Pare 1 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, OCTORER If. 19.' SOCIETY PAGE Eleanor Bushnell, Editor Phone 137 Local Items News v - - - .. Mr. Charles Moody ot ( t'cil was a Waynesvill,, visitor last week. Among the visitors here from Clyde last week were Messrs. T.C. Norm and Hugh Crawford. Mr. P. K. Campbell of Canton spent Friday here on business. Mr- II. L. Lovelace was here from Asheville Friday. Mr- Homer V. Cagle of Canton was here on business last week. Mrs. Thad Howell of Jonathan, spent Friday shopping m Waynes ville last week. Mr Will T. Bryson. of Iron Duff, spent sonip time in V avnesville last week. Among the visitors in town last week were Messrs. Gradv Walker and ( - James, of Pines Creek. Ainonu' the visitors here from Clyde last vwck weie Mc - M Ceith- i-rwnod and ! M. ( airle. Mr- Ci'c Howell, ni Jonathan, spent last I'rnlav hi avne-vilie. Mi. I). II- Harris, eny tax collector ot Canton was a Waynesville visitor I' ridav. Mrs. (i. U. I- erLison and Mrs. liuniet t el)'i. id I' I lies ( reek, spent Saturday ..hooping in avue-ville. Mr. Carl W. Green was here from ( raht ree Saturdav. ... Mr. 1-.. IS. Hickman ol 1'igeon spent Momlav m V avnesville. Mr- and Mrs. It. P.. Howell were here from Jonathan . Monday- Mrs. I aim Queen, ot ( anton was a avnesville visitor Monday. Misse- Helen Green and Dollie Sparks ol I- ines ( reek spent Saturday in avnesville. -: -f, -t: Mr. J. L. Walker ol Cra.btree spent Momlav in the city. Mr. and Mrs. 15. P.. ( aldudl and sons, -Carrol and Lewis; ol Mars Hill, were week-end quests of Mr. and Mrs Homer Owen. :: Mrs. Iv I.. McKee of Svlva attend ed the district we! tare conference here Tuesday. i;i Mrs. . I. kirkpatrnk who 1 i; been ill at the Haywood County Hos pital tor several months, is Kettme; lietter. She is bejrinninjr to sit up a short while each day. Rev. and Mrs. Albert New and Mr. William Shoolhred motored to Kuther- ford ton Tuesday to attend the dio cesean convention which was .held to elect a bishop to succeed the late Rt Hev. Junius Horner. Mr. ( httrles I'adgett of Knowillc Tennessee, spent last week-end with Mrs. Hadgett and young sons. Mrs. H. W, Baueom has been confin ed to her home for the past week on account of illness. Mr. J. A. Morrow of Chattanooga, Tennessee, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. M. F. Albright, and Mr. Al bright. Mr. Morrow is here to be with his mother, Mrs. G. M. Morrow, who sustained a broken hip Sunday morning at the home of Mrs. Albright. Mrs. Aithur Meade, who hag been in the Haywood County Hospital for some weeks following an automobile accident in which she sustained se-riou- injuries, is reported to be im proving. Miss Florencp Gasque spent last week-end with friends in Asheville. Mrs. Sarah Russell and Miss John nie Russell visited relatives in Green ville, South Carolina Sunday. Miss Virginia Roberts returned to Western Carolina Teachers College Sunday after spending the week-end with Miss Susie Fisher. Mr, and moved to their home Henl will Patrick in hotel. Mrs. J W, Heed have the LeFainc Hotel from on W'oolsey Heights. Mr. t M r. ( evela.nii MI K- 11 SSI he management f the o!in ;' Shooibred and Kirknatrick . attended at Kuthei- gates from 'tli,, Grace Fpiseopa! church to elect i neve fiishoi) lo succeed th" Kt. ReV. eeceascu. Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Cleveland the diocesean .convention fnrdion. Tuesday as deli Juniu-. Al. Hornet :, IT Harry Cra'.vfor I I.t, W. T. tinned Crawfoia at Port IH some tune, wa to Watertowu, , son of Mrs. wno has been sia s Moines. Iowa for t recently transferred South Dakota. M rs. unlay whe re Will ( ai I I f rum she has Jell returned last Sat Jacksonvilh', Florida been visiting for two Mr Mi. i i s ham am football and Mr. White i-enil :a I ur- I?..,li, jmd attended the ,1-inie liet ween Duke and l.inwooi spent I Union .ast, weei 1 enncs-ee anil da. N. C. State and Flori Mr and Mrs. Leslie Thorn, of Rich mond. Virginia were week-end guests of Mrs. Thorn's- sister Mrs. J. L. Stiinglield, and Mr. Stringfield. FOUNTAIN I'ENS REPAIRED ''-. at '' The avnesville I'harmacv hv I. H. TKACKS'ION Mi.-s Louise Stringfield. who is a Kassifern School in Hen. snent las! week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L student at dersonville, her parent St ringlield- Mi J 1 eiines -ee I VI rancis ited of Jonesooro, relatives ami I v i.-ii.., i . ........ friends in Haywood county this week. Mr, Francis is a former resident of the county. li and Mi- II W ithi b Misj W'ild.i Crawford, and Mr. hitener Prevost motored to IHirham 1' riday !o -ec the I )uke-'l ennessee football game- They returned Sunday and Mr. Withers left Tuesday tor his home in Memphis. Tennessee. Mrs. Kenneth I'crguson. Mrs. I'clix Stovall.' and -Miss Alice Stringfield spent last week-end m Durham and attended the . I Hike-Tennesse game Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stretcher left Tuesday to spend a week's vacation in various cities in Tennessee. CAMELS GIVE ADDED PLEASURE IIenjoy smoking H i$; " ; fSjw sure ocTfe! 11 SO MUCH MORE - 'I. ' - 4t!Sfck HAVE A BETTEH Ifl Rj SINCE I SWITCHED p.V & TASTE -AND THEY W TO CAMELS Jn :V , y. - ifS OOUT FRAV VOOR R I y..WWrL f ikiLt "fiL'M'J&'m nerves even when y LV'-1:4 &JWt 'JSWl 00 GO IN FOR ONE Ll-Hv mrf TiPffA the other Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Badgett, of Richwood, West Virginia, spent last week-end visiting in Asheville and Waynesville. Mr. Badgett returned to his home Sunday and Mrs. Badgett left Tuesday accompanied by her son, Douglas Badgett, who will spend a few weeks in Richwood convalescing after an operation at the Haywood County Hospital. Mr. T. S. Sanford, of Chattanooga, Tennessee was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs, R. N. Barber at their home on Love Lane. V Mrs. S. H. Weaver and children of Weaverville spent last week-end with the former's mother. Mrs. J. L. Wil liams. Mr. Tom Lee, Jr.. Mr. W- T. Spur lock, Mr. Greenwood, and Mack Gar land motored to Durham and Raleigh last week-end and attended the Duke TennesseP and Florida-State football games Mr. Greenwood visited hi son, Porter, who has a place on Duke's f reshman team. Mrs. D. D. Perry, of Sylva. and her guest. Miss Lillie Harris of Greensgoro. visited relatives in Way- iiu-viHe las;, Thursday. Mrs. T- V. Moore, of Miami, Florida who has just returned from the World Friendship tour conducted by the W'(im:.n's Federation of Clubs, and her son. Mr. T- V. Moore. Jr.. spent last wiek-eml at their home here. - Mis.- Mary Parr of Washington. D. ('.. field representative of the Na tional Red Cross, attended the au nual meeting-of the Red Cross chap. ler In re Tuesday. Mis. W. T. lilnvlock left last week for Hickory where she will visit her isf( r. Mrs. Alex Shuford. Mrs. Wilson Barron left Saturday for Miami, Morula where she will spend soniu time as the guest of lriends. Miss Frances Robe-on and Miss Virginia Ferguson motored to Chapel Hill last week-end and attended the Carolina-Georgia football game. Mr. Tom Willingham, of Rock Hill. South Carolina was a week-end guPst ot Miss Marguerite Massie at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T N. Massie. Among those attending the Duke 1 ennessee game in Durham last Saturdav were: Messrs. Hov 1' rancis, Bill Shoolhred.. Walter Crawford, lie lie Alley and Haves Alley. Air. and Mr.-. S. K. Berry and son, Mr. Henry Kerry, who have been vis iting Mrs. Berry's sisters. Mrs, J- L. Stringfield, Miss Caroline Alsteatter. and Mrs- Hugh Love., for the past ten days, left vesteruf for then honi. in Galion. Ohio. They were accompanied bv Miss Alsteatter who will be their guest for a few weeks. Gen. Harlev I-erguson. who has been spending a tew days with Mrs. Ferguson at their home on Haywood street If 1 1 yesterday tor Washing ton, D. C -.'. Mr. and Mis. John Orr, of New port News. lrgmia. spent a few davs here last week as the guests of Airs. Orr s brother, Gen. Harlev Fer guson, and Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. I' rancis Massie, Miss Alary kirkpatriek. and Mr. Jim I'ovd, Jr . motored to Durham last week-end to bal attend game the Duke-Tennessee foot- W Ah Anderson with Airs Seaver, day for A. Alache and Miss Edna who spent the week-end M ufie Msti i Airs .1 A mil .Mr. Seaver. left Tuos their home . in W'innsboro, CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS u&VeY cXrm ij our IdcrvcS . . flicker tire vjour laiti WE ARE NOT PREACHERS but:'y-.',;V--V;;-;- '' W E S A V E SOt E S THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MAIN ST. E. T. Duckett, Prop. Next WESTERN UNION South ( arolina. ' - Air- and Airs. Gradv Boyd anil chil dren moved to their home on Love lane last T hursdav at ter spending the summer at the Hotel Waynesville. Among the football fans fr,om Way nesville at the Duke-1 ennessee game Saturdav were: Jenson Ross, Ken neth Stall. .Bill Frve, George AIc- racken- and Dave Hvatt. Airs. John Harnev returned to her home on the ! airview Road . Monda v after a two weeks' visit to Mrs. R- I). Covington In Asheville. . Mi-i Paul P.lickwLll and Ton Davis were among the Waynesville fans tit th,, Duke-rennrssee football game m Durham last Saturdav. . Dr. J. R. McCrackcn returned Sun day from Washington. 1). C. where he attended the meeting of the gen eral Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the .'United States. He also spent Saturday in Durham and saw the Tennessee-Duke football game. Overcome Pains this better way WQME who get into a weak, run down condition can hardly expect to be free from troublesome "small symptoms." . Where the trouble Is due to weak ness, Cardul helps women to get stronger and thus makes It easier for nature to take its orderly course. Painful, nnsKlng symptoms disap pear as nourishment of the body is Improved. Instead of depending on temporary pain pills during the time of suffer ing, take Cardial to build up your resistance to womanly ailmenta. BETHEL P. T. A. MEETS FRIDAY The Bethel P. T. A. will hold its legular monthly meeting Friday. Oc tober 20, at 3:30 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to be present and to bring a prospective member. The ways and means committee has formulated plans for a Hallowe'en carnival on Saturday evening. Octo ber 2H. Everyone is given a most cordial invitation to attend this car nival, The admissions will be small and a good time will be in store for all. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee, Mrs. Cam eron Lewis, Mrs. Bess Lee Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr., will go to Asheville this evening to' see "The Green Pastures" at the Plaza Thea tre. , Miss Emily and Riley Palmer, stu dents at Weaver College in Weaver ville. spent last week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Palmer, at their home in Crabtree. Mrs. J. D. Bivins. of Albemarle, arrived yesterday for a few days' visit to her sister, Mrs- S. H. Bushnell, and Mr. Bushnell. Mr. David Boyd returned to Wea ver College in Weaverville Sunday after a week-end visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boyd, at their home on Jonathan's Creek. Miss Louise Edwards left yester day for Greensboro to attend a state meeting of home economics teachers. She will return Saturday. Only one marriage license was is sued during the past week: Buster B. Reid. Canton and Zettie Mae Gil-lett- Canton. Mr. Wallace Blackwell lefT last Thursday for Reidsville where he is spending a week visiting relatives. He stopped en route in Durham and attended the Duke-Tennessee football game. FAREWELL PARTY MRS. BARRo.v Mrs. Wilson Barron, urday to spend sumetim. Florida was tendered t farewell party on last Thu mg when a group of her tertained at a buffet supp.-' ' at the attractive summer V " and Mrs. W. T. Le. Jr. ;i- I, In th,, party were: Mr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Be Mrs. S.P.Gay, Mr. and Al'. Bowles, Mr. and Airs. R. i , and Mrs. Ben Calkin, Mr Roy Campbell, Mr. and Mr 'I Jr.. Mrs. William Hannah M Ham Kimberly. Mrs. Diana S miss Betsey Lane Quinlan !r r Davis, Mr. Fred Ferpu,,r. ' J Charles Ray, Mr. Linwood H:-j White Mease. Mr. Carol IV. afi, 3 Lebo Massie. Miss Collie Garner nf A-h..,j spent last week-end with :w mltl at her home on Pigeon. : 'tal - s,ni i!arr a -M. .r.. r. : M tr. L TheNeedle Work Guild Reminds You-- RAY'S Community Fair Specials RAY'S Grocery and Meat Departments We utilize native products to the greatest extent possible. We believe better production should be encouraged. We believe the Community Fair is a helpful factor. We offer as our contribution a number of week-end specials. High Grade Coffee FRESHLY (JHOIINI) Per pound - - - 10c Regular 15c Maxwell House Coffee Per Pound - - - 28c FLOUR 24 pounds 89c LARD 8 lb. package 58c s Pork and Beans Pound can - - - - 5c Libby's Potted Meat 3 for 10c I Health Club Baking Powder 2 pound 20c SCOTTTISSUn 3 for 22c 3 lb. Jar of N.C. Comb Honey 4c iGamay Soap 4 for 19c Palmolive Soap 2 for E5c Golgates Bis Bath Cake 2 for 15c OUR MARKET OFFERS Roast Beef per lb. 12k Swift Premium and Kinghams Reliable Hams n"' COUNTRY k,' Spare Ribs FRESH Pork Brains per lb. 151 zc per lb. lie BEST GRADE Sliced Bacon per !b 19c COUNTRY Pork Livers per : lb. lie Chitlerings NuCoa per lb. - 2 ' for . 7k 25 c The Best Comlinrition-PRICE-SANITATION-QUALITY ! Seafoods The Best of Steaks 33