Pafie 2 THE WAVNESV1LLE MOL NTALNEER THl'RSDAV. JANIZARY - r l1 Woolen Ensemble j $50,000 Damage Suit j Survey Shows That .cIT" - 3 ' r LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS J j&4 !ls Entered Against' Primary Will Find u:LKt:; . ' piio.m: 137 f f IA&P Tea Company i Many Seeking Office - f f1;'! . Vi ,', I " , m . ,. ,. , ITT f f A l1 Jl 1 M va.i.,u.- ,ki... ami mrn-man Zvl.j!- n V"..v I ".. T. ii -. ; . I , i .. ,! . ,!.. " -1- .ra:i.av.:1,;Hr,;lt,.,narJ;,t. MMSt A ,ai,l injury u, -v :h,t W. T. I,.. S, . ,:!! . V.'. .Wa;- ., : A I- ' 1 . ' ! P .wCf 13 ' !'n--fi,' t:in.. trie phimtiil w ih.- . -t-fL:j.y . tr- ,. J "' Mr i... , ,. ,,,,', i tv i . M:- ('- Sahl" fellfli! r.n.;.,nt...v .win- vu.r. an.-l tnat-in h-u-v i.. V;,.-h:p.K:...; Mi' I , , u-v ; - " A'"'n ,,,v"ir. " Immm .u,u :., .,., ,mJ ,.u!,..),n!f i.,,-. .,?.,,. .v,.u .;,.:,., :-i " 1 ","'-' "- " :' (!:. .I.:i!h,,. .-,,, iMi.lM.v i:: 1 h-l' hi- un,- ..r, j Th,: '?,. , r S::,. ;i V - V,:''-'::"'V!I,' . lmMMmi ''"!UM n-'u' '', a,rl T: a::-ylvar:,;: -.-u.;t this war an-i ! ' .. th- .-.:-. ; Mi. M r. I. M,..i-..,,i of mMWMm 'un-Sv- ..!-hi, ,u,v I i"- "r lit.,- i that cuntv' i,u: v, , . ,. ..' ., , jl.aK,-.h,n lu-!:,, v.-i. v.-i:,.r, !n he,-, ! ,m,aiy7.,l anil that I ' ' " "I Will liiv.'-i- has hn-:, I . : .'. " ' '-f'-tiv.'. .salut.l.i".. ImMM Wm$ 111 , ll,v,'t P"aU. i t-sult ,ai.l i with tint: ..Ifi.v -v,ra! . M.. "Snulry lavl-.r, ..I- ;Mli:l .-ay- that he ha- iat-n in juriMi, ruined! 1 ' !V'1' s-' ') In- tl tfi.-, Iat nvivk..,wl. WPiP lyullVn, unt,,i,i an,,v ami ,it"o f ... . "H S " . ! Ix"iy and mind; that l. i unal,:,. ,,, l;- ' ' u" '" h'l.- ""iv h ,. T.. ! , i -:,, I.... ! 4 . rf.) and tn-rform m.m1 h.l '..r 1 :l'';'";';'' J", l'!t-' ; with friend- in Ahr'viiic and' H.;n.kV- ... ; 3 kiri'l an.l-Urit hi- has hotn a,lvi'-4-,l by -'nvill.. mmm Ar4 '.":W pain pii -lcians that saui iciisiiri hail AI -licll Hi. met I'lt.t; nf .lunatliaii a'urday wit:; I'rieniU in town Mr. (I. ,-. Bnyd. .if Jonathan, wa l.eie rui hu-ine Satuiflay. Mr. WiliaiUM)H was aniunu' the vi-iti,i'. u..,. from Jonathan Saturday. Mr W. K. of Cralitree. -pent Alnnday in Yayne.villi Alr.s. niarii Minolbied Ali. K 'anijihi. II. and Mrs. Frank Hodja were A-hevillc isitin- Saturday. Jaiii- Caldwell, nf Wayne-ville vi.-itiirs Mr. J II. (, wa. a vi-.j;..r sett nf Medfonl Fal'Dl i W ayiU'-sville .Moiulav .Mr. '1'ayloi .Medfurd, of Iran Duff, eni Monday in town. hi Mr. I rvi.- I'alnier wa- lui atalioehee Monday. Mi I I I,. Smathei from Clyde Tuesdav. f loin ;i - hen .Mr. and AI Nellie weie Satiidrav. v Mi-s K! izalieth Henry spent la-t wi'ek-eiid in Sylva a.s the jjuest of All' and Mr.-. I.iniis Kckstien. Miss Sum.. I' ish.-r and Mi.-- Jose phine Cdie Uele Ashevillo visitors l-'ridav. Mr and Air.-. C. A. I iiii-bury, wei.. i -itor villi. Tuesdav. liau'land. of in Haynes- I I , . . IHll.V'l. .ami nam .-en r !He; that he ha !t:',v ' itnn -unereil untold ayonv and di-tie-- of I ii-iih--. .but t I hoily and mind; that he is unable to no ami perioral manual labor of any kind and tint he has been advi-ed b'y said pny.-ieians that said i,in I,,,. been ili-.tiiliuteil tbroiiahoiit hi 1- I .... I , . ud in the befiinninu, official about tht,--e IliaiolitV h:i.. lieen contacted oei -onaliv or th. , ii-,.ai nils, and well the imm..- ..i-.. i.. After all i,- added together, there i- no m-ttiHr around the fact that uws war s eamnaitfii wi" he mm oi Mr. Ili.iii., "!!. in : i 1 n uti bu- 'f Cataloochee -s Tuedav. J .f". BILIOUSNESS Som sltuiiack Qas ami lie.ifiache ft tic (o f. CONSTiPATION .Mr-. Andrew Ciawfoid of Colum-1,11- Ceortjia, -pent Monday with f i ii nib liere. Alis. I.oui,-,. lo:ha has ritunied to i .S liisbui y to n unie her duties on the ' faculty of the Salisbury High School. Aliss lics.-ie AlcClure ..of Clyde, was anion"; the visiter in Waynesvillo Sat u rd a v. ; l:i. II and (irady Walker ! of bine- Cri ek-, were lioi'e on' husines: Satfirdav-. ' Air C, (', Han Ke'licl 1 1 o fl Sell vi-itois in (own hi "H T!:?ADE: MARK rtEG ni ! oi principal of tin '! , w a - a iiioiie t hv ;a! u I'd 'iv, , Alis- Annie Aid 'iTtckeii Win. is a student a- Ala:.- Hill Col leti'e. i spen t h:-t u;eek-enil at her bolite in Clyde. 111'. 11. 1 I 'hilds. of I lake I 'niversi t. lUirham. spent .Monday at the Hole! Airs, (iiaden l'Vi'tiusoii and a party ol friends niotored to Asheville Sat ui dav. ;u- i.i le.-i of U'orth'si fushiuii . la.iiis for milady Ls thl Ulack wiomii en-spiritiu: trliiniipti U tn4gm Mi.-.- I.oiena iioj-ers of ("rabtn:C, ix'iit. Kriilav In VViivnoivill.. v,.. -ucst of .Mr' and Airs. (Jrady Io(-'ers Mr. and .Mrs. K. 1! AlrCli.r.. o.,.n last week end in (back Mountain a.- Iie quests o relatives. -Ml.-. K. H. .Mitchell and Airs Ha.rv .Marshal were A-hevillc visitnrs i-,.-' teidav Mr. and .Mr-, (irovei Smith, of Can J ton wt re Waynosville visitors Alon lay. Mi. Kdwin I'dnclier. a leadino- mi r chant of Clyde, -pent Tuesday in W'aynesvillc; '.Mi.-s Clara ' .Michael, of Ashovi'be will arirve t iday f. s(i. 'ml the week end in tuwtj. mil 'Mat th.. leinov:,! hi.. ..;.,u, r, (,-. I, . , ' ' "' 1,1 ' 'KOI i I III ' , " ... .i . will not alleviate said sutferin..' as he At the time the above information w as gatheri . some other interestinj; tacts were a'so c u ned from those is no,v undei'tfoino' "I ha; tt:e plaiiKilf shos and avers to the Coin t that he is inform ed and beluves that he will always lie and rt in: in in said paralyzed con dition; that h will never be able to do or perform manual labor; that he will always, for the remainder of his days sutler nitons,, agony and distress ol iiody anil mind,; that as the direct and proximate result of all and every d the foreiroine'. i h . i.l..;o.'fr ..,...... and says that he has been damaged in ne iim sum ,,t ! it t v Thousand Cti.iD.OdU.OO) Dollars." ' The complaint Is sine, by Morgan Stanley and Ward, Junes and Ward a n'd Joe John-on. Mrs C J. lice.-,. ,.,..., ,..i ... i,.... Home Saturday after snendinj;' a Week in .New York ( jtv .wiier. she' nui- '.'iiased spring nierchandi.-e for Alas sie - I lep , l tlllent Store. Ml'. I.. AI. leturneil to hi Saturday af:.- r a- '.veek's vi-i-o A-hland. K, nua k', rn close contact with political affairs 'J he.-e will be given in another article po-sibly next week. The primary m June, HKS2 saw W candidates seeking 12 offices. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ': . ' act e-. MN'bS ( b'M'- X.caicl ' ' acies. Ji'XA THA.N'- Ibcve.! ,. 1 1 -ei 7 .ere.-. AI. I. Ale--,-, lt Jv . lb v.ej Jr., Ill acie- W AYNKSYII.I . A. ). W aldna, ; , J lot. Ailell (laiidi-. acte.-. !'. A! Kibian e- ir Carney 1'. II,,,,,,; (n. county. trustees J-.jncopa! eiui Creek. I to Klnier Henibn (ilimey P. Hood. T.- -North arulma. lot. J 1. 1' K. Hose et u, to ( arn;: W I.. Mehalfev. et u Messei's and C. .. Allen. :,'i4 R. S. McCracken, et uv ', Mi racken Isenhotlr, 2 tract - Kmanuel I.. Smith, et ux. '.i Kdwaid:;. Jr., ;! tracts. Board of Kducation, to T Ratclitf Cove Comnninitv i.r W: Witic a cold per. : J'oor Mrs. (iossip hi she can't talk ab. M r.-. Jessie R St retchi'i' ,.' Sprin.j;s Ohio, ,i rived Ab AI, 'I-: and Air,, -on i ir. i;,i!,ei i Stietchei. of Yei-tday Massie's Dept. Store W AVNESVII.I.E. N. ('. Our Ready-To-Wear Buyer MRS. -NORA MASSIE RKECK Has just returned from New York where she spent one week studying and buying all the new styles for the women who cares. SWAGGER SUITS Yes ou must have a Swagger Suit if ou really want to he well dressed liLl E i'LI K (,HK i. M) TAN Ale The .shades -'or Spring M l -. J. K J u - ice -,)i, n; hi-; u , ek eiid in (iiei'tnille, South Carolina a. the guest of her daiightc; aIts. Sam my IHivall. 'and AI r, I iiivalk M is- bannie Teari l.'....,V ,,..,,1 lest ' week-end with friends at West ein Carolina Teacher- Colli at (.'ullou hee. Among the visitors in town from Crabtree Saturday were: .Messrs. (J." H. Me.-ser. lake .McCracken, 'Claud' Williams, and Denny AlcCi cken. Mr. Ii. 1.. i'revn.-t and Air. A iion I'l'eVost let 11 tin., 1 S-ii 11 id.,,. .,r... .. . , . ........ ui Lei a week s visit in New York City attend ing tile furniture show, Mrs. . I'. Wa,.,. of C HI',,, 1 gia. is expected to arrive today for a few days visit to Air, nml i?;..v. , . - ....... oieii- ai'd Harder, .1 r :F'', if 11 1 1 : ! A I . ii T lav t 1 ctciu'i- yi'.ster,;av Air. and AI 1 Ni ,1 - Keru'iis, !', an Robert Alel.ei.iha!,, left Siiiula , fur a in bakelanib; I' ioriii ( i : and :.::;:.:. ' at ter ".'r 'aiiLi'h : 'i .a:,. I .AI : lUcn innaj.i, were Mrs; Kobert I!KA Y KRDA .M Mortgage Co. to Central Investment Corp.. lot. Ctntral Investment Corp. tu Airs. Hassie AI. Jones lot. C. M. I'arris to M. I'arris. 2 tracts. H, A. Osborne, et ;d. to J. G Bur-ge-s. et ux. 1 acre. H. A. Rhinehart Tr.. to Canton Uuilding & I.oati. 4 lots. V 's Hiyant. Tr,, to Realty I'm ehase Corp.. lot. (bo. Y. .-Pet fit to J. AI. Curtis, 2 IctJ. CI.YDK W. R. Thompson to Carl Th.omps.011. Norman Row'an.l et u. to Claude V T::,inip-on, ;:.7a acre-. I d'.er I''ei'gusoii Mr. and Mrs, ifan; liaiighter. -ii to relatives I II K UOKI .u is PICTi KFS 1 l I'. I I I.I. I'AfJKS of authentic, nncciisoied photographs now appear nig 111 the IIAI.TIMOKK SFM A .MI.KK AN. Make sure of vuur ropv l I he Italtimore Aniencan. Order it Iriini your newsdealer oi" uewshov Hubbv: I sa V. u e v ,. . . to have the Gossips 0Vt ,. t , '' some evening. Don't vou ')r-' is a good time? Relieves Worst Cough In Just 30 Sec 0 n d s RA,.tnoq tit; oavv .10 asu,, -INI SAH) ' "s-MnoA" i" uXr,. s iBtii xu iiiav ttoi-jnu;'. OUlltltlauo.IO 10 osot) H;tv' apart will probably end it for I all; If you have to take nun, x.n, half a bottle to get rid of it, y-,'j iiav . your money back. Smith'- 1';:'. Rab Drug Store, and all other It -.,! drv.g gi-ts guarantee it. Ctintaiii- no nop and war.'; upset your .stomach; - Bror chuline Kmuision INSTANT Ri'T. I II I hom t Ol GILS l, 1 , tilled. (Adv.) : - ! M. Killian. Jr. r .. 1 , -11. am .M I s ). k , I .a . - ".. ......Clll, .11., in Asheville. were week-end .','........ the former's mother. .Mrs. I). AI Kill iah. - ill'-, J. AI AC, el- l i, . II.,..',, . . . ; ..11.-.- .o.iitna a " ' Al:u Ha::. and Miss A n, be 1 i,,ui'....l i. villy visitors Saturday. ': '' :i , , I sen were atina Mis. Jun,, Kinc.ri,) i.s speiidinir this ''l'dc'. last .week Me,..- ,1 ,,.',,,. :,.. ., ,. . o as inc guest o Iter- sister.'. Air.-. Wayne Pattte am Mr,- liattle. ' Rev. Albert Neu left ve.- terday for inston-Salem to attend the con-e-e::rtii:n st rviees ,.f It, v. Robert c.ib blti, bishop-ebct ,,f the Western North Carolina dim-e.-c '.' Mis. Alton Ivirkpatrick. of Shelby, yrrtved Sunday for a visit to her mother, .Mrs, J. AI. .Mock, at The ...mai.. an. ivii'KpatiicIv, who ac companied her to U'aynesville return ed to Shelby the same day. V V r. Mrs. P. W'.. Hutchinson left last week tor her honie in, F.atouton, Geor gia after a visit to her daughter. Mr-. Paul Hyatt, and Air. Hyatt at the Piedmont Hotel. ' Mr. Hugh llaytie.-. Air. ThomasU h.-i:or,. Air. ;D. Ab t Air. Rufu, 1.. lenlani! ar,,i Mr. ,Jt : i v C. Robin- n- visitors' from DRESSES AND COATS THERE ARE HI NDREDS or THEM TO -Fl FCT FROM AM) PRKES ARE A MAZIMiLA LOW ' NU not he anion-, the fiiM to a new .prino outfit. HATS AND BERETS Over 2.) IK,7en New Spiin Hats and Beret-. jut tetened Miss .'Doris Messer. who is u -tu-dviit at Ala is Hilt College: -spent last Week-end with her .parents, Air, and AO'.-. K. i. b-.-er ',' Aliss .Alaitha 'AlcCrackeii returned t.c.Mar.i-.Hi!!'. fu!l.vv S,n,i;.. .,--f,. ;. -,i:ei:din: tlie ' week-end with' her p',r'. e::ts .Mr. atid M' s . !.. Ab l ,ackvi . .Mr;.' Clarence Aliiler. of:, I.exineit m. tventucky, arrived .Friday for ;r few ': - Visit to his ' .fatheiv Air- C Y M'.ll.f i'.. .:'..:. ' : S. . Mrs. AI.. A Poteat and AIr. ami .M:- r.. lb .M.('!..', iltt,wl.l H,, . ...a . .... -. ..v luovia: 1 t ( ha rb-s II. lirannon in shev;lk' Tuuesdav. " ' Rev. Pm.i1 H -i-do, i, ,.,:..;.....:, lue.-dav from Charlott,. ,. . 1.,, u'Pnt .to attend a meeting of the Board 1 1 isuteos ot tirevaril College , V V All La at'te T: I. d' Mi, hoir. V ' liuyi: . A I rs. Ii. , I'-.' H. I!;i-h:a-!l attend-i .Mts, George Ward A-bevi'i.- Satunlav .1 Mtu W", A. '.''- 1 residents, c i-t.-gr-: H.,v yean HOIil D v U PH 1 I Uf-.' -Ml full paL'e-i of uiu'erisored. authentic I hot !Mihs ot t hi? gieat u.nllict, mv appeantva in the l!AI.TIM( Hi K Sl- D.W AM I'.UU' wo,,. of the Baltimore American troni vour lavoruc nevNsdea'.er nr neho BROKEN VEINS Re Uiceir Oi.l . 0 - Hi lre; Massie's Dept. Store AVNESVII.I.E. X. C. GOOD NEWS Moiintainppr Ovpralk art hatntr V V--M.Akj V manufactured again And will be sold nvnllicilirnlir 1 iv. II., ill . 1 ll lAuuaiYcij in naynesviue Dy mis Ci 1 1 , ii . J ioie. ivnei ar rne very low price ot $1.39 Een less, than other well known brands and thev jum iiauirally lit and wear better. If you ever u-ed MOl M UNEEK 0 ER I.ES ou will welcome then Dath. it oti never did. you should wear one pair. then, like, others.- you will say she me MOUNTAINEERS. 1 VISIT OUR RE ADV-TP-WEAR DEPARTMENT lassies Dept. Store VVAYNESVILLE. N. C PHONE 27.1 I Mrs. J. M .omr, 'lvfni-ti ..,--.-- , tlillUI- (.'ay liom .New York City where she spent n week purchasing .sprir.g irer h idise tor J M long's Stoie at Hazelwood. .'.' ir IP '"':V'31r.Ul-'riu- Barron an((. .M.f. H. . Woodward returned to their fioiiu- Saturday after, a visit to Mr and Mrs. , Robert Woodward in CoK umbia- South ( nrolina ,, Mrs ?.V.Iiv !.' AH.,.. I.. ....1 . , - , j,. ..on-.o ui, Jiiucniiureii returned aft . weeK s visit to the tormer parents Mr. and Mrs I. K ... v..,:' . ....... t,L ujva nonie in ieianti. r lorula ; . . . "... I . ", s. , , ; . ; Miss Frmifu P,. .,,,,1 M.. "-i i. Kitv rpturncrl. Kntm-iltMr Cv, -. :,- v" ' i 'iii Ktliv 1 oik Mty wtiei-p they .spent a wk purchasing merchandise for C. K. Hay's Sons Department Store. Mr. R. L- Rasbury, of Groen5boro, Texas Company official, and Mr. Sam Dysart. of Moreranton. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P V.Roli ut. t,,.. day. ", , No -enstoie p.erjnr.'. 'will continue; to surer when powerful Denetratinpr, yet harmless antiseptic Mwr.e's Emerald Oil ii" 'laniK be obti , any drutr store rthe directions are simnle mu eas i use. iseonimieal too, and Smith s, ...Cut ' Rate Drui i.Store .guarantvey li?ie :b'at tie to give splendid result; r back ( , rmzz. RelieyedByTakingCardui "I weak and rutwlown a-il tutfereo quite a bit with pam-, -i my fculo." Write3 Mrs Nick Bar ranco, ot Beaumont. Texas, "i nervous I did not re-it well at aight, aad my appetite was poor 'M7' mother had used Cardul bene f zrfal resuIt ao t d(.ci,in to tak. I surely am gUd I did for st,luVlJ rhe pflm ,n s,dj and uuuc up my gonerai lisaita" . tc,oit hov en bottles In al" Cardul sold at all drug itorw. WE FEATURE THE LEADING BRANDS AT ALL TIMES Manhattan and E-X-Act Fit Shirts Curlee and Clenmore Clothes. Cooper Haynes and Manhattan Un derwear Chenny Ties Florshiem and Friendlv Shoes Coopers Socks Phillips Jones Pajamas Globe and Hopkins Tailoring Lines Made to Measure Suits Bv Hugh Massie COME TO IS WITH KHTi NEEDS A Special Representative of Honkin' TnilnHntx Company, Baltimore, will be at our store Thurs. day and Friday, February 1.2 to take measures for tailored clothes. Come in and see the line, whether you are ready to buv or not alwa welcome. Order will he taken for immediate and later delivery. ( '''.' V ' .''.'.','.'.'

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