THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1933 THE WAYNESV1LLE MOUNTAINEER Page S 31 11 & ? wr r LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 "Prettiest Girl" Mr. S. H. Justice was here from Miss Ruth H.;vs returned to her Car.'.en .uonuay- i r. me m uenotr yesierdav alter a visit j Key. and .Mrs. L. B. Hayes. .Miss .Mildred I rawlord snem last week-end in Asheville as the truest of Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Montgomery. Mr- and Mrs- Flayd Rippetoe and Cl. W. H. Sum pin on, of Max Patch, were visitors in the city Tuesday. Miss Mary McF.lwee. of States villes, arrived Sunday for a week's visit to Miss Fllen I.oui-e Killian. L Mis- Mary New of Now York City arrived last Friday for a visit to her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Albert New- Mrs. Claud Miller, of St. Louis; Missouri- arrived last Saturday for a vi-i: t her brother. Mr. C. V. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Patrick had as their guests last week Mrs. T. I.. Nell and small son, Teddv. of Georgetown- - - Mrs. V. F. Albright and son, Jim-ltiie- of Charlotte, are guests id' Mrs. Albright'., parents. Mr and Mrs. .1. T. Bridges. ; Mr-. M. H. ilowcs returned Mon day from, Ceorgia where -ho ent two Weeks as the tt'U -i :' h-r parents. KeV. I.. P. Have- lei! y. -terdav t'or a visit t hi- father in llranito Fails, lie will al.-o spend -nine tjnie in Win sten-Salcm- s -. s Mi.-s Mama rot Valentine, of Rich mond, Virginia, i- expected to ar rive 'omoi'i'ow for a Visit to Miss Adora llohzelaw Mr. Edwin Fineher, of Clyde, wasj here on Monday. i Mr. Cordell Russell, of Canton, was ) on business last week. Mr Jesse N'oland. of Leicester, was wa- a visitor in the city last wek. Mr. George. Gossett, of Jonathan, w a- a Waynesville visitor last week- s- Mr. W. Y. Pless. of Pigeon was aa:"iig the visitors in town Saturday- -t Mr. Clifford Brown- of Clyde, !-. nt Saturday here on business. Kev. and Mrs. R.P. McCracken, of ( yde. were Waynesville visitors Sat- oay. Mrs. Kllen X, McCracken. of Crab- tree- spent Saturday shopping in aynesville. Mrs. Floyd Bullock, of Falmouth, Virginia, is visiting relatives in the city this week. .-Mrs. Francis and Miss Bon nie Francis, of Clyde, -pent Saturday :n aynesville. I'- -r- Mrs. I)Uviu ()-,. ,,f Swa.nnanoa spent last week here a the gue-t "! Mis Millie Padgett. Anmng the visitors in t,,vn last week were: Mes-rs. Jack West and J. Fmery Rush, of Clyde. Miss Claudie Foy, of Wilmington, is the. gue.-t of .Mis Martin Neal at the Clevewill Apartment. t.'aivi.t :i iv.,;.. ... rru-i oi Com tnanrior Allan Chantry, V. s. X., and Mis. Chantry, was declared by General r.allm's dying comrades of the Italian air armada to be the prettiest girl they had soon in the I'nited States. Misa Chant rv is a brunette- Miss Mary S; ; ir.iiliehi leturned t her home r nday a t : vi-it to friends n f cord, ami Salisb.irv. tw i w eks' tetilb,'. Con- j Mr. C, B. Pfeiffer and his mother, 1 served icecream, cake, nuts ' Mrs- Emma Pfeiffer, and children, . Mrs. H. V. Baucom presi Miss Grace and Milas and Bruno. Jr., have returned to their home in Sji vania, Georgia after spending week with relatives in Waynesville. Clyde, and Lake Junaluska. Mrs. Kugene Purcell of St. Peters ourg, Florida arrived Saturday to -pend several weeks in the city and is a guest at the Dunham House. Mr. Woodson Purcell who aceonv panied his mother to Waynesville will spend his vacation here and return to St. Petersburg September I. Uh'S. .T.V.V GIVES FAREWELL CiH'KTESY On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Paul Walker charmingly entertained with -i han.b.crchiof shower, honoring Mrs. It. 1'. Punn, who is leaving soon to leside in Apex, N. C. w In re Mr. Bunn has accepted the .-uperintendon. cy .d' schools. The house was beautifully deeor aUd for the occasion with quantities of summer tlowers Pink, white and green were the dominant colors and this color scheme was also carried out in the refreshments. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Bunn greeted the guesU at the door. A short mu sical prog' am ms rendered by Mrs. Lawrence' Given and Miss Mildred Crawford.' Mi's G. C. Plott and Mrs. J. R. llipps directed the guest - into the dining room where Mo-dames Clayton Walker, M. lb Foy. Hurst Graydeu Ferguson- and Mr. and Mi liurgin and Miss Kiila Pat ersoii .1. i'. Patrick. MAIN ST. NEXT TO MASSIFTS DEPT. STOKE Big Values for Thur.-Fri.-Sat. & Monday Woodhiii y's Soap 2 vr 25c Fecnanu'iit ")IIC ..Milk I 01 . Nil hini' 50c 2 i zSc 1 J. ( . or Manl.Kick. 2 '" 25c l",c Pint iul)l)ir.i AK-ohol 2 I,.. 45c W'UPWVW AMAZING TRSPLF OFFER Evening in Paris Perfume and Evening 'n Pari?. Lip stick vitb each box of FACE POWDER ALL FOR ONLY $-sio he price of the powder alorf -Uiss ! rance.; 1 1 1 1 1 s rcmlied to her homo in Charlotte Friday after a i-ij to Inr aunt. Mr-, t). T. Aloxaml i r and 1 'r. AlexandiT. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell, e' I'lintoti spent hist night here and are lcamg today for (. hie .o to at ! lid tin ' WoildV l-'aii'. -ill - .Mice St i ingiield returned Lo In r home Taeda- after a two wteKs int to friend. i:i High Point Tay. loisville and Kaniseii!' M r W. W. No, man r. iinn d to bis home in Grill'm, Georgia Sunday ifter a week-end visit to Mi-. Noiinai. ;it t he Hole! Wayne illi' Mis- .lean Murdoek, -of Gieenville. South ( ;ir.)lii'.a arrived Sunday for a visit to Mi-s Martha Mock at Jier Inuiie on lla wood st root. Mi-. William T.. Thompson and son, William Th-'mp-oii. .Ir;: of Atlantic City New ,ler-ey. were wcek-ctiil giic-i-; of M l -. Ado'ra Ua'!e Mr. and Mi . Albert Mollift and- infant -on. of ( harlot ;e. were cue Is ,,!' I ' . an,' Mr-. ( i. T. A !. -aiid. : : i bral day- la -t 've(;ki Mi - W'iM llyatf and i.Kturirer and son 1' Naiu'v add 11 - ' 'i; I- --; week-evid in ,Yj. !v!' ' a tii,' oed - of M r-.' I. tike I'illi '.-. and mints. ided at tho punch bowl and Mrs. J. C. Patrick kept the register. This was presented to Mrs- Bunn with the names and addresses of all those present. Little Nancy Walker carried in a largt doll dressed in colonial costume which had been made by a unique arrangement of the handkerchiefs and presented to Mrs. Bunn. who in her usual gracious manner expressed her appreciation for all the courtesies of the afternoon and her regret at leav ing her many Waynesville friends. Mrs. Walker's guest list included all the members of the four mission ary Circles of the First Baptist church, UK. .WD ui;s. i-xri.; srs Mr. and Mrs Paul Walker eiiter tainet delightfully with a jig-saw pui.t'.le party at their home Thursday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Sam Plott, who are leaving soon to make their home in Pal'.on. Georgia. Piirtners were found by matching miniature jig-saws made from mac a. due picture.-. At the conclusion of the contents '.an ice course was -creed A color note of pink and green was attractively carried, out in the refre-h meats and arrangements of tlowers The guests were: Mr. .and .Mrs. Sam Plott. Mr-. G. ('. Plott Mr. and Mr-. Kov Campbell. Mr. ..nd Mr-. M. Mi . .1 T. .iui'ili tet anifii t o hoi Ttie-'il.iy from I.iiieolntoii Geor. bi n 1 -lie wa - ira Mod' la t wei'U i'-ii'i1 '. .f t hi' ib.-a-1) of her inn) her. I'oiti ai'i i i : and young so: bd'; -Saturday, bf. 'h- ii a-oiie Hi. Pal eitth after -pend'!:; the i'lini'ei' wi(-i M i s. Tali W'i'i n, :',. lt, : - . j l . 1. ! - M ' u l ii , 1 1 i ; ' U'ellf :r t'-w "Air Mr. V' e Mom I i ft Save On Prescriptions At Smith's All 3c Chewing Whitmans 10c (;um Minis, elc. amI olates oap Martha Washing. 3 I'd IOC t0" ("mh 5CCake REMEDIES TOILETRIES l.")0 Citrocarbonate 9Sc 50c .lorgcns Lotion .. .lc Sl'.OO Ovaltine .... ... .Mc S1.00 Mello (ilo l'owtler t)c JSl.nO Cardui ...69c S2.:,0 Ambrosia Sets ..9Sc 2,c H!.uk Draught .. Ik UJ0 Llslerine . ..79c Zl.X) Svrup Pepsin ....9Sc , . t ,, . ... K 2'tc Listenne Paste. . ..19c S1.00 M.les .Nerune 7 5c .Qc ,pana ,,jsle ;.jc Sloans Liniment . , .2'c -()c iepsodent Paste . .31c 6()c iup ri!?s 5(c S1.00 Lutk Tiger . ..69c 10c Ca-storia . . . . . - -29c,. 2oc Golden Glint ...... 19c It Pavs To Trade At SMITH'S SMITH'S GUT RATE DRUGSTORE THE HOME OF REASONABLE DRUG PRICES fooTou not W. 11. Mi 'win .ilnwi fa. I y l'ergu-on, Jr. left fen' his lroiue in Xi w Orleans. r n few week -' visit wit h his M ; . i!ai b-v !'. i gu -m, at mnn'r homo here. . Mr.: aii.t; : MrsJ. A., .1. .Gerard, and daughter. Mi-- ; Audrey; (o'r.rd, o!' New 1 b '(" ; -. tt , r;v d la-t . l-'riday to spend ; -evei al weeks . in Wayni'sville and are residing at Cbvewill A part meiits. : ' ai A'.s.s i:i;i'nrn:i at u Alt ii i.odcf: .'.-- Pec-nt guo.-ts at Mux Patch Podge include the following j ''-"' . C. Strout, Teahody. Mass.; A. vl. f.nfii, ( liftoii. Mass.; fieo f An derson: Philadelphia. Pa ; J F. .Shi.-bi.- Walh.r.d. Tenn.;!Gea. I. Peter.-. Kn"vilie. lenn.; Noel Paning. Asheydle. N. ('.; - H(,,, "S. ' Atkins. aynml.k-. N . (.; Jew el Jl ipps, Waynesville;; Joe T-, Shackfofd, .Way rt "m"' V ( Ink P.iant S it ville. N. C; Kenneth Rives. States ville ,N. f.; Marv Alam, Ward, Atheville, N'.. C. ; Arthur -. Tranum. Knoxvilk-... Tenn.; . McMurrv. Knoxville, Tenn.; Jhos. Stringfield. Wa nr iV ( , J , F Iihfn Waynesville, N. f .; Miss Petsey Lane Quinlan. Waynesville. C ; Mrs. Marry Woodward. Gtdd-boro C-; Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Reynolds. R'd eight. N. C; Capt. and Mrs. E : R. CinVfll Tu-(.rM Pan- frowdl Jr., Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Misse Peggy and Sue f rowell. Tuseiloosaa. Ala ; "r- and Mrs, Howard M. Tftvlor, Knoxville. Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs I-eon Pields, Knoxville Tenn.: Mis Emma R. Hunt. Richmond. Va-; Mr and Mis. Arthur Camnles, Chestnut Hill. Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs, W". L. Pajue. Cincinnati, Ohio; Bill Pavne. Cincin nati. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chase, Greeneville, Tenn.; AVm. Kennon, Knoxville Tenn.; Miss Jane Allen, Newport. Tenn.; Miss Grace M Rey nolds, Newport. Tenn.; W. ' Wilson. Newport. Tenn-; Dr. and Mrs. M: S. Doak, Newport, Tenn.; Misses Dor othy and Danese Doark. Newport. Tenn. Ray's Ray's " i a v TRADMXlifSIDN fua 1411. lth Ut. IV1 HOW " Shop in Y;mysvillo nnri Sliaro tho 1'iolits GOING OUT immer Clearance Sale of Dresses DONS EDITH CHAMBERS WEDS MR. MARIOS' BRIDGES Of much interest to their friends in Waynesville and the community is the announcement of the marriage of Mi-fa Edith Chambers and Mr Marion Bridges, which was solemnized Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of "he groom. Rev. H. W. Baucom. pastor of the Baptist church officiated, using the impressive ring ceremony. There were no attendant and only memln'rs of tin' immediate families and a few friends were present. The bride was attired in a f.dl cos tume of brown crepe with accessories to match. Immediately after the wedding the young couple left for a motor trip to Greenville., South 'Carolina and ( harlotte. Mrs. Bridge i; the d..tich:,-r of Mr. and Mr-- C. ('. Chambers of Med for.l Farm She i- an attractive young woman of the brunette type. Mr. Bridges is the on of M 'r. and Mrs. ,1. I. Bridges. He received- his education at the Waynesville High School and i- now co-puhli-her of The Waynesville Mountaineer. Mr. and Mrs. Bridges are making their home with Mr. Bridge-' parents. Store Chats from CI. RAY'S SONS .(! , eh m',1 Ii . ' , a. in 1 1 1 1 i - a i i a i NELLIE !Mf5 Values tit ;;n' I. KM II) l , heck I, - i i; 1 1 . i ii b an I Tr i : ela-iU will bo ;,.,,-i.t, ia.l. Von: KM I'll VSII i 1 1, :,' .... Va ii. ,,l;; - ii.-; ' ji , , . i !u- i , e;la -of Wa ne-- i'le al e i e, "iiiioeiid Ml;' In' t in'i i e : - t one ; ' do;, in. iiiinii' 'i.ate ill-ids -iii- ueoi,. Spec :a! a i ' a n eiiii '-! - 1 o- Th a ' - ,i i i . Keiday and ;-;.',. id ; 'See i lie' erl i--, aieid - . -I tat - -'SHOP or ',';,t Me'-'. i e . i ; ; d - l-ar.e' 'n l be ; old . - t S( Ii' Ii H. da ...':, eirre ., b,,,,! v, ., ;.,! w ; b ii fwaA : in a -.i Abikiiv it : ea lei:,. M i ; 'II Ija a a dable a tt ide a : n - p e v ; ood-.' i'loauni'u i i I'" n :i tl.l .-ieoenibib-ie - elo' . lol,- Ion, 1 !.'.-1 ! A I .1 1 1 . II. . ' i ' i ; 1 1. fir. , I, Co-Eds and Other Makes Values ValifesViip (o . : , . Vlyesuptd ).!): .. W Vdiies u Ui il . . . . . . .1,8!) (irauEMul' Spring ( oals-Broke Sizes Values $995"$Hm5 Now (in?ip ' I adies Linen and C(i!on Ileuses. Assorted Colors and Sizes Vatues,-. . f)8c V-V-A- RAINCO Tv r(mps (liildrens 95c and '$ IM Jmy ronps l adies $1 .95 and $$M. l!c:iuliful l .ill (iJtrnicnls Attr.ulivfly l'i iced Neliv Don Dresses and Suits. Just $6.95 to $13.95 Knitted Sportwear One, Two and Three' Piece Suits Group of Silks and Travel Crepes 1 New Fall Hats and Accessories "I '.' '.- , Dress With Is and isit Anywhere. Look and Feel Your Best at College. Women's Keady-To-Wear Department C. E, Ray's Sons A Department Store I I M lit i'i;i'ii;i; i I'd ;., . , , .. . r I en a not ):, r b -i;;u' WE DO OUR PART ( oi (, 1 will both fee! better i,' ;-.e.;i .'-'. j..' b t ii - out n: : .in' tiej'l ' . f:-; ei.iuni". vein; '1';' I i; vn'f1 u''di leid' oce'r -.'.vi.-.ti M . l-'-e mi '.'.:' ' ' l' i- I.UI Sill !'e 1, ll!"li,' W V).i;i-,-V j .,' - .. I d" ni"!'' iiji ' ii . ' ! a.e 'M.::' .e .. ;t ..' bad 'he'll 'ddiio liidK . .!','.'; ' :,-,'-: ( ()-l'!)S is:,.:", ea- .;.:.,, ..n i o: iidi- J ';; ive- '-:'- ;: dMIetioil -Mftit..-: : ''I'-.- ' : '-j'. W. - need ' i.e- -pare, an . ;;.e.i to ihave tin . 'dre-.-e-. i r-n . -d ojii V'Vti: s at. s'idis, : Ka t ' - ' iiri"- -e- bebf ' d - n!;iyed:. ' Cai.y Ai'ilic Dun iii-iii; l.eii ' td'ed;. - K 1; ; t" e I,' it re --es ju-t -'re-. '-''' i ate -unu-utdly at t ra da vd . as -to -t'yle and price. ' Ka- f.ldK I K 1 1 s t j- , i , i'eaes and at a jc r.'t : a. it a; - -. . tracts. : Va;i'h how t he .b -y- .ha'vr.:; ' ; I-'; 'vnrk--and sefvi.;.. ' with--.-'a ... . smile. For ;he yeun-er ladies we hav, I ';, .' !!...". Itavs s IN(, t in. an k n di ed jdo iucts,; our .elfort is . to ' idovide tb.e best combination . in .duality, -at. datidfi and nrice. CD AY'S Sons ElDept.Store