33 torn bin The liest Advert iiny Medium in Ha wood County Published Al The Kastern Kntnuue of The (Jreat Snuk Mountains National I'aik Kead ly Thmkinij People NO WAYNESVILLE, NOKTH CAROLINA TIU IfSDW. K.MIiKK Union Services, Football Game Main Thanksgiving Events Here Afl Stores WilF lie Closed. Court To Remain Open, Hut Clos ed Saturday Wavncsvillc and Haywood County Tyiil observe Thanksgiving in the usual manner Thursday, with all the stores and business houses in town closed far the day. All -public offices except those directly connected with court lyill be closed. Court will be held as aaual on Thursday but men- win not Qaany court on Saturday, it was lea i li ed officially Monday One of the outstanding ,.veii.ts .of the day will be the Union Service at the First Uaptist church at S o'clock, at wftich time the lit-v. Paul Hardin, .Ir.. . new pastor of the Methodist church lfill deliver the address. This will be Be.'Mr. Hardin's ft rut senium in Way- iiwyille. At J:Hu m the afternoon on the local football field, the Waynesville iootball team, champions of Western PJorth Carolina, will meet the strong and highly rated Farm School teaii;. Coach Weatherby lias arranged for special police officers to be on hand : Ui help care for the largest crowd of the season. This game will see ten .; f the Waynesville team playing their . Iiwt high school rame. Those who will apipoar for the last time in a Moun taineer uniform will be Reeves, Pal ton, Atkins, Hurgiii Francis. Hill, . Wya'.t, Liner. Siler and Wagon fchi. o,,.,, ,.e i, i . t i . I i , 1 1 1 !., ,., .,(' tl, ,iiie in Lii, i-ui.uiiniiii J,.,., v i n " .o team are included in t.his group 1 radically every player that was "-: injured in the game with Cullowhee kst. Kriilav is readv for a hard iraine , Ihursday. They went through hard '' pmicticv. Monday and Tuesday and "' showed up exceptionally well. The regular line up that has carried them to the championship pinacle will Mbably be the starting line uu Thurs- ilav. According to scores with teams that the Mountaineers have played, ne two teams are evenly matched. '" "Waynesville was defeated by Christ j .School 13 to 7. Farm Sehool took a I- i2 to 7 licking from the .same' team. Waynesville defeated .'Weaver l'i to U, ...''while Farm School won 1.'! to 2 from ' Other than tht. Union Service and T tbe frame, there are not any outstand- img wents of the day that will bo ob ' ervpd A larire .number of colleire v. students ai home for the holidays. ' Kara I schools will also get two days,: Bank Of Clyde To Move To Canton anton Will Have Hank For First Time Since .March.' Will Ope. rate Under New Charter ; Jjelinite decision has been reached to move the Bank of Clyde to Canton. Since the closing of the Champion Bank and Trust Company on March 1 f this year, Canton has been without a bank or bankinjr ftu-ilities within tke eity limits. Most of the bankinjr bos been done with the bank at Clyde. The bank when moved to ( anion njill operate under a new charter with a capital of $:J0,00() and a surplus of i 15,000. The present officials of the ank will provide '$22,500 of the stock and the reniainintr $22,500 will be rais ed an Canton. ; A meeting was sehe dmlel to be held in Canton Tuesday night for final plans,: a lid .immediately! thereafter a selling campaifrn would be launched to raise' the-$22,500 ' The present officials of the Hank of Clyde are K-lwin Fincher, president,! and I. 11 Haynes cashier. . Appiraimately is can-ied at all .t0,noO in deposit-limes- in ihe.-'Clydt bank, it was. 'repotted at a recen aieetinjr. Family Of Four Generations Living In One House On Allen's Creek Near Here Someone please pape Mr. Ripk-y, of Believe It Or Not fame. In Haywood County on Allen's Creek, two miles from here, there are four generations living in a five-room house. It is not uncommon to find three generations livinjr in one house, Or even Iivjnir. but to find four gene rations and all in one house is news. Allen Mull, 75- is representative of generation number one. He is a father. RTandfather and a great prand. father. "Mack Mull, 47, constitutes a party of freneration number two. This Mr. . Mull is a son of Allen, and the father of Mrs. Guy Gunter, 17. Mrs. XJunter is the mother of Guy Gunter. Jr. 3 ranths. -.'.-" '; Guy Jr.. is the fourth party of the storj- but no statement cbuld be had from hinl, in fact he thinks it doesn't matter at all. But the rest of the family are quite woud of the record. and i; h one of wWh ihv hv a right to be proud. j Funeral Services For Dr. Reeves Held Saturday One Of Town's Oldest Business Men Passed Away Last Friday .Morninu Funeral or ice.-- were held Saturday afternoon for Dr. M. II. Reeves. (10, who died at his home here Friday morning following an illness of a week. The deceased has been in ill health for the past several years. He was for :!0 years one of the loading busi ness men in Waynesville. Uev. H. W. Haucom. assisted by Ke. A. V. .loyncr, of Canton, conducted the funeral at the home on I'epol street. Intel iiient was mailt- at Green Hill cemetery. Dr. Reeves was owner of the Way nesvill,. Pharmacy, vine of the oldest business establishments in Waynes ville. 11,. was a graduate of Weaver College and The New York College of l'haiinacy. He took; an active part in business and civic affairs of the city and county. For a number of years In- was a member of the local clmol board. He was at the time of his death a 'member of the Knights of Pythias and a We.id man. 'During, his life time, tr, Reeves gave, away thousands of dollars Worth of medicines to those who were unable to ' pay 'for them, lie was never known to turn anyone away. Not only did In jjive away consi.loi ably in p;v--criptioiis but was a liberal donor to all charitable fauses. 'I'll,, deceased is . survived by his widow and four children; .Mrs. W- R. l-'ranci.s, .lelferson, .Mel v in 1 It'?. Reeves. Jr.. and MissJanie lieeves. ill u( Way nesville. One brother. T. 11. Reeves of Asheville, and two sisters. Mrs. Annie II. Wells, of Ltieester and Mrs. lames Hipps tf Sylva. Active pall bearers were: F. .Miller, C. H. Atkinson, .1. II. Howell, C, I!. Russell, .lames Atkins, an.l Then. MeCracken. Honorary pull bearers were: Dr. .1. F. Abel, Dr. S. L. StriiiKtield, lr. W. L. Kirkpatritk. Dr. W. (i l-'ranci.s. Dr. R. II. Stretcher, Dr. X. F. Lancaster, Dr. Charles K. Padgett, I)i .1. R. J!.-, MeCrackeri. rr. N. M. Medford, Dr. S. P, Cay Dr. ,). II. Sniathejs, J),. Ji. F. Smathi rs, Dr. W. H. Linei and D ( . H, McDowell. Liner Named Head Of Bureau Here Cody Plott Named Assistant Manager To Ke.Emphn ment Otlice At Courthouse 1. in , us Liner was appointed manager ot the re-eniploynient ofliee here Moti. day by the advisory board tn the -reemployment bureau, which is iii-rate( under the state, division ot public works. Cody Plott was named as Mr. Liner's assistant. The onice which has been closed for the pas: several weeks was ",ii'ii('il iiirain Tuesday at the court house. .:'.' Members pf the advisoiy J. If. Howell, ebairiiian, W. W. K. Francis. Mrs. 1. J). T. .shelton. At thu- Osborne Russ. boa id a'e: A. Hyatt- Alley,, and W Benefit Supper .Nets Si: Apj.roximately - 1011. suppi . .- wen- is. , ,,-,, laM.Mimnmv n:rrhl a! -te bene. mi; oyster supjK,- a: the W, :W. N. c. , f afc- which was sponsored', by the ch-.ir of th Firsv liaptist church. The choir ' net tcvl. about -S 1 5 from the .nip per. Funeral Held For Mrs. Sara Moody funeral services were held .Sunday us auernoon for Mrs. Sara Jane Moody. TO, ...U- J . j 1 , , .. . "ii'i hum ai ner noma near ie - wood Friday morninjr followir.cr. an illness of -about' Kf days. . InteiTiM-r.t was made at the family re i-f ferv na-'tlM'' Dellwood. ' ' ' Mr- Moody was born in was twice, married. She t sim-ivt , h,- r,,. t, lour children. O , H. Shelton ' j. - , -. .....n.3iim.-; aiiu nrviiaru sneiion ot the State of Washincrton and Mrs. David P. Javnes of IWI and Hubert C. Moody, also of Dellwood Art ivo . ... r-- .', ur 11 a ""r. "1 iV loouj, .uarvin ALiison t:. C. Moodv - - -.... . c.,a a. ..ii.ous.. I). Kiiiiun. 86. Passed Away Here Vmndav Morriimv Colli or filtrate Veteran Was Out a ni'M ille's Oldest And Most Prominent Men t ISv W. C. Al.LKN) Funeral ei vices f,,r Daniel Marcus Killian who died ,.l his hem,, on Kil lian Street Monday, afternoon al 1-:15, were observetl Tuesday 'afternoon at thue o'clock al the First Presbyter, ian cliurc h here, the Rev. Crie I . l.m ,1: urn. pastor of the Presbyterian viiutvh al Hazel wxhhI, eonductin the si i vices, assisted by the Rev. Dr. R. P. Walker, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Waynesville. Hurial took place m dreen 1 1 ill eeinetery. A. tie pall pearers were: R. 1 . Pre. vest, I.. M Richeson, !. C. Summei'ow HtiKli Abe!. Dr. .1. R. MeCracken. m l . 1., Hardin. Honorary pallbearer included the followinir: C. W. Miller II. C I.inilslev, I . i. '. lu-I. .!. L. .Morgan W. I' I .. , f r. i. . T. 1.. (ireen. Dr. Thoin. is St riir.; .'tieltl. Dr. 1!. F. Snuithei-s !. D. Hyatt. T. L. Kramlett. .1. C. We eii, W T, Shelton. T. N. Ma. -u- K. ,1. Rob, son, .1. 1. Strinn-lield.' W. I! , r.tt. .1. K. Kovd. .1. M l.otir. F. i . .io , is T. Alt ander. II. K. Atkins, I:. .). Hyatt. ,1. C. Rose. II. .1. Sloan W. W Hlackw.-ll II. (,'. Si. me. T. C. Miller, .1. R. Mm', can. W. I. l.anipkiir (leore Plott. .l.-t'-. Monumo. . I.. Itriirjrs, Alt' Cre.: . mail, t'larence .'Phillips I., II. Ilra'n' let!, and .lames Swayneim ...Mr, Killian vv.e, horn in l'uinsvl vaiiia County near Urevard. O.IoIm i ii, 1 SI 7. He was the son of .lames W. killian and .lane Clayton killian. both nl Transylvania County. He enlisted when .'seventeen years old- August 1, 1 Si t, in Company 11. Seventy-fourth Rie.iment of North Carolina Volun teers. His company was afterward made a part of the 11th battalion of the Sth North Carolina cavalry. During his term of service about nine months, he was on luty at seve- lal places in Western .North Carolina and Kastern Tennessee. lie was prin cipally employed as a courier in the inimediate s rviee of tleneriil .1. li. Martin, who was in command of the de)artment of Western North Caro lina with heaihpiarters in Asheville, and carried to that ollicer the last army dispatch just before the collapse' of t he. I 'onfederacy. He w as disehtirK- ( Continued on ' pajje "') j Two Local Boys To He In Limelight At Atlanta Saturday A .ecial block of -eats Ins n-served fo, W:iyiiesvile fans will attend t he I )uke-( ieoiria eanle in Atlanta Saturday, at . been who Tech -hich t I llle t -.Vo ,. r. rid : r. ,n ' s. iir- Waynesville': will, clash on famous ppo- ino 1 1 am-. Fi eildie ( 'raw for I, hunt I Usll Dtike , I lie .l-e-k- inc. All-.Aiiiei'i'-nii tackle of '1h(.: IMue II, - ib aiid .lack Phillips pi U n . nil- ; u II back of the b ellow c'ts. Iluiidi ed.. of Waynesville fan -. heduled to attend the tin, I ti'i two l';i i-ii, is i-i.ivers dot lieu -iT for their respective teams. The sp(,rt scribe at Due.- sent, out' the I'olloVYill).' -lory this .'- 'ek .,b-iti: the two boys: I'liese two Jads h-nriied the;, b;tl I toe ether when m their ,'a;ly i 'ui nutjr the summer innn' i, to-ot-eell w i en others thought about basidiad Craw. ford ami Phillips, buddies, punted and pas. e l the pitrskin up anl down those .mountain's which surround their West ern Ninth andina home Wave. -. vilJe.;. . ;,' 'They .taned loether ; throuirhout I: i t-'h i-chooi day- both in th,. back t field and hoth triple-threats. : They i went to MeCallie school on. Missionary ' HidW in ('hattanooira where Crawford was shifted to end and Phillips stay- e.t in the backheld. Their ways parted at the end "'of j ' heir da.Vs at McCailie. Crawloid chrt-"-! Duke; -Phillips.. 'Georgia- Tech. And wa.- hot. lonr until their names Ihi I .'an to fitrure prominently in the do ; int's of their 'sp-ctive teams, j Crawford, called one of the irreat- , est tackles the south has ever produe C 1 and an outstandinjr candidate for . All-American honors this year,, i.s the bulwark of a frreat defense Duke has thrown up ajjainst its foesi this seas-.o'n-r-'a- line, that -U rated the best in 'the south.-' ,: ; .'..',. ! Phillips from hLs 'fullback' position le.ir.y the spearhead of the; Tech 1 attack. lie punts. . passes and runs I and is onP of the best at his job in ii, . j A, the situation exists, they wi' be hroutrht toe-ether many times durinir pame' I'hillips will no doubt be ca!i-d upon to plunire ritrht at his best inend and it will be Crawford's assijfn aiid ,-T.ent to ston him iust as h has r.n. iv,,l r.tV, n.i 1 i. : ' . , ' "V'V running ax n f .u. . v ... iic ijnc Liu.- year. All eves will on rVnurfr, C.,f. inbv ao oomn.. .i.-.-l - i All-A ' jTJ. V' ,"- . . IU -- 0 manV emerts -and bv ?"e ivwui De hm beet friend ut-iujji.jirjf 'o make him look bad lae plays.. Price Trial To Be Heard $ Vek'Of Dec, ii. N latest Plan lli 1-ses (1 Late No; He Killed In II: Mr. I'-i.e As Sel l oi l.h Will Fm-" ' i.-,.ch the will of Th. :-- .'i '. e specified that mals . wiied by him should ' death after his tleath. it wa: here Monday through .1 l. the lap all atii- e put :. leaine.i Mm ir.-in. local attorney lor the estate of the deceased and Mr. I . C. M.Donal.l of New.uk. . eei-utoi- of the estate and a--!s!ant trust ollicei of the Fi delity Union. T us t o. that the laws if New lei-sc and N.nth Carolina weuht not permit the killing- of ani mals un.h r sued t ucumstances. The li.r-e will remain on the proper! v Til. W. C Will f Mr Price was tiled with liv i i, t i-ourt here n- . entlv. I wa it. Alley, lece.l -ia, trial won (allied tllloinrh I'osle s attoin.y for the al f Mi. Price, that the held' .iuriiie the week Id I of Divelllhe l e, upcl at ltl. appc ..ileitis . level.! a. Ml . Alle s fi oni an ope rat iol'i foi ami w 1. 1 , he able at I hat time to lepre-eit: now heme held ill the murde' The Stanley and Wai.l Ceoine Ward of A the -1 a I e in the p' four who aie eullllecteil with n of Morgan, this phivo and ill,- wd! assi-t 1 ' t loll M Women ta He Put To Work riuirsdav 'omen I rem Iteliel Kolls Will Ivo' Worked In ('our Sew ini; K-ooms In County Aniniiinceinent was inaiie . ue dry niornin.L' thaht women would, lie put to ivuii. in t lie coui' : y: Thursday morn-i-ntr in :he four, -i-wiiir, rihims that have just been created. The rooms will be. in Cantoir W'aynesviLle.. Ha 7.elwood. ami Clyde. In eaclj of the rooms, except Clyde, there will be nine women and one supervi oi . '1 ho Clyde room a supei vi. o leive a wajr have live women and The women will re nt cents nil hiuii: tor ,f t hei r w oi k. ... A reipiest was ,.s Quinlan, who is at of t he w ork w hich lied by Miss Mary ptcM-m in eli.-uare is a part of the A dm mi tfat ion. patterns m. mat- Kmei'u'e.ne.y-' Relief that anyon,. baviie; let- wlial date, clean clothes would ieasL- tret her oyer phono 1.'!!. nil; issued for --eu'ii.'e n Used Ml tin- rooms. The w omen vv 1 1 1 ma I.,- serais or oiii in lunch with t - pecia I call achines t ,;, V .jii i 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 trow n lie loi ininal an,) the iptllts tor tin- neeily hos.pi: al and h 1 1 on n: t he count y hoilie. I Inly w ,,iiii n, w in, a , ,i i e, n-i i , anil have no man in t In-family to idi- llplliilt will he J'l work. A i iiimty - ii pei vr-m' will he poiuti d duriii). thi ' net tew d ap- I he'-e a i , a nu in! ,ct a ppl i. a ir 1 , , r i lie Jilac, .. , Chicken Theives At Work In (Vabtree .1.15 Davis Has 1 I Stden From Mini Sunday .'i:lit. Is Pre-', pared To Protect Others I. K- Jlavis, i.!' Crab: i.-,. ;.,.ii .- i;'. , intends to lose some sleep ' instead '. of ebii I, en. .for the next few' weeks, a i 1 last Sunday iiif ht some-one trut. I I "ff l.i. ehoico ynuiur pul!e-- ' hat. hha I jii.t 1 artel to lay; . ! Although M r. !a i iui- aii id. -a i who -(-ot his fowlst he docs not in: en i I to take any .bailees ell Jineinrr t :lc;--others in tiis fowl house. "Thi-i'e Jiiis .been ipiil.i- . a tji't of. rhick- n .fealiror in Our noU'hbpi hood, in. said- "but- as far as 1 ;i in corieernc Fin ready i-ir anyone who c-m i steal more from me." Out of the 21 in hr. In-ri hon-e. t l: ihei.ves rot 1 I, Thi- stoli-n beiis i e valued .at-about $H. College Team Took Game From Locals, ;).' 18-7 Score Friday! Mountaineers Were Handicapped By Injuries In W. ('. T. (' Junior Varsity Game Ieadinfr by a score of 7 to C until three star players were forced to leave the game because of injuries, the Mountaineers last Friday went down before the Junior Varsity from Cullowheo under a 18-7 scon?. J ne .Mountaineers step;,cd out of their class to play the visitors '."but. did somi; exceptional work; against the collepe lads until iniuries entprl the local rank to take out Patlon, th" end-tickler, and Reeves, the scoring ace of the team. Wajronfeld', s-tcady half soon followed his two f-How nj-i-ers to te ben.'h when his shouldei was injure. The college players made several perfect passes which accounted for the majority of their scoring. Stamey-Blaylock Murder Case To Start Thursday. Venire Of Fifty Chosen Haywood's Biggest Liability Is Crime, Says Jizdrre Finley l'residino Judj;. lu-it" Sas I'ub lic Sentiment ; Needed To St on Crime .1 ii. i. hel.linr Ticma - li Finley who is . our here tlis week, is very witti complimentary remark -l.i no, il county, in fact, he 1; -i a 1 a ho lit w cut 1 to t. 11 The Mountaineer was a most won- 'I'll. o.i ha! deri'ie . ,i,inl .-s--e: , t hat 1 h atislied w i h "you ha, a lie cni Hilled '"f!lis ,., , .. t. o'll) -111 pa till.. in that peopl. 1 hem ! had so many hole should be but l!n n to ll'lll i I line i ea t ' ".-k ra is i in-; . oun-s-e.l in the state by one And ou i.n-e a lot of her.- and ,Mi too of all the ( il . I S.uok. Mollll- llllt . d pi-.duct .-ii a i i ion-,-, I ave been it was . tl.ilh II I -I ;:!. nil,. lie, ,1. It ,1 .-til! Vll ion pri '' I la-. not onlv nil an but to In- entire lot .!-,' hi - -, , . , ! w a ; Ml le a n tliat .visited the el ! Il I 111 llili, l ! Olll il... (he 'Allot he- aiset 1 hi'- N.'W ( 'o!le( i in. I have r, Th yon hae here at M r. (iwyn's ml that m na- hi d .1 ai'.-r i - ; i n. lairc papers-." I court house' in a. -I court held ink hiiihljnjr. : 'be made to cut too much in thin tip p'.m.li . Th- I- he I should liicie'. eve hen pee ov, W.-l : in et etf,.H rime. (low n i conn' -ollll ot In i'. count ii and hi i,-,' in ii be dene about, it ." "The .people o i my county icccntly i ailed a m i - nu et inn no Sunday al' teiiiiMin i nn with over a I. (Kill present ol'iranieil ,,r tin- pui,o,., ol' prescn inir Jii-.s aon order, and created a ehatU'e in public sentiment about crime o .niattei in.w r"oil the of. beer ,n- ibey can't -top ennie alollc. it take- pu lie en! men1 .'ilonr; with yood otlicei . Ciiiii,. has ,.uch .1 hold on our i-ountn t.'rlav '.hat it is, 1-0- take eerv el -iiii: thi inillinn an.l it I - I hat ort to - top it." coiinti y !! H'l en I,, Ma 1- 1 j ea r ti, or n,. ,.1 her iea "It i l'J and fiirlit el --.,11 it would : .0 t ha! ,1 lio'c-f tit .ill .lllte 1 -r-er 1 a 111). the t:i payers v j j in a 1 ui ilT- 1 inn would h,. reduced Fi ll I lie I h. ,1 -th w ".1 11. If, U ilk.- b Tie 111:, P I' 1 1 1 1 1 ". pi, 1 t: V.rth f .ri fi 1 in .111 1 1 1 ire 1 hat he w ill 1 f 1 (.111 t In-.-lit . lOi'i 1 11 i .-,1 . 1,,-lich el-1,1 1! i-.pir ti., 11 ...f hi lid tin- Stat, 1 , i I Oi l' - ,ee the alilert ,- ll'V , did he - tj eill 10 crvii'e- ol' ii1' of it -! Judofc Finley. w ill. hav 1. ' he bench for 10 yea 1 oi.r to --t ire in I he hipli II ' he people of North ( '.iioiira record as a jti'bro has .-tpproiiclieil j Ill I lie brilliant and. of that. .The fHser, ;.i-r will speak more at, lenr.th at an at 1 i --'.ria-e t inie." Washinjjlon (iives Aponnal (f Hih- ..''av'l.Fr.tension "l'i., loir. (a - 1. i-i -'..if iidIi'ic ton week appro', 1 So".. Chip in ( I ! 7 inih . who bis' hway No. o.-.l of f ii-- p 1 o.'-; 1. The t Wl : froje-t ; i 01 W: I t! it J tare I h nri tdac-e,. , t a i b- - lit: - nee. I I '."' i n, ib' 'j l.;j trie lil'ojecl 111!, let loll, ailed, t'ol V. .!' the- il, at a . est i,f r..',I7.::;7. .-. ''r''a".;e''ii-ir. ' anil; th i'c,. I.' Tin- mil.- st ,!(, b aild to'' Tin- No. i h 1 'arol inn i-sioll will lik.-l-v let; ll-t ill he ::hway contrai in 1n: be i- ;,vojt'i:ls . at t i. til St n Well Croomed 31ustache Saves Face Of Veteran Linotype Operator Here :.' J. --.'. Amonev the many thinp:3 which J. T. Hridtres, veteran Linotype oper.i or on The Mountaineer-will have to be thankful for this Thankspvinfr is that many years a "o he started wear ing1 a mustache, which was the means last Wednesday nipht of protect in? his face from beinp" more serious'y burned by flyinjr lead from his lino type machine. uiiujj uu- last iiiinuie rusn to "n 1 o press last week, a -mall part vf Mr. Bridges' machine slipped out : j "! ce and the .safety catch failed to !H;'d, consequently alxiut a pint of hot ead, and by hot we mean around HaO !erees flew out from the machine 'i'o his shirt and some on his face "Tie major part of the flyintr met a! to hit his face, however, landed on his carefully -groomed mustache, burninl off half of it instantly. 1 Main Small Cases Are Disposed Of During- First Two Davs Of Court A special Vi-llll,, been named -o h, Thursday nioi ninjr will l chosen to and Claud Stanley murder of i've Cat! ol tilt. men :iae present .it court from which a jury try Sani Hlaylnc. charyed with the a hey on Pigeon sevcj 'I'll,, tirst two day, of 'evm ,.f i-onrt din, nail case, of the '273 on docket Monday court convened with :hy presiding, mic i - composed of al tin mi J lis au'o. the three week posed of many cases that wer mornine; when .hull-.. T I! il,,. special ! lie t'ol low i njr : C C. Se,le I Icn.li 1 s I leave lieav lain;; "itam. W. H. K. F. L. Kat rank .li-nkiiis, Ivy Hill; Iv 1 T T. Noland. roy. Iron DutT; .1111. WUMICSVI He; -.lone , 'sville: loiia.lian ; l. P Withers Wayne: i al! 1 1 e ; G ra.ly AlcKI nuekett. Whit,- Oak ; ,1. 1! Paltoii, ItcaAi-id ,111; T. II. Mehatfev m in - ill.-: .1. I . .loiies l!ca.-i .la.iii: F- H. Williams, Cra'btnv; W (". Caincs, lleavei-dam ; R I Prevo-it, W--'ie... in, ;.- ..'.. 'lam; i II. Uoirors. Waynesville; S, If Ai.Crai y ltei erdain ; K. N. K,on Ihaverdain; .1. li. Millie. ReaM-idan:; ' MeCliiie, Iteavcrilaiii. I '. -I. Ken-. Ilcaverdaiu ; . ( . Ple-s, I .'a l-'oik; I.M Grojra,,. Kast. Fork; P. 1- Fodford. Iron llulf; V. V. I.m(', ioii-it ban : H. K. Ilen.h-rs.in. Ileaver .lani; flavi,, liathlinne, , Fines Creek; Finley Cook. Itcaverdain ; II A. Hel .lei Itcaw-rduiii; G. I!. Hyatt'. Iteavei darn; ICS. 1 Mem moils, lieaverd-.i in ; G. N. Palme, CalaliHiehee ; R K. Trout, man- Waynesville; . lorry M. Rogers, ly.le; II 1 vn I (la, lily, Waynesville. -I i'. onrad. White Oak ; l U. Ilamhlin. Iteaverdaiii ; M. I. HocjUti, White dak; Walter Mills, Waynes villc ; 1 . Kobinson. . Ileav. idan'i ; I). II. Goiidwin, Iteavenlam; Connie Hon--on, He ueiilaiii; ,. I Rickman, Heaveidalii; .lame. Rich, V Hill; John Denlin, Itcaverdain ; R. C. Fran cis, Waynesville; M. S. Wilson. B.a vcrdam; R. P Sheriill. Heavenlam; aiuFRankiii Ferguson. Joii-than Grover C. Davis and Fee Kavi.s reji--scnt Claud St-iniey, while W' Roy l-'ifinci:-, I-'. F Alley .Ir,. and Geo rue Ward represent.-. Sam' Itl.iyloek.. The tat,, is renreseiited by SUdicitoi John M. I.ueili ii.esd-iy ,i, nil lied li, era! ,,i' I ' aid M. G. afternoon . 1 li 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VI Killian. S ! a nicy. 011 it -lit-tiin- - '!', I, Co,,,t lid 111, 1 lint 1 1 ad.iouin lor about i:::o Ai liointh lloU'lccil, it t lie do, t V k. I .Vlb- 1 1, irene i a I , 11 1 al the , I hat ill, he rid Hi' I I'loiise I'uesilay, ;i I tt-1111 11 Sllillield miii'der 1 :e.e wi'mM !. t w ok. !.: id., al beeinnieg .. ho 1 he' 1 a -: 1 i v F ' part ot ll.-v wil .hub,. Fel the t , v. Monday. The III : : and Ii, lollow-; ' -lam,-- S hi. iniiio. Fn -1 Miller ere.: f .1:,:,: 'llur-le,-Shelli.v auli - w ,if .lam. I a-id I I .eonard 111 to kill : with'-,!, St-.. (held assn.11 Fd IlillKl h in!. ... -an :i 1 . weapon. Frank." Xichol: lle'.vey Potter Kireth idford. , hoti i- Li eaiii;. d'larence Potter, and first decree for 111 ui dor ,f Tlionias Price; also, assault with deadly weapon in . .second charge, Geoiye : Rojrei.-s,. a- saul! with- inU-n' ii..Cll!., ' '.,a! hei -i.atiil lii'sl. decree, tor mui l : t V.'iili im Soiitherl.'ind. 1.! I ; on public lrtiiikenne . nli-ri'iie-nt. 1. - -:' 1 iiiitir.' I - ale "f lintior . 1; lllii, I fieri, 1. ilo : 5'at- ' ,UO i.i : i!,ttl a..i ii- i: 'EaMi:,i jiior, P.I T -i:ii in illtinuei 'be Seven) place- cil if.-, bai t in- niu-t achi of the h a metal. face v e v but n "eeivt-d the bulk r After riH-eivinp first aid, Mr. Bridges was back twain at his machine where h- stayed until the last line of type l.a l b'-cn st for last Week's paper. Ife i : still under the care of a phy sician. Vho cut even more of' the m istache away. He is back at work. 1:1 1 netting typo again. a h. h.is fo- t.-W. -r.-t 25 years ':n one, vf Th M.,u;i taineer's lim-typcs, : . . To a i i his tr .1!.!: s, he ..;ia,t- : e.l a 'oid just . a, few hours 1 : '.,iv his U'.m'.o'r.e -.vent haywire witi . 't'-M .. "I -xiccht H'-t took like ; .. ::,ia for a bw-uty contest with nii. face pH-teled up. V.r. my !nj:-:a,-ie: s';.-e -aoj she. day 'for- me.'' he said aftr tx-ir.k- able open his mouth and 'ta!k' 'L-ain. ... - . )',. I

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