.fc-:-"-)r-Kv.A 'trm . EttGtV .. . w -rra-J5TVeTfe III 171 II I llHn - tfiXVW I KM na.Wftl I III 11 11 ,SlkVil II l!I II I Ul 11V lr II I 3 II l I I MP f The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (Jreat Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People VOL. XLV NO. 3S WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA l iii'HSDAv, u ;i st 21, 1933 1 r 1 f "Buy Now And Save" Trade Event Is Being Put On This Week Many Bargains Are Being Offer., ed Before Additional Rise In Price - jf -in an cnort to give me uumg i'uu- r iw. ,f !,;. .,.,li.ni- en-it in'v an onnor- JIL .'1 tllUlllt, ..... - J tunity to supply themselves with merchandise before the cotton pro fess tax goes into offoot. and the gen eral advance' of price., in all lines make further increases, the merchants of this community are this week-end oH'ering many inducements through advert;- nu-nts appearing in this paper today to the public to take ad vantage of rise in prices by f rise in prices ty nuyiny now. nlv are tile inercnanis maivin-g e .merchants making sp.cia! inducements, to the buying , Tii;"r'i" U jM,.- public, '.ut they are al-o co-operating! - jV. , ,, hl,.h ,hov ,.,..,.. with the M:. pi oKi-am and the trade-! wi ;R. ;(s l0iK,v: Freshmen on Men. jubilee' w.lr.cii 1, more or less general, Auu1 .js;,,. .ll,h,tu,u. . im Uiioughoul the slate 1111s week-end. iTui-Juv Augu-t Ibbh; .Junior- and Wi-h cm in all line.- of mcrchan- j s.,m rn y, diu-dax'. Augu-t IUhh. dise rising as a lc.-ult ot increased . (;u!:, , aa-.-o- ,.,. ;;ni ;U. commodity pnees and higher wa- ,, ,au.. ,.,1(tki, n .TiUI,.(av and scales, the merchants are otlermg a ; .;,!tv. .utfiist '.l-t and September special opportunity lor everybody I'rmcipai- and teachers' of the supply their needs at prices which in ( (,,(1,m,llta,.v rh,,.s l, j their a few weeks will look rematKihly i - ui; ()jni, .;i(,ndav. August 2Sth. Any low. It is recognized that the price j (lU,,,tiun ,,, tlu, regrst r;tt ion of olo level of the immediate past, ami lo a , nH,.-VAVy u,p-;l, ,uav he referred di large extent the price level still j , ,v. lv f,. the elementary principal, isting. is abnormally low." and. this., state School Co-mini -ion has Week-end is very likely the (mat passed l wo i egulat ions which it deems chance of profiting by -it. 1 important and necessary for ctliciont This now-paper urges that you lllan;ll;,.-,m;nr i.f schools under the prcs read with care the atlvert isnients ap- ( u i(,n A child niu,-t t tirir.g in lhis issti.1, ami .that y become si vears ,if age before N--.ert your spending power to the lull-! V( nu.,. , ,-, jp;j:j. jK.f,.,. . ,.., K. en est during these three days. It lsi rolled in a 'public chool. Cl) Cliil-. a most inviting .opportunity to- '-; dieii living less than two miles from -pleuish personal and hou-ehold needs, j , )u, ,.,, ,,,1 t,,,v alv ,,, at tend ctinnoi and also an opportunity to back the f ..( M.UH, "i,"us;;- elforts of the national government to-! , chilil 'must attend sehio' within, ward restoring prosperity.-. '. -his district, in no case will a .child The cotton ..processing '.ax ot. fur a(,,wed t o ;nroll in one school and and one-h;ilf cents will go into ell ee.t ; , , ..lns-4,,. '.,' another, within the town September first, together with t,;p, withou' an .cxwlh-nt reason. , creased code costs, winch are being. There will be no change in the high added daily. . i school textbooks this year There is In an 'interview. with .Wayn.esViile'- diange in the fourth 'ami sixth leading merch;vnts. ,it was found '. hat j elementary geography, and ' in the merchandise has advanced during the ; arithmei ie for grades for;- six. and past few 'Weiks as miich as 1 P1'!' ficv'n. The elementary textbooks will cent The cheaper staple aiucie- " , advancing faster than the higher priced items because of the increase in wagxv under the N1IA for null workers-'' Hotter grades of merchan dise can still be bought at old pnu'es. ..Mw.ii.fh his is iu-t for t ho present time probably no longer than this week-end some merehtint- statetb as i many of their prices are less than! wholesale prices for the same good-i today- When the goods are repf.eed a much higher pi n e will have, to . ae paid for them by the merchant, And iinallv according to present market trends, it is no exaggei a, .. to say that in all -probability no otnei I such oiiportunity for real inoiiev- j .avings wiil be seen tor years to come-.1 .' Buy and Buy Liberally, dyimg u'1 j coining week end. ft.o.n.vnr, On Thursday and r riday aftei nooi . ':: a . special matinee at the y,h . Theatre will be given, featuring tnei . hilarious comedy "Arizona to A oai-: , way" and two musical comedo- .v. i special admission price, ot two .aclplts . for twenty-live cents and two cnjl-, dren for ten cents has Wen mad. t, ; Mr Massie for the first two. days o! , turing James Dunn. Joan Bennett and j m.heu Mundm one ot the two :i , . niiusieal comedies . iUu cs . ,,4 t:it.f ays. Crabtree Boy Is Hurt With Rifie ''. - - - - :.. Captain Thomas C. Daniels, tio-year '. Alvin Walker. -1,5,. "- of ... Crabtree, j0ld overseas veteran of" New Bern son of X. T .Walker, , former clerk j w;is elected Commander .f the Anier of superior court of this county, was jean Legion at the annua! convention reported at the. hospital Wednesday j held last week in AVilmington. He night as "holding hi own. but. still ..in succeeds. Bryee P. Beard,: of Salisbury, a serious condition" a- the. result of f . qreensboro was: . selected as the 'a 22-ritte- bullet wound he received 1 next meeting place, for the -convention, when 'he "accidentally shot himself j "Miss Washington" won the beauty while hunting squirrels Monday morn- contest and was named "Miss North Using a . 22 rifle, young Walker had fired upon and brought down a squir rel from a tree. The ssuirrel was not killed and the young hunter, in at tempting to kill it- used the. butt of hH rifle. While clubbing the squirrel with the; rifle it discharged , accede -tally, the bullet striking young. Walk er in the right . side and pas.-mfe through. mr s ,1eiw: niPROvn r, It was learned Wednesday nigla from the hospital. that Mrs. A. V. Meade, who was seriously injured in an automobile accident two weeks ago, wa-s ' dome nicelv." WayiieSVllie 10WI1- chin Qlutnlc T t Open August 31st. Superintendent Bowles .Makes Ttumal Statements Re garding Opening ( l'.y Supt. M. . Bowles.) 1'lie Waynesviile Town-hip school. , except ing t It. dist riels added this year. wi!i open Timr-day August 111.-!. W. 1 .ire opening on this- date mi t ii.t t w. mil.,. ,,,, . .;, . m . .In t',,i- , -j , j , t ,v the waynesviile isook iv.tm I'areiits are urged toCnter their children the' first, day school 'opens and supply them with the necessary bdpkand Working materials as soon thereafter as possible. iir II.,Vi:n Ir . Li. Hill Ulllj J 1 jl( j. Qj .ln(flr J ? J t'(U!. :ldiSUdi ll Oil p-rf Her? V T II..,., Un Tv is hc'i-n ap .. . ..;, mt;;, 0f the hulk iihii( i(. , S:....,,lrd oi (nipany n(. X,w ,J(,l:.(.v. ,-ecentlv leased f01.nu.rly . used by ..the VV(,s,(,,.n: , -aVolina Oil. Inc, which is ioc.Ued oh Railraad street. Kai, ,.(,:nl " t reet - wi;, ..,,,,;., -i, ,iis- .(t with S)aluiar(i: ()if irolucts. M IIardi js a member of the a). vdermen- of this citv and . connected with I'icus r0ad contractors. ; ' '' ' .'' -."''' Capt. Daniels Is , ( 1sen Commander .... 01 State Legion Washington. N. C. (irl Wins, iitie 01 -Mis onh ( .uo. lina" At Wilmington V cl 1 01 1 1 . . " ' s , J . it. . - and will be given a trip to the World Fair and will represent North- Car olina there,' Bass Fishing Will Be Permitted. Here County game warden, 0. W. Bur- flrn.niini.fl Vlic. TVf.pl,' th fi f, ' tllP i,. fi.Viinn- cnn ha hoen evtended -in ,! a,1. t-lint. October first, would he -the 'closing date instead of Sep - 1 ui-fiVet xi,;.-. ,mti5" 'ln both large and smaH mou'h bas; he stated. WOMAN KILLED AT CLYDE BY FREIGHT TRAIN Five Others Narrowly Escape At I'rossin" Tuesday .Morning .Mrs. Johnson Smith. of (.'anion, was killed almost instantly and live other persons had narrow escapes from either serious injury or death Tuesday morning at 11:15 o'clock when a westbound Southern Railway double-header freight train demolish ed the automobile in which they were riding at a trrado crossing near the home of Vinson llayins. two miles ea-t of Clyde. Besides Mrs. Smith, the occupants of the car were: Johnson Smith her husband, who escaped with slight head injuries; their two children, Kath .line, and (ircta l'ean. ..no; (ira.iy Roger- and his daughter. Jane S. .Mrs. Smith died of a broken neck ami t-a.-'tre ,-t' the skull. None of the t in i- - unit the ivpti it of M r. Smith, wa- injured y, r Smith who a, d r A 1 ng : lie a ut . mobile, -aid tin- 1 1 1 lit t rain fail, d to blow for t la- ei os .mi': He d hi- a- w w .1 parti a 1 !y .hstru.-.cd and 1 1 . t w 1 1 1 n la 1 o . n:g be . aw t b. A - he alt. 'opted diove 011 to t be '. pr. i.-i. hi nit t ram. to ba. k the t-h.- 1:1. bine. d. the ea r stalled en the track-. Ke.i..iug i hi 1 r plight, (irady Kogers. It" w a- ri.hng. in t he rear -e it of .-'dan wi ll Katlicrine Smith and his small daughter Martha .la:!e to-1 i he t wo ehihlr. 11 1 hro'ugh ! ho open window- of (lie auloniohih' to -,fe! ju-t before the engine of the train stiuek -the ear with, terrific impact and Rogers savs he w:u .pinned be 1 wi en t he f 1 out and rear -eat .-. lie . -..';:,. I . .-1 '", . 1 !IOME(UU5N(; AT CLYDE SET ' SEPTEMBER :RI) Program Announced I'oi- Kvent To lie Held At Clvde H:i1ist ( lun ch Final plan- hac been made for the iioine Coining Hay. at the Clyde' llapti-t church mi 'Sunday Sepiember it w 1-' announced this week All former nieiltbers f the ''church and Sunday -chool ;ire ins ited and ' ex pected to attend The. - lollowitar nroe ram has I iceii aiM.i unenl ' y lb'; progriim comniittei 1 1:0" Addre.-.. . J. livers, 11:!.'. Kxerci-es. ,f Welcome by W. by -oldest ami1 yotK':e.e.-t inifnber of the church. .11:110 Sc-rni..ii by former pasfoi'. J. R. C p en, Drexel. N. ('. 12:ll0-l-'ienic dinner -erv'd rm: Children's terrace. 1:110 -Devotional period led by foi'iner i'istor, 1 I!. While, Travelers Rest. S. C. It-la Looking b;iek over the road our' church has traveled, by . J H. o:ll0 Singing by. Christian ".f.ar-. niony Choir, 2 bid -Reorganizing visitors and short address by them. ; . A speci:! musical program vill be ai ranged by the- chojr director, and given.; v.: ,n.' yde Students ;V Xo Enroll Next Tuesday, Aug, 29 Teachers And Hus Drivers 'lo Aleel Superintendent On Monday, Aui? 2S : , Jack ,! Mes.ser, superintendent of schools of this county, announced yes terday that,' all. students of the Clyde High School who ride the . bus are requested; to; meet at the Clyde high school for enrollment oh , Tuesday, August 2:i, at !) o'clock, All other high! school students of the school are requested to meet at the -cool at eleven o'clock the same (lay for en roHmont. School will open at Clyde on the 30th of August. Another request from Mr. Mcsser was that he wanted all bus drivers of the Clyde district to .meet him at his office on Mondav, August 28. at 2:.J0 P. M- for final instructions. P. M! for final iristrnetinn,; On Mondav. 28th. there will he ai On Monday. 28th. there will he a 1 teachers meeting of all Clvde teachers I at the Ch-rle school This meetin:' has been called hv Mr. .'Mpssor and he w-ill be in charge. FLOWER SHOW TERMED AS THE BEST EVER HELD Mrs. Y. T. Shelton Won Sweep, stakes At Annua! Summer 1 lower Show Mrs. W. T, Shelton, of Waynesviile, won the sweepstake- Tuesday at the (lower Show, held in the store next door to the Waynowood theatre. She won eight of the individual prizes while her close competitor, J. B. lvey, of Charlotte, took second place with six prize-.. Clyde Ray. Jr.. was third with live to his cre.ttt The show wa - staged by I he gar den d'e pa 1 intent, ot the Community club of Waynesviile with Mi- Caro line Alstaetter a- chairman. The show, in be opinion of iudges. was the be-t that has , er been held here, tlr.e of the out -lauding exhibits, thoue.n not intended to land for : p: 1, u;i- ii: .: from VV. F. KirchhotV'a .Ii. b 1 a 1 in- ll. ar h. 1 e. There w ere ill : b e !a , 1, 0 I r, 'n In ba. e six :mi'. , ,e .-!' I'oW The .iiidge-- ,; :,, Mr . 'i'l.-.i .1 , ton an.i .Mh M.irv Walter.. ,.f Fi inklin ..ml M rs. I. . lielaii ,-i W.'.m ville. ll . .OIF'VS SOII ( 1. .e much a. Inn 1 1 .! fea ', lire of 1 he show wa- tin- l.i'i-i variety of wild flow el- mi 1 x li ibjt ; 1 ! in, 1 e than e el I , ' , . ' - . 111 i a 1 1 . : .; . ' di-.pl:i The iiri.:e winne, S .take M ''. in all 1 a 1 1 1 v 1 as t. II. 1 w -: 11 sil sb. or x a-.. ; c ni itta 1 no H I'doiiiinat iri.-iei- e. Ii a 11. oils b. niipie H ; -ecu lid Clyde K: in'iin.-'tMi.i of Ihi'i ,,f two colors I CUde Ray; first .1.. It. lvey oil cent--; be-t Mowers, Civile. li IV ! ; t collection of gladioli, .1. I ( out liun d on 'page "' I ai:e rr Hi ilci icti-e In A aluation And In t cease hi l( nd .Maturities ( a use Ot Increase The city board of aldernn-n .11 . e -: loll l'i -I'eiit ly adopted a leiltativo budget for I lie ei! - whieb ea I'"" n lax -fate of Tie til . rale I If. I mi valuation.- 'on -100 V.IU.IMI1M, . . . . - 1 1 ..-ar was -i.mi on ' Tin i .ti e loi -tbi iii.ivn i' Win ill- lilbu.ed to tili-ee n,.,r, tbillgo. a.'- coiding to tin 1 in charge of ina k i ng up the budit.i. 1'if-'. the .board of Ci iinlv roiiiiiii ioia-r nae .a ten per cent horionlal. ii-diieti.i,, in La! e tat e. and t be, '.'. I,a ,' do been a shrink - ace in i.er-onal 1 1 i, aieit v ' 1 r-t i 1U'-- lis r'oiii pa rod wi'li 'hal of llk'lli; Tl -.-' bu.leel.', wliieh is n, ' . 1 1 - 1 1 d -in his paper, ets forth the . property valuation for lid. city i'-.'SL"Joo.(lO'il as ,.,., wi. , $2 ..ij'.Ynno ' f..r la lb -year. Tip- .- li i n kage In a . . . ! nl- uaii.,11 i- tile main cause it wa - -aid. 'I'll - rale would have been only Sl.tlO r,. year, if the valuation had "re. jntaimd the -ami, or ?u t a ten cent , . : , n, . y,.ar. , Heavy: liond imrurities coming elue Ihi-.v.' vi .-ii- .'in.l delieitis carried over j-,,,,,, p,., year , are resptin-ible for t he increase :s wa," poi lit e, . out . The rate for deb;, service fund last year was $1.:!.") and for t he coming year it is $ .SO'..' while not liiiig . ha i berri .-'added for '.the street fund this yo i,r and -fifteen cent s was included in la .(" year's inidgef . The budget as publisbed elsewhere1 iii tliis p:.i per will remain, on file at the cb rk' i.lliee for. 20 days for inspec tion by the public before the'! final adoption by the bo;ird of aldermen. Sethel V. l A. To Meet On Friday i'iii' a- -. patrnn.-. and friends of Bethel High School are. cordially . in-, vjtbd ..'to.' .attend the! fir-f regular meet ing o f the. Bet h cl I 'are n t-Te;tc he r's." AsSofiatiofi oft Friday! August 2olh, at l!:.".o I'. .M. in. the auditorium of the 1. If vou- are no', already a ntcmlirr of the association, they will le glad -to ; receive your membership at that time. The. following program will be refi- dbi'od : .Topic: Know Vour School. iK'votionai: I'aU'lin" ' .Sentelle. '. How Our School .May be Improved. Mrs. J. B, Mann. The Curriculum and Objective of . Education. Anne' P.owe Ferguson. The Preparation for the Child in Home for Schofd. Mrs. J. G. Abel. Home for School. Mrs. J. G. Abel. 1 T- -.- I Misses Ldwina and Marian fJ ! Dowell snent last Thursday afternoon I I in Canton and attended a party given bv Miss Margaret Hencter-on. $27,407.31 To Be Paid To Citizen Bank & Trust Co. Depositors Today At Bank County Teachers To iMeet Here Saturday About llT) Are Kxpeeted Here Tor I iist Meelinj; Of School ear Mr. Jack Mcs.-vr, -up. 1 intendent of . tin!) ' -eiiools 11a- -'called a meeting f al! llayw.-o.l . ..,'ni;y (caeliers- for : uib.i',. Am u i :.'b, ai the W .ev il - elemental-) School, at '. ::'.( r in iiiif w ill ill, itide ap ' .' lea, -hers .from Va in tin count . all of , I. n ,. 1 , 1 . .pie - ted (.. be pie cr.l le in , 1 a 111 ;,i- 1 be da is. a , li 1 . 0 . M . in. all. A 1 ! : b A. M. A 11110111 l a 1 1 1 .'-111 I 'e I 1 11 1 etldenl . 10:10 A. ,)l. ( li j;-., ni.-.at urn lie port of iio'n 1 nat 1 11.1: coin m 1 1 . . e. II. ( lioiip :lei t mg lo;-;n- .. M. Sltaiiimviil 111 a i'i"ii.-. . clu e! u b .1, els. A. Ide in.-iit a 1 -y Ibiily Scheiluv. -m. Al 1 How le- a. Ilb.'lll A. ,(. iveading: I'lllie G r.een. b. 10: IP A. 1. Spelling: M r W . !.. Mi Crackeii, . c I li-Ml- A. M . I .alienage: Al r. I I10111 ir law :u. ,1. II :IHI . M.W 1. 'ti ;.;: .l.oi"s Mc ( racki'ii. e. 11:10 A ,l. A 1 it limel-ie: M 1 Tom. Ree e -. . I . I 1 ::lil ,. M. I'liVsical Kduc .tfoii and Ilea Ifli;- M r. I'aul lleaiu. . g. ll:oo a. Al. loiigrapny: Air, 1 aui Tf,,. .amount collected Crog'an. ... ., s: ii i"s l'i It. High School. Oir,ani.;aliou Ml'., - ' '.' ' " '" . ' ( ';. C. Il:in. nil. I . a 10 -ill l-biglrli: Air. l-'ied S.f- . . ,4 i"l . tl. K i,v . . ,,.,( 11 i. t. li) opoilAOi h. 10;Kl Math: I'ri.l'.. K..,J. Ronesoii. ,, ,. ' :, -.''.. ' i ,. bi".-S. c. Il.bail II. -or : Ibol W. C. Allen.- 1 S'vl fU kl i . Ult" Tli'tOay ' ,1. I I ;0U Cit ii'.. 'n- liip: M r. S.' I-! Con- j ';'.. nat - er. e --u: I aughi-er., of ' t lie A mei lea n e. 11:10 Seleliee:: .Mrs. ; ",1. ' (..- j..;vlluij will pi-1-.-en: a group, of S'-'i '""' "New Colbate indent . 111 .. niu.-ieal f, lltl-ll foreign Language; f.Velyn I.,,.,.,.,, ,. , .. ... , ,;..., ,,w rudei-wood. . . . . . . , , 1 ,e llt.ai -neatioiial ralucaiioii aiui its relation to 01 iu-i -unjecf-':' Air. vv. 1 1 .S11ii1.l1. I nn. h will -.-ive.l oy the I 1. A HI- M'-elllle of II Igll School lr,m ' 1 paj - --I :!! I'. Al. IV. I'logram ( onrniil tee Meetiny; - ' '' "-'" V ( one ra I Al i ng L:00 I . M. ... 1 Speaker: f rom , the -following oi- e a 11 izal ion-wi I, m- pi eseni , ill I I. County ( 'ommi-sioner - 1. County Hoard of l-iduaii ion. II. School ' ' 1 1 1 1 nut teemen. 1. I'iirent Tea. !;. 1 A ". ia'- ion li. Home I lemon -I ration Agent 1 Ml I .:. ..i I . b. I in 'i; I leinon.l r it ion AgeiiL- Jlf. W. I. Smitli. j TCniify V..-!f ie ilepartnieiit. j S County 1U alt li IieparfmenC Mr. I-.. I .. Hi.uto.n. 1 - ' " "-.''' 'I , l?x,.t n I?kkll'muV I t !i (Uin JUIIIOH y Be Held Sunda The llvii: reunion will lie ileal Sunday. Aiigu-t rh ,t we-nty-.-evelit li ii.t the U'll'lviin- old homo, place on l'la-1 Ko.rk iibou' two iniles. above Wood row. This reunion, has - been held annually for the pa -b several - years on 1he Iu-t Sunday in August.; All reh'i tiv.es of the family are reiiuestj'd to iii' there. .There will be dinner spread on. the ground and plenty for every body.! ' -.-'... '., .' Kir (! I I "I'll' I II I'' II 11 , .'. U 1 1 1 I hi Po I Ihonn llo'n of the Church of t be l.edeeme.r. Sa rasota, Florida, will Preach in "(irace Church ! in the Mountains,'- on Sumhiy inorn-! ing. Augu-t 27th. ; at eleven o'clock;! Mr. !Thimas. ,vho . is a niitive of j WalCs ,. was! ordained in 1927 and is , a pieacher of unusualability Lvervbodv. is cordially invited t'J hear this gifted speaker. Special mu- j sic will feature the. service.. . ! Dr. and Mrs. II. J. I.angston and daughter Miss. Caroline, of Danville, arrived Tuesdav for a brief visit to Mrs. Langston's sister. Mrs- II. AV . Haucom. and Mr. Uaucom. They ro-1 turned home Wednesday, Mopping en. route in Ridgecrest where Dr. Lang -"ton made an address. The Langstons were accompamed -Jiwmc by Mr.-. Roger Pittman, who has spent the summer with her sister, Mrs. H, W. Baucom. ! : Amount Is More Than 2. l'er Cent Of Deposits On Hand hen Hank Closed Depositor, of the Citizens Hank ami Trust Company will be paid If '27.107.,'! I unlay, according to a state ment from A. M. Hum-, J r , li.p.ii.kit ing agent for Western North Caroline banks and Mr. Wiley Marr assist ant liquidating agent. The ljL.'7, 107.111 represents er - per cent of t ho SJPL' .'.iP'J.-lii w liu h was on deposit when the bank closed on Sept; tuber 17. I'd The depo-itor.-i iiae -il'lied agree liie!'.!- whereby they will take a !" '; of '.'.") per cent of their dep.-::- while ll, I 1 111 .iil.b r ol 1 he dope- it - will be ; : k. n ea re of b ca - b av.-i no! . w ':e.l ,,.y tile bank. The . e w e re bet w . 1 n ti 1 and - i x lnvridivd depo-itor- of the bank when It wa - ed ill Sep;, inln r 1'.' I'.b l'n mill! of lb.- Sl!7 U; w ii! be ma,!.' aci or.l 1 ng to a -ii.r'd grei uien. ma.'e -I 'V t he ib po i t or . ; be I apnda' -in'.- a'-eiit la-; Mav. 1 1 ,-1, III..' : '" !i;iV'' ,11. realty for .ir-- '. . en i. .;.,! Kill- ..ltd .11. 1 j t ribu lion a ; the Ci 1 i.-ei llank and i Tins' Company. ! It , -. ev peeled by ! il-.'-i.' ill charge.' that praot ioally . everyone having a depo It III t ill': bank ' lie I line. 'it:. closed would he 011 liand to receive 1 their eheck. which represents, the . li i-v and -final -ett lenient-, a the re-. inain.i.'i- eif the 7" O'C ei'lif ha bei"'! Itikeii care of by notes aliil .other 1 collateral owned by the b ulk. ... - At t he' tipie the hank eld-ed t h . re ' ,. ., i'l 'll.rilll! o, i.,,.... ,,.,,1 .lisOoniit .,.,, I,,',,, A, "';.. . s,-::,. ,, , in ' , ... ,,; ., ,,, 1 , , ,,,, , , . . iY,it ra! KU 1111 nt a ry . Sell. 1. l, .This- eoinedy was pre-eni,-d :it New ('ollege a few week- ago and wa iiior-o-iighl.y . i.'ii'joyed by a la rg. 11 lid ieliee. I'll" part...' are played with unu-uai .ability and ) h. production i-' liisthly . iiterfaiiiiiig' f r on -et.-irt, to I'uil. h. Tlie ' ndeiit- have kindly eon-enled to give a ii-ond pert'oriualiee tor .the Oeuetit of t be 1 1. A . R. and ;i small adnii- i.'ii w ill bf-: -e'barged. IVnceei'!,- wil.l go o , be lb ' X. li i-hapt. r for Hi- I" -1 1 lot ie I'ldnc.-i! ion fund, . I'leeeedillg the pe r I'o 1 ma 1 fee t he I)., i 1 1 ;ri 1 1 V i- will- entertain the ca ,t a biill'i-t . supper a: t he . Iioin. 'Hi,, iirogram vmd call follow : 1 .. Bra ver. Hf Thanl. -giving. Net her .nil .'k Tune. ...v What a Bi-iiiti h v,l lie.'ui'y I '' aet ertil . '..-. - ' l. I'.OW U Void' to lle;iv'.)l i-.Snlllliv ing, Ben niailsky. . New College Churn! - fil l) 1 rd Wel l liman. iiecienpaiiist V l;Cs tVeyla'. Si.ng).. Wolf, . 2. (.) .du meiii hold. hehd.-bTru Wagner.- (T-ethe K;ening Star.. .: from T'atut. ' . Ilnuser. I II. M.-ine. I.a i'-n I My S,,i:g), I'rahni s. ; . I. Aul' rage ( Message-1 '.'Schumann . .Ma:... I'lxner, liiirit'ine. I'. 1 e.i . ! 'WeKt'h!iian..'.A;.'-cJ:!n'-p.Ani.'-t., 1 I I I'MlK "Trial by iu .y"' ' 'l'i! and Su . in 1 'iiere' (.1 Mi reeled bv Vii'tir iielinn . si ! i: A -London' Law Co : t. TTMI! Tin Nineti ellt h (.'e'.rf.ilV ' Til I" CAST I -h(i Willi m X I 1 . b 1 Mefendant,. .Mirx Kxner. . I .lac ' y. J in ig". 1 1 arris in Card il Counsel, . Victor H. Jiicoby; I'l aint iff. Rut h Bo rn hi a 1 : n . P,RII)KSMAIIS liarbara Sttihtdii. ,nr.e-;.e .V.v.'yian. M ui-iel St ruiniif . 1 lari'ic; ; I ti'eden. 1 lo ir (in' M n r 1 f 1 - n :i mi Foreman. Miintgomerv -i i n en. In in C!i. n'i L 1-. P b1 in, Elaine Panfell . l.dith ilandlesman. John Sudowskv.. John Lock. Adelai.lj Ram(Irni.-' Lelnv R-.i'im. I ncite Shapiro. Helen ;WLsoti. Louis'.1 Rich ards SPLCTARIORS F.dith Goldhloom, : Helen Lader, Elinor. Kuttner, Ehzahth Ld- na Saphore (irace Moyer Anna Kabey. I'.eubih (.oldstein. i t ii V: ,1 :-' w 1 Now Is The Time To Buy and Save Money- Read The Ads u

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