Pitue I THE WA VNESVILLE MOl M.UNEEK THURSDAY, JAM'ARY 11. Society SOCIETY PAGE Local Items o o lews Mrs. Ben Sloan, Editor - Phone 137 i . Snthcr wa.- h' Monday. Mr. .Ia,u.- Thiok.-ty -a-i Mr. 1'. M .Vr,. ." h'.ii' Mr. I! .a, Krii! ;. her. Mr S .1. M. tlipps w a- i'.i week. I'aglc, ( '!v -- Friday. r Wl-l 1 ! U-.! '! J .1 ! . Mr Wav liiaiie,. ! , ;,' M.. Mi. Mi ( air i!a v. Mr- Ma-uii ; -l'. r l-.I'.-l the A -In .ill. Idas. 1 Mr.-. U i'.I a" herw. of Lake! -.'uiia!ti-ka Mr. W. jn 'it ? i'ur.iay iv town, j m A. Mueie mi' .I'ixi-oli. wa- I vi-itors in. teui. iast ivt't-k I Anions ih -wa- M -. (I. v 1SH. rue C - in. ti'.vn Monday Hayiu - i.t Clvd' . ;. . T. Rainei . Sa;v.'.,y -llopil i I ,I..i:th;i in WavJli -pon-il'.e. Mr. an.; Mrs. Lake .lunalUska, dsitur- Saturday C . L. MedK '! x wei. Wayni-viile Am-iiijr in.. i.-ilur.- ht r ":'rni r;i.t..i: were .Me-rs. Mei'di !. a ".i I K. Wen la.-t tik .1 allies K. Mr,-. T, .1. Keece i- -pei.illii thi eek in tne city tile jru'st h r . .1. Rei-C- and- Ml - Heece , I ml -on. I el" Mr. I M r 3i!!v i Mi a.-. . He . W il tiurnctt II V el. KUC-t.-irlt; Iturnef md Mr-. Mi-.- I !) hoir, itaiai -ie Smather. returned tu Sunday after a .-everal Mr ( i' ir.iii Ca; days' i,it . Mis- K'....t r Todd Motiit; A-h.Ville t Mi-, t . A. Hayne.-'and liau-chter, Knielyn arc .-ucniiiiij; a feu day.- in West Asiie visitint Mr- Ha'viH--' i ter Mr-. W..S. .lohi.-. r Mr- Hil.iai.i AtKia- ici; I- rnl:.v -.or Miami,.' 1 lerida wher .-ht- will -peiid some time as the . fftic-t .f Mr. in.i Nl r-. .lack I'ierio. Mr. a I,,, M's. It. 1.. Lie and .-on. Ho'.-..v. lctui'cd :.. tlieir ni.nii la-t een ai :er a -evevai c. v- v 1-r. :.- rcl tiles i- li.invilit Virivia w Mi-s I ."(;... K a:ii. rc'ii'ired h r.. day at'te- -'n-idilli; a two Meek.-' .'ac-ii.'!! a nh . . lat ivi'.s' ir. f . d.i rt , . iJcut'jria. i1 it YOl'NG r' "'.KS' (TK( I KS To MKKT TONIGHT Tile ..uin; l'coies' Circle .f the Mt'thodi-i ci.uich will meet toniudit at 7::i0i,r the h..me vf Mrs. Paul Hurdin, Jr. The urogram will 1., in eharL'e .f Mr.-. Hubert Liner. KUM AIN 1'ENS KEPAIKEII at lhi- ;iv nesville I'harmatv bv I II III ( KMO A Laxative that costs only I or less a dose NT Ti' to act o.; t!,, ' 1 i ipibk r-d'-i.'-t ii-ach. ... .. you need ntedicino b .-.. eh, try '!he,. ht. '.It -?' triced ;. u-D: ., ;, Mii-IHiM 1 ojla e'. ! r:::-:. !l;i I, fives i! I .1. k . I t en : less tv Of Pe'T! iord's:' IS 1 VSmrfcfTvn' The Rexall Store liu v allies for Thurs. Fri. Sat. & Mon. His Ma Kfv l(r Indige.-tum . . sl W amjj-iles 1 on ic . ..... S1..10 ;i :er 1 lot lie 2 far tcuaruntee .!." lck :' . . 27h- Zerlls ( old ( apples .... 7.H- Miner.il Oil Russian tpe . . . . 50c 69c 89c 24c 19c 49c ANN lONTa'S 1 HOSTKSS .1 TO GUILD Th. Cuild firiuv church u -ftom j giver, a "Hapoy N Yi'ar'' ...p Tue I (lav bv Miss Ai'.r. K. .lone at the re-'ideni,. . f Mr-. K. H. MiUhell. a J A?" the i-r.clu.-i. r. of tin- bu-ine.--I -r-oiu'i t hi- mi eting adjourning, wa-Itu'-tiid over to 'ho hu.-te- and ;. ... "IW.ic.r. (' .'.t'-t ' mi- hclii result '"! it ir "he t'-''-- nrk'o going to Mrs. 'I I. Abel and 'h,. seci.;:d prize to ' M .lame.- II. Th.-nia- IVliehtfu! -i frchmcnt- ere crv d ;.rd i' -va-veal' he la'ge liUiliU'!' pre-el'.t f i j,'o-i) 1 '.r 'he mnnnn j ,( r'tr '.uted.i i:ki.i i i sri'i'KR satcrdav NIGHT I'hi e.v-U'- aid I'nii'kep j'jpJH-f. p'j.i-i reii iy -.he ( ' uuminity (,'lub, whii-h wa.- -eh'-diile'i for Mnivrro-w I'MTiiii (Fridayi ha.s beep, po-fnepe itil aturi!a.y This will V- : hc-r.c-tit uiPor to 1.x -crveit at '.hi V. W. N. ('. (,'af from '! S oVle.i-1. a'ld the pulilii- is invito'1, to attend. I'la'e- i ill U- ."ill eent-. -MISS " 1'n m Mrs. J. K. Wocklarc -tat- U. I'. SV. Ol- ITi. l.'RS ASSL'MK I L-T V j '- pri-situ-nt. .-.atin-.; that the maffH T MISSIONARY SOi II-.f Y ir.,. which had mt ant - much to the MFF'.TING J O uu'liti wa- air-.i1: n - publi iu d. The reL'-jlar monthlv niift-liiti; r.i !!,., u- vt:....i..V,. ..." I trie Methodi.-t church wa- h-ld 1 ucs- day afterrc n with 'he new pre-ident. j Mr-. Kufu- Silcr. pri-.-idini;. inner new emcers asumtnif duties i ;,t thi- nieetinir were: I Mr-. .I:;mc, Atkins, vice president Mr. .1. K. Hi-x pe hnnorarv proi- dellt. Mr-. IIub Ma-ie re'arv. Mrs. II 'ii if M-. r.i ri vordinu ei'- .11)1 re-ii i:dir -ei -t tarv. Mr-. Klim r Met lun Uvii-uri r- Mis ',. I". 11. --ei -uicrintenden' i .Tur.ii. r-. Mrs. .1.11. Wai -uiM'i intend'.i l ..f V - I- Study. Mr-. Kate M. ; ri- -up. l int-.ndent. Su-piie-. Mrs. Harden HoU'ell. superintend- . f Chri-tian Social '.elation.-. Mr-. Will Shclton, -upetintendent r-ublieity. r- .lohn Allien, -up. rititendeiit :i i Wi uri. f devotiiVi-al led by West, the following . liair- M- ii. ; :ian vel - (.!ected for the various circle-: Circle- No. 1 Mr-. Noble Gar rett : Ciicle NV.. "', Mr.-. .1. M. L.-np: Circ'.,- NV.. :1 Mrs C. F. Ray: Circb Ni.-..' I Mrs. tin cr I hivic ; Younir r.-;.!.-' C-,y!c, Mr-. M. H. i!a-.sb -. M I f N N A KA'l IlKKI NK COIN IS I'AM K IIOSTF.SS .0 - Anna Katbeiire Coin wa-!..s-i;ss I'oi- a delightful -iiuare dance a-t M eek, ntcrtaJnitlK- ai tile, home t hi r parent M r. ami Mr-. I;. I.. -in, on Walnut -street. In keipinu with the Yuletide .sea son the room were K'alyly decorated .n ev. jrreen and poiusetta-. The ta st- were -riveted at tile door by Mr. anil Ml-. Roy Canipiiell Music wa- fiirtiished by a string' ..rchestt a and . danciPy . wa- enjoyed until a la-e hour. As the concludinir f. aturt !' the ci'.tcrtainni.-nt the the", truest wi re invited into the dininir room .lilel'e ref 1'e-llUH nts wele served 1V Mi-. Coin assisted by Mr.-. Carol Hell. The KUest- prisent included: Misses l.to-ep.-mie (rmeti and Gertrude I I"'.:. o7.ei. Met lacker.. ( online Wiil'i nfeld. Iris Ch-.'.tin. Sarah Jane Walker and" Messr... Wilourn Camps I b I.achland Hyatt Kobert Flott. Tli,i . Chalin Howard Hyatt and IU.: -ill: l--ri!-a-. n. Mack lvi-... ' MISS i;i 1 VliKTH' Md i:.t K K N : i o n 1 1: i-: i . a t r.i i-1- k t , s v vr e k Mis- Kibtabeth MeCraekcii was dc ;t'htfu!!y htc-Vi-l en' the anniversary f iu-r birthday la-t Saud.vy when, her j :-'." 'Mis- M'Mreii McCracken e:i- ' iT.i-.i wit a a .Poinsett s an 1 slipper, weie use.: . do.- ,rat,. tb. tip.le was cim ake. sun our. i, an ! re-1 tapers r each end. were : Missa .. kirk patrick. i. . Miss Louise F'.rche! . Mis- Ar!e N .land. c I w-tn ; by b-arrt! -i'ver ho Tli!--. gue. Dei w P.a-. W b .1 .VI i- Mar ,i,,ai ,M ::- US 'hD Almond Lotion full pint ....... ."He Listenne Antiseptic . .$1.00 ST :S7 Antiseptic ...... i")t' ( olgates ToothpSte ...... Vic Milk Magnesia Toothpaste . .5.")C ilhants v Shaving Cream . . 39c 39c 69c 19c 24c 29c huiskwarming to bf. ;ivkn rf.v. watson o. goodf. mar at nt'rkses ilomk to , rif.s. mrs kathlekn robinson M0RIiOW Armouricr-nt ha.- been mad, el I !! in-'., .Vir--- Home . r . nay- wood ''l ui 'y IB pltal wi!! ' foi '.v. - ally o. nod tomorrow with a tea t. . (;i'.v!i v : h, i ,-es ..t th,. a'teTPixjii ami . anil !' m the , vemnif. T'!l- v I '."I-.- ' ilii.tnr. , H. - IV . d county : a -e bt- n -ked : j.nu '! 'i a-.d th.- '-luh'i:.4 U i-urdially !j:v it- ' .-.treiid t'i. atfai.-. Ho.-t.-,-i - are Mr-. Kui'u- jfilt-r.i I Mr.-. J. M. l.or.L- Mr.-. HanJv Kirk pat in Mi F- IVdei; M; - . G-i i Mi-. MeCleilar.i. MRS. HtilN Ql.KKN to i'. r. c. lIOSTFSS " Th- - Hay I ' autfhtvi .- hh1 ChuPU-r of the I'niu-d ,i the re.p.federaey held the ! m--t in-Lf of the M-w year with Mr-. John l)!-i-er. a- iioste.-.- en I iiday rifternoon. -Mrs- I.eon Killiar. I'lTplert i t nu-nd-t -id-d. -."it Ji -lAcra! iruest- v.vrt.- in. st nr. A;; in.-piiil:i..ai letter was read ! Mrs. 1 1.. Hi am Jot" wa el-.-t--d - "' 'tow nuuiix-r Mr, I! T? r-n,m,.il n,,'; v,,.,.,.! oi the aftiinoin, her -ubiecr beinp 'The rviitcivu.- attitiii:. durir.g the; War Retw n llu State .'' li was one ; ot the mo.-t inU-restint; presentations ver p'ven the chvpter. 'Mr.-, Camp i ell toid in detail of thP united ef forts of all the denominatii ns in the South for intluence on the lives of th.,. soldier- Ixith durintf and aftir the War Between the States. She also told of the distribution if, Ilil.'e- and reli-.rii".u- literature aiiuii:- tiiei sohllers. Mrs. Will Hyatt, chairman, paid a I eautifll tribute the late I,"M. K'!';an veterar., who.-e wife and ilau-.'hter- hale rH-en prominently ciinnei'ted with' the chapter since it.-' i r.raivi7atii P. Otia-r mem! er.- serv inu' with Mrs... Hyatt oirthe im niorial . ovnitUv were Mr-. R. R. Caaiobell ami Mr.- ( . R. Martin. Following the meeting Mr.-.. Queen - r" eel a salad course. AinoPt; the triie-t- war,.. .Mr- I'aul ' Walker, Mrs. T. I..l;r:!-'ie-;. and Mr-. Mary (Jin en. INDIAN -lUsi'LAY FFATl'RKS COMM I N l l'Y I I.Ul! MKKiTNG The Pieniiier- of the Coinmuity ( lub enjoyed a raiv treat ill the pro irtam presented Monday afternoon at the letrular monthly niveti-.tr, with the president Mr-. l!e-i Colkitt pre- suniiK'. v.. I. Shtlton, at one-time head of the Cherokee Indian Reser vatiop aid later in chariro of sever id of the largest Indian "Res,, cations in the West, adiires-ed the club on tlie subject of "Indian Art " I he proirram was planned bv .Mrs. James M. I.oiiu. who introduced the speaker. Addiii-j unusual interest to Mr. Shelt-m'.- talk Was his display of the various forms of Indian Art that he had collectul in his long years of service to the Indians. Many of the articles are museum pices. H,. wa assisted by Mr. jjheiton in showing his treasures amor-; which were price!e-s Ilidi:;ti 'i ugs, -ilver jew elrv. lead work, baskets pottery, and carving. A.-. ,ach articl,,n-a- di.s- played he narrated how it was made and the signricaiiet of its di-sip-p. In closing hi- addiv-s he touched mvm the many form.- ,,f. Indian mac;:,- that he ha I ob-erved. and of the ilcep se crecy that always attended such oc casions. ,"'.''.; During the i.u-iiies, ,essiiMii it w tiiice.i i-y liie chairman, of tiro!'! that a -.Pedal simper w mid I sC'voi; W N. -ii S tui'.lai night at the ''. Cafe as a club benefit. I a!-- decided- to replant the Wa toti Bicentennial tr, e plant e 1 las -he cou'V house i;aar- l-'eilowiTig the- fr '.nncf i'o". of h-ig-veav - -"a pii.n.i s !si. "Prelade" by O'.tc i t ' w - given . by M:-- M :;-.!!. j T 1 t'vll. .. .Three pf v ; members, Mrs. . W C. Kur-y . M:-.. Hugh . Massieo and D. Watki!"- were, welcomed ;:nt... "he club. "-. After alb uinmen- ' t-' !vos;o--l, Vy- . rv ( oif.itt. M -. .1 I I reti.-er n P T p,, ml Mi ti Peb s '.i t.-a and, sandwiches.'. ' ' 6 6 I DM ID. I VIII KIS. S V! K NtlSK Dill IPS t hecks Malaria in .i da . ( idd Irst dav. Headaches or Neuralgia jii :t0 minutes. line Laxative and Tonic Most s(H'cdv Remedie- known. Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 mai --big -f Mr. Watson O. G.xu. .firmer oa-tor f ht Methodist i hurch i :. : Mr-. Kathln r P.obin-.-n, . f i Ga'ri.'-villr rgia arc Fa-leV. the S.-uh fa li'na which v.a. i;irf.rm- ( i- A-h'-vi!!,. a few weeks ayo h 'aHoek Hawk pai-ir i,f the - ' I 'A : .-'".,si!l- Mvhi d: - ehureh. mine di,t'-.-:i att-r -nv -tcni"nv ( t he .-nuide lift week.-' .- J".n in FN.-'da. Tin y hftVc return - aR'! iirt nn'x t r.e.me in KinK. M- un: ri- h-re Mr. (rr,y.d( pa-tv:- (." h. ' " --.! Mcthf.di.-t chn h. c t r I'KFSHV TKRIAN TRiLK.- T' ' MEZT NKXT WFFK Th- eirclc- '.f the F're.-i.yn riafi church W'!' . ' k: vn-d-k a-- fol lows : ''n i'Uesi;., ,- fter';oe'e . -.Iat.ua ry li'i i tn'.-Ji- h a Counry' JiaC at ti ..'clock -CiroL'c NV I will ;ce..t fvtiu-c aod otht 't- it. p." with Mis. Ren Colkitt: Circle N-., '.' . Mr. M. H. Howie , with Mr-. Leon Killian. ; p. riati ndent of .Schixd irrle No, 5 will meet with Mi. - rorirr,,. '.Vaitronfpld c.n Monday af ternoon a: 1 o'clock. Circl. NV. 0 .vill p.. ,t TutJay evenirt;' if ochxk at the heme ft Mi-.- Nar-cy Killiar. l'-' I l v - . V.... ............. '""' A l All.-IAKY .Hhhil.M, . The lauion Auxiliary met on la-t Monday ever.ir.i; in "the Ma-cr.ie Tentnle. The unit joined the Legion I est in their opening: exercises and duritiK this period. Mr. I.eRov Davis introduced Mr,. Roy Walks, the ma k'ician. and hi- as-itant. Geo. Mc Cracken. The boys put op a very inteitstintr an tntt rtainintr act. The unit thin retired for th,: b'.i-ires? meeting. Th I -.ii r,. iv,'. M,.. (-..,.. ,l ..ti.ni, swueu ;icl I he-iii -tone- for t -set vice men were available in -e. thore '.vcrr e.ravef thai, were not marked Mr-. R. R. Campbell was appointed t'i ;i:veitiT :.".".e 'til- matter. Membi -.-hip . -va- ci -cuss. d. Tiic ii'iit hov- that tr.emi)era . ' who have "r;m. pai.i their. ..lues will do so .m-n' hatch, and keep in pood stand ins with the (.ejrion Auxiliary. Not tvery .on1 '-in i a member of the I.eirn :. Au -iiary and those that are eiijrib .,.,!, i f,.,.l i, :. h'.noj- !H,. 'on--. - -.-.' .Mr an,. rea New nu.-.-j.-; t'ri.:a the National 1'ri sident Mrs. Ooyl,. Alley requested that any secord handed ..clothing for two hitrh school girls .would be acceptable and she would bH triad to receiv,. any article,- ..f .li.thir.ii- that, could be r;-ipoii-ieii for the eirls. Mr.. George brought, a "nie--age from the t. .st at this time, that the Legion I'ost had iiecided to change the night of meet ing to the second, Thursday night. 'also again the fourth Thursday night. It was tnen decided the Auxiliarv "would only meet ..p th,. second Thursday night. ' Hostcs.-e- for Feb. "stii will ik;: Mrs, Raymond Ilvtitt. Mrs. F. H. Saunders and Mrs. M. (' (ireep.. There being no further business the unit adjourned to the W. W. N. C. ' aie where ice cream, cakes and coffee were served during the social hour by the hostessrs; Mrs. R. R. C 'tipbcll, Mrs. Hurst Burgiti. MRS. DOYLF. Aid. FY. Publicity Chairman. . Kevial To Begin At1 Presbyterian Church1 :ee unceii'ent was. t :l-, Kt v.. hi-jK's t.'c:i;ev;!i.. N. C - revival at t vcs.erda'." I l i iv hold a ' ten 're.s vteri n lav. ' ehai :' Di ' ha ! h here heginning Jauuarv :'Js R. P. . Waiter . pe-ti r of th a. aid tna; nwrc oelinite de - t tile nu t ting wil1 be ntiide i ii- 1 It i .- paper , hex; week. -I f will be i ''e:iH t!f!)(ti'..! tm.t '! ,.-t year: at this time ti:e evival at; the l'res'jyterian-j i hui ch ta n iucteil ay R- v. Mr. Wil- j ii a ;iis, was . at tended . twice - daily by bil-ge creWds. It is expected that equai; inti r.i s:. wtK, v ..vh.;w.;i at the c .ming r:eet;i?tg. '..,.'. lhickett I ar stolen 1-rom (larage satu.rd.-tv oir.cime Saturday night sonu-on,. took- the. Chrystlei- : Se iait , belng-l-g to K. T. Duekett froni his garage ami drove of! with it. Th,, car .wa 4 I hi I ' ' ( i i ntur.t;;. . .!. ..antage wa Mr. DucKctt had. left -o- - iteiie. to it. ) some, groceric.-,j he exception of i . gi'iVei ies .were j found.' in the car. and "fi.h i: few bai-inss, all in the car when it w Still Found In Stall With Mule IhcK' rv. !a'a.-, r-.i . Thi i u , in u alway- e matHifactured under - -most -anit . i y stp'roundingst was ;b -eJosed . in Loragview. wlien .-de-sherirT- found a still ef im in a 1 1 f a stable with i-niy a pole" it from an ol:1 mine. -enar: ring The vat , t Ver .was tiposed :o tbc debris oi me .-ta-:e the deputies stated- Accoru.iiE f deputies, the still- wa found in the stable of Marvin Spen cer, near the BtirK.- county line. It wa.- discovered w nen deputy Glenn Alen went wntj BurK deputies to the Spencer horn,, to search for goods: Spencer is .-aid to have seen thc officers coming and escaped, although a brother was foutd and srrested KAST WAYNK.SVII.I.K I'. T. A laT.F.BRATKS FATHERS NIGHT Tli,: K:.-- Wayiiesvi!!.- P. T. A. held t Tuo--Vitrht I regular monthly .-:- I day riiffht- observing Fa'.he with a splendid progran.. A large aiulicnc,. chjeyv-i the oc casion. The music furnish. J by the Ratclitl' Cove -tvjnj;- hand, c;m.oscd of two Turner brother- ami two t'enrin- brf.ther- deliirhtc-d th,. au. iii-nce with .-inging-, yodeiir.tr ar.d s'l in-.t musii . Younb Zcb .- r.d Jack - 1 Alky sanir "The I.as Hour.d - ' HiiU lurniuiijham l!lu ..li-s, Mil - Mcfracke iv- a readirir. 1 ai'i't a-foin McC rackej: to ( ry no Morv." Mis- i b-tck if it doe.sp't u-ivt- you . ' iro-.-,d her-i lf fp.ii'-e an ' .SaiitV- Cu'. Rat- Iirui? Stcr, v'!i t t yjn4 'p ea'tip h iy , ni'-y d. Mr. Irank Oavi. . wh Wi.ud t'ounty l'oiiiniis.-iC'iief ilay- made- brief talk .'; coimecticTi with county intfie-t- in honinc :c ab!-. ti. e.s. ilorr-.- i- the f in' ' ri-t. 'l ATihip Su spoko on the i! th- school, p many im : to a'J pre--. s ( relation of the honii Mr. Mm- roufrh' !' hilcn. port.-.nt far' The colored ingei -. lead by las -do Child -., sari- many sniritua.'- ar.d tbeir music v,-a.s much t-nioved Ui 1'a-jhmt.nt.; eoiisLstuig of .-and-1 i"h : and candy wei. seria-d at the I conclu: ioii of the biLsir-e-s program. 1 Those Wanting Or; Needing Farm Labor Urged To Register Lucius Liner announce.; again vcs.-u-rday that all those who have 'not received employment and registered before December first, -were required to n -register at the re-employment otlic,. at the court house if they still wanted to work. Announcement was Hsu made that registration for farm placements are being made at the i c-eniployim nt of fice. The otlic- is prepared to regis ter landlords and fanners' -who are ip need of farm labor of any kind, Familie; desiring P rent a farm and unemployed farm labor are urged to ' rcgis'er: Going to New York ? IF NOT- Let Me Do Your Shopping Xfxt wee'k .1 plan ' spcntling. in New York with our lu-.iti.s .1 o.W car Jnivcr .-nplvino; t tie new in stylos and T'abiics. . '1'his trip wiH conrplete t.ur plans; for fuinishiiip ytui with Kplinor oliohinor sh'ikiivjrly beautiful absolutely in . ilip . nioile amazinplv clieaji eek l-y week as. New York produces now niouel you v l fs::.i tlu-iii appearing: en our floor. We : '-. ttspire with you to maintain Vv'aynesville' ' a i '.tttciiiii for l-i in.tr a well dressed town. ;: !;s, p.s.s wit us tin - ill : I ' ea".;.-! eosttmie. ' aiuieintit r; S 1' El I V I. () U I) i: R s I. A 1)1. Y EXEC T TE l Frances Ray C. E. Ray's Sons Ready- To- Wca r Dept. Dresses Coats Swagger Suits gloves Hats Raincoats Sweaters Lingerie Economy Do You Really Want To Stop That Cough? You can do h , ;-. a CvU)lc of doSf.- of 11;. .In uline Kmul.-ior. with -iff a bottle anyway. 1 ' rri pleasant tastit uyary ivujrn jyr..p t, '"-'k "it!, a wi! kk-k. A-- a ..i';;.r f t'.ict it f els urea' roipi . '. l'p' I C INSTANT ItKLIKF. S, ria-. iiiri;'. raikiriif couiii r.-..- .- "I : vhili vr.ii arc svvalluwir.-y it on! ;,;).- . anil nil cthtr ir-xd ' t - au'.rantfc it. j I I PIANO We have a beautiful up right pi-ino in this community that will be returned to us Wt will transfer this account to tome re sponsible party, allowing all that has been paid on s&nie Terms if desired. Quick action necessary. Address Box 478, Concord. N. I'. Jan 4-11-18. The Woman's Exchange Will Have as F.xtras Each Week Tuesdays and Thursdays Pies. Mondavs and Iridavs Greasiest Doughnuts. e:lnesdas and Saturdays Home Made Cakes. Bread and rolls, candies, and cookie every dav. Orders hlled any dm. Want Ads week vour plans lor . Knowiiitr vour needs tiie- I! Foundation Garments Style Quality I.