rf ( .'.t i Page it thi-rspay' oCTQBER xh 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE 3101 NTAINEER President Refuses To ( hange Date ui Thanksgiving Day WAITER DIES FROM F.XGIM KR DROVE ENGINE EXCITEMENT IN X. V. ,1 1(3 000,000 turkeys get tik of life and farmer? an $1,000,000 because of Pres- s';' ''.'," ' v ,,,-t'velt's decision not to move r--'-kV.'ivinff Day up a week, agri- i irtnieni experts saia today i ve- ,1 their fiemrps of $1.000.. :lu amount miKey growers ; i to lose if Thanksgiving "yAwd up a week, as various mer iri..,ups have urged, on last . average prices- i XT 1 T A ' 1 pr, iutir- last iNuvemuer yuiamea ixir turkeys. Turkeys the week ...rc marketed for Thanksgiving u'jal'y jrain aooui nan a pouna, 3?' L - ... ..1. 1 ! i mo"f years iurey crop at 16i:,m0.ii0ii or 2.000000 less than a .ta. ago. MILLION' MILES ew in ob service. i C. KimreaV exlensioji datiry '.. n. . i n i. . 1 .jBK-alirt at aiaie college, nas Deen p'rar. tfl a leave of absence for three months t- work with the Agrieul- tara! Adjustment Administration at U'adiington in aiding dairymen of the South to prepare code agreements. Catawba County farmers have parcRaased more farm machinery in the past three months than they have in the w hole past tnree years. A cafe cashier .lied of excitement in New York shortly after a waiter prevented a holdup and go; a serious bullet wound for his heroism. More than 100 patrons were in the cafe when two men strolled in ami attempted to hold up the cashier. 40-yearl-old Henry Harmo. Hal Broomhead. 31-year-old waiter, went to Harmon's aid. Two shotsj struck him. One robber escaped, but another waiter grabbed the other, took his gun and beat him over the head. The "7' ""Ei tu (ve mrougn ai Mr. and Mrs. J. S Williams, of p.a.c b ,nuow. out ratromum Asheville. attended the district we , ,a , iuian caugn mm ami suu-.fare conference here Tuesday. .lucu iiiiii wnn a nigni suck. At po. licp headquarters he gave the name of William Fav- v ... I ii i m u oiii'uih. i.inoiniuiw origin-1 e;r " . .i. "l'ail 1- urUmg. lias re tired after driving lccomotives 2.- .tn.piH) miles over the run from X Orleans to Lafayette. La years ot contmuou.- Sicknes has kept Furlong off the job only three hours and not even one minor accident has occurred when he was at the throttle. The veteran still has the travel urge and wants to ride his old train to the Golden West, to California. Harmon was walking into the emergency room to attempt to iden tify the man when he fell dead. Doctors said a heart attack, caused by excitement, was responsible. Two hundred Orange County farmers attended the annual picnic given by the Board of Agriculture at the farm of E- S. Vanatta recently. Joe Boreh of Person county reports a corn field that will make an aver age of 60 bushels of grain an acre. LejK'deza was grown on the land for the past two years. E. IL Garrison, county agent, of Moore County, make the observa tion that where land is properly ter raced there is a oO per cent, increase in crop yield with the same amount of fertilizer per acre. To control a threatened outbreak of cholera, the farm agent of Cur rituck county vaccinated 1,459 hogs on (it! different farms in 11 commu nities last week. The third cattle show by Guernsey breeders of Burke county has been planned for this fall at Morganton Committees have been appointed by the breeders to arrange for the show. Why I Am Against Repeal of The 18th Amendment MRS. W. T. CRAWFORD ' ii th -BUY YOUR GARMENTS TODAY Prepared I forMEN A selection of clothing that causes us to believe we can suite you. Here as in other departments, we believe that we can give the best combination of quality style and price. An inventory . yesterday revealed an attractive group of ' I2S suits sized as follows: 33-36 23 suits 37-38 37 suits 39-40 33 suits 42-46 21 suits Stout and longs 14 suits Total 128 Suits Sl'KELY VOl R SUT IS AMONG THESE Hurt, SchafTner and Marx being featured at S22.."0 until October .31. Sixxty three ((!) suits priced S12.."0 to sf 1.9'); a second group at $.?."; and a third at .ST.;)."). I'm es low. Quality high. Never Airain Can. Prices So Low Be Offered Shop in Waynesville Help Build your Own Town Accessories Arrow shirts and ties. Cooper underwear. Faultless Paiamas. Interwoven Hose. Thoroughbred and Stetson hats Hiekock and Pioneer belts and Suspenders. Crosby Square and Peters Shoes. TambKnit Sweaters. Hansen Gloves. Received today 3 double-breasted, Oxford gray, Hart SchafTner and Marv Suits, G. E. Ray's Sons A Department Store hi job r.jAHA Xisfer.OrVejt J) 5? Clothes VJA J i Rill j - 1 ' ... 1 should feel very sorry and asham ed for Haywood county to "go wet" just because thirty-three states have already done so. Just who started it all anyway? In the same way and measure that the radio "Prince Ali Hendo"' pronounced a "cur-e" on An. ily and Andy fell for it. in that same way and measure the lupior interests have convinced the unthinking public that the Kighteenth Amendment has brought about the curse of the crime w ive of the . nation. l.aw- breakers are only taking advantage of the re bellion raised by liquor interests wet speakers and the wet press and are smashing all laws regardless. If the "loud speakers" had kept silent, such a thing as repeal would never have been thought of. Naturally there are two or three classes who are expect ed to favor repeal; those who gain business through the misfortunes of others, those who want office, and those who get paid for every wet speech they make! Ther is nothing like o much drinking now as there once was. The "Young 1 einci at s" and "Young Re publicans" have no way of remem bering how conditions were before they were born, and 1 am surprised that mmiio older ones have forgotten Time was when women and children were a I way.- afraid of meeting a drunk in m no matter whore they went. i were afraid to go on the M ivi ! r. a i nigh: , ,. - n to church, i bice 1 :-aw a ii i mil, man lying in l he 'mid j !V of :1a ..i,iewa!k and lime- out of mm::v! I ha e hcaid tin in go v,-roam ing .nd 'running their horses along 1 hi- !,-i,U ealw;i .. -laved home on o!,v: k :i da -. ;.-r u,. w.re afraid of t lie 1 1 Mink nn ii who filled : In 1 1 eo. -. I It'W dill'et eii now ! I: was m j ple.-ifiiiv i" - u nd alino-t t w yi'.-i r-. at .Mind I'.o-! a nd I ':, 111 I'l'l'iige .1 Us; Im-1'oi-v, the eh i t loll of 15o1hji- papers w.-'e full of due happening-'1 hat wore epev:ed ui- the po) i- mi eleoi ion day.. I spent I ho wh.i'i day going to numerous polling idaers jns to see what the were like for I h;l, h.-nrd that M issa elni-etis was -'distovioil Iv av :..- .Tile I nil U -,';iy uOell until eight p in. and l i-ited one place .ill-! l-efoie elo-ing 'line. Then- was-. -no him of ill -order anywhere arid not a sitielj of win key, luo of the voting pi n-e- were in i hurcli pa rloi s, two m city halb. two. -in -chool hiiili-ljng- tw'o in iolice .-tali ois. one in an empty store, etc In all those in Win'- T av only ti-il drunk men and mn--.drunk wolnau j lint I saw several niiriion- of perfect ly soher one-. and this ineluded U ,sliiiigt-oil- rinlaili Iphm New Yol k and I'.osloH. "They" - ay : here i . e'eo--si ,- ill mk . ing iiiuorig -tiiileuts. In that time I am sure thai l i-oiilil claim tli.-i! I -aw at lea-t i cross. seel i,,u ,,f the -tuilenl lit',, of America for j a- often t in ow n a i pong t .hod and of -I mli-u; s. 1 lived near II irvard Nquare the whole time attended t w Harvard c ommencement - a nd several oi hers, i-f'ill saw students of Kadclilt'o, Sim in on - , Ma ai tin et- Technology, - o t h w e - tein am) Ho -(on I ' niversi. tie-- liteially thousand- of :h''-m 1 ai-.o went on a strident excursion into N'v i I am p-lii re and in all tha' tinni 1 aw no i- ideiicc of dunking. I was at llarvaid St id ill in a lew times. Hi!.,, I watehril (is (H.M. reopli: "llnw" en' m a --ieady .' resin. I al'lerwards counted tje i-nipty hollies on the gioiiinl and sni-llcd whisKf.y.- si rung a a r is -trci ne.-.r iiv, . .' n'(. 1 .i- in wli il- I he headline s -i ailed H "rot" oil a -ui iv a y irain ri-iweeri l 'on an,i ( " 1 1 ) 1 1 ; 1 1 f - . Twco'v po I : i i in - i ! an: W'eied the "rio' ki'i" :nii hen 'I he ' I rain reached' II; fvj i J Su'i.e'i- .u'l'iv atriiired up a-- the ' p'iis .n:'i r- ct'tie oil'. Ahoiii a liiiinlied ' .i 1 1 1 t - vvi-ri a ii i . i.-d. Ii naiiovveil ,io:,s n fn one I la i V a i i 1 hoy v.-ho. win la'i! eMielled. I ! ill I lure W;i , Ii'l-a ii.': ! of 'w'hi-kcy -tlicv ui'i'i; uli-Kip. i -' -over., winning, a gamp ain.l hat! Ic'ii-rii -njiii light I m 1 1 i.s in one of the I- :im in." :.iin-ri a n: I.egion .pa ra:;'.' ,,,(' . . tp:ai: e-i-r ' ' ..f'"-t nil' it - v.- i;!y i-igii: null-- long,' df lo-.kMa.s-r -1 : I ell: a .! on i . f ' o- In 'I i r- In 'pa-'- a g',;..-n Jioin: . -'I. hey ' 'eeniei! duly -soher,'1 to:' 'flu- ..-forma.) jon -wa; tine X, (n-a - , :'.!; . ' . w : . i n I - v liv- I ; iii- .,".- v, H'-.'-co.-ri.- funny . ' i'p y ; making ;-. , ; ,a y- o' ' I hcin : ! i i ' aw. :( 1n-.i-l.ma - ci-owil.- fiy th" lunnlred-thoiisands. I saw (munist and many other gatherings. 1 saw tho hunger marchers, and the May-Day paraders who are supposed to throw bombs,! 1 sat on a front seat and listened t the harangues of the beor paradei'S' and even went to two "wet rallies" (and heard proudly of the "dry hill-billies (if the South) and -behold! they all with one ac. coid siH-med to be sober! No!! "They" are only trying to fool us in order to get our support in order to get a reversal af a good law in order that they may haw more litpior- and more and easier ways of getting it. As for the revenues, no doubt some body can find a more decent way of getting them other than through the debauchery of our citizenship If we had had more I'rschels and more Judge Yaughts and more offi cers w ho were not so deaf, dumb and blind, wg doubtless would have been spared the Huby Lindbergh disgrace and thousands of kindred crimes. 1 am thinking of our boys and girls, not only of the present, but. of the future and it is the duty of every right-thinking citizen to 'lead anil safeguard them in every way possible. (T.YHK SCHOOL N'LWS The Clyde High. School .society met n I' liday. Oct. I-".. l;i;!.;, and an 'inter--1 ing p rogi am w as rendered. IVoUoiial cverci-e-, Irviu Kever Seng, Dorothy Walker. Maigaiet I eal hcru ood, I 'arllon I 'ot .-me, and Kcln Finchcr. ( 1 1 ie 1 lia I I Vein Mo- 1- I ei ma n. I'iay Virginia Collin- Doli- Me dio ken and William ( 1 1 con, I 'i oplii'i Itulah lir.iw n. S-mg In all. Vltalll,. IImiiii of llie lu-piilili. ." Tin- -ociel j i p i o i ng ii he cry siiceefti! Tin- interest i- cr high at pie-i ii and eei yone' is anioiis to lill In her p lit to their gteali"-t .ability. ' li - I'tMiikie Hughes had a- her 1-tle -l last week end M 1 s l ucile Mc (luie front lla.-elwood Mr. Ilol-ace l-'iancis. .eietice lojuhtr. in :hc high school, wits ill Monday We 1 1 . 1 1 e, Iir will he back in -chool soon. Mr. flow .id Shook and Mi'- Fmily Sntal lior- nave a parly Saturday nigh, af Hi,, homo of Mi. Howard shci, .. ; All -.. Connatser, our principal s wile. i- siill'enng with a sinained ankle. VVe all hope idle will soon he ahie lo walk: The Senior-'' sviiipa t liiv.i' .'-, w 1 1 h cine of th, ir Chi.-'- nn inhei- Miss Margie I'.roek ocr the h'-- of her father las) week Community Faii To Be Held Sat. ( Cunt iniied from page 1 ) (i. Table heet 1 hunch. 7. ( 'a ifol ; I bunch S i: i.i t 'ibag'ers. I bunch: .- i. ol pi pper I -lalk. Ill, Swe.it peipet I lalk. I 1 'I'olliatoe , plate of 12 Candy IbiaOer. 1 ( 'el.'i y hunch d' 1 1. t Ik.i a nr ( iiiuiho. l.'i. I.i'ltuce, :! head . Canned ( ion'.ls I Ten. lies., '- ::.:IVar:' I it' w berries. Y Chel t ie . 2. 1 1 iiekh'bei rie- 1 1 1 1 a c It I ie r I' leS' it. .Strawberries-. X, Ka pbi.'iries. if. Apple-.. ,: - ' 111: Ih'ltl'g.nll'- 1 1 c -. :. '. P.'-- i: Peaches, t'. I 'eat .' :;. Si i a win t , I. Cherry. :, a. Apple. C. (uitiee. V. W a'irnn I I Dewberry er Hlackiwrry. " Strawberry. t. Kaspberry. 7. Leach. S. Curiant. Jam i 1. Leach. 2. Hum. .'!. Apple marmalade. 4. Blackberry, ft. Dewberry. (!. Strawberry. 7. Kaspberry. 5. (irapo Pickles and Kelishei 1. Cucumber, whole. 2. OucuihIht. sliced. .!. Peach. 4. Pear. 5. Apple. ti. Dixie relish of pepperhash. 7. Mixed pickles. i S. HtH'ts. ; 9. Onions. : 10. Tomato Catsup. 11. Chili Sauce. 1'2- Spiced cherries. i Crape conserve. Any one is free to make an exhibiti I of any item listed or of any thing . I which they wish to display. We He- sire very much to have the ladies display their hand work- We ap-' Y preciate the ell'orts of Miss Edwards and her girls. ' .ft Ltv,. new trench silo have lieen dug by dairy farmers of Henderson c uiiil v I his summer. I r c Want Ads WAN T K I) Man with Loinv; equipment lo cut poles near Waynesville and fo do haulinr. Also want id buy chestnut pole boundary and poles delivered or on skids from thirty to forty-five feet, (iood inspec. ticn. Write or see M. J. Lynanr, Robbinsville, X. '. !. Apde. 2, Crabapp th : (ira pe. Jelly 6 6 6 I.KH ID. I V lil.K'l S. S AI.V i: VOSK DROPS C'hwlis Malaria in :i days, Cidds Irst day. Ileiidachesi or Neuralgia in . minutes, I ine Lavative and Tonic lo-l Speedy Kemi'dies Known, You'll Be Proud of It, Too! Kverv woman who owns a C'oppc"''-('lal Haivjje is proud to show it. . . eager to praise it 4 to her friends. That's ortly nalui.il, for Ijie oppcr-Ciad is a remarkably be;iulilul range easy to keep lean, saving, of fuel mid a real' wonder at bakinji and cooking'. When .-you own a Copper Clad ouH' itoinji to be proud of it. too. There are'thirty-six distinc- lie features hnill into the Copper-Clad K.itim1. . . thirty. six jjood reasons why people who own it -.praise it so highly. "'. Come in and let us show you hese features. STERCHFS ri riir.MOKK asiikvm.ij: COPPER-CLAD RANGES lour linishes White, (iray, tan and ureen porcelain enamel f I j,: J: I: P c LOST A large brown tinted cameo briiach- mounted on engraved yel'ow . p-obl. Return to AVoman's K.xchangre and receive reward, , STKADV WORK C.OOD PAY KELIAP.LE. MAN' WANTED o call . on farmers in Haywood. County. No ovtwrienrp or raDital needed. Write today. McNESS CO- Dept. S.. Frpennrt. Illinois.. , ' ltpd DOG WO OD W A N TE D! SPECIFICATIONS TOR ( I TTlNt; Dogwood must be I inches clear of bark at small end and cut .'! and lz feet long. Will take some -'knots where t.here is 10 inches between knots, red heailed wood must have 2! j inches white wood from red to bark. ( an't use sap knots Cash on Delivery. Bradley-Davis Co. Morgan & Ward HId. Waynesville, . C. fi -. n Narrow Outside Marc In

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