t THURSDAY OCTOBER 26, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 1 LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 1". J. McCraeken of Crabtree t i f Monday . W. L. Bradshaw of Crabtree, a business trip to Waynesville 1. 1-.' Stevenson, of Iron Duff. ... Tuesday in town. . Frank E. Haynes was among -, - - i . i - here from Clyde Tuesday. Mr Horace P. Ledbetter. of Pig- f -in:-' Tuesday in town. !i. (irover Haynes. of Clyde, was ne i!!,. visitor Tuesday. y, -. J. R.Boyd, Jr. and Mrs. Thad H, ,u-!! of Jonathan spent Tuesday .... ;vvir in Waynesville. '!.-. .V. i. Baldwin of White Oak -a : e Tuesday. v Scr.tclle Moody was here from '.I,- .....an the tirst of the week. ,: V John W. Shook was here from i-'vday. - d' . . ! : .i ) Ferguson was hen from I Saturday. 9 d. A. Keatlierwood w as here I i Saturday. m darttaict Morri visited i Sylva Sunday. k Wes; of i'lyd airing in t ho citv. spel Fiiichcr f Civile was --vd'c v-itor last week. 1 J. N'oland. suporilitelident of My home, and .Mi's. N'oland, a. the city 111-1 week. s I iiiuiv as Anything Invented by Miiite ( i, medians. See the "Duinb I'n'T I. tilers Received by Big Business i tji. Reprinted in --The'. American Hickl, the Magazine Distributed ith .Next Sunday's BAI.T1MORK AJIKRICAN. Buy your copy from iur linorite newsbuy or newsdealer. ! 6 6 6 . lai'l'II). TABLETS,' 'SALVE- NOSE DROPS Check Malaria in :! days. Colds Irst u:ij . neauacnes or .M-uraigia in minutes. Fine Laxative and Tonic ; Must ..Speedy -Remedies Known. Broken Veins Varicose ITct rs Old Sores Relieved At Home Y .sensible person will continue to 'iH ! when powerful penetrating, vet -minles- antiseptic Moone's Kmerold 'I ' 'an readily be obtained at any drug v'.ie the directions are s-impie and jA easy to use. J-.cononiieal, too ana mnn s . ut Kate Drug Co. guarantees one l..ii . T l : . y.. ouiLio io give spienum re- " , suits or money back. ( adv) NOTICE Ail parties "'owinj? the I'r. IL L. estate, are asked to make : l.m-t ment with Doyle I). Alley "iKe. therein saving cost of Loan and Trust, Administrator. why the Sodden ge to Liquid Laxatives? Doctors have alwavs recognized the aiue of the laxative whose dose can k! measured, and whose action can . "e controlled. .; fnTe Public, too, is fast returning ia lhe use of liquid laxatives. People n,;ae, Mrned tVat a properlv pre Mared i,quid )axative brings a perfecl atVKm.ent wthout any discomfort ; at lhe time, or after. ho1!. e d?5C of a liquid laxative can '3,dual- The action can thus be plated. It forms no habit; you d not take a "double dose" a dav ,T! 'ater. Nor will. a' mild liquid ..'native irritate the kidneys. rnJ? w.ropg cathartic mnu keep you Zgl?ed as lon as keeP on -,rr' CaId well's Syrup Pepsin is a "Pt'cn. and is perfectly safe. j-s laxative action is based on senna Z urbl laa'-ve. The bowels will of I Tcoe dependent on this form u P Pr' Ca'dweirs Svrun Pepsin 13 a,t all drucBists. Member N. Ri A. Mr. J. H. Cosset: of the Medford r arm spent Saturday in the citv. 9 A I , , . . . -'ii'. virge .VfcUure of Canton was among the visitors in town Monday. Mrs. K. R. Ferguson, of Crabtree spent Saturday -hopping in the citv. torn Key. Hannah J. Powell, of Ceeil spent sonv time in Waynesville Sat- uruey. James Rose. Henry Con, and Juno Mnathers spent las: week-end in t harlot te. Mr. Hascue Haynes. eashiet of the Bank of Clyde, was here on business Saturday. Mrs. Maggie Morrow, of Lake Ju naluska spen: Monday shopping in tne city. Miss Nancy Killian left Monday lo spend several d -.ys in Atlanta as' Tie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson. Mr. and Airs. Ralph l'revo-t rc turuyi Thursday after 'a week's visit to x hieago and S:. Louis. Mrs. (io!go Ward and. u .ughte-. M:- Caro!ii!t. Ward of .-he die vi.--iti! ! i-!cnl !ifiv F ri.iav. Mr. Frank ll.Mige ! r Ktiowili,. win r,. M tile A I 11-, !e Sll,,;il- p: 'JO, A! r. and Al ' 1 1, All. y !., -: u, i-k-i nd a; Wb'.'.e Sid -gin.--:- .!' Ah. Alley's nioiher. :pcn: Al i t lay I iark of Syi a a- - pen, mg a few ,1 ,y will) her parer,: Al r. and M r-. ,l;.i v i-. A lli-eti Air H. I K -gi i and - ma! ' .-, ,n. )l.,i'i. c:,. ji Tuesda. in t, w n . t'l i 111 l l'a:C l ee Al r. ( 'harlcs -Moody among Tuesday's visit ville. d' ei .I wa in W'avneV- Alias Maiy I'enland Al('racken spent last vveek-i-nd in A-hevi!!e as tin gee . of Ali.-s l.ori'iie Band. Air. Jim , 'Padgett, of pore-t City, spent hist week-end with his brother, Dr. Charle Padgett at The icorgian. K -I- Aiming the visitors in the. citv Tuesday 'were. .Mr. A. B. Curtis, Air. W. J. Ball, olid M i W, p. Sorre.lls. of C nton. Aliss Cancel! Plot; left Saturday for Statesvillo where -he is visiting her unc'!e"and auiit Mr. and Air-. Roy Plot: ' ; Air-. .1. D Biviiis r turned fir her' home in Albemarle-. Sunday after a visit to her sister, Airs. S..H Busli ne!! and .Airs. Bushnoll, Air. and Airs. D. Al. Br adham. of Roanoke. Virginia stem last week end with the hitter's mother. Airs. I. J. Brown- '' Air. ami Airs Alvin Ward spent last week-end in Knoxville, -Tennesse.p and attended the Tennessee-Alabama football game. ''... Airs. l-'.VV. 'Warner has returned to bet' lionie an Florida after spending several months at the Crawford cot tage. Airs, R. I.. Allen lift la-t week, for Washington-- i. ('. tn .-peiiil some time a- t-h,. gu.s. of her nephew, M i' Craig . W.jlti'in. .... : Ali-.s Jannett.- Phillip" will tetfV Colli i row fur iier l:o.nu; In PpHflff tield. South "Caralina after "prnd'i;; ! he -din nier a nd fall here. . .'. : Al l'.' Jim 'Piir(;dT! nrrivfd Trteyday t. jidir Hi's nro" h'-v, . t he. TTnfpI f.'"T-'ain'a and .a',,'oii i-. nie,.: h:y hnnu- f , , St-. Pi-tei s.dnfg hi- nv! ni.r.ir.' - - ; Air am! Alt I"r rda.-'i,:.annfi lea; !.v ;,;:,., al Wt't. r.'- .''a titer. : :'., AfMr-- left . f,o- 0.nv',n ' X'-bra:'-li'i- '.'f;nt"--i ' "f, ! ': Air. ;and. Mi s.. :Ala,-k Shu'-Kofrr. n-1 New Hani'i-liii-e '.re en-'-fs i.f fbe f.--.-M(.r's.'-'i.a:n.-i-,!'j ' AD;". .and' M-:."' D. C Sh'i'hefi ' ra ". Alri. Bill I'i-t.ve - -etapiau- i Cbaiiii , ;: !i:I; Sunday- a''tet- it't.-t il i njr 'la ".-..a-end with hi- pa'.-Mits Ir. ,-,-, ! M' . II !.. I'mv-u ;, . ... '.' . ' ' .. '. All-, a-ila i Al l-s, I 'a'Jel: ;aF AIu''f)l; v. .';' Cievela'td. (hii. Weie wei-k-(-tid can -Is iif Mr. and . Mrs. R'. X. Barber.: a: thedr iiame. eh f.ove Lane. ' ". Airs. K. W. Brown , had a- her quests . las . week-c-nd Air. and Alr;. Alack II iptv and snt;. Alr-aMacnn Hipp, 1 Air. I'riri.e. .f Charb.!'.". - '' ...-..' Mr. and Ilr- K. I . ".ln M- Trod Fercruson- and I.ee Tiavis motitr, d : to Charbitto last week-end and attended the Pnkc-Dands'nn . foo-ball pamo. .'..' . . Mr. a- ' Mrs. Frank RclL Mr. arid Mrs. C.. 1 Bel" .'and. little daufrh-tr." Carol I.o-iise .rcturned."Mondav after a week-end visit to friends in Xeiwion. Mr. and Airs. ..Joe . Tate havi-- res turned to ,'Hcir borne on Wa'.ntit Street after spi-'d-'riir th" sumnif r in th Breedii'?. . house en. Boundary street. . . ". . - . ' . ; Mr. and Mrs. W Ai Hyatt and fam ily who . have had an . anartmen: at the home f Mrs. W. T Crawford have returned to their home in the country.' Miss Ros;Jio Morrow. v!,0 i- .-. mem." I'-er it rn.. fieiil-o . .t t v. . i. i k.. I i ........ , i.iiiiHil sehools. spec. Sunday with her grand mothei Mrs. CM. Morrow, who, is sui'ermg from nijurie- revived in a !al; fast Wick S Mis. Vernon Loudermilk who has ie:. inaK:ng her homo with Mrs. W H. Mat hews fer the past several mor.'ns las; Friday to ioin Mr. Loudeimiik in A htvro. N. C wiu,rt, they wil: make their home in the fut ura v Mr-. Fr.r.k SmatheVs and Miss irgmia Sniathors left last week for then h,nie in Miami. Florida after sj'eining Vhe summer and' fall at their home here. Mi -. S C. Sat:erthwait. of Atlanta I. eorgia. and Miss Hester Ann With-' eiS, who is a stlldem . A ...... . o ... . , ,, r - .vf-iit s .-H'o'. ; 1 ol lege were week. on,) ,..,.. J , , , ... .- . .- l l ..11. and Mis. Krnest Withers. Mr'- ('- Walker, of Winston- Salem wa ; Waym-viHe last week. Walker ha eharge of a erew of men ,it ... .1. ..... ... uu, (i;lp v;ul lhe Ualkers spent :lu. summer in the ( rawtord eottage on Branner a ellUc Mi- and Mrs. Fred Cray lV,t,m and Mi. .n,d MV Sam- of States vide spent Sniol-.v ., i , ... ...... ,i. , Nl. m,nll, ul u. ana airs . , Ibriir! right, visiting Hr. iVatonV aim: M M Mor row. Mis-. Kdith liai in a; 'Mars. Hi m who is a -in. S'cn: !.-t Veen I ' laO'le to h, xv it,-, I,,.,. ; ..j,,., .H ilau. ad,, u ,,, . r: ! h - Had.:, :; ,1 Mi Unci: Im: i Hi .i Ii-- A'v rtb '-. I u i in ,i Til, -day al i.-r al fail : hen iv.' -I! files I ' "i - Iv a ni.i : tv her -oris - in in M ...a, i iimtiier. a :, a: la in ' cure! !? ( I da s l''alad,.:r: ., an ' Mended , aii-eiiter- Al '"iMl';..n,! Mr. and M I . Ben folk in. a ai I -. .lei rv '':- ''- H Poar-on in - i-eliiiiieil !. hei home in Nashville. Tennessee a f tor- an extended i-it !,, her si-tor Mi . C. C. Logan, and her latheta Air S. ( . laiiei. Air C. C I panied her Pi. .nil . ogan ai-ci'tii ' Mr-. Arthur' Meade... u h,. ha- beer, i n I lie lio-pita! I'm- t he pa - d:w niipiitlis recovering from injuries re ccicil in an automolnle aeeiiieiil was liloeil to her home Monday. She is recovering slowly. ' Mr-. 'Nannie Jai7v 'iiiddte n-idant New York buyer for C. K. Ray'.- Soils, wa- a 'visit,. i in town Kriilav .lis. en-sing f ill styles .and purchases with Mi-s l-'ranei ;.ay, he:,d of tin Read v t o Wear Depa i t nien! . . Airs. Adota Rayne, who spin! I soipi-t i in e in' Cincinnati.. Chie vi otitig her isjsier. Mr- ,1,,,, I;,,.-,., a.d Mr Ro.-e, returiiiil la-;i v-ek. She i leaving today to spedd the winter at hei home in Richmond. Virginia." . Air. and Al i K i t r i . lb I., vvi . Mi ami Mr.- Homer lleiny and Ale-sr Jule dch. dad-, Yav Bon Atkin son, and Joe Welch niidofed through thi' Smokies to Sevierville Tennessee Sunday and returned via A-heville. ....... , 4 J' Alt-. .1. Iv, Boone. Mr- Hugh Ma---'e iiiid little (laiightei. Miry Ann. aci "iiipaiiieil .' .by M ; i - A i n anil C.irie, Kl-i r iif V -lie iile. b nd m od to I, olid, ill. Teliiie-.-i e last week -'end and -pent a few day- a,- guests of M:-. '"Sally. Jones. ClIII.DRKVS Bonis lil h i'n fiiljnwiiig ieiine-t -,a- liei-n ciiilei In. H- dilfi veil' i , re a 'i i'.a : ion s of the : t.ow ti b t in, d :re -.: in-. ,.) t he Wie. in -- v die t a:e a i : Tins pa : lear Ua- ayn,-sil!e ' ,i .br;ir' lias eeiiiiCKiii.i'il an ev-ay j,. , s s, j- 'i''.' way but has .hern n't -i ly .iinohe to 'My aliy new huoks : (" ." ! !,,' ' jid nile o ion.- . Not otil v.. 'new Jm i:- -.dimtM o-b a i a;! it 1 1 n't- tln.-ri- are a number .of Hie ; landa rd 'bank, t hat laaa! nlai a.- .1-. w a -d inaiiy II, mi, -iieei -. ; aai nf, vl.;,i ii'lli .' ' i ! Mri !i '- iiei d -a. ; d , '.' I (jjvi'ti , i.a-i t in::', -.,'.,te' :ia.-'.d:t!'i-r..',t 'Wil a-kiin.r !',, li lii.ll-i' i:i'i..;i ;.!, Mieir ' e ma ke; iiiii r,:x fufids tei A; i il ., B- i.i'ia ' : :' an ' a,ipea!.. ' ' mtis (,!' '!-,. ai'lebrate '( ,ivc,'i ber. 1' !,a- b, w-ars t,i,i-'b.-hy bavin c -iilie j'.ir i!i. 'I1 c;n Wa itl "' If dls I , :i; ill the JC1S-: o Children's' .Bui,;.; 'Week many po.y , book.' as )ins.' a.un-pee "vad- ; . b.ni i.h'U year there have ber if, in inid it. ion .i tiMte'. er ;. tlanr ,eei-e- i,tnl..- thf- In, aid te--. enr'taleii; ' i aa)-' . i-f-re. will i !r' nf.'i nils r: I; e its en a-sf ...... The.. Biifi'K 'oiii-ni'-ittiH-: Alarian A. But'irs. I'residenl (iracc S. Bnwles. - ; .Insepht.ne S-niathei FOR SALE- Two hand looms or any ''.of their parts.' -See J, !'. Beam at Hazelwood ,-choni.,, tf. WILL SKLL at reasonable price. four second hand tires, 5.25.x 1-S ; . also inner tubes. Call .OS.'i-W' or tee J. P. Beam. Hazelwood. an Want Ads Tennessee falley Plan Is Explained By Dr. A, E, Morgan Larue Number of W estern Nin th Carolina (itizecs Heard Chairman of Project Th., v i. .... ,. ... . ri .-enn i aionna will play m Uie develo)tmen: of the Tennessee 'J'1.1 serially ,'eeonomieallv am epograpnteally. was desei ibed to 400 leading business and professional men . .-isnewiio-atiil western North tv-iro ina at a luivheon in Asluwillo Friday V 'u- Av:hur F. Morgan, .diairman t the lennessee Valley Authority. I'r -Morgan said he believed Norm I .'folina would be ineluded in the pie. .ding system of power plants as soon as the "demand for power will justify an ineiease of supply." H-' asset ted that this state would have i;s quota among tho-e who will I'e given immediate employment on ine .soiiis iiam and other projeets. "In steps for long i-.iitjro oeonomie Planning. ,n development of eo-op.'r-atives m growth of forest poliev. we shal, look to North Carolina for lead ership and cooperation." ht. said "In exploration and .development of raw Jiiaier:.. ,. W estern North Carolina "t'eis piomis,. , new industries and ln balancing of iii,liis!rv and aencul Ui,'' uo -lH look i'oi he!. an,l Icad- c 'vti: iv ; long cetit m i, . 1 -;n p!u bringi' g nii-e: v ha.- eat . .1 i a nl aca in r -''lie c n; it ;. bllfl:,;; t.nlav - Mi , i on, o - I : e ; ! i . C i ;,,l- , - i - ,'....' a; .. I u ., 'ii' meant a , a ,i. . I iiele w ei ,. in,. ,1 , 'li.tt - 1 i in i i ,: id ii ,; it iii'i I h,. '''I d, "a a v , ., a , a h A e! ' 1 1 a: . ' 'a i .i -, i - and i n ei i i ';'' !'M ,!! I w. 'hi, leil ,w e pr, s my a pp.r, ,aa! i,a: I ; baae b, ,. ., , )',.H.: ,. .,, .at',.. u.-:i: "i,,ia-. :e n Ii,, ; bii' I -en; s,;.., ;,, ii v i -e nun ual I'ricnd at I be nnnin tain'-, Tb : S:!.'. ,i-,,du,ed the l',,.,,w inc.: Hn,, ,h i !.l lias hi- tuiisiU i'e ""' ei i-n a puiilic spii ii,-,! .an penii, "in- i: i i ! had hei I, t ; e, with K'h's s s an,i. .-lie elllld C','l -i Ueeks in a bi.al din,; -t hue', Ithele was lie sche,, 'a ar beiiiel hae a ceed breed la i'e ill Vei.li- hill-. I ! ,ie el e- ai paind ,'han, i; ,M"aii i i e- ,-i r,, 111-1 inp- a w ay., main hiipe- iile fadine' beenis,'. (here I- n,. , bailee ; "Tills is net pilinal liy a pi.nbleili of eeiiinaiiic theory -. i I i - a 'problem ol' liu. man -iiiitl.iok. The Sianth's orentest inet , a'siiliiev l amer put it clearly I ipi"'.,. li'olli l.llelllel y . : lid tilay o be i'mh-: : ' Hi for t he l. t ,,i 1 1 ; I i -ollle p ill m -yi'ii s w c-i I lav 1 1 1 r; la ml of a rl Mal.i.s ploblelYls n,,t I',,, head but la art. Vainiy nulit I'latn' I at a i n re ol e it ; I'lamiy the iiean ,, a I'lnbl could solve it "W, ni'ed ei ., I, mi, ii plaiaiiiip, W',. iiiial liilowatts of electric power and ton- of io1;isli. phnsphata -s and aino nia We ni'ed fot'i'st policy and pro. due! ion policy. Hut we need sumin l.hinc more than all t bese. We iweil :h, ne-ire and tin- will thai .this productiveness.-, shall I'e -eclepated .mi tha' a few compete in -in aal esleti tatieai while the 'many -1 1 I hope le- : anain-t latei We need a eieal ei baring' "The Coiitriess and the Pre, nb-iit had -e' Up the 'feline .-ee Valley An liurily and hae appointed a boiird o' inn etor-. M . of our present a i , ' 1 1 p i a a ' -t 1 1 i- for -pniilii 'work bin dintr dam--., bilililini;- t ran ill i -. -loll . and liiiibli.ni' ft i fihzi a plant '. ni- e i c , in i a I I'll M io e i Init a-l v ili inn d and but bp lit ly pro , I m ( Ii. la w . v. i.i le "f hut I i , ... ah 'ii: in a ta , on ! due t . , f i n a ,. e. h i , in ii ' i ,-, ' i ancle - -.- an I , I ill ! hei fund.-. I'C : tb 1 ia ' -r .1 b" dl ci-ia' :'; ol ! he 'p., vided an :(:.- daw' a can- : !'',.. 'w ,,1'ki up out Tb, , bie' na .in . iiim d , '-a ;i ii f, ia,p!, ,,f t he :, ;' v, a;na of . the a .. In.y ha-.;,, hope-' and in in n- !e'.: aeconi jdi bed . I In I can . "aj! 1 ; " ' ! e' '.'. A ic b',ri).;, nui-1 i na -n! w !i i ll ,-a n pi, ef.a be ( , ,-,,, tat Stop Getting Up Nights ' a I be Bladder W it b .liinipi r Iif ; ltii binlate. . ai' ' ire ) Inpa.i :je amd i-xee, s . , ' a- 'i ii i- 1 1 i :t;a : i' n .. bin n ma- and .'-,. n:. dc -iCc. .1 .n-ipm- oii '', pd a-ant a,-, - in ''i.i( T-. I'm ! I'd I. iii S. c, ; . a -;.; v iaa! ,v, a I oi: ' a in in;;- Bin hu ot Work s on i he idaciier ,'ar to ca-t',r- oil- tut the boweJa. ( ,,- a 5e box. . ffiiin tiny drinr store, A f-air flay- if" not rejieveil of '-.ifif up riiirlit -" m'o . bar k ami pet I a.an'iiiey. ' 1 1 'yi,:i j;re but bet ed with . i:a i e o. pain i an t from . idler i-f,r lera . ynu ' are : boyml to : - , ; bi-'ter . after this-; ieicn-in and rl pe: youri regular '.!;''.."' 'The Waynesville f'harmacv Vavs, BKK KTS is a be-! seller." ' (adv) SAI K OF SCHOOL I'iiO'PKRTV ' Tuesday. Ik-tolKT :S1. lWlM. Thi' Board of Kduration of Hay wood County will offer at public sale to the hiirh'-.-t bidder' on" Tuesday, Oc tober Ml J!.'J:l. at 12 o'clock noon at the Court House door in he Citv of Waytifsville the following, cimnl property: ill K COVK .f'RKKK SCHOOL HOI'SK AMI SITK: Ilescribed a-- follows:' BKtilXXIXG at a stake in the cen ter of the public, road and run? as following: S. 22 1 4.V W. 15: pole? to ivy bush; thence N- 07; 15' W. 5 la'., poles to a stake; thence X. U2" 4o f.. pol.s u, a stake m center of public load; tlu-iK,. with said road S. dT I;.' l p,,le- to the U -umiong containing 1 1 .. acres more or Us.- a - per survey of (' l. Medford I'eed for lo. dated June "I'l, l'dl."., rcgistesi cl in !o,ik -14 nag.. oi'S. Re- ' 11IK riM'FR FINKS ( RFFK SCHOOL HOI'SK AND SITK Ibscrihed as follows: BKClNNlNt; on a riK'k t hence a Smith direction i-iyht V. to a stake. thence bast tive 1'. fe a stake thence North cielit I'. to a stake, thence AVcs: five 1'. to the BKC, 1 N N 1 NC. Deed for br dated .lanuary 4 li27, registered in Book :! pa,, IT'.', Re cord of Deeds for Haywood County, N . c THIa l.lBla'KTY SCHOOl. HOI'SK AND SITK; Described as follows: BKdlNN'lN'i; at a small nine in tin" edc,, of the road that leads lo Nathan Wiie-lit's bouse, and runs S. l,':t4 W. ;; 1'. :o a manic on the bank af Jonathan's Creek, then down the click k; I'.; then N. r.S V. ,r. 1' and a links to a small pine on the side f Nathan Wricht's road, then S. aT1- W S IV to the bee-iniiine coil a inimr r. r. i acre and also a rich! of way to a plane, on tin- West side of the public road tha' b.-ids up Jonathan's Creek from said school bouse lot. tyeinjr the nearest spriiiLr to said school hoii-i' when bm't I'eed I'm lot dated Aliens: ! HUM. ices;, red in Book 1 I, on pace l'!0 Keceia! , !' Deed-, for llavwoo.l (Dun. :., . N. ( '. i'lie Board ,a tainca t ii: n-i'iri : be i ai;b! ie, an' or all bid . on a i i.aiiMiin'; , and -aa mind ti , I1 1 hi' en 1 1 1 t p l epe r! f, -ale t, la- iiieli, M bald. I iia Board- ot 1-idn, a! ion a!--,., re ' la i !'. ! ia jee; a i.. a nd a ', ad . on 'hi p 1 1 1 1 ,i 1 1 w b i, b m I h " ' am ' : bo I toaa d n,a nlliai. n: - ei cell a ! ie i , !'., . ;',. or, pe I 1 C ,a di r of ;'.,,. ;,,;i id , , bdn, ai i,,- -. ia, ml,, a 1:1 ip ;:;. I; T; Ml-'SSI'K (" ha i rm an. .1 ( K Ml-iSSl i; S,a i,-:ai .- KM t "b i n il i' hi i i:i s 1 1 i s. i.e. 1 1 it';; On I o 1 1 1 1 a Nov i m lu- r i :d tl .'. liu b A M ai (he court boii-e door in Waynesvii;,-. Ilaywund t ountv N r, (ii Oaiolina I will sell a 'public outcry to the h fC licit bidder I'm cash an niuliv nleil one half inter e l in and !o tin- I'oMowinp. de el ibed parcel or t rai l of land', to wit : Si : ual e. I ail): a ml lieiiij,; in t he town o ('anion, Haywood (ouuly. Noilb iirolm a. and mor,, particularly boliudi'i! and deseiibed lis follow--: BKCI.NN I Nil al a sMke in the loriiet.of North Alain anil Newfound street-, and inns w ith the K;s nun - piii of North Maui Street .1011 feet to a st ,fe ; (hell, e S. Mi 'Jll' . !,, feet to a -take in t b, We-1 in a rp an of a Jil-fool a Ilex ; thence S IS I.Y W . w it h m.'i rpriii of said alley, i I feel to a :dalve iii Noil hwe-a niai'irin of Newi'oiuul si reel ; t lielici- S. Ob :',0 W. 07 fee, to the It KC I N N I N( i i'op'ether With the lipiit to the 'mill ual u-c to a 1!0 fool alleyway as -hiiwn mi Man made hv .1. C. Ilavne. ('. la dated October ' 1 ;!'. ami re Corded in .Via p Book "I!" pape "B," Willi th,. free rise and . un rest i allied rb;ii of ep re s and rep: re: s over ami across ami nlotip- with the alleyway. To which said map ami record refer ence a- licrby made for a full and l otnplete de-eript ion of -aid alleyway. Sale made pm iiaiit to power of s ale. contained ni a .deed of trust exei lit oil by D. II. ( 'laii, and wife, I 'on le ( ia I k, to file undersigned Till tec. cla t ed .1 tin,. 'JO l!2!t, and -e-cnrileil in B. Mik -.!0. jiape I 'do Uncord of Deeds of Tril I of Haywood Colin ly and pui'siiant to order of resale. Thi:- the 'doth day of (let. ,1m r. 1 '.I.T!. (Kit II. W ARD, Ti ll ' i e , No. !;: o, i yr, N, v ;!. ; YOU CAN PROVE Am that emu, m ' I a- MII.OER.THJY HAVE A BETTER m pp).' f im FLAVOR. AND' DO MOT INTER TERE ".ay- fir$ fe i?,iK,s- ',;fs CAMa S C05TIIEK TOBACCOS Vy-yf Q&'&a v&W I) OGWOOD SPi:( II K ATIONS I OR CI T ITMi hogwodd must be I inches clear of bark ;it small t nd and cut : and li feet long. Wili fake some knots where there is Ki inches between knoN, red beailed word must have 2' 2 inches white wood from red to bark. Can't use sap knots Cash on Delivery.! Bradley-Davis Co, Morgan A: Ward Hldg. Waynesville. X. C. NdTJi'F OF TUl'STKK'S SALE 'n Monday Xo ember ' 19;.'5 a: 1 1 o'doek A M. ,.t the eour; house .!h T"h ,. Waynesville. Hayw.s ,, , (,u,ltv N,,,.,h cui.ljna; t.'ie undei.-igned tru-tee will st. at l.H,1,!u' '"it -cry t,. the highe-t bidder lor cash all tha lertain lot or loirr-ol I"' anesilK. Havw.iod t ountv I North Caroii,.;, and ' f u llv de-cribed is tOlloW l.i.l.INNINC at a stake in the Kastern margin ,,f Daisy Avenue, loiinerly Haywood St reel . '-an I stalto standing S. ::u' 2::o feet from the intercs'.ion of th,, Southwestern snle.ot taiilcn- Street with the Kast ern side of Daisy Avenue and runs thence S. .V.i- ;0' .; i:j fl.,., to a stakp in Dr. Creen's line; :lience S. If".' 4.V W. .'HI feet to a stake; thence S 4:i . 1! feet to a stake; thence X. .ri!' W . It!:; feet to a stake in the iii.iitfin ot naisy Avenue (formerly ; . Haywood Street ! : t hence with said t Kastern margin of Daisy Avenue N BKti'IN N'i N('; " f""t !,," nt ,f If BKINC part of th,. same !,t of f kind conveyed to : be said Mrs K S ' ) llarrold by C W . Miller. ,1,-.. and w'ife. " .loscpbiiie Miller, by deed dated Oc- tuber 7th, ltcL. ;1Iui ,-ecorded ii, Book t . pace 1,1. Kecoi-,1 of Deeds of Hay wood County. North Carolina. Sale made pursuant to t he power of sale conferred upon the un.lersirrned. irustco by d,, ,,f trust executeil by bilv S. llarrold (,, said trustee hear me,' elate of .May Id lilt's, alll corded in Book ,,f 1 Aecb ,,f id asf :'! I'aire f,s, llaywoed ( oiin;. ' 1 - 'h:ch -ni.i deed of tl lis! and record i-elerein-e is heieb made for : tie : mans atn! st nai'a: 'f the inc.. 1 ' 1 1 - lhe ill h day of (I, i,. 1.,-r It'.'!,'!. 1 "iinner, nil a" jenal Bank' of Kaah I'mnn' . ( , I oca! Tru.s. , l;' 'liu D. Ibcc K. , v,., la : o, : !'n - ,, ,,; NtVI'l, - , - T); s r v. j ,. bi M-ealav Neuanae, :',,;.i, null 1 i' Vcn o, lock, . Al a ib,; ,:urt II d '., I m h, leu n U ill., ii., r"ii'it N'orsli (. a'; einia. 1 j '' ' !"''!' i t..- i be hit? h- ii 1! 1 ' 'idder I',. r . a h tin- follow injf'" t - land- ,nd pi'enn -e- ! : .aid beinjj " "' near the lawn of W .-ivne-ville. ' -: llavueod .County, North Carolina', and I t I iilly do:., ribed as follow -: f ' ''' BKCINNINC at aa slake at inter- Y'.'l actioii of Thomas Aveipi, ami linker J a AHe. and runs t lien, , w ith said Baker Alley af -' :;' ,.,e to ' " -a l ake, t hen.-e .V. Z :!o I d .a0 fi't to a stake; 1 hence S. .',(', .',.',' W . Urt7 " i'ect to a stake in Kind side line of k' iiioinas Avenue; ihetice with said M l'ia'-l '-ide line of Tlioiiiiis Avenuo; tor';- oi l h 10 " ' 1 ,i feet :,. (he l!K- '.. c i n Inc. . r Th,. above ilescribi'd . lot of land icinp a part of llir -;iiti,, property j ' conveyed lo Mr . Uuth' Baker by deed 5 " daied Maieh 'dtb l!)l:', lion, U. K. Allen, Ti ll - tor and recorded in Book '" I")-!'' I'.!!'. Iba'ol'd of Deeds of .1 Haywood County. Nort h Carolina-'- ' ''-'' Sale mad,, piirsiiaii In power f a sale conferred upon me by y irt ue f 'I -' a deed of trust executed by Until I'j Baker and husband- 1 1. A Baker, to i ', (lie under ipnoil, liisued Mort.j?ajre' - i Bond ( V i por it ion gf. N. C'.- l,iK-a1 'i d Trii itei;. and I'nio.n Trust ( i'liipiiny , j , ' of Alarylami, l-'oi-eicii Ttusfee. nil thf "j "a 1st day of .Inly ;x, and recorded t, in Book dip pape 12S Ue,,,ird of Deeds lV . of 'j'rust of Haywood ( '.outity. (,. which 1 '. said deed , of tiu-t ami record refers ft : cue,, is be' eby made for :ill t be terms, -v oiiililmiis ami -1 1 1 1 1 1 il ions ot the s? ann Sr a I , I,, i , made because of. 'd-. ' fR :a? fault in paynien' nf the 'indebtedness SJ. 'v s.eclired tlleleby and is lllado i-illject I.' lo all laves and asses.sinents'. ' This the ISlli , iy ,,f '.October'. VXV.L 'jC'-f Insured Mm tfrai..e Bond Corpor- C ,i - alion - of North -'.Carolina-,' KocaK I- i i ii tee I'nioii Trust ( 'oinpariy . i . ol' Maryland, Kmeii'ii .Trustee. 'C 'By M. (i. Stanley, Attorney. - ii. No. 120 Oct. ?J- Nov. ,2 !'; !0, ; i .' THIS YOURSELF WANTED! i :r.' al. '! 3 : :1 y ta 3 Te. li it 5o.' J h y v l pi e.. if I.; i i I ' , '