MOUNTAINEER Page 6 fp-, ,im jjLrL i. J SsCSiTi ,.X ' THK WAV. ESVlLLL . 1 .. , I t,rl I THURSDAY, DECEMBER i. 19? e-mcmbci--hed with u..y -ettir.;: rememtx-r. ' far-otf exultation. .- mi her father's avi BROKEN VEINS A Varicose ITcers Kelicvcd A1 -Old Sure-. Home .u ..o.n. int.; riescnoeu in a from W. M. Praitt and hb wife. E. V I'ruiU to Thomas L. Blalock and wife. O. M. Blalock. dated Octo- , 1 7 and registered in "c Register ot Deed lor v, North Carolina- ':.: 1! -.lie eil ,i hllle! . thn Ha-. T: tile 'CI: the relief demanded in said This the lxth dav of Novein'r- w. (;. byer i Vrk of Supt; ! s , i la;. '.d ( 'omit :. Nov. : i : n il ley- she This must be the shed un ahead. The Dath Rockv had described was not htird to find. It led through a wok! of beeches and towering oines. On either side ferns grew to a height of three feet. Rockv had said he wanted to talk to her. His face had not looked verv haopv. What had he found out? Mu.sU- came tentatively from the other end of the lone delphinium alley. A ham. a cello, violins were petting in readiness. Doris remembered. The wedding rehearsal. She heard the oft laugh of a girl nearby. There was a bench in the yew arbor. She and Rocky cmld sit there and be unseen by the wedding party as they talked. She crossed th,. greensward and .sat down on the hard bench to wait for Rocky. She heard someone coming over the fustic bridge- A minute futer she saw Rocky. How tall ho was. and she liked the way he moved, with long swift strides. But his face looked worried. Everything was not all right. He heart became heavy as she looked at his- dr.iwn features. There was imnr. trouble- CHAPTER XII He sat down beside her and took her hands in hi.-. His eyes were full of an anguish that swept her instantly. "Rocky." she said, trying to rally ngains: the w'lves of depression that came from him. "Didn't you hear what 1 said about not being Diane Men ell?" "There's not a doubt that vou're Diane Merrell." The reaction too much. Tin fa id he wasn' liring the word spairingly bad. was set, his eve; Ix'g-an to hake looked, .stricken :iass. "Doris.'' 1 to voiu- family. at with misery he In-gait- I've They scut you i. h- aci; all We ami he for you : ' ill her. hopes wa. ' 'man in the call had l!ut she could not out. She stared de at Rocky-; His jaw grim. Then her body uncontrollably. I ori-. I ai ling I nri Don't feel "But- " Rocky took her left, hand He flipped the wedding ring from her, lin ger. He looked at he insci'i)t ion on the inside. H I.. V. to D. M. Howard 1. -.Valery t.o Diane Merrell! "1 forgot about that." she said faintly. "There's : lie luggage, too. It was i' t her unusual luggage, you know." He was silem. Doris, said. "I was Mrs Howard Valery. You fee I ve read about it m the papers." The Kwect drowsy air was stifling now. -'Rocky that's whalt the gnrl m T.inge s called me Mrs. Valery! I heard the Val and thought she said Du Val because oh I wanted so dreadfully to be " His- ,'irms en(lord hor. "Did vou? Oh D, Doris.' She a -mom was h arm. 1 (. "l . : W his pel- The green them c the g:i for t hi ,l He I not hei "Wl ris did vmi? You're w( et desperately. Then -wept her. Rocky 'Rockv!" In: his ate. His warm ,. bringing magic. t vou torevcr. I ii Pons ;.g t-i I ary pi' i'i icjul seemed -lched hers, e take car- t Rocky. words wei,. verv sweet. The mystery of the yew arbor held almly. They wei-e oblivious to y voire beyond getting ready wedding -rehearsal.' I've seen my family?" loilded. "Your father and your - your sister and your uncle." at wei-e thev like?" l-e nice. They !ov(. you, H the talk He tlrew back from her, .still hold ing her. and felt in hi pocket. lie drew out a long wallet. Doris took it wondermgly. Inside, were many bills one or two docu ments. "Money?" said Dons. "Yes Your father wants you to -o -U..KV.' It's a nusspoi" there that pa- ' i V...I i-nm, trouble getting Km v-o.n- father knew a man at W a incton- That's why yesterday." . "You mean my family wants me to run away?" ... Rockv hesitated. "Vour uncle is a doctor a specialist in. well in things juf.1 like what you've (rot" "You mean Drain oisea-ses. -u,.iivt. Rut vour brain is ,i,rht Anvwav I talked to him had a consultation about it iwl thn-, was sure .suicide to give yourself up." She looked at him haggardly. "But they'd kill me anyway for what I did, wouldn't they? I suppose. 1 deserve it. I took that that young mans life. ' No- they'd prokibly be able to get vou off -well vou're young and I don't think a jurv would convict you at least once they'd seen you there would be a good chance of your get ting otf. But your brain couldn t it " "Anri I'm to live the rest of my lifer wanted bv the police?" He held her closely. " ou're going to spend the rest of your life --wanted bv me You're going to do -what your mother want- you to do, and what vour uncle advises: You're going U, jet me take care of you, Aren t you . Hi lips were very close. She did no; answer. They. kissed-."After a while hockv said- '"'I've made till my plms. We'll wait here until- the. rehearsal is over. Then I'll -peak to Beatrice- and get vour clothes. We'll leave by back Is1, i ml move toward I unaiia. i neie boa; sailing from Quebec tonigm. I. miu' I en hack and forth from s frequently on business, iost well live in. Pari York. You'll not be recognized in I'M-is Nobody- will suspect my who "Your wife! h but 1 can't be your will- what about Doris?" She drew back In the excitement of crowded events she had forgotten about Molly-"Rocky- a girl came from Doris and we that is- Beatrice really did it locked her in the closet And I wonder if she's there still?'.'- "Oh that was Molly." said Rocky ea-ilv. "That's all right. As soon as I got here -which was a couple of minutes after you left. Beatrice said 1 saw Moltv. We got her out of the eloset, poor kid. She delayed me or I'd have followed you sooner." "Hut what did she say about Doris?" "Good (i d. T haven't told you, Ivtve I? And it's the only ray of light in an otherwise gloomy night. Doris is in Reno. Her mind Hew-back to the -cone m th,, Biltmore dressing room. "I might have known. She talked about getting divorce in Reno the . whole time i nw ler. -nno wi'in out, o immuuj T.-a: -mil.: li::! :-i.ed fiuuu -prang to v. "Look!" Advancing .-iowly through ly vista of delphiniums came St. (Jardens a beautiful brie father's arm. Their feet p Iv in time with the slow strains Rockv." whispered Doris, "h- closely. I I rem cm be r." His hear: 'was beating wildly, but he said nothing. Th,. slow dignified niitpt of the weddinir march swelled and deepened. Her eyes had closed. "I was married in a garden said at last. (To be continued.) i - 1 1 1 e Smith's Cut :Mal',ci!n" 'j i e slilen i ;oney bark. an,. mica: Kate i . n " I read-.' I the jove- Bratrice r. on her iced slow- Id me n:rT k k a n , ! dee' and an I ga nor.' t ! U - (I. M. I Bond S NOTK-'E OK ' by virtue of tl: y eoiifeired in a dated l.ecenii.ier I iv Thoma lalocw to ALE power .-ertain l. ry. L, Blalock Insured Mort- she ' at pagi 5 Ptl, ,) ur. d M '. . .' X 1 T. JstCV. -iui-'.ii ; .af Wi Noveilii'. l;c ,11'ia- 1! X. I ( I: o! Mind-: Mumi i-iiur 'a vnesv . & Rollins- Attorney: -Mil-Dec 7- I -oil ; 1 pub'.n pi vm Oj TRl SILK' ay. Dcvriibr ' h'.U-e ,...... .iir, X-dt't 1 ;,. giiest bi.l.i-r : li: NOTICE executor of the . decen.-ed- this persons having claims -state to present tnem dgned on or Ix-fore the November, D;!4 or this nleaded in bar of their UTOR'S :il;!i-d a M. Aloe! ill Here's Quick Relief From Bad Coughs '.Stops ackin INSTANTLY in :.'':. ' ack. hack .M'urself to pi:ees? One doM- of Rronci.'Joiie Emul. sion gives unmistakable relief no matter how your " cough has hung on. Two may stop it entirely. Half a certainly will, or you can have your money back. Smith's Cut Rate Drug .Store, mail orders filled, and all other good druggists ,-uarantte it. do.-es bottle ('orj)oration of X. Win-tnii-Salem. X. C. Trustee, which said deed of trust is registered ."he office of tile Register of Deeds of Hay wood County. North Carolina in book made in the payment of note, and m,,l in the novment of notes and. I or bonds .-ecured by said deed of trust), the undersigned Trustee will on the 18th day of December, 193,'J. at- 12:00 . 'clock noon at the Court House door in th,. City of Waynes ville, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following described lands and premises to-wit: Certain real estate situated in the City of Hazelwood, County of Hay wood. Stat of North Carolina, and described as follows: BEGINNING on a -take at the in 'tersection of Laurel and Poplar Streets, thence S. 73" East 150 feet with the side line of Poplar Street to 18.') feet with the side line of said to a stake; thence N 73 W. 150 feet to a stake in the Southeast side line of Laurel Street; thence S- 17 W. l.s.'i feet with trie sidP line of said Street to the Beginning, and being i:xi-; illg qu es a'.-j of J is to notify i against th,. to the undei Ibth day of notice will bi 1 eroVelV, All persons indebted fci will please make payment ThU llith dav of November. 1933 C. N". ALLEN, Executor. ,.f th ps.ite of J. M. Mock, dee'd. No. 132 Nov. 16-23 .sam estate i m media te- SO-Dec. 7-14-22 I Da is a on I n caii New and I in 1 1 w -. 1 to vi ill lev This un itialize Diane known family was bar "You mean thev si Merrell?" "Yes. And thev don't heliev,. vou did it." "But tin. papers say'' "Ye-. The evidence is all against vou- The; Valery- family will do every- t hi Mir. in their power to to convict VOU. ' nnyciocs my la mil v think I am innocent?" KCK Ky imiKod down at tier . ringless hand, ' Thev have no reason. Thev believe only hecaus' they love vou the same reason that 1 believe." Their eves held. Out of the black terrible depths Doris felt waves of light and joy bearing her upward Rocky loved her. His face touched 'hcr& with a dreamlike closeness Everything else was shut away. He loved her, , "Dons, darling Doris. I love vou. I've alwavs loved you. Don't be. unhappy. Let me take care of you always." Rocky was speaking like .that. II loved her. He had aiwavs loved her, She had never been so happy "Rut Rocky" Hi lips .brusned the rest tenderlv . troni her lips. ' Do you love me? ' Ihev kissed. Kocky knew now She did love him No matter what she would say, no .matter what he had done. Hp would know that. He would alwavs know But he was asking her. -Dons, dearest Dons, do vou love mc?" He wanted an answer. He must have "in answer. Did she love hnn or was it onlv thai she needed him so badly? There was no doubt. ' Rocky darling." she whisoered. ,-I do love you. You re- " i Rocky s face flushed into a smile. 'I'm happy," he finished for her softly. She caught Rockv. e. -shoulder. '"You haven't told ni yet! You haven't told me whats troubling you. 'Vou're ter rtnly -jnset about .somethintr."- He OU, paier: laughed ruefully. "I m at raid The stnrv ot the babv was a fake to soften my heart and loosen up tne purse strings, .snvwav sue s oeen ui there tor six weeks now. and ner-casv comes up fod'ay." Today. That's why Molly came . Doris read tin' s'lry in the vesterdav about our being sto)ped by the police. She saw a swell! chance to get a in nriage settlement. Welt she goi. it." ' You mean- vou re going to give her money?" in thousand. I sent her a wire. It's cheap at the price- And 1-athcr will fork it over when ho hears the whole srorv " Hi cheek touched hers ftlv. "I mav be a free man right now it the court, has met. 1 could n't say much before." "...' "Where's the man in the cab.'" . "In the hospital. He's got a broken shoulder bone. Otherwise he's all right- I'd like to talk to him. He could tell u a lot, but there won't be a chance ot seeing him." He lingered her cheek lovingly. "Just think, dear, we'll be on the high seas this time tomorrow.- ' Again she felt, floods of light rush lne un from her inner being. She lay with closed eves resting against Rocky. She hardly heard his words: "If the wire comes from Doris we can get married if vou will-' It was possible;- Anything was pos sible now that Rocky loved her. Tjhat was security. thP onlv safety perhaps that .she would ever know. But it was enough. They would bo side bv side like "his forever. Someone s cheek wa against hers. Who was holding her closely? All around her was ov. sweet protection. And a familiar melodv was sounding faintly m her ears. She sprang to her feet and looked over the hedge. She .saw two girls walking through an aisle of - del. phimums. The stato-iv wedding march had begun. Slv swayed, clutched at the lacy leaf of a cedar tree. Rocky was be side her. He caught her ann, steadied her Sne looked up cat him with glassy eyes then ner gaze returned to the wedding party. There were .lilacs!'. Dons' voice was low. - Lilacs and dogwood. Spring! NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IX THE SUPERIOR COURT. Dewey Rogers vs Pearl Rogers. The defendant above named wil take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the hu perior Court of Haywood County to secure a divoive absolute on Uie ground of two years separation, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Supe-nor Court in said County on the 20th day of December 1933. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to th Court fo; tne n. uuu-ry. the follow ii. if, lying and being Townshio, Ha -,v -.; North Carolina, and :.- ; described as follow--: BEGINNING it a ta. Southeast side of tne exten-i. Street, Melton corner, ur.d : .; with said East street, s. iT , 50 feet to a stake; then,-.- S. 100 feet to a stake; thence . .,: 22 Vs feet to a stake; tlienee X E. 91 feet to a stake; thence N. :. E 82 feet to said Melton line; - i with said line N. 82 30' W. ! , . to the BEGINNING, being lot. , and two of the Jerry Liner Eas-. , nesville tract as subdivided dun. 1926. Being the same land ;; '; conveyed in a deed from Jerry !::.-. and wife, Georgia Liner, and iL Sloan, to D. S. Cabe, dated the i; day of January, 1927, and whi.v iecorded in the office o the Rvg;, of Deeds of Haywood County, N, in Book of Deeds No. 74. page 27j, . which said deed and record refers is hereby made for a full and plete description. Sale made pursuant to power ot -.j confen-ed upon me by virtue of a c, I of trust executed by D. S. Cabe : ' wife, Mary Cabe, dated Octobw ;, 1928, and recorded in Book 23, 89, Record of Deeds of Trust of Hi wood County. i This the 18th day of November GEO. H. WARD -Trust.-. No. 139 Nov. 23-30 Dec. 7-11 i O (B All Property on Which 1932 Tax es Have Not Been Paid Will Be Advertised for Sale Thursday, December 14th, And Will Be Sold on The Second M In Order to Prevent Prope rty from Being Sold And To Avoid Additi onal Cost, NotPaid l932 Taxes To Pay m Ounce Ifou Can TTD 11 fhf O Of Haywood Save Mo Attention mmissioneirs: County