T3X SEPTEMBER 28, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 SOCIETY Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - - - PAGE Local Items 1 Phone 137 n : if Society News " 0 " , vp BARRY LANE AV- 'ilGE HOSTS U,;:..'r"-,nKnK the social ac--eason was the , : ven'un Tuesday even ' Mr. Barry Lane, of i -"p.vlvania at "Birch. :' 1 . u ,f Mr and Mrs. " ii,:' tne in""- 5B:-5i:' avranired for 'Anful setting ef early - MorLrolds. zinnias, and JcT wei-p used to carry out :a'd. W" e. ...dUw. and this :'ited in all party ap : Preu tho Mines love V :3re presented to the winners :r! Second, and third high n?.". Barron. Miss r'li lian and Mrs. L.M. Rich er Mhi . ;ft fnv the ladies .U-' , ti limn tno . I). U "twi - .-' for ,he men. Air son receivou an n.tiww,c r MP11- mints " DJl .1... fnnmmunt ; invr.eii guests weie. T Lenoir Gwyn. Mr. and Mrs. u.vt Mr and Mrs. R. L. Pre "i;'V'l Mrs. L. M. Richeson, j Mi- r. bwilt, ;uiss Kiliian. Mr. and Mrs-,.-ivt'- Miss Robina Mil- jr tml .Mrs. Kulus &ner. mr. Vr,.' Milliard Atkins. Mr. and Aa.Wscn-' of Mobile, Ala., -urs. Barron, Mr.- and airs. k; ,. .,,n Mrs- John Jefford. of Fl-rida.- Mr. and Mrs. Ca-.-eis. ol Savannah, ua.. Ehz-'wth nd Eleanor Rank-i-uloru-. Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Atlanta. Miss Edith West, 1 Alice Clark, of Savannah, Adele Jones and Miss Rowe if Warrenton. Dr. and -Mrs. McCracken, Mr. and Mrs. K- ii- II Mr. Wallace Blackweii, Mr. .Civile Ray. Jr. IE it) MRS. SMATHERS k'TERTAlN HOUSE PARTY Mrs.- Frank Smathers mer.aining a number of friends house party this week at tneir summer home, in me are: .Mr. and ivirs. 1 nomas f Miami Reach: Mr- and Tr'tine Collins, of Miami Beach lorristnwu. New Jersey; and Mr- M. C. Hal-dee of Miami, all knom uiriveii-last week anil win until Saturday! Mr. and Mrs. M.nre. of Atlantic. City, who Wednesday to join the house ...11 i.,mi.iin fnr n lrvnirpr visit- sitor are being delightfully I tained with trips . to various of interest in the mountains, W.C. Barber, of Mt. Ulla, ar- sU'rilav for a visit to his Mr. R. N. Barber, and Mrs. K. S. Harrold and Mrs. Sam- Fn.v were Asheville visitors Wed- MUSIC LESSONS f Ore an, Piano, Orchestral Instruments. io in Dr. Way's Office On " Stive:. Organ Lessons Be Given On Baptist Organ. Interested See Me At Office 1? 'to 12 and from 2 to 4. !S GRACE M. CROCKER EAST WAYXESVILLE P. T. A. WOMAN'S HAS BUSINESS MEETING Tht, East Waynesville Elementary P. T. A. held the first meeting of the year on last Monday evening at the school auditorium. The, following officers installed for the coming year's work are: Mrs. IV IV Alley, president. Mrs. G. C. Plott. vice president. Miss Daisy Boyd, treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Henry secretary. The meeting was called to order by the president and minutes of last meeting held were read. Group sing, ing and introduction of new officers, teachers and patrons followed. Re ports of last year's work from com mittee chairmen and the president's report were given. The membership present stood in silent respect to the memory of Mrs. Joseph E. Johnson, who had rendered valuable and faith ful service to this association. The enrollment campaign Schedul ed to begin Oct. 2:. 19;i3. was brought before the meeting and will be spon sored. It was decided to have the regular meetings of this P. T. A. on the first Tuesday of each month. New committees as follows were named: Program. Mr.-. G.F. Boston chairman. Mrs. Eli McGee, Mrs. Jack Messer. Membership. Mrs. Dewey Noland, chairman, with room representatives assisting. Hospitality, Miss Mildred Crawford, chairman. Mrs J. C Hose. Mrs. J. L. Palmer. Mrs. Spaulding Underwood. Finance and budget. Mis Daisy Bovd, chairman. W. L. McCracken, G. C. Plott. Miss Eula Patterson. Publications and publicity. Mrs. W. L. McCracken, Miss Fannie P. Pel met. Mrs- Homer Plott, Mrs. Leo Ma rt el. Grounds. Mr. Thomas Reeves, chair, man. Mrs. Theo. McCracken, H. C Wilburn, Mrs. Jno. M. Queen. Cafeteria, Mrs. Hubert Purnotte, Matron. Mrs. Smiley Carver, chair man, Mrs. A. P Ledbetter. Mrs. Sam Jones. Room Representatives (Grade Mothers) : Gradel Mrs- Robert Gibson. Grade 2 Mrs, Henrv Francis. Grade 3 Mrs. D M. Simons, Grade 4 Mrs. Gilbert Reeves. Grade ,r Mrs. Dave Turner. (ira,je G Mrs. Turner Russell. Grade 7 Mrs- J- C Calhoun. The closing feature of the pro gram was the presentation of the Standard-'-Certificate, to the school. This certificate was presented by Mrs. Alley, president, to Mr. Reeves, th principal, to be kept in tht, school building- w COMMUNITY CLUB TO HOLD FIRST MEETING The initial meeting of the fall se ries of the Community Club will be held next Monday afternoon. Oc tober 2 at the Club rooms at 3 o'clock. ' Mrs- Stanley. Black, of Bryson City, chairman of Indian Welfare of the State Federation of Women s Clubs will address the club and all members are asked to b( present. - Hostesses for the afternoon will be: Mrs. R. L. Coin, Mrs. Carol Bell, and Mrs. Rov Campbell. Mrs- R N. Barber, Miss Mary Barber, and Mr. Charles Burn, who spent two weeks in Chicago at the Century of Progress Exposition, re turned to their homes Tuesday night. Mrs. C A. Ratrland. Jr.. left Tues day for her home in Louisburg after a visit to Mr. RaKland. - Dr. J. R. McCracken and Dr. W. L. Kirkpatrick attended a meeting of the 10th medical district in Burnsville yesterday- CLUB HAS INITIAL MEETING Mrs. G rover C. Davis was hostess to the member ; of the Wt man's Club at the v tirst meeting of the fall scries last Thursday afttrnoon at her home on Walnut street. The main feature of the afternoon's program was the installation of the following new orik-ors: Mr-. G rover Davis, president; Mrs W. B- Mat thews, second vii-e-president ; M;rs. Cleveland Kirkpatrick third vice president; Mrs. R. H. Blackwell, treasuier; and Mrs. J. Harden How ell, corresponding secretary. Com mittee chairmen were appointed as follows: Mrs. H. W. Haucom, chair man of education; Mrs. W. B Mat thews, chairman of publicity; Mrs. Homer Henry, chairman of public welfare; and Mrs John M. Queen, chairman of legislation Mrs. 11 W. Bauior,i was also elected vice-president to fill the office of Mrs. B. D. Bunn. who resigned upon leaving the city. . Mrs. John Queen made a report of the quilt show sponsored by the club in July and Mrs. Cleveland Kiikpatruk made a report of the .recent Dahlia Show. 1 t h 'shows wci. successful and the reports were gratifying. Mr- W. B. Matthew.- presented the matter of the proposal to create a health zone including the territory of Haywood. Jack-on, ;,ml Swain conn, ties. The club went on record a- ila siiing io cooperate with other or ganizations in the city in inviting the State Board of Health to estab lish thi.- health district. Mrs. C !'. Kirkpatrick retiring president nuol,, a few timely remark thanking the members of the club for their cooperation during her term of olliec and graciously handed the gavel to Mr- Davis , the new presi dent. .Mrs. Davis spoke hrirlly and appropriately of her appreciation of the honor bestowed on her and ex pressed a de-ire to serve the club and its interest to the best of her ability.1 .Mrs. S. P. Gay read transcripts from the club manual pertaining to club ethics and the rules mid by-laws. During the social hour Mr-, Davis served a delightful ice course with coffee. MRS. ABEL IS D A.R. HOSTESS .Mrs. ,1. F Abel niemlx'rs of the Chapter of the American Revolution meeting of the fall nesday afternoon. The guest assembled room where quantities mer flowers were used M rs. James Harden was. hostess to the Dorcas Bell Love Daughter- ,of the nt the initial on last Wed- Cold Weather and Frost will soon be here and I will be pleased to have :J;y'-C-. you see my Heating Appli ances And Especially The LOW PRICES K.! can't jrive you fair prices then don't buy from me. Ranges Priced at $30-$35-$4O--$45---$5O Hese Ranges Weigh 317 to 533 Pounds and are Part and full Enameled n. . mm ons -Main Street Opposite First National Bank Hardware in the living of late sum as decoration. Howell, the new regent, conducted the meeting and also made an interesting, talk on the work of the D. A. R She pointed Out that $!0,771 is given by the National organization to approv ed schools all over the United States each year. It was also noted that North Carolina has '2-W2 members in her i2 chapters and that these chap ters lend $1327 through the Student Loan Fund to 113 boys and girls in the state Additional funds could be Used in this respect, if available. Mrs. John N. Shoollired reviewed the D A.R. Magazine alid read the President-General's message. During the business session which preceded t':e program the chapter voted to endorse Mrs. Flora Myers Gillemine, "f the Colonel Hardy Murphce Chapter, of Chattanooga, at the 41th continental congress to be held in Washington. D- C. in April. 1 '.':',.".. Mrs. "W. I!. Matthews presented two letters which -he asked the chapter to eliiior-e ine requesting the State. Board of Health to establish a health zone embracing Jackson. Hay wood, and Swain counties with head quarters in Waynesville, and the other'-'. to the National Park Service asking that the needed steps be taken to acquire additional lands neces sary to complete the North Carolina side of the park- Thi- club voted to endorse both letters, : .' : Mrs, Matthew-- also asked members to bring old magazine- to the office of the .District Chamber of Com merce to 1 e distributed in the Civil ian Conservation Camps. . Mr- T. Lenoir Gwyri. in. a report r,f Crossnoie School, announced that ?.",4 had been donated by the Dorcas Bell Love, Chapter , for the building of the new dormitory at the school. Mrs E. B. f'anVp was eb-e'ed treas-u'-'-r of tne organizat ion to fill the office of Mr- J M, Long, who re--igned ; and Mrs, C H. McDowell was elected to fill .'.he office of 'registrar , f- vacant, by the resignation of Mrs. S. H, Kushnell: (Juests , at the - meeting included Mr-. J. F. CarT'on, of the Fort Dobbs Chapter of Statesville. and Mrs. PodK-n 0,sborne,. of Tampa. Florida, a former member of this chapter. During the social hour the hostess crrved a dej'ghtful salad course. STANDARD OIL EMPLOYEES HAVE DINNER AND BUSI NESS MEETING Th,, employees of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, both whole sale and retail, held their regular monthly meeting on hist Wednesday evening at '.he Hotel I.eFaine, A delightful couie dinner was serv ed in the dining rooms of the hotel, which was attractively decorated in the new Essuleno color.-. Covers were laid for thirty. After dinner the employees, under the supervision of Mr J. R. Latham in the wholesale division and Mr. L. A. Davis in the retail division, enter ed into the discussion and received instructions on the petroleum code of the NRA. this being the primary purpose of the meeting. The Stand ard Oil Company of New Jersey, as ha always been the custom, rallied to the cause and is endeavoring to further the cause by seeing that all employee- arc properly and thorough ly instituted on :ht. observance of the code. Th,- supcrvi.-ors Messrs. Latham and Davis, and the employees west f Ash then A l 1..A. and by ;i for w e!co!lle lighted to have t- .Mr and Mrs. Y . J. K. La t ha in. Mrs. and Mrs. Richards, Mr. Sample. Mr. Goodsun, known 11 the employee- of the company a number of year- was warmly Hi- di-cii-sion ot the pe- ville were lienor guo: oodson. Mr Davis Mr trolcum code ci.itii. Aftel' by Mr. id joui lleii tail-was ua- thoroughly appre t he ,: tial const l llctive I. at ha in, tlie meeting MRS 1 AIM. CLl 11 V ATT IS Ii HOSTESS MUSIC The Waynesville Music Club met for the opening nice ing at the Pied mont Hotel with Mis, Paul Hyatt as hostess. Instead of the usual formal open ing. Mrs Hugh Love, the presiding officer, made a few appropriate marks and the club paid tribute memory of the belovei since the last re- to the members lo-t .'meeting Mrs. Joseph E. Johnson and Miss r redenka Quinlan, Since Mrs. Hugh love as vice pres ident, will till :.tiu1 office of president. Mrs. LM. Richeson was elected vica president. Mrs. Richard Barber, chairman of the program committee, presented the year Itook, which was accepted in full. Four new members were elected. Miss Grace Crocker, Misses Maude and Margaret Terrell, and Miss Ellen Loiii-e Kiliian. M r the Statesville Music several musical notes of the club and a messag CugelH' I 'avis,, the state Mr. Kil- Carl: on ol Club, gave interest to from Mrs. president. Mrs. Horace Keener as-leader for the afternoon?,- program presented th,. subject. "Art Song and Folk Song," with the following numbers: Ki.e-ish Air 'Urink lo ie vm With Thine Eyes." vocal trio. Lawrence Green Mi-ses Nancy lian. Mis- Mildred Crawford, accom panied bv Mrs. Robert Stretcher. Welch Air "All Through Mo Night," vocal solo bv Mrs. Lawrence Green. 'accompanied by Miss Nancy Kiliian. "Hohcve Me It Tl-,,s Endearing Young: Charms,' bv Mis- Ida Jean Moroninaniod bv Mrs. M. H Art Song. "The Spirit eat solo iiy Miss Mil accompaiuei or. At the c. the he ', - wiches and ' 1 by M rs iiichlsion served tea. A a ms, Hrown Howies. Flower. ' vo- Ired Crawford. Robert Stretch- of the program delicious sand- PllblieltV Chajrman. Mr. i day for Mime I. the I sum mi1! nessee. b. ceive bi the fa!! He is an school . and aides Padgett. Jr. left Suil Krioxville, Tennessee to ie tudv in the Law S.ch(-1 of in TU : u niver-ity o) I ennessee. i o. Mr Hailgett passed tne i en r examinat ion and .will re law degree at the close of -emest.'r at the university. ivmor student, ol tne iuw ils editor of. the l-iw is Review H tion of '-he uird, thp Tenne-.-e ofiiciiil publica-bar: VIOLIN LESSONS . : BY ''...' .' Mrs. It N. Barber, Jr. Graduate of Atlanta Conservatory of Music and a student of artist teach ers at inrinnati ( onservatory, and Peabwlv (ollege. Nashville, and American ( onservatory of ( hicago. Iteginning OCTOBER FIRST PHONE 85 ' T S2 uarrcii I uiiw fey tel. True sincerity cannot ..be diluted. Genuine friend ship cannot be adulterated. 1 Phone MY Home Wavnesville. N. C. Main St tet CAMELS ARE DELIGHTFULLY MILD! f -vV sn I ENJOV SMOKING JO MUCH MORI UNCI CHAN0IN8 TO OOVI(U .TMCVR6 D -UOHTFUUY MIU) N0 TMY D0N7 UPier mr nckvu. mh when i jmokc STCAOILV. THOSE COSTIIIR TOBACCOS CERTAINLY MAKI A BIO OIFFEIUNCE -. CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS never Cjctcnt ij cwllcrvcS . . fllwer "tire vjcrurjastl Head The Advertisements FOR THEIR... PLAY DAYS... SCHOOL DAYS.... OR DRESS UP e're rciidj to mil tit your voiniKslers in footwear Unit is the very newest. Of course, they lit correct ly . . . they're eat herbird Shoes, buili of iill lealher " Cor long wear and extreme roniforl. $1.49 to $3.50 fillip v-v tt-;f i , 5 For The Woman Who Cares 'iMD-OillJ To complement ' " ." he new High -.. ,. ," ' .: Mr. V-T . W IS Ct'icrj at Smart as fhey can be for afternoon or evening wear , . , a r. d y definitely lTv tVc mofl FASHION'S latest addition to the smartly dressed woman's Fall ct-s tume . . . we have them in a variety of patterns. C. E. Ray 's Sons A Department Store Fr ii ft r i ,c e i. 14 sis 'Hi J 'i n, ii t 1 f r t e ' ft, x J" Y 'I I 4 '(I 1 I

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