THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, u THE WAYNES VILLE MUfWIAwaan . - - -- I age " i . , - " ,-v.v' r Ji r noToni tr P I ;! POTPOURRI 3 jr 3 I , inhabitant .;f a city or incorporated 1 "QU" ! POTPUUKK1 , How worm Carolina tut 11::':::::':::.- 11 r-:i ": ,. ... - ru,...: . ii -r riv.-t ia the i ne -- . :;..;. -':,l:,": " Dwe Mnniieg ExpeEses,lr;:"71 ' --V'i Noltei W liter disc- Some Lact-. . . ( ,,:, .,' . , t. : -;-- ;.. ' v -"'''- '! '' ' i " : 1 ' ' : ":': .' ' Kenarclin Aiirth Carolina . v. i ay.i -" ;' ; !';!'- V."'' ""' !'"'!; ' ""':'r ' j , I ' I i '... Writer. ;. ,"-:.'; r .-cted. .- - '. .!.--, ': ' 1'fc- II. i.l uwla - -- ,' . . ;, r : when America municapa! govi-nmu nt ,' '' ; - - - - J S3 Jf a . F during tin- past thi.ty year, h:: im-.'''--- ' : I ' am Pi BBS pmvrd .-tvadilv in tr,n...n.v .ilk-ion-, North 'ar.!ii.a u-.- ;..v kmfc T1 "TS l& 1 8 7111 J ft fasdA cv and honcm-. Thi- -:!.-. mivht W : ( ; .v.-rn-r O. Max (Jard,i-r ca!k-d his II I f. j Tf4 f S Mtf 1 fc said with important .v.crvaticn.s I .'i.sla.ur,. f.K'-thcr F-r ..nci., local 1 II I I I 3 O H It : 1 . fifl VV i i 1 1 mm v m mm mm iwa m -m r m m a wan. tx t wv i wi'.ii tneir army m V. Ivw3a. ii SP" S" '' ! U-tfislatiVe es- To jl TAXPAYERS At the (iawn i . the cfiuury no had a bucket systt-m. Ky l'j:i2 forty-sevi-n of '.hem had taken to the bud get and the one exception. Arkansas, was bankrupt. In l'JOO the Governor? of mot States were only nominally the execu tive heads of their administrations. From five to twelve other State offi cials often belonging to an opposi tion party, were elected by the people and had the constitutional rig-lit to defy a chief executive. Steadily Governors have acquired more teal power, have moved nearer the ideal condition of representative government a responsible head un der the eye of a Legislature with the power of impeachment- Or. as Pudd'n'head Wilson expressed it: "Put all your eggs in one basket and watch that, basket." A few of the States, like Maryland and New Hampshire, have reorgan ized their bureaus, put their expert services into the hands of real ex perts installed modern bookkeeping methods. Nearly half of the rest liavu moved in this direction. Those States can save very little more except by the process of shav ing thu-c services which the citizen demands like care of public health, education and maintenance of roads. Hut the -mailer unites municipali ties, town-hips counties and "spe cial" are the great squanderers of iur tax money. These small governments, according to our experts n taxation, forni the black spot in American democracy. It is also the spot Where we can save most to the taxpayer by sensible reor ganization. The stake is titanic between two and three billion dollars a year! Now the States arc nominally sov ereign over the-e .-mall, divisions. By revision of their constitutions and a - majority vote of their citizens the States could even annihilate them. : In practice, old habits embalmed customs, archaic laws and the co hesive force of three million political jobholders keen things . pretty much as they Were at the beginning of the ; century or of the last century- for that matter. Yet Virginia ha.- dared to squeeze the this;le and found that it doesn't prick. She has largely taken to the State itself such powers as road building and education. -persuaded her counties to combin,. for such functions as ciiru of prisoners, and the poor, opened, the way for amalgamation of counties and the -cnsilde, business like county manager system. 'Another State 'Ninth Carolina', has gone even further in another direc tion. Shv is on the way to gather almost every function i f government, outside of the incorporated towns, in to the hands of th" State. County, with -on s of minor offi cials., hu'lf of them useless, and with no executive head i- the comedian and spendthrift of our American political -'-scheme,' North Carolina- it would seem, is mi the ..way to aWish the county by leaving it nothing to do. North Carolina we almost, .wholly agricultural in 1 !Ki. When the New Knglanct cojlon manufacturers )() gan to move South it became im portant industrially- It built up the resorts in its- low heakhful moun tains. WValih multiplied. And the State- with a new- energetic element in control, started to create a phy sical plant worthy of vts destiny. Notably.'-'-it built .'a system "of hard and semi-hard roads .-scarcely" excelled in this country. As happened nearly everywhere in boom times, the smalL or units of government Went optoniis- : tic and plunged into debt. When in ".1029 the crash came they found themselves distinctly emb-'.r-rassed. Thirty towns and counties went into bankruptcy ; others tottered "fin the edge- By some counties es-e) . Xort I .vi i n I.i gisla political of consecrated tie small influence on sion. When the .-ess. on adjourned the State of North Carolina, as con trasted with its counties, had sole charge of the two most import int practical activities of a modein American State education and high ways. Just as completely, it had ' ken over that important secondary func tion care of prisoners. Further, it had asserted its sovereignty over the finances of the towns and coun ties within its borders by providing that they could contract no bonded indebtedness without permission of a State board. Now the State conducts the road building and road maintenance, from purchase of supplies to sweeping of cement. Ignoring the old local units, which used to work loosely under control from the capital, it put a good road engineer in charge of the whole job. appointed live otner ex perts to command subdivisions, se lected from the county road officials those who best knew their jobs and made them non-commissioned officers in this army. Officials in the .backward counties had in former years a way of build ing dirt roads and letting them go to pieces for lack of care. Today, every inch of road in North Carolina is patrolled by a man responsible for its maintenance- lieing semi-tropical. North Caro lina has usually handled her prison ers in "camp's-" rather than in jails. The Southern chain gang, under small, limited county management. has often furnished awful examples to the prison reformers. The State t,Hll over the whole bus iness of prison camps put it in charge of men who understand modern methods, set -1.(1(10 prisoners. -to work on the roads. Having at. all times a general strategic plan, the directors u; . ,n,l lhi I Ol LOIS Jlll.-Oll , - uii-., ...... ! gangs to any point in the ,'ate where they might be neeneu. The State government assumed full charire of education. It began l.v inrii-anteeimr. everv child within it's borders six months . of schooling every year. A State officialy .ap points 'the local superintendents. Here. work, tile central au conccssions to local thev are only the 1 in of Si I or a-i in the.roail tlmrities make feeling. Dut h inds of -the State And in 1 ;:i'J North Carolina not only gav,, in these three departments better -i rvicc than before but it hail cut taxes on land-by about $12. 11.1)0.00(1 - 20 per cent. That was a period of ti in-ition. involving extra expense. 'North Carolina expects to do even (u-Mei- this rear. Tile citizen.-, have accepted this change with singularly little fu-s and opposition. North Carolina may in time go th(. whole i outer take over dl functions, of government- except the town.-, and administer each them under a -ingle head respon le to the Legislature, the Govern and the voters. If that ever hap pens the; expensive, . outdated county governments must fold "up and die of anaemia. No one doubts that this strong cen tralization would be the most econom ical and efficient, form of State gov ernment under '-mode rn ..conditions,. consideration aside and efficiency makes prefer the Virginia tire to tireserve the .pint' of representative democracy w( must preserve also some measure of local government. The small political affairs of a small unit furnish an unrivalled school of citizenship. There: the citizen and voter learns 1 mlf ' . to distinguish Ix't ween gold and brass: there our future leaders get . their , primary education. . The All Property on Which 1932 Tax es Have Not Been Paid Will Be Advertised for Sale Thursday, November 30th, And Will Be Sold on The Fourth Monday in Dec. In Order to Prevent Property from Being Sold And To A void A dditi onal Cost, we Urge All Who Have NotPaidl932Taxes But another from economy ru uiy experts. . plan. It v You C an oave ivionev dv mf " mf Giving This Matter A ommissioeers County :4t r'Cf-li WrVT VOCS c AtSt i 15 VUfc ij 1- mm w m ! .':. :i :- t : "' t v- , - ..... - --- - Hf, 2 X: ' A :: - l I. ' -rv.TOUrcA-' ,-)' - v -r. ... . V.' , " V .". .-'V "t--s..i,:wM SOARED -WROJH I C 1 . '' V 5STT i l. j s V S : ! r- j -- s 7t K i V.

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