THURSDAY, AUGUST24. 1933 , THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER FIRST BAPTIST Rev. H. W. Baucom, pastor bunday school, 9:45. W. C. Allen superintendent. Morning Worship 11:00, ,' 6:30 all B. Y. P. U.'s of church meet. livening Worship 8:00 P. M. Mid-week prayer service 7:30 Wednesday. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. II. P. Walker. Minister Bible School 9:45 a. m. Sermon 11 a. m. C hristian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Wednesday 8 p. m. mid-week service oi prayer, song and Bible ,tudv HAZELWOOD PRE SB Y TERI 4. AT CHURCH Rev. 0. C- Lundrum, Pastor. Sunday School, 10 o'clock. Morning service, 10:40 o'clock. Junior, Intermediate and 53ninr vespers, 7:15. Evening Service. 8:00 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ev. Wade Johnson, Pastor. Sunday School, 9:45. Sermon 11 o'clock Enworth T.enwnp 7-1K - - - r - - - - -. lege. NOTICE OF SALE I NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND By virtue of the DOWPr 4f Bfllfi linn, tained in a deed of trnnf T"i TT rfTl 1 . . . WJ " WU1C WiatAj to the undftrsitm Tioc v tflvwi uaicu une .zvia, ivty, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina in having been made in the payment of . v. . wii acvMicu, whereby the Dower at sale wtvk. operative, the undersigned trustee Will, on SATURDAY SCPtpmhtm, 9th, 1933. at TWRT.VP nnr wu- , - . " -UUAI nui ."sh, DOOR. IN WAVMPSVTfrD ,,.v WOOD COTTVTV MflDTu'r..," I TXT A .. . WlttU- J-,nv. sell lor rash, at . , - ijuvuc aaie 10 the hie-hest ihiddey i.ij- .. .... . . ' ... . . a une-imu un- divided interest in and to .the the fol- juw nK aescriDed parcel or tract of ioiiu, io-wii; o : . t . aiLuaue. lvino- ami .- lvwn oi Lanton. Hivn 1 Sermon bv Rev John Subject: "Retribution." " s"g anu is.oie ,nu(iy. Town of Canton, Haywood ! Count v VulwVl MlAZELlUJOp BAPTIST CHURChI Carolina, and Z7eL"uZ This ,.v,:k v . "r. .. ..,:.., IVV- a- "Jaldwell, Pastor. , , ,m?u an! described by metes - w. .ki,x.IiUa t4 vuiuiit v Min an o.k i aim nni nn .a.e 11:00, Sermon by Pastor, J BEGINNING at a stake in the cor. i:uu, .ueeting of all B. Y. P. U.'a oi the church. b.(H), Each Wednesday mid-week i rayer meeting. . "J "u,,vu, This church extends tation to all. .Sr. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Arthur J. Racette Mass at 11 Sunday. Mass, week days at 7:30 A M. jsoimi: or OF jj,.:Uj ,,s MA IK FOK TXi:s FOIl Til If TOWN OF (, ( On Monday, September 4, al the court house door in the town oi Waynesville, .Yortl) Carolina, the un dersized will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for rash ii... i i .. .. .. .. ' oi tne loiiouihK property owners lor taxes .lue the Town ' me ye;irs 11)31 and I'j'Jl as follows: (.RACE CHURCH IN THE MOUN- ii.. WAYNESVILLE, N.C Revd. Albeit New, Hector Sunday, August 20lth. 1933. A. M. Holy ( onmiunioii 10 A. M. Church School. 11 A. M. The Rector will preach on spiritual Values." 4 I'. M. Evensong at Balsam church J . M. hvensonir at Svlra. NOI ( i: -of i:xi:( r-rill v Uell .Motor I-iyers, .1. (' I!.rd, M. v Caldwell. A. Carr, X. T., Clark, Xi'inn C'oaliley, (. Crawford, I-'. 11)3 1 Co., I lot . I lots . ., 1 lot . . It., .Mrs.. : Mrs.. 1 lot ie Mrs., 1 lot W 1 lot . . . A., 1 lot . . . lot bal. s. 1 lot 1 lot . 'olored) lot .VI r: 1 lr. n. 31.45 3.07 C16 75 4.07 o.n 10.18 !l " H 04 ilavniK (u:Uilie,i as Kxeeutirx of tin Uate of Airs. Sarah K.HayneH, de aseii, late ot Jlayuaifid Couutv. Xortli l a ro ina. t his iw i ,, ..tic. .. i, - ' ""ni -ill hllllH Mill, Claims neainst the estiiie f the deeease,!, to exhibit tlu-ni to the undersiKnod, fin oi- before ii,,,' inn, 'lay ,,t August, l:i:M, this notiro V1.II be uleadeil in ..r m,..i 'i'. 1 lot 1 lot Uavis. .Minnie an C"id, V. C. Mrs, Gentry, Chits., ( Hannah, W. ,)., i Johnson, ( lertruilt Jolly, V. C, i hit Jones,. J. G., ;) Jot Justice; I. I.. Mrs., 1 lot Kifkpatrirk, Mattie arrs J.inley; ,J, J!., l lot MeKlrny, . ( i,, hit . -Mann, C.l;.. l lot Massie, H. ,v A.. I lot . -Messer, .1. L., l lot .... MorKan, ,1. if., i ,,, It"-f i s. .1. W.. l lot . . . . Spears, A. It'., 1 lot. bal, 1 nomas, W. II., & Fii Tilson, L.M. afrs., l lot Valker, A. (;., 1 lot . . . Walker, X. 1 1., 1 lt . AVillianis, C. :., l lot 1932 Anderson,, J. JI., 1 lot 48. 3fi 3 .10.18 10.18 34.78 9 09 ii.5 7 1.4.41 11.10 ;.4 14.93 All persons inill will please 'make i Iv This Kin, day of August. T!i,'!3. MKS. THAI) IIOWirL; i:feutrix of the estate of Sarah K, Ilaynes. ileeeasefl Alle. I 1 1 - 1 7-1! I-Seol 7-1 f f'l (o .said cstaK yincnt iminediatf M rs AO !( ; (; SUMMONS NORTH CAROLIN A HAYWOO)!) coc TV IN llli: M I'l RIOR t ouur. ner of North Main and Newfound" u"ras anu rnna m ith ,fV, i , ... : " " """ iuic east m.Km or iorth Alain Street 100 feet to a stake: thence S Nrt9n' v ut c... to a stake in West mar; ' 1 ty lov alley; thence S. 1H at- m with marcrin of said oii ra .(l. ; " " ....jr v-x ijft tO a stake in northwest margin of New lound Street; thence S. 60 ' ,'J0' W. teet to the herrinnlttn, t- ... thereto the m, u to 7 hv r , - T,Way as shown on maP made oy J. (,. I aunda f vii , . . f)ik i7,..- ' " "K"ieer, oatetl Bo ft' -d recced in Map i, witn tne Iree and unrestriqied rieht of , ! , " ' ,?ver an(i and along with n,i ... . ;. "nn-ii siim jiap for f,Jr ,"-"-,1L,-' 's nereoy made s bi ..n 1 ani come description of This August 4th iy;i;j. GEO. II. WARD, No. X9Aug. n-2.1-3l-Sept.''?Ste' TWELVE 0 CLOCK NOON, at the i i Court House Door m waynesvuie, Under and by virtue of the author- Haywood County, North Carolina, ity conferred by Deed of Trust exe- sell for cash, at public sale, to the Georgia Miller Kirkpatrick, dated the ed (three parcels or tract of land, first dav of Januarv. 1929. anH rp-ltn-ttHt- corded in RfV.W 5n. P , " " .' rinai iiiAi: a certain tract Oflice of the Register of Deeds for or parcei of and in Beaverdam Town- Havwood County, Jefferson E. Owens, ship, Haywood County, State of Substituted Trustee, will at twelvp xr5.i. i j.n , . , T -" ixui iii Lciruuiut, uuuuueu us iuiiuws, pp??,4v00cr0DnIDT. BEGINNING on a stake on the FRIDAY. SEPTKMRFR iSfVi iQlil U,. , , , r , ... , ; i iortn oanK oi iew rounu rtoaa ana at tne Court Hous Donr nf HuvwaaH 1 .1. , 1 t j " . - line east DanK ot inicsety Koaa, 10 County in Aaynesville. Noifeh Caro- feet from the southeast corner of C. T. Una, sell at DUbllC auction fur man fnln'.n j xt ' . v, , ii 1 1 T " , . , ,1 "Hls anu runs Wlln l"e east oann the highest bidder, the following land, of Thickety Road to a stake the tO-Wlt. I rt,, U.,4. J . 1 1 . A certain lot or riarf'p nf lanH in nrluith tVi Una r-zAiu ir, ctoI.n , ui f.ojicsvui Aortni in j .n.matners line; men witn J. Carolina anH RFfilVVTMn f cfu u oi A v a oiaivc a. OiiJaLlltrXi iiJie IU U s Li KG Oil Mlc standing in the Noifchern Margin of north-bank of New Found Koad to rf v. u ia aii i,ast- Liitr DiiUiiMAU, f r a nintr a in it erly direction from tVi infprtt.-tir.n rf I :4...i. . u . . v""" j. 1 win. avic.tuivic UI icoa. MlUctLe ill LUC KAI1 nto ru t!..,.- ...:4-L i ' 1 I 1 01 . uuca wuii vvainut street, town ot Canton, JNomh Carolina and runs thence North 10 degrees 15 This deed is subject to a certain minUtec East 150 feet - .ctL-. duo,i 0...j thente South 84 degrees 10 minutes to Mis. Handy Kirkpatrick, which 7,7 , atane; uience ooutn ueeu is nereby excepted 10 degrees 15 minute Woof isn foot Roir, n... 1 i ' , , . , .... tr. a , 1 l x 1 ".,t; tnC same uiiu soiu anu con- to a stake in the Northern margin of veyed by J. B. Mease and wife, Lou rJOUnilflrv Sitrjil - .'t. 11 r T. .. ' . ".ilc witn saiu -u- .tiease, to K. VV. S. egram .by margin of Boundary Street North 79 deed dated Oct. 20, 1905, and record- hfnvr,i?,TJ;eS West 75 feet t0 ed 011 Dec- 9- 1905' Book of Deeds i ; No-21-page 422 Record of Deeds of Bttng the greater part of Lo,t No. Haywood County', to which said deed as per Bowie s suiey of Ramseur and record reference is hereby made survey ot, the Town of Waynesville, for a more eomolete decrihtinn I all ot the lot conveyed to C. F. SECOND TRACT: A certain piece, Kirkpatrick bv th hira f v it Jt.i 1... , , ., -7 ln . L' iifCnifbn i- .,;;.,.. . hr- r.:."r,.v" ld,u suuie. lying Ki9i ,1 ' , 7, , Juiy anu oelns: ln ct'averdam Township, in m 'J "corded in Book 67, page the Town of Canton, North Carolina. except that certain ;J0 foot strip BEGINNING on a stake in the Lrna ,rfaid, lof '"veyed to J. N. northwest mariin of Newfound Street, Shoolbred by deed recorded in Book U1.5 feet from the intersection of the 00. DUge oi, to Which deeds un,l r- onct m.,,.r,; v. .lL , v oi. niiiui -nam street. ml '? ,r "n?, 'l. l:.? .!! ,thcM .rtveSt margin of New- , -T:r w"'i"ltc ucacnpiion 1 louim street, oeing the old reeram of the same. I J?mthor.. 1 . ti 1 , 1 --.- iviuiii anil runs witn tne lUS Sale IS m'lf p on npnonnf lo I n,ii,' -,i?XT. . 1 . "v-1 "m-si "laigu 01 Aewiounu street like not ice was con- administrator of , deceased. ley. ... ,3(1.00 1 lot ,'i.V0 . . . 50.43 . , . 4.25 ..... 2.78 . . . 5.10 liell Motor Co., 1 lot Jlount, Geo., 1 lot . . . . . . liyci'S, J. v., 2 lots .'.-.... liyrd, M. c, 1 lot .... . . . . 'aid well, A. I J.. .Mrs.. ! lot ''ai-roll, Annie Mrs., 1 lot Carr. X: T. .Mrs. 1 lot . . . , Chamlicrs, J, JO .Mrs., 1 lot Clark, C. p., 1 jot , . .... . Clark, Xanuie Mrs., 1 lot 'arstariilicn, 1), H. list.. Coaklcy, (.;. '., 1 l,,t Ciawfofil, I-'. A., 1 lot Crawford, Wi 1 lot' Davis, Kre'd Mrs., 1 lot Davis. Minnie Mrs., 1 lot 1 lot 27..S4 34.31 2.U4 ri .3 1,85 1 lot 1 lot V., 1 lot ..... -Mrs., 1 lt . (Colored.) 1 lot .1 . 1 lilt : 1 lot ..... 1 lot ........ 43 9.7 . . , . . .".02 . . . . . 16.45 . .... 7.5(5 . S.14 . ... 4.07 090 22.44 . . . . 13.22 . 1 0.1.8 .... 97.06 . . . . 10.18 ....'. 34.78 lot . 25.5.3 lot. 2.78 1 lot. 8.C0 . . . . 5.00 Ferguson. Z. Ford, V. (',. ('entry, ( 'has Hannah, W. Hawkins. I). C Hawkins. J. I Hayii.-s. H. ('., 1 jot Ilaynes, II. L., 1 lot Howell, .Harry Hughes, carrii Hull, Bonnie Mrs,, 1 lot Ilaynes, John Jr.-, 1 lot . Jervis, M. I,. Mrs., lot . Jolly, Lizzie Mrs. 1 lot . . Jolly, . W. C. 1 lot . . . Jones, C. P.., 1 lot . , Jones, J. (',., 1 lot I ust ice. J. L. Mrs., 1 lot . J ohnson, Oertrude .'Mrs'., 1 -Kirkpatrick, Mattie Mrs., 1 Leathenyood, Mattie Mrs., Lmley, J. P., 1 lot . . . ...... McCracken, W. 1). Est., 1 lot . . . 30 53 Mann, (". B., 1 lot . . . . ... 13 23 Massey, Robt. & Andereson, 1 lot 11.10 Messer, J. L., l jot . . . . . (j 64 Morgan., J. II., 1 lot s 25 IVnl.ind, R. L., several acres 227 59 Proctor, It. F., 1 lot . . . . . . Rolunson, J. C, 1 lot . Roliinson, Vance, 1 lot . . . Ropers, J. W., 1 lot . . . . . Sentelle, il. XT., Several ac'ren' Shook, II. C, 1 jot . . . Shook, U. p.. 1 jot Snyder, Sam Mrs, lot Soaper, W. A., 1 lot ... , Spears, A. It., 1 lot . . ; . . Thomas, W, H, & Finlev, 1 lot Tilson, L. E. Mrs., 1 lot . Walker. A. C, 1 lot ... .. Walker, X. H., 1 lot . - . . West, Mrs. At ha, 1 lot . . . , : West. X C , 1 lot .... 4(1 W West, Walter, 1 lot ...... . .13 49 Williams, C. E., 1 lot . . . , . ... E 10 Woodall, E. J., 1 lot .. .. .. 814 Walker, X. il., 1 lot ....... . . . .75 Sale made of the foregoing property to satiRfy the taxes due the Town of Clyde on said property for the years mentioned, and said sale being made pursuant to the order of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Clyde and according to law, and subject to the penalties to be added, as provided by law. This August 4th, 1933 M. V. ROBlNSOXT, Tax Collector. 1. Gl-een J. N. I'eacoc V. Jesse Peacock. Frank Icac,i,-t ;ini I.oree l'eacock, heir's. -of Claud Peacock. deceased, and all hoiru ui 1.,,,, ne .....1 VI J. A, leilCOCk. flecoasod M,i,- I - , 1 eacock, widow of N.-N. Vononob and all other known and unknown heirs of persons who claim an interest in the estate rif .1 M Peacock, by whatever n ; i 111 o t Vi p v may be called. the defendant above numml win itotA notice that an actinn ,ntiltl,,i I . ....... . . 1 ,,, , v ,4 . . . 1 tlllUVf.- 13.87 nas Deen commenced in the Superioi v-ouit 01 iiaywood County, to. sell land owned at the time of his death o j. in. f eacock. . to create assets to pay debts ot -said defendants and costs of administration- and the said de- ie-ndants will further take notice that uiey ami eacn ot them are required to appear .before- th' fl..-W ,.f tu- a,. pet'ior Court of Haywood County; at 111.-5 uiiiif ill Iflf. r lrilfllKn of tU.. XOTK i: TATi; (,F XdUTII CAKOI.IXA ( "I'.vrv hi,' iiavu-o,,, ' 'I'O ALI, Win m 1,1, iicisons u-i ,,....,1,.. . that Wa',. .Mcl.ani,.. ...u.. Vif.liol . ... .vu III 1H .'111., .1 T11;f l( ., , 'i-M-! ;U uie July or, i tc I Yisnn 11 . Ca,,lina tor a ...ird! ; 1 P.iidlo at a 11 r.,,,.1,. ; '" -lis "lUiosc .said par s" " Ui" f'" Hicir pro ' ' V"' :"'''""- "ilHfiut delay 1 his August 5, i:.;i:f. ' () WAMi: McDAXIKL. I, r. f...... ... . .., . ... - .... ...,..0.vuiivao - u 1,. i.i htl hn thfin secured by said deed of Itrust. 17 10' K. 120.5 feet to'a stake in the ' - Mvir if t i.i'vl nnh i nnnt-it a 1 I 'mr'ii in . 1 l .1 t- it- fha ! -r, ,uv. ..hi. -wu win u'kkiiii ana dmatheiv This the 10th day f Aujrust 193a. hfinninK. ' ' ""f'KWiN I'.. UVVKiNS. THIRD TRACT- A' ; . - tvimm jnuLC ' uaicei 01 land, iymfr and beinK in C-'o'si) No. 112 Aun Sil'tihited Trustee. 17-21-::i-Sept. 7. NOTICE (' SALE .'o Hy virtue of the power of sale con tained in a deed of rut vm,u,i 1,,, H.ll. Clark and wife. Cenie Clark, to the undersigned Trustee, dated July m,.i. 1.7,, anu recorded in the office of the Register- of Deeds for Haywood v uaiiLv. iortn (..arolina. in Book No. :i0. nau-c 4:i2. and default Vi vino- been made in the payment of the in- letitedness therein I'lirpfl. n-Iiiirch,, the power of salt, . . vjivmiii,i 1 lj mukc, saiti Morrow s cor- IDSKr ZAT- nCr! S- " with said' Mor UKUAY SL1 TI-..MBKR 9th, 19J3, at row's line "18 poles to a bunch of al- the County of Haywood and State of ISorth Carolina on thn sui d,i leadinK to Asheville, known as the Colins land same being- in Clyde lownsnip, butted and bounded as fol lows: UEGINXIXG a', a black oak tree, a corner to A.C. Morrow's two tracts of land known as tlm 1 ;n, ,,,,.1 e iei tracts, now owned by A.C. Mor row's heirs, and then running- south $ K. with said Horrow-Sorrels tract i'i poles- to a stake, sairl Morrow's corner; thence S. (52 east with an-;het- line of said Morrow's land, 23 puics ui a suikc, said Morrow's cin ders at. a branch, said Morrow ner and a corner to D j Jones' land; thence North s East with Jones' lin 9 stake in the old road, said .1,, corner: thence N. 60 V: . Jones' line and with the old r.a 52 Doles to a .q'.ake in co;,i J . thence N. 54 E. with said Jones uii il poles to a rock on the side of road and corner to a in on sold by John Turpin to John Garr tnence i. witn tne west iboundarv ;;e of said tract 58 noles tn nin .... x - fine i.v;ae to said tract and on a line of a trac- - land sold by, A. M. Killian to V. y Medford: thence west with oqiM iv.j . - - - uuiu .'it-lj line -iv (luica iu a wnite Oar: 0' the bank of State road. A- C. Mor row's corner to a tract known a Pressnell land; thence S. 58 W. witi said Morrow line 54 poles to a stke' said Morrow's corner; thence X 3, W. with Morrow's line 6 poles -. stake, said Morrow's corner; th- . ( S. 20, V. with said Morrow lin... i" poles to a stake said Morrow's eor ner; thence with state road where it now runs about 14 noles to a j- Morrow's corner; thence X. 24 with Morrow's- line 15 nnlec t . J sitake. Morrow's corner; thence S. 7 a VV. with Morrow's line 30 noles t , , stake. Morrow's corner; thence ' 1 E. with Morrow's line 14 Doles t.. r, stake. Morrow's corner: thencp !v si VV. with said Morrow s line 18 poles to a stake, Morrow's corner; theme :. 11 . witn Morrow s line G poles to a stake, Morrow's corner; ithen, S- 15 E. with Morrow's line 3G pyle to the beginning containing 78 acres more or less. " The conveyance of the third tract hereinbefore described is subject to a conyevance made in the life time of K. c. Clark to C. I'. Clark, for ap proximately 2?4 acres, whereon the said C. P.Clark now resides. This Augu. 4th, 1933. J. R. MORGAN, Trustee. No. 88 Aug. 17-24-31-Sept. 7. ,1 DMIXISTRATOHS NOTICE Hiving qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. D.L. Bovd. I Mrs Hello- Hoyd), deceased, late of Hav- wooil County, North Cr:-:-- 'ii is to notify all persons having claims against tne estate ol i:he. deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned, ai. Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 17th day of August. 19.'M. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thei,- recovery. : All persons, dndebited to said estate will please make Pavment immedinte. ly. This the 17th day of August, 1933. F. D. FERGUSON, Administrators of the estate of Mrs. D. L. Boyd, deceased. No. 93 Aug. n-24-31-Sept. 7-14-21. 20.35 4.0 7 3.4; 3.07 II. Hi .75 10,18 1.68 4.07 (i.11 1.11 i.ii -5.55 10.18 4.47 4.07 1.6,75 k r.5 30.54 1.46 13 97 13 87 13.89 49.02 3.70 51 43 4 25 2.78 4.63 - - .., VI1 lllf uu iiesville on the ,16th day of September and answer , or demur to ihe complaint in said action or the plain uu win apply to the Court for the if-iiet demanded in the comnl.-iint- It is further ordered I 1 eacocK, heirs of Claude Pea "evedheuj Dy whatever name they be called -and all other persons uuiiiing an interest in a lot sirutate in tht low n of VVijnesi'lo on Richland fttieet, owned by J. N. Peacock at uie time 01 his death and the said hens and unnamed defendants will take notice that they are required to F"ear oeioru the ; Clerk of the Court .ti, ii;s oince m the court house in Waynesville, on the Kith ay or September 1931 and an sur or demur to the complaint or petition filed in this cause or the pianum win apply to the Court for me reiiei demanded in the complaint mis ium day ot August, 1933 VV. G. BYKRS. Clerk Superior Court. 4u. AUS. 1 l-i!4-ai-Sept. 7 AR flame ''t'er on the forest door the teeth of erosion, heljis to build up me lerumy ot the land, and is an ar urnent against allowing fires to es cape into the woodland. VV. Kerr Scott . of Haw River wast elected president of Ihe Vm-th- r lina Farmers Convention for 1934 and Air. (.iordon Deid -of Union Mills Jtutherford Countv. was elpete,l Ident of the State Federation of Home tiemonstratlon (.'IuIjr Overcome Pains this better wav WOMEN who get into a weak, run down condition can hardly expect to oe rree from troublesome "small symptoms." Where the trouble Is due to weak ness, caraul helps women to get stronger and thus makes it easier for naiure 10 talce its orderly course. Painful, naeclnir avmntnmn nia-ir,. pear as nourishment of the body is lili.I (IVPU. -JnB,;?.d ,f depending on temporary Pain, DlllR rnirlno- thA Hn,. In?, take Cardul to build up your w wuixuuiiy ailments. F or more than two months there has been a continuous rise in the price of the things that go to make up printing. Paper prices have gone up, in some instances, more than 50 per cent; inks are advancing in price; labor cost is higher under the pro visions of NRA. In a rising market we suggest you antici pate your staple needs now, and allow us Pnnt what you need at today's prices. We believe prices will be much higher in m the near future. Phone 137 The Mountaineer Printers of Better Printing The Largest Printing Plant West of Asheville

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