The Hest Advertising Medium In Ha, wood C ounty Published At The Eastern . Entrance of The Great Smok Mountains National l'aik Head In Thinkinu I'eoplc VOL. XL NO. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THrUSDAV. DECEMBER II. li:V Sheffield Is Found Guilty Of First Degree Murder! Defendant Will Appeal Case! When Sentence Is Passed j Uist Of Week ; Sentence is expected to be passed on James Sheffield who was found guilty of first degree murder by a iiiT-v ln-t Q.itni'.lniT wirVif for the miir- J J , " - - " .7 , ' - - der of "Bud" Miller last August near Woodrow. Judge Felix E. Alley will pass sentence. The defendant will make an appeal at the time of the sentence, it was learned, ''The-jury returned a verdict about 7 o'clock Saturday evening after de liberating on the caso for four hours. Sheffield, a traveling candy .sales man, is n native of Haywood county. His home is at Silver Hluff. near Woodrow, where he also operates a garage. He is married and has two sons. The slaying of Miller occurred in front of RicknianV storo at Silver Bluff. Trial of the case, which was one of the most sensational that has been tried in Haywood county in many years, began Wednesday morning when a jury of 12 men was picked from a special venire of 100 men. Th jury was obtained shortly af ter the- noon hour Wednesday, and the State began to offer testimony. Mrs. James Miller, widow of the murdered man. was the first witness called by the State. Slip told of tint death of her husband. James Welch, who was with Miller when he was shot down and who himself was shot through the right ' jaw by a 2."i-20 Winchester rifle bul let, was the star witness for the State. He was on the stand about an hour. A tfi.l. In ii iK,i,U ,1... 1 tk.,, occurred on the night of Sunday. August (!, when Miller was shot down by an- assassin who seemed to be lurking in the Sheffield garage across the road from Riekman's store, he . told of some trouble he had some years before with James Sheffield, when the latter drew a pistol on him and at tempted to -shoot him. "The two men had not been on speaking term since .that time. - . . . - . . yjn, me evning or last August o Welch sai;i he was in the .store when James ( Bud) Miller came in and bought some cigars. lie went with Miller to th.. mi. ? ,i;,.u r;ii'- ,n,i ecme there. Miller then asked for a . match, and the two started back into th store to trot tin mntel-i 4c t Kr.v .approached the. door a shot rang out from tho darkness nml Miller (Vdl. fatally wounded. Welch stooped to assist Miller to hit feet whim il ' Ond shot was lired and the bullet Struck Welch in the right jaw. Two mntv. oknit fll,.n.1 ; ,.:l. ,,,..,,. sion, and Welch retreated to the cor ner of the store and crouched down to escape the bullets. He meped around the corner, he said, and saw Sheffield inside the garage near the door with ine rule up to his shoulder tiring the . fifth ami. sixth shots. . On cross-examination. Welch show- ed some feeling as he was describing how Sheffield was standing in the parage when no saw him tire the two shot.. He got up from his seat and pounded upon the corner of the ''' judges V desk as he said looking straight at .Sheffield: "lou shot me. Jim Sheffield, and you Know I saw youl' - . ,' ' -.. ... Solicitor Reviews Testimony District Solicitor John M. Queen took two hours and IH). minutes' inh is : argument of the case to to the jury. . He consumed a large part of that time in reviewing the deposition of Mr. Sheffield, wife Of the defendant. He stated to the jurors that they might omit th consideration of the testi mony of James Welch entirely and consider only the testimony of the de fense witnesses, and they would be obliged to brinr in a verdict of murder in the first degree. Judge' Alley, in his charge to the jury, reviewed the testimony of lth the State and the defense. He told the jurors they might return one of three verdicts, murder in the first de gree. murder in the second degree- or not guilty. He defined the three de grees of homicide, ibut charged the jury that there w-ere no elements, or evidence, to warrant a verdict of man slaughter, but the verdict of guilty . must bo either murder in the first degree or murder in the second degree. The court also called attention to the alibi that the prisoner claimed to 1 .... l V 1 1. J . , i , iime vMauii-iit-u. anu saia tnat a piea of being in some other place at the time of the crime must be examined always with great care, but if the facts established an alibi beyond a reasonable doubt th,. jury must re turn a verdict of not guilty. The court also ruled on the matter of a shot being fired with the inten tion of killing one person and killing another instead. The principle was wi, tuau ii. viie juiy snuuiu iniu ine prisoner fired the shot that killed James (Bud) Miller with the inten tion of killing James Welch, the in tention to kill James Welch would be transferred to Miller, that is. a ver. diet of murder in the first degree ehould be returned if the shots were fired with malice, and with premedi- lafun .M,l J-1'1 I , .1. wuii auu uenoeration : out n inc shots were fired with malice, but with out premeditation or ok-litfa-ation, Survey On Sewer Line To Begin At An Earlv Date At a io:m meeting of the .board I' ;i Mermen of Waynesville aiul Hazchvood last Monday night the ti rm of Harwood Heebe Com I vi ny . consulting engineers of Spartanburg were employed to niakp the survey for the building of the sewer line fivm Hawlwood to u point In-low ljike.lunalu.sku dam and possibly on to Pigeon river. Thos. T. Dawson, engineer of ihe linu. was in Waynesville Mon day and Tuo-sduy. He told The Mountaineer soon after the ap Hiititincnt of his company that work would begin immediately on the survey, and everything possible would be done to have the report in Washington by the first of the year for the approval of ih, loan for the building of the line by the Public Works Ad ministration. It is expected that actual work on the project will get under way during the late winter- or early pring. Jack Messer Head Of Baptist School For Coming Year Other Officers For First Ikiptist Were Elected At Service Sunday .Morning At 'the--preaching hour' at the Fir-t Iluptist church here Sunday, Jack Messer. Haywood .-ounty superinten dent Uf schools, was elected general superintendent of the Sunday School lor the year 1P.J-1. Mr. Mo,-er has been the suporin-t-. n-leiit of the, public, schools of the county since .July. I, this year. 1 1 1. is a graduate of ('arson & Newman col lege, Jefferson City. Tenn,, and is much, interested in church and Sunday School wol k as well in his duties of a -ocular nature. Oth- r -general oilier- of the- Sunday School art as follows: Associate sup erintendent. Kdwin Haynes; general secretary. J.. If. Siler; 'assistant gene eral secretary,- Miss Gladys Dieus; eo'' icspoiiiling secretary. Miss Sylla Davis; choristers. Joint 1.. Davis and Mrs. liut.h Hay Wigham. Departmental siijierinteiideiH.s are as follows: Home department. Mrs. W. T. '-Crawford; ctadle roll, Mrs. H. V.. Fuller; beginners, Mrs. J. I. Mor gan; primary. Al is A nnie. 1, Kirk patrick; juniors. Miss Fvelyn l.'nder, wood; intei mediate, Mrs. H. W. Ban. com; young people Kdwin llaynes; adult. Jack Messer. (icnera! church officers are as fol lows; Church clerk- W. Ic. Allen; treasurer of local expense, 11. T. Mes ser; treasurer of Ipciievolence, Miss Sylla Ilavis; iiiiaiicial secretary! Wil liam Medford; music director ' .and organist. Miss .Grace Crocker; assis tant organists. Mrs. ,7. N. Tate and Miss Maudp Terrell. Postage Schedule Reduced For Christ mas Cards This Year Announcement was made at the postoflice yesterday that printed Christmas cards with no writing ex cept the name of the sender when Placed in an unsealed envelope will be delivered anywhere in the United States for one and one-half cents. When the t nvelone is sealed a three cent stamp will be necessary. All cards sent, locally, that is to al! . addre that are served by the Waynesville' post office will be deliver ed for two-cents when sealed. Un sealed will be one and a half cents. Postal authorities again urge pa trons to mail early. Legionaires To Meet Monday Night An official of the local post of the American Legion made the following announcement yesterday: Ex-soldiers: The American ... Le. "ion will hold its innual meeting and free '"feed"' at i;- hill ' in Ma.sonic Temole building Moridav night. De ctmber 18th, 8:00 oclock. All cx service men are invited, also their wives. Come on out buddies iwere-j going to pay off the bonas. with the intention to kill James Welch, that would also b? trans ferred to Miller and the pri-soner would be guilty of murder in the? sec ond degree. On UIWIV l'OIIIK Transylvania County Commissioners Working To Get Park-To-Park Road ihnmgh Pisgah National Forest Junior Order To Present Play Tues. Nexr Tuesday, l'ec. 1!', at S p. in., iii the Lodge Koom over the FiiTt National Hank, u play, will be given entitled: "The Lawyer and the Hook Agents, in two acts. A ouartct. -string instruments ami vaudeville will come Itelwecn acts. At the close refreshments will In i rved No admission fee will I"' ..barged. All Juniors' their families and ( I'ielid.s are -cordially ., invited and ex neeted. The following is the cast of thi. I'lay: Zaik Ma--ey. Lawyer. Gilbert Howes and Hob Fie, Hook Agent--. .1. 11. Ifarnes .Inhn liongeiihain C. W. Harnes. Hlaek hell hoy jti'id : tar comedian. Uti.s Uurtin, Country boy and Tom striitli. iiiium Hardy l.iner. Mrs. Smith Hurst liurgin. Mr. .sniitli. I?.ie Pflillin.s. Ihllli. l-il nd. A vviiole lot d' fun ; come and have :i good time. jteiiicmber. no admission, free to all. 'J'his i- your invitation. Singing Convention Met Here Sunday Die Haywood County Singing Coll.. veiition held uii. of its ni'-st success ful meetings las! Sunday afternoon at. the eourt house. ' The program was picsented 'to ,'in interested audience v, liieli filled the court n Him to ovei -II- ivv ing. One of the highlights' -on the. pro- grant was the -singing of th,, Parker (Juai'1 t from ('anion. This quartet is. coni po.sed of It. A 1'arker, Lv T. We.t and Mr. and Mr,. W. II. West. (Mho: enjuyalile iiumlers . -were pre.-ented i.y the Smith lirothers quartet of Wayiiesvillc, the Filer quartet. -'of Canton, and a duct, froni flic Church of God in We-t Canton A gre.up of Indian from Cherokee delighted, the. audience . with several s ;leftioi).s as well as the .choir led by K -v- Sexton. During the business -ession which followed the singing W. H. West, was fe-elected nrrsidimt and I!. A. Park er was; elected . t serve as secretary .Hid treasurer. Tile next singing' convent ion will lx"'--held the -econd Sunday -in -March. Large Congregation Hears Judge Alley Judge Felix K. Alley made ah .'.ad dress' at the evening hour at the Miethodist church last Sunday at which time he discussed "Religions A Comparison.'' :' ' The ' speaker told of the many dif ferent religions that have been known to th,, human raee and then made -a comparison of the Christian ibelicf and that of otheiv. When he brought the, address down lo the Christian religion, he brought in some thoughts by which the world ncds .to practice thP religion that is tK'ing taught today in the churches The latter part of the address was a sermonette. and one which wa.s most interesting to th- large audiene,. pres ent. " ;. ?, -.' Home Loan Granted To Haywood Man The loan from the Home Loan Administration was received in Hays wood county last week by J. Emory 1 Ru-sh. according to an announcement I made by DoyTp D. Alky. Haywood 1 representative lor the Home Loan Bureau. Th,. loan was -for ; $823.59 on the home of Mr. Hush. Trial y "11 ' ?x s' . ri ami: i; ioi I 'R (Transylvania Times.) Petitions have In i n sent by the .ounty,ionei- and. loard of aldermen to Frank W Miller, of Way nesville. highway .-o,oniissioner from this district, urging him. .-to use his inllue, ice in having '.lie park-'o-park highway c.iihc within approximately tw.-h-e inilos of Hrevard. The Commissioners in their moyling Monday pointed out that. Hrevard would derive great heiiel'its from the highway if it 'followed tile propmed louie 'from Hiltniore through Pi-gab National Forest. liSI connecting Hre vard directly with the important link. The matter was presented to the town aldermen In County .Attorney Hreese .Monday night and they voted to join with the commissioners in ask ing for the route. .Attorney Hreese pointed.- t ha'- Highway llS-t, now iK-ing surveyed- was practically as sured of being .routed diivot from Hrevard to Looking Glass, and that '.his would add to th,, value Hrevard und the county would get if the high way is built along the crest of I'is gnli Hidge. Commissioner Miller is known to favor this mine, and it is believed that the authorities will seriously con sider th,, proposed route inasmuch a, there will he no right of way to pur chase through tin- national forest. Following is the letter sent by .'he commissioners to Commissioner .Mil ler, the town aldermen aUo -ending on,, of like nat lire : We. : he .undeisig'iii d Hoard of. Com missioners of Tian-ylvania county most urgently request that you Use your influence to secure the highway known a "The Park to Park High way," so that -am,- will leave llilt nioi c and ci i.i -s Fi cikIi Hroad Kiver at a suitable point nearby and enter Pisgah National Forest, pas, up Mount Pisgah and tin n on to the top of the ridge known as the Pi.-gah Uidge at Halsaiu .Mountain and thence to Halsani (Jap. thence to Soeo Gap. This will make one of ;h(. lixist beautiful scenic highway,; in the t.'nited Slates, as it will b,, from the crest of the range of 'mountains close to the South Carolina. loiinilary line and into the Upper -part, into the State, of South Carolina and Georgia on, the Southwes'.ern side of aiil road and then -e(. the magnificent iorgcx of i'igeon River and its various forks, I he Tuckaseigce .and other streams which traverse its territory.. : Transylvania County not -only feels that it would be a great attraction for the tourists from, the Northern and New Fnglund States and vi, if ing the Great Smoky Mauntain National park, but also we fee! that, as Tran sylvania countv has lost most of its territory-' in' the; creation of Pisgah National Forest and -thereby. lost the taxes on same, :hat .-aid ("ounty i entitled to .some consideration. We therefore urge that you UM! your powerful influence and get the fellow members of your Commission to- endorse this route for said Park Highway. Christmas Musical At Bantist Church Set For Dec. 17 ' At tlie Wavne.Hville Haptist churcli Sundav afternoin. ; llei'mix r 17th from four to five there will be un un umil treat io st,re for music 'ovr-rs A Ch"i,tmas V'esiier .'service under the direction .f Mi-s Laura 'Plonk of Cvnvo Park School and tlw S-uthehrn Workshon. Mi- Plonk is an outstanding ar 1 '-!-f anl miit.1 ix-rforlner and she will he i sistHl in this service bjsome of thr r"'"rh'-s .r h.-r facu'tv as well as a number o" the students. T'"w , "-rie,. is exnecteil to be one ?' t ntertainmn!.'. o'fi'rings ,.f .ii. fs-trnu sicfin .h(- a capacity- crowd Jy anth-tTiated, 'V'.iir .-? r,ri,,."'-rs '"ving ,en .tenee at 'h1 C'-vokt enji-tv Tr'on "B""! an' ?vjher y'lr'!-, n "Ca-i wha rv.'i'v ! -e,!r'ed bv st te'f ii ison Tuday tJ have pscaued. Witness Says Left Home Take Life Judge Webh Will Not Try Volstead Charges Federal Jurist Sa.s Me Is With, out Power To Pass Judj ment On Violators i'1'he Charlotte New.s) "It is my opinion that I have no power to impose punishment under the Volstead act. now that the eigh teenth amendment it repealed." JiHlgo V.. Yates Webb, presiding over the Western North Carolina district of Unitid State, court, told Th,i News today over tile telephone from hi, home in Shelhy. "1 can hardly pa.-.s judgment under a law that is dead. I feel, thoiv 1? re, that 1 am without power to sit on cas - charging violation of the national prohibition laws. While without a doubt, many of these por si ii.- committed -'the crime for Which they are charged, the -1st amendment, te my mind- automatically removes tile machinery by. which they mi;;!,, b,, t rieil and punished." Judge Webb explained that this would .mean the junking of all pend ing cast's' charging federal liquor law violation Such will probably (be vvepi" f loin 1 he docket s. "(If course this will? not etl'ecf tho.-,, person, already serving terms.'' lie added. . . "They were duly -tried mid -eiileined under ;i law that i-ted at . the time. Thiol's is a legal and just punishment." He added that between now and the drafting of a general revenue bill liv Congre-s covering the whiskey situation, indictments for offenses committed in the future -will lv drawn under , the old 'Webb- Konyon law and the Hid liquor revenue law (both of whieli are still on tin,' books and which 'how ln'come the prevail ing mean., for federal protection of diy -tales, from their wet neigh bors. Judge Webb is co-author of the Wcl?e keiiyon law. having qon-.-oicii it while representing this (lis 1 1 id in I 'oiigres . l)K. I,. IS. IIAVKS TO HOLD t)l A IM K U L V ON I Kit KN ( K (lev. I,. II. Ilaye, will preaeh aim bold qllal tel ly conferences at, the fol iowilig plat ( on Sundav, lleceinber IV:. ?'; Heine:, I 1 .1. Ill .lonal liiin .'! p. in. I 'rabl i ee, 7 p. in. All the ollieial, ineludioj-' tewaiil.-. ;,nida.V School Superintendelit, charge lay .leaders, and young people,' worker.- . and nresidenl s of Woman's -M i, . ioiiary Societies are .expected to be I'i'i - i lit. .'I'hes,. meetings are very import'inl the iian. for the year's work w i I! In- made B KIEF NEWS ITEMS I j.ginc i r H. Arthur llouchiiis, of K noxville.. 'I'etih.; w as . killed anil 15 other persons were: injured when the Southern's crack Carolina Special was. derailed three- and a -half mile west of Hot Spring 'fue-dav? night ai s.-:',0 o'clock. Fi fty-Hv,. lives . have, been forfeit ed to blu-tei ing winter in the inoun; tain-:, and river Valleys of the north west and th,, iee-sheated hills and plain- of -he eastern Fnited States. 'I'll,, homeward trail of Colonel and Mrs. Charles A? Lindbergh took them Oil an LJlIu mile lligl.t. from Mam u. Hrazil to Port-of -jpain. iVinidad. Their route lay over wide expanses of tropical country where few airmen have flown before. Their .tota I elapsed flying iim,. was ! hour- and 'M minutes. - A-hevi!U 's two hurley warohotLses wer(. filled to capacity as the loCal tobacco niarket prepared to iiflicially begin if, fourth . ,ej-on Tuesday. Appn, ,: i y , :: :, O00 THiiiml.s . of hurley w a, on' the Ho r- -tv 1 1 oe!K-k. ''o-l foi - the ( st.i- 'ilishm.ent of a liiiilcy i in :"; in w estern North ( ari-'- r v( ).. brighter than every Uele ,-; Jeadrisof the Asheville burlev market said -yesterday. It appeared -almost? certain:' that the Asheville market would exceed bv far the to bacco sales Of the l:i2-.'i.i season,- 1 Three mm Were killed, three were injured, and four escaped unhurt when .n earth slide occurred on the North Carolina side of Newfound Gad in the Great Smnlu -.-'Aliumf ai-nc Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock. After .seven anu a halt hours of frantic work, the bodies of the three men who were killed worn rwom .,f 12:n0 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. D. Potter Planning To of Thos. Price (I ireiHi' I'ottt-r Ot'nies Knowing Anvthin: About Fatal Shoot ins The slat,, rested Wednesday after noon 'in the murder cas,, in which Hewey Potter, ,'il, hi.s son, Wayne, M. brother Clarence. 'J!f, and Kric Led ford. 2?, first cousin of the Potters, are charged with the murder of Thomas Price m Lickston, Moun tain i.irly in September. Clarence Totter took the stand late Wednesday afternoon in his own behalf at which time he testified that he knew nothing of the shooting, and that his I'.u-othi i IVvvey had told him nothing. The trial g,,; under way Tue.sdav morning w hen a special venire of 12a men reported for duty. At i o'clock the t waive juror, had been selected and the shite called to the Stand Virgc William,, one of the two men who was with Price at the time he was shot. Williams told of how he. Price and Chirli,. Hiiehanan were riding down the trail single tile when Dewey Pot t,.,, , j ; .-, t ;l;,i , and called to them to .stop, and as he did lie shot at Mr. Price. Williams said he did not. se,, Clarence, but recog nized his voice. The witness said four shot, were tired. Price had his hand on hi., pistol at, the time of the first shot , but did no( lire it. Mi -.Pi ice's liors,, ran about a qiiar ter of a mile before tin- wounded man I'll oil? He die.;, several minute later in the arm- of Charlie Much anan who was with Willi mis and Price, Willianis vva- hit. with suitit of the- shot and cam,, to th,, hospita1 her,- for treatment. Charlie' Huchaiian when on the stand Wednesday morning: told about the s.ini,. story in detail a- related by-William's mi Tue-day. He said in (Kill : 'As we we r,. riding down the trail ,-oineoii,, called 'halt.' Dewey l'ottf-r and another man was Ix-hind the tree, 1 did not recognize the other inan. Dewey tired at us. Mr. I'i'ie,, put his hand on his gun. but did not lire. Sonic of the -hot hit mc and also Williams. Pi ice's pistol was in hi- pants Docket when he fell, l! wa .'',' step, from'; t ; re to wheiv -Mi? Price was shot." Huchaiian on cross examination said he tired at I lew e a I'ter ! he lir-t hot. U'iiluirn Setzi I iail ci.ok said Kric 1 ailtoi ,1 told him h,-;was at the -cei to ,,f , t jrlg iPllt ,(;,( l(l ,nv The lir-t w itne-s fo 'be put on th,' s'and In Lie 'afVt-n.i- e,ioi wan Kobert lliicbaaaii. 12 year-old hoy. lb- told ot.w ilking up l.iikstone with i "u in l- Georgi- Ituchanan" to pick up .in 1 i i u t . on t he day of I h shoot ioi:. O.i - th.- way home. In- .-aid they , folled at til, l'ot!e-?alld saw Mrs. Potter, l.edl'ord, Dewt-v and Waviie Poller, II,- ti -tiiici t i .-1 1 he heard Wayne Potter ,-;,.y, "Mr. Price ha, g,, nt ?v iii on the niouiitain," alio that Hev.ey Potter got hi, gun and said In w-a- goint'.to , Very one of ihi-iii. , II,, -ai.l 'n.-i! Ileu-ey." -Wayne "-"I-1 d fori I lei; 'J,'.- hoii.-e immediate. !y. Hi- .b.jii't .('iari-iice Poltec,; Ci o'gi l!u, li.-.nai.i eoh-tablii of W'aym svil!,. town bin practically the - .in,, ,t ,1-v .a,; hi- nepln w adding thai In saw- w, ,v Put!, r take out carti algi-s I'roai a i, : .before' leaving his home. 11,. .-aid tin- three asked hill) to go with them imf. he refused ! - liar, h, negro, v. ho was in M: .-',-' Pi-ice'- cinploy. -aid Dewey Pottc. told him to feji Pi-ice n.,t to" ride oil his '.-bfViim.-la.rv . tin' "vyhu'.', fair for t he goo.-e is fai r for the gander." ? ? Williani-Giev. . negro, -aid tluu t Wa.- present at .: i, .'a' of (, i;c Potter for. 1 1 , - oa- -ing on Mr, Prier' pi operty.; , ,nd Mia1, after- t tie triaJ Clarence told him to "tell old man Price ?!o -t'.p -tiding on. - the nieui; tain '..p-." W I.e.-, (;,-. .,- -r,,, i,;,r w l;y. he -aid, i: ." Si - 'b Irwin, ar.olai r negro em Ploy, ,. .,;' Mr. Price upheld the to tiiiiuny .,f ;h, other two. T. L. H-amle;; ,Tr . who went to the scene, of the .-hooting with Dr. Kirkpatrick. told the jurv that lu examined, the liistoj which'thc latter took from Mr, Price's p.i.-ket and :. -'ippeared to be a . new pistol t,(i. . having been lired. . Dr. Torn Strirgfield, who exam-' med the pistol, also said that it seemed not to have been tired. '. I'. Williams told tie- jurv that ho heard Clarepce Potu r say "a few days befor,. thi -'tooting- -tir.t .Mr I'rice iouldn't rid, th,- mountaina any more. George Huchaiian wa,- recalled to the stand to inder.tify Mr. Price's pistol and .-aid that it Was not touch ed ' Dr. Kirkpatrick removed it from hi, pocket. He ih-i iden-tificil two shot gun .-hells "he' found by the tree whet-- h,, ,a:,i the Potters .stood, . ' J ): K( riey. ( -.-;. -d. irVdentifieri gun aa,,' twigs' which we. cut off of a chestnut ire,. Oy ? hots. H, aist .shfjtn-'d the iury two -hells which he found? a: .the ' M-nio'r Potter's home whichl comparnl with sho'ls ' iinij ry Hu hdna'). . Andy SUmher.. :. Sj::t,ui-,t otlicer ot the Champion Fibre Company, toid fContinuet en hack pa?e)