xnj rriP " -Vvw V4ilJ mUai. It Mi The Uet Advertising .Medium In Haywood County NO. 19 Published At The East err. Entrance of The (rieat Smoky .Mountains National Park WAYNESVILLE. XOKTH CAROLINA Head by Thinking People THIKSDU. M)YK.MHKU '.). lil.'S.i vol. x; S2i Stall 111 - . jiKE DAY i Survey Of Brevard CELEBRATION TO! Highway To Begin SATURDAY! At An Early Date Paiade at 10 O'clock; Address i Survey Ordered by Conimlssion At Courthouse After. To Hein As Soon As wards by Little Engineers Available Final plans have been made by the American Legion for the Armistice Day celebration in Waynesville Sat urday. The plans call for a parade which will begin a: 10 o'clock at the Presbyterian church march up Main .street to the Baptist church and re turn to the court house, where. u,u' minute silence will he observed for the ones who gave aheir lives in service and for those who saw service and havp passed on. At the court house, those in the parade, with others will assemble in the court room -where the address of the day w-ill do delivered by Joseph W. Little. Asheville attorney and member of the Asheville city board. Mr Little is active in Legion affairs and is recognized as a speaker of note. Tom Lee. Jr.. commander of the Legion Post. said yesterday that :he D. A. V. together with the Le gion Auxiliary would take part in the parade. Scores of school children from th( high school and elementary school will also he in the line of march. A special invitation has been extended to all ex-service men to take part in the parade. The drum anil bugle corp will lead the parade The public is invited to hear the address at the court bouse, which will begin immediately after -the- pa rade ends- which should be about lOalO o'clock. . He Has Been M?ysr -for 41 Years Many Local Men Scheduled To Go To Vet's Reunion Machine dm Pattalion of .".flth Division 'In Hold Re union m Charlotte Veterans of the Charlotte Ma chine (inn "Company, which during the World War was kmnvn as Com pany I). 11 Mli Machine Cum Iiatt.nl iuti, ."(lth Division, will hold a reun ion at the Chamber- of Commerce building in Charlotte on Saturday; : November 11th, Armistice I ay. with a dinner at -7:0U P. M.. ail former 'member's of the company :. re urged to be present. (apt. liob't II. Morrison of Char lotte organized the company and took it to the Mexican Border and to Fiance. Later be Was transferred to another organization- and ('apt Oscar 11 .Mill of Statesvillo com manded thi' earop-my during the re mainder of t he wa r anil brought it hollie to b, noi-aercd out of t-he Fed eral Servo c. There with thi Holder in I'.U'i-l'.H Wavucsville and Smvty on highway numbvr ''S-1 between lure and I.revard is expect ed to get under way just as soon as engineers are available, Mr. Frank Miller, member of the highway com mission, just before leaving for Ral eigh to attend the meeting of the board at which time contracts are to be let for about IK projects through out the state which will cost approx imately $t5J.000. Work has been completed on the survey of the highway 284 from Delhvood to th(. Tennessee line and work started on the Crabtree and Fines Creek stretch. The survey of 284 from here to Brevard was ordered at the last meeting of th,. Inmrd. Because of the number of projects in the cities the engineers of th,. department have been working on these projects but it is expected that the survey will get under way at an early date. A total of $81,000 has been ap propriated by the National Forest service for improvement- on the road. Of this amount some will le used in widening the motor road to the inn and the lemainder will be used on the main road. There i-. a possibility that the plo- I .H"ct lor the extension ol highway '"..'! fmiii Sura Cap to Cherokee will be in the contracts- let at Wednesday'-- mi i ting-' 4 H - V , i """" Iji i m in,.-h k -I;5.: I -' ' -..- . v. y j rys Win in County y iwo lo One .'inpanv Waynesville men oil the Mexican and about thirty ti -iv .-..i. I . -omit v .y Ol S V n it.'. ii"" ........ . . yj . men w ith ii during the World War. , the lat-ti r- -being us-ignod to it when Company II. the ebb Wayn.'sville com pany, was broken up at Camp Se vier, together with -other' .units- of the old 1st X. (.- Infantry- to be used as replacements. : Charlie Francis of Waynesville. who was killed in France during the. hard fighting in the fall of li'.lS. helped to organize thi- company at Camp (ilenn, Morehead City. . C-. in August, l'llli. and served with it as a ser geant, in lexas. at ( ani)) dreene. N. C at Camp Sevier. S. C,. arid in France, up to the. date f his death in 1'.'18. Clarence . I'hillipsV Grover Hawkins, and Louis Black, were also sergeants, and. Linwood Gtahi, Roy Phillips- and Claude MeClure. were corporals in this company,.-. Sam Plott served as a 1st lieutenant in this company (lur ing the latter part of the war. AH who expect to attend the reunion are requested. to notify Capt. Morrison promptly. ..: Eastern Star To Present Plav Fri. ".Vn Eveninv; ol I un" To He (iiven At 1 1 ii h .School. "An F. i nil iff of Fun" sponsored by the Iv'stern Star of Waynesvill,, viil I'e presented at the. high school audi torium Friday evening at Tt.'llt o'clock. According o adVa'nee reports froin the' play' it promises to be full of fun and. laughter from start to finish.. The cast of ehtirctcr- that ai,. now working un their respective parts are as follo-vs- . Madam' .iarley. Mr1. Bi-ulah Gar land, ' . ' .Mr. .Iarley- Wal'er C:..u f.'l .4- Babies "(" I!. W'eatberb and W C. Rnss. Sis Hopkins. Noble Garrett, llluck 'Mammy- Tonv Havi-. Bible. Ilr. S.'. P. (lav (i in. V. . G By.-r-. Flaipir Linwood Grabl. Mis- Luciinla i:,-.wi'., .1. ('.' Rose Silly l.iz.vii- Tom Ctitlvy. Giyglintr Girl. Clayton Walker. But tor'! iv Tom Lee- and Turn Reeve.-'. Pollers. W. II. Btitgin and Frank I'o !;U-of. .1 1. - Kuf.U's.' Rastti-. K- rmi' I'llicell. Top-y- fia-d l-'e i-guson. Follii-Cirls, Ruth Willianis. I,.ir: othy ' (Ji'eeii Loui-e Moody. Sue . Ki. xiah, and Ha Green. Pianist, Mrs. M. H, Bowles, -Fancy 1 lancing, Hilda Way. Harry Wm.dring. ninety years old. a veteran of tlie Coui.al rate anu. wiio ,as itern'uiaor of Pan die, Va,, for II years, reviving a '1 -ami' ot iippreciH ft.oii of the League of '-Virginia Municipalities from. Major ,1. I tiliiier P.ritthl of lticltinond at the convention he'd a! Uauville. Unique Musical Aggregation Renders Concert On Homemade Inslrumenls Of ii! th,. mu-ical combina lion ever to play in Waynes -ville. the one hero Friday night took lb,, banner. It was com pose, of a six piece homemade . nt lit played by three negroes who. looked as homely .i- their instruments. Regardless uf their lack 'of expensive in-t ruinents they got tunes froin their instru mi nts that drew; : ky'-g,. 'crowd until they started to pass the hat. The loader bad a mandolin, the only Ixnight" instrument in I lie bunch. Resides his mandolin he blew a jazz horn which had a j'-raphophone goose-nei k horn at ached He' had weld' d this to irot her. aial it IP iilo (list ingili b able t'liu-- Tl'.e banjo player bad .taken a liM'-i'alloii oil can-, am! mad,, ill- b mi" or poi bap.; hi Vanjo." Ho .a Wo boat a Hl irallon.oil ran w la b a u-ed to--flu b.-i- - di liiii With be' foot . The t bird member of t lo- .group had t lie most tini'im oiii lit of 1 h'.; "tin hand " II,. h id a wa-hhoard on a -t Hid. three t m can- two hells, two. symbols ami several ot her coiil ra pi 1011 t bat a i e not Ii ted in nil! icit catalogues lie had tliimhles on bis lingi'rs and wm-ibf crape the washboard then tap the In Us- cans and sym 1'iik giving a inoili'i u j izzy sound effect f While : i i uniming out their wei id t nil two of I In- band would frequently start singing M .'.dd to th,.. discord Any lime any one in the audience wished pbijoil. would be ri-ndered by the 'trio with the bop,, of at Wa t two I' mm i he p.-i son making , th, ii ifiie-t A ft i i '-everi.il re ilih--l iiaiah I ' a nil I be tot a I col -lection aiinuiil Hit' : sixti;eii ,-,-ni 1 1,, 1 in hand' decide.! the we . v and ti a'' on I heir valuable :n i ruiiH tit y.a-ie worth nioio i haii t h- ere -- receipt - o t h.-y I.,:,. .,., ,. , i-ekiny a ii'oi,- liberal Undefeated Team To Clash Friday With Mountaineers Stronu Hen(lersnville Team To IMav Here For V. X. C ( hampionship What is expected to be the best game of the season, and the cham pionship high school football game of western North Carolina, will he played here Friday at'tormxui when (he undefeated llendei sonvilke team meets the Mountaineers for the high school championship honors. Th,. I lendei -on ille iteam conies to W aynesvill" with an ' undefeated re cord which consists of wins over eaverville, '20 0 Greer - S. ' - "."-2: Forest Cit 20U; Tryoii ."'2-0! and Marshall. 2o (!. In all the isitors hae scoii-,1 I.e.! points while their eppom-'M - only seoi co i. oi dim. lo 'comparative licinc-. the Mountaineer- w ill enter the .game a- t he' iinderdoe- a- they have see i ed I lo Hon:; - ! " - hen oppom nt.s Bel h 1 ine - w ill be ,. ciiU in t . hi-: iii- wou' lit The 1 1 1 i s . 1 1 i - m i ill,, loam will ilenciid laigalv on Miller. John -.a, an. I Parker w lido ( ho Mountain ,-er- will have Bndc.e-, Reeves and W'agcnfeld lo liii-e their hope- oil. A large crowd from I leiiilcr-on ido is expected here bo tell g 1 1110. Waynesville fan- are planning to turn out in huge number- al -n, " .During- the pa I lew ia.", l oach Weatherhy h:- bei 11 raving: b; boy--onie of th,- ha i ih I workout - of alio cut ire. sen -on, : The iv-poiise ha-' heeli "iuo-t ati lactoiy lie -aid v e-l enlay. Outside of l.'ateat who will. not likely see serv ice again this yea r beca n-c of in jui ies , it he whole team i in -pleii j did coiidit ion I La t Fiidav the Mountaineer- de ! feat ed the '.-tioiig -Weave i v ill,. U'UJIl I 1..II 1 1 will he. not iced that llender- Some rreeiiuls In Counl ote Eij'h( To One Against Kepeal. l.ij-hi ole oliville defl ated -t he Ille team .'0-0. iska P. T. A. Met l-ist Thursday si K, 1 - - I i !'( 'mi n ( At' l.:iil Dale. Me'ser Makes. i!(iievs Keeping in 1 in,, with tii,, remain ider of the state the voter,- of Havwood . . . 'n . . 1 couiiiy i uesuay voteii two to ono against , repeal of the eighteenth amendment, with a total vote of llOOl against repeal and Hbaii I'm- re peal. The votes for convention were 20.'l.r and votes on no convention 3.V2? Only two prcciiuits of the 20 in the county gave the repealists the ma jority - South Waynesville and Bea verdani number i. The Heavordam number b precinct gave Dr. K. M. Davis, repeal candidate an S majority over James Atkins, dr.. dry candidate. The South Waynesville ward gave Hr. Davis a majority of H'O over Mr. Atkins, The voters in Big Creek battled tn a I I to I I vote all the way (through. The largest majorities polled by the dry.- in any precinct were at Ivy Hill and Clyde, each carrying the vote by alnio-t S to !. I'eaverda in 1 number liv e gave the dys a majority of only 1 votes while the North Ward in Waynesville .gave the dry candidate a majority of 1.00. Interest at the poll- Tiie-dav .w.' or W- . I.-'.; ' ' - .. , t,nr t hi -".n.'liMin the d.J was -teioly. but at no lime rusncd I ittle caniiaign ii"." out ade the voting places vv a- done By 10:'!0 Tuesday night t he streets were de-eiiteil, tlii-i:,, being less than two 'doyen' people on the -treets even in place- of liiisini" : thai , were open. L was said that Tuesday was the Hiiiiii'st election days ever held in I lav vv rind count y, IWcaii-e of tin'' eohl. the crowd at tending the return- iiartv la a ol ed by The Mountaineer and Martin KWrlr.ic Company vva- -iiialha: than it msi Iii have been i.f the weatherman had provided warmer weather. Scores nl' lati l i'-teil pel-on- attended for 11 few minutes at a tune most of 'then) a-nj' rniiugll to copy the re-ul;s to t l.v home to friend and neighbors.' Maiiy called loi the le-idt- over the. plane. A fter : t he ..I'm st ten (n-ecincs were heard Ii om I he wo! . ciiliceded the elii-l ii n: a 1 1 hough a few icniaineil un til the 1 .1 si . in hope- thai.' a . oineback vi mild lie tared, d'hi wes ii the crowd in front ''of The Mouiil lineer evpres ed keen di appoin nieiit a- i he laiee majority vva- po-Jteil on thc window and given ova-'; the public iii al-. i i)i' -mil lit in. 1 he I'h,. lab. Iillialil La l'ai-ei:: T' ,o b. oriatl.a, hel.i! it in i- int tdv I- -a i-l-ii,'.' on J luir ila- ein.ii!.' ,x ov en: l.i .. o ... it .a -... ii,..,, , , ,, ,i i, , I l , 1 1 . Bear Hunters Return W? th .Bear R as Rarei;;,;;,; Red Cross Drive To Begin In County 14th The annual schedule 1 to Xovi mbi r i 1' chairman of t committee re; gin the drive Rev. II. W. the W iynesvi vote the hc:-t his co-worker need for, the eonimuitity. w . to prevention and pellagra.' Red: Cross :Roll Call is begin next Tuesdav, h Mi I T Ma- , -he Roll Call and has his idy and expects bc-,- early uesday lnon.iin. Biiucam is- chairman of lie' chapter and will de- effoits of him -elf and s '. emphasizing, the health' . education m "the ith pa rticula r ' refereni r: and care of t '.diefculo-i.- Sl'NT) W ' SCHOOL CLASS AM) . (TKCLE TO MKK-T -TONIGHT Mrs. W. H. Terrell, Buried On Tuesday Resident of ( Ivde Passed Away .lunclav. as Active Fn ( hurch ork Th- -oa-oii'. laigest par:y -ters pi-lit -i vi ral day- last wee Kavi-n-foril in search of hear ociai.i'ii vva- L'le tly cnjoyi the Jointer- 11 t lll'lil-d wit ho bruin- Ahiong those: in be were; Tom Lee. dr.- .Ie,-s Croii L. Hatiiin, .1",.. Hargrove. L Frye, Bill Slioolbred Hr Medford Hr. AY. L. Kirkp .lame- Gillafd. of Old hurt, lb ,f him k neat Tin I'll 1 I Slii; 1 1 I S A'l'CBI' w , '''Then v- ill h, a r,-,e.i a: a n "f ' be io:i a! j rai e ( till i el i in IV"' .ib uiitnuo a' I" " eioci, Ili'-I y lia,! Il inp Nov'l'lllbel 1 I . i ii . chinch wlit-he upon all day lor pi-tyei- . and "Illation, The Wo-,,,:,'- AiiMliary to th,- National Coiin- parfy j I'niled. Stall it Y. inent -pun- oring the move. ! v n M Weave, and Zeb Weaver- -b-l'r ! K. Moiitgoiniay: and -l-'bi. I ate- ol A-beville. .. V The So-::. ' Wt-i'V B:ble Class nnd ;hr. "Young Ladie- M: s:-.;rry Socittv a' tbc;:,Methodis: church xvill lni'e; tiv-1 evening. .(Thursday) viith Mrs; ii Siova:! at- s o'cb ek at !- J;-s; ,,)-' I';:.-, .-i siri-e-; . All n;n-be:;- -a;'" ;'.::ie ted -o ) - via:"--;--.- .- ' Mr'-' Th-; for. some v." tv Ile-nfta yche;. -vho has been i: at vr. Haywood Coun r.'iru- ; ta improve." . Funeral -erviees we rP held Tuesday morning at the Civile' . . Methodist church for Mrs. W. IL Terrell- h 1. who died ..at he r home m Sunday morning following an illness of several months. Services were conducted by Rev Mr. Freeman- pa-tor of the Clyde Metho dist church, and assisted by Rev Mr. Robinson and Rev. F. O. I iij'man, anil Rev. R..P. McCracken. . Mr. and Mrs. .1. Dale Stentz rendered several mu sical selections. Interment was made at Hyder. Mountain. Mr.-. Terrell was born m the -linos. Creek community of this county, be ing the daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Y. Amaneul Bel, net :. She was a de voted member of the Method: .; church- and took an active par:, in the woman's work. She. was ren ntiy given a life .membership into the mis sionary society- ..Surviving are her husband, a -on.-Harry Fdward Terrell. Seattle. Washington- two daughters Mrs. F.dythe Cannon arid Mrs- .Anne Carroll, her fa: her-A A. Beiine't, I- ries, Virginia, four iifotht'is. J. M.. Robert, David, and (leorge. Bcnrielt, three sisters. Mr- u luu M ( M D in' i Mrs. Fan r.ie Mo---. ;.rid two grand-chi'dren-' Jup" ami: .Betty Ai;pe Carroll,. . Active jialllif ui'ers , were Ciriy-'" Hayes., (ilenn a'td .' Ile-s;.- Trj-r !r; Roi:er; Cockrelb V.n:i;.r.v.. 'Ita'hn' -afid Kre-'l Tor.ey. Unofficial I?eturns From Haywood Preclude. N. Wiiyiii'sville . .... . , '. S. AVayncsvillf . . . . . . . Pigeon - 'Cecil Kasl l"irk (no report) IJeaverdani N. 1 . l.eaverdam N. - . P.eaveniam n. .5- . Pcaver.'l.-iDi -No. 1 - Hcavci'dam No. ..a. ...... I!ca''ii;tni -No. ( ...... ( 'lyite . . .... . . . ... . . . Iron Dili f ................ ( ralyti i i . .......... . I- int s ( re1, k ............. V, hitt Oak Piy ( Ufl ( jitaloociiee ( no rci)"i tj .j (.iialhan Creek .. . . . I H 1! I't.d . i- Col. Jones Yen H! i" 1 p:'(t;n-' i -1 a ' a'ton-bsn; Ho-Ditai. -Vi. . II ; :r.e c-a; as iepo:'. 1 '1 i 1 1 . ' . ! j", ,d Count;. Wet lirv ( on N.( on :;s2 IKS ID. 1--' IV. -!''- '-s T, i Ti '.i VI 1 Ki . l'-i I 1'' K", 77 Pi 11! in. i:',7 'J'di 12K (pi 21X " 1 li -(7 inn ir,i i:.i 1 ")'. 172 DM D.l Do -, ! ) (. 1-- ) 7b ..2 7b 21 22'! 21 22!) 2 .10 27 Ml 11 :, 1 1 " 11 11 1 ! 11 10 1 S j .-! lXi bl 21i 11 2"i .'h)l 2or ru.ss cii! .! in, l'iL'ui i - bc'jow). ''. AjrainsC Ji;pe;i!-25172 DJN 222 i.' '.: ! irohi) -- V ts . , . j- ' ,72 r i i - I'-'lloU I lie I lie il-.l'l 11)1' of the 111111111'" i v'lhe -, eie!:i.iv Air Th r'e i k " ! 1 .. '.a' l ii.ill- t-i 1 1. i 1- iveri- e , vi n M ;. (On i. n i ---.oii i .1 a ha hi lia in I el hip ' i'! ' foil v two' w iiieli lo in" t he a '",- j'.'i ( mil lip to w i ' h iii t ' n of I In I i -1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -i 1 1 1 1 1 ! f'i a I aiulard ia 1 ion 'I'he t ri-a' n.r, r M; - Flora Rathbone'; I I polled to. 1 1 r M r I i i l-l 1 I' I'oV t ho 'pill - ilia of' Ii i r aid , u pnl n To r f he -ebool a! ... jai lid and i iihl,.,v: . disl ri hi.i 1 i on .'iiiion;:: t ho a- niothei-: w Ii) canned Vegetable' for the -oi.ip Kileh en. . liaiviiii'sa hrb'nce in ; he -1 1 ea - o i V of t wi nty dolbii : and lifly ri-i'il.-.-cv clii'iiv'e of the nioniy i 1 1 1 i t I for ri iphoi !'ii. dub-. An interi' -ling le-unii- of h,, "P."T. A. Cotiyi.'ti.l '"ii hebl in - A:-lievill,. w.a given bv Mr a- a del. gate -.., .Mr. r raiiri- repofl ei I t .ie i-oi ori mn i In n n r 1 1 nn r, well kiioM " . an. " lb s wimd- eoai.; v i- so I . a ' 1 1 IV vv f ; in, i -. won't be 'o ia- e 'tale' ' r, -.; veil if":, la i:" : aid. vh a '!,i .1 inatbae . ,e.: 1,1(1 ' Wile lie!!;;- post e'i, " '.. ' el'.-el... ,,.; ... j,,."- I- e.-i W.I ;, . 1. the ., a1!- gooil mile- .i i" I ,' l iio e .. , vela,. - l,.i:-;t; ,1 hi.". '."Oil : pin-: - Oil, or I wo lll'll'l li Ii'- II l -" "11' ;. (ill . ; The eiowil wai ; -I'll rlv and. Ii c leiiig re ailii'd by M art iii urn vvi ) i ii-.- i . i-r. i''l i h., ei owd was i- iit 1 a- I'lnb-o radio fiiiaiivhed I ie. t rie Co. laiiie.- Alkiii- dr.. .! a ndiil.a t r. vv a - pr. oiil vv h'le he let urn-. .were h' un;- la.'i-i'i veil and ai't;r t h e eipb- I I en! h ; p i i ei net vva 'hea'cd from sail!, "'fin- i- ;i ert -1 .uaO"! v'ctiify.'" - -j. Baili y : chai.' man '.f 'lie dry fon-e- in' t Iii- ' rniinty. called 'I'he Mountaineer W'c liie-aliiy morniiig and i'roni Canton and gave nut -bis state ment ; - .. 1 1 - i I . .:....!. I . . . . liirgin who attended b' J ,'''"' . '"' ; l-P y-,m:::.;. v.- ( I I Min i' HIMb liCljll," iii. 1 III- .Hill tiiin, J.tiid U-v the inunii.1..- in which of garni., - for' needy ehi Id ren both I ! ''"- r'oi'iesa-d Their service- ; I an.r y eitb' i side. We are '1 - "f -be. :"la i:-e ma - glad th n n cainpiiiet :t.i-iaii(.'!v- it Vocational Bos tliroiigli privafi- donor- and th not'.' thi- nei'dlr. vVoik guild j The out tali ding 1,'eat tire n ; the j evening vva. a -iieeeb by (aeanfy. Sil- , neri-ntetidcnl '.lacl. Mi'--i-r oil t.h,. new . ('. School -aw'. Mr. 'Mi'S.sei- pain-- ..l-!o,.l,. ..v,,!..;.!..,! :.,. ,.i-,;r i th.. Legislature which r..-.: . ..i. .i iv! iHvc 'Squirrel Sno:?er' sta'e-wide eight itnmth.- rrhool trm : " - " 'il-ii til,, riinii.ioning.of the in-w ai-hoo! . law as-it is now-in elTeH . i It vva- :iiinoiinci-d t.h at tlio . eoii-tit V - woliid: iiieel - th.. exnen-,-; of ' "tde'i- j minitiif be wall- - of h,,- -;.liiiol au- 'j ditoriiim. tin' that funds- for the ela-s ' rooms would ho i'-:.'i'--i'd opt'onai'v- by th". teacher- in ehai'L"'. I Plans were comtileted f ,;,' onening the soliii room on Monday. biv. a., j uniler- Ihe. :.-ama -nianiigenii-nt r: -; l-e ). year.-.-; '-.j'. . , , -.. . ' . - ;-., -,,r .1; - '.-' ',: !"-;' ..-j,,,,,, '. ... i ' - -,. :y ,.-. .. .. , ..: ing v.a.'' -'' -ioio-M -,' '' t : ' ' ' i ! - "' t'-aeity- l 'lv i r ii' an. '.. j Tlio-e wi: , were -.then- w i'::'l' 'y - "'.'.: " ;.'Tav!'r Kergu-on llorac" ; -. i.l-:' sf; j; ov novoii koli, ' . ( 1 1 v , 1 . , , t , , . : , ; - .; ; ;b.- . a --- .-.; ,-' ' ; '-.'! Killiafi' ('rvilb'1 ., '';, ldw": -' aViTor an j - La.-t : Sat urdav- nitr'uf the -1 wo iipp'e'-elas-esol the Agr!eii.!:Vti'e hoy, he'-1 a "smiirrel. siijijii-!:." .one -of, .1 1 , i-t-. iii'tive - sot a' the: ;.it-t ,.'' I-, yi a to .r-acii:' ' Tbb; jieine' en -.'." ; ; ; ' no-laiiding even'" in ' a a - , '' are. .The supper vva ' in-!d -:;: 'dr. Sn.it b'-h:oi;-" and ;tfi aa ''-'. .Miss Loui-e Kilvv'iiV'1' ' iid XI - , '.fl".-. ipev . Tlie' hoy bad. two t -i"'-' ; ;!a ie.".vh-'.";iW ' Mr: W C. ,...l"e'-: '.'',., Mi::.,Riiy;r,e:-,: y- ,' ' . ' a ,a-- ;v.a '.' -aays wel . ,p:y -"n; a.i w' e-:!."-" '.' because --ona : -i ,i-' ''il.'-'I .11 itibrn'.i ; e- niy ' sfiu:i-;v! '' -a y .; . h o,.,.' vv., -.;!,-furnish .one :: iv-..; . J The bon-'r'-i::,,!!' for t h,-' R-a I: K.-, school lit "i - l y, p. el l ; ' a follow :.'''' ' . .Tbiid dLa'.'e -:Ku'a D' d'abc. , Tie; fv- R'7"-:fv Ii -hi Mel"-';; den. a ; Si'Mll'l lado--!,.,'tie i :!-;i!ei,' 'b 1 rai-' A'lnbe, .i M'-1 " -. la-r Lii-m". : a-Mh '.Ora-.V-'Cbirdb. -Mt-raekri - Fifth f:'rade-::.!oh:i Cy.nw.i; -Mi- a s FliZab-'h . Roge;: ; am! Ib' sjr. MeClure are. the teacher-. (ir,; b'la I -a '!'.- M r a. -'. 1 It ', ) t' i ' 0. I 4 1 1

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