THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Local Items rETY PA GE Society News o o o o Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor - Phone 137 S0C1 rt V Mr. S. II. .lustier ''anton F'ri lay. here from Mis. '. S Terrell, of Woodrow spent Friday -hopping in Waynesville Mis was v. eck- Helen ( , visitor lid reen. of t'incs Creek.' in Waynesville las: Mr. A. (i. .snout Fiid.-n fiuhi win. .!' White here on business. Mr. ('hark- Caldwel from Clyde Friday. Oak here M here Mis slient M 1 . 'Hyde . VV. II. Terrell uf Clyde, uii business. Saturday. - Luuis McCraeken, uf Clyde Saturday in town. K' V. C. Kirkpatrick was here Monday- Mr. V. W. 11 ay nes. here on business Mond Clvd Auionir the visitors here this week was Mr. .1. W Coghurn, of Ivy Hill. Mr. and Mr friend- in Srlv.'i Delos Dean visited Sunday, Mrs. :i Asia lim I'alnier spent Saturday vill M r. wcek- l.atni nd in ton Hardin spent Krioxville on busincs ast Mr. CI Asheville larles Kay spent Sunday in ami attended the Air Show. Mr. and - Ml. Asheville visitor.- Kill on liiaillcy Saturda v. M r their Ke A t re and (lie t -. an. Ash. VI is. j. r. iiicu Lamiing of nave a-Vsheville Judge William H. (Jrimhall. of Charleston South Carolina, wa a visitor in the city last week. Mr. urdav Huffal J. K. Swayngiin returned Sat aftcr a visit to relative in 1, South Carolina. Mr. Charles Roberts of Mt. Ster ling, wa.- anions the visitors here last week Mrs. M. 11. Iteeves and Mrs. Roy Francis spent Saturday in Asheville. Mrs. .(. K. McCraeken. Mis Susie Fisher, and Mrs. K. L. Lee were Ashe ville visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mr-. Charles Smith anil daughter. Mary of Sylva, were juest- of Mr. and ' Mr.- Herbert liurnett on Sunday- Mrs. J. C. Patrick was a ( of tile American F.nka Corporation Tuesday for luncheon and a tour of the plant. Mr. .,nd Mrs. HU(h Campbell -pent MISS DAVIS ENTERTAINS WITH lav. week-end in the city as quests of DANCE Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Boyd en route! Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Newsome wt'i'e to their home in Goldsboro after a the honored guest.s at a dcugiuiui wedding trip to New Orleans and va lieu- southern points of interest. Miss A I Scurry, Western Carolina was a guest of Tl week-end. -Indent at the achers College, (leoigian last Mr- II. II. pen: Saturday yille. (larner. shopping of Pigeon, in Waynes- .Misso.. Lucy and Edna Jones, of the Jones Farm, attended the Air Show in Ashevillt. Sunday afternoon. Mis. Clover was anions the urdav. Abel, of visitors Heiison Cove, in town Sat- Mr. K. I.. 11 in ton. Mr. J. C Patrick. and .Sir. lien Sloan spent several days tlii- week in Raleigh. t Mr. Homer Henry and Mr Fred Ferguson returned- yesterday from a husincs.- lrii In R'alei(li. I I -. Frank I. eat hei wood visitors Saturday. Mr-. Heiiiert liurnett and son. Herbert Jr. were Asheville visitors Saturda v.- Mr. an. I I liild in I'ctl lav. Colin UjeviJIu Alcl lines visitors and Sat- M r. day f week- and . V T - i: . go to at their, home spell there. left "Sun. I several Rev. lii Mountain. Ml - I.. I! H beli M. was the true: Hayes Mom ;t of av. of Wolf Rev. and Miss George Sander; lier home in Hayesvi after a visit lo Miss : Ti returned to last week Ii,. liothn. Mrs. J. C. Crouser and daughter, Jean, returned Saturday after a two weeks' visit in Winston-Salem and I.a Grange. Mrs. Wilson Barron returned last week to spend the holidays with Mr. ami .Mrs. tl . Woodward, alter an extended visit to friends in Florida- i-. Miss Alice Heidenreieli. of Colum bus. Ohio, arrived Tuesday to join Mis- Tolly Reed at the home of Mrs. Horace Ferguson on East street. .' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt returned Friday after a visit to friends and relatives in Mt Holly- New Jersey and Philadelphia. Penna ' Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Hyatt returned hist week after a visit to relative in Katontoii, Georgia. M r was FeliN" week. . W. F. Young , of Asheville he (Ue-t of her sister. Mrs. Stovall, and Mr. Stovall last Mrs. Flank Hodges, Hardin, and M rs V were Asheville visitor- M aur.iston I1', Lancaster Sattirda v. Mrs. R. I,. Allen spend sever-' das- Mr. Thomas Houlihan, of Ashland, Kentucky, arrived Tuesday and i -: a guest at the Hotel I'Faine. Mr. F,rne-i Met 'r icken, of Maggie, -peiii Saturday in town and attended the teacher's' meet i tie: at t In' Conral Klemenarv School. Mrs. Charles 11 irrived Saturdav to lll 111., ivimd nV I Thomas. Mis. Massif, ( It mien Ashevil M II. Bowles Mis, Hutrh Mrs. Tom Jr., and Mrs. Ferguson "spent Saturday in Mr spent Week. David A. sonic time Bovd in ' W of Jonathan, iyiu'sville last Mr. and Mr- Masruie. ii':-e last week. M iss Fraiicc I.ucv and Edna . Asheville, ( 'rockett ( 'anijbell, of Waynesvillc visitors liurgin and Missi lies spent Monday Air. and Mrs; C. M M d i lighter. Kathertne Wer,. .Mr. and Mr-. John Francis end. iiKan and (uests of lat week- ill town Friday Messci- and Bell Anions the visitor were Messrs. Grady James, of Crab! roe. Mrs. Job N. Shoolined returned to her home FViday after a visit to her daut'hter, Vrs. Walter Taylor, and Mi Taylor a:, their home in Baltimore. Mr. I, B. lnman left Tue-day for her home in Whileville after a sev. eral Weeks' visit lo her sister,. Mrs. A. tl- Boineau. t t i Mr. Carleton Weather:. v spent Tiusdav at F.nka ami was a (tiest of Hie Knka Corporation for lunch and -. tour of the plant. j- Mr. Warren (i. Furry, Jr., id' the National Park Service. i a new ar rival at thi' Kirkpatrick Apartments. Mr. Furry is in charge of construction of the (ii)-font tower on top of Mt. Sterling. The Rexall Store (ilills For Christmas AIiM'.'.-, Shavins Sets WiUIuns, Collates I'alnioi e, I .;tven'.'i- . : . 89c (Jive tandy lor Christ mas Fu'.J -tssortniont of ." Whitman s and I :.iie '.and Shaw We' IV men I funu'. rountj.'i Pens- ve a full assorts u Compacts, l'er ioilet Sets and Oigaretie COUGM 11 C With Creosote jt T Hi SI Mrs. James Tutwiler and youiiK -on. Jimmy, returned last week from At lanta where they spent a week with M r. Tutwiler Mis. Uoliert Mcl.cod and infant daughter are heie to spend sometime with .Mrs. Mcl.cod's p.irents, Mr and Mis. Walter Fergusoh. . Mr. and Mis. Clilfoni Smith of Uiir Ston,, in (i Virginia , were itncsts of Mr and Mrs. J. T. Knight last week. Mr. and Mis. W. F. Hartzoe; and little sun: Teddy, spent la-t week end in (ireenwood. South Carolina with 'Mrs. llartzo('s pali'iits. Mr. and Mrs! I, M, Richeson ami Major J. Harden Howell returned to their home Friday after a several days vi-it in Ralei(ii. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Owenby -pending this week in the city itiii( their daughters, M rs. N Medford and Mrs. Alvin Ward. are M. ( ute. Sets Kvenin In I'aris : 5c : ; $1.10 ";1A,,K :- S3.49 $50 98 c Ch'i-finias; ' .... . .St.50 '-. CiHrs ( oaster aons Alarm Clocks lampu Nuuets Kav. X.Tampa J)oC 98c runi: Straights Vv Call And Get Your Calendar Mrs. R. I.. Allen expects to. leavr Monday for Sedjjelield. ( where she will visit her nephew. Mr. K. Crai Wilton, and Mrs. Wilton. Miss Martha Neal and Miss Babbie Way will arrive Saturday from Sal em College to spend the Christmas holidays at their . respective homes, Mr. and Mrs. I. eon Campbell of Ashevill,, and Mr. Ed Wood of John, sop City, Tennessee spent la-t Friday here as guests of the 'ormer'.s par ents. Mr- and Mrs. W J, Campbell. .Mrs. Eiigenc Carter and Miss Vir ginia Carter, who have been visiting Mr. Carter for several weeks in Lenoir; returned-.' Saturday accom panied by. Mr. Carter. Mr-. Zeb Alley, who has been the guest 'of her son. Mr. Doyle Alley, and Mrs. Alley, for sometime, left! Sunday for a visit to her daughter-I -Airs. Smitlison. in Asheville. j i i Misses lva and Jessie Boone Rogers .of Asheville spent last week end with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers', at '-their home on Crab- rec. - Mrs. BonlH'r Ilay- aiv-1 young son. Tom and: Harrold Massie spent last Week-end in Rock Hill. South Carolina as guests of the fiv nicr's sisterv Mrs. Jessie McCraeken. , Miss Jewel llipps. who is a student ;it Peace Institute iii Raleigh will arrive Saturday to spend the holi days with her parent-, M r. and .Mrs. J R. Hipps. Mr. A. J. Green, of Btistotr Mas- stichuset ts, arrived Tuesday 'to spend several days : on business at the England-Walton .Company and is a guest at the Hotel LeFaine .'... Kifl'in Hayes will arrive Saturday from Asheville School for Boys to spend thP Christmas vacation with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. L. B Hayes. ; v.-'; : -; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hardin- Jr. had as their guests last week-end Mrs. Hardin's parents- .--Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reel, and Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ison. of Spartanburg, South. Carolina. Mrs; R. Q. McCraeken Mrs; P. L. Turhyfill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tato, and Mrs. Grady Rogers' attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs Robert Shook last Wedeesday at then home near Leicester. Mss Fiances Liner and Arthuj Francis, accompanied by Miss Martha Mock- spent last week-end at Mar Hill College where they represented Waynesville High School in the De elaimcrs' and Readers' contest. Mr. Horace Frost and Mr. Wil iiam Shofdbred who spent several days tiiis week in Elizabethton, Ten nessee as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. V.. Wood- returned yesterday accom panied by Miss Mary Wood, who will -iKiid the Chri.-tmas vacation with b -r grandparents. Mr. and Mrs- John . Shoolbied. a I1AKMOX .MOORE NAMED PRES. ID EXT OF DCKE ALUMNI Harmon Moore, of Canton, was f'dcted president of the Haywood County Chapter of Duke University alumni at the conclusion of the Duke University Day celebration held in the dining room of the Methodist church Monday night. Approximately l.") members of the organization were present. Other, officers elected were: Frank F'erguson. first vice president; Miss Margaret Hyatt, second vice presi dent; Miss Martha Mock, secretary', and Miss Stephanie Moore, alumnae secretary. The principal speaker of the even ing was J)r- Robert KanKin. protes tor of political science and assist ant dean lif the graduate school, of Duke University. Dr. Rankin made an interesting talk on Duke and It's Activities. This was followed by a i omul table discussion by the alumni in which suggestions were offejred for promoting Duke summer school t l.ak,. Junaluska. Interesting short talk.- were made by Mr, M II. Bowles, whose subject was. "How to Prepare High School Student- for College Work;" Dr. A. P. ('line, of Canton, and Miss Martha Mock, who spoke on subjects relating to Duke University. Among th4, special guests for the occasion wt'iv; Mrs. W T. Crawford, mother of Duke's famous. All-Amer- ienn -tackle;. Rev. and Mr-. Clark , id' Canton, and Rev, anil Mrs. Paul 11 rdin. -Ii and Mrs. Rankin. I A turkey dinner was served by number.-' of the Su.antia Wesley Ilildr: i !as of the Methodist . Sunday S, hool. (lance given by Mis- Anne uavis on la.-t Saturday evening- "Davista Heights." the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Davis, was lovely with its decorations suggestive of the yule tidc. season. Around fifty members of tae young social set enjoyed the affair. Deli cious refreshments wer served in the dining room, where silver baskets filled with holly and lighted tapers further carried out the color scheme of red and green. Out of town guest.-: attending the dance were the following who were spending the week-end at the home of Miss Davis: Miss Dulcie Hayes, instructor at Weaver College. Misf Eleanor Trowbridge and Mr. Erwin Homes of Weaverville. Miss Virginia Styles of Asheville. Messrs. Tom Reevirs. and Farnl-; Fergu-son of Waynesvillc, and Mr. Ellis Martin of Leicester Mrs. J. M. Mock returned Satur day from Shelby where she has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Alton Kiikpatrick. :nd Mr. Kirkpatrick. VOUNGER SET ENJOYS CAMP. ING TRIP An affair affording great plea.-ut.; to a! out twenty members of tilt younger set was the camping party last week-end at the Campbell Camp above Maggie. The party, chaperon ed by Mrs. Earl Wagenfeld. left home on Friday afternoon and returned Saturday evening. Those making up the party were: Misses Mozelle McCraeken, Anna Ktherine Ooin, Drama Lampkin, Corinne Wagenfeld. Sara Welch, ane Ruby and Tat0 Brendle. Mack Davis Frank Massie. Bob Wagenfeld, Swift Ernest Withers, Jr.. Scot- Reeve-. Howard Hyatt. Lock Hyatt. Ray Buigin, and Thad Chafin. MISS ASHTON WINS HONOR FOR SCHOLARSHIP In selecting supeTkijyps for ttn senior class at Western Carolina Teachers College Miss Margaret Ashton was elected the most sschol arly. Miss Ashton is the daughter of Mrs. II. F. Ashton ot this city She is an honor student and is , leader in all school activities. ,' .. .. I ' -. - n .... '"1 ; "HOW GOOD CAMELS TASTE! II .i ntf H. rfit'i?lli..iii.r,n , I 1 Oon"t M johphisib if i eecoMe 1 fi$L Tw.,., STEADY SMOKER NOW THAT I HAVf I git " V, ' '""i FOUND OUT HOW GOOD CAISJAiTtJ FCl-V' fS 'oomOHT AHEAD T ?wr I CAMELS WON'T JAN016 JtfcjS:5 Jf : f . I YOUR NRVES,NO MATTI f . 1 H0W W0CH "0M J CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS never cjet on xrwr IdcrvcS . . fliaier tire ijcntrTaifc irWMWWIgrTTgllWiraii Don't Forget in your Gift Selecting One For The House Your gift lor the house stands in a fair way to give more people more fun than any other purchase you make for Christmas. Let us help you select this more important of all gifts. A. Kound coffee table of simple and graceful lines, 20" high, fop l! 'i x 19Ji". $2.49 H. Revolving h o o k stand of smart design with plenty of room for hooks, 2H'"' high, (op I 1 x II". base spread 17". ; FOR SALE 3 large mules on Dell wood Road at old home place. R. N- Barber. 12-14-21 t . liutterllv end fable il ays a smart and use fill addition to your liv ing room. Top closed 21 x II", open 2.".' .21". height 21',". Cl V" 1). ( (ciasional d r u m fable w it h charm in every line. As useful as it's decorative, 22';" high with Top Iti x 20". MAJESTIC RADIOS Here's a gilt that will be appreciated the year'round one the w hole family will not only got entertainmcnl, but edu cational features from,, Reaufiful cabinets better re ie)lien colorful lone outstanding lasting qualities. $19.95 to $124.50 Occasional Clunrs l arge stork of tapestry cov asional chairs walnut fini sin wn in picfure. Just the t thai vivant spot in the re -ciiKfhing everyone will enj . ' : $5.95 to $7.9 i:SV CHAlltS AXI) LOI ( HAIRS AS LOW AS S' Ottoman to match for S' ed or led as mg for ii and .;iN. )." !.-i mm For A Bright Christmas l arge assort ment of table, floor and bridge I'ampswwasliable shades and in ma in I'lintrastiii" colors .Nothing -'-ma lies the home as cheerful as lamps. $4.50 to $12.50 Massie Furniture Co. I 'II ON K .!:! MAIN sTUKl i , : i K. (Jueen Anne utility table with h e 1 f. authentic and graceful de sign, 2(" high with top x 1. '?,". Dropleaf side fable, just the thing to put; be side a favorite "hair. 2.!" high, lop closed 10x21" "Pen 21x25 'i". J. .Magazine shelf end table, ideal for keeping favo rite books and n a famines at II. Kound tilt top table, fits into any onvenient Corner till you need it, height closed 24", I 1 w '-. i l : t nan,!, '21!,- high, opon :r,-i" top - - ' '

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