K,.j-"rT j t 1 . i s ! t ' V : p M - ,1' I ' ! 1 .. li. i, I' V , M' I i I i. i : 1 5 J f .? 1 r ! ! M : i :1I r 5 1 " i - H f Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, OCTOBER i lo,-,, . lj To Hold Special Term Of Court On Land Condemning Jurors have been drawn for the special term of the Superior Court called bv Governor J. C. B. Ehring haus to hear condemnation suit of the State Park Commission against the Ravensford Lumber Company's prop erty in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park area. The case is scheduled to go to trial at the special term commencing Oc tober IJO. in Ashevllle. with Judge G. Vernon Cowper, presiding. The Ra vensford property consists of a large saw mill, town site of Ravensford, anil :J2,000 acres of land in Swain and Haywood counties. It is the last large tract of land needed to complete the boundary of the national park. Mco?ht on Mount Rushmore of God 'Rntthcr J. M- Mock has been called u.. )(i,,,i(1iic i.nnt.Pt.H be it re lcd by the Boaid o Stewards ot the First Methodist nuicn Wavnesville. North Carolina; r.:... Ti,.,t hie nhico as a member of the Board of Stewards will be hard to fill as he was ever m uie lead spiritually and financially. Second. That his faithfulness and constancy has- been an example worthy t emulation. Third As a token of respect and .. I.-.- f,.v Rrnther Mock we sire tha- these re-oiuuuns uv y and u copy sent to his tamny copy filed in the Church Rec- Brother Of Mrs. D. A. Baker Appointed Head Of Gov. Work H. H. Itennett, Well Known Here, Is Now In Charge Of Di vision Of Erosion I:;,; ; ran o he nat.on.,1 memoria, bo.r, he, n from solid gramte on ;lUsi,...ore ....r K .t..,.,. s D.. b out,,n BorgiUIU. di lishei and . ords. HAZELWOOD NEWS H H. Bennett, brother of Mrs. P. A. Baker, of this city, and well known here recently became the head of the newlv created division of erosion in the Pepartment of the Interior, the appointment being made bv Secre tary Ike.-. The new division will operate with a fund of ?5, 000,000 al lotted by the public works adminis tration. Mr. Bennett, who is a North Car olinian, has been connected with the bureau of soils since his gaduation from the University m 1902- He of the lead ing scientists in the agricultural de hp nusumed his new duties. He has been in practically every part of the world worKing mi t nrniwt.s. A trreater part of his time oemg devoted to work in Cuba. South America and Alaska- For a number of years he has given much of his atention to problems of eronon, and is a leading authority in this field. His work in this con nection led to his appointment as head of the new bureau. Haywood Has Large I Representation A t District Meeting At the district meeting of P. T- A. organizations in Asheville Tuesday, Haywood county tied with Buncombe county for the -Standard and Supe rior Associations in the county. Each county will get to keep the silver cup for six months. The Haywood county organization also won a book for the P. T. A. library- From this county about twelve from Bethel, four from Clyde, six from Canton, six from Waynes J11 and three from Lake Juna luka were present. Mrs Poyle Alley of Waynesville was elected district recording sec retary for the district. Mrs- Alley is also president of the East VVay r.tvville P. T.A. Ue-pwtf'ullv Submitted 1 H l.OWI.K.S. JAMF.S ATKINS Jr. VVADK JOHNSON. Mrs, J. C. Ferguson's Father Died In S. C. (Contributed) Mi James T. Baldwin of s c: died in .Snartanburg v,,',it-nl Si.nl. 2:?.- after an two weeks. He underwent Buffalo, General illness of a major operation and later (teveiopen pm.-u-monia from which he died. He was a former llavwood county resident, having been born and reared here and resided for a number of years on Fine. ( nek. He was a m in of fine character and was held m high esteem bv all who knew him. He was a Mason and this organization had rhartre of the services which weie held at the Methodist church and in terment in Greenlaw", cemetery, in TTi Mr. Rnldwin- was born in ir, .' son of Ross and Harriet Rvpk Baldwin. Hp married Clementine F. Wil liams of Havwood county. She died ,v,t r, 1 ':!(). He is survived by seven childmi Mrs J. C Feiguson w,.vrt.jvill.. Mrs. .). F. Sizemore k Snllie Willard. Steve. Pinkney, Willard and John T.. of South Car n ;.nl two brothers. Gailor Bald ,.,;'f Whi-ft ():ik and Alex of Can ton- and a sister. Mrs. Camantha Huskey of Riceville. Tenn. (Mre Hazelwooil News on Page 7) H ZFLV()()1) SCHOOL GIRL PIFS MONDAY Helen Robinson. 14 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs. JacK noo inson, died at her home on Chuic l street Monday morning at 12.1.) tol lowing an lllne.-s of several weeks. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church, of which -he was a member. Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock. They were in (hucc ol hei pastor, R(. O Fan drum and her principal, Rev- J . t . Beam. A solo Was rendered by Mrs. ().'(' I.andrum. The crowded church iw.-,,t;rni n.irnl offerings were silent tokens of friendship and af fection. The deceased was a ivpicu t nristian K'n 111 a" i'" , i Sh,-. was a member of the Mazeiwoou seventh gradP bu, illness had pre vented her from entering tnis yeai. Her willingness to render service in the borne, school, and commuony .w... greatly felt- Interment was n. Green Hill cemetery. n-., ....ni..J,-,.wu wi.to iindes of the detea-ed They were: Messrs Wr.,nk and Flmer. - Robmson, Messo L. C Waddell, an. i......,i,iir,,. ,,f iTiirh Point, N following classmaies . . t r 1 1 1 nur. mi Is! ueien ivoKei n Katherine Knight Undismayed by Honeymoon Hoodo of the "Speejacks." Despite Divorce Records of Around-the-World Cruines nother Hopeful Young loupie Attempt It. See the Illustrated Arti cle in The American ' Weekly, the Magazine Distributed With Next bun d8, BVtIMOKE AMERICAN. Bu it from your favorite newsboy or newsdealer. Roy Jess Tvree C The were nower Lillian Messer, T.ois Gaddv. Fdna Blatiton. Mildred Kay. uoromy inson, and Fdna Mae Ku Kendall. Suivivmg ,are the father and .u. ; ' ,i Mrs. Jack Robinson. V ,, .1,,,. loon Pewe Fugene, and Fdwai.l 'one lister Willie Mae (-: M, and M.s. C S ( daughter, Baibaia and Mis. U. Bowman of Lenoir spent three da: I..,.. -,..lr with lVirs. nnniu.i Messrs. Lee mini Morgan and Fmest Mf.onev have returned from the Havwood County Hospital where they received treatment alter quite a serious wreck- (-: ) Mr and Mrs. Dewey Hyatt and family of Lenoir visited relatives and friends here during the week-end. (--: Miss Annie Jenkins and Mr. lyiee Meyerhoffer of High Point. N- C- ar rived Monday to attend the funeral of their niece, Helen Robinson. Mrs. Johnnie Fergu-on and chil dren of Lenoir are spending this week visiting relatives and friends. (:--) Mrs. Geo. Walls is ill with flu at her home on Main street. : (-:-) .: . Mr and Mrs. Carl Swanger visited the hitter's sister, Mrs.1 K. U. jus tice, of Hendersonville, bunday. (-:-) ,r Messrs. Ralph Summerow, 1' - 11. Parris and John Fzell of Waynes ville attended the World series at Washington D- C- last week. Mr- and Mrs. Frank C. Compton and small son. Joe, spent last week in-Chicago attending the World's Fan. : ( : ) WYATT-BURRKLL Announcement was made this week of the marriage of Miss Charlotte Bun-ell . and ; Mr. Fugene Wyatt which occurred .near the fiV Septembu. Mts W yatt is the young est daughtei ot Mrs Alice Burrell. Mi Wvatt is the -econd son of Mr and Mrs. Lon Wyatt also of Ha- zelwood. They are at home to their many friends at their home in Grim-ball.'Park- Junaluska P. T. A. Met Last Thursday. Many In Attendance MAN KILLED DURING QUARREL OVER DOLLAR A quarrel over a dollar led to the slaving of Fugene Shaw, midle-aged farmer in Ander.-on last week. Howard Coker, 2, a textile oper ative,, shot Shaw and told officers the killing was in elf defense. He owed the farmer a -dollar, he said, and they got into an argument about it during which Shaw drew a knife. Shaw was thriick by two bullets and died instantly. - Coker was charged with ihurdor anil in jail- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson.; - and and Mr. Carl a week in Ml Mrs- J. R. MclMroy. Anderlon, Mrs. Robt. daughter Bobby Jean IjISC hoif are spending Holl New Jeisey Litha and Artie Knight Virginia Whitenei- are this week visiting in Gas- Misses and' : Mi? spending t0,,M (-:-) S V. Whitley is attending the State Fair at Raleigh this .week. Mi. and Mis Homer Me-er of Lenoir were called home last week due to the .er.ous tllness and death of their niece, Tleletv Robinson. i ;,, Rillv Frv .has oeen iu.tv ill with pneumonia nut l impioed at this time slightly mum a Lor when driving I SMOKE A LOT WHEN I'M DRIVING. FOR STEADY DRIVING AND STEADY SMOKING. CAMELS BEAT THEM ALL. THEY'RE MILDER AND THEY STILL TASTE GOOD AT THE END OF THE DAYS RUN On Thursday night a large num. tier of members of the Lake Juna luska Parent-Teacher Association met in regular monthly session at tne school. Aided bv friendly lamps and lanterns thP usual routine of business w's conducted. A committee composed of Mrs- W. H Burgin, Mrs. J. P. Stentz- and Miss Stephanie Moore, was appointed to prepare a Hallo'ween entertain ment. Representatives from ninety-eight (families . were -reported by Mir. Francis to be in school at present. H.-ilf this number of paid members are necessary before the local organization- can become standardized. This goal has not yet teen attained. The Stentz auartet dehehted the audience with two numbers "Smilin' Through," and "Now The Pay Is Over." Mrs- Glavich chairman of the pro- gi.im committee, featured a .-eries of health talks for the literary part of the program. The first. -"Health. Conditions in School Buildings," was pre-ented by Miss Flora Rathbone Second. "Training for Health Hab its in the Home." bv Mrs. Threlkeld. Miss Moore discussed ''Contagious Diseases and Their Control.'' fol lowed bv a presentation of "Proper Foods for School Children.-- Dy Mrs. Burgin. The meeting was adjourned to meet the first Thursday in November,- (Contributed.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Lena M. Cox, deceased late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to exhibit them to the under signed, at Hazelwood, North Caro lina, on or before the 4th day of October. HM. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make payment lmmediate- li This the 4th day of October, 1933. HLNKY M. lua, Administrator of the estatp of Mrs. Lena M- Cox. Xo. 107 Or. r.-12-iy-26-Nov 2-9 NOTICF OF SFRVICF BY PUBLICATION tain deed of trust i'-c -u- -Black and wife- Le.'a I Raleigh Savings Bani--Company trustee, which -a trust is dated March recorded in Book 2il r.-. Haywood County Regi--.- - 'r having been made in the J" thP indebtedness thereby , . in the conditions thereip - t undersigned substitute-i 7-. " instrument recorded m -A, - 480, Haywood ( ur.tv R.- ' on Thursday, November ' ' or about twelve o'clock r, courthouse door at Wavre--- , Carohma offer tor ait r -- the highest bidder !or e --- . lowing described prupertv All that certain piece i tract of land containing !:: morP or less, situate, ivir.ir ; in Waynesville Township H County, North Carolina, a - -. miles from .the Town rf .,-. . and on the W avnusv:il,.-V. Highway having such snap, - .... courses and distance' a- w fully appear by referetve t . thereof, made bv J. W.St-a veyor. on the 20th dav ct J.H 1920, and attached t,, .',.(. , ... now on file with tne AtLi"' j. Stock Land Bank ot Raloign, being bounded on the Nr State Highway on th,- I.a-. : v lands of Miss Marian A. Biir- a-A- Black; on the South bv th.- u of Mrs. J. K. Boone and on by the land.s of A. T. M. Cr.: , Pewey Francis, and boin ; u- . tical tract of land cor.veye. from G. P. Kilgore and wil A. Kilgoi'e to C. A. Pluck Spntember first. 1924. sai.l , duly recorded in Deed Bunk Vi page 306. in thP office ot the Ui-g: of Peeds for Haywood ( uuntv s of North Carohma, to h:i rt ence is made for a more com; description and location ot same. Terms of sale ca-h and tru-t.,-require deposit of 10', ot tin am. of the bid as evidence ot g... i :a This the 9th day of Octoh, r r, JOSFPH L. COCKKUH M Substitute! Tru--, Robert Weinstein and ictor U Thompson. Attorneys. Raieig:;. No. 110 -Oct 12 l' 2h !' l: Fines Creek News Rev. Thomas Frwin. the pastor of the Fines Creek Baptist church, was the dinner guest of Mr. , and Mrs. Hiram Greene Sunday. October 8. Mi and Mrs Chailes McCracken had a- their guests Mr. and Mrs Fied L, Saffoid Mrs. Reeves Noland Mt Ida Create and Mi and Mis N- ('. James. (-:-) Mr and Mrs. Hiram Greene and daughter. Lura Mae, atitended the Cherokee Indian Fair Thursday, Oc tober 5. ( : 1 .Mrs. Monroe Silver of Canton, Mrs Ben Noland of Crabtree and Mrs Claude William- of Ciabtieo spent Sunday with Miss. Roxie No land of Fines Creek. ( :-) Robeit Janus and Jesse James at tended the B Y. P. U. meeting thn was held at the Baptist church of Chde, Sunday. October 8. tx-vvc JW1 I I Ghosts Drive Indian Prince to Sm de. ung, Wealthy and Popular. lie Couldn't Stand Being "Haunted. Read .i i Tki., PvtrtinrHinnrv ( ase 1" 1 ne DO 111 I llin. niiy --y " . ... American Weekly, the Magazine Dis tributed- With Next Sunday s iiAi. 1 1 MORE AMEBIC N. Bu it tram jour favorite newsboy or newsdealer. Black-Draught Clears Up Sluggish Feeling "I have Draught unpd Thedford's Black for constipation for a Ions time." writes Mi Frank Clian .plon. -of Wynne.. Ark. . "If I get up In the morning feeling dull and sluggish, a dose of BlacR Uraught taken three times a day will cause the feelins to pass away, ami ,n a (lay or to I feel liko a n. w V.rson. Aftoi m.inv j irs of would not exchange Hlaok-Draubtit for any medicine. . , p. s. - If you. havo CHIUJREN, P tve j,v.i tlin ne.w. r laasant-t as t in g SYRUP of Thedford's Black-Draught. STATU. OF NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPFRIOR COURT. Will F. Haynie vs. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced m the Superior Court of Havwood County. North Carolina, tor divorce on grounds of two vears separation; and -the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to am)ear heforo thP Clerk of the Superior Court of Havwood County, at his of fice in Wavncsville, North Carolina, on the 1 1th dav of November, 193:?. and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief therein will be granted. This the 11th dav of October. 1933. W. G. BYFRS. Clerk Superior Court of Haywood Ponniv. N C. No- 113-Oct. 12-19-2G-Nov. 2. NO'IKl OF S VL1". Ol 111 V, TATE' NEWBOOKS The following books have recently been received at the library: House of I'.xile vvain. First to Go Back .SkanaUna. Anthonv Adverse Allen. Oxford Book of English Verse. . Oxford Book oof American Verse. Twenty Years A-Growing O'Sixl livan. One Hundred Thousand Guinea Pigs Kallott. - Life Begins at Forty Pitkin. Nervous Break Down- Wrolfe. Pain Relief In Minutes Demand and Get 1 GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN BECAUSE of a unique process in manufacture, Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets are, made to dis-lntegrate--or dissolve INSTANT LY you take them. Thus they start to work instantly. Start "taking hold" of even a severe headache, neuralgia, neuritis cr rheumatic pain a few minutes after taking- And they provide SAFE relief for Genuine PAYER ASPIRIN does net harm the heart. So if you want QUICK and SAFE relief sec that ycu cet the real Bayer article. Lcok for the Paver cross on every tablet as shown above and for the words GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN ca every battle or package you buy. Member N. R. A. CiFNUINE BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT HARM THE HEART NOTICF OF SFRVICF BY PUBLICATION. STATE OF NORTH ( R0LINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPFRIOR COURT James Lewis Baker vs. . Kim H.ikor The defendant above named will t ike notice that-an action entitled a nhnvp has been commenced m the Superior Court of Havwood County, North Carolina, for divorce on the grounds of two vears separation ; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Havwood County, at his of fice in Waynesville.. North Carolina, on the 1:1th day of November. 1933. and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief therein will be granted- This the 11th dav of October. 1933. W. G. BYFRS. Clerk Superior Court of Haywood County N. C. No 112--Oct 12-19-2fi-Nov 2 Pd NOTICE OF SLE OF REAL ES TATE NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. Under and by virtue of the power and authority, contained m that cer- NORTH CAROIIW COUNTY OF-HAYWOOD- Under and by virtue oi.the-To and authority contained in that tain deed of trust executed by i uel Lee Howell and -wife, Wil 1 Howell and C. E. Howell, to The Raleigh Saivings Han Trust (ompan, tiustn w 1 deed of trust is dated March i. 1 and recorded m Book: 20. pagi- -- the Haywood t oun'y Regi-' i i having been made ni. the payntm the indebtedness thereby etun-'l in the conditions therein set-uieJ, undersigned substjituteir tiusot instrument recorded in Book t'U .50,-Haywood (Jounty Registry, w;l Monday, November o. i;'i, about twelve o clock noon courthouse door at Waynel! Carolina, offer tor pale and s highest bidder for cash the described property: All that certain niece i tract of land .containing -m. more or less, situate, lvintr on Jonathan's Creek, ah'.m iviiloj fi-Am thp town of W lying m Jonathan's Cieek Havwood County, Nortl having such shape, mote.?, distances as wiU to l' bv reference to a plat tin by C D. Medford, a ?urvc ber 7, 1922, and bounded On the North by the Howell, on the Last 1 v of J. H. Allison, on the n lands of Rowe B. Howe West by the lands of F Jonathan's Creek and ' cipal part of a tract of ed from Rowe B- Ft" Samuel Lee Howell d 7. 1917, and recorded page 421, Record of D wood County, to which hereby made for a mov seription of the same. Terms of sale c-ish ai require deposit of 10r( of th,. bid as evidence o; This the Gthday ot JOSEPH L. COC K Subtltu: Robert Weinstein and , Thompson- Attorneys, i No 111-Oct. 12-19 M r 11! WE ARE NOT PREACHERS but E SAVE SO L E S FHE ( WIPION SHOE SHOr E. T. Duckctt, Prop. NEXT E?rF.U 1 NinN MAIN ST n Pi MO such . I - i rm

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