Hie "Wmmmsm The 15est Advertising .Medium In Haywood County Published At The Katein Kntraiue of The (ireat Smok Mountains National Park - Head l Thinking People VOL. I NO. 1 WAVNESVILLE, NOKTH CAROLINA I III UsllAV. IK( KMHKK 7. I't:;:; W. Rov Francis Is Named Assistant U.S.Dist. Attorney Appointment Causes Francis To Abandon Plans For Seeking Office In 5I W. Roy Francis, popular local at torney, was named last u-ek as as sistant Unite, 1 States Hist rid Attor ney by Marcus Er'.vin, new Unite 1 States District attorney of Asheville. Mr. Francis was chosen from a list of about 100 applicants from the en tire district. Coming along with the appointment was an announcement to the effect that 'Mr. Francis would not seek any political office during the coming elec, tion. It had been rumored and stilt ed several times that he would ho a candidate for congressman, from this district and would oppose Zebulon Weaver. All plans for seeking this office, 'have been definitely abandoned as far as the coming election is con cerned. the"' appointment a assistant at torney is a distinct honor to Mr Fran cis, .and during the past few days he has received many congratulations from friends here and throughout the state. Mountaineers End Successful Year, Win Championship Farm School Defeated 20.0. Ixxal Team Did Not I -o.se High School (tame 'I Jiis Season The W aynesville Mountaineers end ed their suceesstul football season here 1 hanksgiving bv defeating I' arm School 20 .to 0 before a crowd esti mated at 1200. Manv spectacular plays wore made bv Wavnesville. I he entire W aynesville team played ex ceptional kill throughout the game The sweeping cnd runs made Ity Ree, and the brilliant work of Wagonfeld at quarter wore outstand ing. ., Uridgcs cam,, in lor Ins share of the honors as hue plunger. 1 he entiM W aynesville me crashed through .he harm School line time and time again to throw the Farmers back ' I or losses. This was the hist high school game fir the V avncsvill,. team. ' The . Mountaineers' have iust com pleted their second -season of having lost only one high school game in the itwo years. Last year :rt A-hevillo ' hey. failed to defeat- - th,. Asheville team. This year liny tied the Ma-' roons. This season the. .Mountaineers have- attained the. honor of hem. school champions of es ern high i Vorth I Carolina- This mythical title 'was won after Mendel sonville was delesit ed here, several weeks ago 7 to ti, Coach Weatheihy has been well pleased with the-.sho.wing-'atid record of his team this year, tentative plans: are underway for a basketball team, although several .-thing are to be ironed out first, it was said. Contests Will Be Held In Mars HilI;At Methodisl Church Waynesville. -Won (up In Last Year's ( on test At Mars Mill Collej-e InvitatioiiH. to the eighth aimual Western North Carolina Declaimcrs' and Readers contest to be held at '. Mars Hill college December K-!) have been sent to iipproxiniatelv 100 hign schools R. M. Lee, chaimian in charge of the event, announced yesterday. The event, which has been held lor the pasf sever'al years under the aus pices of . Mars Hill college, open to the high schools ot twenty counties '; of '.Western North Carolina, bach school is entitled to enter one de Wanner and one reader. -who.' with a ' teacher or chaperon, ar guests of "he college while on the campus. To the school winning each contest a silver loving cup is presented with the name of the : renrescntative en rraved thereon. The cun is held one &ear or until won bv some other School. If anv -school twins the cun wo veais in sucression it. becomes tha nronertv of .ihe school nermanent. ly. Mise Nonnc Lowe last year' won the readers' cud nermanentlv for Wavnesville hieh school. Miss Evelyn Morgan of aynesville having w-on y it the year before. The (lecknmers' cup a? won last vear-bv Graham . Ponder of Flat Creek high school. J. Harden Howell. Jr., of V aynesville. won it the previous year. France Liner will represent W ay nesville in -the readers' contest and Arthur l-rands will enter the decla mation contest. HAZEIAVOOD PRESBYTERIANS TO ELECT OFFICERS . There will be a c-ongregational meet-. ( ing at the Hazelwood I're.sbvtenan church next Sunday morning for the purpose ot electing additional e'ders i and deacons. aoc'T-ling to announce- j ment mac'p :.y Rev. One C . Landr'.im. .pastor. iOver 1200 Men Have Registered Since Last Tuesday Here i Reemployment (Kiiie Is Over. Worked Kenisterinu I'neni plo ed In County din is th, th u-:es( n'ac in own tcemploynient office a the and loiirt h ,'U-c. 11 u in i i o.i- of nici: women v work th .vai: their turn to register for is heinir done by the Civil Works A i i ministration. The. ollice. under the direction of Lucius Liner and his assistant, Cody I'hci registered HI peopl,. from Tuesday of last week to Saturday night Hy Wednesday night approx imately l-'Hl had been registered. Aniiounct men: wis made that only thus,, who register in the ollice and j by an olli. :al registiar wool,! ;. con-i sidered eligible for work on the pro- I jects. All thus,, who now have jobs are not -registered, and in the event that tht-y ar,, registered under the assumption that hey are unemployed, their cards are promptly de-troyed. The committee that appoints the foremen am! selects the men for the wink take into consideration his past records ami ability for work. Some rather comical -as well as touching c isos have come before the committee. One young -man seeking work stated the reason he left his last job was because be got. tired. Another said his hands got Void pick ing apple and hi' wanted something else. Another young man-said h(. left the farm because he couldn t get along with his step-mother. The long est job one job,-eeker had was on the chain gang.' Five hundred, and ninety-five men was the allotment for this county. Of this number, about .'i2." are at work and approximately To have been as signed '. job., which vvil the next lew days At the present mte, or 20110 will register by next week. begin within least 1MI0 nd of the County Teachers To Meet Here Saturday Character- education", will be the principal -.heme that will occupy the attention .of Haywood, county teaeh eis Saturday, December !'. at 10 o'clock., when they meet in 'monthly -cnnierenee ;it t lie cent ral elemen-. ai y -i In .. i J here in .their hist general ses sion for the V .lendar year l!f:!ii,-; Seven even-minute lalks by iis 'many teachers are. scheduled' for the conference that will be held in the audit urium of I he -chool Th,. mei't ing w ill be follow (.nlei t a iii-men : . fi at n re of iltes.- Adjoin nment "will be building; ed bv an 1.' II o'clo:k. Oh the piogiain appsr t he f. i,!!ou -ing teachers with the topic to be dis- cussed: edileat i Club iictivitie and ehiirae'.ei i. Miss Keiihih Mae I : i : organized games and h o acter edu cation. C. K. Went heroy ; o'.her s,.i,hi1 rrgiinizat ion . and character educa tion. Lloyd Hendnx: assemblies and chtiiacter : education. 1'. J. Robeson.; social activities and character educa tion. S. K. Coiintser-; character education-through regular sch'iol s.ubj'cts, J, Harley Fiamis; .-inil 'direct mor.il education, Fred L.Safford. f nrlrra AllnvT , -ludee Felix. K. Alleys the Methodist church (.veiling at Tt.'in Hj'cloi-k. will be, "Religions A ,-il.!. peak a! here Sunday His sul.i, ,' Coin pa risoii." Judge . Alley, has delivei-i this ud oughout received dress in ;i number of towns thj tins section, and has always most favorable comment. A invitation has. been extended Methodist pastor. Rev. Paul -Jr. to attend this service oi d i by. the Hardin, Local Rotary Club Hears International President Speak Members of the Wayncsv ,. taiy. C lua. : attended the meeting in Asneville. last p ridav at" thP B'a'tery Park Hotel at which time John Nel son, president of Rotary Interna-tonal, was the honored guest and principal speaker of the occasion, The meeting was attended bv about 2."0 Rotarians from throughout A est. ern North Carolina, and a few from Tennessee and South Carolina. Since Rotary is-a., world-nude or ganization. - the . speaker .-dwelled at length on international affairs, and then brought his audience face to facp with the fact that, "we can t ex pect peaee m the wond unlets we aj; individuals are peaceful and content. ' Mr. Nelson also mentioned the fact thit crime and pouth are two of this nation's ma;or nrordenv today, ana urged nu mber . of Rotary to med itate over this and put on a urogram that would hotter tite present fitu aion. . . Amomr 'hose enme tr im here were; Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Gay, Dr. ind Mr.,.,1 R. H. Stretcher. Mr. and Mr-- V. D. I Smith, Stentz. Dr. L R. Have?. Mr. 'J.-.-Dal-' JatK Me s-r W ( Rj T R.rcr C X Rcll D- r U -man. Mr. J N.-Shoolvred. t ALL-AMERICAN NOW IIIWA . v- I s, s! - vs?S ' JkJ a? i5 -J" I KKDDIK ( ;iiid cdachcs their sidcclii Sports writers must tm;ininnnis iti lor tin: All-Ainenean team lor this voar has hocii published on tin- plavm ability this vear. 1 iNt year lie made .,! season opened Soon alter t he would I' jriVt'M Wallaee Wade, t'ver l oaehi'd." a jilaee on t he liv: eoai h at Duke. ; Massie's Dept. Store Will Open Bargain Basement On Friday Larue Mock OI Merchandise Placed In New Addition 01 Local More K cryt hnig jv ,n icadiiH-- l.o- the np'rliing of th,, IJaigain Haseineiil- a; Miissjo's 1), .pai I mint Stole, heie.Frr day. li'orijiru'. at s o'rioi k. I o. ) pas i'ow weeks uork ai'i ii bus ij:j nuaccl in liuildini; i.iave men a -t i i w a - i.i 111,, iKiseUlelit from, the main floor. Tables. shel is for dC'pla J inc. center of 1 le i-oinitcii.s and goods have been loaded o ca'.iiicit y specially for tin rei'nain.dei of I In- built and are now with g-ood,. hotich! basement :upl the stock' of Mir .1. .VI. .Iocl' stoic. W . H. Massif luiinager c.l I ire -lol( said that sjiecial attent ion would be given t he basement merchandise; ami that the new itihiit ion to the store would, be in every - ense, t ruly . a ba r ' gain basi-ment. , Toget her with I he , usual l ine of merchandise, a iar'ire -lock of ( hi i-l niiis toys ,ha(, been placed on 'diiphi'y in the basement : , A general rcfluction on !i:ei luindi-i tliioughout the.. -tore will be made durine thi'. .Jienilig of the. biiseinen),, uccoiding- to an i.nnoiincement in a large advei n-onient aipea i iiig i . when- in th'i.s '-.;ijH;r. Funeral Held For Mrs C. P. Clark Funeral - i vie s f.- M , -. Xannie ( 1 'k ' iti f ( I' ( 1 nk of in ir ( ;yde. -,vho died or) last Wednesday morning in a ho-pital jh Atlanta. (Jal, whete she was taken about three weeks airo for .treatment, were heM on .last Friday, morning at 11 o'clock at the ( lyde Baptist church. Before her mtirnage. Mrs ( lark was Miss Nannie Medford. 'daughter of Mr. Jim Medford, and the late Mis. Mwiford. .s,he was born and reared in Haywood county where she was loved bv her many friend-. She was -j. faithful wife and a devoted' mother She' was a momlx r nf.thei i.vde Bantist church, and also a menilw r of , the f.astern Star, of w hich sh. was a loval member of both- i surviving her tire her husband. ( . P. (lark, two daughters. Mrs. Selma Hatchff of Wavnesville. Miss Niner f lai'K, of Atlanta, hnr father, Mr. Jim Meoford. her step niother. on sister Mrs. Bonnie Hull, of Pitts, burg, Pa., ar.d one brother. Funeral services wi re conducted t)v her pxstor, the Rev. R. P. Mcf racken. as?!U-d oy Rov. J. allien Tv-n.ger na-wr of (Iviic M. K church ;.nd Ke. F. O. Dr-man, pastor of Long'---' r.ane;. :d. . h nurch. South. .e vr itor in XtjWr. J 'J I i i i -A. J i-lite, ; .,; Mor.da'i -.. V. I r r-, . . , r' ' Vl s . !. U.WVI OKI) throughout I n of Freddie i. i c u in i w ere al . ( i toi d .is tiiekle t oliunn .if t i i ohtmn oi ( rawtord at link-' the seeond it was soon t team. IIt. s bemo,- tht All-Amcrican team, delei niiiied I hat Ir' Mas hecn (ermod bv greati'st tackh lie Asheville Burley Tobacc o Market I o Open Decern her 12 Operators OI arolma : house Are OphmisOe Ovci ( oniinu .season The A K v : ;; inai kei u ill I11'1! I ' i v hi fo i ' I '-,' jiceiii'ding .to H. I. I :iaill'ielt- ' luOr iiieinhei of he I' i.J ii ' of' ( "ha ml- - -... Reeve-. A- ( ton i pan . I i.v . who v.a- in H.-iywiMnl eiiiiiily Mellday'- o1' ' b Week. The operator -he l ' i To ina -aol ! hat ! hi-i r boll vvo-rtil I -.pen to reeevr. anil vveigh to '.. a. i -o on and after December '. F (', (ileen an. I ( I.hi.I William holh .'o'l I la.vwo 1 coon y. will lie local, i ( )l e-entat i vev f,,, lite I'atolllia VVi rehouse this year, . I hn ing t he ' nitervo u v it Ii M i, hainhei-s. Ir ollered v a 1 ua hie ;id vice. "He careful in giailinp; ;riul tying your hurh y " he aid "Many ihdlar ejin iic -saved the Inn ley g-rower in. the h uiilliiig of hi- tobacco. Don't, let your toba. i I ' he made get in high ordi ..ullil'orih as po Keep i ilil . ami I . 1 in et. - hy iilace imt it ready f'oi I. .ok civcr the oiarkels be- elling aii'l iivoid i rush as lunch - ibie. Rushinu ; of (oliaei-o in I" the market, 1.- v.a eiioii-. and edryiiiu plant, ha a. natural 1 1'lKleiicy to force the prices. doWll. We ran hand!, the tobacco d' West ern, evorth f'arofina and F.a Ten, nessee to your' idvantiige if tie ITiovvers coopi rate in. preventing a block. Voii can be certain that thi will mean money in your iioj'ket," Mr. Chamber.;- was optimistic a !. In' nutlook toi1 the hurley grower and the Asheville ni.arkef, .and proini- ed the fullest cooperat ion f himself and. his .film in I be . intei-est of the growi-rs . f Western North ' ;i roll n a and Last I en nessee. Being native, -of Western North Cai oli'na and pioneer vv rrehousehien of this and other sections of the coun try, it i- felt that thr- film of Cham bers. Reeves t Company. Im;.. cn s ist i UK' of lv J. ( hamlx'rs. (). A It'-evi s. J. J. Sai'ders and J. F. ur horo, really have then- he-'irt.-- in the hurley, market at Asheville and will do their utmost to "advance the inter ests of the growers of this section. 167 Secure Marriage Licenses In Haywood ,,f A lot of people might be out vvoi-it. out Han Cupid seems to y,' workingl overtime as 17 marriage licenses have b-en issued here within tne past 12 months from the office of the Kegister of Heeds. 1'd .vin Havne.--. register ol deeds of triis- countv, completed an audit of his marriage, jicr. hooKA recentlv and found le,spite -so-cadod hard times be i ad ip-ued I'.V krud-tying ,aperj. Major .. i ' fc f.: ','iere .r. M or I.. M. if' Seven Witnesses Heard . In Jim Sheffield Murder Case Wed. Afternoon Memorial Service Held For The Late Judge AV. F.Moore pot t rail of i -. Moore was .io. unity bv iiieiiibi'i ie late iurist . ..tc .I'n.i . .',1 to ot th,. n.cmoi i. i llayw. f:i:n:'v .it ;h, 'in I ho.i-e lu'i e Mvmdav afi.i noon I'.-loie an audn'ilce that fillcl lh,. colli I .111.) -idille heic. on io capacity. I'eli K. Alley who is pie over I he second week if couM adjoiiiiied court, at '! o'clock -f.-i ivviiT- which lasted about in lb,, him I 1 1. il !lev. chairman of th.- I c ll - appointed at a recent on . i Haywood !ar Association, it the meeting. lie real a from Thomas .1. Hat kills in I larknis si aleil i bat he was .attend. He was a close IU' 1 1 OCsle,! t elcr i a in vvlii. h Mr. ,ili, ib1, to t'rii'liil am lieorg.. presented icpted by wood l!ar lv A Dev I classmate of .ludr.c Mooie. II. Smalhers of Asheville. I he port i a it and it u a ac .1 1(. .Morgan, I... I he I lay A ssociat mn : by .liidce Tch tor the judicial V ot Ninth iiulina. and Sam M. Itobmsoii. Im the County. . M r. Siiiathel's .Monies life 111 how a- a boy, h Academy and read a sketch of Judgi i which he ilcscrjbed, e stmlied at Saml Hill alter completing, hr- ediicat n'oi began Webster in .laniii I hat Mine w a s tin I" actio I SSI l. utilv .1' I IVV Wi eal bslei d ,1a, son County. ".Indee Mooi e was always Intel est ed in ! ho mov ements intended for th. bet tin inent of the 'people, arid was over Io he found in the lorel'iiml of Iho-c who .were' striving for the wel f.ne ,if mankind. He was a mail well gi imded tl fundamentals of owledce and nil l d. M i . Smut be Mr Snial b i ea - C. iv i ii by ail of .1 ii, ig I be llnwv. ..r lb. port i Moi.i... to , I '.a i we en I ed ..llovv I'lial die. it Thai l.il di Wbel 1 1 a oil v II. iv vv, 1. 1 iel . - M.I I ' Illll , new e M. -v ilh-, CI V I, of hi .111-1. b. Ie VV a III. I pl'l . and fiopiilai vv a Idill;; , .11 1 bai w ii h ,1 bv , em n .Hoi :he , I. .hub ay ne al ion ,-, on n I ,oo, ji: I I ill,, nil -,; I he I I . I V V .1 M.I;..- y .lildee VI ll, VV . 1 - h.ll en I ML' I' P" I 1,1 lli.li Ihe -1 I N Alb be I., -i 1 1 o. Ihe l,.. e, Cpon ,il I, I j mi lb-- I hi I I, of .lodv H iie vv . I:'. ugg.i ted ih.,t .hi- lollouim.. wool, I -f... i ,- by 1 lie i mini y . .on in i plai .-ii in I he i-.iii i i lion .1. l , I. (oel;..-. (.I. S. l-'ei (' usi.ii and h i I - In .liel .hid b. w I : l-Vigiiscin. In I Xorwood. W . T. ( i aw ford. ' I, vl. Moody.; . r .men of in om i in ni e i ou-i '( Ii ment biiied,-" .VI r Spiatheis -a -aid, id in i1 I ti I liil.,. iileasure in lire I y-"i md I he I lay wood I ..im' y i ait of .1 nice Moor,, vv tl I lb. no. the ille I vv a I I' lll.-ll the llil.e be liuiig -o tl oir t he it Vis;.- of t in; i oiii l . house in I hi-- hi r: room face .of a man win ll an loo!, i ser'yei nd well ; lit u his Vl , rich lllls- i-'.ih - !.h. f-ac cotinl rv i.i id fate long ii a - a jin i I and poor at baud and f eluded. ii. .1 i: I lity W ood .1! oil ted on' jil t ! e ti) ike,, .anil was a model ,f lief." M r .S mat her,-. Morgan-' in behalf .of', the liar said: "V'hile this occas to ii a nolo, of -a be - as of oiir loss, yet there is in and hearts much pride. .-and. ion biinu .v .- I hi til; our iiiind feeling of lionor in t he . memory of our distinguished friend ami who we counted as one of us. brot her, 11 inuch pi ide and jnteri st- in t h de- veloniient; of our county. . Ki-pe'ci ally was he .inxious thill, we j)i-ovide ;. modern Kiurt house and jail. "When the commissioners hesitated about undertaking to build a new ourt hoilse, he ordered an indict pent against thorn. When the buiMinir was in progress he would r.ften stop and view with interest the work. We wore happy that he could hold the first rou i t iii this, building." .-is. we in iiiture ; vi .'i es ami. acre in th: co lit this port rait ;-ho,h '! iic u leinmde,. io us ot ti'i exo'i -n; traits !;(V.!!:, u i.i : . ! of him -. . .-: it . so well nls. and this ?nuud siiinulate us to . niubite in our acts, his high nliaj and sterling character. ' Among those attending- the memor ial service from out of-town were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore Nf Chatta nooga; Mr. Ian Moore, Svlva; Mrs Scroup Knloe. Dilkslxiro; Mr and Mr K. L. Mchee, Sylva; Miss Hannah and Dorothy Moore, .Svlva; Mr. and Mrs. Ivugene M. Hearden. Asheville; Mi ami Mrs. Pink (iaston, Asheville; Mrs I' it ton Ldfjjitle Cd , Mi n I M Holmes Uryson. Asheville; Holm - I Hryson Jr., and Miss KJvir.i Jrvs..- ' Kaieigh i As.hevdie; Mrs. Ijura Momv l'iv - ,--.:avs on I Asheville; and Mr; -hrnnk C.i -' ' Lal-avette. fia. I lames Welch. Main Slate Wit. ness. Was On Stand Over An Hour Seven state witnesses ve.ri. hcaid W eilnesday al'tenwN.n in the trial of .lames Shi llii-l.! who is cli irged witii the murder of Hud Miller on ihc a, teriHHin .of Auu'ii-l 'l at Woodrow .Miller vv;i -hot wild,, standing ii, front of Rickman's s.,,,,. ,,M die high way. Jim We!, h, who was standing Hear Miller .it. the time, was bit in ,the imuith ami -hnuld of I he shol. Judge K presiding; ov er i he week - of the c ,n I, r Willi several li F. Alley is cinaining two I be colli I ro :u idled man-, wer. s.andiiig Mis Miller i, .Id of llel de. ,'.lsei husband's heal.h only. Jim Welch, the s'iU W . lor Hie si-,te, was ,, he -t ind over an lumi. Mi Welch lob! of (rouble he had had everal year ago with Shellield. and of a struggle they had had when Shetlield drew a pis;o! on him. The last . trouble vv;is aboul V, years ago. W.'lch and Miller were in front of Kb kn;::.i'-. . flu. shooting began. Miller jumped about IS inches when ihe first shot bit him Welch testified, ami u, Webb kneeled lowii t.. licln M ill,... t b,. second ami the did hi the hot third shots struck Welch. Welch said be saw- the lire of fourth shot from' the garage, but not ee anyone. At the time of tif h shot s ,iid be savv a man in gaiage.' Al the lime the sixth Wil, tin ed he said be recognized Shellield. i ... , . ,, . ... i . "cun loin a i. ripe., wno was .1 T in a car at Hie scene, -not to get out of the car, James Shellield is after niu and be might hit you." The vvitiie-s denied clung nurses he didn't know who shot him. He also denied lelline the nurse. "I didn't sei who sliot mi', but "I vv as doped Io don t 1 1 nictn be r be i ont inued. lie a slatemeiit to th,. I'm -lire I know." .eep me easy and say ing any thing." lis,, denied making llerilf. "I loo t i cine n i be r writ i mg any- thing down to anyone," In cross exan.inat ion. iid oil Kelinet h I .owe-, depul v. t ll led I hill lie found liv e i idg-e hells ,,n 1 1, H,,,,, ,, helltf. H'S - art- ' Ihe a raLre soon .liter Ihc Hill Henry earlier in he: staled that Sh ca r vv hen he i bo- .1 mg. w;r c bv th. I lui.b: with h a . fa I. i ii., v ill Who i v en a ride uilaiit, in his Shef- del', 1 It, III, 'do field told llle Io. a friend n lie . said. Ilenrv lodi he I he t itle ' III vvit- Willi a-ftei 1 -lielbeM uioul .! boot I.O-.1 or I he I'll,, id I .'ll of. lie ng' : that " .1 T ti -1 il'ie'd riial h, -Lop- Miller i shot ltickm.ni' irt iv t Ik k toi. with 1 1 id b, tftel heard ! tin- I and heard Mill.-, "holler." asked Welch what .va I'oilig oil W ' a I, rein irkeil "'ShefTiebl in ilitig at in,, atid you might get The -i sbofs soijiided as if : were mining from the garage ss t hi; road ". ll,. coiicliiileil. He a i id sho. hi". 1 bey am A lh i Parker I .s;ny Shi n ga rage f ga i age aid I was at the flield ;md .s ib. nit (ri ve hist c . ii-iy iW.'.Shefl;'!d in to iniiiiites -bo-1 ran in Kick , hoot ing be-- I ruck f run! . fore. -I inah's go I ' g .Vragi ioiV i ng st art e.l. -fori when th,, flic shots fmito (iu .. I called . the f Sheflield's aw if-er I -:rv l iller was hit.' . .lata. - i "-. glm rn, . at oi" of Ii iid: "1 saw s ore n;t ti Ihe g ig' Sll'-flield put hi. t in. I: .v h i i n al'ifig, ;' iiiii.c hi th,. garage ri.iout 1.) inin md the shots fioii, garage.'. about, da: I., S . Uti-. befole In' sollnded iis it' ' The hack d.. r locked win n I time, after th,, . he g ara.'.e was here som? -hr,..f;ag" dwi -Me, ; a -'. a 1 1 aa The ilefens the m-s. I h iiirth oti -hunt the . n he went hooting. It b:ek door being hi: into -the gflrage aft i W as ,:,; ought out f ' door, a f ront door ell 'V tbe" at Her.; is a siile '.he back doot. ti. t tie ga rage..- The jury oil tii, c ,sc, which was chosen from a -in ;. v. nlre of Hill is a- follows: H. 11. Hiiriess. l-raf-'er I'liee, Alnert .sharp. J W. McC'lre. J. W. hdwards. Tavlo- Fiogers, and ( . K. VIcF.lrath. farmers: f) Itradley. Jai-k !, Mac. in t (.. I v'oiire. cm- ploy ee- . at ( hanipio- .Hire Hat ' ob-. au 'imn !!,., m.ar agle. .., '.."rh-t-Shiflie.id eat. the . jury sornetimi di . t iVf ty get. Fn.-'av it . i..- : r..i;ii.- . to 'S d predicied ov !ni)-i i, wit h the cti-i . Tae deter st ,s n pre -el,t bv or - L'.-in. Maim-, mid W r i I I M i v I d, (.TgL' ard. and bums Sen- front irriei 1 r rag. fiirh' V GOT ANY BROKE VT TOYS? Oscar Hi , ne.r c. .1 v ' -v ( hrist shiiti.; . t ' it , ), t . .

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