THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1933 SYNOPSIS A pretty young woman iinds her self in a taxical) jn New York wifch a fctr;uiKe man who addresses her en deanngly and .-peaks of "an awful "nun iie leaves ner lor a moment at a drug store she drives on. JUI 'ears mm. She stop at the jjntuioie, Him wondering v.ho .he is. Her memory gone. From the evidence 01 ner eiotning and wedding ring, in scribed L. V. to I). M., May 19, lt);j2," ,.-he concludes she is married to a wealthy man. At the Biltmore the nameless .girl meets a young woman who speaks of her desire to go to Reno lor a divorce, it she can get the money. The woman vanisnes with the namelu s girl's purse, and !!)00. An elderly woman, Mrs. Oscar Du Val. cordially greets the nameless girl, .luuicssutg ner as ".Doris." ' wife of Mrs. JJu V'al's soil. Kocky. Rocky is al-ioad, and Doris, still hewildered, is taken to the home of Mrs, I)u Val and her sculptor husband, (Kcir. Duris falls 111 love with Kocky's phoi: ograph but cannot remember having married him. 1 1 want to show it to them." This was pure inspiration. Mrs. Du Val clucked RVmn;it.hoHnr,n,. o....u roobery. A dress in an expensive shop like anpA pnmii,,, , 1 iv i - vVUUik vui ai uie seams. Ve must certainly speak to them. Did you bring the dress with you'" "No 1 didn't think" "Oh, dear oh dear. We should have UIO Ue.Ss. Ion Tmnfml,r... . il. cleiK that waitei nn -im. t .:ii ju. i win give her a talking too. But we must not ev- ;.tc sucn a time." xhe said with .... U1 '.emu-mess, "Are von nr ."! tui: 1 IL If il Mil" IT I in .., f W hat nivstenoiw .iiim,,,,. u. supposed to have? She saw t.nin.. uncei'n in M t's. Du Val's small brown ,, U't'1 vv,'y well." she said. iiall we go hrst to the dentist'"' we sii, ,,. 'r. ,,..,.. , , Jst run in lor a mum,.,, .,;i, ""l the car. 1'n, sllr, U'h(,n r f.a thin, about the dross ,i..,, 7 " " J i -I ll l I V I II. NOW 0() ox wiiii d -tomorrow J r;U'i ..end it 1U said tlier. Mr-. )u I heri' is II IK STORY lllllOU.-llll' rolled mini nmi.l, ei - the white pavements, her heart was beating more quicklv. If she were to go Tango's and liml out that, after all. .,e was not Mrs. Rocky Du V.i - .then what would she sav to the little l reiieh woman? A l,vei- ot ice seemed to go down : her sne. Hut that was nonense. Never! Iw.L... . .1,.. Y ,u "m"t mid out lot' cwtain. I hi- problem that confront..,! Her was how to leave Mr,. Du Val for vv moment,. M1( had an idea that tile ! rench woman mean: to stick to Her very persistently lhmJp''1 dU to 1,1 Ti"1'1"1"''; to a ,ho calkall 'a.lge, I ,()la,h, d ((u, tjitui fhit ..., v.y"e out at one of the Val, "we jlenty f us it, am to them "No, no," Will go toit tlllle.," ""'! I- : de,pe,aU.. I'a.ue wa" ";"U:h'n '-''' heart. She wanted "'" than anything else to prove that she was Mrs. Ro(.ky u V;li ut had (. .(, in that store alone. She 'h'termined on new ta. tie,. "1 llaV, , make," ,(;V'..i I : . j i ' ,L. l" lri,rt me. You said a '''V-'hllc ago tha, you ,jd. I l,avt, ;'"''''"!, up tin, ,llu .torn at the so:nn. I. ' , ... i " mto Taiige', aone r 'Hl't tell von m,, I,,, . . ',, l"'"'"lse you I'll oniv , lit iFr( J ' ? I l Ji ( III But .nstead She Slapped a Highly Manicured Hand Over Her SaSaifl Lips. um-iu-Mw io let vou: I that it." not U ve no Not over no-, niaki ten minute up anv nn tell me. Next time I will is er; -ear in angi excited a.. Louis front of the quiet She slid p:,M (he opening the heavy wi 1 r seams or twi -Mis. Du ValJ ,()u,( sliehtiv rulfled. ' ' ''-'"' hnunt ua ,uv M,l,l,Mg --"-'lie kind of , r, lt , , , i 1 iter wrmk ( with .., v- ,- .. . uii at uie I oil want I,. ..( , -- ti uvvav Kir nn too much the bad eye.- -mal U'lH'l ind a -moment and I "Oh no. Of eoui b en darliiiL' to me " Ui-i. )u V al patted her hand " All 1 li lit. 1. 1 I ,,..,,( .,, .:,i- ; .. , i... . - ' ,,UL. L', 111 L I 1 V. ''"! ''! over ten minute-, n'o-t-ee lias " "No, 'And stories Jj atiirrv Doris w slowed the I rout of 'J doorman hastily door herself. Before she could formulate any plans " -ae ion a girl came from behind a ilosed door and same toward her "'" ".h 'hat be wa ic(- I'Kin.rii. -' mouth opened, her brow, "w together in a horrilied frown. Mn- seem(:, to scream as if with ter "" ,1'nt instead she slapped a hie-hlv manicu red hand over her sage-lug lip,. ! . - 1 .mean Mrs. Val" Jhen she stopped as if iara!ve(l. I i Vou Know me." gasped Doris, "n you poor kid: OI,i imi i,..i,. Come quick !" I ted Dorr- "J diagging her across the room as -lie mjokc. "!!u. listen-- " port, I here's Ho time." 'Imt whv 'should 1 '"'I' or (I d's sak( .s,niii"one's is conim,,' '" spiio oj. hoivelT fh -nmiunicated it -elf t, Itn1 iva, mil hoi"' ra:;:e oil don't be a ion girl' Doris. terror 'the I i-!ghiened tha: she beard Moris said. He own words i m .llori brealh-. Til I,, j child" hidden from some unknow nenl? Instead of leaving, her fright was incresing- As always in her moJ ments ot depression the vision of the man in thp cab came To torment her. Now his face floated before her, very real, very menacing. Her imagina tion unbidden, brought out a dozen suggestions: supposing he were out .here? supposing he wanted to kid nap her? supposing he were a crim inal, and she was his helnless tool a criminal herself? Her hand turhtlv onf f.JSm,,. lio . .....v.j i.uivilil, LllV broom handle, her reason telling her that this was all nonsense, she still felt wave ofter wave of terror plunge over her like great billows knocking her common sense over, ehokinc down her efforts to be calm and rational. The . salesgirl had recognided her, had called her Val. Outsold Mrs To, 'n was. waiting for her in the car. Every thing was al! nirht. What. wa she scared about? Kverythmg was not all right. What was me meaning ot the salesgirl tei lor And why was she in this closet? Ouris called herself fi.M P.n had taken her kindle mt,, afo haven where she could rest and be ...,. I 4. . t , -1 , eji treated until ner memore w. turned. But she had not Wn 1. bhe had wanted -to i ctm-n n alarming lifj she had once led. Whv haun t she oeen content n'itli f..o To, -. ..v.. i, ' ' ,11 ... L. val m the country? She tried to mink, hack to the immilsp ;rhnt tinrl leu her to this place where girls looked at her with stricken pitying e.'.es and pushed her into dark closets, She felt that if she ever got back ito the country, she would never make any effort to leave a train After what seemed a very long time j toi.ieu me handle ot the door and li'OKed out. The small recemion room " is empiy. kvnlentlv the salegirl 1 h-fl it so, that she' iniirht get (Jet II .hide vou louud herself o closet with th in here. the inside ot door lirmlv Mori a dar! closed. Vh;tt could he the meaning of this. .She pia.ped. r,e hard cylinder o'ooni handle was beside her' a"d tin. ,;her shapeless hin Ua I'lnlialdA a vacuum cleaner. Could i that ''lie was i!riniiiM' T-h.. f.. I i,V he r in Mi ""'imwMiHnutn... vou. (J,,t Doris' Jflrl. had girl e. mi 1 1 mg her li . al ' then :l- ft : a wa v Or po.. sj,v L, s. ;i w.'s I ions mad I bat insane people - 1 ei .v one in thi Mli, i l'.,N ll. 1 III amazement deeoened Th,. ., .. ..... i T , T:"" '". i H ' he, l,j the am, and ; , ' , ,. ",","" ",,ol,lg. Why i?- mu i v I 1 1 :t ( 1(1,1 'i .iwwiii in Ik re. toward name. Miss, I . he sur-elv had bo crazy push into - el .v like a dream. -.le.-g! rl was mad. Mie remembered "omtimes thought world was criev of the closet And oiu.side sitting placidly in her lii"U.-ine was Mrs. Du ral. Moms stood m the center ,,f the ';"" n;';'t-'ting. Try as -lie would she euuld not summon her resolution to go (ill. On! in 1 I,,. , 1 11 I 1 ' MUlllV. ".-t. peae-. It she went in airain arid "'"Ium.! up that salesgirl she did no r " wlia. would happen, but w tould feel the terror the girl had -pieail like a contagion Mi is Knew -he was being cow- iid . hut sire could not belli herself. hili .she rcmeinheeod H..( ti, had used the word Du Val or ... ;'- t sne had said it so quickly that Val,soniethmg was all Doris 'heard i-U. it - must l,e Du Val. Wha- else I .t he . And after all (hat was i r ' In- had coim, I,, fnl. Some proof I : , ( nif I'll v ais. jn ' ' ' w-)MI oi , ,al,,t.,,r. sl,ul he enough. M,e -ducked ou; the door and 1 "' J'athlt.sslj to th. cu.b. Sh( t ua.t for I.ouk to cit don '",in ht' '' 'ut got iiiMde luukly and sank down on the s0ft springy cushions. was beginning to worry," said Mrs. Du Val. "I did promise Rocky not to let you get out of my sight " As the ear rolled up the avenue Doris pondered this- Did Rocky know of her danger whatever it was, arid had he left these strange injunctions about her for her own safety? Her mind went over and over thc inctdent. "Miss." thp Vio ,(..,. , "m oiaiieu to say, as if she had known Doris best for a long time as Miss Somebody Then she had remembered nnv.,c, ..J herself and said Mrs Mrs. what? Oh iv muss nave oeen JJu Val, but in the excitement of the moment it had been said so quickly that Doris could not be quite as sure as she would have liked. She wa pale and exhausted from the fright. Mrs. Du Val was quick to notice this. "Doris, the trip into town is a mis take. You could no: stand the dentist could you, today:' Doris looked at her thankfully. " 'Whatever happens,' she says. You you and be grateful to you," she said "Such thoughts!" "I mean it. You have been wonder 1 ul to me." " 'Whtaever happens.' she says You must not worry so. You are going to be all-right." Dori looked anxiously at. Mr. Du Val. What did she mean hv th5if She spoke as if she knew' of thf strange thing that was hanging over her. Sureiv she could nnt hnvo l-nnn.r. that a salesgirl would push her into a closet and call her a poor child. Doris' head was buzzinc. Tf Khn could only talk to someone nfinm nit his. She found herself fall linn ,hj!r.t- nn her old hone: tomorrow she would re member. She had had a shock today that ought to bring memory back. ( To Be Continued. ) ,ive l eat lire about thu property is that you have, a delightfully amiable neigh'or next door, who is the pos sessor of the very best set of ga'den-Hiu- tools in the district." DOh'SX'T SUIT Noting Man (to jeweler): "Will ou take back this engagement ring?" Jeweler: "DoesnV it suit?" Young Man: "Yes but I don't. Legion Weekly. .1 DIFFKRIJXCE H. . "Can you come to the jeweler's tomorow, Sweetheart? I'd like to hae ou select the engagement ring your-elf." !sbe: "In that case, don't you think w.u had better .keep saving up a little hover, dear?'' the way, remember the !1() you borrowed six months ago?" "Yes." "You said you wanted to borrow it fan- but a short time:" "That was the truth- I had it only 10 minutes." THREAD 2 Spools For 5c Our I A AS 9( Rnu Mm.r Ai q I &fm HJIMW laflVV MHISB :.8ST) H GOOD NEWS Citizens Bank will pay off $27,407.31 Thursday We will Cash Your Checks fav Mlmv MRmiMIM AM wmaim I - 1 4 2 ' jm mam J Smxi JF A I 4 Wtk -,.;. IS Are KrirprJ N.r V.. n i , . 5aH--- We canno, replace the mk to kT ha we nJPmfTtl Process ,aX goes . every merchant's JVLTl H " a S tjZT buy after the rst dav of m Rv j.,v.-m a:. ..... . pay mor 01 ai,ythinS y" ; ",m7 3 """"5 um CVCIU Jm niaKe money it you do. -.11 ' :. tr . ":"...'"" I ".' ...: :' """AlW.Uf.n M.,,., ,..- New Fall Coats iiur Buyer lias just returned irom mw iork where she pur- ii i ,W"V,1U,L1 nrn "LOUIS, all the latest styles, and they are Beautiful Quality, $5.95, 7.95, 12.95 and up to 4y.5U NEW FALL SILK DRESSES PRICED AT $1.98, 2.98, 4.95 and up See them. Welcome Teachers of Haywood We Hope You Visit Us. School Tablets 3 for 10c Boys' Heavy Knit Sweaters Boys' Work or lress Shirts Silk Hose at 59c and 69c its to match your outfit I JffiSs "' " Qfl J Boys' HeaTv" iced at 98c, 1.98, 2.98 j 1 iTv;nv f o 1UCI 49c PRINTS 10c yard Yard wide and guaran teed fast color New Fall Cotton Crepes 19c Children's Stork- in?? s, any color, size MEN'S OVERALLS HEAVY WEIGHT 79c, 95c and $1.25 STORE HOURS , Week Days 8 A. M. to 6 P. M Saturday 8 A. M. in in p i Help us cooDerafp with tha fi- m. ' - - - .v vv c in ment by trading during these hours. Boys' Overalls Heavy Weight 69c SCHOOL TIME IS SHOE TIME FOR CHIJ.DRFN -m SKUA 1 Children, shoes and oxfords, priced at 98c $1.49. il.flft Anything you need in school shoes come to mA551t7S

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