;hed At The Eastern Entrance of The (ireat Smoky Mountains National I'ark Head by Thinking People The liet Advertising Medium In Haywood Count Publi WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1933 VOL. XLV NO. 40 T.J.CATHEYIS NAMED COUNTY BUYING AGENT Heard of Commissioners Name Auditor To Make County Purchases Ill T J. Cathev, auditor for this coun ty, was named purchasing agent for Haywood county at the regular meet ing of the Board of Commissioners Tuesday morning. . All i.iirehswoa for the county Will lu thrnui'h Mr. Cathcy. which will tiliminjltp n 11 1 1 . A bit of clerical wont in the court house. All purchase outside of the goneial needs of the country will he submitted to the hoard of commissioners for final approval- It was said that pnces on all supplies would be tabulated be fore purchases were made. : The order as made by the commis sioners was as follows: "It is or deied that T. J. Cat hey bo appointed to ascertain the needs for all department- of :h,. county; to get prices ' on same ami submit said prices to the ! hoard at the next following meeting the report of such needed articles; and that he he authorized to purchase out right any items of extreme necessity."' BRIEF NEWS ITEMS Vermont, long-time stronghold of nroViibi t ion. voted Tuesday 2 to 1 in f i vn r of reneal of the 18th Amend ment- Vermont had been regarded by wet forces as the last "doubtful" state- This is the 25th state to vote for ratification of the 21st Amendment. The hurricane that did thousands of dollars worth of damage and took many lives in Cuba, and then passed on to Florida where much damage was done, did not spend itself until after reaching the southern part of Texas where the entire region was hud waste, with damage running into tnil lion of dollars. Several bodies have been found m the wreckage, and more are expected to be found. At least 2: were killed and a hun dred injured when a fast train near Uinghamton. New York, collided with a milk train. The engineer of the milk train failed to see the red signal. Senator Robert H. Reynolds sailed from New ork Wednesday for an lA-tended vacation m Kurope and Asia- He was accompanied by his wife and expects to return to the .-tate in time to engage in the repeal campaign. Reports from Washington say he is "running from job hunters.' General Francesco Do Pinedo. one of Italv's foremost airmen, met flam- in or death Saturday, when his huge nlane crashed and burned up at the start of a take-oil for Badgad .Iraj . A tremendous load of $1,027 gallon.- of ca'soline caused thP shin to run off the runwav and hit a fence. Thirtv-six men were saved from death when the tanker, Coldwatef burst into dames and sank after s collision with the liner. President Wilson about 200 mil Carolina coast. The aboard the President ried to Norfolk. e off the North crew was put Wilson and car Standing on a huge 20-ton electric macTifit. which is used for lifting ma chinery at the Southern Railway yards stt Snencer. -Miss Madge Koberts oe thp hnde of Harlen Fey in ceremony performed with a novel setting of locomotives and freight cars. During the ceremony quiet was ohsprved. but immediately thereauer. thp trmnt entrines pealed forth the gladsome notes for the wedding march Ralnh Robinson, of West Haywood street. Asheville. died Monday from intrnaF iniiiries he received in an nntomohile accident late Friday. John Drvman. also of Asheville, was the driver' of" the' car when Robjnson was injured. Three long-term prisoners escaped from the Pitt county jail Sunday night by sawing their wav through the cieling and then into a ventiletor. A young woman Hr. Margaret G. Smith- of St- Louis, discovered Satur dav the cause of sleeping sickness, which has caused the death of 60 per- SOTl nev for . The discovery of vim in kid cells is. responsible, it was found, the disease- Approval of low -bids by the federal bureau of roads for $780,000 in high way construction, has paved the way for work to begin immediately, thui giving employment to approximately 1 500 person?. T. B. Jeffress. chair man of the state highawy and public works commission said this week. Mr. Lyon Dickson, who ha.-e been lo mipit of -his aunt. Mrs. Rufus Silerand Mr- Siler for a few weeks, luf. vp-terdav for his home in Dur Dr. E. M. Martin, Committed Suicide Here Monday Noon Health Is Only Heason As signed For The Act. Was Veterinary Surgeon Dr. K. M. Martin. 45. well known veterinary surgeon ot this city, enueu us own life Monday about noon when le shot himself through the mouth with a .25 automatic revolver at his In home on East street. No one was with Dr. Martin at the time of the act although his wne ami Mrs: J. C. Crouser. neighbor of the Martins. wert in the house at .the .... 1 1.1 1 A .. 1 .. . 1. time 1 hey heard tne snot ami ruu- d to Dr Martin s room whore they ound him suffering irom the bullet wound in his mouth. He w;is rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, but died about 15 minutes after reaching the hospital. Dr. Martin left no note. Ill health is the only reason assigned for act. He had been in ill health sometime resulting from active vice received while serving in army in the World ar. An innuest was deemed to be the for un- necessary- Oflicers, who investigated, said the case was one of suicide. Surviving are the widow and five children: Mvrus, Dora Jean. Ernest Moore. Polly, and Eloise. The body was taken Tuesday to ado-boro where funeral service was held. Dr. Martin was a native of Anson count v- He came to Waynesville in October. ID.'il. and had practiced his profession here since. A short service was held at home Tuesday morning before hodv was taken to WadeslKiro. party left here about U o'clock. the the The All Unemployed Urged To Register At Court House Reemployment Office Now Open And Ready To Help (iet .lobs For Unemployed ,T: II. Howell, chairman of the ad isory committee of the national re mployment service for this county, ailed; a special meeting of the com mittee luesday morning to discuss me pening .of the reemployment olhce in the court house with J. C. Patrick as manager. 'ah 6 purpose of the office is to regis, or all unemployed citizens of this (immunity, and to assist them in get ing work ei ther with private busi ie -s firms, on nublic projects or for pi ivate . work-. I Here is no cnarge for It host- registering at tne ollice ith Mr. Patrick which is on the eond floor of the court house. Neith. ... ,L,i l u . er is. there an v guarantee inai muse egistoring will be given work, but they will be given the first. opportunity for all jobs that -are created in the community. All person-- wanting to register., or who know of anyone out. of work houhl register at once and be : avail- ble when work is developed here. Those who are registered will be given first preference. fhe recent Congress: .appropriated S:!..'!()0.000 to be used m nublic works and it is from this fund that many projects throughout the. country will be started to help the. unemployed situation. . 'I he roads into the parks and other public projects are expected to cre ate a number of jobs in this, com munity. Those serving on the .committee -beside Mr. Howell were: H Arthur Osborne W. Roy Francis, W. T. Shel ton. W. Hyatt W. C Ru and Homer Henry, as advisor- Mr. Patrick, manager of the office, was present and gave an outline of his program. - Two 60-Gallon Stills Are Captured Near Maggie By Officers Large Stills Show Signs Of Have, ing Been Used Great Deal. No Arrests Made . Constable J.S, Rathbone of the Mag gie section, brought to the court house Monday the second 60-gallon still that he has caught during the past three weeks. No arrests were made at either raid, although he and his as sociates kept close watch on the last still for a week. The still wa, ready for a run when found, as it -was full of mash. . Besides the mash in the still there was a barrel and a half ready for other runs- i Assisting Lonstaole Kathbone- in the last raid were Ruff Finger and Dick Sutton- fhe first still was captured on In dian creek, about 2 miles above Mag- trie. Near it was found a barrel of mash. Aiding in this raid were Dick Sutton and Steve Kathbone. .No ar rests were made at this still- The stills were of sheet iron and showed signs of having been Ud considerably. Their Home Was the "JfNw I . ct I L . Mr and .Mrs. .tolin 1. Flanagan of Falls of Schuylkill, Fa., with tlie ittst certilicute to be Issued by the Federal Home Owners' Foun corporation. 'I lie cor poratlon is designed to help save Biunll homes threatened by loreclosure mid aid the owners In reaching agreements with mortgagors. 'Hie initial loan was for SV-'OO. Telephones In Offices At Court House Disconnected Plans Are Under way To Erect Fire Signal Bell Here ,,i i 1 1 t ii 'I... i w..n :n i oui i uuuse v linn ii-ii in He I sed. Might Tut l'p Clock Aain S- H. Stevenson, fire chief and city electrician, is working (luring his spare time on a; district fire alarm, si IVll ar to that u-ed in larrre cities alarm is being niuilr from the It will be be oper-j the siren . old court" 'house clock bell, .nt h oly electrical and. wi atoij tutioiiiat ieally after has sounded .Mr Stephenson ing erecting lh(. " court house clock and have the hour This project will I is also anticiliat- 'insides" of the old iiml not the dial-. s strike on the bell, lie undertaken after the fire alarm, how- the completion of ever. The fire .alarm, as planned by Mr. Stevenson, will indicate within a few second wiait ni unit ; iiv,. (i to eae At was b af ter the siren had sounded in -trict the fire is. i he com, will he divided into four or l iet ami a signal assigned listrict Iil.1,1 iUi ,1.111- l.fllli-1 hllllSr, ing ec mpleted it was mentioned oid -evcr i about erecting tne (loci w a s tad w a- i (in thenew court house, but it found this was not possible : be-1 e of the weight of the clock. It then suggested that a tower . be built in: front of the court house . for the clock, but the cost, was ta great and thf, whole idea of. erecting the clock w.is abandoned. Several citizens of the county have often spoke of how they missed the old dock and the cheerful notes that it -t'-uck everv hour. According to Mr. Stephenson's plans, it might that the old clock bell will soon heard throughout this section. be be Mrs. Sarah Boyd, 79, Was Buried On Tuesday Afternoon Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon for Mrs- Sarah Boyd- 79. widow of the )ate Frank Boyd, who died Monday afternoon at the home of her son. J. R. Boyd. Jr., on Jonathan s Creek. ThP service was held at the residence and interment was made at the tsoyd cemetery in mat community. ;., The services were conducted by Rev. Joseph Hipp, pastor of the Shady Grove Methodist church, and Rcv; L B. Haves, presiding elder of the Way nesville District. -Mrs. Boyd is survived by two chil dren. onP son with whom she has made her home, J- R. Bovd Jr., . and Mi- lule C. Welch. She i- aKo sur vived bv a brother, James A- Barks of . Jonathan. Her : husband ...died some 38 years ago. Active pallbearers were: Edgar Bovd, Robert Welch, Joe Welch- Dick Moody and. John Boyd, Mr. Willis Smith, of Raleigh, spent last week-end here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee and returned to hi -. home Monday, accompanied by his. son who has . been ..visiting grandparents for a few weeks. his First One Saved m rr iiMirwiiiifiiiini Hoard of Commissioners Say That Their Order Is Final In .Matter It is very doubtful whether or not any tehilliones will be in-tailed in the county court house in the near fu ture, since the board of coliiiilissioners recently ordered thai the telephone company put the iiilleient 'phonoq in the count v offices in tln. name of the official of'that ollice and to hold thai piirsd'ti responsible for ail calls made over if rhe" hoard made an order -ti.ting that they would pay fotall local and oll'icia) long distance calls, but not private calls. The county ollieers i espotis ovei th ' iiie i f ai neer linnl tated that they could do for individual, call ir 'phones .iinnissiiiliers . (old l'be I'uei-day that 'he onl not. he made Motin er was by the fo have i'be ollicials effected . said they did not intend leiillolies put back. order i'be M'der passed liy ihe ni iii ii 21,-t re; the board e ol v ds as fol- eo riled in on Angus :d "It i t be ex is Souther! .graph ordered ing ci Hell.. ' onipahy hy tlie Hoard that at raet bet ween t he relejihoiie and Tele in regard to tele all county oilices lie is hereby cancelled; dlone i i-, : ( nd the satiii new arrangements lie made with different depart incuts for their telephone service and official am t he - ";,i:;: . , , , . , .... . , ; 11 is licreoy ordered aim an.-eu that the board will reimburse the sherill".--department, clerk of Superior court and register: of (feeds for then; monthly rent, and oflicial long dis tance telephone calls.". . The reason the order was : made by the,boa.r(l :was :that it . was found that inilividauis were making, long disr- tanee Calls over the county 'phone and the count v .was having to pay the bill- An effort to stop this was made bv installing a telephone booth in the hall of the building, but according to the board, this did l:!t',. in l'ood. W. A- Hyatt, chairman of the board, stated that he and the other members of the board looked at it from the taxpayers standpoint, and did. not feei that the-county should havp to continue to pay for individ ual calls. "The order is final." he stated while the board was in session I uc It seems that the telephone in the B-heriff's dena rtmcnt has been used bv individuals more than any other This was explained by the fact that the oflice is open while the sheriff is attending court, or working on cases outside his office- Sheriff Lowe stated that his officii Was to protect the people and to a rest ..criminals, and that a telephone was essential to his work- He told of evor;.l instances where desperate criminals were caught because of the telephone facilities. Two murderers were'' caught'-.because of a 'phone call just a few minutes before they left for Akron, Ohio. Sheriff Lowe said th tt thp amount, savc-d .on that one trip to Akron and back would more than pay for the -phone calls; for a long time. ' - Other official -said they did not need telephones in the office, as the public used them in calling frorii the outside for information, OnP official said "We don't need a private telephone in a public office. T can iret more won uone. wiuiout c.ne ecause 1 am oeuig constancy (Continued on page 5 ) Wet And Dry Organizations Urged To Recommend Judges For Nov. Election To Board Messer Gives The Budget For School Funds For County I'otal Of Current Expenses Is Set At .S9,li7 l..0 For Count'. Schools Null!,' the Mr, g.n-ding ( this . i ill crest i otinl y not me w hicb h tacts g: I'liir.ciH th,. bu u nt v v to " tl .'II t ! on) t lie oflice of lit uf ediieat ion re ;i't fur school funds no doubt b,, of much tapaver- of the mil, of course, diios l!ea ei'.iam schools Thi. re hi.ii th a vi il-i rh: heir own. are not her eluded in t lie budget . 1 I eu: Service . . . be following: 2 t urrent expense '.HI.' nsist ing of Audit ... Voeat ii ma 1 Agricult lire. ... Home Kcoiioinie - .luniluska Sunnner Sclnxil Repairs to building and grounds Repairs and replacements: Furniture and e(iiimient Repairs and replacements Heat, light and plumbing Rents , . Libraries and books ...... Overdraft- from last year 22.ri 00 J. 12" 00 i M) .l)l).00 1,105 01) TT.O.OO 1 .22 5.00 JK5.00 noo.oo 1,('.'.7.00 Total .'.'... Total receipts : -(.'.I lu I 50 l.!70 1 I To be collected from taes or 5,101 17 le lovj ii. Cnpital I''ees and lioccipt outlay others , 70.00 70 (III Freddie Crawford Slated To Attain "Greatest Heigh a" Wavnesville I $v Kxpecled To Surpass His I (inner l'lainn A I Ihike This ear ililie raw f on I. ill team, In Ted M ami :( ie press. ekle on the 1 1 ready iieen ike Univers nt "to rise thi, fall, on the All- Hoke fo !ee1(.il lt S I'll fo bis gl'eat.esf height Crawford was named i . nit belli and All A inei i( i t vc'i r. Ivveil wit h In in -. teams so honors, Mike's press agent 'sees brighter days head for Freddie for the coining grid ion season. This is Freddie's last year on Duke's team. He spent mo:t of bis vacation herewith his mother .and other rela tives. Haywood Sinking Convention Will Gather Fundav Kev. C M. Allen, secretary and treasurer of the Haywood ( ounty Singing Convention announced yes terday that the-quarterly -meeting of the convention would be held at the county .court house on Ssunday morn ing at I 0 o'clock. All choirs and quartet- of the coun ty are urged to b, present at this convention. 11m: meeting will last all (hy., Mr. W II. West, of f .anion, is presi dent of the convention. Miss Pearl James Is Correspondent From Fines Creek Readers of The Mountaineer in the Fines ( reek community will please note that Miss I'earl James, a member of the Fines Creek school faculty, is correspondent for this paper in that community, and all persons having news will plea-e get in touch with her Miss James will also !c glad to give you a receipt for new. or. renewal sub scriptions. . CHINESE COUPLE ARE , MARRIED AT JCN USKA If An interesting marriage .was sol emnized Sunday at Lake Junaluska, when .Miss Kir Tsau Loh became the hnde of Mr. Thoma- To-Mmg lite ooth of China. The young Couple's romance beg. n in ( hma. and continue! when they carno to America to complete their education- Thev left immediativ for Washing ton where Mr. Lee will engage in re search work before sailing back ta China to assume duties with the di plomatic service. Hoard of Elections To .Meet Sat. urday At Court House To Appoint Precinct Judges Grover t Davis, chaiiiiiaii of the countv board of elections, announced yesterdav that the election board would meet at the court house Satur day afternoon at 2 o'clock for the purpose of appointing judges for the election which will be held Tuesday. November 7th, a: which titiit 'he voters of North Carolina will vote on the repeal of the 18th Amendment. The wet and dry organization., of the county ire reque-teil to recom mend to the board before Saturday's meeting the names oT several persons In ad as judges it each precinct There will be on0 dry judge a fid one wet judge at each precinct. liesides recommending the judges, Mr. Davi- stated that the delegates for both tb,, wet and dry organisa tions would have to be 'named before mid-night. .October 7th. Hefori a delegate can file for this place he must have a petition signed by two per cent of t lie !.fc ! V ' - . for governor in the last general election Ihe total vote cast ill Haywood coun tv lor -governor, last election was '.).Up'2 which means that e:ich delegate must have a petition with 20(1 names on it. The ,regi-tra1!ioii liioJlks for the coming election will only be open for one day. Saturday. October 2o. All persons having heretofore registered for an election in this county and at their piesent voting place, do not have fo register. The registers thai served ; during th,. last election will be requested to serve again. In the event that any of file -e. registrars cannot serve they should get in touch with Chairman Davis at once- in the coining election no absentee.' ballots will be permitted. As far as could !, learned.-the .wets in Haywood county have not organ ized as yet. ihe drys formed Vn or ganization here several weeks ago. At that tune .1 I. Barley, ot ( Hilton, was named pre-ident of the body, and T. I.. Green, of this city, as vice Chairman ; . James Atkins secretary; Mrs George, i.. Hampton, of ('an ion, i haii man of women voters; and .VI i s. Sain Knight, of Hazelwood. vice eh iililan of the young lieonle. Mi her. if ' tl !: county lioard ot. 1 1 I ion , a re ( Iro M. Long, I., ilaniiit er ( Davis, chair ed' Hazohvood. and in, of Canton. Metfctfisl To Udt. Two -Weeks Revival n( ginning r. Lnt her ;.-;. u-iirii. v. Sep! ember II, s, ot' (..aiiiesville, wicks revival at church. 'i, pa-tor of the - D Hiidg i old a t wo Me'hodi; t nie Johns' ! ir-t ey: hodist of tin hodist rv .iv vat. '. i: stated that f'oreiine; e ii i: 'ngel idges was s-s of the church South at the ehurcb nans are for a great C.&T. Service Station Appointed Dealer for Pennsylvania Tires 'ili,. C. and I, .service .station. 1.) ealed on Mam --f reel here nist across 'he street from fhe court house, has been appointed dealer for the well known line of I'ennsylvania ires for this community. This is not a new tire f or t h s . com m u ni t y . as ;b ey have been sold in this toWn for the past three years. 'Ihe Pennsylvania Tues are male bv a-company-'entering its thirtv-fifth consecutive year of making tires. Many new feature.-; have been made in these tires a few of which are mentioned in th" advertisement ap pearing in this-. issue- The managers of the station will be; glad to show you the. reason they -recommend these. 50-GaIIon Still Is Captured Tuesday Pcpt Sheii,',s i John Kerlev, canture r ( arver 50-gallon and s'lll Maunev ight. N. ( nvf cv arrest: of ; the i a -hor mmunitv Tues i were made as still had just . t .nie pi evious- av implete - :h. The st 1 arm v. i- nreu. nere to the MRS. JAMES CALDWELL DIED ON LAST SUNDAY Fur.t-r .1 sc f. - Mi- Ja av her nun v. was . made- a tees were held Monday t atdwell. 19. who died iere Sunday. Burial C ataloochee cemetery- She is survived by her infant. husband and an ham. '

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