburg, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. anu Mrs. Sam Rathbone. at Lake Juna- luska, Miss Margaret and Howard Hvitt returned Saturday from Chicairo where they spent ten days at the World s I' air. Miss Anna Preston, Of Clnrlotf' pent a few days this week will) Mks Martha Xeal at the Clevewill Apart- uieiV.,.-. Mrs. William Shoolhred anil Mis Marv Snvder Icl'i Inut l.'i-i,.,,, r , evcral day.- .visit t,, Wr'n'hfsvilln IJeach. Mr. and Mrs. AJvin . Ward have as ir guest .lb"-' 1 liter's sist,,r M i Talmadge Lucas: of Jacksonville. orida. Mr. Jimmie .Veal and Mr A. -iron Provost returned Sunday night after i weeK-eiK visit i, , i.-.,..!,.,. i I the silato. Major and Mrs. .la Howell have n .their it,-.. Howell's cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter .Marshall and sons. Hunter, Jr. and Charles Marshall, ,,f Charlotte. ii... i . i us. wieMiam and son .Tommy lua sham, and Mr. Rivers '.Johnson ; war-saw, wcit. he-,, a,., Wl,(.k )( -limn me lunera! of Mrs. Joseph K John -un. Miss Helen Brownie and Mr. Ben jamin Brownie, who have been visit ing .vi r. and -Mrs. I ... A. Kagland. Jr., we:e called to their home in Littleton on account of the death of their mother. Mr. Clifford Lunton left Saturday for Bridgeport, Conweticut where r.e will make his nom,, in tin future. Mrs. Lupton, who is visiting her oarents, Air. and Mrs .1 ?' Fran. cis will join him the. firs,; of Septem- oer. Mrs. Cameron Reynolds, of Raleigh, is spending this week with her father, Mr. Jo-eph Johnson. .Mr. Reynolds, who was here to attend the funeral of Mis. Joseph Johnson returned home Sunday. Mrs. Frank Bell and Mrs. Carol Bell mu ored to Florida last week taking the hitter's mother. Mrs. W. 11. Lyle, to her home in Live Oak' after a visit here. They r. turned Wed-no-day. Mr. and Grover Davis ami Miss Mary Davis returned Sunday from Lenksvi!,. where they vnni to attend tli" wedding of Mr. .Moody Davis and .his- Kel;e, ..;:h Smith which un -i,j on Saturday- Mr . Hugh Love ami daughter. Miss Henrietta Loy. id' lialeigh who ar rived Saturday for a visk. left Tues day for Chicago. Illinois where they will spend a week or ten days attend'- HAZEL WOOD NEWS ing the World Airs. J. M. St. Louis, Mo. for I. wood, ret u met spent -everal days ending the World's ! ; Fair. 'Oiig, who has been to to purchase fall mer .ong's Si;oie at Hazel I Tuesday. . She also in Chicago alalia -Misses Helen and Eflie Green, of : r uies .'( reek, spent Saturday shop ping in WaynesviUe. Miss Johnnie Russell has returned Co her home. ; after a week's visit to relatives m Andrews. . :i. . , M;s. Sue C:a,vfu!d has as her guests her sister. Mrs- Duke Kimball, and Mr. Kimball, of Dayton. Ohio. Mrs. Wilson Baron has as her guer-t at the Adger House her cousin. Mr. Joe Wilson, of Miami,-' t: Mr, Jamas Osborne has returned from a ten days visit in Spartanburg. S. C. He was 'accompanied-home by his sister, Mis Sara Osborne, who is visiting ,.elatives in WaynesviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur IxMl'oetter and Misse. Frances and -Klizabeth'' Plott, and Mr. John Pli:t returned Satur day from Chicago vhere they visited the World's Fair. Dr. and Mrs. John Johnson, oi : Goldsboro, spent a few days with the former's brother. Mr. Joseph Johnson, last week. ... Mrs. R. W. Cohbs, and children of Blackstone, Va. are visiting friends and relatives in Lake Junaluska and WaynesviUe. .' Mrs. C- .1. Reece returned Thurs day from St. Louis, Missouri, where she bought fall merchandise for Massie's Department Store. , Mrs. A. Boyd and daughter. Mrs. Franklin Day, are leaving today for New York City after a visiit to Mrs. Rufus L. Allen. . Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sleeper and lamily, who have been .mpst of ATra R. L, Allen for the past Iten days, are leaving tomorrow for Waco. Texas. Mr. James A. McDowell of Win ston-Salem. is the guest of bis broth er, Dr. C, II. McDowell and Mrs. Ale Dowel. . : Mrs- Kellev Elmore and rbihlren ihave returned after a visit to rela tives in Granite Falls and are guests of Dr. and Mrs. C.H. McDowell. Mrs. K.iwjn Howell,'- .Miss Miry Barber,, and Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr. spent, yesterday afternoon jn Canton where they were guests at a bridge party given by Mrs. Karl Smith. -Mrs. Iva Sanderson and daughter. Miss George Sanderson, of Tallahas see. Florida, were guests of Mr. and Mis. Harry Rot ha . several daws this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Far,, and chil dren. Frances and Klizabeth, of Greenville, South Carolina, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Latham. v t Mr. and Mrs. S. K- Brow,, and two children, of Brunswick, Georgia, are spending the remainder of the sum mer a,- the Barber Apartment House n Love Lane. .. Mr. Lee Davis returned Rnnrli.- ,r tor a few dav; vii. in .... i ini ii:niini arm I.eaksville. Li Loaksv-nie i, .,. .,, .i...i the weibline- nC hi.. 1..,.. At .. n . i , . " ' ""i , -mi. .11 iioci v Davis .. Mi;, and Mrs. Hill Clark.' of Tun,,,, springs. Florida, arrived Sunday ro sp"iid( a month as gue-'s of Mrs c. ark s parents, Mr. and Mrs Clyde rvay. .' Miss Fllen Louise Killian returned to her home last Wedne-lay after a ,"V''k','ii'- ;" 0"'' "f her' school mhtes Mi Mar McKlwee. at her home in Statesville. n AI'V;!: !;'wina "d Marion Mc Dowell, of Wavnesvill... n,i t; .. vr., traret Henderson, of Canton, motored to Montreat last Thurslay evening to at .end the concert given under r.he au.-me, of the M.ntreat WomaV. Club, presenting Amelia Bruns. note,) Soprano, of Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hammer, of Bris tol. irginia. were week-end guests. f Mrs. S. T. Graves. Mrs. Graves accompanied them home and will re main in Bristol until Saturday when she will he joined hy her grandson Mr. rank Kinsey an,i g.Q to Hughesville 1 enn , to visit her daughter. Mrs. r rank Reeder. Mrs- laarl Wae-enfebl :mil (htneki.r II: i , " .oiss jviiin Meanor Wagenfeld. and Mr. and .Mrs. Kverett Arnious who motored to their former homes in Lynn. -Massachus'ti:s for a two weeks' visit, returned Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Smathers arrived last Wednesday and Miss Virginia Smath ers .arrived Saturday from Miami, Morula to spend the remainder of the summer at their attractive home here. Judge Smathers is expected today. Mr. Walter Taylor, of BaliUmore, Md.. arrived Sunday to join Mrs. laylor and small d iiighter for a week's visit at the home of. Mrs. Taylor's parents. Mr .m,l r,-.. ti, X. Shoolbred.. Miss Martha Voiles, of Canton spen the week-end with Miss Margery Cam obeli. Mrs. R. L. Justiep. whn ha . ..ncnl several days with her mother. Mrs. vv. i. ueweese returned Mondav to Hendersonville. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gilli- land. Saturday, August 12, a son. Mrs. G. C. Snmmerow snnf- thp week-end in Canlnn vlitino- Vier brother and sister. Mr, and Mrs. W. It. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Stumn an 1 fam ily and Miss Vena Blanton spent Sun- lay in Old tort. I i s Helen Rocer Tins refnrnp1 from a visit to her 4rrnndmo,:her Mrs D- C. Howell, at Spruce Pine, X. C. Miss Ruth Summerow snerit the week-end in Canton as guest of Miss Mary Kllen Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Finlev Whitner and Mr. and Mrs. Tracv Whitener of Gas. tonia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pil grim Blanton Sunday. Messrs. Paul Davis. Olen Wvsitt Rufus Summerow, and Harold Ilayne visii'eil in A-hevil e Sundav Mrs Willis Gaines and Misse Ger- aldine and Augusta Welch of Green ville. t. t . are visiting their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mc Cracken. -Miss Berdell Scates is vi.-itine- rol. atives in Fast La Porte. Mrs. ('. A. Sciuggs, .Miss Carrie Scruggs and Mrs. Dewey Brendell ami family spent the week-end in Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. O-borne Cochrane of ' oneord. X. ('. were gues of S. V- intley Sunday. Mis.: Mary Alice Blalock was ;, Sylva visitor Friday. Messrs. S. V'. Wb'itlry and miliar. 1 Frnzier wer... Asheville viskors Sat urday. Mr. James Kuykendall -pent the we, k end in Toptou.. Mis. Kuvken d II and little son, Jimmie. returned with him Sunday. ; W'oadrow Campbell of S.'th Infantry '"'. H- V. S. Army, who has been stationed in Hawaii for the past three years, arrived Monday. .Mrs. Allen McLean i ' Stringlield and were' Asheville viistors and Misses Xancy West Tuesday. Mrs. Charles daughter, Be tit y. honie t visit were M r. Burgin and little returned to their d .Friday after a two woek; Savaniiah Beich where thev guests of Mrs. Burgin' brother, ..owry . Axluy. and Mrs. Axlev Among the visitors in town Monday were the following from Canton: Messrs. Don Cogdill, S.-M. Robinson, and L. A. Logbnrn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peters left Monday for their home in Wrinston Salem after a few days' visifcto Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knight. L '.'."" Miss Katherine Osborne, of Clyde, and her sister - Mrs. -James Boney; of High Springs, Florida, were Waynes Tille visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. .1 II U',,l ,.,,p e.liildren of .Molietta, South Carolina md .vl rs. Watson s sister. Vi Frnntis. of Ridge; Spring, S. C. ar rived in WaynesviUe recently and are spending (he summer at , lie Barber home on the Dellwood Road- llOWh'U IfOXOKS COf'SIX Mrs. James Harden Howell extended a lovely courtesy to her house guest. 'ws. iiiinter ..Marshall, Jr, of Char una- yeslerday afternoon when she eruert-uned ;,, bridge-. 'at her home, innever. The roams were attractively iit ranged with g'adiolas and garden nowers. At the Conclusion of tb games Mrs. Marshal was prescniled a creiV notterv, '1'1. u :',.: r - , ii.-i . l (( iii; ii soie prize was a double deck of cards and the winner of the consolation re ceived i pottery pitcher. As the con cluding feature of the enitertainment iitdighttul refreshment, were served. The invited guests were: Mrs. Mar shall, .Mrs. T. L. Gwvn. Mis. K. L. wither-, Mrs. AV. F. Swift. Miss Xancy Killian. .Mrs. Cleveland Kirk pat rick, Mrs. S. P. Gay. Mrs Tom Lee. Jr.. Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mrs. Kellv hlmore Mrs. Parker Westbrook. tf Albany, Ceoriria. Mv, w v t.-;-. eholV, of Sanford. Florida, Mrs.' J. M., .virs, I.. II. Allison, of Frank Iinton, Mrs. John Shoolbred, Mrs. n a!ter Taylor, of Baltimore, Md.. Mrs. Richard Barber Jr.. Mrs. Ilil liard Atkins. Mrs. Ernest Hyatt, nnd Miss Mary Barber. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long have rs their guests Mrs. Long's sister. Mrs. L.: II, Allison, and little (laughter. Sara Long Allison, of Franklinton. X. C. Next Hus Leaves Asheville Aug. 23 Go To The Fair b" ROYAL TOURS NINE WONDERFUL DAYS TWO GREAT TRIPS IN ONE tu-viM-iie. tour . . . lour davs five nights in Chicago returning ia French Lick Springs, Mammoth Cae and Nashville on a sightsee ing trip . . . eight nights in clean, modern hotels . . . comfortable parlor car buses with ronrtmiu drivers . . . insurance orntertion SKK Hall of Science Electrical Group Golden Temple of Jehol Agricultural Building Administration Ruilriimr And other points of interest Mr. and Mrs- Jerry Colkitt 'and children 1 ft Friday to spend a two we, ks vacation in Atlantic City and Mt. Holly. icw Jersey. . .Mr. Johnnie Johnson ij the inwsi r.-t his father. .Mr. .losenh .Tnlm. "i" Mr. L. I!. Ro'aeson In ft wini-,in i lor his home in Mariettn Cw'tria i latter a week's visit to his brother, Mr. K. J. Robeson. During the week thi' Messrs, Robeson took several trips in the Smoky Mountains to va rious place- of interest. Gi n. Harley B, Ferguson, of the I I II I 1 ,1 Sl(,, t T... . . . . .,,(, .-Aiiny engineering . orps. who has been here on a visit to .Mrs. Ferguson and daughters left luesday for Washington, I). C. Gen. Ferguson is; expected to return to vvaynesville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Robeson, Jr., children. Misses Ruth Curti and I' ranee-- and Mr. Kdward Robeson, of iv w-port Aews. Virginia are expected to arrive tomorrow for a . ten day visit to .Mr. Rolwson's parents HOSOR RECES'T BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Davis entertain ed a number of friends on Tuesday evening a: a kitchen shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bischoff. Mrs. Bitchoff, who was the former Miss Evelyn Davis, was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Thosp nrespnt were Mrs I.. S. White, Mrs. John Blalock, Mrs. Bill Blalock, Mrs. Frank Compton Mrs. B, W. Bryson, Mrs. W. A. Whitener, Mrs. F. E. Kuykendall. Mrs. Bill Winchester, Mrs. Bill Harris, Mrs. Bob Anderson, Mrs. Hugh Hall, Mrs. S. L. McKay. Mrs. Roy Robinson, Mis; Letha Knight. Miss Bert Stur- key Miss Virginia Whitener MiBr Eloise Davis. Miss Edna May Kuy kendall. Mr. Bill Chambers, Mr. and Mrs Geori'p KischnfT. Mr and Mrs. Harry Anderson, 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bischoir and Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Davis. ti:s. hTYKEXDALL I10X0RS BRIDE Oi Thursday night Mrs. F. E. Kuykendall entertained in honor of her niece, Mrs. J. C. Burrell, who was the I'oimer Miss Gladys McElroy. The guests gathered in the living room aid engaged in various parlor game-. Mrs. Kuykendall wa assisted in serv ing refreshments by Mrs. Gene Ensley. Mrs. Burrell received mr.ny beautiful an-! attractive gifts. Those attending we i : Mr-. J. C. Burrell. Mis. John Blalock. .Airs. Theo. Davis, Mrs. Tom Blal-rk. Mis. Ben Brvsun Mrs. Bill Winchester, Mrs. Joe Beach. Mrs. L. C Waddell, Mrs. Tom Queen. Mrs. J. P. Kuykendall, Mrs. J. K. McElroy, ..Vis.. Letha Khigh , Mr.-. Sam Knight, Air'-. Rogers. Mrs. Farren Parr is, Mr.-. Will Whitener, Mrs. Lawrence McElroy and Mrs. Gene Ensley of Wayne.-ville. and Mrs. Rufus Clark VII O h-ECEXT I! RIDES IK )X ORE I) .Miss Mary Alice Blalock and Mrs.'e Bischoir Were joint hostesses for a miscellaneous shower at the hemic of the lar.ter on Frid.iy : Aug. 1 1. himi.i ;ng two recent brides. .Mrs. J. C. l!uria!l an! .Mrs. Car) BischotV. At the onclusiott of -t he games an ice i mis. wa. served. The honorees re ci ived many beautiful gifts. . Those lire cut were: Mrs. Bu'rrell, Mis. RischotL Mrs. Gene Ensley, .Mrs. ,lm:i Morris Misses Mamie Sturkey. iii 'en Morrow, l.ucile McClure. Elene I' ishr r, Berdell Scates, Miss Kndev of Asheville.. Mrs. L. ('. Davis. Mrs. Joe Beach, and Mrs. J. Q Allison. I'll KXICKEUS" These of the younger set who en joyi d a vveiner and marshmallow 'oast Tuesday evening, were; Edna Summerow, Millie Hughes, - Hazel Roliinson. Sara, Decker. Edna .Mae Kuykrndall. Junior Kuykendall Tom Woodrcvv, and Fred Troutman, George Walls and DoUglau Moore. . Chape rones were Mrs. L. C. Davis and Mrs. Joe Beach. Mr. . and Mrs, L. C. Davis ami son "eil. .Mr. and Mis .Tn )ln,..l, n,i Mn-. Joe. Jr. and Dick, Misses Mil lie Hughe' and Edna Summerow nei,' a very pleasant day Sunday picnicking at the recreation Park in Asheville. Miss Helen Seay of Newark. N. J. us visiting her sister, .Mrs. Roy Robin son, and Mr. Robinson. Mr-a Martha Arrington. who has -.en very ill at the home of. her daugh ter. Mrs. George Walls is verv much improved, Mr. Dick Southerland remains quite ill .it the home of Mrs. R. E. Camp bell. "Uncle Dick." as he is known, has been sick for several months. Store Chats from C.E. RAY'S SONS W E rejoice with the community that the Smoky Mountains Park shortly will be lealized, Per sona!!, we've been parked long enough. W'e want to get going. ItayV, . SCHOOL supplies attractively pric ed. See our school counter be fore you buy. Tablets, pencils, pens, crayons, kits- in fact, about anything needed in this line. Kay's .MATHEMATICS don't matter much but figure do. Make sure your foundation garments are right. I lay's I-J; I'RI.VG your needs we arc fea turing an extensive line of foun dation acces.-soiRs. Complete line from Madame Grace and (ossa:d. The Grace two-way elastic. girdle and the Miss Grace Foundation Garment art especially attiaetive model.-. liny' MK. hai i-tel l'e; eive I anil Mi Heen iepe I ng in beau. MMixisTi:. ioi:s xotice Mrs. Crawford Saunders and son, Mr. Crawford Saunders, Jr. of Ha ged South Carolina, arrived last Wednesday night to be with Mrs. Satimlers' jMer. Mrs. Ar hur Meade, who was seriously ininrnd tomobile accident. - Mr. Saunders has e.urncu to H'lc-ood. but T.. a ueis win remain for an indefinite stay, t Mr and Mrs. R. E. Wood and son. oh, Jr.. of F.lizahpthtnn Tr,v,., are expected,. 1T ... ., J V1M1, tO u s. vv oo( u rwvontj M, i -r.. T .i. , vr - aim .ins jonn in. onoolhrecl. Mr. '.avid Raker nrriv.,) q,,,i t rem, v ade -boro to join Mrs. Baker irieir nome here. RIRTH AXXOl'XCEMEXT Mr. and Mrs. C r r-i,o,i lyde. Route 1. annnun,., tv... i.:..i. oi a son. J- L,., on Wo-ln.a,l,,v a gust 9. Having qualified as : administrator of the estate of Mrs. D.L. Boyd, (Mrs. iselie. I.oyill, deeeasei . late of Hav wood County, North Carolina -this 'is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of .'.he deceased,, to -ulneau reccoliieii ' in ihaei -.nlts'i oat : juvi.ii i.t :;:ij '(..: nie! ly s:r !tay' J I SI (.'ii'cj plai.i- t.v. Itaj's i'ONSIDERl.N't; curtains and liraji erics for fall? IK-ie you will tiiid attractive values both as t, curtains, plain and ruffled, and in cretonnes an I similar 'iraod-;. Kay s- FRANCES Ray returned to her Re.i,ly-To-Wear Depart m t n Wednesday morning after visit ing the-market in St. Louis and ihv Fair in ch-icaffo. She travel, 'c.l by car in company with Mrs. J. W. Long and reports a delight ful trip. I lay's ' VISITING our Keady-To-Wear IH'-. lia'tnient you Wili be agree. ibly surprised with our comprehen s;on of WaynesvilLe'.s needs. A . dress for every woman. Kay's THAN Xt Hie Don and Co-Ej dre.s sis there could be no better. Our misses frocks meet collegiate needs.- They are smart. Ka.v's I ' . r.l ... ii I received U;r women ; shiimient of Daniel Green pers. Ere'iei: blue and cciaiuroy With ( sti n il trim, mai'K paten; Uatht r am mules. Kays Sl'GGESTlONS welcomed from our customers as to improvement in service and additional items, of stock to be carried. PRKSIDKNT Roosevelt pressed forward with his drive to spread employment, Success can attend his efforts only v.hen individual--. respeet the Blue Eagle of X, R. A. We .must do our part. -.ay', new sliji-pe'acii al.-a, sat in.'. Betravi'd (ho IhnJii .. .... ----- lie 1VIMHUII IIC Storv of Snarl. -i K -...: i ... A t r-L - V . v.ianiui nail. dit ( Kief, and How He Was Captured See I he Ami-riran V..Li.- n i i.- ltQ ,un cxt Sunday s IWUIinorc Amprirgn n.... J. c . i.u it iriim j.ui .a.iioie newsaeaier or newsboy MAJLMOTH CAVE Kentucky World's greatest subterranean wonder For Further Information Phone or Write S. H. BRYAN 215 Haywood Bldg. Phone 245 Asheville, N. C. Renew Your Healft By Purification Any physician will , tell you that ' Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are under mining your vitality? Purify your entire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs, once or twice a week for several -weeks and see how Nature rewards you with 'health.5 .: CalotaVm rmrif fho J54-iho Uver iidneysi stomach .and .bowels. In.JOets. and 35 Cts. packages. All dealers. (A'dv.) exnirnt them to the undersigned, at WaynesviUe. North Carolina, on or oeiore tire l ith day of August. '-19.34. or this notice will "he pleaded in bar of thei,. recovery. . , All persons indebr.ed to said estate win piease make payment immediate ly. ; This the 17th day of August. 1933. F. D. FERGUSON, Administrators of the estate of Mrs. D. L. Boyd, deceased. Xo. 9,'! Aug. 17-24-31-Sent. 7-14-21. r Want Ads J WANTED TO TRADE small fiive room town house in south Florida, present value $2,000 clear title, for a desireable location in mountains either with or without building. If interested write, P. II. Jones, Route No. 1, Raleigh, X. C. Aug. 17p Relieved By Taking Cardui "I was weak and run-down and suffered quite a bit with pains In my side." writes Mrs. Nick Bar. ranco, ot Beaumont, Texas. "I was . nervous. I did not rest well at night, anj my appetite was poor. "My mother had used Cardui with beneficial result, so I decided to take it. I surely am glad 1 did for it stoipcd the pain in my side and built up my general iisaith. I took seven bottles In all." Cardui it sold at all drug etores Wi DO OUR PART (HAXT sizes for big men available throughout our stock but espec ially in, work trousers overalls, waiter underwear, arid s,,,' -Bring your 50-inch waist line and year number 12 foot. We have jour combination. Hay's WE propose by early fall that our Men's Department shall adequat ely meet the needs of anv Way nesviUe man or, do you' prefer ... spending your money out of town. Suggestions welcomed '. . l;iy-s OCR Men's .Furnishing Denart ment is being expanded daily bv receipt of carefully chosen mer chandise. Arrow shirts collars and ties just received. Your fall needs can be met completely. Kay's PLACE today your order for a fall suit. Storrs Schaefer represent ed Wednesday and Thursday by Morris Smith, an experienced man well acquainted in Wavnes- ; ville. . " Itay's '... GOOD food and meats must origi nate proper jv Let our depart ments serve you. Take a look and buy. Rolled beef and lamb roastg featured this week-end. IJavV CLOSING hours changed on. Sat-" uiuajs irom 5CUU to 10:00 o clock Open week-days from 8:00 to" C:00. C1D AY'S Sons tore

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