IRi The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The ureat Smoky .Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People NO. 43 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, SEPTE.MI5ER 28. 1:J3 0l.LV InvmnsnfflHUI 1ST PEOPLE I N UTE FAVOR DRY i; says Lai Jourist Is Vigorously -. i ml- Fitting Kepeai ui me 1 Sth Amendment vs militant and un- : .'. u . Jo,.. r,f 190S when ,.w a in ." - ------ "lirni- hi influence toward mak- Xvrth Carolina ory . .. . 117 wm?n ne wivie ', n i .niVirwttH in eon- ,,,,), with Senator -iorns onep- Texas the 18th amendment Cvr:itution of the United "i Yates Webb of the '.' ,i...rkt of North Carolina, X'rt "himself into the fight to . :.;,-t. t. reposed repeal of the nii nt in the election to be " x.'h i arid in a November 7. .."m using his vacation period ions of federal courts for V: 'mv nation, he is taking the ' ;. r exhibition. ; .. .ii'.l ,unty is going dry by ' said Judge Webb in -., .i:: Inquiry as to the stt- ;! - native heath. "And ilia can be carried by the l.uge majority, if the ..' : inhibition bestir them "In my opinion rut majority of North Caro . ;i!v ;il! in .favor of prohibi aiM ..uainst liquor and all its ' ct!tinul the judge, Vtt nights ago, one of the hot- oii'hr . -of ihe .summer, Judge ,. addressed a crowd that packed city auditorium at Hickory. He aiiilressi'il other crowded audito :;i.vhis section ed as- to what the effect would I our present dry laws, in event wets carry North Carolina . No. r 7. J urine Webb said, "If the riof North Carolina on the 7th Wn'ttiiber vote to repeal the 18th iilment. within a year from that a wet '(.'L'islature will be elected leiiislaturp will destroy all our libition legislation and in a short there vi he onen barrooms and ilized distilleries in many of if not il the counties ot the state. 'onstantly for the past three -ai .IihIwp Wehh. "this coun- has been flooded with propaganda tiring .the repeal of the lXth -raiment. Never before has this and nth' seen such wide spread per never-ending propaganda in r uf a cause. This propaganda. iiMi thr.iughouU .has been . ft- 'td largely by the brewers and Mi ot this and otner counties bv tht- vi rv wealthv who believe revenue derived from taxation on mating liquors will lighten their Miden .ip avenue oi approacn e American mind has been omit y th,. 'wet, propagadists. They used the- moving picture, the sheet, the legitimate stage, papers, magazines, the plaform i pos-iWo; means of influencing " opinion." Vhat: do our wet friends offer to people ot North Carolina in place prohibition?" "asked : Judsre Webb. ;.ave never yet seen a statement i ioiy ot their literature or irom adv.x-a'.e of repeal of the 18th raiment as- to what, svstem oi r. eon; vol Or sale thev propose "stall in North Carolina. The ieof i his state may as well make :keir minds that, if the wefts- win. old open saloon, with all of its -.wing- in will he hacK Hi".-- God pity North Carolina r$.S.l). Hamilton. Died MonHa v Was HI Only Short Time idfnt Of Hazel wood Buried Wednesday Morning At Tu, pin's chapel -. ,r nuspiutl .lon- A. D. m. after' a brief , ill. o: M'alysis. Funeral services oIm u' 'Wednesday morning i 1 1, tne nome at f airview, ic. Allen -i Ti.. . na-, in tnarge. lniei- l!ai' Ha'le "in the family lot at u...t';r v,rve cemeterv. 'US H Tn-a- . - " . ' nron was before her mar Altha Reed. She had been ,c4n lor e'l -a stw,Vo some time. She of paralysis at ir-.!vil!e ixhvr Ha Q cha rtrats vlQiriTlC rr o "' who is m cnarge oi a .r carrtD at that place- She was ::v w : :V 1"ushed io the Haywood "ital wherp she died Mon- Sr. Harniltnn is survived by Tier !. Mr . c r. ... B'ai iiamuton iour t,i -Forms. Forrest, and '"o -"laORhtersi-.-Mrs;- Frank ! Horothy, The beautiful t,; '".t.r showed how the de Jteemed by her commu- h'l iIrs- Eest Ganshaw and i fr" ave 'n Wilson. Mew VrnSC?e ' -.time. -' returned, to 'lifr'v ,ast wek and are mak :';; P;0m -at the Shelton aprat 4;:i5eo? ftret. Mr. Ganshaw ? w,tn the Kirshhoff Glad- Price's Animals May Be Disposed Of, Says Davis LeRoy Davis Jr., an intimate friend of Thomas Price, told The Mountaineer last night that he believes that when Mr. Price's personal papers are probated there will be found in them a provision to dispose of all the animals that Mr. Price had on his estate on Lickstone Mountain. During a recent visit at the cabin. Mr. Price told Mr. Davis that he did not want the animals in "anybody else's hands." He intimated to Mr. Davis that pro vision had been made for them in some legal papers. Mr. Piicg was very fond of animals, and kept two horses and a Belgian Police dog there all the time. One of the horses was hi pt isonal saddle horse and the other was one ho bought to get away from a person who had been mistreating the horse- . Mr. I 'avis spent 'much time with Mr. Price' during th,, pa-t summer, and often took rides with him over the trail-; mi the mountain. Mr. Price -taye.i, .alone m the cabin for a long time, but his wife finally persuaded him to get someone to sleep there with him." Mr- Davis stated. Asheville ..High To Play Here Friday. Expect Biff Crowd Local Team Is Determined To Win (iame. Have Been Working Hard All Week Ilaviiu' run ii score of ,r).' to 0 up on the strong Andrews team last. Friday, the Mountaineers completed the final hard workout yesterday af ternoon for the Asheville High School game which will be played on the local field Friday afternoon Irefore what is expected to he the largest crowd of the season. Tho Mniintninprs are determined to take this game this year, as it was the onlv pnmp thev lost last year. then by only a small score. The Asheville team is hot rated as good as last year's team. The local boss ar not over con fident, but are determined. During the past few days Coach Weather- by has been trying out new comers in the linP and also working on sev eral different plays. Line up for Friday's game are as follows: Patton left end; Run", left tackfl; Liner, left guard; Pte"' center; Francis, right gaurd; gar land, right tackle; Ross, right end; Reeves, qurterback; Smith, half back; Sumnlerow, hall back; Capt. bridges. f.,i w Thp following firms have agreed to close their places ol business. illp Pharmacy. Smiths Drug Store, Royal Ice Cream Par lor, Taxi Stand. S. H. Kelley.bunch Room, W. V. N. C, Cafe, City liar ber Shop. Champion Shoe Shop, McCracken Clothing Co.. Service Shop Shop. Sanitary Barber Shop. J. C. Rose Grocery Co., Ann "D Drr's Alnssip Furnituio Co.. W, T- Denton Sluder-Garrett Co., Smoky Mountain Tire Shop, Clyde H. Ray, Jr. Bradley-Davis Buys Dr. Allen Office Kinrllpv-Davis Company, real es- tnt,. anil insurance agents, purehas pd this week the former Dr. R. L. Allan nffici. on Main street here. Thp nurchase price was not made public. Th 1-.u;iilinr iu now occupied by the law firm of Queen and Alley. Just when the new ownars will move thai.- nffir-e from the Morgan and Ward building to their new office has not been , definitely decided, , Supervisor Here Today S. S. Williams, field supervisor of the Farm Credit administration crop .fli.o annrtiinrpn this week shat hp will be in Frank Ferguson's office at the court house today at io:.ju io meet anyone wanting to see nim. P. T.A PRESIDEMTSTO MEET . Jack Messer. superintendent of ed vucation announced yesterday that there will be a meeting of all P. T.. A presidents and principals of. the schools that have parent-Vacher s or. ganizations at his office onnex. Thursday, October 5th a: 4 o clock- ' '.';' '.'.'''. -' -' !'. EAST WAYMESVILLE P T. A. MEET NEXT WEEK At the meeting of the East Uaynes ville Parent-Teacher Association on last Monday evening it was decided to hold the regular meeting on the first Tuesday in each month. Fol lowing this schedule, the organiza tion will meet again on next Tuesday evening. October 3; -at 7:30 o'clock a" the school building- SLAIN RAILROAD MAN ;: i fer "v4 I'M I CfN4,i " t i 1 VI - tlii - - x J iM : 41") ) mmhm?UMmua!m (Cut lhomas Price, who met death last Sunday attcrnooii, is above With his Belgian Police dog "ljobby." Ihe picture was on the front porch of the Price cabin. Dan Cupid Had Rushing Business Here Last Week Applications For Work On Dam To Be Sent In At Once Walter Hampton, of the Tennes-ee Valley Authority, was in . W aynes- ville last Saturday in the interest of securing applications from families to move into the Morris- Dam or Cove ( reek section in the near future, where woik is now in progress '. tin trie projects. It is the .intention of the TV. A. to employ men with families on this project at this time, Mr. Hampton saiil. Only men of good moral char ncter ami those willing to work-will be accepted. Anplieation blanks niay b(. secured from the po-t office in the project shouli cation filed at once All interested get their appli av the call for the first 200 men will be given out within the next days; Complete information can b,, hi at the reemployment i by applying 'office at the court house or the welfare ofiice. Pastors To Meet At Clyde Monday The regular monthly meeting of thp Haywood Pastors Association wrll convene at the Clyde Haptist church on Monday evening. October 2 at- 7:30 o'clock. Rev. R- P. Mc' lacker., secretary of the organization stated that this was an important meeting and that every pastor in the county should be present and bring along some of the leading I vmen of his church. I). A. V 's Will Sell Forget-Me-Nots All disabled Veterans will please notice, that the meetings of Chapter No. 5 Waynesville. will If held at the court house on the !a-t. P'riday in each month in the futuie all Ex-Sol-dier,with War service connected dis abilities are cordially invited to at tend the meetings- The Forget-Me-Mot sale of flowers will be on October 7th- in Canton. C'lvde, . Waynesville. and Sylva. Any young ladie who will volunteer their assistance in thp Sale "f the Mowers. please tintifv' Commander Rhinehart. Adjutant Smiley Carver. The or will greatly appreciate yr'U ' ll"o heln. Mr f.r.d Mrs. E. G Lee and little daughter 'of Asheville were week-end guest? of Mr?. Lee'sc mother. Mrs. E- S. Harrold. Courtcsv Asheville t itizen) shown , made Dun "Cupid ignored all N'KA codes last week when he worked many hours overtime in getting six Haywood couple to be united in marriage.. A total of ciirht marriaife licenses were issued by Haynes la Haywood the ci.tipl. Register of Deeds Kilwin st week. Six of them wen cum; y couples. Three of s wele lliairieil here Sat- urday The J.n gist, wedding as far as at tendiuit - were coiiceriied. . was per haps that of Mr. flei belt Smuttier and Mi--- Agnes Lindsey.. of Canton here Saturday at the Royal. Ice ream I'hiIhi- and Peer Harden on M.iin street, l b,, young peojde were unitei. in niai riML'c hv ,1 ustice of the Pence M L Swearineen, who i. manager of ihe 'place of business. About '-! or -10 inteicsted 'SM-c-tators crowded iiri.iind the tables and the bar to witnes- the ceremony : Iniincdnrelv after the ceremony the couple was served with the best beer th,, lii in had a-; a wedding gift Th. ,,,oil h.iu.-e. was the . scene of .. .-. naee... Tbe.-e were perform ed l.v Justice of the , Peace H M. LeathVi wood. ; This is the most mai riages performed by him in one day in ihice vears. Mr. Leatherwood c-fT,.,1 TH.. i .mule, married by him i h:irlie Dotsoii a nil Miss Hal riett .Mehalfey, both of f anton and Mi.-s Aflie Knitrbt of this city be -came he. brid,. of ,L Vernon Anders, also .- Wayne-ville. in a" ceremony perfoi n 1 by Mr. Leatherwood- ()..,. .-.uples si'curing marriage license .hiring the vs-eek Were: Rob ert . !'.,un. J.inutliaii s reeK anu Ertilh. Parton, Jonathan': Creek Berkley ' airle, Lak Junaliiska. and Annie 1 ie Moon Waynesville., Wal- ter C. Canton Th. Crei.iii ed M mon'b. him " wed .: "!. Allen f -anton. and Reve Ellis. an iage . at the Royal let Parlor last Saturday remind- . Sweantigen 'hat about a ago a young couple came to he married but refused to be :he. front of the place of -o the ceremony was pci -tun the back porch. The names rou file were not mad,, public. bu?;r form of ti Methodist Meet ing To Close On Friday Evening Dr. Luther B, , Rridges, who has been conducting a revival at the Methodist church for the past ten day. will close the meeting Friday night. Services will e held Friday morn ing at 10 o'clock and at 7:00 Friday nit'bt- The interest and the crowl.- hive !.cen increairg st each service, and fc.r "he last of the. services large crowds are expected to attend. Potters And Ledford Will Be Given Hearing Today. Price Buried In N. J. Wed. Noted Railroad Man Slain day Afternoon While Horseback Hiding Sun. Last riles weiv held yesterday in South Orange. N ,1. for Thomas Price, til retired societal, of the I'liion Pa cific Railroad, who a- -slain Sunday iifloinoon on Lickstone Mountain about ei.rht miU- I'roiu lu'ic. Lour men ai0 in the lLiywood county jail hold in connection. vi th. slaying. Thev i ii 1. o I' Iter. I, mica Iter, 11, brother, 11 .!' the miner. ( lareue -on. an. M, n. I' an. I t 1 , Ml. i.l 1 : ter The nut tool. p;a. lleav 1 cep , Mi V i a on ! . I , k - 1 1 1 : . o Mountain, I Price .no luc- contpamou were en loo -e!.. .. K li'liiie: down a trail- I'1:. te we'e two eye u it no --o- to (he hooting. Mitchell M. Hampton, ol a nes lile. ami San Ininan, of Sunhiitil who woie caring for -uine .-heep along the inoiintani side when someone u hi'-tele.t to them. When the 1'. .tiers saw IL.niptoii an. I lnmau. one of tilo rollers w his led .and niotioued them back, saying. "Doll'! go any farther. " One of fnc 1'otters said. ' Sit down." Hampton said hi' ami Inninn obeyed orders, and it was from that point that they witnessed the shooting. Ham plop said he was about the same distance from the loiters that the rollers weie I rum I no I 'rice pariy. Whin Mr. Price and Ins two com- iianions came down the Vrail, me Potter-.jumped from behind a 1 100 far mil sliouten. i mi yc gone enough.' Mr. Price and one replied All said "WW of you." and with thai remark Dewev Potter ti nil twice at Mi Price. "Ihe third man man in lli(. Price purtv threw down his reins and placed a small .pistol over his left hand and shot at the Potters twice.' Mr. Hampton said. Dewev Potter shot again, he con- . . ! . I tV . . .. tinned. At tills point 'ol Uic an ray, .Mr, Hampton and hi- brother-in-law, Innian. ran Irom the scene towaidn Sunburst to summons Andy Summey. who is a constable there I hey re turned to the scene later with tho , constable. lr Price's horse reared when ihe shooting began, and fa" for a number of feet befoi,; .Mr. Price ftll otr. Virge Williams, UiK' and Charlie Hllidianan. 'I, were coniianioiis of Mr. Price when the shooting occured. Williams wa hit by about 17 shot, while Buchanan was not bit. -but one shot went into bis felt bat. Although shot and in pain, Williams rode buck to the cabin for help, white Buchanan lemained with Mr. Price who only lived about five or ten minutes. The last, word-. spoken . J.y . M r. Price, according to Buchanan who wii . bv his side, were " Kt I a, doll t take, me north Mrs Price. Etta is the name of Buchanan remained with the body for about two hours : before help could eet int.. the rugged country. Williams was treated at the ho.-pital and was out Monday showing news papermen the scenes. The onlv thinir that can be assign ed as the. mot ive for "1 be -: shooting imcw out, of a. small lawsuit held here, last Friday when Clarence Potter iwas, tried ''for trespassing n ''Mj1- Price s nronertv. Mr Price had W iL bums to swear 'but the 'warrant for Potter's arrest. Potter wn fined $. . Soon after tin- trial. Dewev Pot lei told J. C. Church well. . negro, servant of Mr. Price s to tell Mr. Price ' Not to .over tret oil '. his .land -.again, and don't ride the top f of the mount. 'lin) again. What', fair for -the goose, is fair - for the gander." The ne gro said he reiiirried and told Mr. Prut It urda; rangement city.: to c-, morning n eial deptiT a body t charge n newsjiapcr seemed up . i - 1 1 1 . I to woi ry: Ifini very night Mr; Price made ar- J ' 1 i ( of thi3 to hi. catiiri .Monday d'-bi SWO in as a spe- -heriff and also act as lard. Mr. 1 ;ii' w;is in he cabin Mondtiy and -told iiK'n that M r- . Price -ot and worried over - the message I-riday. lng quai cabin to window. W. E. now held Dewev, t -ent to him by Potter on Mr.. Price, moved his sleep ers from one side of the the other away from the Potter, 'il father of the boys I . in ja:l. 'stated that, his son, ..Id him of the shooting soon happened Sunday afternoon. afk'r it and that Dewev told him he shot in self defer: -e. Dewev and the other members of the partv came' to W avnesville Sun day afternoon and gave up to officers. Wavne was arp'sted sometime later. Ihe hod v of Mr. Price wa carried on a stretcher the ambulance, so rough that near th,, scene Sunday nigh land conducted for several miles to The country being n car could not get f the shooting. ( oronor Y est mo re in autopsy and found the bullet lodged in Mr. Price : spine. Mo -inquest was deemed necessary All day Monday crowds thronged :'''" '; "'-'." ';'"('' ' M. A bearing fur Way n i' Potter ; now being held with die slaving Dewey. Claretic and ind Erie Ledford all in jail in connection of Thomas Price, will oe given us atternoon .it t his atternoon Ma,n.str.,tc K coin ; house. attoiiHN toi heloic od at th. '. Allev. M. the .cat herw Doyle D ol'cll.l.'i.itit tated yesterday that a. pica of "X,,! guilt. " w ould he made, ' I en; Mi. Alley u the "only law- 'i l . i t he defendants. li i- :h.u."hl til.; S,,i,i:,,i John t,Hi. w h, ill ri elt. Clay coun o'lit to at-ii- not col i he i- hold:. ;K be.iriiijt'. Tin -oer. : a i Shehi ill' J ing his m A. Lowe .1 lira! ioi cut inu I'.liies.lav 'liielil to , to any W , ilnes- W -tat. nioi ii:iii:, hut. had n. make regard in,;' the c row development-.. V ii go Williams was da;, morning on Die ' has o ul l he 'Jo shot w h Sunday in his hodv. i. i. . . h he received pi oseeuiion will lie I'corcsent- ed b and been lilst your: v- the lirm o Ward. Mr 'attorney for came to W ago: Morgan. Mamev I. K. Morgan has Mr. Price since be lyncsville several the (,a roll I'uneral Home to view the body, M rs.: David West, w ife of the caretaker of the Price estate, said, while sobbing over the body, ."Tie was. the liesi I riend w,, ever had. and now lie s gone, ' Practically everyone in Aliens I reek viewed tho body belore it was carried to Asheville for the be o'clock train lor Newark N. W tiarrett. undertaker, and J M Long, ilust. lrieiul ol the Price fanu ily acCoiiipHnied the body to Newark. A number o! friends from here went Us lar us Aislievtlle with tho body Mis. Price was not here at the time. She hud left a lew (lays ago am) was to return the Inst of this week Mr. and Mrs. J D- Preston, of New- aiK. in- .1., arrived bit.. Nuni ne uf. ternoiin to visit Mr. Price. Thev wet,, told ol the tragedy when about a mile Irom the Price cabin. Thev re turned to Newark, Monday morning. Air., price wis a special friend of nil the school children of Allen's Creek school and Was .known to thi'in as "the chewing jtuin man," as he always passed out gum to them when in 'heir .community. He 'supported the soup kitchen and each Christmas gave away boxes ,,f candy to the children. On a number of occasions he sent, t he school hi st aol kits and supplies. Mrs. !' rank Ferguson, principal of the -ihiHil, gave the children a hail holiday .Monday out. of respect for Mr. .'Price. During the -past summer it was said that he spent over $1000 on relief work in the community. Oii0' of. .'the- families . recently Iieljied iiy Mr Price was the Potter family! "some of his servants -aid!. He gave them about 1 2 w orth of food. .Mr. Price retired in May iiiui had been at his cabin since that -time.- He enjoyed . being in his niountaiti . re treat,; and loved to ride the many trails from his cabin. II of teii - rode until late at night in the moon light. He open wetil to tile top of tile .mountain to view the setting sun. 'hi,, of Ihe most striking things of the typical mountain cabin in which Mi. Price. .'lived; that just inside the front door were 2 colored posters on the wall one of theiii 'reading, "A friend in heed i!; a f i ietid indeed," The 'other-, being, "Why harm Me'.'" urnler the picture of " two blue birds. He was a lover of all. wild life and did everything '.he could to preserve it. Onlv Sundav ii week. ago. no had about thirty guests at.his cabin for a picnic dinner. I'oin in Wales and iducaicd in England. Mr. Price firs- i n came ass soctated with Linton Pacific in 1J')7 as chief clerk and ,a'--i start .''.to the president. After the deatti of Mr. Ilarriman, h,, was , ieetcl socretarv of the Union Pacific.' company, the position he held until his retirement last June. In ai. Mr. Price w;is eon- nected with the. railroads, public management of 1!) utilities; :and other of which well sub- companies, most sidiarns of the In A pril I;' j i I r i Ki i X. .1. They h ol l. nroii I'aoilic. ... he married M s n h South ;()ra:n;-e r- .. children. .?2, 193 Spent During August In County "tficial reports tromRayigii yes terday showed that during the month el; August o-11 famines in Havwood Pj v ' nil i I sj 4 , The ot il rem f :nT.d:t tires for the entire stat" .iu'ing the month - were $.02--,' i J 1 1 1 1 s 1 ) 1 1 i n Us. ban was spent in July. , Hearing Will He Before H. heath it wood At Three O'clock Todav

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