THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1933 THE WAYXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 I Society f. A M SOCIETY PAGE Local Items News Q Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor - e Phone 137 ark party i r. d. . it.. :i t-i:ic!'tain :' t!;. usix-r on last ' cia.'v ::n- . i: -'Me -ur. and j the Ciicisin: act:vit:c Da.'.ga': . Elizabeth- cem' !." :hiy me ;.!avii i am; Mr. and Mrs. Kd I .-. hunV' !im,'k.,,., , ed . Ft. : Ml- , ; on T-i.: .... -..nimr, o! ri.rtette. wno were I room ioininir th thanksgiving vki:,.. - :n :he city. ! ffioo in the The rooms were bright with win ; ter greens and nd berries. The decor. ion of the dining table were sig Biilicant of the Thanksgiving season. accentuating the colors of orange and . bronze. Dancing featured the oven .. iug's entertainment. The guests present wire: .Mr. and Mrs- Isenhour. Mr. and Mrs. Dungan. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coin, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. i'grank Bell. Mrs. Ralph Jarrett and -..Miss Lynn Saunders, of Charlotte. Mr. Lee Davis, Mr. Fred Ferguson, and Mr Clvde Ray, J - ' ile ! ia v, i i I'ji.ip. ' 'iiup'..i i'-. :!. C :feJ- I i :e!S;. L'a"s 1'v.r iv Or. 1 to seive reception 'FOUNTAIN PENS REPAIRED at The Waynesvitte Pharmacy by I. H. THACKSTON' in- court s "Urt !i.-ue ::i . mnh- nitnt to Confederate Yctiiaiis. On :his day the veterans m the county come M ayi:.-vil!e Hr the;v pen-ion cheeks. Hach honor guest will alsw be pie-ented with a Christmas pick age containing gifts The commit toe fiom the chapter. Mrs. .1. Harden II well. Miss KoiM-na Miller. Mrs. John Queen, and Mrs. Leon KiJIiati, president of the local organization, is periecling plan., ot unusual interest fur tin'-: occasion. The chapter will also send money donations to the Old Ladies Home in Fayetteville and the Old Soldiers' Home in Raleigh for ;he fund that will be devoted to the Christmas cheer for these two worthwhile in-'-titu.'ioti--. M . :.r on I: M M rl 1'Y C! I'll !l VS TNTKK !''! ! "C Mill ITXC 'it I...v!)iK-( meeting 't i :r'u :i Club was oe!d :: hi :i. ei;i; rooms In the absence of the 'U M ! 1 S, .,;,.':, : 1 .1 n vsvii Mi f CMki v;oe 0 w r, ure al i MANY SOCIAL KVKNTS PLAN- N'KH FOR BRIDR I Mrs. Y. R, .Newsone, the former I Miss Mary Morgin. whose marriage I Was l-ecentlv nnnnitne.I. -u..ill lin Vir.n- I Ored at A Srie Af lnVU. nill-ftrt- rrv- I en ty mss Anne Davis, ol Canton ounng tne coming week. On Saturday evening a dance will be given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. J?. Davis, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Y. R. Newsome. Friends wlin at. UQl'rD. TABLETS. S 41, VE NOSE 1 n.H ,''itvtr r""- u,ul elass iiuopc ' niate ot the young couple will be harks .Malaria in 3 davs. Cold Irsl Ku,.sts 01' .h,: (la,Kl': ... . . Ia.v, Headache or Neuralgia in ' h"1 -'oay Miss Uav.s j .. will etitcrt iin wi:h loin- tables of I K.-i.l.v.. ....,.... , . "XT-.. X' 6 6 G Fine Laxative arid Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known Mr. R. R. Mease was here I imi Can ton Ttiesdav. NO OVERTIME ON SMOKING III 1 I'VE BEEN SMOKING I s OVERTIME SINCE I sni Z : WE LANDED THIS I BIO CONTRACT I & 1 JOL'A AND VOU'LL NEVER Ms -3 T ; jr5F "Vkfjkrj HAV jumpv nerves '',.; fP, 5 XTfXlKl NO MATTER HOW 'l T ' "M 'J f'V 1 I MUCH YOU SMOKE ' S: ni'.g:ie!, , hail ma n or .i:;- a: a:. ,,1 that he had the !'". .-.I ,au r.Mf.udnm- drug.-, foods. ;m.. ,-. Mih '.ic and th ,t she would bm to !:.1yl fiieihls borrow it to in :orm thcms.he.. r,!a.iv(. to this im portant legislation. Sh,. made an in tonuativc talk on the far reaching eth-et of tin proposed changes. ' was decided to ask i.ju-h mmha to -end a can of fruit or vegetable. "r cimiy to Mrs. Nobel Garrett. ch:ii,milll welfare, which she will distribute ;o.som,. needy familv at the t hristmas season. .Mis. Homer Henry read an interest, nijr aitid,, from the State Bulletin rrganling the work that teachers who are unemployed at th,, present may " icicnmg uie adult illiterates as ouuineu in- Ur. .1. Henrv Uioh. smith. Mrs. Unfix Sil,.e ..,"...i-- - the garden department, presenu'd the I.. OI -'"hn D. Robinson, of Wallace, who i the state chairman of gardens, in which much valuable in lorm ition wa - gien to interested gardeners. At this tini,, a (.-..itifu! musical selection was gm , ,y Mi- L M Richeson. Mrs. l-'ied Martin. Sirs Lawrence .Green .; d Ms, Mil'drefl Crawford, who p .,' o the rendition read tho onginn.' words ., (he song, "Adoration of th. Shenhei !- " i.nd al so gave th,, biu-kgnniml of Ibis lovely old favorite of Christmas songs Mrs. . . t raw ford, had (he pa per of '.he afternoon, her subierl he- ; iog, nir ( ro.-itan Indians." In the tn-t pari of.. her highly interested talk she told of the numerous tribes residing here when t lie tir-t settlers came and the latter nan she devot ed !n the mystery of the first colony and the Croatan Indians. Mrs. .Vreh-her. who formerly, lived in the -;astein par! of the state. Tdso con tributed muih interesting informa ion regarding the present Croatan Indians living in Robeson county. Following adjournment 'the ho-toas-es. Mrs. .1. ,1. .,,g. Airs. T Sh,,, toti.t M"i-s. I.. H Kavis and Mrs. Fli McCiee ,-clvod le.'l 'illdwiclles and cakes. At ... I'a,. .(, el', i'.u h ti . a . k 1 e 1'hil! ! h ua.ic L-.ten-e c;.!!li .'lie '. , U I, iiO s merican u f,.i Duke, and .lack Si'Ut :n-i n fullhai on M - C K l- .-ti-,.- . "' I'ui -ii.n -iHM.p.r.t Mis. tiiarlc- Ik ,lo - a Wavnesvi!!, v ;-r "1H CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS uevcr jct"cw crur lizi'vcS . . flicker Hre Stunning Smartness in Street Footwear! THERE S enjoyment in just the thought of walking in these spark ling new styles. They re excellent in fit end matenals.economiccHy priced and eh! ever so smait. Try one poir ard feel ' the difference. ' ES? 1 HWMllll ' in us I ACK MKS.SKU Tin Fast Waynesville 1'. T. A met in regular monthly -es-ion on Tues day n;tk: . An auilieiic,. ol some .-eventy-live jjeopi.1- nc-Avil -"Mipei intoiHlent .lad Me.-ser of the Haywood coiintv school! malie, a spleml,,) ak ,, ..),(. )ow -ii acninery .School I'.ill of 1 ):.;. jj, .Me-si-r wcnl into detail in triviim- in lorniation in connection with the present reiiiiremeii! ami n.llnwa.ncex tor this year. Mr. .Vlesser was pledged iho support and cooperation by this group in working lor the very best interest of the school .. Mtl deal miinbeiv were furnished by -M.v, J ., (.recn and Mi.-s Iris Chalin It was voted to purchase a radio for the .school which is to be iis.d in connection with ,..-( ...... tion. work .n. I for--be henelit i.-f t be1 ' 1,1 11 '-liarg. were n. i .w f.x.l tne op)o.:nc team. A iiieng those who -..w tin g;iine l 'n tho, Mr. D.catur lhilhps, Mr i k. . i .in. Lhillips. Dr Ifom StriiiRlield, Miss .Mildred Craw lord. Miss Strine'tleld Mr Jim oman nr. and Mrs. Colin Melnncs Miss Uii.ut Crawford. Mr- Whit.ucr I revest. Mr. Dick Fisher. Mi- .,! Mrs. K. I,. Prevost. .Mr. and Mrs .1 M. Long, Miss Alice yuirilun. Mrs Kufus Silt-r. Mr Yallace ltl.l ,v.,ll Mr. and .Mrs. M . II Bowles, Mr and Mrs. H. X. HarU-r. Jr.; M,-. and Mrs. V ''"'VvM Mr ;uui Mrs- Franch. - . .oio airs, rvennctn rer-gu-on, .Mr. ami Mrs Felix Stovall, Mr. John Qmvii. .Mr. V. G. Byers. Mr Frmst Hyatt, Miss Margaret Hyatt' How . ml Hyatt, .lemon Ross. Glen yatt, Kalph Simimerow, Joe Hel 1 I.a... c;i.... i.- i ; ',' oo. i. raigur .w;i viigini Dew I'atton Bill Hav, Jim Rose Robei. Wagonfeld. l.acbland Hvatt Mr. and Mis Tom I,... 1 .- m.. l- i' llinton. Mr. Carleton U'eathei-hv. 'm.'-' Bill Slimilhre.l l .- V ! ...... i." .. . . Bill I'rcvost. I), .1. i;. McCracken! Mr. J.v Mornnno. Mi. and Mrs It T .Mes-er. Ml- f-'.-ii-l 1. .. i: . Si Barber. Dr. Charles Padgett. Mr. and Mrs. Finest Wither, Miss He. cr Ann Witlu'i-v. Kriu.a ;ii,..,.. i. ii.. Sam Huslm.-ll. Mr. Jln,;, .Sloan.' Bob by Sloan. Andreu s'o.-oi Mi.. M ,.ii,.. StringlirM, William S; ringtield, Airs Caroline llyat.. Mi- M.irear.t vh ton, M ti K,u in a :,. . M r. Fi nest Mc( ra. ken, .,. , M., Sn-ie l-'i-hi-1-.. I ii,,:. si '...i' ' M iss 'iii'iiiia Rnli, n- i,-' itzirei 1 1 . 1 . Alt- Tin., I, s;i,..ii... m .. Valter Maloj'iee. M r. S , m .tones I r McKay. Mr: ,1. R. !,,v.l, Mr Jim loy,l .1 1-.. Mr. Crnden Fi-rgiisoii. Mr Johnny l-Vrgusnn. Miss Fannie I'eaii l-elme;. Miss Henry Paul ( ampbell. Mr. lirover Davis M ,,1; Dnvi- ,,. ) :,,, lav id Felnnt. Mr Mis M m, i , , ulK I' ergusoii. W Thomas Reeves, Bur "ell Howell Jere lioe-ei - and Sain Knieht. Mi-s Ruth Calhoun. Mr and M r,v Bill Ur i.lley and I'liek Hrad'ley, -V I 1-ClOX Al.WIUAin MO.N )). - 'Ihe American Legion uihaiy will meeiun nct Monday evcnin,. ),. eember II. ;,t Tttld al'. the Masonic I emple Ho l, - , i,. tllt. ,,.,. t ll)l, u , . Mrs. . J j:,UWn: Mis. Jda Jean Hi-own, iinl Mr . J. Harden Howell. A lull, attendance I rcpie ted. Mr. Jesse .lame- o! I- 1 1 - ( it , 1. wa-a visitor in Van- - v. lie Saui:.:.i Mr. VYallac as among the i dav. McC ! M : . Mr-. V:t d .I. r.i. ken Clydi 'I - in -. iw n I'm .-- Mr. C i'. Willis. f iH-averdam. -pen. Tuesday in W.iyiiesvilU' on bu.-i re--.. Mi Paul Davis, win, i ii student at Wake 1-orest College, spent last week end at home. Charles Band of A- n-vike wa- the guest of George McCiaekcn last K-end. . Mr. and Mis. W. C Rus ,-pcnt Thanksgiving in Hendersons ilk- w it '-: relatives. F--hei ill W. M. llenson. of Hi nson love was a visitor in Waynesville Siit nr. lav. M1--1-. It. j. Kickniaii and Boone Senlelle of Pigeon, spent Monday in W..ynosil!e . . I r. and 111 - (I. T .Alev.inder spent Thanksy iMii(i Da wi.h lelatixiK in liiirlollo. I I .Ml- Fled Allison in, I li-. l ...... Alli.-on. of Jonathan, spent Monday in ,'iv iies die shomiiior. Mi-. F'v.l ...., , i Hma. and Mr. H,-., Tio h.i'i'a City a i ,. . .p,., t,.,l d - far a , i-i; to Mi - t hew --. v-givim; tughler i'.l Hk:.i s M i oi Okkt ' i arrive to U. I! Mat- ir. an, I Airs. )wigK H.nlon ot Atlanta. Georgia,, were We. k emi guests of Mr. and Mr . W. II. I ulln r. v r r Pio-lon .-Hid dauelitei Mr- C I Mis l-aiccuM lio-lon giviiic i if h l i i.'iids i. pent I" Ii .-1 1 I- hoina-vi e. o John l 'ampin II, of 'Wayne- v i lie i itor ; I ' I All' FT Mr and M.' uee Saturday. n .A ' l ' ' 11 K I Ile kill, .1 , low i I, ,,, Clyde l-'ri,la les-i D l airle, and Join, 1 llavne-. M I';-. Chai les 'ami Air T. V.-i . ,,l Canton were W.-iv x il'le n e il .ii , Saturday. Mr . Shoollne.l left la.-t Wednesday for Baltimore, Maryland for a ten day visit to her daughter. airs, cuter laylor. and M,-. Taylor. Mrs. C D. Sisk and Mrs Bob Houghton, of Asheville, were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W. I! Matthews Thanksgiving Dav. ' Misses Mai-gaiet and Lillian Bur gin spent Thanksgiving and the week end with friends in Spartanburg and Charlotte. Mr. ami Mrs. Fd Iscnhour ami chil dren left Sunday for their homo in Charlotte after a ..vo-,ii ,), i.;ai. to Mr. and Mrs R. Q. McCracken. V w . Mr. and Air: Bryant Smith, of ( inton. spent Thanksgiving with the latter-- paivn.: Mr. and Mrs- Jere Mavis. - Ma-s l.mii-e R,:hn. menibir of tile faculty of the Salisbury High School, spent last week-i-nd with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Harrv Rot In t Miss Ciirmen l'lott returned lo her honle Wednesday from Slatesvill,. 'heie she silent si ui',.kv ,w tl,.. .ri,..-i her cousin V- V;t ' . i' C si i; si I p u s I i M) MlillT The Wiiin.'ur Auvihaiy ,,' tM; Preshyleii.iii ,.hiir, h will -'nuns,,,- a,. o-ylei- . lipiK i- Satui dav e.voniiio .al beVV W. A. C I'a',-' , ,,,,.. ;it ' :!' p. m. . Choice ill' Jin m" oi I, ov ter plate .ill lie olli ,! ,i .1. V,'C .. Clearance Reduction On All SUEDE SHOES Smart Styles Real Values See Us For Shoes And Be Satisfied! C. E. Ray's Sons .National Ivdueiit ioiial Programs which iii'e it,emg . tiismdea-.t to the schools. step taken liy the P. I'. .. :-.ic.v :i .- nlendid sniVi- ,,f ! ;'.vii't .to' I'ivi- the childien ail va m a,.-,,-- riiadi- io-sj,,. through, this .n-gani-zatioi!. So (iir ..-is il i, possible to barn ;i this Mate: this i the first radio to be- 'purchased by a . Parent Tea, !;, , .V; sncia'tion for a .scliuol, in H .) -..I. coiinty. py i s p.i w u i us miss. W U.L! R AT H AZFLWOOD All Intel est ill.' u,.,l,lii,,r ,.,,: ,-.! eniniwii.. Juedny afternoon at 6 o'cl(K-k when Miss l.uella S. Waller U-.umo the bride ..f R.-v, Zenas B B'-art, of Ilazclwood, " T!,,. "Tf w i performed at the f n .-bvlennn .Manse .., Hardwood w..t,h the pastor. Jiex, Oi, S. Lan fliunl. nfTieiatine;. T-':e ' '"! i-' the, daughter of Mr. and .Mr-. 'Luther- Waller, of Carthage, Tennes-e., . She ,ame t Haw J wood in Aaru-t ii- lla-tor ,,f ll,i. l'i,.l MethH-t church,. . Tr.r groom is the son, of Mr. and " 'I' Bt m of V .dowvt, li banm. IT,- .was formerlv ,.f . cngrep .tional church in Alabama: ' and Mrs. Kean will makc their honif, m Hazelwood Mi. and M. . Roy l'l,,(t. ,,f State-V'lb- - pent l.i-i week end al t in n siininiei hmiie near Maeic. Mi- Miiiine l.eatli-rvv.M,. and Mi--, Mary Ruby Kavi- i-t ed I i lend ,7 U-'deigli la--t week end. Mr. Charle after a week Chiipel Hill M is. Alien P. Poll--. ,,f i . .. ,1', ienl Tliaiiksnivin,, heie as Ihe X'- ot M r. an, Ray i. l in i j - 1 Monday a i -i I to ,M i . I;,-, in M:-s Pauline Reed, of Asheville. i--pniiling two weeks in the citv and ;i guest at the home ol' Mr. ami Mrs. iloiace Fcrnuson. " Mis-ev t.,,i 1 1 no Hand and Doris " ne of Asheville. were week-end gu.-ls ,,f Mi-- Mary P. ivtii i. Mc I I ill 1m II :e I. A inoii:, he i-ilur. here from I 'r.-.ti t ree edlle-ilae u ,-..1 j Ti ant ha nr C. I. Hill. K 1.. .iles's.'-i . inid R. : . I-'. ''Ferguson. M . S, '' ; I .lllcl let! I, , eillly foi larpoii Sfiringi. Florjikr where In wi!J neiid two months wilh hi'- 1 I II 11,1- OM, ( HI 1- ,,.. , - Mr bill, Kijgc-. of U ileiell mi. n.ii n tr i lii- week iit 1 he iiome of M i . and .Mr . I yd, ,'ay on l.ove lane. i Mi,. M. G. .S-ame.v lelu I lo her home Sunday d'ter . a feveral days' visit to her sister. Mr:. W. Sipe, and Mr. Sijie lit their home in Ralei';b. is Mr ,o eph John-nn .-.pent Thank giving and Ihe week-end with hi The public i I 'n icei il,- will cm 'Ii , ll.v inviteil. V lo tla Man . Fund M F.THODIST "MISSSIUV A R'y sr. MK'I'Y 'I'D Ml'l-'T The I lecclltli.-r ing of 1 he 'o- nuui - Mis-inn u v .'society f ;)je Mel hod 1st rlwneb will be held Tile-day an : i noon. I leeeinber !'. at .' o'clock, at the. , h.r, I. A II ilieniiier--- ' ar, i eiiiii'- te, to present:. i. a. R. to i i:i-:t nkxt. wi:i.k .The I ( i in i , iiiietiiie .;. .'Vn Da light ci--, f ;t Ii,. .nierii-.-in Ite-.olu tion will be held iievr :V'ed!:es(ay ;,l' 1 oo'io i '.' I ... :it ,i,:.;o o d.xK ;-;t be h,.lle . f M : -. Rul'us Sjler, Mrs. V. I!. ( iini, wil h;ivt- tile iia iier for the ..n (Jen Antho-iv Uayiie. -Mi,. -.:.-. fi. 'Mitchei: will It, view the magazine. I ( P i i . I I daughter. Mi.- Cameioii Reynolds, and. 1 : o t t , .... . . . , . "I -. . . illllll-.' lell la I we1 f -, I . IV.'llMlls a; I lie I r In . Ill e i n Kaleign end in Knleigll ii : he eiie-:- f , and Mrs. ( an'lei'-.iii b'avnold- iss Jewel Jin of III :..!. i .on-. ill. spent -Friday in the citv a'- ihe gu..: I' M r. and Mi ..Tom Fee. Jr. 9 -r Mr. II , rold 1 la vne . win. is a -t u d.-n a.; C., tie ' IF igl I Mili'-ary Scbo.i! in I .ilia Hi ill, Ti'Mlic :-ee, spent las' we.-k-end w jib ..hi, 'rim! her. Mas i A. Ilavm - Personals Mi J r Hv . Clyde Suturilny. Mr 1 1 .1Nn Saturday in own. hers. . fr-'in AM1KVILI.K VISITORS "A RF FX TFRTA1XKI) T.-ie younger set was most delight ful!;, entertained on Friday even. ne when Mi.s.. Mary Penland and (.eorg,, McCracken were hosts .at an ciys, r l.ake. honoring their guests .'Jisses ixirra;ne lii.Ti, inn,, n.- borne, and ( narles- Man rt 4 . v....-;n.. . yjk ihu utiajr was Undered at the home ul Mr. And Mrs. Floyd Ripp'toc in ( he.s.nut I'ark and was preceded by a 'poiisum' hunt Jed by Mr. Guy Ma ssi,, ... . .-.sfvs-iL A.,iuiip:;lj, Uvsters tc-rp- .nlrnt i-..- n. mnl Into : ire and dancing followed during the! ;- evening. Mr, John Carve-r, IMhv.d. w.i- J he yoane- host.- wm, Luit.t inlhereon Imvir.. ! -f ' tiiKiwiiiiu; ineir guests ly r.heir . Mr. (.nSrle- Al.ivon w.i. iie're -from ( Jn.'iat hurl la t wek. Mr. Hfi-rnan revn vu - neto Hum I-.nes ( reek i'.'..!,iv ...".. Dr. A. f : ..lieu, ric . ,,f .rtv.i... , Hanesi , Vi ror '.t- wwk Mr. (.. M. l-'i.-h. of Clyd,r. ,p,.nf. Sat urday in Waynesville.. ..... Mr. Crockett Cximp!IJ, f Maggie. i : .as Hrcher fur FAi,, -V 'tr hosim , . Aik for Style 1C50 Archer Chiffons f.r- ..,' r f Ovr 'v ' fop; en - ' 'r- bfoury thdlom ': fvcry odv, ur tra :.f-r.,.. ,' .. .You'ir lil Df iurobk-lf;'-rr,e'the;r; :i..or,. glow ing coiofi, f heir :,rpootii oven texture that doc, ilatehnq ttmiqr. to Itq' and tinkle- . A wide array of t-eautiful new shacjes for your Jeoc- -- -cs h-- -i ..JJK--.J narents, .Mr. -imrl ti,l. t.. Cracken. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Ro and The L'taes-is nro?pnt uav 31 is?. M-zzelie Met racken. Miss Ro. mury Rippetw. Miss Hazel Winker, ai Atessr- Jw Tack Atkin- Paul Davis, Otis M.'.ssm fsiinflir Pn,,. Cl;ares Band, and John Cudd'-back m m Vr. A-nA Mrs. r V n; . i..-r . ...... .... wjlua uiuj ejoi- . , . , li yuil (1 - xbe gue.stw of trJative- t Mr. T, T. Noland, of Craht rw, j here on business Friday. - i Mr C. F. ChtNt-htr of Pgf.r, six-nt Monday in Wayne vi?v- i Mr. C. J. McO.-ieken. ,,f .rtarit.rt'. was a aynr-'ville 'vistfir wef-k Misvs Eva Lcathi-rw,: ?oent -ast week-end with w-i&iiv. in Atlanta. . Mr. and Mrs.. Eootrt G.D-on -rnoUtr-(d to Charlo.: aic? ret-jr-td Tjc-ticy. - 125 JL C. E. Ray's Sons LET i OUR REME.MJJER4.Vft: HELP "! l