X7 nin OKRISfl SAM Uira.ffiaffi The Uest Advertising Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (ireat Smoky Mountains National Park Kead by Thinkinu People J I ..; ... . " . . 1 i V ! NO. WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Hil KSI Y. I AM 'A in I. H.!1 y ' r . . . .li I "Present Law Enforcement System Is Wrong And Not Effective," Says Robinson Sam M. Robinson. Prominent Canton Attorney, Points Out How To Iletter Existing Conditions Sam .M. Robinson, prominent at torney of Canton, recently in an ad dress to the Canton Parent-Teacher.' Association on "('rime in Haywood County, Cause and Prevention.' brought gut svme startling facts which wire the subject of much iiinimifi "y l fuse who heard his .ad dress. Mr. I.ohin-on. had his address in substance, written out at the request ot The Alountaineeer which is being printed in full. In the latter part of address Mr. RoMr-son criticized the present system of enforcing the law in Haywood county not th0 officers but the .system, and he offers a sug gestion for bettering thLs system. The address that caused all the comment was us follows: "Your Association requested ntc X speak on the subject of Crime in Hay wood County, and to (five my .sug gestions as to the cause of the crime and methods of elimination. This quexion has created considerably pub lic interi . t in the county during: the past few .months-in view of the fact that recent .statistics show that there was more !av violation on a per cupita basis in Haywood county in the preceding 1'-' months than any ither cointy in "he state. There being one ner'r-oo tried for each 35 inhabitants Stanley county, having the lowest rate v. ;th on. person tried out of ,-omething more than 600 inhab itants. Those, statistics .speak so strongly that it is, not necessary for mi' to dwell "upon the facts that the criminal 'laws- are being violated in this county, k would bit interesting if we halci.e records analized so that we could instant iy ascertain how many crimes of each w the classes have been committed, by whom .committed and from what sections of the county. A; large piovetuoge consist of vk 1 ition of the prohibition law. Do mestic eases have greatly increased in the past few ye ir. and there has been a ' gradual !.iciva,-e of the violation of the -motor, vehicle law. However, :h,, laws that are being violated that are giving us thw most concern ar the felony rM (a felony being a crime puiii-!'.-ii,ie in '.no state peni tentiary ,,r by ! ,.-hj ,: the past few years ther,. .vi- w a .steady in crease in the violation of law against larceny, which ;;cludc.s. the offense of breaking ami . entering. A few years ago it. vv,'.- irmsual for a person to bo indicted in this county for stealing, but now then- are numer ous cases at each term of court. wd it is h'tng douo principally by boys and youn: men from to to Uo years of age. The cr.ini' ciei-ed to our county -surpassed county. It is indi just what ii! homicide has also in an astonishing extent in Perhaps this year has ill te.-onU for -Haywood ct! a difficult task to say cause-, and how many causes .titer into the crime situation. While the violation of the prohibi tion law may be back of a large per centage of the crime, there are num erous crimes where there has been no suggestion that liquor had any thing to do with them. We can not attribute the commission of crime in thLs county as a wholP to a ignorant or unlearned people, w can not con tibute it to people of any particular ages, sexes or nationalities. Thore f ore there arc numerous causes en tering . into it- Criminologists have for many years tried to arrive at the (Continued on '.m-k page) H!"l"l"I"l"H"I""I"I"I"t"M,,H' Read Mr. Robinson's Article On Crime and ' : ' . ' IF You don't agree, with his views and suggestions, send .fir your opinion on the subject to The Mountaineer and ; IF : - You do agree- perhaps there are some suggestions you would like to make. If so, send them in. (Next week there will be another article along this same line of thought by one of Haywood County's outstand ing leaders watch for it.) l"V I I 1 1 I W I ! I Hill Waynesville Boys Have Narrow Escape In Auto Accident l-'loyd Hippetoe. Jr.. and I.achlan Hyatt both of Waynesville, narrowly escaped serious injury l:ist Wednos day nigh: whi n the Model T Ford roadster in which they were riding plunged otf an embankment on High way No. 1(1 near Knku and turned over after hitting a stump at the foot of the embankment. Rippetoc. driver and owner of the ear. suffered a broken arm and minor injuries to his back. Hyatt was scratched and bruised with a few cut- about his face. The two young boys were en route to Ashoville when the accident or. curied. An investigation of the de molished car after the wreck reveal ed that a spindle boll in the steanng apparatus had fallen out which is .said to have c-iused the accident. Deposits At Bank Up To $2,500 Are Insured Tin . l-'ir.-t National Hank here this week- received from -Walter ,1. Cum ming.s. 'chairman of the board of di lcctiiiv of the Federal Deposit In surance Corporation, a eertilicate showing that the batik is a duly qual ified mi tuber of the Federal Deposit Insurance fund and that all deporits tip to rnnco suailci firs'. S'i. 04)11.110 are. covered bv insu- law. ubieli wa's pissed by Coll. putting into ell'eect this in law liecame 'effective .hiiiuury Unemployed Must Register Aain l.uciuV Liner, nianauci: of t Ii . re riuploy lin lit ollice here, . announced yesterday that orders jeeeived from K-deigh stated that all persons who registered at the reemployment ollice I'cforc I ei ember lir.-t. It'.'!.'!, woubl be leouired .10 i---iter again. This is I ecauj-u of a-, slight, niix-'tiii in some counties in iho 'State, and all coun ties are - leouired to .abide 'under the new tulini;. All per-nns are notified to. '.i'" llleil f i lei, is of thi.s ehaiige. Citizen Depositors Paid Over $202,000 l.' ns(x-ui'ed depositors of .th,. fiti zens Hank and Trust conijiany of Waynesville, which closed on Septem ber 17. I0;!2, have In-en paid over $2112.5(10 and the -liquidation of the bank has been completed with funds on hand to complete 10(1 per cent -et-tlement for all --depositors.. (Jurney P. Hood state bank cum missioner. reported today that the bank had $701..'1G in preferred claims and $202,930 06 in unsecured deposits when it closed. All but $.'558.21 of the unsecured deposits have been paid in full and that amount is on hand in cash.. . , Sun Controls Street Lights Of This Town Through Photo Electric Relav Waynesville has gone modernistic at least the street lighting depart ment has. The street lights of Wav nesville are turned on and off by the sun through thP means of a photo electric relay. That might sound lik a big thing, but the actual mechanism part is not so large as it might sound. S. H. Stevenson, head of the light department of the city, recently in stalled this new piece of electrical apparatus to take the place of an obsolete switch which has worn out. The photo electric relay looks about like a quart jar on a iron pipe. In side this glass jar is a piece of metal bent into a "U" shape with two wires leading from it to the contrap tion which throws the switch. No one has to handle the appa ratus at all as. ii is ail automatic being worked by the light and dark ness. Several nights ago. Air. Stevenson demonstrated the new piece of ap paratus! with an ordinary flashlight. When the light was thrown on the photo electric relay the switch wag thrown off just as it would have been if the sun had been rising in stead of a flashlight ten feet away. As soon as the light was cut off the switch went back on just as it doeg at sunset. Mr. Stevenson put this up eyn weks ago, and has been testing it ever since. Not once has it failed toi Old Court House Clock Again Tolling Time To Community Cit Kmplo.ces Ereet Old Time piece At Fire Station, keeps Almost Perfect Time The old court hou.si working and tolling ,-l.Kk Is off th again 1 time every hour, which is sound to residents of vv ho for years learn to st i iking of the old clock a welcomed Waynesville rely on the in the court house tower tor the tune, Several months ago S. 11. Steven son and Oscar 1.. lirigt,s both em ployed by the city, got to longing for the sound of the old clock's striking and carried it up to the tiro station. After working on it during spare timu and at night when on duty at the tire station, they erected it at ho lira sation and placed the bell on a hib pole and after some few adjustment on tht. old timepiece it began to work. For the past number of weeks the old clock has been ke p'ng alnioitt perfect time, sti ;!.:ng ,-. v hour. When the old e-urt h-ni-.1 was torn down for the in w :uil i.:.i;. the clock was stored in :i.e pre-s nmi of The Mountaineer, until something defi nitely could hi, .U-, . iKiut erect ing it again. A: t. nc it was suggested that a tower be erected in fioiit wf tin- court, house for the clock, 5ut this idea never materialized. Attempts Are Made To Enter 7 Homes In This Community Mock Trial Will Be Given Friday Night A mock trial with the Waynesville District Chamber of Commerce ind "the people" as litigants: will -be .staged in the Haywood cmtnly court house. Friday evening, January 5. at 7:.;0, Mr.-;. W. P. Matthews, cham ber secretary, has announced." Joseph D. Self. Ashcville attorney, will preside as 'judge. Prosecuting attorneys' roles will taken by 1' red Fercuson. Frank Ferguson, Jr.. and l.ee Davis, and those of defense at- itomevs bv Thomas Peeves. 'Pom t.ee. ,'lr.. Fi'.uik Davis. William Med foul and Doyle D. Alley. W. P. Lamp kin has the rob, of 'sheriff anil ('. I.. Crab) will ofbeiate a, clerk of th. court Witnesses' role- will be taken as follows: 1), fetise, H. P. Atkins Mrs. ti. F- Long. .1. M. Long, W. A, Itra.b lev Lebo Massie. Joseph K. .loluison and Carol V. .Hell ; pl iintill', Mrs. Doyle Alley, Uoy 'aniibell ..Felix Stovai and l.'arl .Mi'v-rr.. ... A "special -venire". of fill citizens bar tieeu call poenaos" Pierce.-; -ina A large d bv "Judge" Self. "Sub- have been.-issued for Mr'. , secretary, 'at.nl C..-.M. I)icus, of t be Chamber of Cum. I admission wilt be -.charged', ittendancv i.s expected'. . Legion To Meet On Monday Night, 7:30 teiotiiH ement wa.s made ike local po.-t of tile yc tenia j" Americill th; Legion will meet, at the Masonic Tempi- .Monday, January S. at 7:M0 o'clo'-k. A cordial invitiition . is e tended to ail ex-service men to at tend this meeting... Special ' i-ntert'iinnient will b-: 1'i-a-tured a't-r th,,' bu.sii'ie.-; sossie;, at vvhii'h t one important business-- of (be oiganivii' i'ni .will be dispo.-e.d of-. ... work- It doe- not necessarily, wait for the sun to -et if it happens to be a .cloudy day. When that time of day arrives when lights 'are 'needed, it automatically puts them on., and the same ..-'applies in the morning. Heretofore the switch h;i.s been set for certain hours to turn- oil the switch regardless of the. darkness t.r need of the lights. Mr. Steven ori pointed r.ut that there are 205 street .lights on the present circuit, each of 100 watM. and that' th,,, photo eh-ctric relay - will save an av-i-ragp' of o'l minutes a day in many instances, which will mean a great saving for. the city in light bills during the course of a year. . To see this nevy piece, of . electric apparatuswork is- rather mysterious, to the average person who knows little about electrical terms such as were used by Mr. Stevenson in explahsnu how, why ind so forth the thine works. Those terms were left out of this article for various reasons, and anyone wanting to .see and hear a technical explanation of how the street lights of Waynesville are turn ed on and off by the sun arP given an invitation by Mr, Steven-on to come up to the fire station and get. first hand information. The Moun taineer representative enioved the op portunity of seeing thB new contrap. tin- and believes other- will al-o en- joy the viit and explanation I Sales Taxes From i Haywood Amount To Over$!(M For Three Months. Tot;il Collect ed In State Is l.SS.iS 1.2-1, Odicial Fifures Show. For the months of July August and September, the sales taxes col lected in Haywood county by A. J. MSxvvelV commtssiontr of revenue, amounted' to $10. '.hi:!. 41. During same period, the total collected from sales taxes m the state amounted to $1.28S,24S 2-1. In his .communication to The Moun taineer. Mr. Maxwell wrote: We take pleasure in furnishing you herewith information taken from our records, showing the amount of sales taxes collected in North Carolina for the months of July, August and September which has been tabulated for each county in the state. We take pleasure also in enclosing herein tabulation showing property tax reductions afforded by (1) ' Ke nt ova) of 15 cents levy for schools; (2) F.limination of levies for current e-xpense for districts, eounty-wid,. and special charter schools From these tabulations you will observe that we hav,. the following results in your county: (Continued on back page) Robbers (.et Frightened VI Several Homes and Run W ith out Iteing Identified During the 'past at t em pis by intrudi few xyi-eks seven rs have been inaile Waynesville. Al w here there ai e to enter, homes of most each ca.se is no men in the home. Oinek action on the part of the police here .Monday night prevented thrive- lioiii eseajiinc with over $1,0(10 worth of jevvelry which a.s in a trunk belonging to Mr, and Mrs. C. K. Harbin that was stolen from the home of Mi's, (J, ('.. Hrig-'gs uli Fast street. Mr. .-iiiil Mis. Harbin had spent the day out of town, and uiiou leturnine. noliceil that the trunk from the room was missing. T)e police .'were notified- and it wa.s I'oiiihI that the trunk bad. been carried about I'iO yarils from the house and had been opened but. mil hi ng w , in i -ing. Chief of-Pol ici Jim Striiipl'nld -aid be believed the tbelve,. Were . openin'g Ibe trunk wbi'ii ihe police go -on the trail and hurriedly-' left before tak ing anything. ' Two diamond ring a .pear! necklace wei- among the jew elry'' in th,, trunk. Tin owners of the i s jewelry plaei t heir valuables in In First Nat tonal saletv box a: 1 aik Tuesday. On Monday night l-omeone tried to enter tbi- front door of the. home of Mr. and Mrs,-. Paul Hardin, Jr.. at. the Methodist, par-onage. A hole wan cut in the. screen door, but the intruder was'.-.frightened away. The polici picked up a m in in that neighborhood and -carried- him to Mr. Hardin -for identification-, but was later released when In- identity could not !.,. as, .-an d Friday night a week ago at the home of Mis.s Ji''-ie Ilern'O ome one entered the .house and stole a p'K'ket book. c(iiitaining .7 and a pair of new kid gloves. i'h.- intruder there ktKK'ked on the back door and u hen members; of th family answered t.h,, call, the theif entered, the. front door and picki'd tifi the povkethook and glov.. . Mi-s Herreii got a glimp.-e of th'' mu but could not tell whether he was black or white. W'be: the police arrived and an. investigation made it was found - that two screens to windows had been cut. ii) an effort to gain an entrance to the house. . They did. however, get info tbe. dining nxim and got hold of afi empty poeketbook which they threw down It is believed that after leaving the dining room they knocked o,., th,. oack door to draw nieniiiei's of. the. family so entrance could be nride. to th,. living room. On last Saturday night two at tempt s were made to enter the re-i-dence of Mi-. . Syilie Ray on Main st i'et; .Praetjcally th,, .same , mi:thol, as Used at Miss, Herrelis was us'd at M rs. Pay's. , When members of the family answered a knock at the back door, the intrud'T tried to gain en trance at the front but it j so hap pened th it a -member' of the family was near "th,. front door . when the ! - creep- door was oiK'iied, Miss Ray promptly went to the dixr and the would-be. intruder rah. Later that night entrance through the back i'ixt .; vva.-l again tttemDtod, but ..the door was securely fa tened and no cntrptiiv was rank'. Several nights prior to Saturday night, the first at tempt, w.'i s mud,, to enter : the R;iy 'lome. " '' Sever.-ii weeks ago gorne one took off the the .'-'screen, to Jl .window to the a-narttntn. of Mrs. . Ch".. Quinlan in the Kirkpatriek Apartment and rai---ed.the widow. ThLs -a.t i'Ut C o'clock in the afternoon. , Mr-. (Juinlan.s'-eing (Continued on page 6) W. D. Smith Named County Agent For Next Eighteen Months By Board Monday D.0K.K. Official $ fTTSi .rff v. .,.1, IIAHPV A. SCHOPFlii'll D.'O. K.KoiIicial To Meet With Lodge In ( ant mi On I'll h Ho iy . Scboiiert b, I inpei al I'r.n. of D. U. K. K . lias not died local iillici. is of the organization that he will be in I anion on Friday and Saturday. Janaa'y L! uid II. for the tniipos,, of ireino(ing the work jtUIKllg the different .Temples of this list irir-t. Air. Scbubeith, i- from Veisailes; Ky, .ilid i promin'i at in lodge work and is one of .the outstanding law yer of that tnte. He is making a lour of the temples in Ule Southeast. Plans have been made for a busi ness meeting at the regular Bagdad Hall on Ftiihy nighl in (anion al 7 :".(. o'clock. ll members ;,iv urged to allcid. Op Saturday nigh: at Ibe -,'iiue lini,. and place an open meeting ..will b,-. held to .which" the iiiblic is invited. Man Is Killed When Knocked Off Fender Of Car At Balsam ( "b A c Sbuler I.', vva - i.lmos.1 in-.-'anlly kilb 'I la: t Friday night when In iva. ide -wipi-d from tin- run ning board of a car by -:t ear -aid to have U-in driven by 'Frank Fer guson, .oiji of Ceisar I-'erguson. of Wayne .-ville, on Highway No.- Ml just across tile Jackson county line. .Shuli r was drought to the Hay wood 'County hospital but died -n route, Tho.,o who. invcirtig.ited th,, acci dent taled th;(f the Sbujer car. which was a strip-down was being driven wilbout lights or liticere e, It v a also said that niemlK'i s ol the Shuiii: parly had been dririkiil;'. Stale Spends Large Sums For Tape Etc. For Football Teams K ibigh---The suite of North t 'aro liini spends more for adhesive tape, bandages, gauze and absorbi nt cot ton for its football teams than it does mi tbc-e supplies for the various 'state hospitals and institutions, ac cording to A. S. lirower, director of the division of purchase and contract. "About $5(10 worth of adhesive tape, ha ridges, linement and 'rubbing com pound ami similar .supplies arc requir ed for each of the state's larger foot ball sipnids each season State col lege and Carolina or a total of at least $1,000 for these- sUppliis for both -fUads." lirower said toilay. "This is more that) we buy for all tht stale hospitals and all the other state inst ii.utions." One of the prineip it item 1 i !, of purchases to be made division in it : n t letting D mi the by the : ember H i ton. said"; wlir v e;i b ii s, "A dhesi vv -. tibsorb. n!. eOt- .: 7y , and I- I " Prower t thi- lettir-g t''.- low liidder avv.-r "' ! a contract for a i-,,.'; ;,, Ik- ordered as needed. KPLS( OPAL ( IILRCH WILL HOLD ANNUAL ('0N(;RK(;ATI()N'AI, Al F-KTINd Immediately at the close of morn ing service on Sunday. January 7th. the members of "(irace Church in the .Mountains:" will convene, in business cj -ion to elect a vestry to serve dur ii.L' iy:ii. . :' i The eleven o'clock service Will Tn-'r h ' .-, ,..-.'. .' lt j,,n 0f the Holy Com munion, and the Rector will preach on: "The Guidance of the Star." Former Nocali.nt.H 'IVacJter's i ueetsor i lie .aniea mis Week Hv School Hoard The board of County ( .coniissioner-s on Monday, named W. D. Smith iir, county agent for this county, giving him a contract for the nevt eighteei. months. The appoinmeiit came :us n surpris,, to many but to those who have Ikhmi in e os- contact with the requirements e :h,, crop reduction and other thing- under supervision of the government, board was ex in cted t he action of the ror the pri scvond floor ni to the court nt. the room on the the court house next ooin will be used by first major task will Mr. Smith. 1L V .helping get the hurley toluicco ii ii for the crop re- growers -igned miction as mirht the Federal government. The county ha In en without ;. county agent for one u,u, the bnarii having asked fir tbe resignation ot James L. Pobmson last January. The state will pay one-half of tin--alaiy of tbe emit!?' -r .:!.! tht coiiniy will p iy the I 'm. under. At the mas.- meeting held in the court house last. Momlay night at which time -oine HHO farmers at tended to bear a discussion of the reduction of tobacco a.-i'eage: Frank Davis, member of the boird of com mis.-iiuiers- told the farmer- that the board bad decided to till the ollice of county tigei.it. He then re quested that- all flies,, present who would like In bav,. Mr. Smith, up pointed agent to stand. The vote W.'I. Un -minibus. Mr. DaL, then explain ed that 1 1n- board had earlier in the day named .Mi. Smith as agent. Air. Smith, cairn- to Waynesville seven .veins ago , 'is prinri:il of tin Central Flenieiitary schonl. After' holding that position for one year die accepted the place of vocational agri cultural tetrjicr and bus held tlmt until appointed county agent Monday .Mr. Smith's surcessoi will be nitmeif during the next few day-. During thi first few days aft.-i r ;cbool open -.Monday Mr Smitb v i'l assi.,t the new Voeat ioli.'i I teae'hei in gettin.e lined up on i he work. A letter to tile pubic given to Tin Mount lineer ve-lerdav' bv All. Snotl .ead : "To the Public: "Siaee ;ind I inn -'w 1 1 ' if ', permit ni, to fnil in word - my tii 'U'bt-. m leav nig Ihe Way lie-ville Township School Jt lias been my. privilege to liavi worked . even yea's wit.li a fine .luine! of ie-i,iur.. My he .I etforl s IlllVi been with t in lille -f bunch of Ikiv : in the . tate. I shall, mi-s my diily contact with thi; group. Howcvei 1 take ron-oation in. the thought tlia my elTort s now ari' to bo for the himdleds of boys of Haywood colllitv and with the hundreds of farmers. The times demand that We forge", ' I flings of the jiast ind . boulder ti shoulder face the future. .More i ... demanded of a county agent now thai ever before. Tin agricutural adjust moot act is the most far reacliiru piece of farm legisl it iop ever enact 0i for the tanners. Tbe direct effect.- of this program mi' this . o.i I ion. g reals ;.''' value to r,. ju t rmw re-acii To mak,. this o: ii r people demand i.-'ioper :iT ion In every group. In '.iking up my new lationship:. il iv I i I. l V 'TV one . . I id Ml. are I of it till times t' be .. ..dv to stm d nil I i v . splet '1'illli colli) liavi' lieeii. as oard of '(.'nun I ,e hi ,o, at o n i go f, i.ini idii li, itwal'i 1 ,:): mk otc I '. r pa t lavoi may our effort yveooil county," rely vout's. ; i smith,: 111 w Beginning Today A New Story, 15 OM BSHEL L Thustnds ha e paid to ise' this thrilling picture on the screen, and now ynu have an opporl unity to read it. . . . . Ik'fore puhlishinx this storj we had several people to read it and Rive us their opinion of if. Everyone said:-.".!ust Thrilling. Somethin"; different. Thank you for leltinu me read it." ' ; -. . f . You. too, will like it. START KKAIHNti IT TODAY

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