1111111 TH, - Adbh. MrfU- .. H CouaivI'iibli A, The Ean, orn St VOL. XI A I NO. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THVHSDA. 1)K KMHKK US. 19.!.: Hearing Set For Shooting Affair Two itouno Men Nhot By Hlling station OpiTiitor On Hih. vn No- 10 . has aring Li c i u Ml ! before Majr- .ison uv the snw . ii Modford, who o'clock Friday W oodward, op Filling station u 10 actween hcic YounR Man Killed Iliaor Applied To 1 Ilolidaj Business When Piece Of Sa Hits Him In Head Funeral Services Held l or Hoy Mustache When It Show s An Increase "Refuses To Grow M 0 er 11)32 Business i. (lontz At Morning Mar aturda fai t lie Jc. tu:.c '.. the. tiuu for tlv istra: I rauh ret,: nig ot Glenn a no. 1 were- shot aHou' morning by Char.; tiatjr of. the Roc!' Hn'nw:iv Nunitn ..nd Lakt JunnUiska. i-: ... . I,,,... -.r.. in Tile HaVWood Count v Hospital recovering trom their injur.-.- and were reported as pet ting along nicely If their condi tion permits, the hearing will be made as planned, ' r -v -In- two Moiltortl t,ilV who have tHvn worKinjc at utoh, .f gas at, the trestle at arid were going to ii- to get. gas. when Woodward, who is out -a. id he saw the two thai thev had i-i their hands and a pistol. It later dedfonls carried a i not have in burn. i: MA . ton. noi'i the 1 (. 1 . tw .va m-i a: ."i o -',-. i'V while 21. h C Kcpoits arc is wh" have had give.', nut Lake .hmalusk. th, tilling stat thev we'e shot. on "a bond met. approach a something hrigh" he thought proved that the Hash light, hut d: mg at the tim Thf. tilling M. -cveral lime? di Immediately Woodward wen. iin 1 surrenderee ;; i ha .cen held Up r :ng the past year, .per the shooting. Sheriff .1. A. 'Low to him. BRIEF I T E M S N E W S .'Jackson- i-oat.'.;. i'guti-ng' th'1. kid'.a;' halt. it", prin.i;': school' wiin u a- 1 24 h-i.n and -r re Rhinehai; ;.' IkIu vii from the hoefi r I' 'oer;uithi !i esmralfori '. A li'-vi a -j... 1V.sh! in t'olu in i tier! Harris, .It.. tinpe 1 Office'.!"- killed .thf '"'J A p.hre ol ire;:, ftlh U-'e'i i": rli-lWf. I' wa iii:-tantl;. tm a shotyii went ofl' accid( hi:n u'ider th- fhcial.s an invest nL .f Frank Khnie uf W elister hih 1 .a 1 c.-intivr- tor over ..csed in (icortria. - threatened by hi-y.'.r.tv- than sullerins . hows no ill effects. re alsd" -making an , atl'air. iar eteran coii . a -..hat he killed Kev , a ho hal bcvii kid . ;, that th-' veteran ., .revent. his escape. c.pe two feet loni . . -he youth s skull. IV if Mation county. ; lit-d when a load V was hunting- with .a1),'. The load struck h- Hi miles -iiu'.hwt i of 'a".!--.mitv killed Friday a't '"- l-K-k .'when a ruck between a piece of ;i motordriven niraced in cutting- wood. While' the saw was in operation, a pice,, .-of the steel .suddenly Hew up, sttikinc; Vounj;- Cloiitz in the head. Hu skull was split. ('lent;', was working for S. 11. Miller, a fanner, at the latUirV home, some 50 or 7a yards from the ('lontz home, when the accident occurred. J''', VblHif 2H. who was working "iih Clontz was uninjured Younir ('lontz was a Sv,n of Mr. and Ml-s K F (F-tt) ( lontz. ol the iiutcii Cove sectioiu Hosides the parents, he is survived bv mx si.-t.-i. Mi's. Carol Cook Mrs. Flbeit liurnc.te, Jr.-. Fra' .-i- I'ope. Mis. 1 urn Johnson. Mts.s Valire ( lontz. and Miss Kuby Clontz. all of Canton and two brothers. l'l.l..r, ,.C I'-niT.ill unit Fston of New Plymouth. O The i'iini-i al .ser vices were conducted at th.- Mornintr Star Methodist Kpi eopal church near the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the pas tor, the: Kev W. 11. PIcss, otViciatii'. Huri .l Was made in the Morivin.tr s'.ar cea.e'.i ! Over 100 Attend Banquet Honoring Freddie Crawford Number Of Outstanding Flaveis Present To Honor anes ille's All-Amenvan Flayer .) 1 lor the af hi K. e.-loruifT 1 ultrt s lhe Moun- inisioiuiue ; mustache from his' at and ".'. her p: the mustacht bnotype aiperati taiiu-er, who ha of havinir part. Ii. ii in' I when hot nieta' machine hit hi 'face. After I'.uiiently i V ) waiting for three wet'ks for the mustache to Krow back where it wa- burmsl, he nave. up ami applied the razor to the remaining half of his care fully trimmed leard. Maybe some dtv he will atrain U the prouil owin- of a must-achf, but at. pres ent he has dismissed it from his mind. Ho has been wt'arinir a mustache since he was Is ai- old or for V2 wars. business dams Houses Kepoit Lame 0c, Maine Fenod l.ust iur l.usincs W (Kd 2 i 1 this I'll! county siiow'cd 100 per cent. -tnia ir a t;.!!! of over iiu-t aul,, of Hay f rom vear. .some Ilazehvood Scene OfMuch Jker.iment Last Frida Night nlinir to a -arvey i of the busine-- houses. ! The local post oft'u, ma.lc a gain .!.., mi . iifi io.l . !a! vear ot la t I t l l IM , . per cent. , , C F l! av's Sons 'showed a ain t-i :ai H'i- cent over la.s; yeat- M ian's pepartnient Stotv lipun-il . ljiii . I "i" ii c.n mi lis vear This wa- attnbute.l laiajeU to the new store, toother with a general increase m business Ea'le ." 10 ami 2.V Store la poK. a n-ain of 100 per tent. I . W A. wa. cretlitetl with this nu vea.se. C N. Allen Company; lla.ch'ood. reported an im-r.-a- of titty per cent titer the sam,. p .nod last year. !. If .f'. Vnni More reliortial I. of ion o, . flit. Alt'. Hay .in ijii it. i . . is als.i in a new a i u i . i ,;er Ot her merchant - u 'i tod Farmers Who Sign For Tobacco Control To Get Most Benefit i 'I ii happiest t': Haywood tou!it '' Ithe L'roup a' he ; t vet . trivep by Im; rii a y at llazrtw o.i.l Over 'li'OO wt !'t pr . :U'ound th,. -20-to. yar.' ol e;roup . Villi 'In i- t a tni i.- .'UiUliiur "buMiit"- niiith better" Several le:idinc rpiis-tii theniM'lt ed with the bond the lii s in si vora! met me' ' e : Mailt.-Pica anna laud-Vt;-l,-M1 'I .,!!-' la-t 1-' 'i'i t ninhv, i'-cii; 'and' triitlieri-il t bal- ioi lieh'cil tit on I t . f ( :h I'-' ' la .- ov;c,s Mii-ic ( lull. Santa ! i u.-k !( ii't-'iniv : which contained i!. (I nil)-'.. i.ch 'Vra: t plant mil t it- em ployce , ..!:.! ; 100 anjies' 'we're The '..tola' The : -M at th niL.h Ol ve than ion people wt-ie pre.-e Uaiiipiet. ttaveii last I' nil at the Methodist church in ho l.'i-i.ildio Crawford. All Amv I'llUFF. 'it When try ire.- '- ,f wo-'d ill th :i truck in Shv-!'J over. He and h dit d from injura s IN WRKCK ltnlire a big piece ,...1 she driver ol turned the track t , . i , . i i - 1 , can tackl,, 1 rum hum- i iihii-o. Ted Mann, head '.of the pu licity Imnau of Ouke I'niveisily was the principal speakt r . on the o--vi'."-iiu Mr. Mann heaptil more honor n ( raw fol d. Lcoine; intti di tiil ol : the-instaiK-e wht n Coach Waii.t, e W atle .'mad,, the comment "That Craw lord is the lies; linesman I've -ever .si -en. ' The speaker -also enumerated numbers of iu-t nice where the honored 'tie-t had won fan'.' - for. lHike. Mr-. W. T. Cfawford. '' mother of the outstandint;' player, made few remarks etincerninu' sonic of tin pv cularities of hei- son U-for,. ht:. took fiittba'1! so ' .-eriously. Anion the things ..,.;,ol,.,.,l .aid 'hat -he ll :it! oW lled !wo companion; received. ami .'eat" Her lit'K ice -in tl After ;-.V t he- Wavne ( laus. -arrived with ivi in yoo eiancrt -, c.indv !ars an -tttv i inploy ee e!' t h ;,' the t-hild'.'el. o! ear 1,00 poiind of nuts- and sOo lii-linir the b.iir- iier afiollt 2"0. Ilesi.les th.- ca:oi.t,. miU- aim ,u vm the tannery will pa cam oi uii men for C hnstmas oay wnicn "-."o a iota! jtifi of t.vi-i' i00. .hist before the .list rflmt i.n of tlie bj... Sam:: Chin- ;n a few well chosen i, mark.- s;,id that th. plant had .-been ..a a;. l,.,.i ., H:.-y..w.nd for 17 eais, Mrs. Slamey Buried At Candler Thurs. Mother Ol M. Mtoney Ol anvsville I'asses ,a fter l?i iet Illness I a in. service- I t.is I 'I loirsilav for Mrs. lliuls.. Stanley a! tin' I'll I in ! dist i hiircli at ';a'i lie i.l-.ed ICS- of a'liseil Mrs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. lift away ediles abmr. two w i lit a nnniiii'i: Staiiiey was county, havin -, SI"" was a a i ia-vef a, ed I liiaiiiifacturinu! coimt i y. So!iii the plan; fo-pi-esont t!).)-' .it' the plan:.' Some f t In .hoes -made ii. leather minle . had many other - fhroufhout the have ! -en with i vear-. At d l.-o-linp I'nited h. .lu.nr .'OH . iiiph loamh i I ..Itl-.k A V V. NOTK a beer distnO- .n Chariouo tasi i any money in the -h- rather provoked .tfeT'd books and and k'lt a note THK1VKS Tholvos elite; iiiin warehoJ wtik ti'tJ unlocked sate th.-m .-o they nmuiK . v. r tr... .r.tor You cneap--- Fxoept for a few empty beer- botU nothing ws mihsod. SFNTFNCUi FOU OLD C RIMB John Miller. 35-year old RobesNA Hx,unty farmer mast enc two W three years -for. th .murder of an In aTwhom be killed some 20 year, ago The trial wa completed Thursday- RRKST BOY FOR EXTORTION A 14-year-olJ school 'boy is in jail in Winston-Salem charged withtrj -inc to extort f'U) from a mechanic and hi-s wife. The lad was arrested when he picked un a decoy pacKagf which was supposed to contain the $30: He denie i : -t knew anythun: about the plot. Dnvi TVIove To New Offices Here! ha Tiratlley-Davi-. Company, in.suianc ,, ,ler- and r. . .-tat ienf h i moved their ofli'e- from tht. Morgan Ward building or. Main stmt to their r(.w location in trio fffx-e formerly k; iu led b Qwn nl A.P and known i the lr R- ! Mien office on Mam The firm of Kradiey-Davis recently bought thU- funding and haJo had unrkmtn fo- pa,, lew da mak ing changes ot, ine int-nor, ,re hat i.oy mcou-. ii.c. as a boy he des)ii-,ed t" v !,,...; ,. en in co d w eat 'u i l cmai ks arouse d tin .! "oi -t ! at the dinner. Among the things icfcrrt.) ! av Mr. Mann was th,- tac; "XumlK-r c.2" whicli wis worn Freddie .luring his stay a- Hum would he framed :md no oth. !!; would he alloWCi! t.. wear In wa- what wft done' with , "Naiu.! 77'' at Illinois when Mt; ; !'-.. -left. "'-"'.' '." , -.... ,;- Other speakers at the nfimpiel n -dud.d Don H is, tiusttt (f Duk. Jack I'hilli'ps. Georgia. Tech full back, and a candidate for a place? on A 11-American in '315 ; K. B. Camp University of rcnnsylvania A" American in 1R90; "Whitey" Rus ell. star of Wake r'orest; and I'orUr Greenwood. Duke tresnman star. Crawford expressed thanks ioi- Uit K..,t..ti-.i nittin rum in a tew llUIIVtrt Ul ,-wn, K well chosen words. ... Lee Davis, captain of thv l'J' team in :'.0, was toastma-ter. Mr. Davi, mtioducid Di 1 " PV idnt of th, W imhsmII. Rotary ( ub who in turn introduced ( oach Carleton W eatherhv and the W aynesville high tohool- football tteam- Tne Itotafy Club had the Wavnesvilie Mountain . ... .... imi.i.i nt the banauet. VC 1 .is . int. i -' Other' prominent t.ootiiaii jnayeis .o. ,,,i;r, t.o-t. Cos Durncr, .lacK Alexander. -Ruck I'inksttin. and ( ro wdl 1 ittl. th of shil' and Jtc r-,. .!,, I link., frvshman. r-ormer v i - -- - '. o .v. pr'd .tars 'present were .iuit i-Pr.- once Davidson freshman play- ... . ... . 1. ....1. rt rri fr Dl" - -L" .sirt'U'iifi. -A-f..o... T'niversitv player, and Dr. Tom 'Stringfield. of Waynosville. who played, for Trinity in lx'J2 and made the All-Southern team in lHy.J while plavimr for Vanderailt. : About 12a persons attended. Christmas I)a Is Quietly. Observed of .lolin llunciick. Sinci she had been a liieinbei way' Liaptist . loir. Ii in county. The fuht'ral si-rtiie wer. l.v liev. I' l . H ... Hev and lic't . Odei Hnrm t'.. The de,ea)s i- sU.-vivi , ol lieu: Mr S. h. Ki -l,,iie- U !-.: W. A. ha i-. fa .lames Hollaiid. ( anion; Anderson. .V-ln-v lib ; H. i ...on, ( Si a nil". . ( Slamey and t i and ' Nt 1 W aviM'sv i or. I S. Stanley d.ed mn ago.-- , held' last V Hell Muse '.Hill' Midho Mrs Stanley aft. r an ill , Heath was iiiiHilit-atitiiis. i native of Han . lived there all lirect desc. ndent 'ol:md Savs Fnce lor Hurlev Will He Hi to 17 (vnts Found - Cm lev lobacco growers ol Western North Carolina will rett.ve including sales on the warehouse Hoars ami the amount they ttet ti. a the tmv rumi '. under the ad.itl.sl n . n. a.linin is! i a : ,.,i.,l ii, .. r, . . a. - a ooaml i ii it. . ti-i it i , -1 . - . i.,.. il,..li- t.tltii II lieevi-s .N...uit-i. of Wavnesvilie. saio. Mr Nolauil represented tin 'iiH.., tcib'ici'o giowei-s of North Carolina m Washinu'lon. H. '.- 1 hursday a. a cunference ot growers- and btiyeis at which time auicenient.s were drawn up between mowers and buyers to end the present tobacco holiday and con trol mips and prices next year. The agi cement, in brief, is as to '('hut the aveiage place per pound t ie paid v each out ract mg buyer for all his i.'ui-chast . on the market -lu hi,-, a lieceiiiber 1 I I .:!:: and ApnJ I,,. l'.Cil inclusive out of the tl'.'k'i eiop ,,f liurlet for u.-,. oi his m i n u f ii,,. 1,11,'me.s- m 1 he I ' II it t'tl Slates, sh.il! be at lt-at 12 tents ;, pound." .l,l,ii,.n..il i oiiiiii n-ai ion t ill nc fit en each eiowet w lio sjgii. tin cut tailnieiit cards for lhe I'.rtl cop t? was explained. This ,,dit ion.-il money will applv' to th,, entire crop of i"l. en. North Carolina Inn ! . -"Id 'his season, iiieludinu the approiiimalelv rillll lll'ii p-oui'iils .-ol.l 'he tour days the niarlot wa- open in 'A-heville prior to the holiday which wa-f ilh-d la-t Tuesdat iiu ii in nt: at ; 1 o'.l.hK. Program For Fifth Sundav Announced (,ov eminent Oiu'ial Mts I'nw Ol' Hmiev Out 01 Fine W ith iimmoditu's (Id Note: The I'...; hut .c, article is from The Creenev-ille ii.nn.l Sui. ol December 20.) That the farmers win. Mgi up the hurlev tobacco control contracts .stand t.i mak.. more out of UU ir lftaa-lth,! crop than tho who tlo nut was point cd out verv -clearly by Pr. J. A. Dickey of the United Slates Department ol Agriculture to a large group ot coun tv ugent.s and warehousemen licit. Dr Dickev er'catllcil that, the who., idea of the cii apaign In reduce tbi i tiuilcy tonaeeo tr. i... in, purchasing Lrm. i. The iincc at .at of line with prices, nan e.iiiini'tlity. hug---, piniltft hind cattk. n, . (fort made to con- acreage plante,, lthl-l was to in. price of th,, '"a tobacco now i- of anv nthe" dairy prodtit t and but for -i Nan sant icr. sdav -. niCKKA TO SI'KVK FRIDAY Mr. I H.kc.s will speak at a mas- nieetinc in .Marshall on Friday at oilc o'c'lock. At that fine he will go into detail about program for rcdm mg a.-M--tfec-ri-i !.- ' :- ' v. " -ecu; in either Hunt oinhe oi Hawoo, Counties, th, meeting ha i to In licltl in Marshall ac . oidnig to got t rn nit lit rules, and limb l- whose- -.iipervr :oll 1b:ese llnv illgr- a) e hold. th t .! the t.uatinn' fl-ii ,iue deiliora an en ttll. le imtrkct nef year inii-ius surplus I the act ii to-ill early girlhood of t he Kitlge iii Hiincoinbt conducted Mr. H.i.i- i ,1 l.y eight -siah' Cltar anilli i ; M r-. Mis. . c. M. Staling, audi. -r; 1!- . (';. Staiiiev. eighl yea',- Sii'af! day ! ha tpin 'o t pio-s-oi: : the ja ! I j I I' !.' W ! ! he said. 1 1 i tu: '-) : a .1 , 1 .'ejlortl d .-tnia- was out; i m ill r . No! .1 . . i wa piac , 1. :i-,Vt: i a t ei- n .1! 3j' .ed' tie ,..ra t: ti it, ll;C!i during thi ei ra i- t:oil!l! d i-link ; of any day. I lie..,'.. J f the I -inglo tl ii I ' jail- kind FlaToBeCienAt East Waynesville Plie piogiain for tile lifth Sunday liieeting has . heen conipletod ami will be given at the Fa-f l''iul Kapfist i Inii . I, 'on Sundav llefeinlKd- lll.Tie- - " . i ginning al '.MaO. o'clock. 1 he general sub iii'l lor iliseussioii will lie. I n Ai ill Test .ol ti 'I'Vu,. I hi-i-Viair. ' The folb'vting prog ra ill wa- an n,.iilici.,l by' lit'V. I'laiik I eat he rw o.el, chairmaii of tlie program c.iiiiiuit tee: '.Clio lo. lodlO, Sunday School. lil::;n I.. I0: lo, 1 let otrmial h Mac vm Mann. Hi: 10 to I I :0(i The I'i sI of t rue I ait h, II. It. Ca Id well, 1 1 :IMI to 1 1.20, Thr To. -I ol t rue llM-dic lice, I'. C. Hick.-. 11:20 to .12:00 Sermon by Kev. Thoiiia- Frwjn, 1 2:00 tt. 1 r',0 I limit i- on r i oiind. ;::n t,, 1 : 10 1 lev.il loiial by At It ill's Mari'Otv. 1 : 10 lo 2 :0(i The Te- : of i ue Kehg ion. . .. Hvers. 2:00 to 2:20 The Test ,,'f true, hroth ...I, I ,t,, (' I. Allen, 2:20 fo 2:10 The Test, of true ChrisC ian Works I!, f. Mc( rat ken. , 2:10 to -2:a0 Flection of otli er tor it'.; i. 2:50 . Ojien .liscussioli. s.t Onh Fie Confined In Jail On Tuesday jail 1 - i - I wek. Itti totaled tlVe W P The ' (ilher : amps the th ; Hero w hs ...ii 1 u .i.'.i unity !i:i- ' C- i'a.iorit i j y t "! I- tfl'l ,- Havwuoii tT during iht -..j-, tne iu i: oni - ..day afternoon otil" i riehiud the bar-. ' the .prisoner's- wen-'an-f-r red t- ;o'i-oii a- ;i-niten;:a'ry after TiiMicon lubb" a comedy, will U-,.i-.i.ii;..d ai the ha-l Wavi.'c-vihe S.-hoiil Friday evening at. 7:.'K o'chtck by the. (i rang, I li-gani;'at i'-n of Uat -elitl'e Cove. . This i- the Hiiro- iire-eiifat am of th.- play in the ciKiniy and each time t he auiiience ha- bet n highly pleiesed. A mall adniis-.oi! .will' be eharg-ed and ''. the picici-.s will , bo used tni a coni-.iiuri it v.- project which . the i range pon sorine in Itatc.iila- ott I F SF I I ' M( 1 1 ' lln TK I. ti W olll on ; which would be piled lip. Iiacco p'aiiicr. tould v, ; Hot 111 Ii;'- :'l i, -pi'.ii.. i di-id-i.vci ciia i ! :. tt hich -h"" ed i the rapid in, 'en -' m 1 he neriod of the I F.very veal' it Kin well l-e-po'iniing increase , in and t he -amount mm i- ""'i til. -lipply the foll-'Wlll) staggering amoiiiii This n.'iturall.t dtcic the weed. Hut lor which 'would cut. pc ci-op would bring' a-Ih tlm: il i, higher in other '.'farm t oaiimsl i t ic. cout rol the lipply won increased next your. In carrying, out. thi, program uw Departim iit of Agi iculUn i- attenipt ing to put into effect 'he .-aine l4c4 that govern . iiidii'st ry. For instance, .-.feel men tlo not operate "and. pile UP : in.. ,v he'n I lore i- no neniau lo ''lie met. Thi'V cise down nunieroU- ,'ucrele. I oriii I in t it 'll over I a v . veal.- .yer the cor eoiisumpt inn v. a.s added tu year until a wa- piled up. -e the price tit .utile agreement u. t i'ou the VJ'i" a! s ' 2t, I .von at ,i-oioi t lot! thai. mtl without tie greatly . lion aid 'Dunham Ci;ifr. well known h rate hotc!:- here o-.i nniiths, hate lea-ci nig I he ig am Mo, I I ! !lll 'l W lio op Hie. -t - .imiiiiT ai.e are ojiorat -i; in St I'i r.s- Magistrate Marries Two Couples lues. '. Mag; t iate i'rank Y ii;u had a iil-hino I'usiiic.s- Tue-day , .morning, when he .married ttv. couph;- at- the court house. . . . '1'lie couiilos tu r.-:, M r, Thornton j M. -t r and - Ruby Smith, both of Has i zeU'o'id. and Mr .. l.ee f-ergasou ami Ma. Hannah. RaV. Iiotti ol Iron Duff, A" ;hirl party s,,.., .Mr. Forgo sun itMotit ei forming a. ceremony, hu: it wa p" 'poin d toi efe.-a! tlay-. what we want the faiinei down. It will an an le.-. e.xpen.e in producing a more leal dollars in the him if In eo-operate.s. Jlr. Dickev sti-es-ied hurley to'aacCo U a g' It is one th a' ; well tt money in in the way improvenieiit and oani trelll) t'f -eoiisuiil.pt hm i; this will improvt I hat in to do, Ctoitf effoi-'t-. leu eiop ami yet. long run l'tx tne fact that ,, eollllllii'lity orth investing of land, .stwl room as the . upward, anil tUSLiiess ctmui ; urg Fh tn.--' u' inKi. Local Hunter Can't Find Squirrels So He Goes To Sleep Only To Wake And Find Them Playing With His (; ( lasses In Nei'dlt'Hork Will Resume Work ..January 1st Wishing all our many readers a Happy and Most Prosperous New Year Native Of Haywood Returns For A Visit ParH's' A Cogbum and wife have atruol firm Ontkv, ( dorado md will spen-l the winter with Mr, (,og- 4 sifter Mrs- r.- r.. iiease. -i burn C anton Mr. counxv ( OKtiurn having U a native of tms moved to Colorado wf ! vpiir. am. He is f-ngaireu in farming there, growing sugar beets and potatoes as hi? main crop. th. thoir first visit rack to KhHr native county since leaving. 'mo it " m in h i- ' n" par-itul. r "I imur, hifh h, i Ii 1 g i i i " g' -,m Uw and" others m are or s imaginai but hi o'. a c Ni hoi t , ve i known air . tm WW N ( tfe hi re (1 i u n'tl o n ru h he who'' r j i' - 1 P " 1 lXf so. n tV.ic ;. S-i i?( ni company Vllt UMJ ' ' with Gus I-,n,- war hunting .squir rels at licjitv Sr,nmrs at V o! i en, i : . , t.., r.,, r.lir. f rum lllTf wnicn is. aou-i. tow. - - After hur.-.ing all mumintr wn-noul any ucc s-. tne two humer parted in the after-. -ir -tK ihtlrren routes which they tnought would piob- l.l,- .f iv,i. r.' -h.-m onu anlO- CLUI y I- ----- '.' ti. .nIV:n.ef,,r mm., tlltll1 Sl-'e i-VJtLCl tvtt.ti.'ft . .... Wir in.il 1,11,1 sat down -TO Te... hln Pronninc himself . . .,r,l vi irh his gun aiiisL u iit-v. ...... acro, his knees, he fell a-leep. He olr.r.t fnr a fntf .minute.4 and was oo.oVr.Tipd Viv his eun shaking. Open Whold. he saw ,; firt tjmiirt-fd of the day hiking j i,r,,,i ,,t hi irun. Hu c rioor the tneirer so ne llilt l " C-.V ll'l" . ' all' 'in : -ad of nulled if-- went the h Picking up Steve made .-hi.-' rection- of wher ard Sheffield- Mi . ; i,,;-, gJ'i - and oil p. -qinrr. i. . ;i. ,v!.o- --.j i.nt V cat - '.at k in the dl; Mr and Mr-. I.en- Nieholas and other awaited the hunters ter. they, -had )!ti lined -t-iuirrel; foi::supp r. ; Steve told - nis sv.ry. . .v-, :: ij was- doubted, hut ;oor. r. wa- pro th it S i t i r gi was Kiu red on trie T.w-h rel and it immediately which Steve says wa V little- wine if -iuir. turned i.iacK an lntia a-.ion th-d hf flesh had w-n pnw.kT-liumeti. Ano-her ti'- .m --.tne MpJirrei was mule md r o"1 nit t'-' ' squirre' 1.1 1 1 - t rango. J . stteve is a great humer. ihT is nf thing hi hk.s . i . h t than hunt and n mu-' hi t gxl hunger if he can ku! squirrels in hi. sleep. f-Vin after telling trie aou.r hUiry. which is vouched for by ;th-rs m tna mm, 1 tld mt "r a i m' rib nt hun.i g 'i'P r'"1- '" ?rif.i h. qj r-e' sv - on- will be printed s-K..r.. d'he. classes in needh-craft. vvtiicd .topped for Oi'-i-'ma-. w:!! start again danuai v 1. The hours are from '.. to II A. M. and I to n P. M each oay except Salunlay. Di-t ruction irg ;cti in de -'.gning and a'teiati'ui of ri't-tei-n.s, ciittiitg without pattern-, and eJinstiuetii.n -of" gai-m. tiU-. I.e'ttures in ret t i le eeonomio- arc . planned to heli the woman who; buy-- for tie. family, to speiiil- he.'-; pioney n wi -eh - " TheJo e!a--e- af held --i.fi the W.r mat;'. Kxchaiig.e on Main -t reet. Ah interested in these ei: - e- wm. n an a ...ointely free to anyon,, with-.no ohligat ions attached -hoilhl -eeu M r-. Hart iit the KNchangc ai- photi I wins i;im:n -.. ... -. i .. .n.i a gii l we IV !orn to M -m 1 M i-s- Thomas Trammel. n Tur. air iVight at their home on i nu.cn sttreet Faeh of trie babies, weighed Sl MlUllds. tions conit.. hacK greatest i.inprov dition.s. !),. pn , the commodity is dead wight "f -u n a It ic impo-ssible to as tonal atfitud.' ;tovvaiv The price might be ht a method t.empoi:ai'il.v. ditioii will H"t !a-t Hi v . ,.i,i-.i ,1, if tr! on "th the iiltin that h.l the toiiac, mtgi't oii.-ratio.'i '. the ecouonl-'c-aMy ami .win tt vantage t.f . the; jilant.T- 'ihe id. i I" C to, pay hdi; t-i .r daw that '.he ' wi:! iv -a"' lt.-s. In oidi r to -ecii". which to haiiiih' this ceising ta . has liee, hacco which anrouuts teen paykages .,' c amount will etiaiiio. th pay the farmers the ujnm for the number "I their crop .o that in th--will protit very mater: rating in the plan. I lr. I Ik'KcV made ,: fainierrf who sign " u'i .-taiid a niu. h hi t ter eh; i tected in. prici-, than th j not iignC There ii I agreement between the Agricultiir,. a-td th, Put even with thi in ht in business cou cannot hold up whei. hlirileiieil by tae ;. he ivy -urplu" a-siime a tlictu. nliy btis.ine.s. , up by , such but Such cun a . deniorcii,e . r n iet hods' ant heeil Worked out l' ,vith the co: i:eiart:nerit is. .saiuiu. rk to trie :a li ne farmer w i his crop co - a lihiuiciai. "e revenue Willi. matter a pro placed "ii ; . 2c on -"Vf!i garettes,' ; Tl'.u - .1 ) imrtuiei.t .It ;..:iii)liU'. .'gicc'i' 111 IK Cc 1. !"I'g 1 un til. . ricily lay co-v I i It- tilltli.-.s tO IHtV iotv.- Th,. .'..' tail, artit has four' can select duetion. Ho ma l.l IV , 'ear' that !lu d hi. coiilrai"'-. .he? to f-e pro .. in, n w ho d--i!) marketing 'Department."'' Clin: " "orice w ill hi t .tract, le b v !'!, r-a a c ; tit' lev pla:; .It'.'-,! .' in ,do Kvery. ma iv. ; gy . which .h regular pn THFRMOMKTF.R DROPS TO la The official thermometer here dripH-d to Wednesday -.morning- according to S. II.. Steenson. ellirial weather observer. At to o clock the thermometer register ed M. t akt'-- tilt 10 i , i i I'i tin tag,' eigniV j.H-5 em 1U.I1,'; Hi.ii- : ah l . P,:;: take eigiit y to. r ..cent. ( d i He may take jevi o. the -var If.'X . has .iecn:h-ti what, base lr .s. . taking; the one most Iici j n m t'l it mas ft . ,u; ..f produ 'tio!i for tiex h'-r thirtv-tsVee, and. 'tint: f i will eh.;.' vaatac' to . Keep veil-" oi: .erage of hi th) He may tjie average ot ii ) lit iiiav h, it ir l'"oJ v-tivt- per cc-ii- (Co ii Jt i i 1 t.k rigel t :k 1 i f I f 'If I X I. ,11 'II