m n: i: J rv rv u ji j ji j v v jU'iiioii The Rest Advertising Medium 1" Haoml ( 'mint. Published At The Eastern Knt ranee of The t J real Smok Mountains National Park Keail l Thinking People Till KSI AY. I)K( kmukf; .m. !.:$:: XI. VI NO. WAYNESV1LLE, NORTH CAROLINA Dewey Potter Is Sentenced 20 to 25 Years For Murder Erie Led ford (ets 15 to 20 Years. Clarence 2 to 1 Years. Wayne Not Guilty. After deliberating six hours and taking tiv,. ballots, a jury returned a verdict of guilty uf second degree murder at 10:."u Saturday night against Dewey und Clarence Potter and r.ric l.edton!. who had oeen ou trial since Tuesday charged with the murder of Thomas Pricp last Sep tember. Wayne T 'otter, li-yeur-old son of IK wey Potter, was found not guilty ik charged. Judge Felix K. Alley immediately pronounced sentence on th three found guilty by the jury. Dvwey Potter, liO to years at hard labor in the state penitentiary. Erie t.edford. IS to -o years at lard lajor at the .state penitentiary. i hm-ncc Potter, two four years at hard labor at the state penitentiary. licfo'o pacing sentence on the pris oner li' rover' C. Davis, Doyle l Alley, and Walter T. Crawford made a few remark regarding their clients- Judge Alley said he had "never heard an abler defense, in 35 years. The ca.-e had many angles and the jury was well warranted in reaching their conclusions. Mr. Price was evidently, according to the evidence, hunting for trouble. He had no busi ness to go up there armed and with ' two armed men." hi said, '; "Everybody that know, nie knows! that I - am .sorry lor the delendanW he said just before passing sentence. "The .evidence- against Clarence it 'weaker than' tiie others." About !" wi re present when the jury letunied ' their verdict. Dead I Continued on hack page) Proposed Park-To-Park Koad Would Go Through Balsam Koad Would He On Top Of Hanjfe from l'is)ah To Halsam (iap. Then To Seo Gap . " 7 Keen m'ere.l is ,'ving -hown here over ".h. )!i.i,,se,! route of the iark- lo -park highway f.-ovei mm ni aojji . ago callii g ior. . which the federal : i i'ii several weeks n ex pendituro of j .loo-mile highway i IJIMI.OUU tiv, wi'h a -I'l'Ovf. a nicotine, in at which- ' iiue o; right-of-way. Since A-h ville last Saturday four routes' from Aslic- vil',. tne- ;:, i !: w. i siiggesteo there of comment, on ha.- bi-i'ii unite a it t ho -ui'.icc'., Tlii' A-heviile ill-legation -chiefly concerned in getting, the mad to fol a ii"t limn All i u 1 1 1 Mitchell to the i .aggies, thence" to Asheville. Kroni Asheyille tour routes have been pro p. as follows: I J Follow state highw ay No. 10 to So.-.i (lap and thence through the Great Smoky paik; (2) Proceed 'thrmnih Dogger!.' j Cap to Max Patch ur.d n nte'r: the ..park at Mount Sterl ing:, ;!) follow the French I'road rier to tne Tenia -see line and enter th... jiar.. near w poi t ; ( 1) skirt -i round A dicvillc to the I'isgah Ka t.io'r.;:! F":-c--L and go 'from Mount F'isgah . 1 the- c'l i -! of .thu Halsani range ami thence to S. ko Cap and the park The most scenic route possibl,. wii : .suggested by F. W. Miller recmitly. Mr. Miller proposed that thy road N' built from ; Mount Mitchell to the ('raggies. then to liiltmore and from Biltmore to the top of Mount Pisgah. After reaehing the top at Pisgah the road .would, follow- the top of, the (Continued on ... ibaek page I, Six Prisoners Are Carried To Raleigh Sheriff J. A. Lowe tix.k six Hay wood county prisoners to Raleigh Tuesday morning. leavinp here about five o'clock- Two cars were .carried and those assisting Sheriff Lowe were: Deputies Kenneth Lowe, Will Carver together with Frank Mavis and Nor man Caldwell, The prisoner, carried were James Sheffield, first degieo murder; Elbert Meadows; Ed Pdngham. assault; Dt-wey Potter and Clarence Potter, murder, and Eric Ledford, murder. LIBRARY A WOUNCEM EST Beginning .lanuaiy 1st, the AVaynesviile Library will be open on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays only. The board of directors regrets very much that it must make this cut in library hours and earnestly hopes that its patrons will not be seriously inconvenienced. ' The income of the Hbrarj- has lieereased to such an : extent that it no longer rovers the bare ope-.' erating expense and is totally in adiquate to the purchase of books and the maintenance of the build ing. By economizing during the winter the board hopes that be fore the tourist season begins it will be able to open every day and with a fresh supply of books. There will be no rent charges on books during the winter. Banquet Honoring Freddie Crawford Is Set For Friday Other Outstanding Yavnes ille Stars Will He Honored (Juests .t Dinner. I" Ian- an bei im mad dale do irui -I - it a i.a of Freddie 'raw '...:, footbaal player, in ;li, i the .Methodi'-t , huii h I : o 'in jilo- HjtU'i in honor a :!'- A iin i ita n ining i-ini.mi of i May i veili ng at .-even o eloeic Ted Mann, head of :n: ji'ulilieil y i:' I'llke, will be the pvii.eipa! .-ieake) j Lee DaVjs. i-aptain of thi' 1 uit I lilue Devils in ':'.(. i, ciia rman of Ihf'.J program committee. Thp Waynii-ville Rotary- Club wiil have as their guest- a: the; banquet the Waynesville higbchixil football i team and Coach W atirevay. : .Mr. llavi- -ad ;ha- everyone is invited to attend ;h . tariUvt, but it I will lie lieee.ssarv ! get i.'i. touch wit h ' either him. Frank Fei gus in, Jr.. both of Waynesville, or Dr. A, P. (Tine, of Canton, hf fore Thursday night-' A minimum charge of "about- fifty cent per plate will ;le made, he said. Honored guests a' the banquet will include Jack Phiiiip- J. Pat Russell, Porter Creenw-ood and F-rt. Smathers. Mr. E- 15. Camp, ai!-A n i r'can in ''JO, will a!-o be present. Mr. Davis can i r- ached- "Vir phoric 9T-J or 24-J, Dec. 31 Last Day That Old License Tags Can Be Used A. B. Smart, highway patrolman for this district told The Mountaineer that he had receive i orders from the highway officials in Rsi. igh to arrest anyone driving a car or motor v hiele on the highways after midnight. December 31. that did not bear a 1934 licence tag. Heretofore an extension of several days has been given motorists but this year there wi";l be no extension, he said. This ..advance warning is parsed along to &ave motorists em barrassment nd additional cost License tags are on sale at the Can ton Chamber of Commerce and also at Brown Motor Company, Sylva. The prices re the-same as they were last year. I'm On My Way To See You! W)fal r'A ' iiSV'-5 M' i--; 'vX7 vlv. "-r-i s'f I I ? .,v:.t'.Vv rto h--' ' ' ( 4 ') , -:. '-fit r ., - .--'oX i '..;s -r'-'c J1,-', '' - ' ' . .- f . ,!?F s f iVtaivn.-.-'. hi'" tsill .--v,! 3 Dr. G. I). Green, 84, Buried Here Wed. Hetirfd l'h sician.. Died At Hi Home Mond;i Niofht lo. t; 1 1. 1 1 r en " !, re, . . , p,, - i i a 1 1 ol' 'a mc 'i!'e died a! bis horn, be.r'e ar It! o'cliii-l, onday iiigh:,. I. v.a - bo, -, ,ii ( i ti'i- I a i:, I s It! and Uil edura'-i-'l at the loiieiily ol' Peiiri-.N I ania. II- piai t o-d in I'bil adelphia -i a e i a 1 yea 1 : . He lain' to S ny ne - il ie o7 yi ir- -ago. j Hi wa- will I.NOWIi in. t h ..- .-( If l : and was a lier (' not lire and rji'iile ( e ' i j - -1 tii I i i - - of ti-i-i-.- bird and, tlou i i s -j,, t ii i - area ( lie Jiiaia ii 1 1 ,V1 i - - Ida S' u 1 1 ' u ko suivies him. I'liej o'o not. have a.'i ehildreii. . Hi l- ,il-o -uiAived by ev- era! . ' her. . ' - ; '; V Futii.-ia! ri: . "i r,. iiibl a'- !i;. Iiome v -teniae pioiMiig a' H 1 : -i' . with Mi. It. 1'. Walker pa-t-'r of th" Pre-lo ' ian church. oMiciat ing. Ho i-jal -vi'-' in i II il! ee'ia tei y. Active, pallo'-ari i - win ; V, I'... Camp C F. Ita-.. ( 11 Li.".'i.!i ;. , J. I C. II... .). W. SeaM-r and A'b. C I. A!l. : - - Practically all ! he ti inu amf manufacturer- of the i-nmir.uiiily- have in this week's issue of Th'- Mountaineer Christm is gn-ting-. to their . many friends and customers. One .s-ction of the paper printed in red ink con tains the rues-age- r,- jnar.y of the firms, while others hac their mes sages in their regular advertising spaces- . We suggest that ypu rad each .arid every one of these mesage" and dur ing the coming year .-bfar in mind .the firms who thought of you dueiir th- Yuletide seavjn. Messages from ihe .I'o'llowt.i.g" firu will be found: f". E- Ray's S.jns. Assembly Casn Store. Haywood Supply Company. -Cherokee- Auto ('..mjry. : Central Cleaners. j Standard Service .Station. -' Fuller's- Rejkir Shop. I Standard Oil Co., of -V. J j ' Waynesville lK''tii.t. C.n-i-r, !" Commerce. ' : Bradley-Da -Company.. i American Fruit Stand i Smith's Drug Store. McCracken Clothing Comjiay: P.-jth Ray . Baaty She? , James Sheffield Is Sentenced To Chair . , ( -.'! -Appeal I o Supreme ourt (ii anl., ed Hv lude I eliv Alle I i ' .la im. Sin lli,:;,i Mi, rouvt.-ied'oi iii-t del: i ,. tn-a-oi i !oi ihi- itiynig of " Kud" M il.li i wa-. -i -nteie e.i. Sat urday aflelMiooil to. die III t;."- eleill iC chair it Itab igii on F't.lav, .lanuaiy by .lieU'i I ' lis: I-:'. Mb-y 'ai,, Sat ri rda - a ''tci:'!'''-in. Tic- ilclV.,-,-Ward .al ah l-'il. ti i n-ey.-- I "- l iji a ih .-i ; ' ' i in V, hll h -L I I;-': ' ' pending Tne dici br.ujij . ('.-.'.ri-e-' II, I. .Mb v.- .Ii al ii f r n -I elltel i ll a 11 late -'Iprellie rolllt ;a ! h, ivi'i-.n ion on of I he ii ni eiiiu lour!-. 'Ii.1.- o'i:r. imo-i n.lj in fcl' rua I . I . :. .. I' A ., -I i . I con; e! (or 1 i,e defer-.,, ii.ade a niovion I'V'-er '.ho er. did a-idi- j a-' pi'ior 1 o ' in- p: oiioUiiii-'- lllenl '.'' t fe: l l.t'lle'-- Tin- d';f ell -.u a ' tor-he v pi'on:n-ei! . '.-ao aflid.'i i! c, --.Mad ' .- ! Pa ham and ii. Al. Serugg'S alb t'itig tnat Jaei: M of th.. jaio.i - ii . fnlllld Stlelliel'l ginity hail i-p-I nn'a .. .( .the pin,.,,, .Cil r. p.lgl ) i:. . i;..r V n rie-'. :M e A. Co. I-., ;. .-I ( o.'.i S'orage 'ompany. . Ma - -ie J ) ;..a. !.'n at, Sto, e. Wayne-vi.a P.ta r.T.acy. Ferguso'i'.' r cy The F:i-; Na!r.al Bai.k. . Hyatt and ( orripar.y. DaviK-lioyd MoV-r- ( ompi.r.. England-Walt-ir. C"rnnar:y, W. T Ita :.-r Ford b?aic-. .unaiu-ku Sapr:y I .mpa'y, Abel's O.irag. . C. N.'.:iien ( orr, paj.y. 'a'.k:n,- ( hi v role', ( ...n.par.y Farmer-!. Federation. Smokv M.antajn Tire. Sr.op, W. W. N'i ( at... . ' 'ha.'np,''..'.S'i...i Shop. : WajmesviTe LajreJ.-. Hayw.xcl Prir.'. Sr.i. American Cae. ('. &. T Si-rvif-e S;.iticn., citizen- C :.' Companj. Royal A. I'iiklnVm Co: lr.i. J. M. Lang's i:.r-.: : Aiexander.-.. Ma.ssie Forniljre f onit sr,. . Jo-Ann Beauty Shop.' Fergtt.ann's Dairy. Martin Electric C-fl.. f'eritori's HaTxJwa'e. Last Rites Held For V. II. Henderson, 73, . In Canton Tuesday ni inei fount) Commissioner And Legislator . Passes Awa Alter Lineei ine lines-.. 1 I.., i ni.- to, .w. il.- il. lid. i on prominent 1 1 . i c. I i-ounly .i'.iziri who die. I at hi- home iiiiar ('anion Suriday.: nioi in fig f-!lov. mg . an ;: ti-mled illne -. . v.-ere condiii ti ii ; Ha Methoili-t . I'dii. copal. -..liHirh .'.-T.ii v-lay a I'1 ei iiwui ... ' : Th. ' ia l or , . . lr. ( n:. i ,. N. lai I,, ollicialed, a i-'e.C -r. lb ( ii ni l'. II llaiiiilioii--' pa-.:. n!': ! i-i. ("anion I'ri'-l-'Vli-riari chmiii. In'.-,-li 1 1 ni - -, a ii i a r! , . a : ( i 1 1 .-n II i 1 -i -'i li ter', bole... . '.W llde :dl.. 1 1 -.. 1 1 1 i i -1 . s ' .' 1 1 ' 1 1 i, I. been ia ; fail.ine be.ilt b for t he pa - t tl! nioiit a : j he had nor hi-eli i n nfiti.'d to h :-' h :.!. Until a"' week a'j... He cop i ti !a : : -. . I 't ; hi ' .laiiiilit, Mi- I . W. I'icl.en -- - n'l r. ' i . 1 1 . mi1;, of .' fi eiini',- bad " 1!..( wa.: found lb ad i irhi : "'d at :i o'i lock ' 1 O.....I ...I.... 1:.. .:,..,'., v.. '.. . , -V ' ,:,';', !r.iei to meniliei's ,,.f his. family ;!,a! he J would "die peacefully in his -."ep." j He i survived I v hi -widow vh I bet'oie theii' iiialiia;o mi (; Ii ri-t.iMs Hay lSS1, .wa M.i - Mary I'.r ai,, dauigliter of the late Ms and Mr'-. liurreU Prowii: of Spartanburg couh tya South (.'arol jii.-i. and ! he !' av ;:ig ehildreii: .lames F. Ilender-on. pioin- inent busiiiessninan ami dairyman of Canton: ('apt. Walter -L. Heniler-nii, s u pi .1 1 1 1 1 1 ui i e in-. in-- nie .MiLfiiiiiii cein etery, C'hattanooga. Tenn.; Clifton L. Henderson, emplov,. o'f t in lectrie .. a . i- . i: v t . ... I bleach de)artment of the Champion I' l iii' i fiiiipan v. ot ( aiitoti: 1 nomas C Henderson, of Klizabe; h'.on. Tcnn uud M r .. C, W. Picker-, of antoii. I'if'i i ! oraiiociii'di'et; a I -o -; frvi ve. '...' :;;ii:n in !--. Ai il"-'i! f-.i i ii. !. o'.iv ' i-ori of 'be t: .l;i. : arid. Si ,ar:a Sellers .:.( ae.i i.ri. oack pati') ' ...' Man Gets 60 Days For Taking $1 In Goods Bu'.-tef-Caldwell-' wa- -el.ier.ceu tu the road,- for ('0 days by Mayor C, Ii. Atkinson in Mayor' Court Monday afternoon for taking merchandise 'value.! at a dollar from 'tne' eojnters of the Eagle Five and 'Ten ' Cen; here. Ho w-s also -sentericiiii 12 days ,n the road-s for being drunk. Number of Events Scheduled For The Coming Holidays Programs At Chureiies Annoiin eed. Christmas Tree Exer cises Set For Sunday V i.vnesviile a rui ftajwooii eouiitj ,oe making last minute preparation for another twi-day ('hri-trnas this year. Merchaiits of the conimuniU are expecting last minute shopper., to keep them and their clerks rather busy during the remain. ng throe shopping daj .. Postoffice Hus T. L. Green, postma-lvi. reHirU'd that the mail I'll.-- ye:ir Mas hi-avii'i' than last year ..-i l that ieuple were mailing parlier i. is year. Notice also made that the post othev would remain open until -i o'clock from mm to Christmas. .i mail will be placed in the Ikixcs ..: the iost ollice on ' t'liristmas dav. Mail will be handled a-, usual on Sunday. Mnly special delievrie will in handled on Christ, puis day. Midnight Service Sunday The usual midnight service on Sun day night. December i-'lth will be held in Cracc Fpisconal church a'- I H I'. M. Violin ..electioius will be played b. Mr,. 1! N. Harb, Jr., :;i. I ,.rgan .-olJ, M . - Mrs. New. The lb v 11. U. Haucoiu. pastor ol tn,. Ha pt r.t church, will deliver a "hri- tmas message. -vested choir will ri nder a JU'c 11 111 of ( 'hriM niiLs. Mings and carols. Fa cry body is coriliall.v invitHl to ' u - In r in" ,t.h,. liirthil.iy of Christ 'h '.hi.- -ervii-e ot ailoi a! ion. prai.se a a ! -.v..' b - p. Annual Christmas Tree , The annual I 'hl'istiinu l-'e spoiisur 1 i by the Wa iies ille Woman's Club, wil! I.e ready I'm- guest - on the court !o.i-e walk al I'ne o'clock Sunday af te'l'Ooll. Mi i-elllbi 1 'J lib. I'llele will t' I'l'uit and candy for all the d n and. this vi'iii , (Im-:i: Hrigg chil-ha.- .I'llic'ed and renovated over '2."o .OA - for the children. The distribution of the -gift- will l" preceded- by a program' of voijgs re i'aliolls and otlu'r -i I. etiolis wluco has. Im'i'Ii ai-r.iiigeii by ' Mr . II. W, JliiUi'om. chairman' of literature, of th ' club, and a chorus of lift y voices from the ay i(is elciiii ulai y schooi. iirub i' the diii ..'t ;oii Wis-. Teireli w ill in id 1 1 the t Mi lit unlit ' . ir is 1 111a - Fpiscopal Church (In Sunday I l.i..- Sunday S. ... ! . ii u i- :i ! r-,. a ', ' in ' I'. i afierni.-n, al I o'cloi k i ! ol ( a. e Kpi -I.a'.v' i. prog i am ami l-h lb., : . I'risbykrian Church - ' til, 1' e- ( nriV ' ia it I-. i ..lea vor .'i lock -ii t hat, he I : ill f n e ca it I e i n rllUlch t la I meet at 1 nil pi'ngi a;. i i o', !o, k .Methodist Church ( ill Suiniay :.' ! in Mi iiiniin; chnii i, ir i e . w ill b, - .a i :' il niu- ic at Un :. 'b, nuirliiug a'"l e. ' :-ng .-. i vices. In !;, m rii'ii'.' M. -Ha. :: i w'lll tell til. :. ;;. .o'' iti ii -' ' b' .-'mas present , ..inlitioii ! . .'!.'. ."' loll Tin- eiiui. be e - '.erj . .. ; ' -t t ime ill i ll ', : r; .-:f i . ilijii b; At eve:i. -''''' : ai ' i.i" -. . -. ' : a Ti : i s 1 1 na ii.'-c, .iii'i m i i . - ; . ni e . nt ' .! by t in .i ..' l.,, In na.' : ,i; ". the S.in.i.i " no ' in -.; he S .;. Sebooj; -i.nl; A - .tin , i -. , ( : ;de - 'will pre pi - -. '".. .."!"i-iuni -ill . I. -W'i. '..' I-. I f i-.,,- . .A Ie . -,- ,. , :.:, 'I -.- w-i.''.'- .. ., ( d l-i-iii . l ,.:!!.. :' " .- i a-.i i -v.'i ',: .1 : '. f : ' . .-(: "' i ' . '.- " -. Baptist Church 'Tie Ha '' .. a. h' ',;:a ;: p( ii" " - V! - . i ! a I - ' !.l . '.ma. aiusi. r:i-ig nregra;: Cot , i: I.-.W., M : a Kicfiar-. ' t,. i veniin ,; "i "ir.i.-tm'.-' I' Schools Close I Te .'Waynes . : . i v. ii: . o-i - "i.ia ii- , s'll ji -I llo.J. Willi lint o" it was ar The eachi r r,. will leav. a':.''i i"t;i Cnday .lanaaf; j. a ri'.-i '. I . t.ii;- week w tiOi- Inane - a - : 1 Satu-dav. ' . Y.-.ti ril.iv s,w : . .irnv.il .. - tjd'Il!-. l. a Jul ).' y tr-i Bingham Is Given Four To Six Years . r.d Pirifiiaa. w,;s -. rrjerieed four to -i.v y( a I jii -ta't- rn-fiitentiary fo the a.-aul' i.i, Mi, .lac Browning las" 'August.:--. W.oi Hopkir.-. was given It' :rnar.tt.s .a: '.ni Jadge Felir: V. Allen Sat u. nay if:, moon, liiigiiuin a- foa-i.l -guiltv by a ,i jry for the s:-,,v;ii,g ;' Mrs. Browt;. ifig w hen: s'n,. ar.sw r. i the door at ; ber-.-.h :u- one s ight whs'' u s..moone i: !ii a ivi ca'.a i f r hi : . h -jfoahd . wh wa away fruni home. As h- operie.. i.ne door she was tire i upon with : double barreled shot gun. She recov ered .-..mo true,, mot tn1? lati r enou;r. to taka the w :nes- . .ml. . "''.'--' '"' '"I -- '