r THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER -..V 7 Page t IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool uesson !".. KKV. P. H. riTZWATKIS. D. D. llua, , r ,.f F. a;:. Maudy Bible it ute (.:' Chit apo 1 t . 113.:. Wt -u: n .N'W;i ai'vr Unii.n. Less on for November 5 PAUL IN JERUSALEM CK.ssuX TKXT A. ts 15:1. 2. 22-31. col.IiKN TKXT Now the Cord is Oi:.t Spirit: aiul Kline the Spirit of ilie Lord is. there is liberty. II Cor. 317 PK1MAP.Y TOl'H' Setthns; a JCXIOR TOl'Ii' The Only v ay INTKlLMKiilATK AND SKNIOl. " T("r-(luut- 1C Looking to the Church Ul.ee. Vol-NH I'Kcl'I.i: ANP TOP!' Hf-e!n g the Voice "huroh. .pri.T OI the I. The Controversy in the Church at Antioch (vv. 1-5). The occasion of the controversy was the return uf I'iltil and Barnabas from their lirst missionary journey. I'pon their return they gathered the church together and, "rehearsed all Unit Cod IijiiI done with them, ami how In' had opened the door of fnilh unto the Con tilos." The ililticiilly was a most seri ous one. for it threatened the disrup tion of the church into n Jewish nml Gentile division. Tin' point at Issue was Mot the admission of the (.entiles Into the 'church. That had been set tled some years before when Peter received Cornelius ami Ids household. The question now was: On what ground could they he received; Should ("entile converts he required to keep the Mosaic law as a rendition of sal vation? That which brought this is sue into prominence was the coming f certain men from Jerusalem who declared. "Except ye ho circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot lie saved" (v. 1). The problem was ;so dillicult that 1'aul and ltarnahas were unable to put these men to si lence. The brethren at Antioch decided to refer the matter to the mother eliurch at .Jerusalem. Accordingly, l'anl, ltarnahas. and others were sent as a deputation to Jerusalem. On the way they passed through 1'henice and Samaria, declaring the news of the conversion of the Centiles. II. The Deliberations of the Council vv. ('21). 1. Peter's address (vv. 0-11). lie ar-jr-.ted that '('oil had borne witness or !ds acceptance of the 'Gentile by giv 1ns his Holy Spirit unto them as unto the Jews ( Acts lu :3 I IT). Since, there fore. Cod had not put a difference, it would he folly for them to do so. 2. Paid and Barnabas rehearse their vxperienco (v. 1.2). They told how that Cod had set his seal ot approval n their preaching of salvatior by grace through faith ap;irt from works'. : The argument ol James (vv, 21) He showed hnv the truth vlareiT by Peter harmonized with nroivhecv of Amos (Amos 0 :1 t-15) iu de the lie made it (dear that the reception of the (lentiles wiis not in conflict with (Tod's plan, lint in strict harmony therewith. Coil's plan, its 'set forth in James' speech, is as follows: a Cod would visit the Gentiles to take out from among them a people Tor his name (v. It). This is what is now going nn the worldwide preaching of the gospel and the call ing out of the church. h. After the completion and removal of the church from the world, Israel us a nation wilt he converted and re stored to their land with till its priv ileges by the Lord himself upon his return (vv. 1(1, 17a). The building again f the tabernacle (if David nleans tin; restoration of the Davidie throne.. Gabriel, in announcing to Mary the birth of Jesus, said. "The lird (.od shall give unto him the throne of his. father David ' (I.tike 1:32). c This will he followed hv the con version of the world through the ngoiiry of converted Israel (v. 17b, cf.. Pom. 11:15). He show-od that there .: - o conflict, when the Scriptures are r! ' tly divided.' i!. .Tames' proposition (vv. 19-21).-His judgment was that the Gentiles should not. lie troubled with the thine which were Jewish, hut should he warned against the perils of .. heathen ism, men as meat, offered to Idols, for nication, from things strangled, and fro; a blood. III The Decision of the Council (vv. 22-20): The mother church accepted the res olution offered by James and came to a Unanimous .agreement. They not only sent a letter stating the decision of the conference, hilt took the wise .precaution." to semi influential men. along wi th Paul and Barnabas to hear the same testimony by word of mouth. This letter denied the authority of the Judaizing teachers (v. 21). and de clared the method by which: this de cision linil, been reached (vv. 25-27). Thev w isely' put the Holy ..Spirit first. IV The Decision Delivered to the Church (vv. 30-35). The church . at Antioch was called together to hear this report. Its read ing bro'.L-lit' (-'feat rejoicing. The Abiding Presence The promise of Christ that he would remain with llis own, even to the end of the world, though given primarily to his apostle', was not for them alone, but for all who should believe In him through their teaching and that of their successors. Meditation of Chritt r et It be today. Shut yourself In, sit down to think, and to meditate, and to read that which will assist your thoughts about him, and your medita tions on him. -'" I I " ' (Bo ta (Ehurrit mtftaij F1KST BAPTIST Rev. H. V. Baucom. pastor Sunday school, 9:45. V. f. Allen superintendent. Muining worship. 11:00 o'clock 0:30 all B. V. P. U.'s of church meet. Mid-week prayer service 7:30 Wed nesday HAZk'IAVOOl) HAl'TIST C1H KCU Sunday School 9:45. 11:00. Sermon bv Pastor 7:00, Meetint; of all I of the church. Y. P. U.'a "GRACK CHl'Rt'H IN THK MOl'N TA1NS." WAYNKSV1I.1.K. N. ('. Rev. AllH'i't New. Rector Sunday. November ;uh. l!o.. 10 A. ".M, I'hurch School. 11 A. M. (.'horal t'elcbration of the Holy Communion. The Rector will pleach on " l'.veilastmg Remem brance." a sermon commemorating the heroes of the World War. and also "all the Saints" of the past." Kveiybody is invited to join in this beautiful and impressive service, which links us with the past, in "The Communion of Saints. TO SAN K MACARA I Al l s After several years of discussion a treaty was signed by Canada and the United States looking to the pres ervation of Niagara Pais and a joint board recommended a $7,500,000 pro gram for thU purpose, after an in vestigation of conditions. The rate of erosion was f. the board to be not so great feared, being very slight American side and from three feet a vcar on the Horse-In und hy as was on the to four ie. K- tensive protective work- were rcivni mended, however in connection whh which it is believed that considerable additional water may te diverted lor power purposes without etl'cc'.ing the scenic beauty of the Falls. Much anxiety has . been felt con cerning the po-sibility of a serious impairment of the grandeur 'of this gioat natural, spectacle, therefore the action, of the two governments in providing for its preserv it ion will he approved by th,, people of both coun tries. TOM MIX (In Person) Is Coming To ASHEVILLE Plaza Theatre NOV. 17 DISTRESS AFTER MEALS Relieved By Black-Draught "I had sour stomach and gas." w-rltcs lr. Jess Higgins, ol Iiaw gonville, tJa., and often I would have bilious spells. I read about Thedford's Black-Draught and be gan to tako It. It relieved me of this troulile. I keep It all the min now. . I consider It ;t fine IneilJelne. I tako a pinch of Black -1 irauRht alter meals when I neeil u It helps to prevent sick he.-!aehe arid to keep the system In Kootl onler." (let a package at the store. Try It! Now you can wt Murk-Draught in the form of a Si HI l fur ClllumitN N'oticf oi- !n nr i n .l'"de aid In- viflo,, of the au Hioviir . "'-nfe'-rii't l.e Heei) of Trust -'oeiited I-'" Rov T Robinson and wife, M!r"ie Robinson d .,., '(, jTith dav f r)oe-.nil.p'v..'. 1f?7 jtd reeni-ded in Rook ''0 ie..-.. r5 in ''-e ofTi"p of the Repister of Deeds for Havwood Touri tv, V. S. Rrvanf SuH-titutcd Trusto-. will af twelve i'(dock noon', on . ''TUESDAY'. NOV I M HI R Js l't" at the Court House door of Haywood County in W'a.vnesvillc North Caro lina, sell at, public auction 'for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to.wit : A lot or parcid of land lying and lieing in the town of llazelwood. North Carolina- and BKGINNINt; at a stakP on the North side - of Svciinmn' Lane, . now Main Street. 00 feet Last of Max well .Street and runs thence with the Hector Robinson, line. North 2 de gree E. 150 feet to a stake; thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes K. 93 feet to a stake; thence South 2 de grees 'W. 150 feet to a stake in the North margin of Svcamor(. lyane. now Main Street; thence With said Street N". H9 degrees 30 minutes . 93 feet tr tlio hecrinnintr. lieinp-' lot. 2 and Western half of lot ! m BlK-k 14 I of Grimball. Park as per -survey and I plat f J. X. Shoolbred. recorded in Map Book B. indexed C office of the Register of Deeds . Havwood County X. c . This is the same lot of land de scribed in a deed from S. L. Under wood and wife. Rachel U ndorwoml. dated December 1, 1927. to Rov T, Robinson. . and registered .in the office of the Regiptr of Deeds for Haywood County, X. C. This sale is made on account of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes and assessments against said property whether now due or to become due A five per cent (5rr) cash deposit will be required of the highest bid. der at the sale; (788) V. S. BRYANT. This the 24th dav of October, 1933. Substituted Trustee. No. 125 Xov. 2-9-16-23. PRKSKYTKRIAX uulrum Pastor, 10 o'clock, e 10:40 o'clock ti:45. Prayer nuv.ing every nigh, at 7 :."0 o'clock. Wednesday rih'ST UK 77OiS l!cv. Wade .'.'hnon, Sunday School. 0:45. M-orning worship 11 a. Kvening worship 7 :30 :40 p. n l.pwcrtn League 0 :4o. ch men Pastor, m. p. ni. i ST. ,!)H CATHOLIC CHCacil Rev. Micnae! A ( arcv. Mass at 11 Sunday. Mass, week d.vs a 7:"0 A. M. FIRST rULSHYTFMAX CHCL'CH Dr. R. P. Walker. Minis'",- Bible ScIuhiI S):45 a. ni. Sermon 11 a. hi. Christian Kiulcavor 0:30. Prayer meeting Uedncsd.v 7:30 p. m. The public is eordiallv invited. Wallac,, Millner says the dill'cience between a tramp and a hiker is that the tramp doesn't wear puttees. Nolhl 01 SAl.P. TAT I OF R I' A I . F.S- NOKTI1 CAROLINA. COUNTY OF HAY WOOI Under ;-.nd by virtue of the and authority contained in th; tain deed of t rust executed b ucl Lee Howell- and wife. Wils'. pow cr t ccr-Sain-1 Ross Howell and (' 1-: Howell. (Widow) to The lialeigh Trust Company, deed of trust is , and recorded in S. livings Bank and trustee, which said ated March I. 1927. look 20. page 22. of the llaywaod C'oun'y li iving been made in Registry, default the payment of tile indelitcdness thereby in the conditions therein undersigned subsUit tiled H'cured and -ecu red, the t rus-ee bv instrument recorded in Book 90. page oO, Haywood ( ountv Registry, will on Monday. November (i 1033, at or about twidve o'clock noon at the courthouse-door at Waynesville. North Carolina (itl'er for -ale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following (lescriiied property : All that certain niece, panel or tract of land containing Sil:l4 acres, more or less! situate, lying and being mi Jonathans Creek. about !. seven mile- from the town of Wavnesville, lying in .innainans ( reek lownship, Haywood County, having such shape, distances as will bv reference to a by C. D. Med ford, North Carolina, metes, ciiinscs and more fully appear plat thereof . niade a survevor. llccein- ber 7. 1922, and bounded a- follows : On the North bv the 1 Howell, on the East of J. H. Allison, on the lands ol Rowe I!: llowi West by the lands of !' m, Is of E. 11. by the lands Smith bv the 11. and on the H. Moody and Jonathan s Creek and being th prin-icriii- cipal part ol a tract of land de ed trom Kowe li. Howell, ot al to Samuel Lee Howell, dated November 7 1917, and recorded in Hook 49. jiage 421, Record of Deeds of Hav wood ( ounty, to which reference is hereby made for a more complete de scription of the same. Terms of sale cash ami trustee will require deposit of Hi' , of the amount of thp bid as evidence of good faith This the (1th dav of October. 193: JOSEPH L. COCKERH AM. Subtituted 1 rustee Robert Weinstein and Victor W. Thompson. Attorneys. Raleigh. N ( No. Ill Oct. 12-19-20-Nov . 2. NOTICE OF SERVICE CATION. BY PUHLI- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOIUCOUKT. .lames Lewis Baker : Vs: Sue Baker. The '"defendant above named will t ike notice, that an action entitled, as above has been commenced in '(the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for divorct. on the grounds of two'' year's - separation ; and the said defendant will further take notice that she, is..' required to appear before the Clerk'- of the Superior Court of Haywood County, at his of fice in , Wavnesville, North' Carolina', on the 11th dav of November. 1933. and answer or . demur to the . com plaint . or , the relief therein will be granted- This the Uth dav of October. 1933. VV. C. BYERS. Clerk Superior Court of Haywood ( ounty N ( . No 112-() t 12 19 l, Nov 2 I'd NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday. November 20th. 1i ' at eleven o'clock, A. M. at the court house door in the.town of Wayiu-svillo, Haywood County North Carolina. I will sell at public 'outcry., to the high est bidder for cash, the following lands and premises lying and being in or near the town of Wavnesville. Havwood Countv, North Carolina, and fully .described as follows: . BI GINNING at a st ik( at inter section of Thomas Avenue and Baker Alley, and runs thence with said Baker Alley N. ofC 55' E. 324 feet to a stake; thence S. 24 30' E. 150 feet to a stake; thence S. 5GJ 55 W , 267 feet -to a stake in East side line of Thomas Avenue; thence with said East side line of Thomas Avenue; North 40 W. 154 feet to the BE GINNING. The above described lot of land being a part of the samP property conveyed to Mrs. Ruth Baker by deed dated -March 29., 1912, from R. L. Allen, Trustee, and recorded in Book H AZKLWOOH K, v. 0. C. I Sunday School Mvir.itig servi, Vesper service 15 page l!'d Record of Deeds of Haywiod iVur.ty North Carolina- Sa !, ma i,. pursuant to power of sale . r:::V:: ed up,r. me by virtue of a cei ,i ,'' : i u-: executed by Ruth Baker luisband. D. A Baker to the undersigned, liisued Mortgage Bond Tin.-: Cot -per .! ion Cf N. C. LiH-al and Union Trust Company of Marvlai 1-: dav of in Bock 21 of Trust of oreign 1 rustee. on tne .lulv 1927 page 12s 1 Havwo.nl t' and cord u lit v recorded of Deeds to w hich said died ,f tiust ami record refer, civ, heeby made for all the terms, condition!, and stipulations of the same. Sal,, is made because of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured thereby ami is made subject to al! taxes and assessments. This the 1Mb day of October. 1933. n.ip.l M.rt e;e Ron.l Corpor ation ol North ( arohna. Local 1 rustee I moll O ust I onipany ot Maryland. 1- oreign 1 rustee Bv M. (. Stiimev. Attorney. No. i20 - Oct. 20-N'ov. 2-9-lii. NOTICE OF SERVICE CATION BY PUB1.I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Will 1'. Havnie vs. Malnd Havnie. The defendant above naimfcl will take notice that an action entitled as a hove has been commenced in the Superior Court id' Havwood County, North Carolina, for divorce on the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is lcuuired to aonear beforr th Clerk id' the Superior Court' of Haywood County, at bis of fice in Wa nc-ville. North Carolina. oi tne 11th dav of November. 1933. and answer or demur to the com plaint", or he n lief thciein will be granted. Tin- the 1 Mil day of October 193:1. W C. MYF.KS. Clerk Superb County N. No 113 Oct. i Court, of Haywood c. 12 19-20 Nov. 2. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of 'Mrs. Lena M. Cox. deceased- late of Haywood County. North -.Carolina thi is to notify all persons having clainu against the estate to exhibit tlicin to the under signed, at llazelwood. North Caro lina, on or before tile Ith day cf Octobvi . r.id l. or ibis notice will be pleaded in bar id' their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make payment immediate !'' This the lib day of October. 1933. HENRY M CoX. Administrator Lena M l ox. No. 107 ().':. of tin 3-12- tat,, of Mrs. 10 20 o 2 REAL NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD" COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed ol trust executed hv Jesse L. Willis and wile. Bertie Willis, to The: Raleigh Savings Hank and Trust Company, trustee, which said deed of trust is dated"' March I. 192(1, and re corded in Book 12 Pago 2)H. of the Haywood County Registry,', default having been made in the payment' of. the 'indebtedness I hereby secured and in the conditions (herein seemed, the undersigned, substituted trustee by instrument recorded in Book 90. Page GO, County Registry, will on Wed nca day. November 15, 1933, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the court houso door at Waynesville. North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to th,, highest bidder for cash the following described- property: Al those certain piece-, or parcels of land situate, lying and being in Beavcrdam Tmvnship. Haywood .v'oifu ty. 'North: Carolina, adjoining the lands of Jodie P.. Mann, John. Mofhit, J R. Willis.. Lee Worlev Webb Mann, and W V Willis., about four miles Northwest from Canton, N. ('.. and having such shape-,, courses and dis tances, .as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by .). ( . Ilaynes. Kurvcyr. . l-eliruary, 1920. from a Survey I made by T. '.(',. Mob-on in May 1915: and attached to the-abstract now 'on li k- with tlio Atlantic Joint Stock Lam! Bank of Raleigh. .-North Caro and lieing, the safiie land described, in the - following deeds: Nola L. Evans and husband to J. E.- Willis, dated March 1 , 1 91 X, rc-Cqi-ijed in Book 50,- Page 599: W. V. Willis anil wife to. Jesse K, Willis, dated Mar.-h .20. 1917 recorded in Book 49. Page o34 Minnie O'Rear. and husband to .1- E, Willis, dated - and registered in Boik oh, J'age 2o4. T. C. Dav "and wife to Jes-e E. Willis, dated March 30. 1920, and : registered in Book 50, Page 51. Except one and one-half acre sold to W. V.Willis by deed recorded in Book 50. Page . 592, All of , the foregoing deeds being recorded in Haywood County, North Carolina, and the said 1 1 a 1' of hinds, containing 153.25 acre-, more les-, . . . Terms of sal,. cash and trustee will require, deposit of lO' c of the amount of bid as evidence of good faith, . I hi he 11th dav of () tolx r, l't ll IOS1 PH I ( 0 KI RH M . Substituted Trustee Rolx'rt V eistein and V ictor W. Thompson, Attorneys, Raleigh. N. C. No. 115 Oct. 19-20-Nov. ,2-9. NOTIf J j OI SVI L OI I NI Under and by virtue of the author nv conferred by Deed of Lrust exe. eutod by Pete . Nicoloudis (Single) dated the 15th day of December. 1927. and recorded in Book 20. Page 121, in the office "f the Register of Deeds for Havwftod County, V. S. Bryant. Substituted Trustee will, at twelve o clock Noon on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10th 1933 at the Court House Door of Haywood County m Waynesville. North Caro lina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to-wit: A lot in or near the Town of BEGINNING at a stake at th,. Northwest corner of the Aggie Smycr lot, which stake is SS feet from the W'est margin of Bryson Street, :.!;, 09'- feet from the Ea-t margin of Daisy Avenue and in the line between lots Nas. 2-5 and 2d. I in Block "E" of the Oak Fores: Addition to tin' Town of Waynesville and runs thence with the lie.,, be tween said lots up a hill. South S5 degrees West SH-2 feet to Daisy Av enue: thence with Dai- Avenue. South 1 degree West 150 feet to a stake, corner between said lots Nos. 2S and 29 in said Block of Oak Forest; thence with the line between said lots. North So degrees East 124 feet to a stake; thence witli a wire fence. North 1 degree East 100 foot to a stake in Aggie Smyer's line, and in the line between lots Nos. 2ti and 27, which slake is 9t feet West ot the West margin ot Bryson Street: theiii.' with the said Aggie Smyer's line .outh So degree. est 24 feet to a stake, west corner : with the line degree East NINC ln'ing lots Nos. 2d. : of Oak Park Aggie Sniver s South hence with his line and id wile fence. North 1 0 feet to th,. BEGIN the Western portion of !7. and 2,v in Block ' E" Addition, as per map recorded in Deed Book No "K." oflic ol the Register of Deeds of Havwood County, North Carolina. Th,, abovt. lot of land being the same property conveyed to Pete Nicoloudis single, bv deed from J. Wiley James, single, dated Novem ber l.v 1027. and recorded in the idlice ot the Register of Deeds ol Havwood I ounty. North Carolina This sale is made on account of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes and assessments against said properly whether now due or to become due A live per ecu: t.c , 1 it. will be required of bidder at the sale. cash de'po the bighe- I his the 11th dav of V. S. October, 103 1R V A N T. Snbsl it u: ed : 19-20 Nov l'rust ee, 2 9 No lib O, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOI'K I Having qualified a- adnnni.-t later of 'the' e-tal,, of. Frank Sne.nl Paris, do. cased la:e of Haywood County, tbi- is to notify all poisons having claim-; ;igaint' the cMhi,. of said deceased to exhibit theiii. duly yeri tied to (lie undersigned at 400 South Elm S', reel, .Greensboro North Caro lina, on or bet',. re the 20ih day id' October. 193 1, .or this not ic,. will be pleaded in bar ol (heir recovery.. All persons 'indebted to -aid estate will make immediate'- payment, to the un dersigned. This the 12th dav of October 1033. W. G. GREENE, Adininis, rtitor of Frank Snead Palis No. Ill i let. 10 2b. Nov 2 9-lu 23- NOTIi Under thorily c executed E OF SALE OF and bv virtue o inferred by I Iced by W . R. I- lancis LAND I the au ol I rust ami wife. Elizabeth Francis, of September. 192'i Book 21. page 22b lice of h,. Regis! or dated, the 1st day . and recorded in et se(. in the ol of Deeds for llay- wood County tilted Truslei Brvanl. It twelve Substl o'clock Will noon on llll LMi n 1 Mlil ; -in, i!! at th,, Court House dour of Haywood County in Wavnesville, North Caro lina, .sell at public auction for cash to. the highest bidder, .the following land,, to wil : . A certain lot or .parcel of land in or near the City or Town of Waynes ville, C-ounty -of HayvviMH.I. and. 'more pa i t iuclalv described as follows: 111 ( . I N N 1 N ( on i M ikf tin Ninth -i'le of Maple Street." 150 fed from the coi ner of ( 'herrv Street and Maple Street and runs North 1 0 'v. degrees La I L0 had to W alnut Street oi- Highway No. 1(1; thence North S2 1 degrees West with Wal nut Street. 'or Highway No. 10 50 feet to S 11. Jones with aid S. II. Jones degrees West 150 Street ; '-. ! hence with South ,H2'L' degrees the BEGINNING Bei;ig the same lo; ed to W . R. I' rancis bet h R. .Era tic is, by gust 2H, 1025. from I1 corner; thence ' Line South 10"a I' eid to , Maple Maple Street East '0 feet to id' land convey and wile. Eliza, deed dated Au '.. V. Phillips and wife: and recorded in Deed Book No, b e, page 91. This sale is made on account of de fault in payment of. the-indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, ami i subject-. t all taxes and assessments against said property whether, now due or to become due. A live, per 'cent '.'' V Casli deposit will be rcduired of the highest btd- d.ei- lit, the sale. , This the 4th day (.f Ociolier, 193: (351) V, S BRYANT, Substituteil Trustee. 1 09O, I 12 r)-2b Nov 2 VMM I OI I Rl SI I I s SM : ( )i: Monday, November 27 1933 , at 11 o'clock, A. M. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, "North. Carolina, the .'Undersigned trustee., will sell at public out-cry to the highe-t bidder for cash, all- that, certain' lot r jiarcel of . land, lying and being in the Town of Waynesville, Hayvyood County, North Carolina and fully. described as follows:- BI GINNING at i -taki in tin Eastern margin of Daisy Avenue, foimerlv Havwood Street, said stake standing S. 30': .30' W. 230 feet from the interestion of thP; Southwestern side of Gudger Street with the East-, ern side of Daisv Avenue. -and runs thence S. 59," 30' E 1.50 feet to a Stake in Dr. (erech's line; 'thence, ,S. ICC 45' W. .50 feet .to- a stake; thence S.-4:" V 19 ft( t to a stake, the no N .!() W. Mi3 feet to a stak,. in the margin of Daisy Avenue (formerly Havwood Street) ; thence wi:h said Eastern margin of Daisv Atenue N. 30 30' E. ,67 feet to "t ho point of BEGINNING BEING part of the same lot of land conveyed to the said Mrs. K. S Harrold by C- VV. Miller, Jr.. and wife. Josephine Miller, by deed dated Oc tober 7th, 1922. and recorded in Book 09, page 171 Record of Deeds of Hay-' Waynesville. N- C. anc , wood Coumv North Ci r.dina Sale made pursuant to the power of sale conferred upon the undersigned, trustee hy deed of tru-t executed by L:lv S. Hari-oid to said trustee, bear ing date of May 15. lPJs, and re corded m B.Hik of Deeds of Trust No, -1 page 1..S, Haywood C auntv N. . to w inch -aid deed of record ' el'cr. ,ve i hereby trust and made for a.l the c.ius and stipulate f the s, nue. This th,. 24 ti day of October. 1933 Commercial National Bank of High Pomnt- N. (',, Local Trus tee. By John D. Hie.'- kVreiver. No P. -Oct 20-No- 2-0-10, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On at 11 house Monday November bth 1933. o clock. A. M at ..he court door in Waynesville. Havwood I ountv at public for cash No.-th Carolina 1 will sell outcry, to the highest bidder an undivided one-half inter- est in and to the parcel or tract ol following described land, to-wit: Situate, lying and beiivg in the town ol t anion, Havwood Countv North ( arohna. and mor,. particularly hounded and described as follows- BE(,INN1N(, at a s:uke m the (Oilier ol North Mam and Newfound streets and inns with the East mar gin of North Main Street 100 feel to a stake; thence S. HO' JO' K. '95 feet to a stake in th,, West margin of a 20-toot alley : thence S IS i.V W with margin ol said ; to a stake m Norlhwc New found .street ; t hello, llev. 04 feel margin of r s. of. ;!0 . i i : (. 'cet to I he BEG Together with the right to tile mutual use lo a 20 foot alleyway as shown on Map made by .1. C. Ilaynes. ( . I', dated October 192.. and re corded in Map Book "B .' page "P," with th,. fiee use and 1111 rest rained right ol cgre-s and regies- over and across .,n, along with the allevwaV. I " u Inch said map an. eiice is herby made f complete description of Sale iuade pursuant s de contained in a rd refer full and alley way. power of of trust. and wife -aid to ccd executed by 1 1. . Clark ( oni,. i lark, lo f he undersigned Tin lee. dated Jim,. 20 1029. and re corded ill Hook -Jb, laK(. uo' Record ol Deed- of Trust of Haywood Coun ty and pursuant to order of resale. I his the tlOth dav of October. I'd CEO II. WARD Trustee No. 12:; o, t 2(!-Nov 2- t N( IT It oi I Rt s I I 1 ssn On .Monday at eleven o'cloi November 20 193.'v k A. M ; at I he court, the town of Wavnos- House door m alio. North C arolina. 1 u ill sell ai public oiilcry lo the highest bidder for cash, H. following described lands avid premise-, .lying-and being in the town of Way nesville, Haywood Coun ty. .North Carolina. , and fully de cribed as .follows: BEGINNING at a """slake in the Soiilhwest side line of Daisy Avenue. 229.5 feet from the coi iier df the Oak Street in the Oak Forest Addition to the town of Waynesville.-thence S ol OH W . 2011 (eel to a stake: 1 hence N. 5H " o2 W . 75 feel to .. thence N. .il lis c j I. : . .... 192 feet.. I o a of Daisy Ave siahe in ine side line niie; thence along the line of Daisy Avenue BEGINNING. Soul Invest side feet to the Sal,, .mad,, pursuant to under ami by virtue id' Ihe power (if sale con tained in thai certain deed of trust executed by l.ijrv A While Hyatt, widow, to Insured Mortgage Bond ( orporat ion ot W nisi on-Saleni. N (' and Union Trust, Company of Mary lam). Trustees, dated August 15, 192V, and recorded m Book 21 pag,. 4 Record of Deeds ol 1 rust of Hav wood County,, to which said deed of trust and record reference is hereby made for all Ihe terms and condi tions of the same. Sale mad,, because of default in the payment -of the in debtedness secured thereby; This .IS: h- day of OctobeVli 1033. Insured Mortgag,. Bond Corpor atioii. of - Winston-Saleni North Carolina, and Union Trus) Com. pany of Man 'and. I l ustees No. 110-Oct. 20-NdV. 2-9-10 Mil M I Ol 1 R 1 S 1 I I vstll NORTH CAROLINA. 1 1 A Y WOOD COI'NTY NOTICE is hereby' given that under and by virtue of . the power of . sale contained in a certain deed of trust execute. I by J. P- Swift and wife P.erlha Davis Swilt to Geo. II Ward, Trustee. dated the 13th day id' February- 1 92S, and recorded in Book 21., page 90, Record- of Deeds of Trust for Haywood County, the, un dersigned trustee will sell at public auction to the last atni highest bid der for cash, (in Monilay, the 20lh day of . Noveiiiber. 1933. at 12 ii'cloc.k. noon.: at the couit hoUse door in Way nesville, North Carolina, the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy 'ho indebtedliess secured by said deei) of trust. default having been made in the payment of said inilcbtedne-s whereby the power of sale has become operative, and the holder of -ai i in debtedness having madc; ileir. and upon the undersigned trustee to .,.11 said lands described, in said deed of trust, ' which .' said lamis hi . ,ii scribed as follows: Being in th,. tonfi of Waynesville, Haywood County. N. C. adjoining the lands of Marion Davis' lieirs .1. W Ferguson i now Kirkpatrick). and others, and BEGINNING iv a stake in" the Northern Margin of Boundary . Street said stake lieing 71 feet N. 79' -..-lo' W. from th Southeast .cor ner of the F'. M. Davis lot, and the Southwest corner of the Tu rbyii',1 lot ; and runs thence N. 7' E. 137 feet to a stake in the J. W. Ferguson line; thence with his line N SI W. SO feet to a stiike in th,. East margin of. Walnut Street: thence with the mar gin of Walnut Street." a Southerly direction 142 feet to its intersection with Boundary Street; thence with the North margin of Boundary Street, 53 feet to the BEGINNING- This the 19th day of October. 1933. GEORGE H. WARD, Trustee. No. 121 Oct. 26-Nov. 2-9-1C. 1 i 'I ( r ;. ' '1 1 it V 'I r i A : : 1 ( 1 ' I 1 j

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