r-i-V-.f ...- I .... :..-.. -,.',.,. ...'..- ,,.-,. , -C""""" '---' -'- -. ,' v.... THIRDAY' OCTOBER 19, THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson '. II FITZWATEIt. IV IV. Mem : of faculty. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago,) j ;, Vestern Newspaper l-'nion. Lesson for October 22 PAUL IN ASIA MINOR ,S TEXT Acts 13:1-5. 13-15 14 KN Tit XT And he saiil unto o ye Into all the world, and the gospel to every creature. !:15. pre:; .M:ir ,'J.IMAKl lUt lt rui vv..ij rnrima Heir About Jesus. I' VI.iK TOI'IC A Ship Sets pail. INTKHMKDIATE AND SKXIOH TOP-ir'.- W hy Send Missionaries Alirn.nl? V' 1 Tol'J I-sr. I'KOPI-K A.M AliLI.T -The Missionary Obligation. I, The Beginning of Foreign Mis- lions i vv. 1-12). This marks the beginning of foreign 'missions as the deliberately planned enterprise of the church. 1. The gifts of the church al Anti och (v. 1). Voting as was Antioch, the new religious center, she had prophets anil teachers. When Christ ascended ,i high, he gave gifts to men for the ,UriMse of perfecting the saints unto the nor!; of the ministry (F.pli. 4:S-12L The church does not exist for itself, tint for service to others. j. First missionaries sent forth (vv. 2, :t). Ilarnahas and Saul were the lirs: foreign missionaries. They went forth by the hands of the- church at the command of the Spirit. The work ef evangelizing the world was laid so heavily upon these men that they re fraino'l from eating in order to seek the will of Cod in prayer. They were (lirerie.l to send forth those whom the Spirit called, teaching us that the real call for service 'comes from the Spirit. 'The Spirit Called and the .very host men were sent from the church at Anti och. Before sending fortli the mis sionaries., there was a second season of prayer before laying hands upon them, indicating that 'ordination lias its proper place in sending forth mis sionaries. Treadling, the Word of Cod in Cyprus (vv. -1, o). .I5ecau.se the gospel is "pood news," it is natural for the missionary to go among bis acquaint ances. Christ commanded the one out of whom a demon had been cast to go to his own house and tell what great things the Lord had (lone for him (Luke S:39), 4. Withstood by Klyina tin' sor cerer (vv. O-lli). Klynias, under the ii:!ii!enee of Satan, sought to turn the mi rut of Sergius I'aiilus from the Word of Cod; and to hinder the gospel as It entered upon its career of conversion of the heathen. Paul denounced him as tub of guile and villainy. II. Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia (vv. 13-10). From Cyprus I'aul and Barnabas, with .loim' Mark, went northward to IVrga. Here, for some reason, Mark parted company with the missionaries, anil returned home. We are not told us to why he went back, but It is a pleasure to know that he later re (teemeil himself. Before Paul's death, tie spoke favorably of Mark, declaring 1l:at lie had found him profitable unto the ministry (II Tim. 4:11). "teaching Ahtioeh in Pisidia they entered a syna gogue on the Sabbath day. Though I'aul was now a missionary to the Gen tiles, he aid not depart from his cus tom to ii to the .Tew first. III. Paul and Barnabas Preaching the gospel in Lystra (Acts 14 ;12S). 1. At I.oiiium (vv. 1-7). Their expe rience here was much the same as at . Antioch. They preached in the syna g"giie; causing a multitude of .Tews .-and Gentiles to believe. The unbe lieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles to the most hitter persecution. 2. The attempt to worship; Paul and I'aniatias as' gods (vv. 8-1S). To ,seape the united assault of the .Tews '..cl Centiles, they fled to Lystra' and oe. where they preached the gos The healing . of the lame nian lie. sinned new difficulty. This man as a confirmed cripple, having never a!'Koji. On hearing Paul preach, faK't "as horn itv his heart (Rom. 10:17). When i'aul perceived that he trusted r'iirist, he called with a loud voice so i'li't ill could hear.' for the man to -stamj ripHght. The cure was instah huiiK.iis for he leaped and walked, "his miracle was so notable that the ' J'.'T.v Miing Which should have been a ..wlp 'now became a hindrance. The !"''';! sought to worship the mission- The stoning, of Paul (vv. 1'.'. -"). Weke'. Jews from Antioch and Teo- . nillm ptirsued Tanl with such rolerit H hate that they stirred up the peo ple -''it this place, -who had been will 'PP - to worship' the missionaries, to Mono them. This shows that safanie r,rship can soon be transformed into s'itiinie bate. They not only stoned f'lul, hut dragged him out of. the city f'r ''!'. God raised him up, and with :, intlaunfed -courage I'aul, pressed on Wjth liis; duties as a missionary bear :'2 good hews to the lost. The Name Jeiu i the name Jesus were left out of i 'J Prayers, our hymns, and our wor stl P. we would mourn as If the rose T effaced from the cheek of morn p the sun were banished from the , yns, and the sweetest note strick 't!in the psalm of life. Proof of Discipline his sufferings the Christian Is ne" tempted to think himself forgot But his afflictions are the clear Proofs that he is an object of 1 fatherly discipline. (Bo to (Ehurrlt mtuaij FIRST BAPTIST Kev. H. W. Baucom, pastor Sunday school, 9:45. V. C. Allen superintendent. Morning worship. 11:00 o'clock, sermon by Rev. Brown Caldwell. Evening worship. 7:30 o'clock, ser mon by Rev. Brown Caldwell. 0:30 all B. Y. P. U.'s of church meet. Mid-week prayer service 7:30 Wed nesday Mi ST Rev. METHODIST Wade Johnson, School. 9:40. CHUliCH Pastor. Sunday Morning worship 11 a. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. :40 p. m. Epworth League C:43. ST. JOH.VS CATHOLIC CHUliCH Rev. Michael A- Carey. Mass at 11 Sunday, Mass, week days at ' :30 A. M. Lion's Chauffeur Flees Wreck Scene Officials of Pownie Brothers' circus would like to rind a missing-employee, who thought their lion eiage wouldn't hold a lion. The missing, man was driving a truck on which a caged lion was loaded from Augusta. Ga near An derson, when the truck wrecked on a curve. Without waiting to ascertain wheth er the cage had broken open, the chauffeur tied. The cage remained intact, but the truck driver hasn't been seen since. NEKKO WINS SI IT AUAINST FILLIN(; STATION OPERATOR Robert tl ill- negro lilling -station helper, has fouii i 'the claws of the Blue Eagle aty sharp as has W- C. Skeen. who . operates the station in High Point. Gill said he was working for $ti a week when Skeen put up the banner of the Blue Eagle . and that the wages were not changed when he should have received $14 weekly. The cast. came to court, where Skeen said he had a contract with (Jill, but Magistrate ('; C. Muse awarded the negro $70.. -th,. difference between what (Jill was paid before the banner was posted and what he uVi.inld have received after Skeen went under the code- Varicose Veins--Ulcers-Old Sores (loan Quickly Powerful Pellet ruling Promotes Healthy H Oil aling (Jet a two-ounce bottle of .Mitone -Emerald Oil (full strength) with the distinct understanding. that you must get quick relief and splendid results or your money cheerfully refunded. The verv first application will give you relief 'and a few short treatments will thoroughly convince, you that by sticking failiifuiiy to it a short while longer oui troubles will, disappear. Smith's Cut Rate Prug Store i- selling lots of it. (advl NOTICE All parties owins the Dr. H. I Allen estate, are asked to make adjustment with Doyle I), Alley at once, thereby saving cost of suit. Loan and Trust, Administrator. Relieved By Taking Cardui "I was weak and run-down and euffereo quite a hit with pains In niy side," writes Mrs. Nick Bar ranco, of Beaunioht, Texas. "I was nervous. I did hot rest well at night, and my appetite Was poor. I ' "My mother had used Cardui with beneficial result, so I decided to take it. I surely am glad I did. for It stotped the pain in my side and built up my general htaith. I took seven bottles in all." Cardui to sold at all drug stores. NOTICE OF SALE OF TATE REAL ES- NORTH '.CAROLINA.. COUNTY OF HAYW OOP. ' Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by Sam ueLLee Howell and wife. Wi n Ross Howell and C. E. Howell, ( idow) to The Raleigh Saivings Bank and Trust Company, trustee, which said deed of trust is dated March.. 1, 1927. and recorded in Book 20. page 22. of the Haywood County Registry, default having been made in the payment of H A Z K 1. WO O D PRESBYTERIAN Rev. O. C. Laiuirum. Pastor. Sunday School. 10 o'clock. Morning service 10:40 o'clock. Vesper service ti:4"v K veiling service 7:;!0 o'clock. 1 l ayer meeting every edn niglr. at 7: SO o'clock. HAZEIAVoOD HADTIST (HlliCH Sunday School 9:4."i. 11 :00. Sermon bv Pastor. 7:00, Meeting of all B. Y. P. U.' of the church. 8:00, Each Wednesday mid-week Prayer meeting. FIRST I'liLSb'YTh'RIA V i HCRCH Dr. R. P. Walker. Minister Bible School 9:45 a. ni. Sermon 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday p m. Rally Pay in Sunday School 7:30 Oct. 22hd. Social Rally given by men of church 7:30 p. m.. Oet.lSth. the the indebtedness thereby sectired and in the conditions therein secured, the undersigned suhsttutecf trustee by instrument recorded in Book I'O. page o0, Haywood County Registry, will on Monday. No ember ti l'.i.'i;!, at or about twelve- o'clock noon at the courthouse door a'. Waynesville. North Carolina, offer for -ale and sell to 'the highest bidder for cash the following described propcrtv: All that certain piece parcel or tract of land containinir MoV, acres, more or less, situate, Ivinir and being on joiiatnan s reek, about seven mile- from the town of Wavnesville, lying in Jonathan's Creek Township, HavwiMiil ('ountv, -North Carolina. having such shape, metes, courses and distance... as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by C. P. M ed ford, a survevor. I H'ccm ber 7, 11122, and bounded a- follows: On the North by the lands of E. 11. .Howell- on the Ivasl by the lands of J. II, Allison, on the'-South l.iv the lands of Rowe It. How(db and on the West by the lands of F II. Moodv and Jonathan's Creek ami being the prin cipal part 'of a trac-f. of .land describ ed from Rowe B --.Howell, ef al to Samuel I.ee Howell, dated November 7- 1SH7, and recorded in Book . !'.. page -121, Record of . Peeds of Hay wood County, to which referenc,. is hereby made for a more complete de script ion of the same. Terms of. sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10' 'i of the amount of th bid as evidence of good faith. This the-ftth dav of October. l!t.",3. JOSEPH I.. COCKERH AM Sulitituted Trustee Robert Woiiistcin and Victor W. Thompson. Attorneys. Raleigh- N- C. I No. Ill-(ct. 12-F' 2(! Nov. 2. NOTICE OF S I ' R VIC I CATION. IVY I'l -BU ST. TF. OF NORTH 'CAROLINA. HAYWOOP (Ol'NTV. in thf svi'FKioR conn James Lewis Maker vs. Sue Baker. The defendant above named will t ike notice that an action "entitled a above has been commenced in the Superior Court of I lay woo, I County, North Carolina, for divorc,. on tin grounds of two years separation ; and the said defendant .will . f u it her take notice that she is. required, to appear before, the Clerk of the ..Superior Court of Haywood County- at his of. tice iii W'ayncsv.ilto, 'North Carolina on the lltli day -of --November. 11:!3 and. answer or demur to the corri jilaint. or the; relief therein will be It! ante. I This the 1Kb dav of October. !!133. W. (J. BYERS. Cleik Superior Court, of Haywood Cnuntv N. C. Ko. 112 Oct. 121t-2;-Xov, 2. I'd NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES I'ATE NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. 1,'nder and by virtue of the power and authority Contained in that cei; tain deed, of trust executed by ('. A. Black and Wife. Leila Black, to Tin' Raleigh Savings Bank . and Tn; Company trustee, which .said deed of trust - is 'dated March 1st. 1!)27. and recorded in Book 20, page .31. of the Haywood County Registry, default, having been 'made in the payment of th,. indebtedness therehv secured an-i in the conditions ' therein- secured, the undersigned --.ubstituted Ttrustee l(y instrument' recorded in Book 89. page 4S()., Haywood County Registry, will on Thursday, November 'J 1933. a-t-or a'iut twelve o'clock noon, at fb-' courthouse door at Waynesville, North Caroliina offer for sale and sell 'to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing descrilu'd property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing. 93.3 ac-es-mor or less. situate.: lying and being in Waynesville Township, Haywood Countv, North Carolina, about -three miles from the Town of VVavnesvt'.le, and on the Waynesville-Woodrow Highway, having such shapes, metes-, courses and - distance? as will more fullv appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by J. W.Seaver, Sur vevor. on the 20th day of Pecember, 1920. and attached to the ahstract now on file with the' Atlantic. Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by the State Highway on the East by the lands of Miss Marian A. Boggs. and C, A- Black; on the South by 'the.' lands of Mrs. J. K. Boone and on the West bv the lands of A. T. McCracken and Dewey Francis, and being the iden tical tract of land conveyed by deed from G. D, Kilgore and wife. Nannie A. Kilgor,. to C. A. Black of date. September first, 1924- said deed being duly recorded ill Peed Book Xo. 87, page 30t5. m th,. otlice of the Register of Peeds for Haywood County. State of Xorth Caroliina, to which refer ence is made for a more complete description and location of same. Terms ef sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10'', of the amount of the hid as evidence of good faith. This the 9th day of October 193a". JOSEPH L.COCkERHAM Substituted Trustee. Robert Weinstein and Victor W, Thompson. Attorneys. Raleigh. N- C. No. 1 10 -Oct 12-19-2fi-Nov. 2. NOTICE OF SERVICE CATION BV Pl'Bl.l- STATE OF XORTH CAROLINA. HAY WOOP COl'NTY. IN THE Sl'PERlOR t'Ol'RT. Will F. Haynie vs. Malnd Haynie. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Havwood County, Xorth Carolina, for divorce on the grounds of two years separation: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is roauired to appear befor,. th,. Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, at his of fice in Wavnesville, North Carolina, on the 11th dav and answer or plaint, or the rc granted. This the lltli . of Xovemlier. 1!33. demur to the com licf theicin will be av W of October. 'X C. BYERS. Clerk Superior I'ourt of Ha v woe t ount v N . C. No 113-' Oct. 12 1!" Jl! Nov. A PM 1 M STR AT ( 1 R'S NOTICE II i -i n - qualilied as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Lena M. Cox, deceased late of Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons 'having claim., against the estate to exhibit them to the under sigm d. at llazelwood, North Caro lina, on or before th,. Kb day of October 1'.I3. or this notice will lie pleaded in liar of their recovery. AIL persons indebted (o said estate will please make payment immediate ly. . This the 1th day of October. 1033. HENRY M ( OX. Administrator of (he estate of: Mrs. Lena M Cox. .No. 107 Oct. r.-12-l'. -Nov 2 REAL XO'I 10 of salt: ESTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA II AY WOOP COUNTY. I'nder and by virtue of (he power and .authority contained in (hat cer tain deed of trust executed by Jesse E. Willis and wife. Bertie Willis, to The Raleigh Saving Hank and Trust Company, trustee, which said deed 'of t rust is corded I lay won having Fhr indi in I lie e dated March-1. 11120. and re in Book 12 I'age "2IS, of the h ( ount y Regis! been made in the 'liledness .thereby' ondit ions herein ly, default payment of si cured and secured, the trustee by ok .I0. Pago on W Cdiies at or 'about tinder.-igneil sulisJ it uled. insiruinent recorded in It- CD, Countv Registry, will ilay . November 1 .V 1 !I3:!. t w elve o'clock noon, a door a! Waynesville, offer- for sale and se bidder lor cash t lie f. the court house Nort h ( aroiina, I to th,, highest Mowing describ- ed property : All tboe 'certain pieces, or parcels of land situate, lying 'and being in Bi-averdam Township. Haywood '.'ouu Iv North Carolina, 1 adjoining (he lands-of Jodie !' Mann, John Moflitt. .1 R Willis, Lee Worle.y Webb Mann, and W'. '. Willis, 'about four, miles .Northwest from ('anion, N. '... and haviftg such shape-, 'roiirscs and dis !..'inees as will mole fullv apin.ar by refereriee to a plat thereof, made by J, c. Ilaynes. Survevor Febru ary, 1920 from a Survey made by T. C Mob-on in May 19lo. and atlaelied to tile abstract now on lib- with the A'lantir Joint Stock Land Bank of Itiloigb- North Caio and being the -a tne land ''described in the following deeds;.' Nola L. Evans and husband to J. E. Willis, dated Marc h 1 , 191, iecorded in Book ,j0. I'age o!9. W. V. Willi's- and wife to. Jesse. I'i. Willi, dated March 20. 1917 recorded- in Book 49, I'age o.tl Minnie (l.'Reur, atui husband to J E W'illis, dated --.- .- and registered in Bok oil, I'age 2.14.T, O. Pay 'and wife to Jes-e E. Willis, dated March 30. 1920. and registered in . Book oO,. Page .ri4. Ivxoep: one and one-half acre sob I to AV V. -Will i. by deed recoi ded in Book oil,. I'ag,. o92. , All of the foregoing deeds being .recorded in .Haywood County. North Carolina; and (he saiil 1 1 aits of: lands . ciiiitaining 153.2.') acres, mor,,.. less. Terms of sat,, cash and trustee will require deposit of 10''. of the amount of bid as evidence of good faith. This -he 1 1th day of October, 1933. JOSEPH L. COCKERHAM. Substituted, Trustee. Roliert Weistein, and Victor W. Thompson, Attorneys, Raleigh, N. (',, . No, 1 l.'i - Oct. I9-2;-Noy.: 2-9. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the .author ity conferred by Peed of Trust exe cuted by Pete Nicoloudis (Single) dated the Lath day of December. 1927,. and recorded m. Book 2Q, Page .121, in the office, of the Register of Deeds for Haywo'wl County, V. S. Bryantj, Substituted Trustee, ,, will,, at twelve o'clock Noon on TH U RSPA Y, NOVEMBER 1 (5th 1933 at the Court House Door of Haywood County in Waynesville. North Carolina,- sell , at public auction for cash to the highest, bidder, the, following land, to-wit: I A lot in or near the Town of Waynesville. N- C. and BEGINNING at a stake at thP Northwest corner of the Aggie Smyer lot, which stake is K feet from the West margin of Bryson Street, and 99 feet from the East margin of Daisy Avenue and in the line between lots Nos. 25 and 26, in Block "E" of the Oak Forest Addition to the Town of Waynesville. and runs thence with the line be- tween said lots up a mi.. South So degrees West UK1-., feet t.i Paisy Av enue; thence with Paisy Avenue South 1 degree West l-'iO feet to ;i stake, corner between said lots No- 2S and ''! in saiil Block of Oak Forest; thence with the line between said lots. North So degrees East 124 feet to a stake; theme with a wire ieiice. North 1 degree East 100 fivt to a stake in Aggie Sniyer's line. and in the lin,. between lots Nos. 20 and 27, which stake is W feet West ot the West margin of Bryson Street; thence with the said Aggie Snivel's line South So degree.. i"est 24 feet to a stake. Aggie Snivel's South west corner; ;hence with his line anil with the line of wir,. fence. North 1 degree East f0 feet to th,. BEC1N N1NC U'lng the Western portion of lots Nos. 2ti 27, and 2s. in BIiH'k ' E" et Oak Park Addition, as per map recorded in Peed Book No. "R," office ot the Register of Peeds of Havwood I ouuty, North Carolina. Th,, above lot of land being the same property conveyed to Pete NiCiiloudis single- by deed from J. Wiley James single, dated Novem bei Li l;27, and recorded in the olhce of the Register of Peeds of Havwood County- North Carolina This sale is made on account, of do fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes ami - assessments against said property whether now due or to become due- A he per cent (,V,) cash depos it will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. dder This (he 1 1th dav of October. l!3.l. V. S. BRYANT, I ) Subst ltuted Trustee. J33) No 110 Oct- l'.l-2(i-Nov. 2 !. NOTICE OF TRI'STEE'S SALE On Mom lock, n the ay, October 30. lit: 13, at house llav I the pub r for 1 I . dooi woo undi A. M. at the court town of Wavnesville, I ('ountv North Carolina, i signed trustee will sell at utcry to the biirbesl biddi sh th,. following lands ,-uid prein- jm's. lying ami beinu' in Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina', and more particularly de--cribed as follows: Hb-CINNINC at a slake in I he center of Stale Highway No U. at the Mi deuce ( heiii'i. lar, . (3 highest S 1 I I hence i-h oal latl'cv I' M. x. SO j pole point !: r.'.io iranch near A. l'ol eat. E. 1073 feel S. f,s E. i he resi and runs to a pop l'roni the ,'f the feet V 30o ridge ; (o a an1 ; i a S 'ridge ) ; ( hone, to a hickory; feet (o a Span Hi a feet (hence N. SS Ml chestnut oak in an old I-:'. 232:. feel I (bene,, N. 1 'niiish oak by' branch in Ihetrown line; thence with (hat line S. 4' W, tiso feet lo a staki thence with said Brown line N. f2 W Mil, I lion a W lille- ".1,ri feet I ly.rner i a red I bene,. oak. Mi with S i her l'i'et feel 30' is loll ws: S. 2 ' 2S.ri feet; ;o' !: ids S. N ,v w. West (!." 02 '. -3I.I' SO feet ; -31'r feet ; ' if Slate with a i sl.ei.ly (In 12o feet ; N'., 04 est 31 I feel ; N W. w : 31 LY' W; lo the ecu tor i lighway No ; 0 Highway in ;i (ion t the HE i portion of tin 'in. a deed from .1 W. Blow n el al 'A ' page 3 12 Haywood County t hence Soul bwa OINNLNO same land icing -criln A. lenneis. ,.t al rded in Boo nil of Peeds rci Recoil North of ( 'aroiina. FI'TING ;aid trad land coml IVIlesville EX( from eel Of Ml AM) RESERVING if land a small par emncil hy t in- I ow n for it. . reservoir pr perty and -h wn a m l ileo-nbeii m Minute iiigs No F.X.l I- lots Hie recorded Peed Pocket b, page I "TING efrom if Special Proceed 109, el seq. and. A N 1 1 collVe RESERVING d bv deeds 'd as follow-: lo ,M At I at' and W'ifi date. Book Pi March t'u 1 92 s. 7. page ill: to 'Town of Liu R corded in hvood lale, Mar.h I. page 413 1927. recorded and ik Peed to Rev llern.a r dated January IS, !:i29. Mi Pi-vitt ll) I recorded in Book 77 page 4 10- This deed.'nf t in s is -prior deed of On! execiil ulijeCt to a ed to M. (i Stanley. Trustee, imlebtedness lo J corded in Book 20. of 1 leeds of 'T' u t ol conveying a lot Highway No, 10, to secure certain N Shoolbred, re- lingo I (in. Record ' Havwood ( oun'y, fronting on the loo feet and run- rung back laO fee!. , ' 'This sale aniide pui'suanl. to power ol sale coiiterred upon me bv virtue of a. deed of .trust executed bv John F. Bass and wife, Hallie V." Bass, dated July 21 .1930, and: recorded in Book 20. paire 20b, Record of Pee of 'J ru t of Havwood County. N- C. ' 'Tin September 29, T933. M. G. STAMEY. Trustee. No.. ior1--oct. ri-i2-i9-2f;. NOTICE OF, TRUSTEE'S SALE ( ) Monday, October 30th. 1933. at leveii o'clock A. M. at the court ion. -e door in. the Town of Waynes-.-1 1 i f -. Haywood County. N. ('..- I will ell t public outcry to the. highest inider-. for cash the following lands aid premises, lying and being in Clyde lownship, Haywood County. N. C inn more particularly (lescnoeu as ollows :':'.' Being lots Nos, (i and 7 of the II Medford property in Clyde Town lup. -. JlaywiKwl County, North Car. oiina as snown ny map and survey made hy- R. V- Justice, Surveyor, dated August, jyz.i. -which said map is recorded in liook ot Map4 in the office of Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, and said man is hereby referred to lor a more full and com. plete description of said lots in meets and bounds. bale madp pursuant to the power conferred upon me bv deed of trust executed bv Mrs, M. A. Penland dated 14th dav of Julv. 1924. and recorded in Book 10 of Deeds of Trust at page 249 oflice of Register of Deeds of Haywood Countv, reference to which is hereby made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This September 2S. 193.3. J. R. MORGAN. Trustee- . , No. 104 Oct. 5-12-19-2G. TRUSTEE S SALr , On Mondav Octolx-r :;o. iq:;:i Hii o'clock A M. at the court house d f in the town of W.-iyne-vil!,. Hayw. ii County, Xorth Carolina. I will iff. to the highest bidder for cash, public outcry the following laif and premises, lying and being j the town of Canton. Beaverd 1 lownship, Haywood County, No Carolina: BEOiIXNTN'tJ at a stake in north curb of the sidewalk of Chu Street, M H. ( ook's corner, and n with th,. curb of said Church Str S. .ri2" 40' W. 14(5 feet to a s'., in the Street in the junction Church Street and Bridge St re theii'e with the curb on East side Bridge Street N. 1 ' E. 203 1-3 t to a stake in the sidewalk of iron bridge Across the South Railway; thence with the bank al. the Southern Railway, X. K.V E. feet to a stake, M. H. Cook'., It thence with the line of M. H Cook 7 4'i E- 1215.40 feet to the place UK(J INNING. Being the same land described a deeil from Francis Anni,. Bell : husband. W. F.Bell to 0. V. Bell ; H S Hell, date,! November 14 If and recorded in Book (59. page ! Being also the same property scribed in a deed from (J. M. Smi ers and wife, I-:. J. Smathers, Francis Annie Hell dated No verm 1 1917. and recorded in Book page 37 Record of Peeds of H wood County. Sale made pursuant to powei sale conferred upon me by deed (rust executed by H. S. Hell and w r Jonnie Louise Bell, and C V. Hell and w Hell, dated August 1st, 11 and recordei It ink 22, png,, '. l'riist of Hayw Record Countv This l ;.:;;. P ceils ol the 29th day of Sepleml J E 1.1 AN I'RICl Tru.tei No 100 Oct. 12-19 NOTICE OF S OF I.E TRl 1 ' N P ! ST R PE I'nder and by virtue of coiit. lined in a certain dee, executed by T. O Vickels a tit hoi of tr and w ' to the Citizens National cigii. X. ('., Trustee, on Bank of 1 " the 20th of Si Book wood fault. plember. 1927. recorded ' ) 20. Pag,, SI, Registry of H ; Countv, North Carolina.-. ': having been made in t ho p ' meiii ot tn,. inileliledness secu theieby. ' the undersigned Coma sioner of - Banks. . having succei'ded (he rights and duties of the No Caroliii.-i I tank and 'Trust Cbinpa successor to Cili.en- .National B: if Raleigh. N. ( ' said I rustee, a at public auction, if the Haywood Co door on Monday, ' otter cash, ly C, (ober ville. Stale for sab in front Hit House 30th, 193 a certain and being Township, of North ! at I welv,, o'cl. of or parcel of 1; situate in Wayn Havwood Coin ! Carolina, atid m particularly i Situate inn scribed a- follows: lying in the Groin of the Southern A GINNING at a stak, Avenue "F.' corner atid bT of Block No. sembly in the md I B i' t- margin f. of Lois 13 of th , OS. SouJ ern the I Ills Lot Assembly 'e Xoi-Ui feet to a No. 119; G rounds am rt J.: 41 degrees 1. w stake in back line t hence Soli' h 1 90 -t 100 feet with el grees ',.( 1 ' We back line of I. 11(5, 1 1 : to a 53 degrees Ea the' margin of with Avenue " ots Nos. no iiH. i stake ; t bene nee Soi J a staki' .T t So feet to Avenue "I F" 150' to lb ' Le ; BEGl'i N I NG. .( ontaiiinig and N"i. .'.s no of Bloc t he Soul hern A -sembly being L No 1.3 I- ( I'roum reeoriled Record c North C. Being tin' said son, et 1920, an oS7. Rei ( '.ountv. . Siibjci in Map if Maps , Be A" page f Haywood ('out a rolin.-i. t lie same bit -7. G- Vicki rs :b al, by -deed da mveved R, II V I July k 73, p. Havw it leeoldl old of I N ('.. t fo eel in ds in .101 iiiditions i in that ( re.st ricl ions as $':'' lain deed made by bly to R. H. Willis dated September 2: Southern and C. R. Assc Cam ind- 1913, and is. Havw- corded in Hook .37: jiagi County Registry- N.: C, Mated tins ..ril (lav lay of Septr ber, 1933. Gl'RNEY I Commissioner HOOP, of Bank, No; 103- Oct. 0-12-19-2(5 NOTICE OF EXE( I'TIUN SAI STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COl'NTY OF HAYWOOD. I.N THE SUPERIOR '.COURT. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA O.N RELATION OF N A N NT I I.OCKMAN. Vs.- -:, . J ESSE B. I.OCKMAN AND J A lit VIS L. PALMER. II. R. PALMER tnd W. (J. B, MESSER. By virtue of execution directed the undersigned from the Sunei- Court of Havwood (aiuntv , in iihove' entitled action, 1 will res pursuant :ta a raised. .bid', on ,Mond, November (ith 1933, at eleven o'clo A. M, at the court house (loiir of s ' County, to the highest bidder S cash, to satisfy said execution, all right, title and interest which -: said Jesse B. Lockman has in the 1 lowing described real estate, to-wi BEGINNING on a stake in south margin of a lo-fiHit alley, e' run S., 30" 30r,W. lSO. feetto a st; in the north margin ot a ,.o-t treet; thence with said -street.-Si W. !.' 1 feet to a stake; thence !0 ' :,",0". E. .1K0 feet tn - uth mar of , 15-foofc alley; tlienc with s alley. N SO" W. 93',. feet- to the I; GINNING- Being the same lot, parcel of land conveyed in a d, from C, D. Meilford and wife. Paul ., Medford. to J. B- Lockman d JUIV li. l.'-t. ami lecuiueu in 170 1.1 ,.l ll.iu.lj - K Mnvuood Countv. N. C. This the 2hth dav ot aeptemt 1933- . . ' t J. A. LU t.. Sheriff of Haywood County . No. l(JtJ Oct- 5-12-19-2(3 ' ,'.v MAPJJW OUTSIDE "A.f Jl7)

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