Page i : I 1 irtt; thence lontinuing with ! ! 17 ai.u li of Pisgah Park, as pt avenue N. 20 ' :: w -t f'.i , ,-urvey and piat of .1. K Kvugun. C. E. ;,. a -take; thciicr with t hi- 'of August. l:'2" and recorded in maj , i, ; - ;.i and 17 i-i a ...u:h-; h....k "C," in.l- "P " in the ottice of v direction tu to a -tret;t tne Reg.-ter t l ! '-t Haywoo. , with thf oa,-t .' - .' I ' "mt. S 2S K 4:; f.'-t ; a .-'a!-.. : Tb;.- Va , .1. nuaiy I'adl. c with the lint- l.f..- ' 1 -. . -I A. I.OWK II i a uei thea.-;. : ly .i.-tvtii Sloc'tV ' llavwci iVuaty. ;Y. l to the ..:!-.!.! i-:--! 1... I'l .Ian. 1 I -1 - - " 1 ,. 1. f Hl-BSpY. JAM AHY 18, 1931 THE WAYNESV1LLE 'MOUNTAINEER y grgig! I ills yl IIS JV Waynwville Rrb trrian .anion Presbyterian j I I Y&f&tXSSk '. - uanmo tu m ,,, j. , Walke- !'a-'. ! t.ri.rge l. Hammond. Pa-tor .. , . .,- r,.i.., tl T vi ! K THREE ' ' I'lVc torv mvnvrtia- .... Ai . 4v u. . . . . 'M J i- -TOSS a-'?.r .Kr-'X- Cimlon Pfrst M. K. (1- v,...- !- ' 1 Wav- i .v:.. "uh i- hi, V.i.ln,:" Sup. r.r.u-r. l.-n. . 5i4S- 4k t! :r''m. "'tw" '-H.,!.'- xou -..a: a ..-i.T M.--:: '.-i.. . . U: i.louid St.. i f. lW-nlon. fa-tor . V tS Ms' Sft"tPV ".iV-XvV ..Jhu,-.:- ' ,.. , '.:.! r. Y. P. I'.V '!' i-huivh ''' ,,u,vn .1,,,: , jA j ;(;,: -rl-i. rta.- K w a-.u v, v. .. . p Montine vvo,.-bi 11 uV, '.. .-r.h ' ' 'lil ' 4 T'n-v : !i m. y.-u .. Ial!i-n t,y ' V-.!- aray . : ' ,Aalrut nMH u ,;: (;:;;., U,,. r- J-w-lrT ' V-'"'''-' N-'I -Wrv-. . 1 i i Ik- !.' 1' .-!a.irm tti h u: 1 auin : U.i;v, shii 7-:!0 oVUvk -.a. -a- wi-Vomi-1 , : .....!,.:'' !!,-: x i.a -'.'J- i 1 .v, ! .:r. -A, :,, ia u- . - . . -O.n.W i ! " " K - ' nf,r ' Thp Maniui .lait.-.l in ot Uro- , , ... . TlI ,. ... x 1 Viaiha, ,:v, a,, ..nan,,,,: -W, , yi p,aU-h-K v M K- h.JN 1 HKM l J Kirstplis( I Jx aroun.1 thin ,,t wuh you Lan n.W ,,(K.ll,a 0 A. M. Thurch S.hooi. I 1 ol' ; " Sa.ui' You rt- rul '.i'ie ni-hard- I f l"a.r. ! . t t.c at it! I'm hun- ",!! I J m.;r.' v J l.h(. m:iU,r with i..uv! 1 1 UK. . v I t. m I ' Lv. f I W'lat?. Hanlof. vou h-t i,! 1 r vi ry th--;.- hand out ii'" ' in H" a;- the 'phonP up htTSclf-Yi-ah. itV rat',. 1- rapK. . . . Who said s?. Nl" l'ih, ho did. did h . . ttt'U. h;m through right away, do .lin't rare VOU let mm fl!, morninp ivory, id fops, i xpan-ivi ly. Tht-n he -xvanu- aw are of tht. anrry words bei;,g exehaaged by his dauahUT. and Maiiiuii- atij Hrogan and rushed ijvi-' .-.o then, as the stay erew drew in. la wat.h the arirutnent, rather Ik-ii dly ;b though id it was ! reo.uent oeeuri'enee. I. luld'.a n. ehlUlrcil. What malt vi :, th:-v noug'h to break! h, "a,ked. "Daughter, what v.-ll loud r.niera Jens in the place it v -o pull that on mo!" hung op the receiver with a -Trying to keep my friends studio! 1 " ., -;..pped suddenly, as a wcll-he-man, tanned and bronzed oorts eoat anti irouseis. .p- .i i a In itieoorwao ou j d-Kirway and -milled l.ola foot. md V m an i pea red pear.-.', i'l 'he a., h. r. "Bn.gan!'' iapiiied to -i'r , a. i. .li ua it i-omv oack . H. took her h inatf-lv into her t yes .-well. Lola." "So do you- 1 "m .-orry !;v.v. .lim." "Uo-i't be. Maybee that.-' why 1 m ,,;' enoii." -'.TWan "A'-via yIosv to her. "Lola. ,..u - piek up where w left on. of vour platonte friendships eclainied. and "They told nn- and gazed inti "Crov. you look about your here's old 'Colonel .Starboti tie'.' -houu'4 Brogan. ''Whitt :i morning",, work this is going to be!" "James, ir.y boy harumph. 1 don't understand " "This h.X)r seem.- t infer I'm un welcome or. this set," aid the Mar quis. "Jan..-" -aid 'op-;. "You inustnt niirrel with Mukro. There'.- no--" "Wait a minute,'' yelled Brogan. 'I'm "lot coin IT to have an old lu-h like you toiling me what t do!" 'Th:it remark i.- unealled fin quairei vith Hugo. .There's no "Pons.. Hroi'an- " "1 though; I Uieked him off my .-et for good la.-ii yoar, -shh! Ifiviran pointing at Pops.. "A- my daughter's liumes- litana ger. I've 'tht- right-": 11 gan- "1 demand Busine.-. managa r: ajjoiogy, Vaiu-ville First Methodist Paul Hardin. Jr., Pastor 1! n "A- for me ''nd my it- will - "' e ! nv l-Tii. ' 7::0 . . -"Y- a-v fie Hgh world." lu:t:o .'. i.vk. -lo'k. VUkU. 1 erane- St. John's Catholic Waynesville R-v. Michael A. C'ary Mas? at. 11 Sunday. Ma-, week days at 7:30 a. m. Hazehvood k'resb ItM ian Rv. O. C. I.andrum. Pastor Sundiiy ScHoyV, k. v.'ilo, Morning CTVi.y 10:10 i Vesper .service, '.. lo. l'rayer meeting Wet iirh' at. 7::!0 o'elivk. .k. 'A'edTli -day '. aid Hazelwood Uaptist Uri. .1. M Woolaitl. Pa-lo. Sunday School, .t: 1.".. Sermou .11:01) an T.iio -i .uvs :;;.( Sunday-. H. Y. P. V.. Prayer meeting 7:W i-VV.-j Wecna i day ivght . Canton M. E. Church. South lr. ('. N.Clark Pa-tor Sunday Sir.-ices: 10 a. iii. Siiiul-jy ti. ' . Sut -t ie.. Sup'... All depart men: oinph-te, Iy .'organied aud '.gradivj in keeping with be-.t. -'lucat ioii.-i! stliind.irds, 11 a. m. and 7:110 . p. ,n. W'oi-.-.'iip Service- with senium by the pa.-,tor. (i::)ii p. m. Both Intermediate ami Young Pi ijp'o meo; in h;pe-ial -en ice. . . Jo ner, l'ast Sun. lav -ohoo! meet- k. Mornitiir wor.-hip a; U 15. Y. P. I' unit- at 7:0t' Evening worshi at 7:1(0 PravM- meet'r ar '.'d:n -da at 7:110 o'ebvk. North Canton lktptit P. C. Hirk-. Pastor Sunday M'!io; a; HI ovUxvn, e-ery-liixly invited, A. P. l.iiu-r, supei'uitvn. dent. Bib'e da-.- eery Wi"ilnesd.-.y night. I'ri.'a.-iiing each 2n 1 Suralay. Clyde Charge M. South H. . freeman Sunday ScIkioI in. . First Sunday-. ( !l. and 8:00 p. m. Second -11:00 a. m.; !..':. :. . mony, S:00 p. u. Clyde, 1 1 a. in. an i va Sundays, llai rnoin . i .'( p. m.; lark'- s :oo l.eac'ile C!;irk' and Haiaioi ;. ei ninu at 7:"0 o'clock E. Chureh. Pa-tor at 10 a.- in. huivh 1 1 a. in. undays CJark'. ! p. m.; Har 'iiird Suiwlays. ' ;.. m. 1-Vurth a. ni.; LiU-rty, m. it at (lyde, ea. li Sunday M. E. Chureh. t anion Circuit n. II. Pies-. Pastor .Kir-i Sunday'. 1 ! ... sn .. Amon I Plain-: V p. nia Ali-rning Star. Second j Si:nda , II a.m.. Longs;'" p. im., M.ii iiiiiL S;a-. Phird . Sunday 11 i, m. I Mai nlii;. star: 2:;Ui p. m. Im avr dam; It p. in. .Anion Plains. 1 tl ' anday, 11 a in. Moinine- Star; 7 p. ai, Beaver., jdam. Sunday School as-t mb!o- at' .10 ,a.aii. Epworth I-ajrin meets at Anion 4 Plains.. Morning Star and Long'- each Oh! I Wish We Had Our Telephone Back LT'S a 1. r. er. ., i.,o'. d kin.', et Lie. trying -.c k ' '''V: williout a nl i' i :i. (). . 1 'u-ch with fri.d tildo-.i iir.iird nut, and unabU 'o call frLads to siivi'tc thun cr i . ,. evening. "It ju -.l dec "i't pay," iiatd a customer recently. "J wh v, my telephone back. Ti e I . I'l irtai and comio t 'a .'vc oil:- tu w.-.s ' worth far more than ilic . :l amount wt save li -vir,K to do without it." When you compile the immerown ..tivii it that t. eltrplvone in your home affoids with the l aicll oi,i you'H ' probably agrtef too, that it teally . io i.;i't eav to fry tf- do without it. You can afford the tew pennies i.iy thji u'epl.olie costs. Order yours put back now. Jici l a- t!e-' iMiHiness office or give 'your otder to any U,i' - .. e ployi. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (Incorporated) at i o clo lock. t.o aiul tell that glorified barber to get off my s4 itval'. 9 h-: .said, pleased but moving a .lav from him. "We wern't sorry about that, were V.K'V "I .know.. Play foi- yo-u--and bad tunic -"or me.'- He but his arrive about, her and .she fe)t. the eld. thrill of his phy.sical near.-a.-s. "What do you say, Lola?" Sh,. nu-hed him away, and said drily: "1 say we go to work." Brogan followed her confidently out of the dressing room, sure he could K't her back, but when ho saw her go quickly to an'tdVgantry dressed small, dark man whom hP knew was the MarquN.-di Binelli die Pisa, his brow clouded with anger. . "Oh, Hugo, darling,-' sne was .say ing hanging on to his arm." 1 ani orry, I . don't know hovv . it hap pened!" , "It was very embarrassing!" fumed the Marquis. "To be topped and questioned by. an. ordinary 'porter!''. "Oli. I know. Hugo.'' She saw'Bro- Kan glaring at them.' ' .'"Do vou khoW Jim Brotran?" "We've me;, oneo or twice." .-aid Brogan-, gtifflv-- "AH ritrht! Clear the stasel . Give me all .you- lieht Heir.'.': . 1 Brojrah, after .tret.ting the light, a nan .rod., t a hU satisfaction, backed "I1 t '.he director's chair bes'ide the e.'i.'ticra' and trod on the tv thi Ma.-quis to whom Lola nad "given the '''iflir a', a point of vantage , from which' to watch th.. retake At the Marqu;.' muffled exclamation, liro gat; , -aid: "SV.rry. fcorryV . Didn't kriuw yoai were j, here." - '. " HugUf darling, does it hurt," cried Lola, running to. him. "He didn't mear. ;o do it, Let mp see, Hugo--" , "Please, please," said Brogah. dis giytedly. whil. th,. Marquis: assured Lola in ar. .icily' angry .voice that it wa-f all, right. Ddu confined to 'fuss "v r the Marquis. "Whenever Miss Burn.s is ready!" l;r 'Kan bawled out to nobody in par- cica;-,.: 'All right," she called,, patted the Marqu;-' head anil dashed upon the jet- climbing into the rain barrel, j'r.van began explaining the action to ner, but broke off as he found she 'Wa-vmV listeninK' but gesturing and snnhng otf stage to the Marquis. U a a -hort Brogan threw the script i:itu the rain barrWl and walked on '"( set. Lola climbed out of the bar r"! ;V followed him. Now-, what, sre you mad about?" t -Mockingly polite.' Brogan aid: '"an havv, to aslf v-nnr friend to 'He my set.''' V ,"h t do you mean? Your set?" . J-t what I say. Go and tell ,f;a: -'n;rlt. 1 bar'x-r -o : ;,ke his snirf thv director and gi't IV Helhe) Charge M. K. Church. South (.. F. Houck, Pastor jn lay -vh'i-j ..meets at 1" a. in., First Sundays.: I5ei hel li a. in., Long' .'t p. hi. Meadow Grave 7 p. ni. Sivorid Sundays: Pis.gah, 11. a., rn.. Bet hel 7::ln p, ml Thiiv! S.i'i-iay-: P.. ' h. I 11a.' m,. Icy Hi!) 7 p. m. Foarth Sunday: L-onV, ll' a. nil, ).' v'ah " p. m.. lfethf! 7:.'to. Jonathan Charge, M. K. Chuiih South Ue. V . M. Kobbin Pa-tor Shady Grove: Sunday Senoi.. Id a. iv... G.letu: A. I Boyd. Sup!. . Mori.iing wor-'up a: II a. in. evi-ry Sunday escetit Hemphill: Sunday S. lio. Preacliinir tir 1 l.-ivj-- '"hape!,: I'l eachine c. I I ...'clock. con. I s'undav- eVOry- StllVda Sai: i -. a', .' : r.-n llld'i.- eanetta out. of my h: Mnvniii-. . firmlv. "IV.. ' t'orrrvoften ahou:. V"U." -aid Brogan. and turned ( Pops. -""Since when did vou drop the buggy whip and take up the rein.s of -finance? You must: get. all the red ink from the end of your, nose." "Harumph." said Tops. "Wait a minute." began Lola. "1 demand an apology," repeated 1 he Mnrqtii-, Spac,. Hanlon tipjieaved or. the set as Lda, getting madder and madder, yelled at . Broiran: "Who do you think you arc. Jim Brogan. ' talking to my father that way?'' "Who's, ahead? What round i- it'."' a-ked Space. Lola "wheeled sharply: "You keep -ut if thi- !" "Ohc phooie! , Let me knoiv when you want to go to work," --aid Brogan and walked off the set. ,;I still- xpe't, an apoioy trom vou'' said the Marquis, .starting af-if..- It.-ou-an lint. Snace took his arm "Ah- Marquis! Yoo're man I want to ,-ee. CJiv ment, will you?" lb- led ' offthe so;; !oa I.o'a nitre-.. JUDGE ALLEY .ni .i a- ,w from !-S' n'l-. . Mi,. Silcde aid . 'he - A. . ic a h- Al . , '. ar.d rare here Wi.-t -.--',.!. a. .-Is '.a,.ii uppoitur.r.v to become cd with adge Fe:i E. I Vallev. li. -of .Vl.evd I l'li- .- u ho h 1 ( 'oiiuelit eha ru'- !' r. i--iie "I j were charmed by hi ra'e ability to tor,. Sale ni, I paint picture- -with- word.-; ,'iii'i will .not be sorpri-ed to learn th a' I. the to hav.. an author of a 'a!lad that hn- lived n t.t "r iv quaint ; forty year- arid I -.evi-ll. liiore puj,ular Alii",-, of Way. i today than i. i a- aliiio-t: a ge.'ii-ra- ei . Win- ne-i i i. prvsc n quar- a: '.in i t.U'e .; taifi-, w wfio it tin siding erm 'if Foryth f . it'.. W.-; have k ti. repata; ion i o- ovir the ou'ity Su w n Judge nearly a ' entury ' Mi.- lam,, a--. i.-n. d u- ior,g ago A - a leaker tr: hi.- aative moun" have heard that h,, had no i .-hurchman. objei '.. d tv di.-he- af ti-r ea'h. meal, "!ia: i: ua- - o; a mate's ju-t tin me a ' mo he : Italian livid with lea- "You'i-e ; right. , uauirht. :. i.jygan had no ri'.'i-.'D-' "What care", vou . lining hi-re. .. "tn wav?" -aid la la sharply "I fob! you to 'stay elf the. -of !" ' She ; quickly -(.t'Teiied. . "Eveiytime you nut. yon m.o-h into thing- they u ' '-'.or-e' ' Tops', to., k. a: check book from .')) pocket, "1 only rami: on a nia:t " ot th emergency. If ..v-cj'.l! ju.-t ign this, check, I " "What for?" I.ola froze instantly. "1 want to wire this right away. Brother said he d explain --" ,": .. .'( "Oh, L get it. Tia Juana again. They've tieen giving him a ,-leigh ride on the rouli tte whw;l.-' Not am either nickel ! He's been supporting everv gamlilihg joint on vhe boi'der with' his millionaire complex- and my money.'' ; : . v .... "But they .are liable, to h!l Rim. Yo-.i know the Mexican police ' 'Let 'em hold him! I don't U' n dim- and a no trood" .urned back suddenly to her father. "Oh, whit the heck. After all. Ma liked him." . " , : - She signed the check a, Space Hanlon and the '.Marqu L returned. Hanlon was saying: "So what do you ;-av? Good idea, eh?" . "I don't usually seek out publici ty." said the Marquis "but under the , nv-tunces " , -:-:..". ., "WhatV he te'ling you. Hugo. vnv o-Ptiincr tin-a stiecial article fnr Euronem rehase," .-aid Space. TV- whole "All aliout the Marquis and how he r; ( : jr,, -;V.V0-,J V,; ;mrrt'--:ons; of care. She pec.'-. v. here rie used to be "in politics up e. h -.ei Tenth 1)1-'.. let. He i e-oiiaartively new on th,. beach, but i- a, -ea.soned lawyer of largo experi. ein-e and if, uiaking a mu-v favorable iiiipre-Via.i ia n.- fir.-t rr'rii. . ii- P'O-.-yt fi. But ...Tadpi'-- i Alley'- ciaim to fame, whict,. reaches far beyond the b-o-dei-s of hi: native. State, i ha.-e'l o-, -onie-thing '.othi'f thaq ni.- . pbwc'r . to . nvive groat, audiences w:i.'.,i hi- ekHiiience or hij-- i.iedty and wicr't .-.v ':- , a-. lawyer. Hi- ,ii.-t 'A idc-ly kr.av. li .-i iev, ineat. i- soiiiethitig h,, did w.'iei; , he was. , a a meiv ..ri.y. qfdy l'i. i.." 17 year- old. Forty y. ars ag', a.- ,,l, '; iiioiiatain lad ill', iovi , .lu'dgo. '.Alloy c.oapdse.i the faiTiod-1. a "i! 'popular i'a'lad known from. M-ii.i(. ta Texa.- . as "Kidder ''o!e '' 'I'his .iiiiibid is' a favorite with .ia::,io .player-: and if i- . -aid then- i pet, a -'at.- in the Fn ion w hero If is nor known and often l-iU.'.M; and played !,y 'la.-.j-'l.-i;. "Kidder Cole" .(has prebaiii;, fecfi' ii-'urd ie-or nmst ot the radf . . tation.- of thi- codntry. Judge. . Alley was reared :n the , ni-iuritadris of Ja. k-e. county..; .His parents lived m .t, .ValJey . . -In his youln he wa. a good aiinjoist himself, and. often ' played "Kidder Cole-" his own com ioa at, in the community. ..Some.: time ago Judge Alley consented to lot a news paper man of AsheviP.e in. or. the secret '-of how - hf came to write the famous ballad. He was fn.-piied to compose the banjo' ,-ong, he admitted, after his cou.-in.: the late Charley Wright, had won favor in the large due eyes of !i,. beauty of the moun tains. -Mi. Kidder (lole, df Cnshit,'r.s 1 icn aco. A 0 etliod siping the IF ..iu-il.-ted job. ' ' Hi, wife quolfd th( following Scripture: ."l'"'wi!! wipe Jeru.-;iii m as a in in winetli a -'dish, -'wiping it; and turning i't upside down." , OTK M 'if KXF.Ci'TI'iS S ! F your Mar- yoo and our other star.--.'' "I'vo always disagreed with mlMlcitv about Lola." said the rtr i'--,"!.'at--thi.:. .fa' an opportunity. American idea of cublicity ; wr uie. iTo Bp r orttinued.) NO It I'll KOLl NA H YWOOI' Ci il'NTV l THE SFPKIC.oi; ' i 'I i.T .1 WI1.FY JAMES: i : '. v-. - ,. ' ' ;. ' W. . Leftai. . -i; ''..'..: lly virtue ot a - afec aim ' d totiie Undi )., igifd f '"hi thi Siip.'tioi (ourt of Ilaywo'.d'y iii the above .entitled "act bin I cil' on Moaday ,'. ath day of Febrti i)-y,:. li" i: at, ld'b .M. at, :'the court, hou-e dom- ..t .-aid t'uunty. :-e!l to thil ,highe-t. liiddc; for i .. ii t" ,-ati.- fy the said execution all tli,, right, title and inf.-tM st. which the said W. A, la liar the defendai.'.: ha;, in -i he tolloW ing di - ! real e-tate, to-wit : ' , FlliS'J" TBA.CI : Beinonii.u a: - a f .-.take in the . we.: .r,i..i gifi ! Sari-' t 'Avenue." corner of lot- .niiniber.-: ,l.'.7 and tiR and run- thence with flic line between said lots N, Go I -Pi' we-i 100 feet to n stake ; thence with 1 life east margin, of an alley , .. 2a 1C eiist j Kill feet, to a .-take; thence S. 'i'l bl east HIO feet to a .-take; thence with l.i ... A,...,n.. ance;- ine west, margin w .juiwi, , .-outh 25 -Iti west laii: teef : to tn Beginning, being lots d.r, 0. and 07 of tlrandview subdivision of the City of Waynesville 'as per survey and plat of August. l!U3 and rec-orded in map book "A" at. diage :1a in the ot'licc of the Higi.-ter of Il'-ods for Haywood County, excen'ttii'tf ci-rtain portion of said 1'inrls con veyed by , deed to Keh neth B. Murrell, dated 24th Augiwt, P.27 and t-eccirded in book 74 at page all).: off..-" of the Kegister of Deeds of , Hayv.-"bd ., County. .to.lwbicjC-foook and pr.g. ii nw particular de-criptior. i-'icv be' bad. '. - : ?''( fl.'s'l) TUAf'T: Beginning -;t -, ;.. ;l,.. S, XV. !'! .of Daisy Ay rif , '-.ri-; ) lot- i:t and 14 and rn1' ;W.r, -c M'.'-c-venue X.' "" 20' Chart it No. HriTi 1 Kost'rvc I)islri't No. 5 KEI'OKTOr 'CONDITION OF The First National Bank Ol ;ines ille in the Slate of North Carolina, at I he ( lost- of lUisincsx on IK-antlHT l;0. lUli'L asskis I. Loans and li-romt .'. S2I2,!I()7. I. Owiclrafls ' ..i S!m.all i. I nitt'tl Slates (iovernnient set tirities owned oli.ltntl.OII .1 Other honds. stocks, and securities ow mil I 'IT."'Hi.0 (i. I5ankini house. SS.TIHIJKI furniture and lixlitres, SI. 11(1 ... S.70MHI 7. Keal estate owned other than hank in (;' ' house ".""" S. Reserve with ledeial Westlve Hank :t!.0 IM. 1 . !. Cash in vault and balances with other hanks I .'.'(. I Oa. !!l 10. Outside ehecks and other rash items . 1.."71.S7 II. Kedempt ion funds with l . S. Treasurer and due from I . S. Treasunr 2.:ntl.0l I I. Other assets . . . 1 1.)37.ti0 Total .S72:U.i;.7l l.IAim.lTIKS j:,. Demand deposits, except l , S. (iovern ment deposits, puhlie funds and deposit or other hanks su.:r.i:t!Mit Hi. Time deposits, extept postal .savings., puli lie funds and depsits of otjier hanks I(i(.!M!.o!i 17. Public funds of States, counties, school districts or other subdivisions or muntci. palities . . . . . . . 1 1 o.l'O 1.71 1 1.7iii.n" 1.1. "..'.''. "(O.ilfKMM'i l,s. I nited States (iov eminent and postal savings deposits . . . -. ... 1 !! Deposits of other hanks, including eerti- lied and cashiers' checks outstanding' 20. ( irciilatinji; notes tiutstandint; : , 2! Capital account : ( oinnion stock, 500 shales. par 8100.00 per -hare Sod.diMi.On - Surplus . ... . .1 . . . : oO.000.00 : ' I'ndividcd profits net . 22.727. 1 " Reserves lor eontintvencies . . 1S..!2I. M I .M.i;."i !. Total, including capital accmni . .s72't..lob.7 t Stale of North Carolina, ( ountv tit Haywood, ss: I, J. II. Way, Cashier "'of the above.nanied hank, tto .solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the Lest of m knowledge imd belief. .-' '.' : J. H. WAY. Ca-hier Correct A tie-! .-' .1. R. Uoyd.- .... M.- M. Ndland. . Z-';-:::: C. E. Ray, .'.:' '" . Director-. :"- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 1th day of January, Hl.'U. " -, " . Margaret A. .Morrison, Notary ruMic. My Conimis ion Expires June .'!(, l!).i."t. 1 .7 i A i I r I I