I t ht The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (ileal Smoky Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People NO. 41 WAVNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI HSDAV, SEPTEMl'EIt II. 1933 VOL xi. tflhiia Show Draws mium t.. J loroe Itowas; lveyi Wins Sweepstakes Lake Junaluska and -v -l the swesnstakes at ahlia show held here n. sponsored by the Wo- I E. vase fy cue uuu. ...wdi attendee the show -hp rain. The show was L s ' P tt T-e l ! L.i Tuesuay night and a.o i.iav morning. , were as follows: 1 The largest and best dis . .i-ihlia; first prize, large in.!.,; given bv J. B. lvey J. 15- lvey. 2 Best display of dahlias i Haywood County outside a f -vile township; hrst prize. ; . to the value of $3.00. r Clarence A. Campbell; -re dahlia tubers to the si d0- won bv Mrs. Frank (:- !. For display coming long- ( .' .::ce: dahlia tubers to tht . iS-J.OO, won by Mrs. . B. : ....... ,,r Marble, N. C, -. !. o. Ihe most artistic vase o; ,,i dahlias; tirst prize, dahlia ., 'ht. value ol s-2.00 won by ! i-. second prize, dahlia tube. .ilue ol $100, won by Mis- N. Barber. . i . . i. . i C'u-- 7. ihe best vase or us,Kei pmk dahlias (5 or more blooms;, i;u tubers to the value of )j2.00. ,-,n bv .1. B. lvey. Clu- s. The best vase or. basket f yellow or bronze dahlias; nist inzc. tubers to the value of !t2;0U, r.Ti iiv J n. ivey; wiuhu !""-, ahci-s to the value of $1.00, won by P -' ampi'eil. ri o. I h best, vase or basket ol hi dahlias (5 or more blooms); hist dahlia tubers to tne vaiue. oi nil wnii bv Mr. W. B. Bishop; sec- lyize, dahlia tubers to the value won bv J. B. Ivey. Class 10. Best vase of decora te i ah has. dahlia . luoers io v,u alue ni" $2 00. won by J. B. Ivey. Class 11. Best vase or basnet; oi .im- dahlias hrat prize, uan ua to the value of ?2 00, won by B. lvey. 'la-s 12 Best vase ol peony first nnze. tubers to the value ifH.ob. won by J. B. lvey. Class 13. Best display 01 pompon JaMias; 4first prize, tubers to the al of $2.00 won by J. ts. ne.v, mm prize, tubers to the vaiue oi won by -Mrs. frame iivmj. ias 14. Best pink dahlia bloom; it prize, dahlia tubers to the value of s. mi, won by W. rs. rsisnop; secouu prize.' tubers to the value of &1.00, m bv J. B- lvey. Class 15. Best white danna uioom ; : prize, tubers to the value ot hi won by VV. B. Bishop; second prize, dahlia tubers to the value pi Si nil won bv J. B- Ivey. Class 16. Best red dahlia Dioom; ; prize, tubers to the value of .' won b J B m. second ize tubers to the. value . of $1.00. m bv W. B. Bishop. t'h-s 17 Best yellow or bronze lianiia bloom: first prize, tubers to t nf si 00 won by J a ivey cum! tii ize. tubers to the value of ?Uni. icuti bv W. B. Bishop. ( i:r. i. sj TVic hcit lavender or Durtvb. ilnblia hloom : dahlia tubers to i 1 1 if S2 00 von b J. a ive. Uas,- 1'J. Best bloom of any other :r iii' specified; first prize, tubers the v Jue of $2 00, won by J. B. .v; sond prize, tulfrrs to the 'i-ti, -1 00 won by Wr. B. Bishop. Uas- 120. The largest and most ptriect dahlia bloom; tubers to the va.ue of 2-,00. won bV'AV. B. Bishop; w.md prize; tubers to the vaiue oi fi.ul), won bv .T.B ' Ivev. C lass Ttpsf rollertinn of old 'hint dahlias; fir-t prize tubers o jrte Value of $2.00, won by Mrs. K, V Barber;- second prize, lily bulbs to t valui- of $1.00. won bv Mrs. Taul a t Piedmont Hotel. Music Teacher To Open Studio Here " ' o M. Crocker ha openel (Miipicd by Dr. Way on Main street h,n J. 1 . ... . - . . ' s'n.ani w cnv iccsiinc in Time ..... ..uvi.o ... r-r- Dsann. . nnH ArpViAst.rnl lnstru- tT.er.,... (vip!in lnewi ,.,,11 Via mivon flfl 'I,.,,, ivoouiio vv in v, f,i , i ii v.. f if - . Bantist rVinrpVi orcan. Miss :;'-''' fla- been named oranist of in captist church and wiu oe CriartTti r-f tlio mnam ;- "!- (- rocker comes to Waynesville -"ini-imoa as an outstanding music d or 6 vpars sh was head ,; ""' "igan and violin department br.;iV,rier College, at Lewisburg, ' ane taught lor some time ; d"".oa State College, for Women, 'i !o Ala.; at Bethel College y wjiviiii3 , iiici 1VJ. . ,.-' - ( rocker announced that the . V," tr.e studio will be from 9 . .': 'i.tne morning and from 2 to 4 "v fuiernoon. . -r- r, , . -. . ' T,V,t CHURCH IN THE MOTJN- 1 ;s ' VYNESVILLE, N. C Hpt. A IT l -VT- , , j, -- mwn iew, itector.: i LJne Holy Communion A. .M. Chnrpt, cv-w,i K) if ; ; tnurch school. !.' -tvensong at "St. David's -;' Valley." Cullowbeen. - ;r body, cordially invited One Half Of Tax- it nj papers nave raiu 1932 Countv Taxes It was lea rue j at the tax cvl-le.-tor s ofhce this week that ap proximately one half of the JOO taxpavtrs of this county havp paid their ltt.52 taxes These 4.01HI taxpayers have paid in practically 75 per cent ot the $iii0.000 tax assessment lor the past year. Since it was announced that property would be sold tor taxes soon, there has been an increase m the receipts or tne treasurer. Splendid Program Heard At District C. Of C. Meeting h(!it Pointed Talks Were Made At Banquet Meld In Masonic Temple Tuesday night about "0 members ot the avnesville District t hamber ol (. omnierce met for a supper-meeting in :he Masonic Temple which was a -''get -together affair lor the mem !'i's ot the organization and at which time a formal program which had been prepared by Mrs. Helen C. Matthews, secretary of the organiza tion was rendered. Those attendinir were enthusiastic over thp outlook for this 'community. and a spirit ot optimism was shown throughout the entire meeting. The program as carried out was as follows: Introduction of Mr. Stentz by President C M. Dicus. Mr. Stentz led the members in singing and acted as toast master of the occasion- The invocation ws given bv Rev. II. . Baucom. 1 lui nflii'iMl welcome invert bv Press ident Dicus was followed by short talks on the following subjects: "A .New Chamber ot Commerce, bv Harry M. Hall. "A New Civic Ideal." Mrs. Mat thews. "A New Park." W. D. Smith. "A New (Future) Wavnesville," C. K. Ray. Jr- "A New 'Bird' " Mrs. Matthews. One of the mo;-t eiiovable featuies oi the evening was a debate by two f W.avnesville's young lawyers, on the querv: "Resolved that a wide awake District Chamber of Com merce is of greater benefit to this section than the Great Smoky Moun tain National Park." illiam Merl ford spok0 on the affirmative and Lee F. Davis on the -negative. Following the debate the audience, led bv Mr. Stentz. sang several pop ular sons. Dr. Linton, of New College, made the closing address of the evening. Mountaineers To Plav Andrews On Friday, Sept, 22 Team This Year Is Same Weight As Last Year. Touh Schedule Ahead 1 he Wavnesville Mountaineers will open their football season here Fri day ''afternoon. .September zliml witn the strong a nil last Andrews team, nlavinc on the new held. 1 ho An drews team only lost one game last season. Dunne- the nast ten days the Moiintaineers under the direction of Coach Weatherbv have been nut under severe drilling and are beginning to show sicrns of a winning team, which i, being built around five regulars from last vear s team. "This vpar's schedule is the tough est schedule that we have had since T havp een here." Coach Weatherriy said yesterday. The schedule includes Asheville. High, Christ School. Ashe villp School for Bovsv Hendersonville Havesville and Canton. (J:her games are pending. Th five regulars that are fighting hard for berths on this year s team ;n.l,lo PHnn pn : dar and. t acKie ; RrrrWe;. halfback: Khune, halfoack and Reeves, quarterback. Other players that are showing up well in practice and will likely see ac tion are: Atkins. W agenielt bummc- row Wyatt. Justice. Kuykendall, and Garrett Reeves- The men in the line that are at present playing outstanding ball in clude: Liner and Francis at guard, Ross. Hill and Hyatt, at end ; Phillips and Ruff at tackle and Rurgin and Mack Davis at center. Coach Weatherby stated that tne team would likely average 145 pound.-. This is the same weight as last jear s team. "The Moumameers only .hope for 3 food season depends upon the lojalty of the good citizens of the community who in the past have yelled and pulled the Yellow Jackets from . a stinging defest. The team and I heed . your support.'' TO CONDUCT .METHODIST REVIVAL IVm0 vtN s i s- 5 v ivs Dr. Luther $125,000 Allotted To Park Roads-Trails Ihe lederal emergency ad ministration of pub::c works an nounced last week that 125.0(10 had been allot ed for (ire trails and loa.ls m the (treat Smoky Mountains National- Park in tins state and 1 eniwssi e. William A. Johnson, 73, Buried Tuesday I'uneral service for William A. Johnson. 7.1 who died .Monday lift his home in the Hvder Mountain sec tion ol Haywood countv. were held 1 uesdav morning r.t 10 o . luck at the Hyder Mountain Methodist church, f which ho was a faithful member. Mr. Johnson is survived by his widow and the following children: Mrs. ( . A. Greer, of dastoma; Mrs. 1 Ii Henrv. of Union. S. '. : Mrs. Ralph Halev. of Charlotte; W. 1'. Johnson, of Paw ( reek ; and one brother. 15. M. Johnson, of Kanapo lis, and several grandchildren. Clvde Chief Of Police Court Under $1 George Rogers, chief of police of ( lyde. w s hound over to the .Miveni-ber-I i( ceinber term ,f Superior ( oui t under a Sl-OUO bond charged with assauttmg Wayne Medford on the streets -of ( lvde late H the afternoon of. September ,rth. Hugh Rogers, deputy policeman of Clyde, and son of the chief of police, was not. held. He was charged with aiding and abet ting the assault. I he hearing was nem oel ore .Magis trate (t. . Hall at th,.-court house here Monday morning. The hearing consumed over two hours and the magistt ites court room was practi cally filled to capacity with interested spectators. ! rem the evidence, it was shown that some young men of Clyde , and vicinity have been in the habit of rid ing through the streets of Clyde and calling Chief Rogers names- It was said that the night --before the al leged assault txk place that a car of young men passed by Chief Rogers and called Turn the names he re sented. The next afternoon, as Wayne Medford was leaving the store of Edwin Fincher and Company with groceries, going to his car in which his wife was waiting. Chief Rogers called to Mr- Medford to wait as he wanted to say something to him. Medford waited and Rogers accused him of calling him names. This was denied t.V -Mediord and tnen a was, witnesses testified, that Chief Rogers began hitting Medford with hi, fist and then his blackjack. Mrs- Medford testified- that she a fhi.f Rogers not to hit her husband but arrest him Chief Rogers told her. according vv tier testimony, that "I don't want to arrest him. I have nothing to arrect him for- I want to kill him." During the course of the fight. C hief Rcger- i- -aid to hat hit Mtdford be tween 15 and 25 time? with his black jack Medford used his. fist freely dur ing the affrav, and C hief Rogers suf fered -'several bruises and cuts, m his fa'-e The -bruises could be -clearly seen at the trial Monday morning. Jeter Hawkins saw the men fighting and thought .that he policeman .was trying to arrest Me'tnird until . he beard Mrs: Medford call to tne -officer 15. I5ri(ie.- Truck Load Of Tomatoes-Being Shipped Saturday The lir.-t truck load of tomatoes 1 o leave this countv for tht -Morula market is scheduled to leave here Saturday night and reach M-iU'lda in time to unload early Mondav morn ing. Tile shipment is lieing spon sored bv th.' V oeiitionul Department of the Township- school under the di rection ot W . 1 . Smith. Ihe tonin;oes will be shipped green. It l- expected . that several other tiuck loads will be .shipped from bel'e (lining the next lew weeks. Mr. Smith said yestentay that there is still liMim on . the ' truck for a tew more tomatoes and all those who would like to get in on the-shipment should get in nmcli with him at once. 1 wo i ciit - per pound is IxMiig paid tor th,, tom.un'.; at the truck. Mr. am) Mrs. VI I! Owen, of At lanta, (iii'igta. who have spent the past uiik at the home ot Mrs. S. I (iiat -. relur.ned to then home Ihurs dav... Is Bound Over To 000 Bond for Assault not to hit htm but to arrest him. Hawkins 'estilied that hief Rogers told Mrs. Medford that he was going to kid .Medford Witnesses stated thai koeis cursed Mrs. Medford as well a. her husband during the course -ii ; he scrap- . Hiii'li Rogers, deputy policeman of ( lvdet and son of the chief, arrived at tne scene and told Hawkins not to i itie r his father and Medford. ou-ng Medford was accused of reach ing ) his hip locket at th,. time he made the statement. Ldwin bincher arrived at the scene a: thu point and succeeded in getting Medford and Rogers: sepa rated. Mr. I- incher stated that the men offered little resistance and seemed willing to be parted- . Mr. Mneiier also stated that, Rogers struck Medford while hc. (Mncher) w .: trying to part them- Mos lierdina .Mooney wa sitting m a -car which was parked in front the .Medford car. She testified that Ropers hit Medford first and that he also cursed Mrs. Medford. A trial was held P ridav Ix'fore pom ,. judge, F. h. Haynes at Clyde, and . nicer Rogers was fined $25 and $7-.:o cost for assaulting Medford. The case was then brought here to be tried and Rogers was bound over to .Superior court- Tr.e defense in their argument, sh' wed that Chief Rogers was not. ttving .to kill Medford as had been aceused as he only used his fist and blackjack, where he had his pistol. T'e defense also fhowed that Med fnrdi a: not seriously niiured as a ! -uit of the affra. The defendant did not take the ?and. He was represented bv J. R. Morgan and Alvin T. ard. The plaintiff .was. represented by W- T. Francis. Shortly after the court had made known it decision rumors spread that Mr. Rogers would resign from his position as chief of . police- Mr. Rogers, in answer to a question by The Mountaineer, stated that hp was not -resigning from-his office. He has ! e- n chief of . police of Clyde for Ihe i fr r n ien - ID- s, n ha been ''epu'V policeman for the past. several vtars. if. REVIVAL STARTS AT METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY Dr.Luther H. Kndfres. Ontstand in; Evangelist, To Con. duct Services Dr Luther li. Hndges. evangelist, will be the preacher ill a series ot avangelistie meetings which begin Sunday morning September IT- m the Methodist church- Services will be held twice daily. The morning solve will be at ten o clock and the evening service at scvn-thirtv o'clock. Dr. bridges is one ot the toremost iViingehsts ot the Southern Metho dist church. He was the tirst man to be appointed a genera! evangelist ot the church. II.. has bold suceess tu; revival nicotines m every type ot chinch in the connection He i a man ot wide and varied experience. Sev eral years .go he was selected bv the late liishop Heauehanip to accom pany him to l.ui'ope where he assisted the nishop in tomiilinu- the Helgiuni i tirki Slovaki i and Poland missions-. 1m,- pastor ot tlie Methodist church, he Kov. Wade .lelue.in. has assurance ot the -nppe.ri and cooperation ot the pasids i i the city in this reviv al An oainist invitation to tin' general pub lic is cvteiided to attend and help m this meeting. 1: is the sincere desire ol the board ol ilewards that as t ir as possible no business or social engagements' will be made m eonlliet with these services. ''Let n5 get together and have a soiil-stirrnig. coniniuintv sweeping old-1 ashionod. genuine revival meet ing.' Rev. Johnson said yesterday. 22,785 Teachers Allotted In State Total of Teachers Allotted For Haywood (ountv For New Term Allotment of L.7.rS teachers to Sort b ( ilrohna's 1 till counties and tH citv adininist rative units for the scholastic year was announced .Saturday bv th,. State School ( om mission. The figure represented a slight de crease as compared with the 2i.S07 tc icIhm's allotted in l'.iti2-.i.; but De lov Marti-n. secretary of the sclnxil commission, said it was anticipated that other teachers would lie added after the opening of schools n, was done last yeat. 1 his will me,-. a. h,, said, thai the total number of teachers allotted tins year will m the end exceed last year. ' .Meanwhile, Attorney General I len tils G. Brummitt i.-s-ued a statement explaining Tns ion,, vice m the State Hoard of Edue-ition tor a ten per eent increase m the salary schedule for teachers, ranging from S 1 . to $'.10 a month for the eight months of the State-supported term. Ihe intent of th,. sale, tax law. the attorney general said, was that i! re ceipts exceeded estimates, teachers' salines should bp increased, as tlie will lie reduced if the levy fails to laise sufficient funds. He quoted States 1 re.asur.er .- has. M Johnson as. saving .any surplus collection, would be .pa-id . on the, State s debt. Ihe revenue act, liru.ni mitt continued. ' lustities be view that the -General -Assembly intettdeil that the teacluos should ;;t least share with the Ixoiilholders in antici pated excess collections." lie pointed to Hudget Bureau estimates of a -I 000,000 surplus tor the general fund and Sll.000.0ini for the highway lor this bienniunr. Approximately 1 2.50(11)00. of the State's $10 o.ooo schoid fund will be needed to nav the 22.,7.rX teachers 1 the salary scale adopted, which u one of the low. in the history of the State Of the total number of teachers (allotted. 10.20.) were for white schools and 0 495 for Negro, schools. The white schools were allotted S. 869 high '.school teachers and 12,094 elementary teachers, while nlv 071 of the Negro teachers were- high school ami 5,824 for elementary schools. . Haywood, county was allottew 1.J4 , white teachers. 4 colored; making a j total ot 1 ,H idu-i( of Riaverdam In Re.avi rdam townsiiip.. which has a charti r of its own, there was al lotted o.ow'hite teacher, and 2 colored- Th" total rn tins county is 20ti. MARRIAGE LICENSES F H Pish h e and M Rosa Hooper. Madison iMiinty. Grady R: -Rogers. avnesyile. and Iiso Dorothv Atkins : MeCi-.-tCften. W avnesville. Kd Hampton, A avnesvnle and M:s-. Margie Wells, Wavnesville. '-.J.. Willis Smathers ( anton. Route .'!. and Miss Lou 1.11a Siruord. tan? ton- Route ; !. ; William Clifford Johnson. ( ..-i:on and Miss Pauline' -Robinson- Canton. . Civil Court To Convene Here On Monday, Sept. 18 Larue Numher of Cases Are Scheduled To Re Heard He fore ,ludte Felix Alley I he September term ot civil court, will convene Monday. September lKth, with Judge l-elex K. Alley of Way nesville, as presiding judge. According to the court, calendar, there are t4 cases scheduled tor the term, besides the motion docket and case from the July term. i ho cases scheduled m the calendar are as tollows: Monday, September In. 1 :",.! Mull vs. .Mittoh. Maekev vs. Ringhum. Phillips vs. Pickens. Phillip., vs. Justice. Park t ommission vs. Grab! Park ( ommission vs. Davis. Park . oninussion vs. Mock. Park Commission vs. Nichols. Park ( ommisNion vs. Howell. 1 lies day September 19. Medford vs. Liner- Moody vs. Ray s Sons. A. 11. Andrews t o. ys Phillips, et al, Medford ys R. :. Sentelle, admr. ! K,is-i i:. .1. H. t oil fa vs. Peuland- .1. H. ( olt Co. vs. Burnett .1 H.( olt ( o. vs. v ork. i-dnesdav. Septcntbe- 20. Hoi. and s holland et al. Scales vs. l lark. Georgia I' inanee ( orp- vs. Kir by. McAliee vs. Hailev et als. barmer s ! ederat ion ys. ( ouncil. Mehatlcy vs. Metropolitan Life inc. ( ompanv . U. Holier, adm. vs. Heirtlv. Raid s Dept. Store vs. -A rile Smath ers. Southern ( ooperative I'oundry Co. vs. Smathers. Kawleigh ( o vs. John i'. Ford, et al. li iwleigh ( o. ps. I'ertha Ford el al. ! ratios vs. Rav et als- Realty ( o. vs. knsleyct al- i hursiiav, September 21- Kaincr and wile vs. A i . W aid, 1 1 us, ee et al. t usey vs. Great A A; I i ea ( o. Liner trading a, Junaluska Supply l o vs. daddLs, e( als. Atkinson vs. ( ogburn. I.eafherwood vs. ( arver. . I ndei vvooil et al vs. Stanley trus tee tor Mock et al. Saturday September 211. Ferguson vs. I'erguson et ul U.irley admr et at vs Southern Railway. Liner.- as .1 iinalu ska -Supply C o. v. fenorii r ( ori-t ( oinpany. Monday SeiitemU'r 25. -Vciiew vs. I . lelegrajih Co.. (lav and Dudley ( . vs. Hampton ft I: t raiic vs Maekev. I. M Reynold-; et ux vs. ( abe. Pin r .. et ux vs. Lowe et al Hank v.- Snell Metal Sign a. et als. I abe vs N icllols: P.ank vs.. J.M. Palmer et al. Mtn key vs. Alackey et. nl: MOi'ION DOCKKT 1- riday, September 22 . All eases appearing on the calendar pi nui o in,, the -July term are set for this date, Garrett vs. Hannah tit al.. Medford vs. Hill: : Plott et. al. adnir. of M: Plott VS. S ..'('" Plott.. ,1. 1 t orp. vs. Osteon. Israel vs. Israel. lin ii U ,il vs Mull Medford et al vs. Ford. Sheirill vs. Receiver of Fed. Mort gaged o. et al. Liner vs Mehodist Southern As--ein.i'v et ai- St.ite of N (.".-on Relation of Walk er vs. alker et al. Smith vs. Smith. Printing,! o. vs. et al vs. Sou. M E. ( battanooga Motors. In ys Phillipa, U atts vs. Mathews, Dicus et al vs- Ross.. . Rlackwell-Uushttell ( o , Inc. vs. I" is her ty. al. Meadows ys. Junaluska Supply Co.. et al. Hannah, admr. of A. i ,, Jolly vs. Silas Jolley et al. The following jurors have been named to serve at the Septemln'r term of civil .court which convenes here on September lth. with Judge Feli; L. Alley presidinir: I-1 nes ( reek : R. Sparks. J. I.. Haynes; I!(i,i uu U H H irkiey () H W'tl-o- D N Rugg J Rob inson. F.ldon ( lontz... J. G. Rogers; Jonathan:' N . W' ( arver J. R. Bovd ; W -avnesville: A C . -; Arrington. Shu ford II w. ' L Da i- J I M is k V i i 'nt M i-m I J I' t li r w i Wh 'i (ik I 1 (,Mc Ura arsSn'oiigh- R. V. I' isher ( ;ark M s,r, ( hdc T L Jdcko-i ( H I; own. P ( . Mann. . Second W eek . c Pi .nr. in F F 1 i - W L I'ehUnd M. K. Sm tt'ti i s. Kve -1 homp-. n ( 1 Robit -. H M V Iford i W C i- ty: ( K I H lavi es Z. H. Briiwn: W avi e Havnes ; C rab- . 'u W V M I 'i i Ir n PuT: 1- ratiK Braasbaw : W avnesyitle:- F. A. Ati( ' iie I f Pa G I W l', m - ( a' w I I, H'l' J M. Am - J M t i. r 1 it , . ! 1? I ! ) f 1 ni t H M i r e 8, ( 1-1

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