ern a I - IR 10 f1 fT ruiiTi Mm The Best Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (ireat Sntokv .Mount; tins National Park- -Kead by Thinking People VOL M-V NO. J 7 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TIU HSDAV ()( TOKEK 26. , TTlA .s- Pv,.rv jiO-FOOT TUNNELlSouth Main Street ) PAKK 1WAU IS jOT TO BE BUILT Decision Made To Abandon Plans for 400-r oot lunnei. oun Formation Not Suited Miller, member oft the Commission told 1 he Wednesday, that the Soco Gap to Cherokee not mi'iuae tne lunnei route one of the two routes re ed by state engineers. It while that the route j;e Highway mat from . iroaM ,r;!v survey wsics stance be I ho une The tunnel route ntd '.he J tunru - . . .11 J" , .1 I tor a iuu-ioox lunnei chosen. would have short- between Soco Gap j r-ieiokee mi tngnwajv zva aoout , i. . J? 1 4-Uj. U -P ji.I lit i ; ." . 11 was iuuuu mat me jlui- Mtiuii c! the soil where the propos was to ue fuiisu ucieu was table for building the under lies passageway . E. I!. Ji-:f ress. chairman of the high iv li'iiimis-iiin, together with Ross W. C. W'uodard and r. W. iber.s of the commission. "x week-end in this community n Jisree'.iou umi, iue jut-mui-: s the vo:im;i:sion excepting: Mr. :mt rclurn.J to Raleigh Tuesday. A j tjin-u'h the park and down .hi;.'. h- av -M tvwarus Drevaru was niciuu- Was Scene Of Two Auto Wrecks Sun. None of Occupants Hurt. Five Cars Were Badly Damaged In The Two Collisions tour while here. ast Rites Are Held For A. J. Carver, 71, JJ3n Wed. Afternoon Deceased Was A Deputy Shenft of This County For 25 Years. l)ied Tuesday Morning Las;, jites were held Wednesday brrieoir for A. J, Carver, 71, who ;! at the Haywood hospital Tuesday ra lingering.: illness of some weeks. jKral service? were conducted at fF:r't Methodist church with Rev. ade Johnson and Dr. R. P. Walker ndm-iing the services. Interment was area! (.recti Hill .Cemetery. Simmers o! : fie Junior Order, of hii-h Sir. Carver was a member at trfeil the funeral in a bodv, anil also rvt-d as pallbearers. Sir. Carver served as deputy sheriff this wanly for 25- years. ' .-'.-Sir. Carver was a nativ,. of Hay tod county, Forty-seven years ago 1 maiTieil Miss Mary Gnodson, of tPoyrcll county. Besides the widow, -'is 'survived . bv 10 children and .')8 andtliihhen. The children are: Will "i Ernest, of Waynesville; Thomas, kn acl Henry., of Gastonia; Mrs. ales. Seizor- of Candler; Mrs. Gil--rt liavis. df Candler: Mrs. Henrv ilkey, ..f. (histoma- and Mrs. L. I). Gastonia. - Monday afternoon's sesson of po. lice court here disposed of two auto mobile wreck cases which happened Sunday night on South Main street here- In neither case was there any one hurt. Considerable damage was done in both wrecks to the cars in volved, however. The worsp damaged of all the cars was a Model A Ford which was parked in a proper parking place on Main street. This ear was damaged to the extent of about $50 or JdO. The first wreck occurred about ti o clock when Clifford Harrell age Hi, tried to pass another car near the entranaee to the cemetery. Harrell was said to have been going about .'to miles an hour and struck the back of the car he was passing, doing about ?15 damage also about the same to his. James Adeoek. was the driver and owner of the hi; car. Young Harrell was lined '$25 and cost' of the case. He was driving bis father's ear. and had two young girls with him at the time. The second wreck of the evening happened about 8::!0 at the inter secton of Pigeon and Main street. Sam Massey, driving a model T Ford roadster and J. I). Frady. -.of Sylva. driving a Chevrolet, collided about the center of Main street. Frady was going towards Sylva, and Massey was coming down Main street. . : The impact blew ont a tire on the Chevrolet causing it to swerve and Election Returns Will Be Given By Mountaineer and Martin Electric Co., On 7th Arrangements have been com pleted by The Mountaineer and Martin Electric Company, to give to thf people of this county com plete returns of the election on Tuesday night. November 7th. The returns will include the results in the county, state and the live other states that will vote on that same day. Mr. Martin will install his' broad casting outfit in front of The Mountaineer and also a l'hileo radio to furnish entertainment when returns are not being given. A huge board in front of the 1 tabulations will rangements have will be placed milling and the be on it. Ar- been made to get the results. As oon as the results are received, they will be announced by the loud speaker by Mr. Martin then posted on the board The first returns should be available about tt.-liO o'clock. At the last primary The Moun taineer and the Martin Kleetrie Company rendered a similar ser vice to the public, and a crowd of 150(1 people attended. Sonv remained until the tin il count was made. For those unable to attend. The Mountaineer will give the results over the phone to anyone calling i:!7. Of course, there will be no charges. All are welcome.' Waynesville Fair Was Successful In Every Detail, Said Sponsors Of Fair Here East Sat. urdayAU'll Pleased With Ex. hibits And Attendance The which proved to lie a succe iceordi ng t.o V, ). Waynesville Community Fair was held last Saturday Ihiv s in every respect, Smith, vocational and who sponsored run across Main street and hit a parked Ford, tearing down the wheel on the Ford, and doing" considerable damage to the fenders amounting to about $50 or $(). The Ford belonged to G. H. Davis, of Candler, who was stopping tor the night wit h his fath I er-in-law, jack Carver. oil .Main j street. "'. Wifne.-s'es to the wreck testified that I Frady was driving about 10 or 50 I miles an hour. Frady and occupants lot' his car stated that they were not I ' going more than 20 .mile's and hour- Massey testified that he was going 10 miles an hour. The court held that both Massey and Frady fix their own cars, and pay the court cost. Hoth cars were damaged about $15. Lt was interesting to note, that seven of the nine witnesses to take the stand in thH police court Monday, looked. to be less than 21 years of age. be less ;han 21 yeas ot age. Massey had two young women with him and Frady hail three other young .people in bi car. agriculture tcachot the fair. :I.Jirge ciowds tbronirod the biiildine throughout the day. and the comments on the exhibits which were not only the largest ever shown at a community fair, but also the best quality, were heard' from every side. Mr. Glazetler of llrevard and Mr. I.yda, of Uosman, acted as judges fori the fair, The local post of the Ameri van 1Ogion 'helped to arrange fop the building and other features of the fair were cared for by them. The prizes for th,, exhibit I lows; I-rank Hove Strong Marshall Team To Play Here. Friday Afternoon Marshall Team Is I'ndefeated. Having Held Asheville To A Tie Last Week The un.del'ealed Marshall high school team will play'th,e Nlountaiiir eers here .Friday afternoon at o:.'!0 o'clock. The strong Marshall team plays-- in the place of the Sylva learn who cancelled t lie -ehediile.l game. The Marshall-Waynesville g;ine is bring looked upon a-, one of the out .standing m :liis -section for this 51. D. Watkins To Open Chevrolet Agenev In City New Firm To Open Doors The Latter Part Of Week In For mer Davis.Ho.vd Huilding Watkins Chevrolet Company. Inc., will open it doors to the public the bitter jvn-t of this week in the build ing on Haywood street formerly oc cupied by Ihivis-ISoyd .Motor Com pany. The new firm is 'an authorized independent dealer of General Motors Corporation. M. 1. Watkins. of Fianklin active manager while M C. of this city, will be salesman ne! Medford will be foreman mechanical depaitment Mr. is a partner in the firm. The building has been gone over and several changes made in addition to lepainting both interior and exterior. The showroom on the front has been will be Given. Colo ur the Green banged and will al car.- at once. In adilit ion to firm will ca.iiv parts g.i.- and oi be featured. The "polling ol relet Company b tor the tirM iiiiii .imniodatt sever- COMMUNITY FAIR TO BE HELD A T CLYDE ON FRIDAY Interesting Program Has Heen Arranged. Large Number Of Exhibits Expected The Muun- st interesting will be the 'Id in Clyde, ociocK. Ihis and service complete lihi Stoi age will the of a! in lit the Watluns Che mgs to Way ne- ille everal Mar-, i bevrolet dealer. Mated yesterday that ivnesville in mind for for an ageiiliv for believes in niimit-v that lie of I his were as BRIEF X E W S ITEMS -ena-.o!- J.v;ia)j -. Bailev announced s t'('k that he will vote for repeal ,tw lv.h- Amendment ch November c- Ho said St.lti liniir,!. nlif.T- cVilnJll another election.. . 'puled t'-mk Rmiittarrtner, cf Waynesville ' r'f lllV throe stockholders in the 5.J .T'W.bfr. Company of Sylva. .r.f'i certificate of incorporation 5 l-ci-etarv of. "5t.t Wc-.'-n.wlt. -od capital stock is $10.- Th; rib) ?. . nl t learwater mills at flr.scrl since. Friday by 'Jii.Pfl work Tuesday ntorn- 5 m ir '.Va. ace at: I'oak, secretary of Labor cabinet, died Mondf in. He was 51 year ' o.e, of heart disease. t'trrr.s voar:-i t'arse h'lerson- county : jury Sunday .'..',("'ir'u'(l a verdict of guilty t rTv-, murder againrt Joe E. r -'., mg his wife last May. . -nced to die in the elec 'r -''--nilK'r 1st. . Corn L u gene Irish cond, Tobai nind, first, Francis potatoe J-Aigene 'eo: firs Kugene : first, Halpll Moody; 1- ratios, t, Hugh .McCr'ncken; McCraeken. Horace Hurress : sec- Kiifu- Cars 5 Out Of Each 1,000 In Haywood County Got5IarriedInl932 . place Mien's of the H is state Thi State statistics show that wood county ranks :31st in the in the number of marriages. county is ranked as.: having " riaires for each 1000 inhabitant ing l!t:!2. .;-.-'-. - For the same period, the divorce rate . was . 0.5.1 per 1000 population. The- total marriages, in. the state were M-614. The total number of divorces in th,. state being l .ll. Officers Named For Red Cross . -t a recent meeting of the ay nesville chapter of the American Red Cross the following officers were elected for the . ensuing year : Rev. . II. . Kaucom. presi'iem . Mis Xancv:Kil!ian.. vice pr T. I.. (ireen. re-elected tT J ('. ratrick, secretary. J. K. M.issie re-e)ec:ed chairman of roll call- : I lone v: first oik). V a vile Met racken. Sweet potatoes: lirst well. .Chickens. Coon Kilhan. Onions, Paul 'league. Hog. kav l'erguson. JiatclilT Cove (Irange took firs in the community exhibits with Creek Coming sconid. Judging different farms of tlui coninrunity siparatelv ( has C. I-rancis .i-e.cei.ved lirst prize and Ivufus Katcliff siH-ond. There was a challenge t-i any having a fall garden to t-oniiK-te. with Will Shelton. The displry of Mrs. R. M. Ferguson's milling products drr'.w much .attention. Ferguson's Hairy, owned by .1. 10. Fe.rgusMli had a display of dairy 711.1 duct,5 which drew considerable atten tion. . The girlr o f t h e II o m e Kcon o 11 1 i i s Depaitment eimtributed their share to the succe of the fair .with their ex hibit?. First prize went to Elizabeth Fran cis (Hi dresses. built r 'first. Lois Dicus and Eliza beth.: Francis; .second, Virginia and. Ruth Katcliff. .'Liner HALLOWE'EN. CARNIVAL TO HE (ilYEN AT HETHEL . Th-re w ill 1 -nonsoTcd bv sid'-nt iurer. HALOWE'EN CARNIN AL TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY VT ROCK HILL SCHOOL ,e a Hallowe'en arnival the IV T- A. at. the Heih.- I ! flllgn .-scnooi .WUOIiil .;......., I October 2S, at 8:00. There is to b admission ( harges. ! . There will be an admission charge i of five cent- .to each of the side shows, th- "Hall of Horrors." "I-ish Fond." i "Chorus finis." "I-ortune Telling ' Month. ' and others. Food will be on ' sale throughout the evening. J The public is cordially invited to a tend th- carnival, and all who can do so are ri-'iuested to come , in cos tume. who said he was a -iuel on an Asheville golf vven eight months sust :ntcncc foj- accent in sr a ' 'in el. ' ,. :, ' S v . 1 , -.- "'la- 'M " oorn to iiertz loung vi--. j -.-.-vui 1 iarmer ana "i s each r p. The boys weighed i' ur.. Cole of Catskill. X. :"frl ;'.-? during his own wed-i-v sj.; ' His prospective mth-ii- : .; "I'd hint-the second time ' i"e ceremony. Hallowe'en Carnival sponsored by .u. . ti, inn p T. A., will b triV'-n 1 lit itwrv- 1 , 1 ti . .. . in the auditorium of the. Rock 'Krhool building FriAty night. 91th. -At- S:00 o'clock. Some inter ostintr' feature? of the carnival fortune telling, fishing, tne gran nag and various stunts. Proceeds will -. used by the local I'. T A. i Every' .iy is cordially invito! Admission is tree- H LlOW f r ( ARM I I - I U NF SVII I 1 1 Hallow) Cn ( arnival wnl 1 !-s.nt.ul n the Ea-t Wavncsvil! t mentary P'-hofd Friday night wi.i 1 ?. at 7:t;n for the lien'-;i II M fK- AT jtre- letoher of the Veek. Hoth teams b'ave held Vsheville bivh school team 1 0-0 t i. . The Marshallites p d the Maroons last Fib l'Th,. .Marshall ti'am is rated (be strongest high school team western North Carolina. The visitots will bring with I hem two .ill-western star-. Rector and Cohen. So far this vear the Mar shall team has not been defeated, in -ehool circles.- Coach W'eatherby stated that he would start lis 11-11 .: team with al tei.'nat i.011 in baekliehl and guiirds The -Mountaineers eaiile hrotigh in splendid fa-hion last Saturday when they defeated the' .Ashe vi II School for Hoys. 20 0 on the l itter's field. Tin- Mountaineers bavi ,0eti pu! thronrh ',,,,11- bard -drill, 'hi- week reportc! yesterday a being ondil inn for what 1 bey e t heir ha 1 d,e , nn f fh i pond Mr. 'Watkins he had bad W ideal ioea-tioii onietiiiie. and the -possibilities are l.u hot tor ; lian those of any other eoniniiinit v in tin' state .Mr. Watkins was 'connected with th,, State Highway Commission until he recently; resigned to take up his agency here. He and bis family have an apartment in (lie Ivirkpatrick Apartments. Series Of County -Wide Meetings Are To He Held Hy Drys Large Crowd Heard Rev. .W. . H. l ord Last Friday. Extensive ( nmpaign I nderwav I'bese com mam ai ieil and will be I rmii anv ami in i: lioi-i Tannery Buildings Nearing Completion Thn l l ive ill Me (iiven W ork I 111 I he Next I wo .'Months On .structures Till ed a are 10 colli 1:1 1 oof two t roof .. lb three; co nip h M r. I : rue ago, the ): Mr. leasi jo' ' Ti er. d vu new liuildinirs beinr : eri-i-t -1 h,. England- Walton Tannery a 'ring coin plot ion. .Jerry l.iiier ;ti,r stateil : tbi-' week. The ! he hoi lei room, .w h ieh is a t v brick building,, had', 'ho oiijileted W'ednesday, .roller room, which is Mmi ory w-ooilen structure. Will be tod within the next twie mon;hs. in.e'.r stated Ever since con o'n began ibout two month" men have been ciiiplovciT on I.jner tatod. yesterday ineh would be. kept ! tie next t wo months.. is the bird addition i( the England-Waltoti uring the: '-past 12 month. that at on the to be 'IV, 11- GI'll M 111 I'ORI S MHsiU I 'C ATI! ERI (i LARGE POTATO ON DISPLAY Gradv Wilson, of -Canton Route 2, broueht to The Mountaineer Wednes day afternoon a -'.wet pota." Ahu.. weighed five poumis am! t v. o ounces. This is one of the larges; j.otatoe. seen in-this, county , this sea-on. The potato is cm disrlay at The Mountain eer. ''.' :.;.'" '.. Fat Waynesville Parent -1 i-acher as--K-i.-ition. I-'ach graiie will put on a u-n-mm-UP trtter'a rr,t ar ' nt pfogtam w ' hi fta ud by a naguiin ai t 1 v Roy W alls. ( andv. ice-cre im, and Cider will be sold in booth?; An ad mission of five cents will be charged to Fa-t W aynesville students an) the general admission will be ten cents- Ti H i v poi.te; MR WYCHE 15 FITTER e vrhe- who is c. mined a . -.od fount'.- .Hospita: was thi- wek ;.s iiiiproying. the re- Tl.i fo- muni' the N ! rioa' cu:- . '.lor the C,l' HI pfl Sib N dii- vis'!' R' V. annual ingathering of clothing i- needy families of th- com bv : he W a vnesvtllp chapter of t-dlew.ork Guild w? belli last afternoon in the building oc !y Young's jewelry store.. ng the hours for inspection of 'aihients, numbers of. persons I to view the collection. Thev efeived bv Mrs. 1. Lenoir Gwvn. b-nt of .'.he chaptr. M rs.. Ruf us ,r. IE a The drys , planning for Sunday and a speaker ill e, churches of th o'clock. Thi- being i.vw-ooii v are untv wide rally have arranged to '.'have each nf t be .'!.'!. Hapt ist count v at 11:00 the regular tilth Sunday meeting of the churches. Tlie. dry rally at the court.- house hr-l -Friday night ot which lime Kev, . II, Ford ,,f IE made the addreis. wa ... attended by about .'.00 peopli' At. the close of 'the ad dre-s, Rev. Mr. Ford asked that all those voting the dry ticket-, on No vcmboi , Tib to stahd, .Over !! per cent rose to t hei r feel . Tonight ai 'c.'.u at. the !!'!;. I high school, (Irover ( '. 1 );i vi . w 1 J 1. niake and add 1 e,, in behalf of I be dry's. On ) relay nig ht at t he same lion r. Ke . !'.(. Jtryiuari. o!' Lake. J una In.- ka CLYHR cSpivial loioeei 1 - vine en tne mos o us 01 1 nis season Community fair to be he ! tiday, (.let. 27. at 1 :00 oistnct is one of the best ae-ri.-ultm-.-il centers of Western N'orth Carolina and many interesting ami out st.-m.lmu- xhibits will be shown. Each section it Civile ToWllsllin will nruunl ..u types of farm produce, cattle, poultry , tobacco, canned eomls (low its n,'.t her interesting articles. 1 ominittees have been arranged with a teacher in charge of each Mr lancis and .Miss Kegels have the poultry. Mrs. Ha.ynos the canned goHis; .Miss .Sinathers the cakes and pies; Mrs, lirooks lb,, needle and fancy woiK; .Miss Ivirkpatrick the (lowers; Miss Met lacken and Miss Francis the garden produce; and Miss Cannon the pet shop; Mi. Counatser the general farm and stock exhibits; Mr. Freeman and Mrs. liolinsdahl the spoils; Miss Staid the curious simp; Miss ''e ire 1 1 llie registering and Mr. Cannon the build ing ot t lie horn hs 1111! t ees ha e planned lor and interesting exhibit glad (o receive any art id pel -on 111 th,. di- Kiel. I he program will open 'with a baby bow. Any child' .from Six months to Twenty-four, months may inter. The exhibits will be shown next, while this is taking place inside, various sports will be carried on outside. These will lake place hot.ween the high school, and the community' at huge. Horse-shoe pitching w ill conic first, following this w ill bg toesack races, t hree-leggeil races, and relay races for both men and women. While the high sebo... boys play the town boys in Vollov Hall, the girls "will play soft-ball. The. last, spoil w ill he a tug of war and the loosing- team will be drawn through a stream of water. The tinal number on the program will be a riding show. I'lobably on,, of the most, interest-.' utg exhibits will be the curious .show. Old Indian relics, petrified woods, , bending stones, colonial costumes, Creaks of nature, ami many ixld, cur ious, .'and interesting articles will he found there. While thi' fair is going tin lhe hit'h school and Parent -Teach-, ers Associat ion will sell candy, cookies, and lemonade. W. II. Allen Kites Held Wednesday Well known 1' turner And ('on tractor of I Jus ( ountv Pass, ed Awav .Monday Morning Funeral lav t ing . .1 r 'few In will, addre -I reek 1! .pi 1 -t At till; 111.' ilaiiie- .At kin dry-, made ; he urged all ' he dry movement to v M r. Ford wa iiit.r 'a go audience by .1 C-n'On... i hairnian of. . in audience at I'i'k' church.' Frida'-.. night candidal remark in -viiip.; 1 mug hc- ii I'm I' I 111 bicb it II 1. lie 'I I. ,! In 1.1 b of - e oi al 111 V.a- beld, v. ! ei" the Fii'-I ...ill In bv lie Alell. JflW Id V W el l for W. 11. home ruing- t nl h- : 1 1 1.1 . t 1 1 e . Filpt 1st the fuill'l A, Sellte held We.ine II . A lien, SO, W'ho "il Allen's . Creek llowing an illne-s A M.o .!,;.- fiiiieia! lev, A. V. -.loyner:. Church of '( 'jiijt.on, being assisfeil fid Rev. Kay nicnt w a ; 1111 do in ( i reen II il of Hay w o n! county ire,-sed biinself fii liropaganda .that 1 by the wot. fol'ei it; is !iot true,, a prohibition amend! on t lie people - c, i ' a eliance to v.?'i- " she. ai.iii-ndu.ien' 'vi a thi". law of tb tory of the . dared that men, wa - i n' jority of any He said. 1: hope to kei-;. ing repealc. workel for ; dry in order lawn. . H. - :,, three i !a -I -i illy ad metcrv. Th,. II '( I ;ill. - .Mrs. .1. P.. Dicus, Mr-. HeweK i.f Mrs. Paul Walker, ,-t.d ther -.r- of the Guild, .-a and cakes were, served to the tor at an attractive table by Mrs. . Campbell find Miss Daisy Boyd, ow chrysanthemums anil ragged robbins carrying- out the Guild colors of vellow and blu were used in dec oratng the .-..Ible. . . Tho- in charge 'if the guild were piCaed .w-ih the response of the rmbiic to this worthwhile', cause. Several hundred garments that had teen donated- by the members were en 'ii-'jtl .y Friday af'emoon I th vote whiskey, money en. by the wi are unoi'i In th: a re th i f-' ' in mind, their 11 that the gei.ei at ' the ore- a gain. s how it brewer-' brought Ii: cb. some" of o o(i)e of the 1 ..tei'iig -ci rculated. a-ml (leciared Itiat . '. ''.'imed. that tb o ' was put over ' built giving, tlieni 1 ' .- . He tobl how i - mad,-, a pait of I. and gave t be his t r trail';,- He d. irohibitioii ainend- I by the largest in;t- r.iimen'. .. over, th,,!- I here i - rto arncndniorit from be 'I ! thing now: ' being '1. keel) N'orth Carolina to,. save thi' state dry ,. - aid that there are l-. Haiti ... '- ' pe .po- w ho .'.! going . : those who Want their :'' who are going to make : .-1' it; those '.vie. an- misled : propaganda and .-those w ho 'he machine ftoiilioiatis. , ' lampaig-n hi' said, there things the d-rys should keep 'he evils, of -trorg drink, ir.sibility in the -matter, and vils be ttiiight to the rising . . He : ga . the -story--. of iiza'.ion., of- the .society ne lirohibition aniendiilent rmg cased was a I'a-rmer and e"n Fle bad lived in t hi - 1 ounty iif-,, alii! w a- well .know ri: nrvived' bv. four sons, R. (I.- I.., Ilaih'v and :.lulius Alb'ic.all of Wtiy nesvill.e.. There are also sui'viv". brothers, ..Ii C Allen of W;i,v nesville an I. I . Ii. and .1. II of ( at. :!:. villi-, Mi A inaiida Mi 'fin- three '.sisi Kelly-, of Wa vne halfey and AL -. 1 ani on. iVllbraiers v.. r-. .1 M I.. II. 1.. I'le-.o-i. K. ii. Grady '. Farnu'r and E S .lame T. Mo Medford.; I. Election Officers 5Iet Here Tuesday Tuesilay morning the iegisttar- anM judges recently -appointed, lor t;iv coming election met in (he I'oii:,; .!o':it a.t. the .court -house iTi"'-'.btv iiioi.tiirg' to- receive : final; ihst tu.-Mbv: .- t: 1 1 -' ' the' ballots:, tor. the :eb ei i,,n.. ,-'" .'., ;; A getier '! .roued-I.tble. discuss;!,::; was held . w i t bsC b a i r n of t hei Boa ! i it Kiection-. tirnwr (' Flection - in tiii' di t-ifted in England by some and di filer.-, and was then Ur A ll.'-rii-.'l ing, he riddled the theory of the wets., that theri-iwill be less drinking if . he dry. laws are re pealed, die said "we have liquor now. it is. true but we would have more of. it. if. prohibition is rejx-aled.'' At the close of the addre-s, be a.sked how many of the: audience would pledge theniselve-- to . go to the poll.-- ' and . .. ( Continueii , on page, eight. 1 two. nit t t'litotions .tii-esent,- -tc: u- sjons. ial.s tbai. N'ovi- mbr'-r .SVIS. il'fl Al! cxci-it' m. h.i!d - thr Tfh- .avi.:,i. I IJ I I I s ... ' . I X 1 1 1 I JG EI.V . . A !,.( . '(i" . Mary triplets 're. n 1, i:,t-re niv-'h-tl along." . M, bor :i .Ft 'The: .' and R Ml', a-:.' ..'f ie.:o,b'e'r i,V as, ire; a .1 :- F. 1.. 'th-- tveiv .ng ..ioiig ''t' right; 1 Saturday, October 28th, Is Thg Last Day To Register For The Election