ft rr v : .11 y L I1 1 i Ml mimui III D 1 I 111 1 IvUll The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Creat Smokv Mountains X; itional Park Head by Thinking People M A VWYf, KM HttJ Vlt 1 ?Swi 5 rY4 I IV 3llillt?l3l k v I Ki f 1 i-'M- Wil l aj k w Jill : e i r i i .1 1 v rib i i vk ii j en i u i vol. xiv NO. 45 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THUtSDAY. OCTOHEK 12. 1JW3 TTiMTES HELD t MOfK. fV7. I III J, ill" A'" 7 " . , Linent Citizen And Merchant Uere Died Aiier inness vji Two Weeks .,'3 1" til ; I' :II .....r i-.'i-vices were held Sat T.',i'.ri''K-n at the First Metho . 'i, ,. .1 M.Mock. 67. who .'.'"i,;, home on Haywood street m a i"-s - .'Thur.i:i.v afternoon, following an ,pk ..f two weens, services were j.,,.,J :v Kev. Wade Johnson, pas- ..-.,. ..ttiiKiist enurcn. ur. Lj. n :vfircsbiing elder, and Rev. V: New, rector of the Grace i l.,,..,.V, 1 rO , , vi n u'ne 1T r. n.w tvni tv j ij w-iness nouses were cioseu :; ;,, 1 o -clock Saturday awer- m tunera . lhe rirst JNa- !ank closed at one in honor .t.litorium of the church was ..apacity. and many were : gam entrance and scores '. aisles during the service. lr, M ., k became a citizen of Way- :i years ago, coming here ana where he was born De i, lMir.; The circumstances ming are interesting. He . years ago that he hail ;m .1 to come to Western f'n rim ina tor health reasons. Me ;ew rj-thinjr of this part of the in.: rv. !, he took a map and se tt avni'sville without knowincr vthine about business .conditions re. Hi. came and early became J with the town and county. eir.tiiai nusiness ana xor a nine irith Clyde H. Ray as a clerk, with .! -M. JJavis in the same .ml several years after that ame associated with W. T. a the: general mercantile busi When Mr. Lee was elected to rhif on the Corporation t'oiii. ! Mr. Mock bought his interest the store, and since then he has (Tt in business for himself. Mock's partmeir, store on Main street is the alt of his labors as a merchant, in ayne-ville in the last 30 years He was a steward in it ho- First tbwlist church for many years, a n;an, a .Mason, and a member ot Junior Order of the United Amer- Mmhanics. H was also an en- feetic worker in the American Red huh intr the nosition of chair- et relief for about five years, dive nallliearers were; Claude ten Hugh Massie, Hugh Sloan, J. coy!, n. A.. Howell, and T. iacken. Honorary pallbearers te:: 'OSS egion To Sponsor Play Here Friday The !o. a! pun of the American (in. is -jmnsoring a three-act nn'sy ei.titled, "See You Later" he hith- school auditorium this iibiy iveiiintr. The. nlav nromises e one if the (h's- presented here season, with the entire cast mposed of toCal talent. Among w in the cast are Susie Fisher, iii-e-" Moody., Sue Kessiah. James svis. William Medford. Tony Davis, neimich. Fred Dover, Alfred Me . Kermit Purcell. A large nr -.of chorus girls play an im- tam role, As an added attraction some mem- r? of the organization will do e hetween-act stunts in singing Sl llatlcilln- . Tl ...111 iJ,,,ln Ll,m Lee, Jr.. Linwood Grahl, E. L. r.i.nton fir C n r... t ht t v.craaiey, Lester Burgin. Clay- Pack ' vyliu uciiiiiis aiiu .juvuie Proceeds wi!! go for the Legion Prices have 'been set at 25 ' cents: r Resiirns As Superintendent Of Court House Here l,v ' "'i, lurmer superinienqenL court house, reseigned last week ,, - uuties as salesman wiin :tihf?f-ifi-law, with a nationally , , Micine company. Mr. Liner cceeded by X C. Allen, of this Liner's brother-in-law, Mr. f .obilf accident Saturday night M- Jiacon, Ga. As soon as Mr. Lii.. bIe to travel again, Mr. -pi',!11 Jm him and assume his -rT duties. FOUND BY Last week Mrs. Charles Buf placed a 25c want-ad in The Mounta aXe;'a' days previous. Soon - er the paper was out the find o swester returned it. to ;mv ?m' A wdt-ad in this iw J ! a good investment -hem. : meer advertising for a Three Weeks Of Court Will Be Held In Haywood Judge Finley To Preside At First Week. Judge AUey At Second And Third Governor J. C. 13. Ehringhaus is sued an order last week for a spe cial week of criminal and civil court to be held after the regular Xovem-ber-December term with Judge Felix E. Alley presiding. ThP regular term of the November. December term convenes Monday. November 27, The first week will be presided over by Judge T. B. Finley, of North Wilkesboro. Judge Finley conies here in the place of Judge Alley for the first, week, because of the murder trial of Stamey and Blay lock for the alleired killine- of CjiiIh'v on Pigeon: Judge Allev having been employed in th case prior to his ap pointment as judge Judge Alley will take the bench on Monday. December 4 and will 'two week's cotiit. ad Jimrniiur on Decenilx'i- Hith. The criminal docket is expected to be practically cleared during the throe weeks of continuous cour: . All Three Going to the Antarctic h on 1 hold J Trantham Bound To Court Charged With, Death Of Small Bov Dell wood Man Is Alleged To Have Pulled .Lad Into Path Of Loaded Truck Albert Trantham. ;!(). of the Doll- wood community, was bound over to Superior court by Magistral,. Frank Ferguson Monday afternoon charged with -the death of Clifton Swanger. 11 -year-old school boy of West Can ton, on last Wednesday afternoon mi. Highway No. 1(1. The youth died almost instantly, after being hit by the truck which was loaded with a cord and a half of acid wood en route to tli(. Champion Fibre wood yard. The truck was owned and was driven by Fred Elliott, 40, In the center of the seat was Ellis Setzer. 40, and on the end of the seat was Albert Trathani. All from the Vf U wood section. Setzer and Elliott wfre not held for court. Glenn Swanger. nine-year-old brother of the boy who was killed, was an eye witness to the accident. Hp pointed Tratham out to Mr, Elliott and to officers as being the man who threw out his hand from the truck and jerked Clifton into the path of the truck. He said that Trantham reached over from the truck as it was pacing the boy and grabbed him. Mr. Elliott testified that Trantham had been waving at girls along the highway. He had the truck in low gear while going up the hill, and noticed the boy near the pavement. The boy threw up his hand and Trantham waved. He did not see Trantham grab the boy. hP said, but felt something hit the truck.: Stop ping as soon as he could tic went back and saw the boy on the edge of (Continued on page eight) ry . i (apt i xpedit ii mascots where it 'oiii'dik Johansson ot Noiwav, uo pilot ol lhe livid Antarctic ; . . l l. i. ,. v , .. . .... i t-1. . . .1. l. . i . ,. , mi. is miiiii nrit' w 1 1 1 1 . 1 ' n 1 1- ii 1 1 . i run 1 1 im . , :ic l II i .11111 i i i ot !.!'. expeilit ion. aboard too Hear ol Hakland ai l.iionne. . .1., : . : .. 1 ... . i. ... ...:.. i . . . , i I was a w .1 u i im uiui i s : :ian i ar i o.i r . . aimai ; o - . t . . nj i n n i u. Washington Pastor Heard BvRotarians At Weekly Meeting Rev. Maynard Fletcher Talks On (Jetting liest of Worry. Dr. Garren New Member City To Donate Water For Use In Schools For Year Lights Will He Turned On Again. Old Hus Drivers Are (Jiven Metre Money The county board of education at a recent meeting ordered that the school bus drivers of long runs be paid $20 per month and those having short runs be paid $15. The salne drivers were retained by the lioard. The state ordel'cd several weeks ago that student, drivers should be employed and he paid $7.50 per month. The board of aldermen of the town of Waynesville in their meeting last Thursday night ordered' that no charge" be made for water used by the high school, central . elementary. East Waynosvillo, Lak(. Junaluska or the negro school. The board is sched uled to -appear before -it he town of lla.clwood and get them to make a similar order-. for the. Hazel wood school. The state board allotted about one half of the -amount used last year for lights and water for the same this year. .The. county school board ordered that all lights lie discontinued. Siiue the city is not making any charge' for water the. lights will be t urned back oh- Possibility Of Establishing A Creamery Here Interested Parties Are Working Through District Chamber Of Commerce ! Call Is Made For Broken Toys. WM Be Used Christmas Oscar L. Hriggs Offers To Repair ISrokeii Toys To (iive To Poor Christmas t.--ear L. liriggv stati'd yesterday that i t: : .a nyone having old broken toys would bring or send them to him at tin1 lire station tha: during his spare time he would repair and re paint them between now anil Christ mas, and have t hem ready for the community Christmas free : which is ponsorcd eai h year bv the- Woman's Club. ' : Each arji le .should '-be tagged, with the name of the person giving the toy, Ale. Hriggs said. The town will furnish the paint and necessary holts and '-i.ther items necessary- f"' re pa h i-ng t he toy :. Mr. Itriggs' said that the work would bo done while 'on duty a! the lire.; -station.- It is desired that, all person - having toys will get them to .Mr Hriggs : at once in order -that, ho will hn e ample time to repair them before Christ mas'. District Welfare Conference To Be Held Here Tues. Rev. Maynard Fletcher, of Wash ington. N. C, was the principal speaker at the Rotary Club at the regular weekly meetinf in the dining room of the Methodist church last Fri day. Rev. Mr- Fletcher is past dis trict governor of his district. He spoke in part, on the .ability to meet present day. controversies with a smile. "God pity any man Who can't smile at trouble," he said "Just good plain laughing is a sure cure for worry." he continued, For about thirty minutes, Rev. Mr, Fletcher illustrated his meaning in the valuP of laughing by telling hum. urous stories. , but always . setting forth some moral. Four visiting Rotarians from Flor ida were present at the meeting, which was attended by about 15 reg ular members. Dr. S- P. Gay, pres ident, presided. Dr. F. O- Garren was taken in as a new member , at this meeting. PLAY AT BETHEL SATURDAY "Eyes of Love,' a comedy-drama, will be presented at the Bethel High School Saturday night at 8:00 o'clock, A small admisssion of 10 and 2o cents will be charged. WRECK VICTIMS OUT Mr--. Grady Boyd and her 3-ycar-f Id daughter. Barbara, were slight lv injured and bruised Monday af ternoon on Main street here when their car was hit by another m fron. of the Hotel Waynesville. The District Chamber of Com merce is devoting much time and at tention t'V interviewing farmers of the entire section with a view to signing up a sufficient number to just ify the immediate location of a cream, cry in Waynesville. It Was said that the creamery people, after nersonal inspection are entirely satisfied with the opportunities and surroundings of Waynesville. and that 'hey are ready to establish immediately a plant here if a sufficient number of the farmers will co-operate to insure them a .dependable source of supply Mrs. Matthews said she will he glad to have any of the farmers, whom she has been unable to see, stop at the office and leave a statement as to the number of cows owned, distance from the highway, etc. She's very anxious to reach the minimum number set by the creamery folk before the last of this week. Mountaineers Are Ready For Christ School On Friday The Mountaineers put in their hard est. -work of the season this week in preparation for the Chri-t School game there Friday. This game is slated as one of the toughest, on the schedule this season- The local boys are in good condition af'er trampling the Hayesville team to ;t 33 to 6 vicitnry lan Friday on the local field. Th few injures re ceived, in the Asheville game have di-anneared and the voys are out to ladd the Chri-t School gatre to their j lis: of victories. About 200 Delegates L'xpected Mere For All. Day Session At Court House The western district welfare confer ence. be held in Waynesville on Tuesday. October IT. will be the first of the -ix annual conferences sponsor, ed I '.".'the State board of charities ano pub welfare and the North.. .Car olina' association of county superin tondents of public 'welfare.'..:'.. Hoioer Henry, sUperintenden; of pub'; welfare, is presidimt of the we tern district, and will preside over the conference ; Mrs. K. W. Wall, su perie'erident if ptiblii- welfare Avery coin,!', is secretary. 1 he Haywood cour'y board of public welfare will be fe-f to the district, which includes the fallowing counties: Avery, Burke. f'ley, 'arid. Mitchell. Yancey. McDow ell, . R-itherford. Madison. Buncombe, ), .,.;. r on Polk. Haywood. Tfansyl. vani.a, Jackson. Swain.: Macon., Gra ham f lay- and Cherokee. : -The public is invited to attend the dist r vt welfare meetings as' the pro gram this year will -be-' planned : to mee' the individual-' needs of each di-'riet and will be of practical val to rieial arid civic leaders. For the pa three years the conference pro (f'oritinued on back page) DETROIT NEWSPAPER MAN VISITING HERE Mr. C. M, W'agnor. of Detroit, Mirhigan'. Sunday '-editor of the De troit Times, and Mrs. W'agnor, spent last week-end a t the Hotel LeFaine as guests of the District Chamber of ('nmftiprnp awl 'he botel management. Mr: W'agnor was here to secure mar terial for articles on this j-ection to ho published in the Detroit paper. He also made pictures of the park and various places of interest in this vi cinity to illustrate his stories. ERNKST WITHERS OUT AGAIN I,. Withers was able to lie jUt Psram for the first time , Tuesday. i after being confined to his home -or two weeks on account of illness. Two Members of Police Force Asked To Resign; Will Whitner Refuses Job P1ANS COMPLETE FOR C0J1MUNITY FAIR HERE, SAT. 21 Vocational Hoys Are Working Hard On Exhibits. Com. munity Asked To Co. operate were 1, Final ihtai out ediu's.lay mnnity I . i r w hie by ! br, ' oeat ion. ol' tlie high .( ho. hebl on Sa:ur, ol' '.be American a I inc. willi ! lie boy s be i lie. inade to seen Mai n -1 i vi t lor t hi' inn,, ai'iioun. enieiil in j week rVgiirding The boys elll lllv Will enl classes Will not be but Will be community. W. 1- Smith, head of t fural ik'paitment. stated regarding the fair, " 1 1' y better agricultural county. iked 'cine w the annual com s being sponsored Ac. i icul: oral boy s and which will be . - I sj Mem.iei s ec .on are . oopei - .1 nd .in i If, ill i lie .-: building on exhibition. I let will be made tb' location. taking vocational' agn compete l or t be dill'er if elllbl!s. Hi,, exhibits onlined t o j u t t he b" : open to 'anyone in the he agricul vyesterday ml want a now is the t ime to start. e farm exhibits this "We appreeiiie port given by the They are giving hi money. Will you continued. seve fill good want year, I the aittiive sup-American- Legion', it li their time and io your part'.'" be Clarence Poller Is Not Granted Freedom Saturday Judge Alley Holds That There Is Sullicient Evidence - To Hold Potter In lail Judge Felix K- Alley after a hear ing on a writ of '.habeas corpus her' Saturday, refused to grant freedom to Clarence' Potter. 2'.t, one :of the four defendants held on charges of the first degree murder of Thnnias Price, uini was slain near Deep iapl .Sun day jifiernoon, Se)temher 21. Judge Alley remanded Clarence Potter to the county pail where the other' three defendants, Dewey Pot ter;,. Eric Lodford, and: Wayne Pot ter. ,M, are being held in custody. The hearing began at Id o'clock and was concluded a: Pi o'clock. It was held in the judge's chamber in t he roiirt bouse. At the conclusion of the hearing: Doyle D. Alley, attorney for the' -de-fondants, nskod that permission be granted: for the release on bond of Wayne 'Potter on the grounds that the hoy is of tender years,' I Us t riet So Iicitor John M. Queen was -asked what mind the 'defendant would be able to olfer. The defense attorney ''aid $.r00. but the court refused . .to allow bond at this figureand left the mat ter open for further negotiations. . ' The State was represented at the hearing by. Solicitor Queen; '': assistn by J- K- Morgan M. Stamey,: am Alvin Ward, attorneys, tor 'the pri vate prosecution. At the iM'girining ot . th hearing. the solicitor said the case .was not properly before: the. court as U:n sheriff. Jake Lowe, had not been served with lhe' necessary natters to produce the prisoners. The objection by the solociio) , was 'later'. withdrawn and the hearing proceeded. Judge Alley stating the burden was upon the petitioner to show he, was being illegally held in the custody of the sheriff of Haywood county.' Defense Attorney Alley stated that the puv-e of the evidence to be intrMlue.-'i"Was to show that Clarence Potter W a - not at the scene , of the shooting' but was. on the contrary, miles away af the time. - Six wit nesses were placed upon the stand. W. K- Potter, father of the peti tioner v a- the first witness. He said that on the morning of Sunday, Sep tember 21. the day of '.he shooting, he and bis son, Clarence, went to the top-' of .'Id Bald to attend a singing meeting that had been called by his son, ( larence. and which was attend ed by people from Jackson county and Allen's Creek, Haywood county. He said they left home. about 8 o'clock and got to the top of the mountain about 11 o'clock where they found some people from Jackson county. He said the party had (tinner at a spring near the top and then spent about two hours singing. ..The part'; broke up about 2 o'clock and he .-.' Clarence went home hfr said. ,0 , way down, they met some peo; : V told them, of the shootin Price, ancf they'. hurried, from there came to W' On cross examin'a4' gan. of counsel for ' (Continued ion Hoard Of Aldermen Uequest Caldwell And Milner To He. sijjn. Successor Not Named Sam II. J, ones, member ' ;,e Ikiafd ot a.b.''nneii and chairni.n of the police department, fold The Moun taineer yesterday th.lt .be sneeess- w bo w ill till the place of Fred ibluell ami K. C Miiner on the rce Inn' not been named ioiceiiii'n named above e.l to hand in their resignn Ihe boiird on or before Oc Mr. Caldwell has already ii bis. r ,,,,,es .nid he ding M r Mile, i ",. an x dav. scl's II. C pobc, The ( or t ion tolvr i; handed e 1, (WO as I, Th, linn -ked oa 1,1 in exeeutixe -le n.- ssion last elllplov ice of the "lis tllev :ha id' A elu : l-cce sin. but deM!o in Mr. Wli bough; no . Ii n n. i . , ood would to Milnerr pnien! ; I'll c le-'ls.i ,nci I'm niei ly poll The beard ajiplical buis gated before lhe I lew pollc w 1 1 1 lliit l Tuesil ,y hi.-!' of police be named as and Caldwell, sd.iy re-ulted ie lo ,.-,e., tie was re. have' several be invest i- which time Waynesville I . I l a..e , , ,, ce oliicer f , if aldermen which will the l.'oh, at i'. oliicer. fi named. . Fred Caldwell,' in M letter to (he editor of llns paper gae his personal views on lhe ru.'iltci , and also Lis at titude towards the event at the 'Ashe-.' ville-Waynesville football game. Mr. Caldwell'.; letler will be found on the editorial paged!' this edition. (ne member of the lioard stated yesterday that It,, had been approach ed asking him to change his dis-jsion and to reconsider: He stated fur ther. "My actions: and decision as recorded at last 'I'liui'sday's meeting of t he bo i rd are filial.'' The event leading up to the board's., action was climaxed by ' the actions of the police, at the recent Waynes ville --Asheville footlyill game when a free fur-all light took place on the sidelines. As far a could be learned no arrests wore made, even when t hose engaged in t he light resumed t hi ir bat; ling. .Mr. Cablwell said yesterday that he had been a member of the force four years in September. For 'over, a year he was chief of poice. He was chief' until elect ion. Mr. Miiner". has been for ove'r two years. He night policeman. , Haywood Hospital Is Approved By A National Meeting Local Hospital Is One Of Out, standing In State. Is Making Splendid Record. hortly after the last city on the force is .at present ..The : appn the t'niled I e d in ( hie; ing .ot the Star'.',ii.'i':-ifai.n l.'onference of American College: of Surgeons: ived list of hospitals in S ates and Canada was ago t hi ; week at the opim 1 'ii h .annual , Hosnital the :ind ine naywooci ,i oun y. Hospital was one of the U.MK 1 approved ones. .For. sever:, I yea r . the local ho pita! has . i eeii acclaimed , among the outstand ing in th,. state: . '.-... .... In IfilS only 'US hospitals in (he eiuntr.v could mei t . . the re(ui.remen' s fissset by t.hev conference. ; Highwav From Soco Gap To Cherokee To Be Approved Soon : Xews, from: Raleigh relative to. the . . highway from Soco .(;,ap toCherokee last week, was that : i,e I-'fier.l Ge , .. ernment has not 1 yet a pproved :'. '.Cr route, but the :i p p nival ,. within a short time. The pro" .' .pected for 11.5 miles oif road fr ect calls to Cherokee, trading s',; the gap traffic-bound !i.iacadav j-yctures and cations,. , " are P,,''.!1' It ba - beer ject -will tcost , , (,i that '" nr'1' is the route . .mat.ni no.-. This xvhich a . : bee.i prop: In' nppr- in has will DP ..nd t the .do who 1 Just WllK ' ved: is not know -t r. Dr. am 1-een cr.itiv.a hi-'h -ne-Improve I.: Str y i .l v. " ,s,ir wa-- i 1 i'" ' Wed who. union Utiei'' th V I a - lay a: ''" a a inuc j-ne hv.J of Mr. home a ie. ,nlle. . R.Mor- FLORIDA 7;OKS AVKT : Florbii ,'o. v.-:te num. in : Th.' '' was re t' tnei the .ihinv-Vhir.CMa " 1 .. ..... T.v.-n ."he "'"v.- ;.,n bold i'-"' If led by ?,ur t one. i ' b' :)' S V ; , ,"V Sc.: ft- I if '-, a:', ' ' I: t , :' " A ' i : c'.: '.'-: o i; . 'p ' a' ' '. i ii ? ' cha prosecution on ',ak page) J

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