n L'age 2 THE iVAi'NESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28 . 19:::; i' ii-S, :L-V. ahr Iflmmtaitim- I'uhli-hed By IMF. H A V.N'ESVILLE PKIXT1M, CO. Phone 137 Main s iw. Wavriesviilt. N. C. U ' IM'S.- . Editor U '." rij-, and M. T. iirid-e-, Pu'j!i-he: -I'ublished Every Thursday SI BSCRIPTION RATES i V.:ai . Is. ounty ... il .On ' M m:i:-. In County .50c i Year, Outside of Haywood County . $1.50 Sub.-cription- payajie ii: a. vanee Enteie-i at tha po-t 'line a' Wayne idle. N. C. a Second Cla.-s Ma.l Matter, as p;ovide.i tin ier the Act of Maul) ;:,1879, November 2u, lyH. THIRSDAY. DKCE.MKEK is. 19.;:; Ill IMU'NKEN DKIVEKS Jhiiino; the month of November the State Hijrnwav Patrol alone arrested 115 drivers on the "'North Carolina highway system for oper. at injr motor vehicles while drunk. Laiye as this total is, it is oniy indicative of tin great amount of drunken driving on the highways of the State. The State Highway i'atro! is admittedly too small to adequately police all 'he roads of the State. The great : majoiity of diunken drivers never come in con act with the patrol. Those arrested by it rep. resent only a fraction of the drivers who ope. rate their cars while intoxicated, to the danger of themselves and the public at large. There is no difference of opinion between wets and drys as to the danger of drunken auto, mi. bile drivers. All sensible citizens agree that The mixture of liquor and gasoline is one that cannot "be tolorated on the roads. Yet obvious. ly gasoline and liqui.r are mixing on our road With lf)5 persons biought into the courts on this charge Tat month, the courts had an opportunity to demonstrate,, as it must be deni. onstrateil that drunken driving will not be tole. rated in North Carolina. If the courts month in and month out, would give to drunken drivers brought before them the severest pun ishment permitted by the law. there could be', cieated in North Carolina an .understanding that drunken driving was an unhealthy busi ness, even when it did not result in accident or-death. On- hundred and fifteen examples in North i aroim.j d the determination cf the courts to dean the Mate's highways ol h irse.nower nro ptlled bj uiunk would be a health lesson at this time when the death and accident toll on the-roads of the State is mounting at a. rate which .should alarm every thoughtful citien Kaleigh News and Observer WILL EH RING HA IS RL'N FOR STATES SENATE? Several close observers of political develop. i ment.- in the state have predicted that Cover, nor .). C. IJ. Ehringhlus will oppose Senator Josiah W. IJailey for that office in llKifi. No statement has come from the execu tive office at Kaleigh, however, and there might nc; be any foundation for the rumor. Whether there i.- anything to the rumor or not. it seems that with over two years to fill the office of governor, and with the situation in the state a- it is at present, that it should be enough to keep one man'.- mind occupied, without being bothered with discussing plans for another poli tical office two years hence. It might be that by the time Governor Khringhaus has filled the office of governor of this state four years that he will hp glad M' tie opportunity to go back to his quiet home in JJuabeth City and resume his practice of law. We had hoped that the Covernor would be w.ntont with his present office and not seek anv i thi i , and m th'tt way he could devote his en tin time to the state up to and including the lat minute he is in office and not have to divide his time with the state and with personal aspi rations for another office. UNITED ! MBMHBHiMBSHi ! 1 h(-!id.,yy Random SIDE GLANCES Chr'Ntma- I r.t -i-t:- Mis- Ruth Medford r. . i' -: m .i - day .. ( 'ark and familv Cant ai.ii ehildrer. ith Mr. C V (Wiltten for last week i (T'RTIS RUSS Ky W. lit'U-r r :wf. The NOT TODAY. THANKS. movement to do awav with canipi! . . t. . 1 Written Friday nitrht )u- for Freddi,.. ( I nt;I tor.iKii. I wa- vm two-finjferi-d typists the f on each hand but now I lett-handed ju-t -hook h-.mi-f reddle Crawford, ami u.-ht.t ,. the rd.i n rintftr am just with hake Kvtrythinjf in ami around Clyiji .-..-t-m.- to be o;i the upward trend Several men workinir 1 n the new bridge that i.- hvinK buiir ; -n.-y the 'er to connect the -eh... .i ground--. S ..Tie j!j working the -tieets The U)-:o-uat. .-t-wing room tor the Wom en where three sewing machine- are kijit, busy -even houi a day mskiny clottil-i for th. . :h' of nllr nmii'v I Cello igO m HAYWOOD i Fr-.m i"f I'ecemhei . , . i mean cru.-.n he squeezed and I erunted. He is not oiilv un All-.m-,:oar, f.-otball -tar. but eh'.m p:"ii h a ioi-e rusher. (Mr. Li.';.. type !' rf-"' (dease -et -hand-i-ruJ h'cr" if. ..'ark It tier- i Viiout e-n ii; ; :ria trie nery .! coin))- ny t ne Jiaj)pk-.-t (jioun eri time was '. t the ( hi i t- at the Fnt'land-Walton Tan Friday nttfht. Tliere i- vtie that is eertdnlv ifi.intr part' in more way- :han one. 'ief of police Jim Striiib'iie',i ,-an ;nr .,t a man in .uch a wav that -he pn-oiier .Inios. Iik-N it. Thur-dav he Cii'f!-d -i mxn ti. Klu.i-irt' i.V.i.. n? far i-hootiilK tirew...rks n Main :tr.-et with such ease tha il.. . ..I... i l"!.' looke.) ii, if V, . . . ....... J ;, ' 1 J,e - i.j.' - n t -. punishment in North Carolina finds us without jiieconceived ideas on the subject finds us, ind td, with a woeful lack of conviction either way. Every time arguments as to its barbarity and grjr.someness are put forward, we becom converts i) the caus of abolishing executions; but .i list a; easily do we revert to a more sav age state upon the news of some particularly iev( king crime. Today, it happens, we a.re all for capita! ; i.s.nment and especially for the immedf execution of one 'leaner Autrev, Alabama Ne. gies convicted of having held a struggling tour.year.old child m a tub of scalding water until it died. Tomorrow we mav ! open again to argument, but today we are of the opinion that capital punishment is too good for some alleged humans. Charlotte News. that I hi i- t hi lie;, Oiii.-tma- fei to SantaClau b.r when wt h U. r to the . lew f - over but then- : create - murh 'ii.tr a- r. aflintr letter How we!! we n mem spent hour- ixT.nir.ir ; id man. III.- neare-t thinK to "e.--, ;i..-':i;v" was nr. de 'as; week when' a .mi'th 'illejed another $111) for an el.t dol lar '.ii! Up ;,t .John Boyd's I 'out Koom. Tne owner of the bill did not want to pan with it for any -urn. but the "profit" involved -was 'e.i w.t a temiitatioii. .hi-, i. r. Jones deiilfhttullv enter, tainf-d .several of her friend.- in Clyde last Friday with an old time quihinf party. Several beaut'ful quilts were made. A most delicious luncheon wa served a; the noon hour bv rho h,i-. ess. assi-ted by her niece.'.Mr-. Don- aio jories. Among- t.iose present were Mr. it. L. Fertland. Mrs. Mark Lcath erwix.d, Mrs. . Ii. Robinor, Mr-, llr. Fate, Mrs. Charlie Mixnev Sir-. .rauy li.,gei - Mrs Neal CHrr M rs I'own- ami Mrs. Sentelle. Mr. and Mr-. Frank By. i and SOI! Milk, vl' Canton -n.r.T nmlii. in Clyde visiting relatives. Mi-- French Haynes. tfacher at H ..varl College. Birmincham Al ... spending the Christmas holiday- with her parents Mr, and Mr- .Jim Hayne-. in Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. H ivi.- and chii dri'ii fi-on: Clyde Jim v.ere i-dtor- in avne-ville .Satunlav Mrs. J, M. Anderson and children, nyble and "Buddie." -pent Saturday in sheviile visitinif latives. The following young people of C'vde are exoected home rlvi u,..L i'..... ... dili'i rent college in .,mj t, Chri'st-j ma- holiday-: Mis- Annie Met iacken. tie 111 M.r.-- Hill Co'le.'f F!;,l-,h Kr..... n:ar from Weaver ( . Ilege; Mi-. Baiandaina Moonev l'rem Virginia elleee; M Franci- l.eatherwood and Otti-. Freemai! Western ' Jii.ihna T; .rher- ( o . g- Cullowhee; Ml - ' Louise Mc'Crne' !. t'.-. ... r......-. A vi'i.v deligf.tful house a. iieing held this week at the nw . of .nr. J one- Atkin on Bou-'.'.". street. Mrs. J. H. Way is th,. t-!'" eione. I hp guests are Mis-,-- "y!. Pierce, of Faisor. h'thel Tuw ' : i William?. Margartt Ashfo'd j V phine Gilmer, Bessie Sloan ' ,T Way and Messrs. James t'V. Brainier Gilmer. Richarn HnOr ' Hilliard Atkins. Dr J H MeCr, ".L-ar and Clarence Miller. Mr Edwin Fincher ,,f u-.......... Tenn., ripreientirg Deavee Kn ve.Mip;ni 01 inai citv .-per. "-. h Citv .f 'a. T. limisoi: ing a If: I'iitrohmm A. II. Smart informs us that beginning at midnight Sunday night he will -tart "e!!iba.-:a.--i!.o-" driver- with old tag.;. This year no tension of-.. time has been given motoi ists to get i heir: new tags. One reason for this, according to Utdeigh news tu'ticles, is luat tin- -t de can -ae a i on-id. l able amount on interest if the tags are bought before Jan. nary first. The. revenue derived from . this souict can. be used: to meet obligations instead cf having to bori ,,u- funds for a short t ime and pay interest on it. ii.i i i.n v.K c ui:i i ..T-f's ah '.ay.- a jere'ty o-oiid iden i., 1 , ;.. .... ..... ... ! ill ; miini .thai; in yt .,! .'!: be robbirig . a gun un l. l:i-ie-ii. : ;. i-.- only a;.. lost to ill,- lill : -I man .wiiu -hiives; a fountain pen Hi I iv - "-"Si L-h- In. ,-id ., on more erfiH-t i vely than if he stuck votir ;:;i s;,i, 'Stick.'ein u.u " nioiiey !,,! t,,: n c :gi)ized: btindiirv . o i n 1 1 1 e b i tcke-t as con) pared t t h a t. iiteei .loiintaln pen bandits. True W HAT UA. JK THE OlTCOMh".' It ajipoar.- that several times as many peo. pie - have applied for jobs in t his county on the CU A project-, as can get work. It is reallv sur. piisinr t0 .sce how many people desire to do tin,, kind of work. Some of the applicants no doubt have ho employment but is is evidently quite true that some are willing to give up the uoik which they know how to do and for which tht.v are fitted, in order to get on the govern ment payroll.. No doubt this sort of thing i going on all over he I'nited States Of course many thousands will not get iobs but others will and the question is how will the govern. ment ever get nd of this army of job hol,,Ts" - Ilea u fort News. n the Chai- ;e ..e'.vs tel.- ih !'o!...ving V:.II1 v I he truth: C'nc-e upeii a time when Tom wa .t quite v old a bachelor as he is e.v. he. di I some work tor trie power ninan on in t: I,...,'. k,.i..,...,i ( m iuiit::.!l-. He i-ngagi d -in i eoi,.-r- r with :i l ene i k gal. 'J'tm ee ng that ,h,. called sn,, entcr- n iii m a i.,oin m which her iia.l iieady retired. Way "' n o:e,; l th .t t in- old man :-y i,... t,.- !, i(. l.j -;ei i. ' : .5.V tafo n this a- ;, ,-igna: i didn't.. Fihailv the ojd ounced ejt .,,f- 1,,-d :,n hi temsers. From thru linked up. In horror fath:-r v..tiact. f-rim hi. 'i. Spt of ( 'ail ids in ( 'iyde Men - in and Mr-heppers JacK Moi;. . eo I 11. . e : th( t(l Oil' llool l:e Iei; -tuifl.tier than the sword, but it is Migeruus if niistised. : Loss ihrou ontracts is srmtir compared to. the business !i :.!;.-.((!, d safely by coii is that fad which serves to. make s. N. person should sign a con. ' ivading it, even ?he fine print. ' ii. eii.ii! promises of a: sfi-anger. -.ii.e. it in the, con tract. If it is oh.,: . ; fhmg yotr den't; understand, ask .-ome.me who does- ,t.1(j ,ion't -iKn MlUl V()U kn(m tu K( ine.imn ul 'h, document ou are -igning Kee i aluav- ii n ,hI the but that o .,ie bound -our sijj i;tf ic. -K . itisc. lluii'e ., ' fi aiiduli. if;: ami to.' (.,.;,' ;. tracts and people i ;,, t fact- with Doii't trii-i .Make him: '. Pl'TTINt; l'KOII,E:TO I)ETj We wad with keen interest last week that iovernor J.:c. 11. Khringiiau.- has discontinued the practice of paying the man who pulls the switch to the electric chair at the state peniten. tiai the u-u.d tu- of $2; In the tuture the siiperinteutleht or someone named by him will pull the swiklt At present (;uard ',J. L; per. kins wilf do the work and only;receive a live per cent increase in salary. Irowmor Khringhaus takes the position lhat "the . Avietch" in the chair .!,,. ,, care who. pulls th,. switch It seems must . peculiar that people would ek stich a job as putting someone to death U all .ndications ure that; there are plenty of -l'!. iead. titid anxious to be fiver, fi, i.s. ; u'e present- plans tire over chamre,! S.,m.. would :t ;en be glad to ,o it. no (io;,bt. witho,;. any cenipensation whatever, V' I elll a. !' Kmte 1 onl was -.''" move. His exit was cu tie niea Uriel ibe di-tancc ,n the and then thai to the ohl man. It w .s no use. Ilypnoti-.ted, l-.e -at rnd watcii. ed th. mountain parent cold-iilooded-!y whet that knife on the sole of hi.-, b.ot. .-At -each stroke of steel against leather Tom would eluteh hi- fhro.t. He eould almost feel the n.lH toe; and trickle of. Wat m-blood from his jugular. He. offered 'a -silent niave. I'or Ids immortal -".-oul when hi. .nv the knife, become sliarn enoiiirh t.. hair from the giant's arm. Just us he was alxiut to make a dash for the: door, il. 'ile: rd this h.-iro i.iii-iir-...ii,. "Minerva, stick yum feet from un der that cover. I'm goin to cut them toenails off." Newman I 'ollesre, .lyr!' Telltles -ee. Mr. and M i -. J r i;lti iHesville we iv vi-it..V- a Inn Sundav. Mr. and Mi.-. S to visited with fri d't.v. Mr.-. Mckinley (in V'est w '! Wavne-v; dav. ' -Vl i s Kebe.iei kmVh- , ,r T... . ' is. .spending tin- holiday' in Clyde with Miss -...Annie McCracken. U;- knight and Miss McCracken are .-choolnlate- at Murs Hill The I adies Bible clas- of the Clyde Methodist church held their Hecem.be r meeting on. last Fridav ;v-nmg ilt the home of Mrs. Mack e n. ueoigc Kogers was joint hostess. Twenty-four members were p.een;. A veiv intere stinrr -,,.,,. d V.v -the f.dlowing: is. Freeman; reading " n-tte'i.s: .'poem. Miss days with his oeonle'at C Miss Sylla Davis came ov. . from Asheville Christmas day to -perd , few hour.s with her people. She wa accompanied by her cousin jr" Douglas Davis Mr. W. T. Shelton- sunenm..n,(.-.. "t 'he Indian Training Schi' ;r .smprork. New Mexico, spent Chri.'. , man h.re or. a visit to his pare ml Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Shelton. Dr. I-.. W. (Judger. profe--r biology at th Normal and Indu.-.tr;a' College. C,n:en:boro, spent the huh days here visiting his sister, Mr- e K. (juinlan. Sunday niormrg. December . ten o'clock Mr. William Queen an" Mi.-.- Maggie Ferguson wore- unite'1 n marriage at the home of the bride's puvnts. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fergu-.... in Fines Creek. Just after the Cere mony had been performed and the newly wedded pair had received showers of rice and congratulation, from their friends present- they e: 'ui no u;e r ruiure nomo in rnn Clyde I Dutf township Willie Kobinson Offices for the new. yejr were elected . as -.follows: "President, Mr.-. Geoige Rogtis; vice president. .Mr (ier Id Fi.-!i; teacher Miss Willie Rcbin.son ; secretaiy and tieasurer Mrs. (Jrady Rogers; social committee. Mrs. I.had ( athrv, Mrs. John Stamey. Mrs. Kate Hayne-; orph'mage, . Mrs. Helen Medfoi-d. Mrs. Minnie .Spen cer Mis Mark Iscathei-wood; flowers. Mrs. J, M- Anderson. Miss VilM Bo ii Mi-s J. Mae F.nsley. "i a.t: vv i - I (!-etl'en I : v .-Mrs. () Boss: "You ak high wages for a man with no experience." Appliean;; "Well, sir, it's much hauler 'work when you don't know any. th-inar about it." Clyde News ( h-ristmas passed oy in the good oid lasluon way. in Clyde. Kvery one .'ppaientiy was- ,n go,i, -pirit's. e. peei, ;ly the children. .i .. a.'id Mrs, r... i.r.i :: a nei i'a.rn i ly -pe.it I nristilia- day' in ..-he'villv a"-i tne guests of Mr. arid Mr.-. (, C.i fiooiiison and faniily. , . Uev. and Mrs. U. V. M c( ' rackeii a:.,V: i nuly slieiu Christm.es (iav m Wav nesviile with relatives ": ' : Mi. and M(, ,).. M .' Amier.-Ki-iiii.'i'' TO SERVE YOU BETTER We Have .Moved To Our Xew Location 59 . Main Street (Dr. Allen Office Hldu.) The pe.sonnel ol ou, om.ini.ition extend, sincere best wishes for the Hohd.iN .sett-on. M. the Ne ear hold many onod thmos jn store for veil. Insurance Rentals Srles S E R X I V E i clril.lrcn we: ,. Ash lay aiternooii e i 1 Suu.irt '. r:i t ,i wie :. M;- : Ne:': ' t r Sn;:f: i:e:',.. ;.'.-n...- .M . . henerei.i ..;i:e..; :" .!'. MeCi . ck.,e o:, ;; ' ' i Uo tii Chu-tma'- -wapp.njr earl. . yAutoKntph collectors say. that Coi; Uiul I'eijxh's sijrnattire is.:woith' more than Presj. dent Roosevelt's, ;,s tlee-e of flu- CmImih-; are sn. rare. .'..' : , I" Canto,;. China. iF is against the: law for a womtin to wettr ;i short - skirt or a slit skirt ''aiise tiiey illstriict the attention of autonuu 'hlv,'ls "i.d caue accidents. And to think lhat ue weie under the impiesswn that China was uncivilized. . : ' 1 s . . x ui-ithiOiH.-.!!. u'.-; ;Mi '' i i-t:a'r Ii.' ii.' .Vmi.sson; !:'- w::Ve Mf'.' 11. t-Thai'sdav niVi- :!n,. V;ee l h .-: t,, ,: .-liowe'r at: the iaar.,, of . Miss ('oflinV app!'nviv;itc!y. frieiids were, pies eii. ' and the huiiorco was pt e-ehteil with many lov.ly ail.t useful gift. '' . . The. following peep!,, were -'special guests , of Mr and Mrs.. T. C. ,v i-t the Civile Inn for "Christinas- din ner: Mr. , and Mrs. Frank Haviie; Mr. C, (.'. -Crisp....- Mr.. Hrent Anger M r, . Udioriie Misses "' !.,;.'. .Iones, ami .leuette - Chamliers . ' BRADLEY-DAVIS C0MPAN7 7 T. t eVIS' . M urtav of Cah ois fast Wera- Rol ler! and .lones f Lake lutialuska '''Jyd'e': Inn Chri-t- In cise ,011 didp'i know -tlK. public debt ol the l iiil. ( States on November 1, 1933 wits onh w :,r ovi,.':7G Nanar V football te.im i,st.( 1.! fodbalN the pa-st se-...-on. They were valued at $1,000--homelhuiK f-,r the team' to kick and something foi (he p "t j-ttr to kick about. I lank Comtney -,as the.e w(ls ,4 ,lllnn mil!-' 111 Uuj 'ahau section and he planted In-h ivitatoe-, and ,t w.,s div tlun refu-ed t" come up Then Hank saj-, he thought of tin idea of planting a row 0f oiuoih between ' Hl m. and the potatoes K0t the onions In liH'ir ee and it made them water so that . food crop of pototoes was pioduced. The Mon roe Journal. Mr. and M ton were Civile :(ia v e::.eiii tijv. All, and' Mr-. daughter. X: tale we: i visit. : . at mas dav . .' Mr :,::.: M r-. It, t.ni . i'..,,.: a,.': spendint; the week-end' in jSvlva and I rank!:.: vi-itir...:' relative.-. Ifillie and John Mitchelf'of ' Cant n, spent iChristm;;s day in ('Ivde iv'tv their. K'lanoparents, Mr, and vi : Mack Fi.-::. '.-;.. : .'--"y"- . ' Mr. .and .Mrs. S. ' F .Connate er - spent im." several: days visitir.;. rei-i-ti.Vf s in,, Tennessee. '. Mr.' Conrr.f ' i e principal of the Clyde. High cium!: ' ' :.Miss; Lois and Find i . Hayries en tertained the K. Y,. I. F. of the Han tisf C.hui'eh '"With ;V. social at tl-.c'ir home on last Frid av i.vpnetnir Kev. and Mr-. H. C, Freeman and lamiiy. .hi. ami Mrs. J M: Ander son rnd fam il v. nt-mr.,',,,!-"!'., ;i of Mrs. .tamos Ite.n-.l ... i,... -..-vi. on Inst -Saturday. Mrs..' Hoard wa th (Tiandmi ther . t Mi- I ,,. , ,,i Mrs. Anderson : 1 Miss; Bonnie Mu-on i; spendine; the the BIG ('ATKS' LITTLE IHNGI.S malle-;j hiiv,.-. " ..,:a .. a lamous philosoplur. ,Mtll'n,'S,"0n hn the prope, rompi,undi 1R of nk.plo.lp,mn. nclwh,.elh,sm,ln!happone,en the medinn, winch a doc.or p,estl,h,. is a,R, l"m ,nil,,Hi,11t ' H-.l the h,,hes( qUlillU mo.M carelul compounclino. Hf e' ("Hilt that lad. and 'o al LK VNI)KH . 'A S K O I K I) ()'(' J O R ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Thones .). & .")4 Opposite Post Oflicc If vi ... i ' . 1 ...