Pas - THE V.Y.ESV1U.E MOl NTALNEER TH I RSI) A V. JAM Rv i'tibii.-iu-(i i; THE WAVNESVII.LK IMilMIM; CO. .'d..;n Sri,-, '. a iic-vidc. X. v. ' . i:i .111.! M. I J';-! I'u'oli-her- I'ulili-lii'd Kirn riiur-HiiN SI liS( KII'H K ATlis Y. 1:1 i ..anty M..ii!-. Ir, iVum.v ' . . . .r Oir.-i,!,. ,.f il.,;. ..... ,i .i:l;. . Si..". Sub.-v: ;;'. ion ;.:. d!.- in adv.m. .. linn) at ::- ."-t . a'. W .: tli-viilo, . ( . SiTO!! l'!a- Mu'l .M;.tvr. a r.'. ide.1 urn. A, r r Ma,-, I, :;, !:: November -0. !:) . Tilt USIIAV. I AM KY IS. 1 !'! I PASS THIS AEON; Here's a jrrand suggestion worth pa oils- in pait h' an article t'rom the f-'ayette- j die Observer: ; The lair tax i'or hitrhway support i- tile j tax "ii gasoline. ! The -a;s tax i paid in proportion to the u.-e J iif tin. highways. The ;:ian who drives his car :ii.v a lew miles a dav liaiK and forth from woric pa;- i'ar less than the salesman whose speed, miieicr clicks off hundreds of miles. The A Us! in whose veat her. weight hardly lets the highway know it rc.-ts upon it uses less gas and ; iinise pays 'ess tax than the heavy truck whose j Minililing wheels play havoc with the roadwav. , I lien the gas tax is -painless, being paid i in -mall amount.-, a "few cents at a time. I lie State of North ( arolina should increase ioe tax on gasoline enough t take car of the automobile license tax and then should abolish th;.- medieval form of annual torture and pevse. i-otic-n with which it affects its long suffering .:iblic. Automobile. licenses should be retained mill ;-s a means of identification. The fee -hould not exceed the actual co-t of the date- :oid 1 ho .-v Ieiis. of registration. One dollar a ear would ci vi r evorvt hmg . Here's a real idea, to our way of thinking, Meres something to put up. along with a liuver's Ikvu.-e. (,, the next -t .-simi of the legis. I. dure. (Candidates are voted on j:ot long from now. on reniemlx-r) 'tie dollar is plenty. One dollar lor erteti car ami one driver's license. Ten cents for 'each additional driver's ! Have the ,-ar in-pceted ior light.-, brakes. teas in Virginia, ,-verv .-ix months. N'o charge at inspect ion t ime. lake the highway patrolmen on oi weignis an. I measure, fairs, parades, tax collections, and its and keep them at work on making and l-IJ.lll IS A (i(X)l) SCAKECKOW TO VISITORS Mis. T. I.eiioir Cwyn made -iine very pointed -tatoment- last Criday night in an ad dress on "Civic Pride" to tin Rotary Club. One -f the outstanding thing.-; brought out was rhat "If Waynesville expect- summer visitor-, v,v nusl prepare for them in many ways, and ep-. - ially in cl. -airing up for 'hem." "When e housewives expect eoinp.-iin A" islially dr. a lot of cleaning, llo matter what ime of year il is, and the same thing applies "o our summer visitor-. AVe must clean up bo ore they alive and not afterwards, if we ex. fliem to stay any length of time." V,- maintain that Mrs. (iwyn hit the nail n the head, but 'here is one thing that was not forceful enough, and i ha t was that there .s not any better way of getting rid of company than to start a cleaning campaign onn after they arrive. No. matter how bad visitors want, to stay, whettu r they are boarders or relatives, they will not contend C,th having to -become.' mixed up with house cleaning or city cleaning. Then too. there-is nothing that brings f : lie -uiTace more dirt and hidden filth thaN cleaning. ' We -seldom realize in just wh,u con. ditiuii our 'places .of business,, homes and citv an- in until cleaning begin.-, then we are usually -o mortified that we want to work behind o'osed doors, and certainly a time like that is not a ilecent t ime to impress summer i-itnrs with "Waynesville, The Ceautiful," i We wish that a city. wide cleaning cam paign would get under wav and get Tins annual i ordeal oer before visitors betrm 'o come m and see what we have been hiding since la-t clean. up ime (when was ir '.) ODD THINGS AND NEWBy Lame Bode il Was I 1 1 1 m, air -1 u Wi nr i . ill w mi mm h m. m . a w i v J 3 Yt Vl Blister rust California sugar pines, important for timber, are threatened with the blister rust L DISEASE WHICH HURT J rKOHTAELf WHITE PINE rL ANTING IN THE EAST- v r" A r"i ; OlAV.OND HARD IN SPITE Of CHEMICAL AD VANCES, THE DIAMOND REMAINS nAKDfcbl Of- ALL SUBSTANCES 22 Years A in HAYWOOD ' K t j ' -':' 1 II a V is! r r, i .Mi-. M II Ki, Mr. Tha-l llry-.i it .llci . -r e.-r f.e. . P owl ! Owls arf NATURAL ?CrT i ENEMIES i r.c A ATC I .AAV Vs ! -he v. i -i r,l t M;-' : water i!v th.- J il " t'-r Atlanta : i. , u: tu (;,:, .--.nil- time -.vith 1 i-tu.l,- A. llavi: T-M.-s-c. iiil- !H U i u "MINdl.'ITIKS ' l-KMV MM) . I! UMM i J j::.;. He M in I!. t'c i J ( In fur Mia -I.I ale for ridvi- walk-r: '.nd Win SO MANY DRI NKK.N DRIVERS- The cause of the present ejiidemic of ib-im'k. '- Hi' :' 'it the highwi'ys of Noitn i.'-o , .iin.i try lie 'eiind in the legislature. When that body .made a s."(o fine tin- mini mum punishment for such damo-rous otfender 'Hid so many judges took t!,.. 'rgishmire sei.. musly.. ; -laughfi. r i; ii: Th.' :iii:iii!i siioiiiii l,e .. 'jUas.;!: s,.i;i..-:,-,. pel t ..! -;. : .a- ' ,r he. pn ;mtomobil,-- -K hiie imu.:;r t he i;il uc-ih--.of Iniuor. Rut if a :ILih; is im.po.sed.. i; -eertaitily shouM. hi' in excess , habit ual drunk in anftli. er i;i thi:-' s;.a'e was :f,-f ',:' fro;ir time v,.. timy with a !ior.inal -iiive, ;a!f to uj avail; : way -.peiied- VVr wh tile coriHliH'tiv.:; ail ii. iiMHiu ,ei,al;y: iei- i.lruekcn i r : should 1: di i irig ai keeping l 1 1 nvers A dollar a car --and e ii.boi-o Xews-Argu-, DA.NfiKR () i;()RROWI(i I.i-teii to a classic printshoj) story: Once upon a time a iiick'.e.nurser sent hi. kaj to liorrou the neighbor's paer. and the, kid, upset a hive of bees and soon was covered with, bumps. His. father ran to help him and caught his chin on a clothes line and sprained his back and broke a 25 watch." The clothes pole fell i the car and smashed the wmdshidd and mother ru-dimg out to see what occasioned all ihe excitement., upset a live-gallon churn or i learn into a banket of kittens, drowning all oi-th.-m. Ihe electric tlatiron burned through th Mooing board, sett ing fire to the house, ami the liieiiieii broke all the windows and chopped " luxe, m the root. The baby ate a jar' of pickles; and got ehuieia morbus and the doctor's bili wa- l?t He daughter ran away with the hired man duimg the excitement, the ,i,,g )lt ;, neighbors k'n'i and the calves ate the tails olf of four night, .shirt s:.e-n the clothes, lim . Tills ail .happened in; Oyer, T.mne-.e,.; ac. 'o lise town-., r.ewsp..j i-r. floral -Isub.-cril.. m yrur i;, ....... n,tf - I 1 !' '' f Ol 1 OW .'- ' V.ili tin el-rio-. iy viil III cr.-ao an.! .(, ;1 lie.v- uvy ill. th :hi;.- Wlltll. lul 1 Scl.u r 1 1 f .'oib-u-O hia a - .-h!. 'iirur .-j deck he i in.! th.- til ire t- r- ii's- a:nJ ;iM-!u .' e. ; -f th, :n-'. .. s ' ii- 'Vay'it -viii,- u the- : '- V ' '-va- t'h- cake sale :.t :!?,' h:-!! 1 ieivsiiay h- ;: Aid ui' the' l'n-f t. riar -Mi-:- Nan Killmr. aid Mr wt'l! v.i:h Mi.-.- Strinjitii lu -a yinir en the vi.V;in .aujr .,v u.-i.ial ..hai'ii. 'l'l..- ji-iy, Were: Mlv. liai-lis li.-ij , Sf.iai:. sri-uia!: Mis- Turivf; Mi-. ShiHilhnd, tV.LatlK liaked !.y. Mr. SeUam the h trucked mot i t'averat'I,. atun I run; fu.-colu lu-m-Uell:" Our Suiui:.y S. hi j! j. aloni; nicely under the- -up i-m-y .,; If. .. Vuni.--V, f-ci-'K for sevt-ra! woddinc-. Mr ut.d Mi.-;. K. VV. PaHn . villi- aiv visit inu Mr-. !';:fi cut.-. .Mr. and Mr-. U' T 1. Mr-. ( . K. i lark and ohiLn lice n visitii:)- Mi-. Claik'- .-j--Bnrni,. MedlV-r.1 ;;t ( .,;. llci i a! til.. I....1', - Tit, lidii -hiicl. - I I-:- ;h.- not" on ;- o, cic. .-red his mistake, ll-.iul-l i', c,,l,... f.,,, :."i...norh .iii;. :!d . year, old. o ,jic-in "' th. winf--r of 1m!:!. - when he as "' Sf"i KraTiciscu ISuv i:n.2e u-tr. -The -t'.i.j -.vtw inlVst'cd with t.-ens, an. I 1 1 dcfu-r , vci y f i 'he ice. wit pur a ry n CtatC i .' lliafr ir"!s ti ''' "I ti iiiitmriiv cut I'HtV M.-,y d!: lon.-r, hi:r it ; Tit -v cafe - a ct! ijri Id ".ir t1.' ma.ja "'l' - I " IllSt.UlU , Wl,(, ; ..(,,; i' a;j-,;i-- ..r ;i iriimi.":-, , jt ? a i:M,.ri; ever time. Ti.e t; 'F,-"f'!- .e.-.n..:fi, is ;r i i:;:t t ,:. ''.".. V Ir. (-.mi r.iis tl" it "I a Uive oorpnrition? r Ol .stuckhl.lilcrs in M -UM IMI A JIl SIMX Ih'siiie failure- are .due to manv dmg-lack . of experience. bai ;managem-m. ',:-. e ., . ,.i. immt :t IMe i!U-ln the! tpeared in ceun at invet vals i cgubrlv iii ay- chai'iv.l .wi? ii. me often .fnonti h'tMi':-...-;:!,- Phiidiyt-hi- -jtaige. .imposed a :hn of K- . Th.-ff - was se-vend :o -'..!!! ago. lie ha not ; .i-en .oi c.nui smc-vtt" in-..!' biuriia:. 1 Me ieosl i-.nim I how ol a . ur-i aiv c.,,,lH:;. raei I lie miiiii.t A ...... I .... . - i.iiiin..-r: HliMISniHJS Of llernrc. imvf. liu;o or nciiiin- to s.n. Thru lowtr r , m the I in Is f , ili.lU'flly oi ilii-ei-tot cisidhs ai-.-. -.iii.iiiv. ,,,, ,i I' Id t Mh i ti, , ,,, f noon. mm an association, club s.-u. -tj, a Miuioniy enn become the con 1 '"--mri.iii'- mtppfst which inur sc serious trouble, but n kiu the organization., Ir ifl.-r am! Ids crowd, vo- ' were a dci-iilct inifioritv h'tiy t.:..'. r.iuver (.f his lead ''"' J t"d:iy. Wiicii r. ii.i,:i,in- Italy wiili his Ihi!.'s;.;.iiy, u. rcpr. ctitcd a '- !. ..-Today ho j, ti ',v Italian tiaii. ics; iife. ..binc-: i f t.uer r.-sls in '- .a I'.jj.-vi'y, ihe Minority th O :,nv.-r; as lor- as .t!o ts ro:ilct:t to ileleato. ii;: -sitfiiciivit incrat power in the of :.' : s i; ,-id any city, of y- So ;j,,f,- ;,s, tl,,. .iiiajoritv c.-rnr:i. ; t . 1 1 1 ; : t.tie oVorat Htio oiiiTHjiri-i v, the ri-i.n.Titr ro .. r;-!.i--..f' iv;.- ', ....' :i rtniarkablc coiiici .; Wii eauirht :'r.-.- ! with it- 'cc- up. lu. -vd ., kovii m ovi , arai ; .vi' iioii'--t-. trance 1 " P iven-rd is imi ed nil' (.very s'n-i. li-y i ie .-hipped 7-"' -hie loaii Ml realized a net p.-,., it .'II..I7. And that. (VI,. .io cold truth. -.others '-had ''C Irutli. authinticit.i '.vouldn't re I H n . U"hv r-n'- ... hricksV Worker: "I ain'; t'.., Ii I'm a!! a-t fenil lin-.' !!os-: -Oil, arc you? Iii". i".!--y with that i-and riel vvivirrcd and til,, fuslu-rn'.:;. (ed boldly from conccalmeii was .surprised to st-c the tru: IviiiLT there erobhlinir un th.- !i' t'a-t a- it ran off the rt-o! - - i-ca'i Alter thai t v. ilaO.'Ver for li-l'oOf of the .stel-ii- judlle-iiaau--. Then- was th,. iiiu.Tlcloadiffsr t-i i 11' -.Vest ti. i!), kd'cd al Cleat e regard I ' i Is of the ir ai their r. liudy thi hollou-tipi. into tiie i, mi ; it until i:a Mlio ioaavd a tu a fi ii-nd goinir l-tid'ali. The t;un listance.s. and. to he niouhied -upp! V of hul'ets. Salt iH.urcd ei tip- piVM-lVl-d the lie huntt-r coii'.l .-A-Mllf I veral miks to the r ! th tr do 1 i j " " t i 1 Jt hsh no um icawoK me oe(.i on; of Ik ef stew, rm, venr's whop I'er concerns the 'ti.-ht-rman who crawled to the tdfrc of a .-trejni and'itised a l;or- Mou. 'ving on the oottom. ' He ca-t id- cautiously :! 1 not unit -nit in v ! e-rnei ;,t ' -sin ill .it' N i r-hin in solir,; p. I Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer PHONE 137 i, na W: ,he ' f-rt is iiiajni it , 'I'heie j iinijor;-' , con-iipi j is nn.e. t 'lilt or mii .';... ;. Almost any preacher will tell yoa that a penny in t he collectimi plate is not a down -payment on a ii.irp . . hi up Wl-'l'i the Ji-.ct that Havwood ( ountv was udotL ted oil") obs unoer the L'W A. and over -THim ill i a 1 ig tutd ioi tin. st p-bs ttcotmts i i nh in inf. t ili !), ing iu mil in 1 h uith a t c isn it 1 Nome -peop-ie are prone to ' take undue chances., while others go to the other extreme ' Once a young man was working on a newspaper and a new task was assigned him bv the mnnag. ing editor to take care ot tiic "Todav's Weuher" column. One day the vofing reporter called he weithtr btireiu lot tin iout i t but bLin&' un Hble toieceivcan wui he wrote the tohowint, for the column: '-Xo weather todav: full de I ails tomon-ow. ...... There i.s no question but what his write-up the follow ing- day was almost correct i't ason ior railui 10 .'stilli 1 11 IT o! 1 business; in o (V..1.1 i : : :; lea.sonitl'ly be expected to support o: ,-;.. i hat is largelv overcrowded In t m hht i stud b tl t di n i un ol commerce this fact is: pointed out and a huitgii uit of tht pios)HUiL tu Id i m i "niinended before emliarking upon u new enter. ! It savs: In planning to enter a new field the re 1,1 nd b i lit i ul unhsi. tim ms '' , pi ospective market does not reflect such favo. I " j labie viictimstances as a cursorv examinatio'i I ou ti it Mi d il t) uul lh nut Ik tul Horn ii I vi'haikiiig upon the enteimnse. t hits prevent in? j l ul up tnt 1 tilutt md iiuiili Lis, to sotun ol n .:, A.isiei! ettort and capital " , Kit- tune when anybody could start anv i Miat ul a business almost anvwhere .and make it i suuts i pt if in t a. n.h tin t tnei H,l'v .'lodern business is highly competitivs . leipuies better training than ever before Uhile optimism m moderation- is a desirable tint limed to tin txtrenu it has puhrps uriikiu moie biismts-, ,.ntuits thin an ithei i )i i mist ik Re'dsMll Review -Me- e. iherv i-- ih, greater r .- '1 -he , la.ijerjiy. -who l.y. v.ij ires (:, . n...... er or t (., ' "ii,v,'-t, - i j hien h.i.-- the sr?-t: a nation, c.ty. or so Electrical Appliances NtMiuji.houst' treanihne Irons, ( rome finish A ij H fu.t in n, t-, ,uil in dtt it h ihk told Jbj.bU est m?; nousc Adjustomatic Irons. Ailjastable (fr- f( anrl Automatic .neat i'ontro!.:"-atiue Proof." JbJ4UU Ib.tislale.-. -two bin m myh -Hi seperate switches An aa ,Mr iiu-h un"- tbo.UU Aal.!e !ron. ( hronu Haled, heat AH r g ,nd" ,( ( tbbebU mm ELECTRIC CO. Radio fservice riione ;u Electric Service ih f i or ihflneni cictv? '. t-. Ir... Wejtcro N. visi.-, , ea!..- BIGGEST LIAR L U. S. H IXS MEDAL . S-r.indla: Id: the sh; ..r I-e-.e.i.rh. Pa., tiu 1 ' 'i I i I t lu rujlt, r aicd il a-.var.led f.-v h; :' ': !!' t!ie ., jth- ; . ;'. ' ck -vliii ii nits . ' ' , -''e pondukim a.- it ;.: ;rn .- m .,-,.. a hole in a o; .fie clock V.-i.n-;he r. I ::n.:) .;. v, him. ' M'tcd tt'n- award for a - , , Matistics show that last rear there were 1 UOUO murders committed in the United State j or : ttei iige of one every 15 riinutes t.y ( r:.s imiiM1 v t... n. I Ml s I h.i t I thntil! t 'on ff theMtr How ie..,e.l ; .r,K of Lkirs" far 1 0 3 1 - ) f Hem tun ntort,l ft i P'rt 11 h lii 1 Mi i id.dnt hh in tntn Vcu t h u too hllSV.irT.iin I- . ' Ihe uisrcganl for truth in pi:-::: -y to 0 C H,,tt rre Hot t f hi club Li t ! CarH , stor oi the po Umi k.lie, mue w,th hi W0Jil c-n lesr won high honor . Only .sl.frhtlr loss fantastic th Hadtenham of Alahambra. Valif irn I ii, uv erp ,dhir Pei functor About Alexander's Service W hen the main objective ol anv lui.sines or professional '"an i n,lume. with a standard of merely acceptable val-ui.-, it im impossible to produce the hiirh quality that re MilU iio'n pun-t tknr thon uh eilort W e beliee tiiat )in uitomirs conndmti mints the most careful work With us th it is , utid u tli tied in every bottle or bin of medicine beanny: the ALEXANDER label. V S K HUR DOC10R . ... i ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Phones 5i & 51 Opposite Post Oflire i i . ' 'e "ii ins ail-1 J-tomohdo nioinp out miW from a

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