THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1933 THE WAYXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Winche.-ter, lot. tleorge H. Ward ;u, "o m' It. A I. A.---cialtai '. 1 ..;':. S en'.; etuv .". I . -- , 2 : lit AL FYATK Hi H.;.. o.i -! B. L L. IE i n hurl !" : ! . - V .... ,.-.", iWi'ljW c -f n. 4 -if. . v -. ,i -a. '-s ". - , - -t'- . - o: .-'ijf. ," ":( :.?- ' V &' ' . '' i- ,y : ' ' ' ' ' - ' ,-''" tAi nhMli if L V v,.'fe "41-. 1 J t:,V--VrtW- & fen- -M "AtU'i- I've tc!eliom-.l th? poliw. Boy, will this be a si nsatioli! Afn I throw it off ihe track, lucky 1 c-an sec my picture in i-veiy She climbed a li'iia1, and found lu-r-paper in the country. Along- witii elf in a oumeu'ry. A !:all breit yours, ot rtiui'.-if. She inclined her he-ad to Duns mockingly. I see it all - : now. Schoolgirls together. Rocky the bijr Oalahad. Nobodv would ever think vf looking here for Diane Merrell! No wonder vou didn t want to see me. IU-atrice turned to Doris. Rock. outfht to be here soon. Perhaps he can talk some sense into her. ' I'm a woman of impulse, said -Molly, "and I feel a strange whim rushinjr over me to call up the police. Beatrice closed her eyes. Then slm said in a calm tone: Let me show you the telephone." Molly with a small sneer on her pretty mouth took a last look at Dons and lollowed Beatrice. Beatrice opened a door It led to a small clothes closet. Bi'fore Molly quite knew what was happening hea trice had pushed her in. She locked the door. "It will give you time to get away, Doris. My roadster is right outside." Doris clutched Beatrice by the hand. "All rijrht. Only I'm going to give myself up in the nearest town." "No don t. Wait. I'll give you (some money. Drive toward Canada, and Rocky will overtake you at at let me see at Burlington." . "No. Beatrice. It's too late. And tell Rocky if he comes, I'll swear I've never seen him bolfore." "No. Doris. .No." "Yes. Please. You've done so much, 1 can't stand it. It would break my heart if you gut in trouble." Beatrice had found her pur gave it to Upris. . She "The key t,i the car's inside."' Doris-ran through the, door on the screened porch., and out over the lawn to the side road. She slid into the seat, and inserted the key. The car started." Her hands uoio on the wheel, her feet , a! home on clutch and brake. She did not stop to think that she ,:, knew how to run a car. She drove. She came (Hit on the highway and .? hesitated for the fraction of an instant '-to the light lay the town, St. Car i dens' town tin place where Rocky was known. She must go the other wav: tlien. A car. was Coming fioni ihe town. It might be bringing Rocky from the strain. She could not resist a lleeting glance'. It was not Rocky's car and ' " h would ho in his Own car because he had driven it to the train. She drew a ;', deep breath. Did she hope Rocky ' would conic anil save her? She must not allow lirrsolf to think that. . She 'turned away from the approach '.'. inr cat' -a mud-splat icrcd black sedan. . She had not seen w.h i was driving, if '; ; it wasn't Rocky it didn't much niat ;,i Now she- was on the smooth , .; cement, and finding 'that IK' atrice's car could certainly go, .""' She Wis doing seventy, and the slHedomoter was .-lowly 'mounting. . Perhaps .-he Would be . arrested for speeding. AH the. better. Then sire would be able -to tell the cop who ar rested her herself. She wouldn't oven have to think about giving herself up. As she drove she caught sight of an . other car in the mirror, . Was sha lu-- ing pursued after all '.' Her :;it on . the accelerator, sin : soon lost sight of the car behind. .Now the signs of a town were appear ing at last. And here was the little v hidden road she had hoped for. She " turned sharply and began pumping '. over a dirt road toward a broad bend., . Here she -brought the car to a stand-1 .. still and left . it. : If that seilan was Thanksgiving HGLIDA Y FARES ( tnt A Mile 1 ram i ravel Haruain l ares 'I his heason NI HOME KLLVUNE VM I KIKMh-1 1 ,n:K iitviN (;)I(; : Nov. 2S and 2'.K Nov. .10 A. M. Trains. RE IT KN IN(i Dec. 7. Jacksonville !.." WasJiinK'ton- S !") " Louisville incmnati s.bO 1. I ouis 15.10 Sew Orleans llsf) Miami. I la. Ki.S.) Memphis 11.10 And Numerous Other Points ALSO Baltimore ,S 11.00. I hiladeluhi i .SI l.i " ( hicaao. Ill ll) 1" Sew "ioik 17.70 IJtlmt .1S.S0 lecland h, Citv, 21.00 . Toledo, (). 17.ti") HOIN1) TRIP PI' ELM AN TAKES Above I ares Apply I rom Asheville e" .i.iii iota: airert for f:ires applvin i rom voim- homo ii n Ii. H I'el',' 1 J - (." I SOUTHERN K'AiLV-'AY r,rSTO :lr sightd gently, the odor of white phi came ftvm behind a white stone. It was time to find an officer of the law, time to give herself up. She must do it. If -he didn't, Molly would do it, and eiivolve Beatrice and Rockv. She bad come out on the road by now, and was approaching three half grown men who were standing under a large elm tre, and staring at her curiously. She stopped before the bovs. "t an vou leil me wheiv 1 t'aii tind a policeman?'' I he bovs looked harder than ever. Perhaps thev had already guessed why A dark eved stocky bov jerked his head sideways. "You want the. con stable. That's him." "Hey. ance. someone wants to see yvu!" It seemed a long time before the tall skinny constable roused himself. As hp gut to his feet slowly Doris saw that he was a very old man with a stoop in his thin shoulders. Ho straightened his hat and blinked forr a minute iiupiiringly. Doris hurried toward him. "W'a al now," said the old fellow amiably as she came near, "you wan; to see hie about son.ct hing ? " The faded hazel of his eyes twinkled down ' at her kindly. I "You're the dllicer of the law in charge in this .town ?" "1 guess you might call nie that," diawled the old fellow slowly. "I'm I'm " It. was hard to sa i... X. ...... i, i .... ..; i; ' -, L u-uini .-o mouuiou.-- ilv untrue - "I'm Diane Merrell. The- girl wanted for murder. I've, come to give myself up." 'Now, now, don't he in such a hurry." "But - -" : "So you're ! h,. li, '!c u i rl 1 hat done t he nu: : dor ? " "Ves." " You.-don'l look -n 'lernide t'u 1 1 e!" "1' i .i -i - this is hard nie; I '' She' coulil not make .out the old man's attitude, lie was stooping over oh the-ground fuinbling for something lie had dropped. ..lie' found it at last a'td st i a'trhteio'd. It was a pipe. Then fie I i Aran a long searclvof his troil-el's ...,ki.l- lor a pouch full cd' lidiacco. "Wlu li' 'you've been in this world a long as I have." he ''aid slowlv, "you'll learn it doil'l pay to gel yourself excited."- ; "But d in't you understand " "W'ny. you'r,. all worked up. Yo.i : . !.: oil into my otlici; and we'll see if we can't straighten this thing uul." i a:'.edly I lor is wa- beginning to rel !z:e that the old man had not taken her si rioasly. Perhaps" hv had neve,-- hi ai'd of Diane MorreH. He turlieil and began walking very slowly toward a i am -hackle sfoie tiial was nearby. lie, le was no mie in the 'gloumy in; ti'i'ior of the daik store. At th,. b:ick was a door with " 'oil.-tabh'" marked in la lire black letters, it led into a small- office win i(. I loi is followed the old man, He seated him-olf in a swivel- chair very deliberately; '"Bout ever;, body' been in for ;heir ii ail, "so I guess- ivt M0i't be. inter' u pt ed," he -aid. "I'm afiaid you can't .have taken w hat 1 said vi'V s( T0u-!y. I 'on-table," said Doris 'abruptly,- . ' Wa - al no w, let 's t al k' a i i 1 1 !e hi 1 1 about it. What makes you t hink you're Diane :Menvll ? You . know there 'have been lots of girls 'Jiund, don't you?" went on the constable. "Why now, if I was to arrest, you and send you on 1 h really har.-'uiny i See It All Now. School Girl Together. Rocky the Big Galahad N ody Weuld Ever .Think of Looking Here for Diane Merrell." up to the police in New Jersey vou d be about number ten oil the list " He chuckled. "Don't know a girl should want to be in her shoes, though." Doris felt that she was wasting time 1 he ollice was a blurred jumble How as she to i onvim e him of her earnest ness ? "These smart aloe cop- aiound here are willing to arn -I anybody that they see around weanr, kat.-. Wbv only the other day tin y ai rested tho wife of some young fclhiw that w; s up visit ing the big ailist ,i;i Join -'.,.iro way -fellow the naiiie of Si. (l.iidulis yoa .-an l !'a.. heard of him!" " Y es, I know. I " "I'm gome, to ask you a few .pies I ,ons. and. if ou can prove to me that you'll Diane Merrell, darned if I don't airist you " He grinned, shuwine brown -tumps, of teeth. "Yes, .-ir lat her 'la'am, I should -a. darned if I doii'l aircst yo'u. 1 .! -re. Now if you are Diane .Mcrreli. ou , an tell me a 4 wv thine-,, about vour-id1', can't you?" "Why yes. I -upposi -o .bill I shoiildn'l think- " "Wa- al. tiist of all. what'- youi falher's full name Sbe racked iier brain. W iiy liadii'! he. not iced thai w 'ien she was i cadine t he papers '.' "Why let -. -iv. I llui le- no .lobu . i re !." "It's Samuel. Dm I'll gc you an other (ue-tion " ,. eye, her bu niorously, "Let's si'e '.' lien Was il vou wen! to school "Why I went In look heie, what '' . the use of. .all tbe-e ipiest Ions '.' If I give myself up-for liiur.ler. that ought lo be einnig-h, i-n't it V" The constable' '.wuiig- hinisi-lf back tn his desk, "Wa al nevt liili,, you give yourself 1111 you belter gel nioiv iuforniat ioti, Mr. A 1 1 j-1 ell ' -. name is Sa.i uel . and I rcuieiiilie- you went to 'as-ar, N'"W you co uii bo k to youi.i ill, una atui yoiir papa. I ,,peet 1 hey 'i e j looking foi yoii iight. now.'' I . ,lori-' 'rose. She would lia. lo go "St lo. '.lie: llet 1-oWn, 1111:1 a IllggVI place. 'I',. imi-1 I,,, h n ml red . ol policemen who ueie williiM" io arie I her. "Don't know i, i . 1 1 ! 1 1 ' l o lei yoa g'o. .Somebody Will .be alolllld looklll' for jiij; like a not., and you':,, liable t'l -cel. int o i rouble'." IK- spoke half to huuscif . I:. J u c lie coul 1 in ike iij.i his nund I ho i liiai ched opt . As sh-. io.'iili . ii"r way ibiougb tiic eiiljity stole -he Dot lei t In- .-igll. "We.-tein 1'iini'iii," She. .could -end a teli gram to hei falln-j- colli Ct :. Sao; ;al .Mi i -1 !i. Mori i-tow n. New .lei'-ey. 'I'lien. -if tile old mar wanted to. hold her t here li I liiiii. - lie was,.'- pottering" iilmig after her slowly. "Where's t lic telegi iiph operator.'.' '' "Wa al now, you waul lo end i telegram '.' " " Y es certainly.'':- '; t "Who you going lo telegraph . Doris i-.ok'-'i a! Iiim silently: Sin felt that .-he was Im ing .rule to . the old man who Wa; being kind to her in his way. bat Iier patience - wa-? ebbing. . '"ri l- Vell that, to 'th,,, teli-i'-raldl. opei.,-a'.-'i'." "" '.-'... ''Tin him." ' - . "I.!ut--"' " Yi p. I'm. him. 1'rii "t hi; ' po- t l-mi-l e r. too, and the -torelkeepei: here. You ei-e I'it, 'ijii'il'e a fellow: in parts. W ouldn't, think it to look at . mi-, now. would yoa he .!;auded her-: a . toj.- ; ratdi .blank. .'..' : "S'jio-e you '.vant to send it ..collect '.' ' " Yes," said- I lo.r:s' - f urio'u-ly. . 'All right. Wnii; it out. Let in' --(' what it i ;." '. . Uori '-" ti, ok "hold of the blank angi iiy. W-h.'ii .thl old. fellow - found i ou'.. the ti uth he Wouldn't- tie fj'uite". .-o sure; of h:m elf. She'' wrote' rapidly :,: ' . ". '. . "Samuel .Merrell, :.M-or risto'.vn. Saw Jersey. ' : ;'. y "I ain here in .- ' '.; . She interrupted her work.-. ;U - a-k. "What is the name of 1 his lov.n '.'." "Chelry Corners,. Vermont." , Iii ( ' i i j mon'i. I want to ,g"iv.- my elf up to the policei" -l She signed ..the oiivr-Jige Ifitai;-. Siio'.harided it to, t. aged' opi-i", :i..: ,. .w ho. :- vi-:jt;?i'x.:d '.!,; Vi ioscb. ' n' some: ecomls.: "( 'v.ll'l. ' .' --(- veiy Well -wi'irout Toy g!,".s' ' lb- I'ulribiel.: . "Hr-io ;';;,; !'. ';:""..- -ii I"-; t.ako.-tl.::-: -'U v':. ::-. i' .- ilC ;.:,- ' ar: i it-:; -;;:c. ea 1 1 ove:- is ; of a car vijwUiz U; c, :;;.i no;, tH.iik :;:-f iV ; i cail:l:o- alfiU 1 hi r : r'iVveiy s.w!y,"Ji.:"te !icm heal iier;; over ;.tl,n familiar yellow shp of paivr. Ihe car st i.ipeu. A man goi out and came swiftly toward them. Doris looked up, stepped back in sudden Inghi. looked again He -tared a! he i. liieie couhl be i.o doubt who il was. Don- felt her old mm asoning tel ler sweeping uci her. Il wa- tin man in ihe cab. Hi snatched the lm of yellow paper from lit - old man's hand." "l-'or (i d'.-- sake, don't -end " He irlanced at the mess.ii.o and crumpled it up in his pocket. Thank ( ; d found j. hi." I he old man !o, ke , al t he t almly. "Know I hi- y,.un lad , do oii'.'" 1 ... oiino man ;j i ,,i an-w ci . Hi It I ''il-. Ill- i VC-, w el e .III I W ' 11 I ' .elilelll alM il r. f:ei ,. diawn. "(iirl's b, e.l i'r. in,- to lell in,, ,h. ' Diane Merieil," said I he eoiisiable " 'on i Sj. I kin-w -!'. ua - n't ." I lie oung man ttinu hi.- ea, e t he old .mail. " If colli se -.he's 11 he said shai ply. "That's ridieulo I To Be I 'out limed I Now we can give . ' '-' ' ' 1 ' I 1 1 I . . II , ' .' v I 1 . I IB JL. f I MM !s Vf "Ves . . . we're ihe ones to see if you want blow-out protection Tree. l or Cioodrich lias just named us as dealers for the new Coodru h Silvertown, with the I.ife-Saver (iolden IMv. Here -at last is a tire thai ji'ves you RI AL protect ion aamsl blow-out s. A tire i hat makes motorist's actually v tunes safer Irom blow-outs at today's .hiith sneeds. et (loodi u li isn tcb:?rg in:; a single pennv extra lor this j ro tecliDn. ou tan luiv tins iv.v ,:,- or town for the same, price ,.nv . ht :,c:iiiJa;il lire, (.cmc in v! -if,. . v . lefw-i-j. 'WTif z bone 98 c U auk S UllV, II. lb on lot i-: Brv: an l.:, t. i i i II. Noah PhiSI . ,tu to H P. I.e. !'''.lcr I s a, re. i'u-eou Rim ,- Km )' .j;,,, t r. is eie- Clyde W .1. Hannah. tni-i,v t., By.'is. 1.47 acres HaywiKid Mackev. ot us It.. Russell, etux. lots. t hancy C. .lori." -tu ,,t w c. (I. I). al to -irs. .Maggie Jon.-. !,. s ( RAliriD- i: ( boiieey t . Jones. etu. ei al o Mrs. Maggie Jones. 7.U7 aci. - I'ltiKON 11 ' l.edbetter, Paul Redbettcr lu to h i . Ledbetter. 40 acres. b (. l.edbetter o I.ula May hambeis liurnetl. 2 acres H. I l.edbetter Id R. ('. l.edbetter. I I acres S. J. Klaylock etu to K. f )ig-gm-, etu. l'.7S ;,ere. J S. Rlaylock. .f I ii v ,t al to 1-1 f Higyin- ."!' acres. W A1! NKSYII II. 1-' "m.-uerciai .Nalional Bank of High "'t " MetiopolHan Really 'o.. ... "i t 1 .IIICC 1 h.l I , 1-. el 11V I,, T 1 ... ... man. MneeL1;;.; v I jt AH' rica-niaii .-I ii n I,. I 1 KM I Sr bat and V; Tu.kor I i B " V l: aid .1, I' I oiuaii, .Ici ly I 3 1 l.illl'l,- ti. Stamev llletee to j i IS I X, 1 .ion lu't'i ''iiewdopiiient , ... ,( .'. ru 310T3.OS I. Im .liiiialu ka Mclliodi ,. in,. i . vL TRADE MARK REG M.: C" Kt'-.m.-x I,- . . . ,r UK -Ci -: SlLVFn,,,,. u you blow-out protection FREE! mmmm i r:.Y 1p If f! v jv rl- ' - r f 1 11 y I ' f t1 M i fllWli'iff:' . -.-. k? - t,W " ' . "Funny, how a lazy setter enjoys go ng for a tramp." 0 for n BILIOUSNESS Sour ftlomacli fas ami headache f tine Jo ! CONSTIPATION mor Cn it; ' . w .&. . tiff ft l Ills II iinrnnn Iv I i- it rt. t I rn tiH (r loproli.i . ti (Ml .. 1 V ",-i"v w . M ' i . 'U.: .' i