TDK WMmmmMmmm The JJest Advertising Medium In Haywood Count Published At The Kastein Entrance of l ho (ireat Smoky Mountains National Park- -i Xi.Yl NO. s WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA TIll'KSDAV 1AM Win 2".. If-'! I Survey Shows That June KS5r $50,000.00 Damage Suit S Head h Thinkinu l'enple Primary in Haywood Will ir . , KSY. I Entered Against A&r i ea Find Many Seeking Office KuWgL It ikl fW Company For Spider Bite Hewn Names Mentioned lor .Will Ot he. Kaees Slated ( W A W OFRtTS Art' To !e Hard I-ought Working 15 Hours ill, lis lJH I in : ::;,.. i iw ha already .-tan. : a' .,::,! things are taking on ; political ranks of Hay ,:y preparatory to what is ,j';o be the hardest fought ilu history of the county I ji:-.. Hie formal opening il .:(.,:jrn will tfet underway on v ' I firuuy nfth. when tho.-c t be candidates will begin :-hKirr ' the opening Haywood County was included :n iiic , in made on t A workers, which now allow- them 1"' hours a week instead of .'ill hours. The new order was put into effect in th(- county last Friday. .1. ('. 1'atric.k, disbursing officer for this county announced that the pay roll would be ju-t -about hall' of what it has bcii for the jus; feu wiek-. or about sl.iHMl and, i : r.c liaif-t line ba-i -. Community Airport ct luith Possibilitv Ot (ii'ttinii' (.oern. ! Thee is . . nieiii 10 iiuiiii in pin i hi ( timmunit v Kiicouraiiint; li v. j),. p.,si till ce weeks, tile I h . Mountaineer- has been ' uh1' 'uL Committee Working ' "hl7!L On Pledges To Get nation .mil putting it Iowa.- ania;.ir:g to tmd how -aiin- :vemi of thought is !,.. 1: wa.- liorn these tiiat t ji-;. a',, MH'i h. ,.P u: the renders can . c . h.r. w hen. the t in;.' ::,.r :i:a. announcement foi . t; '.-'.v.- it; this article ,; ; -!: ;: mincnt. in the '! , . ' a ; .slight be added, i . .'.', :-a ia-:, out. but t hi Jo - ..!!,. wi'H jc m the tr, . ., ,: :iii nated i.i .file .-': ... 1 1 : -.a-rtfV .'.office will ''"" .', ' Vu h ;uriM in the. Alr,;a;v eieVcn '! . ...;. Moiled as likely ... ;.. . :?,ce.. Slid ill' J ....) .v!;l i'i; "ha'al.y. -cek iv-elec- Mie-, f.T:i; those 'who- have; l.'.o: 1..J t a;;: l;dales tn al-o lli- tiiiit!.-h -a:'e: Faucet te , (";,-. (,. Uu.-sen. - :, : ;.i : Vilay.ovk. J. M.: " ..rd Le ltiierwooJ. ;:i; ... sit V. U. Howell, and . . l: I- .n.'eH-Stilie; In ;;;: oiV'c.y is wcl-l l'eprcs.etii - .a. :' ' iic tlenerai , i ;. . ilish. ,; V:;.' otlice of tax :.y 'i:vi "n. I 'ccemlier . lii St-, li . .' th;:t v.toiv' 'lie lax (!- i... haniih d i'V the .sherilf. r,,.; Hi obably accounts for the ;io ' uf aspirants- :foi: shei'ilT'- thi ' t&yvi? vsvx ' I. ' li.-. r ! (At m,) , IM K I'KFSIIUM M) HIS MOTH Kit. MUS JAMK.s U( M)sl : I I I l en the President lieronn's .i2 ears old on .Ian. .e eei m nuinit in the nalien will eive a hall in his luinor In litl) iais- an en d.iwnient lor exlensnn ol the work ol Warm Sprinns 1 .nindal nm loi Infantile I'aiah-i- I lie I'resuienl s mother IioukIh the !'-! h -old the ureal -.xiet ball to he held in the ahlorl-- : na in Ne.-s,vinu- " Uter all il is m sons hirlhdax anil I cm etiem-l. interested in the splendid or ol Warm S.nnus 1 ami lal mil. President's Birthday Hall To lie Held In Canton Tues. .it a m' I ,hnh w: -in vi tW i .u;e as out ci II b,. that tW-judjre of t,h which will by made in- i l I autre Felir Alley iecioii Willi opposmion . , tin inun .l v '! in, i, tie i ii 'i i n i '... live years.. i.i. I fie i. pin'.;-, a i llojv Veii hint iS7 INjiinds Killed 1 C. L iiil! Keienth ( Mill ot ( rahli'ee: leieiitly killed a 211-nionth old hnu. and when bull 1 eii il il " 'iuhed 7s.' I ion n ti-s- or about mice as miuh :i. tlie mrraitr hoi; ol that aye. I he f t 1 1 hou-chold "ill bae pli nt ol meat lor sometime I" cine total ol I. "II pounds i t bird us made I roin the hit. I ast iril Mr. Hill stalled l.ednm ibis Jioa nr. l 'that lliae .the hoi; onl weighed I. ill piiind- Dunne th.. nine months . I I i v in u on ne the hoi; uainril eer tiOO pounds, or alioul 1 ; pounds a da v . Nei'Khhots i t Mr. Hill sin thai this is the largest hoi; hae . , er -ecu while Mr. Hill says he di.c-ii t want an more thai -i beiaii-e "it s loo niiiih meal. Aihanee 1 lekel :ile Indieale I hal )la woid I mini v ill I urn t hit M ninn Husiness Conditions In Clyde Improved Husines.s in n n.-ta! 1 " t ; -w .- JO lo 2'" pei , , n; ; c! i -, i ban i: mi. t his I line last c.i i , ,n . oi d me to l-'dwin Fiuchei , p: niirneel merchant and business man then-. 1 la li k deposit- in the liauk uf I lde are much lamer than they were a year ai'o. Mi. Kinchei . who I- president. statel. '. rhei e is a feelmt' of opt imi-.m down in our town and We fee! that !h. worst is oei ." he i out iniieil Criminal Court To Convene Here On February 5th Allien Trantham Will He hied I'm- The Death Ol Clilloid ,s anoer On II to Uw a t ( atilmi f ile 1. In il.ll . Si. pel tor ( Vill i il l I lav. I"l"", . ' VM-.lro:. of M;,.. i; t ail l.aee I tied Mill il!i Clerk Of Court Mondav Ask. mt! I r S iO.llOii Damages at-Oiui o w . nil lor tlie . lei k oi ; lie .- a pi i'..r com ; hci . Monday by (all I. I .a Ni e ! h i o;n; 1 In- attorneys ae;am-. the tjreat. At lau: ic and . Tactic l'e:l 'oinpany , .. chain 'iiicery eonipany and the local 111 i nai;e i 1 1 oilier I lt u a; n! Sa in ( )w en ,. . t.-l a in iiiauaer. i.'e " ai i: los'-iic-s .in,! n ji'lijrent at l - atal col. III.)- of file de fondant-" which 'he plain; ill .-. . or.- i a u -1 d b i in : . in- p.-r . iiianentlv lll.illled. The coin i il .. i nl con .1 ' 1 il lie. : pi w l i I'o n hi;' . e.- a i id . i t .nit 'ha I lrfi.Nei' wa- hillen in tile pal-n In- haioi mi i . i mi e i :.' I'.e.:: by a "larue . in in il , oi .oily poi -oiioii- all. I d.ii ei loo -pider, known as a Tiliaut ula." fhe term "banana ,-piilci ' i., ..nine ! i nil"' u ed for Ta l';i n I ii la 'Die complaint lead mi pait. a.-tolh-w : "Thai mi 1 he 'Jiid day of Nuvi-mln-i IP: t he plain: ill', i 'ai l I " e ... '. i; ; ac :om' ol : in', oi li no, nit The A ; ia nl a- and I 'nci lie Tea i 'oiu In, .it i , 1 in I h. : own of :i y lii; a ,i lore a id , and' w Inch -.loi e. ; la ii im-.mi in. i n..roil and i en d I 1 1 oita r I I Well a ; ;;' 1 1 1 i.e. r !' I S ,'iu ('wen a .. a.-.-i -I aio ac l.,,l' .',, ';e ,ll, ..' I'.l lltlilllii 111, 111,' f . iiial! . mall ' play . i a a. it lira.' ,lel H " r: : I h. ' fllitl! 'yui'-i i ti,, e f I Hi'.,. Th" Revival Begins At Presbyterian. On Next Monday .: di II l filed uV Ci rover I. DaV-lsV- this .eeti.hh would briirj" to till ii;- iiiaterialie and these- two' iuunity dur.uit ; the n.-M few .car pi" laiits, it is eerttiin that this hunilivds of visitor,, t" ..-ci: the park. a 1 1 i ' ii n j - h plenty of excitement Th,i fact wa- al-o vtres-ed that a- 1 ' o a- well, as the rt'.st of the lj, the jjoveriuiieiil i.- buildinjs' ;iie port- thruiurhoiti "the counli -'M .tiiat : . . e,;;.v ':"'l,W;lV'1"',','i' "'Tl M'T' "'""tv.ty -luatl'i have one. . R H;,,-,er. Of Aberdeen ........... .....,, .... U(.u, ut fi ,,rinciiai nunp '" "'a' ici'l Ihad bi'ys'on seekirii;- the , )niwj a. .,jlis tilll(, lt was fal.l i ' e.ici.o,. I hi- ;.. Mr. Queen si lh(, fatt lh .((; th(. appli--,tioM must be ""ii and he won out over .Mr. " .... .,,. i,-.i- I'ebi uai v lii t ' .'a-: time, and word com inn , o ;. ...i-..;..i, ,, . i i.,.;t.i t h.. n,,i-i ''.' t:' .;n Iby-on City says that -Hrysim is 4.,.!. Ji. i,'.,,. i,',,,,,,' rL;n,r . the l!, ival -erVice-Conduct e, I 1 ,;,.,.;,...( (.. tKj. .,i.Ki seceia weeks ale P. 1 lies I l.mvry i.ainei :a.xt tenjr.of- the (leiieral As. ,p;f,lV, u. lVe,- ihe piospeet- of vret-.i will beKin at ,be 1' h- n .i,.;,t .terms ever held, but even lHu,y 'v,in b(, ;,,, pt ered ilr ve-, K P. Walker, pa-tor ..,i H,o. rnui.-h f a; ha- no; kept ..the iiu .lies of Ural n ' ,,' ,.,,- t)ll.t"es to a-ure t he : 1 r. Walker announced that . K. v M r I- . a:c-.. Walter Crawford. R. T'- . h. 'fvu 1 c i ?i n li!'i li"'' filc'd ' Pa, her will preach his lir-t -ernlo, - !'. ;:-.-v. s Nolund and W. T. ,:- Vi-1-- !' :n; !""1' ;,; ;:;,, ,, U.,-k Mondav nij-l.t .lanu "' " Si ",, fruni beinir hientioned. with " ' ' :i-v '. throuirh the- W'-el 111 ( (indui t services Here I wire Kadi Dav I I !'-a I a u a 'i" ' mi "il ' ' r. in. on loday Ho 1 ne I'S. 1 r ' If, llal.K P.'il'will, a w ill a lleiil at the I .nleii p. -m "li in."'.: "fill - i-iv i ant, i-, ; niii . i u.' al '.' toil w il h h ' v'er:-i''i's I ' in ci -1! ( biii I 11 pie, i inm I-"in ma n I ni vol -. i', la II'.' '.it, ni: ihe inn ic t 1 ; hi ; i .i -1" 1 1 Ml " II:-; ;, w I ,'d cou',1' V i - Joliuni"' , in .in lh, ho ifei.iy : :,.i. which 1- one ; .. IllHI i liat - w lii , ' e eon,..- "t, . in all p., it- oi t hi-"pi'', i III" d .'. till' li , ' " rai e .ana em!- iwiik tit - - ! 11 1 Vai ml S ii in;'.' i-'oiiiiila; nci J', r 1 iifant il Pa I a!y - i - in w i.ieli I ' i e - all :r b'oo-e ,'.; .' ,1, I j,- r.'i . c 1 lie O! e I ih'lll M ill ':" e! ',e hi ."'.I'd 'HI I ii'la.V- Tin -.lay .lanu;:' y i.'n. I i;i e ll j I . , I- - l!' i i al ,ii.i riaa i announced ye lei i a l.n.'H .tin', li-. P'-m e had h, oi' inn. .: . LM ai 1 1 y "' a "'.I f 1 1 .i : ' . he had r. .'eivi n ceopein' ion I'ioiii eve. "lie. I b'' mil ..lii . -a ie "f ' 1' is i ; ' i mile .I,-, r ha; the' ,- i i : i he '. er 'Jail coii,b - at ! In ha ; I ii, ( an I - ci, w inch will be I 'ie "only .m,. in Hay w .od i mint y. H. S. P II i jrem i-al: nil tail , ainl in ha ' i'e "'" t be -ale of ; o i.! I . Fveiy oil n oil' a n i: . 1 ion in I .anion i -elliuei ( ii ki t - w Inch al e pi n od ..! SI .all. ( Ine dollar ro'i - :, t lie endow . melit of Win in Sii inei". cent.- w ill pay " .ihe" i"i'al Ticket- h'a-V e been ol.i ol 1 Wavio - iile at the ("hi k of I 'oil it a I i al a I. " , her. ol lllllli.'.'.l ',' oi .ii am i .cl i I II to . ' i e. ,i! t! I a t" I h w ilnc I l-.e I'. I "mil- I I'olll ' ll'l , ape hi h ,l, " nude, tl.e unci, i he i Inn the 1 I, -a,. ,. i: h , I- "i loll III n . I I' .1 if oil' a t'l" 'el' II I . 1,0, .1.. li. Kill l-.e li -I "S.- 1 1 :l. i l-'l ' '. Me .,1. P I'' .M.lai ,!. I'haal. talaai'd I , M . S' a n i ei , S,i li-Wel , .1 I . W Ploy,, i. .1 , II "I ;. -..-.I - -I Pa i i 1 mo-' Shi ban. 1 Nniaiel. '-U . '. P. :c:,,enl..nn to "iiial hci .1,. 1 Pohin o. ,1. Al ' -,,,1. (I T. 1 1'.. ' 1 n i . - I.' Al. Ha I- - .la, i nil I PI,., Smaibi -r-'. P. -P I hiii .:. ,, I I . e .111" "l"':t ii a ' , il . lhal I I'l l , in (I, Pa in ! - . l . .1 ' P "' i;. I,. Illlilm ',1111 lb lid: If. I I I '. P i I'" I ol I p I . IP f. Aberdeen bvt'et iau church ordiuir to . li . y nt .1. il Howell, present' Kafhfkl I 'IfrPrSl: I A ; ivill be held at Pi a.m. and . :..!. 11. in. , ,.),:. t h,. or, he-t i a tlpil will fuinr-h eekinjs' .... the . place j,v.i. " w ii h ' p : . I 'a ill . '. a Pltlell. William IP e h.lll:l,l" . .1. . I, al . : . Pawe. .1 Al .1 i l . P. Al a " ,.. .1 i i ... 1, ., I . , . I l ''oene'-' Smaibcr-'. P. '.I. T.'ii ham, I Ion ' 'l.o , ". ',,,,' , 1 .0 '. -P; I . P 'bill slOI, I hc i, P,n I e , ( A 1 .. l I ' I HI 111 oil, .1 I . Mice Aiuerican Flint Stand :.m! ' 1 ' ' '" . " .1 ir n 1 1 ' '" " Wavne-ville Pharmacv. " Urn :).,. i . I. I;' ?.-i . ; The ,1ecorati.m c mmit'ce i- plan d ' ' .' 1-1 o, P. P. I I"l ",i. 1 1 . W . P , 1.UIJT Ki ir e l.uee ' pholoetapii- "1- '"!'!": (,; W. leriefL lleiore (. Jen-. " Pll'fldent Poosevelt topetin-r Willi led ".'0 ; ' ''ii: .lame " A. allllei ; Pe'eol,;.-! white and b! il,. I ia 1 1 tier's and .irea mer P. II jiii'-'ii. P. A . Por ei . w : : I . ' n i I hi oi.ia:hoiit the w y in. Ai-i-;;nt-eiii'.'nl .'lefoii A'b-i'-il II en, on, S. li. l-i" are- al' .., beiui; iiueie :., I radio i'e-. Iiy lliil; ' P P'-an , I'lank Tn'ki , ' ci')i',ioti from, the National P.roa.lca.-t 1 1 on. pml :'- Poiii'l-l ( i 'ei u ; F'lu I'm.-I, '-. my Company about I 1 . n clock which' . i . i; ai ii; -fi'i-' Fork: W. ')'. s'haip; ' Will leal tire a promani deo',ed to tlie .Paiai i,au I i eek : Pi, lyien.e I .on. occif ion Word coiniiiL' from ( i reeitv i lie w a ti;-' . M-oh I Tre, I,. th i vc In the even: this enniliiiiM either two or more will he hat will bp wntehed f i iiiii t hr- I i keen interest., : . , 1 are two offices that will not it ti any opposition because of tun ajrreenient that when the Play Local Team .. Tile Rev. Mr.: Harbor. ia a eradu ate of the I'reslivteiian College and o. lumbia :Theolouical Si lllinary He has At Gym Saturday i loi ' I which W'.'ilter Hine- I'aue was a iiK'iii- . . i her: Th tomb of Mr Pa'i at the sehool will meet the i , . ;,, .'u about one .mile iKiiii Ab the iiiu-ie Tuesday niitht is .most com petent. Mr llai.iis also stated that the f'anton itvm had a flour space ol PYiiiiu -nu fei t. or erioiiirh room to I easllv ;i.c,'iillllllinl.!!r aid coupl The hall is -ohedtilod t 1 :d0; ;' ;..:"". 'Two-Meetings For I). 0. K. K. Set i Cist "f - ;. !i I w ill, be Socio! v Pat" I .Oil i la-l until" iii-'ain ,: at ei;;h V ; ward " found mi i. I'f-ec . will be i-iiices ;irc now beint; tilled by '"''" men. namelv. W. G. Kyers. ' vouii and f.dw-in Havnes a;t" of deeds. . Close observers Th vaVne-vilL pirls have won the ";'.'" "PPi"011 Wl11 "p Pivet 1 oiilv Eame they have played but will : ,1,,.;,. brother-in-law. Mi Phis opinion. was one pe. ti, a. hard task .in trying to ......tnev llendv. a cousin. Alumni Of Wake Forest Met Tues. Ill en . - "'. I r o::; aiii.-uie- thos.. Turn -n": :i": i ,,,,,. .,. ,u- .;-1i, . -,, i f . "i una ill tilli:. rlne. board of ,.,. ,,..i ail ai-.r-sr with -W-.' A. Tlyatt. ,-tv Payis and K.; B. Rickman as h'la'.es, . if . nrecsnt . . riredictinB ' ,,iii. (..enure C. Havnes. f ofni nonnnued on page two) "ENROLET CAR IS ;,' . '''. y meht someone stole a Chev ., , : toul'!ii(r ear to Steve ri. i . (c-n trom the Medford Farm. . . r-ia.-e number was 870779. The .., "'"irimerit. was notified Mon ' -'rnr , and a e irch in : ! " tor tl- .' . ""V - Veil.. - '..- ,.-.- defeat tlie Jievhel las.-ie.s. Ihe Way- y par'.-r held a verv ellietive re nesvil'e bovs will h: out for "their '., ,. :, c.vimrton. (ia.. about six fiist victory of the vrar. . Having l-t ; v, urs atro wheii Mr, Waliii-i was pa-- theiv two o.iH'niiip: thev are ex- tot there. Iv;.l ':.. i nolo. , ,,,( office of register of deeds ( Mountaineers sin . a double-header , , . a visited each Vea r bv thou 'm oi suiienor court arP sat-1 basket 'ha!!' game on tin' local court , an(s i:o'''';.vir'l;nat'.tllC?-V"'-"i t-':v'! ;he ofiiee mx; Saturday niuht at 7 :::'. ' ' M ,-. :.,, a veteiai: of the il I, oosi li.ii i -, u.. i-"..ii.a ,m ...... -in in i: vnes ... , , . , 11 .... .i t .ii.s ... ...... , i ..-..ii- :ri a we h n,i. ii . '",1 ville with an undefeatrd record. h.av- j,( and evangelt.-tic sing'i'. He i ing - won the championship for: girls : .. n'-u,n ,t, r ,jf a iptai t that, has in this section for the past three years. 'I- ,,xt.'iisivelv for the last lift' en veins, and is made up of two flendy ( i h Inn W ' U i in College and Al I' -.ilir. U ake Fon-. t alumni secretary, were honored at a dinner given by :'e llaywnod Coun ty Wake Fore-.t Alumni Association Tue-dav nil" ht. at the Hotel l.el'aine nccted to. make a cahieback in the win. . -h,.sf. .-evival .-ei vices form a Dart ... ,. .1 ' Hutchins.: principal' 'of the column.: ''-, ,,f the rironram fi r the work of the , ('anton High School, acted a.s loa.-t Next Tuesday night. thP 'Mountain-, huich duriiitr the vear "1934 as ;.n-eer-' will ul.iv the Sylva boys and .(,u,K.ed bv Pr, W alker several we-eks ! sirls teams at Svlva- atro. (iiltat'c tiravtr meetines have 1 ....... M-:..l 1..,, M1..V. It... W.'iv. li..,t f.ii- turn wi.i'L's in lll'l'lllira- MOLLN-SLNDAY NIGHT nevilit copers ami Canton Black Bears - tion for the revival and will conlin- split in a double header- with the I ue throuuh this week. Canton hbvs winning 42 to 14 and ! ."'The people' of all churches and Wavnfc-Vil'e girls winning 4.1 to 21. . those who do not belong to any Ou'nnding pla vers for the ( anton church are cordially .invited to th-e te'iiM wf-re" Suttle- and Owens; for : service-. Dr. Walker said. Wavnesville. AVyatt and W agenfeld. , .. 0 Utp-'h scoi'eri in the girls name were' -.- .TO GRT SKW CARS : Phillip' with 14 points and Caddis... It was learned Tue -day from the with 11 points, both' of W'ayntsville. ,.- charlmtte branch of' the Chevrolet The Mountainert lot t. Hindu M t r (ompuv th- W Ukms ( h.v sonville tK.vs Friday night by a scoie i o. i .,u.v ,vsv i 2" 2U M rn w i hii-T co r n l u i i i iVif.. tVi. "irmie tear-, with. !. P"'r' e Parker scored 11 "rj'.;int5 ,"f -jr.;, .of lb, I I (a). K. K . Will In ii I ant on- tonight begifilniig I , I'elock. 1 mnii'diately afti i- v. Jncli lance w ill be held' which will I i ;i i i ,,t ',, I" i . .. loo.ait s '. .iindo.v oil d i,t i i lin n i' ic I baunna .' "Th'.t in' ' i."."be,.:.'mi a" ii..l ll'l.ll.l t" I I'l l l.l'l "I 11" I I viii;',..'iiii"ii ' . "'I'lia- w!i. -plllf i' w it h die: : F..J. 1 - r J -t-.-rn that h HYATT ILL I. Hyatt, will reeret ni- was confined to hi.s "" -.his week because vh; '. ' . -. visi this week; Much in terest is lieir.g snown :n cuies wr.ri ie the cars hav : ast week. niaster and introduced the visitor -Mr . Weaver made an address on ath letics and mentioned the athtetn nnlicie.- which lie Imped to 111,-tall a. Wake f orest. Mr. Dowtin spok,. on 0 "11,, IV.d. Hn Fiiilav :::: 11' at S o'clock Im perial I'lince II. A Sb,,l,eitb. of Ken. tin ky, will .peak to all IP K. K.'.-. A P. Pi'.'tbet.tei , loyal vizier, 111 gei that ail member- aiid. all ivho have hi eii iheniiiers '. 'of the lodge .attend.' Legionaires To Meet fler Tonight Th,. A :""i ican Legion has changed .it- inert i)ig ..nights ; t" th,. 2nd and If li Thiii'-days 111 each month To night. .w.if! 'ne. t'ne lii . undei' tue. new sehei'ule and it i- hoir,',j tiiat a huge crowd will be p.e-enl. Doyle A!!ey -has' promised to. fiirn .v,-.'il il '.!. -. id;' n c .1 i "t ::: ; 11 'he., 'plan "it fa -I ; Mi'i'lb aid - iiitei mingled -. feu-' a.i' I ii'i, wa liatel'v bii aiid f'tillle- hi' a la. I , nai'l .. deadly pol "lien -. :,ot on". ..; pidi r I.-1.KC.1 11 .' - a .1 : which ; ' hi"' deii.lahll-t ' ; aiai :."hi-m bad w long pi 11 y p".iaiii"' a'h'l. li .loalli 0:1 ' i l.n"l.,':a .. 11101 e, .'fully, heri'inn ftifi 1; :'"i " . iviljiif.'n f' W-: tie!" -l,p 11-1: id" " aid-' 1 igi'it; liai-ai : ; h, e u to .- w e'l, ami 1 n-enioe a, f t-hii' the d-caiil;, jioi-oii- ' ii.ii , In---' )laint iff's- ,-ai 1 iiano and ,y-" aid voiiem.,;!-.. d.,id-y :; md : damiei nil - wise..; ktiow h ollecrn affaii - which were ir interest i-h s nut; good 'entei tainiiH'nt but will to the former students of Wake: For- hot' tell. v. hat it i--. . . ., a : est.' ' There are, s' veral important things ')'itt: fourteen members ot .the ,10 be discu-.-ed and everv ex--ervice Alumni Association wete pie-eni man . is reiiuested to be present, f- r the affair -whether vour dues are paid nil or , ' . not,"i I Co"-J rihiited. ) ninsiiniin be.n. shown during the'om. North ai attendance. . ATTFND DF.ALKRS ML KTINC Paul and Fred Martin, owner- of , Martin Flectnc Company, b ft yo.-ter- day to attend . a " mi-etir-g of Philco; Disabled eterans will meet -in the Rudi.. denb-rs in Charlotte. The sos-I court house I'ftdav evening- January --;on will bp two dav.-- with dealers 1 20. at 7:.i0. ,T his -is the regular iiiontn- " s.iu4h 1 aroliita in ; iv meeting ;ind ail mr-mhers are urrol .ti Tin ant ula.' '.va : ' an leif ,' : il i-ou filoodativair- pants,. A'f, the ':!!' body.; that - tire pla-ai,: ilV.-'tin -became-1 ve'y .' si'-k.; . j'itfi':- : teii-e " aii'Ui.v, .'j:-iin -and' ;. of .dioiy and m-iii'l ;'' f.'-.a'. attended .;;,' 'phy.-'ician .' a nil w. 'carried; to' a ho-.pi'a'''; ' 1 hn ; scieli'e has heetr unable 1 ''; ry gl eat, pain -and suil'eiiiiir i'. il, phi i lit itf has ..undergof-i- ' ata! -1-iioii'i:;' by.' reason of 'said ilea'ily lieiug injected '"- .-.;iis.' -:'-. aforesaid; that by, rra-on ' ib-adly poison ' being injected . ; .'-v-'ten) .the prni nl i'tr. here, -ay ! the ' 'Court tiiat , ji'is- right dan I arm lire py: alyzcj' thai the. and pi.lm-aif i;j -.1 ighf .ha:': i- ha- .0 h attend 11 1 C