s i 1 The Best Advertising .Medium In Haywood County- Published At The Eastern Entrance 'of The (ireat Smoky Mountains National Park Read by Thinking People WAYNESVILLE, XOUTH CAROLINA Till RSOAY, J AM MIX 1 . I'.t ! ! .. MAT NO. HOD S . Meade, 67, Was Men And W omen Of Pure, Noble Found Dead On 'Main I haracter .Needed in This Age, u,uui Hppp Fridav (inner C. Davis Tells Teachers lvi - - - Haywood Farmers Loaned $78,100 B II. S. Government Carried To Niuth ( arolina x -iturdav l or Burial, ."sum. me!" V w lya- '. KiiUeii tdurtiy Mr. oV .ock fa Nitor 1 or It) .t ears M'-ade t, native el' Brook V.. and prominent summer i...., o.ed suddenly here Hi .i elite k r riuay morn-. alti Mead i'-j , ! his h at'.i rivu I..-.: , ! ti! "'' V iJ- e I: . ... JL IP a. i t.e home at 10 Pedestrians tront ot the street soon believed to le Tt: I I left his i uptown. Iv lying in Tel on .nam Death is .-.used bv a heart attack. M,.i.di- had been a summer ra. W.ivnesville. since Due .i ndUn of. '.Mr. Meade, who -;..ulv injured m an automo ol'ient in Haywood county last -,' tray had "decided to spend ut hi re. ,!v was . Meade ming ior Albert ehurch and CAPa Roll Is Averaging Over S8,000 Per Week Over (i.lO In Count v Are Now Employed On ( A Projects. S.iS.OOO Has Been Spent Children 01 lodav should Be 1 iiiighf ( . Mtll ha meter In .schools As Books, He savs .Since November 2n. J. ( . 1 shui'sing othcei' tor (A A ire- has paid out $38,420.49. 'iirned bv The Mountaineer thi: .u rick, fundi a was ; week. ike" to Hagood, ; ri:iT home. Saturn-ral and burial. New rector oi i race .it-:-'., accompanied ii t 1 i'h nice em, or. Mrs. Meade i-o trie !K.Jy. i ret !.-.-( ta-im-ss man, r.-'kr.". N. V, Decern-h- ':. survived by his i - .. M- 1 li a' Miami F!a.. and one me-Kv Meade, of I'asa- di 1 I Tin ).:' roll in the county last week for CYVA workers was ' S,ti:U.4S ' whi!,. the week prior it was ..VPvi'O. I On !ut saiuroav mere were o.l or. the pay roil of the county exclusive of tile 100 men who are at Work o-i a Federal project on N vKies I o: k. and who receive their checks fr-m the! Gatlinguurg CW A omco. The !irt week the pay roll hen was slightly "er a thousand dollars, and has steadily increased untii it hi leached the eight thousand mark The pre work wili 1- ci.ruarv had been and the week.-. t plans are that the CW continue until the 22nd To !a,st .Saturday the wo under way for seven win 'litrinal plans were ''cr , drove:- C. 1 av is delivered an ad dress to the school teachers in Can ton Tuesday nipht on "Character Kd-ucatiu'.i-'' In his. addre.ss. Mr. Davis sit forth some of the facts and prob lems that aie confronting' the average American community today. Because of th,. interest in such matters in this county- the address P being publi.shed. h is my understanding that the question of character education has i-cen diseussed before the teachers of Haywood county several times during the !a-t few months. This being true. I ..m somewhat at a loss to know just what I should say her,, to night. I takt it that one of your f-lects is to secure the views ol sev er:.', parties on A -chc Register showed malely llaywooi t nr. . d t li l-.ui u !i and Land This tigu hist, hk;;; according k i)i in,' :.i .11 itie nl' P, ,'. v here Sat ti ' way mat appinix i- ; , s.-ioo na.y been loaiietl nullity farmers by the Slates Covi 1 1 1 incut the Kedeial Land Hank 225 Men To Go To Work In County Friday Morn ing On Erosion Project Hank I'omnii e is for loan t ' , to Jamiai y tirs to' Kdwin, Hayii ister d' deeds of Haywood c The $T8 400 in loans do include loans made to bono ers ol the county !y the Loan Curpoi :tt ion. it wa pointed oiit that the $ n .1 uly , l;i:u. ii'K uunty. i's not m i 'Wil li ome .- also :7S .4011 education. 1 bpir" character? T'. i.-.tai-tr is, thv '.i ,d in the um , i- or what ti hoy h t-wp!e form t acts', and de ( -t thev ninv . "r. t'ht acts, and :-.- undone. ipiestion of I'har- h.is actually been received ''. Ha.vw'ood i'anier.s. Many other loans are expecteil to be pr.mtcd during the next few week-' which will incrcas,. ihe piesent amount consideraldy. Plans Underway To Begin Boy Scout Work In Community District ( ommitlec Named. And Definite Plans Are Beini Made I o Organize 1 roops I.Mans I ndei"wa To Add M(! .More Men lo I Ins (roii ometinif Next eek .ii. u trip Klad very onst ruction Of Airport Here To Be Discussed Fri. Mrs. Thomas Price Is Supporting Soup Kitchen At School Widow 'Ot roimer Resident Ot Aliens ( reek Is t ontmuins Work Of Her Husband 1 '.",!- what. .'.rie:'. w.l: inf.' of ti muai' yesterday Board of Alder- i ate Tcpvide. Haselwood; ( oun-' ln.- ( Ui r v. V'': h :h. 1 ( tf.e ri r! :-Jrv'. . ' i i mun.tv. W He of IK; 1 ff site o- ? 1- :s : ;j. an :,' i,.-uiTiers ;.no tne omciai d rv.-ttirs ot the Wavnesville i. :;:.tnher ol ( orr.nierce. would tr.e cmTmi.siorerji room the: tha' the kit - Th...m..-i'r,''n-.: I'; Skrp-.emhef, ,:k s . -f .-the hojs Fr.cav evening; at I L r et '..it' s' I I Price widow o" tw ce. Who WiS. fc;l;-d retenxlv noi.ihed ul Allen s ( rovK .uhool invention U) vontinue uppwrtinp the wap ?:nool which Mr. r t: " purnosfr ol discussing i r,t -urvi'V made bv a State hnnneer rtf t.rdmfr the con 1 1 ef an airport in this com- (.. Mattntws. secretary : net ( hamtx r of Commerce, :.: the ertfir.eer that was! T tne survev stated tne airpoi" would have to be r. nenod of nvc years with to duv. would, construct ,i Mi 'cdnf! of a pre.-, 1 xt na; , and vears apo. . Pf:Vt has already mat:, u"X-n w.isch assures the s .'Up kiuhf-T) until the end e t -cr.K'! terrr... i.n t.r t.le soup Kr-i-r.t i ot the estate recer.tlv do n - .-ihool a oox '.f tntks ;s. tiinretr-t r with a r.ujrd.-er iticTis to some .f the Vad- i . t ne if d re lnjr' it..: :, tt . donat r,-crninnt wouki construct .tain the aiiTkrt. it was said : of construction would be CWA funds. It is under--everal .ltes are available I'm meet the requirement of mont. The principal mat-:-:t.rui to at this time is the or providing .the lease and - the aooetr.tc site. oflk-. Con, th ' M I : "tht-i- 'j. : macait iie.s a no rour.ti'v. the tiooks -wa..-. McIoud. wh. Fideiity fnio N wrl- t 1. r:ee e.-tat'. " dt .s an Tru t :, 1 miLii: a-k. what lejr . 1 a linilion of i piity rour.ity in which he . peop!i generally :- i - character, tr.eii' ojiiions from eu that the party term their opinions deeds that the party I sometimes think a j' -rty is est ab ed, more by the , - nut do than the s. A man that doe.i .'a;-; ' and.-: honest ! not try, to pay j -! the bad charater ' c'auA- 'he is leaving riouid oo. M-d of this aue aie r pure, and noble i i ' r c r .:'. M e need t.nem .! profession .-. Our : Lk- well educated, to i J j i w 1 i T. L. Gwyn Named Secretary-Of New Farmer's Loan Co. Purpose Of Orj Bend Money Headquarter; aiMation Is lo In 1 aimers A I Asheville A committee from the Rotary Club and the local post, of the American Legion met in joint session Tuesday with A-W. Allen. Hoy Scout execu tive of A.-heville. and formulated plan:- to establish in this community an active Buy Scout organization. .Mr. Allen dictised in detail the olj!i!!h'. tion of H.iy S, out Work and the nietliod which the national ui'pi'i i'alion recoil) mended for communities. The iieiici.il plan was unanimously admit oil bv those nreseiit. and a itis- named to work Two hundred and ten nun will be notified today io repoit for work l-'ri day mm nine on erosion, work in Hay wood county under the Tennessee Valley A ut hoi it y 'project . The men Were selected W d ie.-day afternoon by the le-empluyment committee of this county. Pans are underway to put 210 more men to woi.lt on the sanu piojeei next week. The 21U nioti selected for this work incluoi.- 'J(HI laborers and ten fore- mei een ii.-'.i', tell i hixtv lmm ' t J.:- ,.' hvT- shvu' b. sun- tnev - snould navi-- rrnA-. of an is a x t p Jr, , -t iiri i d li i i ut hijrn anti kdty. r iPt tPn1 p-o t 1 rr.y fpiriior., Mit lawyers will. a, " 1 "ti i r 'i character; ana we iiix-d in our arac- that. (- T1 a" alsii r-'-vA rr. tisx A :ew rr.er; in rt iw and in t tverage ' -i"n in profe.s- , but. w e ..! men o! criaraeter. ecal prole.ssjoii who n. tn'-ei'i i "i The not rW-T n finest in. their proie,.-'-l.iv.. not iKtn honest with their Ls arid with ".he trust that ha 1 1 eii n k ti hi (.J id That it ri im i t on ;!v lKi.-'e proles'- Kr, fe.s.',on.' any the es- to IlOtll. e medical ther pro- ji Mountaineers To Pfav Double Header Here Friday Night omplete Schedule For The Seas, on Announced By Coach Weatherby. Game Starts At 7:30 Haywood Students Elected Officers w : new H nw whee Mr of Wr iver W (a th Won I 1 u r .'.eerr.ari. :; ( ivde. er quarter presiden t ountv ciuh at Ttacriers ( oilepe a reernan is f'o'iege and is the '(rn ( u lo graduate -etn ir at ' T. -'. Rat el iff. of Wavnesville. is ew vi ff president ot the Hay ; .v.untv t-;ub. and Miss ranees ht-rw otK! ot l ivtie. is stxiTWii' lot Viaynpjville Mountaineers; are ..eoaieit to meet the Hendersonville h'fh f-chool Bear Cat in a double ltddei here Fridav night, beginning -t i.uD o'clock- This is the first ihiiimvd panic for the Mountaineers d .tinc this season. .:( tl I,. .'' Hoy:. -P. .Hi; S-a: !: Pa I dan J .r. j a." Jan a- ' Keb . Kennedy, for- a rent eld and .".I Weatherbv announced ves i Pitt the probably line up would s follows: ' ."'' W1t tl ' Hill at center at ruard. '' "''. a. line-up .tor tr.e vrirls will !'.ps Welch, forwards: Under- ' r.'.tjr. .Mcf rat-Ken. Calhoun, "f. L'uards. schedule for the reason has been t.-i-d and the fobowir.i: jrames p. a veil: P'. mes CreeK. nere. 1" f anton, there. !& Hender.onviiie- here. Hendersonvi.ie. there. Bethel. h e Svlva. there. tit-i.-U' r. The following compose tne flub - 'i;v.- program commitiee: Mil divd .R.-oiman. drand Haven. Mieti; pa la t W 1 in v f iAli-it rd Anre B .vd. f Wavnesville. Sheriff Lowe Finds Stolen Wedding Ring t! J. : f; at vou and 1 are i-: the character The home, the J the community that wield the building of the on tn nijrht s of the crdl'd it- church- an our places ta?t in tne . hari.tter of -he chili!.' -,v van we help the child to form : si.r.y m" character that it should r W p n -h juUI iht i uht l have iir.-i take in the building of the cnai,.cte,' of the child ? . T t he teacher u'hfc't' '. a,Ty it pa' . nioral law to help bui'o f haV..et.e"r for the child that he t:o'hfs".' How can the readier help the child with its character education? T: home is. th,, place where the thi!.-; rt-ceives. it- first les-on in char acter education. Th' bettt r homes w i V f. x e in our enuntv. siaie. -nd na tion, the 'better citiwus we will have tomorrtiw. I .-ombt.imes fear that the homes of our country are: placing the responsibility that Pit should tea r i ( 'on: iiojeti t,n back page) i'. Lenoir (iwyn .lnywood county, was elected 1" it Pi time seci'etai'y-li'eas-urei' in Asheville Kriday of the Ashe, villi- Pi oduct nm t i fit it iisKociatinn "and will hate ehaige of the headiiuar u:s olhcv in the Huncombe county c an t" nt.u'se, 'I ins is a loan oigam- . .lion tor tni on i s. j John I Indwell.-, of Heiiilcrsoii coilll-i ty. was elected president and Harry j L. Nettles, of Buncombe county. was eh cted vii c-presidt'iit. Mr. Ciwyn wil! 1 have full chaiKe of the otli.ee rep-: resenting live . edunij.es,.- Buncombe. Henderson. Haywood. Aladison and 1 : ansy ivaiiia. . . It was voted to allow: Mr- liwyn,' tsftl a iiiontii, this ana tin: to hi in- i . ; ea-ed us Hit .profits '."'Df the a,-socia-tion grow. Air. lludgcii- named M r. .Nett.es. m Buncombe.' and K. K. Rant , sey, of .Madison county, as memliers of the executivi' coniniittie. (i. H. Tidily, field representative for,' the Columbia. S. ('., association, hail charge of .the meeting. The Asheville j association was launched at a meet- " ing here Pecember 2(1. Tiir.ee incur- : poiatois from- each, county wer ed at th,. meeting hist month, pot atoes ai e: Buncombe: .1 S. Colrmin L. Nettles, and li. C. Crowcll. Htiideisori: John Hudgeu-, .Iagoon and Van W'.- Lanca-tei. Haywood: 11. Arthur Osi)'i lie. 'I'. Lenoir Pivvyli and W.A. Moore. Hirectois are: Mr. Nettle.-. Mr. lludgeiis. Mr. '-Ciwyiij .Mr. Kaiiisey and Mr. Hidden. The orgiini'aP ion o .... incorporated with a capital of ' i" ooii. It 'has a leading '-power of .v2ti(i,(MKl. Of this amount, the federal,' government.- w ill s'ubsctibe HO.'tHKI in Class A stk. The l't'liiaining !flO,(KHI will be secured by Class H stock, which Uciriower.s liom the bank will have to post. Members of the tmard of tlirector of the association . must be eligible borrowers, hach bonower must in vest livp per. cent of the amount of the loan in Class B .stock at live dollars per share-.-The Class. V, stock is nonvoting- Loans will be. granted farm ers on a basis of the hoard of direc tors' opinion of the. borrower's capa bilty to: repay. Security will com. prise crops, livestock, personal prop erty and land. tint contmittei out the detail: which calls, for scout masters. The district bv W ( . Kiis- the Kotart Messei'. .1. ,if 1 1 ai ni.ng i-olir. turn I'Oin nil s who mi mi! lei beam tee a- haineil - i iiairitiaa ol were: Jack V lb Smith. (' A- (leoige. I.eUov Davis and ! reil Kerguson. This eoniniiuei w ill meet aeain Tiiesdav nicilt with Mr. Alb'il iinil coiiiplet. I he punitory" to oigini. in this loiniminitt wood. Tile ing th Hi. S. ( it'orge. I chili i man of Jack Messei rganr.a.tio:! pre- -cvel-al tri iudins: 11 ' Tin i.iboiers will b,. paid l"' per hour, and the foremen will S'Jil hm- week, e eeirity has . n-i'n divided into. . ts anil in., men will work in ivws throughout, the county men ol the 200 were selected Wavnesville. HavieKvood and Sauriook. This is tin- tirst time that anv number id men have been se leeteil n om these t onimuioties. Tilt work '.idl b(. that m' pl.intirig Hit-, vine.s and gra.s on wasnmc hillsides and the tiding in of gullies that are washing out, it was ex plained This work is under the', direction the K-dcral got ernnii iit anil does nm illett the ipioto oi oOd men allotted this county under the ( WA aiiinin istration several months ago. When 'I' ll: tVere in i" eat T, set on with Mr. A lie P. (Pit . Tom Leo: .1 r . . A pi ed Pcrgusoii. i.. IP.;, I P. . the' Legion- eoinmittie :uid W. C. il.i.-s. tn. ! ion it tot: 1 1 re 200. the I of men. tt or P in :1 county. " .- tin- inimlMT of Jinl.ai-y prujoi-' elect -I ncor- Hai ry C. II. .Money Sent Here To Bury Widow Used By Daughter To Get Married Building And Loan Directors Elected The stockholders of the Haywood Home Building and Loan asocial ion met on Tursday night for then an nual meeting and the election ' of .ili.ei-s ; The report of tin secret a i t siiotvcl that t he organiaion ha- S27-t:.'('':-l I in cash on band and in haul..'. Moivey Ioani'd to b;iii.hii'iieV- for the pur pose, o!' i nV.liii'j '.lieiii to ''ow; '.heir hollies., -each loan sectreiP iiy first liiintgagr' on local im U iiveil real es tate aniounts to $:i2ii,ii(M; and real 'estate ow:.i d P t allied .-ir $'17,07(1.20. making the assets of the building-'..r.d loan total almost a half million dol lars.' Directors were: IP I K. ovd. C Bali New P.' Wither- Shelton, W ': rretl. ' The directors will iilect next .M..n day night for the purpose of elect inr th,, ollicc!.-. re-elected Tue.-day night ..- Privet. ;. .1. llvatt. .1. N. Allen, and .1. H. Mor dr lectors elected were: K. W W. Blackwell. r I. II. . II. lJingili. and N. W. ij g and Mrs l l noon xvh lis enteu-d the home of Mr. H (L Stone on Kagle- Ne-; ut o o'clock Tuesday after ,e tnev were m town. I pn the ti wheiv. a reeri iff. was deputt t "e I to 1 we w: w 1 T :: . . j upo um about 4 '() tr.e kitchen they at orue s:iwi -.vindow nad been openeo and .made. Quite- a tew .n.r.g,- aken. ur Lowe, t no .-ner-e phoned and he nr.o h.s. John Kerlev. were unon -i:e '1,,-j than ;;0 minute-. .Mr. remarked that as long a- .i. tif.j net turnish K.ood hou.'-'-' have to no our own tracking--r.v o-d t" good effect, and .r. -c a.! :r.p stoler, iir.idi: Voumj Nejirro dirl (.ets Married While Dead Mother Waits for Casket Tn lie Houghl r it M ( f.-'b. 0. Syha. lu re. ro- 10.. Asheville. -"nere- l, anton here eb. 17. Asheville. here -'. 2 !. BiTson Citv. there. (,u -Massie Is Attending t urniture Show In High Point Ptmt Point r.ua! Pi-r-.' t-.- : dure. Mu-ie. oi .Massip Furniture O- left this week for High . U.ere he is attentling the an '"ciuure Miow.- While at the Jrp market Mr. Masvsie will --iBe .iock. tn latest furni- '(! f- to.eiVu. 2( ' tib . If c l' 11 i rave left tne country. t t. tl- n-ui rf Thev first found Mrs ,-i'iove a stream a-:out vP hcu e Ti JP who did the 'teahr.g Th Tr t - N v. on: ill -Tc T effici l-i culpr wou;i; omi--ii town o .bmp car. w - w tn Jt drat t u r,i wor nor.e - the -i.er: i-raitx- &r. tnev- tracKe.I . . r . a over some nick ki,j eave no shoe rtcir...-. in ar.o ar.d tr FIRST SNOW" FALLS HKRf. the family . had Soil cash in their pos session, yet he had not figured every thing.' ' The (laughter here ; was , somewhat Unset over .Mr. Davis attitude, but ' -.' ' : went, oh - with '-h'-r original plans 'which i' is nothing new under the !u..K,(j out. p. lie to take: unto herself .-uii. i.s an oiii atiage inai inigiu nave a KUliril;l.n ?W(; her mother hail He betiri correct sometime ago. but J- rank pa) ted. I lavis, member of the ioa rd of ' '-inty Th,. next cein- - is w here Lihviii c-ommissiiinei;. come.- forth with a Haynes. legi.-ti r of deeds- is. issuing story that is not i.i c napetitioit with J-.nia'rr-ia'ge- ilioeiise at a cost of ?' to any ranbit Or squirrel stiii-y, but one i tne cOUp,. applying.. aind '"within a few -h is actuallv true in every les.pect. miputes: .Magistrate- R M.Leatherwood I p fact- the ret-ords prove it. : . is : proiiouncing the. couple man wife- r the past sevei-a; months the while the mother of the ninle lies . .. i i - ' i l . . . ,.i n,.i.h..-4 v nas ueen neiping an oiii negio m an unoenaKiiig esuionsiuiieiii. M. v htrc in town, Ret-entlv he ied til hnal : ai rangi-mets cun be -.mafle 'eighlMrs applied to the county tor the purchase of a 'casket l n w inch .j' i:d expenses, or at least to to bin v her. f lavis,. . Instead of giving his ap, : After the '.; -wedding'' ceremony was -:i )m irampfliatfiv found that tho i eomnleteil the bride and gloom le- .- r-d woman had a living daughter in turned to the undertaking estabh.sh-J'..nr-.s vivama and i.r,(. witn w Mom she ment to 'select a casket for the de-.au -f. : .ived here. mother- wire was . -ent to the i'enn -vl-: No accurate check could be made t--a dautrhtei- for money to cover i as to what amount was spent for the '-e burial expenses. Snortlv !s0 : wedding, but it. was learned that $2. tta.s received via Western Pnion ; was .spent for the burinl of the woman w'ch Mr- Davis thought , Fumcient : and about S' spent for the official -o T-eet the urgent needs, but. he had ; requirement" of the, wcdiling ut the (.' i-.rured evervthinir tne (laugh-: court house. -tv nf-ro must hav.i. ci'ttkes -and it xvoa.d taKC a -i j re-nt ' Mrs. Vaughn Is Buried Here Sun. Kuiieial services were held Monday afternoon at the homo for Mrs. Hertha Mae Bullman Vaughn. I, who 'bed at the lionie of her piirents.Oii Sunday morning following an illness of ,'ioout a vear. - The -(-i vices weie Conducled. , i y Rev. II W. Ilaucom. , Burial Was mad,, at Turpin s. C.ha-p- Fi :;!unt t ti ii n 1 1 Mr. leas to meet he T ir W e ths- ; -1 r V - X ' e e :30 the sno r-w fa.l was . . -ten . - -' "- : Of the '-"" 1- r a T turr.ed ;Ktc ;e.i w": V the: a XK-e mi: z s2.i it tn? .--i t-.ii-i U f wav, wbere--t J ' - " t 1 rt Sovoral of the town's most promi- rtnt citif win pit ci' vxhtn th( ceremoiiv was performed and report ed that it xvas "a.- happy a couple as t.'n'v ever saw. I u n a1 it ( v.eiv Ptld tlii' afleiHoo ding.- '..''.' ii i'icis t I the wed- Weaver To Speak At Wake Forest Alumni I i ii Wi iw i tl It f uot'b 1 11 'coach. ''will be the tu 'st sneak er at a banquet for t he W- ake oil's . Alumm.'. to be held next 1 ue.-ilav even ing ut K o'clock at the Hotel Lol-aino. A! Dovvton. graudate ni.anager of athletics will accompany '.Mr. Weaver anil will be present at the affair. , All former Wake Forest student? lire asked to be present ruesdav evenmg. I 1( LNsi: I i,s s VI Ls NOW 101 L 277 (.')2 the otluM- 2(H1 me.!-, . it will bring : he pre. at work under the fi men! program t" i"." Veiln.".P aft.-: plot men; cn.mmir ti e I'm-n for -ariitaiy wo This new 'Ptiita bi in; men working' oil thi up to 7o, Reemplovment Staff Worker Heard Mon day By Local Board .Ml'-. I'ivan- of ;hn- reri!!)iot':!ieiit blirean "f Kali-it-h it a- lit W .yies vil'e Mon, lay of 'thi- wok r-ru-4iiir With . Illi-illber.- ..f tiie !'li'!l.;)'loyIllen! conimittee and offn'i latP t"e dil!"!' I ent .a'igli s e.f . xt oil;. : A round labli -d-i-. h. -m,', was with Mr-. .Kuni a'.-tveri'.u' o'li-stions (if th,. coininittie and tii"-e employ . ed in tin- I'llie - Mr-, lit n-. .'.ingr it iiliiti d tl:.- rommittee and , taff f't tlieii- woil-i ami for -In1 manner in ; which 'it had bi-en eai'i b.d on j Set. ra1 'iiattei-- of import a-'O''' ;.,-,',: liiscn -vii. :oiie oi tben.i a. -ill,! j that undi r the ii :it ruliiiir nn-n 1 could be :i anseri ( d rrun im' nniject j to a-nothei' bv the CWA aitmiuistr.i. I tor. Homer Henry. D. 0. K. Official To Be In Canton i I'U!".,-;.,V ,'.f r'-i,, I) (). It h. Lodge. announced that- Hs.rry A. Si'!ie:rth Impi ii il l'i v' " K h would mitt witii t 'r.i m ';n t .antoti ml Friday. 2("itli. He wa' seheiluli il ." nmt with in ' li i win to l but wa.- unavoidably detfiiiwd. The meeting: !'"' Fi .di.t- 2';th. is a call nveting. and all ineioU'i- "t t n; organization il'e exi""-;el to be roe . ent- Rav W. GilTord Was Buried Here Sa. lie sale of '. Stat,-, automobile license tags for d9.4 vestcrdav biought to 277 f).-2 the number sold since sales were opened Deeemlwr 1.. Thi-- cnmp iies with 194.74 sold a of January 1H. .1933.-v. This vears sales have lccn divideo i follow M ul oi di i , 2 R i' eigh bureau. 1 8.70; : branch urines. 2M0.119. Finieral's' i't ii - ' alt. veiei an ; of lii i! at hi - iioiii- bet e niornint''- wi.i - hi 'd : ' odi-t. ciiuieii a; M: -'' moi::inu- the PP.- -- !' iMsted by :h,; IP ' ofliciatinp- Ip;! nj.7 II ul cenieterv. Mr. '.(iiffofd. vt a - 1 ; Ml'! . !U1'1.' . 'pi'"'" W aviiesv;;:,, -H i" . .' member '"ftii,. Me'1; ' Pe:-ame i"i' ! ' With i ';:' .i-'i'J'' ri:'' ; -f : r ' Wa oiii :.". P:i -ia p, "-Fi -t MP'-; ',, l. Sat i-'ia t I ' Business Directory Beinu Published :. Uii iai'i e.i'ht'-i f I eer this Peck. yi ') -,vi lie-.- "rt -, ' -ii;t ii'iir busine-s Pi'iir- in itv. W (. surge-; u thi-.ad thi- f Vip beeails,, . . !cp ; ".ta-' -k. ' '.a-r art VP- .' -. ; ; In. the F'nited States navy the rank of reair admiral is the highest ln-iana-nent rank an. officer can attain. 1 ii