Pajre ti THE WAYNESVILLE MolXTAIXEER. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 3, 19.! Junaluska P. T. A. Hears W. C. Allen At Regular Meet Organization Planning To Par ticipate In Main Activities During Coming Months Busy N" Builder i ra t h- .1 . Th i: r-Mr-.. l.'d.!'.'. ra , x ( r, ; l.OI.,- th.- ; L.i lev Kra-cis. i A i . ' - 'A M -abi ' : n i t . s ; ..; w ... he'd l:i"t '. :v Utislilt-nt I air avor Ce il, !v HV?al program will Ix I SOS. This imolv from 1..- , y , - , .;: :-:ia: , .i hi'x-U '.M'.Xvv h- , 'aujii; l.j Mr-. il. (' l.i.llu U iln !- ".r'A- il! t.raill- n..' a'- ( : i . : .-.v he would ! ava-ilahle fur .1 .ip.a!aK.i, pr. i.h-.i ., nr. minium nl' ten pupils could be Miuri'ii. Mr Francis was requested to make a sin vey it' the community, ami report : h. probable enrollment of pupils be twn ii tlii' aye-, of three and six year.-. The president announced that, the National I. T. A. t'ontrress had asked for a hirthuay jril't at the r.ext meet iny u hen a remit red. Members w. re ieiues'.ed ! he thinking about, and forming plans for, the study cour-e before the Feb ruary meeting so that it might he Ieruii and completed het'ore busy day for the farmers conic, in the spring. Tlans were diseased I'm a study of the organization and purpose of the Kour Square League, to he comluct ! by Mrs. Kiank Siler next Wednes day morning at the ehapel period, -o that parents and teachers might better cooperate in furthering it. principles. At the chve of the business session, numbers and visitors were given a rare treat in an address by Professor A. (' A lie:: a present member of the Vayt:t sville High Scool faculty, and a long time leader in the cause of education in Haywood county. Mr. Allen'.- talk was entirely historical d upon bis own History of Hay wi l l'"U:;ty, written on the Centen nial ::nive"rarv in 1 '.'OS of the founding ,.;' the county in h:-torv .va- gleaned k musty rt. ,,f the old Court of i'lea-, in Quarter Session found hy Mr. Allen in the old .court house, siip-ulemen't-d by infoi niation and tradi t n-r. obtained from t ho oldest county . v-iti--:it.-. Ht'. traced the development of the county from the hunter and period prior to 1 7s.". the its hrst settlement' through :'i .-ent; county as wo know it. iitere-ting to note that Hay--eventeen wars vounger than BunconiK-: that it was named for John Hay of Edgecombe county, who was State Treasurer at that, time;, Mt Prospect ( now. Waynesville) was settled' in IMF and the first court house built of logs in S1'2. Mr -Allen told of. the first school in the county. (ireeii Hill Academy, supported entirely hy Vuit-idii, and with a wide-rarge curriculum, which stood on the itt. of the present Green Hill ' cemetery. He also traied the evolution of the public schools, first begun in loi'. with 'one in each dis trict, costing a total of )( per term of three or four months. the-.t. being it-.signatcd "free schoids" and a No ;'is "old tie.d schools. " After expiession- of itppi eciation from to Mr, Allen for ihis address the meeting was aH jorune.l. Sunn- thildren were having a back yard liraniatization of some history stories which they had read. "Queen Klizaheth" with trailing skirts and majestic air stumbled .over "Sir Walter. Raleigh's coat, which covered a pan of water in the gravel path. The knight rose solemnly from his knees and ended the play by- saying. "Well, so long: Queen; I'll he eetn you. , To this the dignified KlizaVth plied. O. K.:- Crime In Haywood County Hv Y. E. (il'IKiER. ber, ll2J and rt corded in Book No. 1 (curing an absolute divorc l.a.-t spi in; letter came ' fact- coin pi ; tin- I'niversity New: iiit with the astounding ed from the lecord.- 1 j i ai d i !he Na.! ,:, .j.-.r ilo -e .1 i - a- . r.i in o i J ! i :'i , : . ha !ieo- . i .;. ; ,, I- ...T . l.'iror u : oi Iho pair oi j-.v mad i.j pro . a.v. Ho lti inev (ienei d's otlice. show ing that Haywood wa- No. 1 county in th,. state in crime, with a criminal in.- in!! in court against one out of evt ry inhaiiitan!.- At that time ihoie w.- a iiuir.ier or an ;!t with a deadly weapon ucorded ill nc ;i!y evei v isue of th(. Mountain eer. And then an attempt was macie to get us like the ostrich to hide our the .-and and declare that wa.- a law-abiding county. hevon heads in J lav wood home lie' iif I pel men' rder Hoc .gilt-tol'- et out Ve: i lie 111 -e men' -i ntiineiit cc i -'tuat hind and i.a in-: neasure lain ti tin- facts et urged the g to wake up n and our I..' reaie la ir law. I!ut in the wed murder still -ud all. v- of Havw talked to range anil it fol- hills family down there to see your mountain- and your Smoky Park next .-ummer but I guess we'll go to Maine insti ol- it i- healthier there." Jlut the ,itUiition is growing better. At the I lecci.ilier criminal court a pie-ecuting attorney prosecuted ably .iuiie- considered evidence -quarelj and fiaiie-.-ly brougilt in ver.llcts oi gu.ity. and ju.-t ju.lgi- pionounce:i stiif .sentence.-, and the citizens of Havwood lone of whom J -till .;oi) and believe that there i - well hiwlessness hope tranper life . f to the i it was wood i-' Clyde News The iTyii,. Pan iit-Teaciii.r-' Asso ciation met in regular monthly .ses sion on "last Thursday afteinoon in th,. school auditorium. Mrs. T H. lingers, president, te--ideil. The invocation ua- given by Kev. H.l'. l-'ieeiiian. ia-tor of Clyde M K. ("nurch, South. Report.- wore given bv the -evoral roiiimittees tile ..o,,... ,.,;,i.c .,. tlw. l. ,rr ol., f.,- having -the I ngest number of mothers present. Homer Henry of Way ra -v: i!e. w as the speaker for the .afternoon. He gae a veiy forceful' and in -1 ruct : e talk. In his talk Mr. Henry explained and outlined th,. woi k of the National Recovery Adm i u : -'. : at ion ;i general plan of 'trie work of the P. K. K. A., the C. W. A and th,. P. .W. A and the F. P. A. in Haywood county. Mr. Hcrry laid -;rc.-s upon '.he fact that the idea 'hat ju-t without it job -hoiiid .'not expect to receive. i mployuiont The county is .'ne i mitt-ed a cei ;:i:n: number of Workers'.- Mr. Henry .wa- very oiit imi-t ic t'oi tin- future -.-.a tid ex piussed .the wi.-h that the citizens would aid in, every way pos.-ihle ui make the project.. of II .j wood coiin'v a success- in no ii:. Want Ads ' PLANTS FOR SALE .'CABBAGE'.'. PLANTS Charleston ;' Jersey, Succession, and. Copenhar gen Market: Onion Plants White ; and. Yellow Bermuda. All, 75c per 1 000. .M'l'O lot s tiOc per 1000. Send 'Remittance' for prompt shipment I1 !: is Plant Co Valdosta, (!a. Story of the WORLD WAR is un oensored. authentic photographs. Five full pages of pictures each Sunday of the drama of the great conflict, in the BA LT1 MORE SI" X DA Y AM ERIC AX. Get you copy from your favorite new s- ; dealer or news Mis.- Susan Sexton, .f. ("antoii: .-pert Sunday in . Clyde the guest of Mr, and Mils. 4.(7 jlayiu-s; Mrs. Mavk Haynes spent -Sunday in Clyde visiting her daughter- Mrs, Grady Kogers. Mis, Shirley Cohmitser tpent Mon day at Lake .lunaluska vis ting her mother. Mrs .I.'M. Noland.' Mr. A. (I. () hi i riie is able to be jm; again aftir in-ing contined to his room for .several days. ' .Miss Liny 4 ones spent the week end in Ashcvilh.. as the of Mrs. Hilda Wise. i Mis- Ainiic McCtackt-n, -:adc!;t at Mais Hill College, spent the week end in Clyde with her pari t ilts. Rev. and Mrs-.-. R. P A.icCrackeii. Mr. and' Mis: Robert Corzinc of Canton, -pent Sunday in ( ' lytic visit ing Mr, and Mrs. Ih-nnis I'orzine. . Mr and Mrs.. M. 1-1. Trtinthani have ieturned to their home here after spending the past three months in .Florida. : The Ladies' liiiiie cla.-s of the Clyde M. I'l. Church South held their regular monthly meeting on hist Fri day evening at the home of Mrs. 4. Mv Anderson. '' . " Th,. Men's Ilibli1, i lass were sie clal guest at the met ting In the alisence of tile president, Mrs. R. C t annon. presided session. A verv i- given by Mr. reiary. showing nioiv than -dou I Hiring my vacation in a n .--villi- ug-Sept. I discus.-ed the situa everywiiere anil with every uody everybody .-aid, "It is too had .something ought to be done," and - ie did or i: said anything Yi - i !,ii' ,-iies w ere silent, the women s club- met and said nothing th,. men's organizations were silent. Sadly i animating over the situation, in .-orrow and hiarteaclie (a- many of my friends van te-tify). I th,. son of 4." C. I. Gudger, who, from IsoT till the dav f his death, had ht-lpe.l UD Havwood. I came back to York with mv mind about to move my citizenship to ' New ot-thii: I belong hole in this; t mongrel population. but in I t heart -ickiie-s 1 had come to tin-1 lu-ion I hat 1 did not belong in. U'lty w hich has usurped the ' P.ioody Madison.'' ng as our own citizens were, i! the mw.- ilid not get out-, tile state. But then nnu- ike i f Thomas Price, and from it; oegan to was .still law in the land. Then the e eer did a i.Jaii'y. Il in wo... I j in:!:; of cases of i a by w capon- ti ial for the same, .-uicidi laneous ! i .-1 of violeii' fearful record. Since tin n t hei'e have the Mount. lila-er liberal nor of th(. Mountain service to Haywood "Happenings in Hay when he gave a list murders, assaibts with and convictions , and a mNcel-death- '. i ulv a bo. page b40, record of deeds for Hay wood County, to which deed, book and page reference is hereby made for a more complete description of said lands- Excepting however, from the above described lands and wiiich exceptions w ill not be otfeied for s .!e in this 1-oceeding, the following lots (,f laim and light of ways: 1 lot of land descri' id in a Oct. 20. 11)21. recorded in ,ifi dati No. and 1 dati in Look No. .0 Boyd and wife deed Book Boyd page biiti, from 1). to I-.. 1!. Kickmati. tot of b.tlfl in :, deed I February 11. l!2o' and lecorbedj page o!M, from I). I. to T. 4. i plaintiff from the defendant utory grouniks; and the saio i. nt will further take noti.e is required to appear at the the Clerk of the Superior i Wayne-ville on the 1st dav ruary, lU'i4 and answer ...j- d the complaintxin said atb... plaintiff will applv to the c, I the relief demanded in the : plaint. This bth January. ::;. w. ;. by:. Clerk of the Super:. e- I No Ibo-Jaii. ! '. appeal x tracts in from the addresses , -.. the Baieii' Hi- S. P. dav Dr. Hay:- b: These men. ha takable word. herrible el illll! vail in Havw a build New , tip to : oi l. great iii at break-down since the (In his homch.m this. Never life Ins thei )ihasizing cl voting folk home. Messrs. Roams '.. courageously .ions and -eiulin i 'i- good citizens f M r. Sam M Robinson -T acher Association to he Rotary Club, and l' .1 e his i-ongl eg ilioll. i .- m plain and unmi.--caihd attention to the al conditions that pre .!. There has been a character and ideals War. Kverv lover of iiiu-t be heart-sick over before in my fairly long ,. been such need of em-i.'tractcr-bnjlding in our in church, school, and nun iter. -'and for law. have served Such good news has not out of Haywood in year.-, st long and upright men the countv raise their nun dei 1 think deduct;, best kn and . York Nb w that tin i. Mr. w n riiill following i 'rice was or ad men in . the East, s a la:.' ic. of the nierica, w etioi on intent; Wiiod t peciaily in the East, In N i w here his office was l and ::: t i'.-ey i -lis home 1 he had an us aijuainiaiice. It was hi. a afu-r lie g-ot settled in I.I ay -i have many northern vi-itoi.s oi, day, and Hayes facing the condi- ; out a clairon-call to take a definite the county, onie to me Let other throughout voices and rally ind decent but people to th ind order and I .he hills among on ot;c of w hich He when my race is' run. ai and take courage. And l that citizenship stay ;.) awhil,, 'long, r hoping that citizen I may do my pa it g coalitions he many honest : itherto inarticulate tandards uf the law : expatriate from ; ' 'licli 1 w .. s bo;-n, and eX 1 ie.- and 1 lot of dated' Sept Book No Boyd and Wife. 1 lot of dated Sejit B.H.k No. i;..v wife. One -cribed Light cordei dm dated in Book This . land ile.-cribe. . 12. lH2s. and i'i. page .',0b. ! wife to (J. R. land de-ciiue. 7 PC's,, and 70 page : wile to D. 11 athey. in a de-.-i'ecol'ded i rom 1 1. I N'ori-i- an Iced in iicoideil i from D. I . Cook an NOTICE (IF Tftl'STE II W. over dina right-of-way laniLs to Car Coin iny for :: power in Boid-: No. 1. page. P a rove Power : line. 1'J. ile ii I'ecori right-ol-way tor Mav 20 lt'DO. and No. 8b. page 212. Januarv 10b4. W. R FRANCIS. Trustee. lib .Jan. 1-11-1S-2-7 ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'l'JCE Having (ualili.ed as executor of the estate of G. Dilhvyn Green, deceased, this i- to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of .January. 193.") or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their woven-- All persons indebted to said estate will please make payment immediate ly. This 1st dav of January J. R. BOYD.. Administrator. of the estate of (!. Dilwyn Green, deceased. No. 140 Ja. 4-1 l-lS-2r-Ftb, 1-K. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION At meeting of the Board of Di- iectoi.- of the l.'nagu-ta Company, called after three days notice to each director, for thH particular purpose. On Monday January 2o:h eleven o'clock A. M a: t house door, in the town ,,: ville- llaywoo.l ounty No.-.., Una. 1 will sell at public - a the highest bidder for .a-l-, : lowing iarcel or tract !' at. and being in the town ' Bea veniam Township : BEGINNING at a stake m :;.. margin of a .'10-foot street, now -ylvania Avenue, and corn-.-; No. 0. and runs with the-Sou, gin of -aid streef. S. S7 2b' 1 feet to a stake in the Noithwi iter of the C. D. Smatliers lot; with his line, S 2 b.V W. lbb 1 to an iion -take said Smoth er; theiiee N SO- .1:5' W. 7s : to a stake the Southeast cor lot No 0; thence with the lin. No. ti, N. 2" ''' E. 1 ib". feet BEGINNING Being lot No. moreland tiact above described same lot ol b.nd conveyed to Palmer by deed dated March ." from C. A. Pless and wife Pless, and teeorded in Deed Bo o- page 121, to which record elice is hereby made. Sale made pursuant to p.. sal,, conferred by virtue of a c liust executed by . R. Palm wife, Alice Palmer, to ln-ureii gage Bond Corporation of Noi olina. This the 2Sth dav of Decerub. INSL'RED MORTGAGE CORPORATION. Trustee No 144 .Jan. 4-11-18-21 7 of the Mea i - -surveyed , 1010. lot of land I-.. ,l lirlil on s n -olvei tile Boar i.dvisa: 1 his 1 1 Is fair ha. and mountain place. a I e isonable col number 'of : his hi . n lob to pur oiiild s.uniniei- Co Fur! .-iusioi Visito iias-a ag..- nermol i i. that '" s Wv-ubl properly such , as . nousa Pais in A ew n tne mountaitiou- I York ..nd northern abound by th. England, and parts of New Pennsylvania. But this is all changed by Mr. Price's muioer. AM' the New York and other great eastern papers, and indeed the principal papers through out the I' lilted States, carried Asso ciated Press dispatches. These were turned over to the "rewrite men" and they turned out lurid columns '-!).rieking with "Feuds"' and "Mur der. of Railroad Man in Mountains of Western North Carolina."' Oui mountain country will he years in re covering fro ni this horrible notoriety. 1 c.n givc, two typical case.-. A man on the scientific, staff of the Museum went to waynesville some vears Expect 90 Per Cent Of Burley Growers To Siirn Contracts it t r :) meetiiig'-l; held at the Hazelwood. Jafmarv 20 'his' t Hecemuer !, lO.'i.j, it I Tlo.1 in 1 In. i nrl r m i.n 1 ...... ..n j ...v. ... f Directors it is deem, mil for the .benefit of n I mat olin ial to The Mountaineer. I Station. Ra lei " h. - A nn l ox - per cent of the hurley to- o growers; in Western North Car. :; are . expected to sign aeerape lege lv 00 Manufacturing Company am,, be dissolved, and a .'.lie -tockholders of said is here y called to X tlicc ..f the corporation-in N. ('.. at 1 1 o'clock a. in- l',).'!4, to take action upon -olutiull. i:. L. PREVOST, .'Chairman of the Board. No. I IS-Jan. 4-1 l-lj.-:;i. irds and i with the On the s in u rder this I -read 'foreigner' if I did no- oting birds in ti to explain but. was pleasi climate, sc day foil he said t t- cv.llect yoiid woni anil birds Mr: Price "What is der of thi I wonder out .shi I tried "Well.- that's all right, hut go down there any more." ne-s man on upper Broulwii me essent'ally the same que tried to explain hut he only 'IK'" d be ne ry. i wing me. about, the muii at Waynesville run a big risk mountains." he onlv said. A han't busi- y asked tion- I a:i! sag luring the business interesting report Grady Rogers, sec hat the class has ! ... me Ol herli i n in the' year t hat has just dosed. During the social hour the ho.--tes-es.7Mrs. J. M. Anderson Mrs. .John Stamey. Mrs. R- G. Cannon,, -and -.Miss " '-.Jennie Ensle.y served a d licioiis salad course. Those present wereMr. and Mrs. J.M. Andeison. Rev. and .Mrs. IT. C. Freeman Mr. and .Nlrs. .John -Stanley. Mr. and. Mr-. .1,. A. Catjiev, Mr, and Mrs Mack Fi-h- Mr. and ".Mrs Ger M vFish. Mr. : and. Mrs. Nathan. Walker, Mr. and Mi's. R.C., Cannon.. Mr. and .-Mrs." R. I.. Petilati.i. Mr and Mrs: 4. M. Rush. Mr. anil Mrs. 4. C Haynes,. IM i s. Nea! Cat r Mrs. .Charley Mooney- . Mrs. Mark, -Leatherwood. Mrs. Grady Rogers, Mrs. Hurst Jus tice Mrs. Charley Penland. M'rs. Don ald Jones: Mrs. Minnie Spencer. Mrs. Pearl N'oland Mr, Matney Jarrette, Misses 4enniev Ensley, Billie Robinson, and Jack Hawkins' ...r ' : Proves Great Boon To Pile Sufferers No man or woman need suffer ails other day from dny .pain, .soreness or distress arising from Hemorrhoids or Piles, now that a Doctor's prescription, known to druggists as MOAVA SUP. POSITORlES, can be obtained for a moderate price 60 cents. You'll be amazed to see how quickly they act even in long standing cases. Smith's Cut JJatp Drug Store and all pood' druggist s will sup ply you on the money back .if dissatisfied plan. (Adv.) The Woman's Missionary Society of the Clyde Baptist church, held its monthly meeting Wednesday after noon at the ho!np of Mrs. R. P. Mc C: a. ken. . . A very intelesting program on "The Beginnings ot The Missionarv Enter prise, was carried out by the -"following lamest Devotional: Mrs. R. P. McCracken. "What is Missions?" Mrs. 3. H. H.iyne.. .''"' ',' : "When did Missions Begin?" Mrs. T. H. Haynes. ' J ' . ;" "How Was Jesus' Coming Mission ary?" Mr-. 4. (7 Byers. "Wl;o is the power of Mi.ssions?" Mrs. Roy Med ford. "How does this power come?" Mrs. W. B. Medford. . '-'"., "Upon whom does the power come?'' Mis. T H. Rogers. After thP program a business ses sion was held. The secretary and treasurer.'- gave reports of the pre-' vious' meeting and also last, year's, work. ., . . Plans for the coining 'year wetv dis. niticently "I had intended taking my cu-sed- and chairmen of committees appointed. The otlicers for this year ate: Mrs. Pat Colei president. Mrs. E. M. Green. vicP president. Mrs. T H. Rogers, secretary and treasurer. of Program Committe Medford. I of. Publicity Committee Medford. : of Mission Studv Mrs i R P. McCracken. , Chairman of Stewardship Commit, j teen. Mrs. T. H Rogers. j . Chiiirni oi of Literature. .Mrs. .4. C. j Byers. 'i Chairiiian of Social Committee, Mrs. j Coman Francis. .; Young Peoples' Leaders t Misses j Helen Smathers . and I-ois .McCracken, i Mrs, WAYNE B. MEDFORD. i wno trio has reotiction contracts in the near iu tute. according to C. F. McCrary. district ,.xten-ion agent tit 'State Col lege. - large-, number have signed already Mr. .McCiary turned from a part of tin- state thing standing in sign-up :s the explainiitg the ers. .Many of the barley growers have less-'than a qu:.rter acre in tobacco cultivation, he said. He pointed out that a grower with one-eighth of an acre in cultivation, producing at an average . rate of 900 pounds to the ;iri, would receive, 'approximately--.'.'0 for t-educing one-third, or ?4.T0 if he reduces one half. recently re- the western , said that the only the way of a rapid lack oi facilities for ioittactrs to the grow- LXECUTOR'S NOTIGE Haxing qu- litied as executor, of the i-.state of- 'rbomas Price, deceased, this i- to notify all persons having e. u:ms against the jstatP ol the. de ceased to exhibit, them to the under- sigtied on or before th(. brd day of January. lPoo. or this nottce. will lie pleaded in bar of such claim.. All poisons indebted to said estate will p'e.'.se make payment immediate ly..' This the brd day of January. 1934. Fidelity I.' nion 'l'rust Company. of New ,rk, New Jersey, Execu tor of Thomas Price Estate- Hy -I R. Morgan, Agent and Atty. No, 1 4.!'--Jan. 4-ll-lS-2a-Feh. 1-8. NOTK E OF SERVICE CATION BY Pl'BLI- NOTICE OF .SALE ESTATE OF REAL Chariman Mrs. W. B. Chairman Mrs. DcYoe Chaiiiiiati NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. UNDER and by and 'authority virtue of the pow contained in that of trust executed bv D. certain deed L. Boyd and wife. Belle Boyd, to W. R. Fr incis, Trustee, which said deed of trust is dated December 17. and recoixied in Book 10. page 105 of the Haywood County Registry, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby &e. cured and. in the conditions therein -ei tired the. undersigned Trustee will oir the olst day of January. 1934. at or .aaout 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court IKitise doer in the town of Waynesville offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cas.h the following describ- t d property :' - .Aii 'that certain tract of land or -ts of i-iind described; in a deed front John McD Michael ami wife. Marv NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. A C. SIMMONS 1 - vs. ; ! MAESIE SIMMONS The defendant abovy named will take . notice that an action, entitled as above has been commenced against her in the Superior Court of Hay wood County for the purpose, of se- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S Default having been made ah ; i., ment . of the indebtedness seoat-al , that certain deed of trust to. rite ... Trustee for Dixie , Fire In -a:. i; Campaiiy by H. B. Atkins ar. : : Nora S. Atkins, ou August -' ;:; and recorded in the otlice of th-: K-. ister of Deeds of Haywood C u-t;.' North Carolina, in Book 1 at pac,, I will, under and by vitue power of sale contained in said be ,. trust, and at the request of the '.ii tui que trust, and for the pur;,-- .... discharging the debt secured ii;, -aa deed of trust, proceed to sell :. tin highest bidder, for cash, at t!i- olot House door in Waynesville, Haywwo County, North Carolina, at 1'- oV'wci. M..on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. U'-4 the following described land, to-wit : Situated in th'.--'. town of Waynes ville. beginning at a stake on '.ho sidewalk line on the east side ,', Main Street.- being the southwe-t corner of Bishop Janisj 'Atkin-, lot and 30 feet from the corner f th old L. T. Holmes' bakei-y lot. uta runs in a southerly direction .58 it-, with Main Street to a sjake; thenct in an. easterly direction parallel with the L, T. Holmes and Bishop Jame Atkins' line 125 feet to stake; th-.! in a northerly direction parallel wit:; ' Main Street 58 feet to Bishop Jamis Atkins' line: then in a westerly ib rection with Bishop James A "kins' line 120 feet to the beginning, th: lot being 58 feet front by 125 i'fv. deep, and if the alley is laid out i '; the town of Waynesville on the back side of said lot should be at a great er distance from Main Street thai. 125 feet then this lot is to run to said alley provided that said alley is not more than 140 feet from Main Street This the 28th day of December. If1 A. L. BROOKS . Trusiei,' Brooks. McLendon & Holderne., Attys.' Greensboro. N, C No, 145 Jan. 4-11-18-25. Reporter.! L. Michael: dated 20th dav of Noveni At 8torg ar Prklnr Immfi kttlT Adjacent t th Hotel. R. anb) Trim. N Bfdf. w Balh. Nw Carpm. N'ewlv ntrorilrd Tfarauihont, '.'iJr-fTi.iiiBJftwSiifc',' J. WILL YON. Proprietor A XEW AXD BETTER HOTEL FOR LESS 'MOSEY 300 ROO.MS300 BATH S R A DI 0 I N E V E R Y ROOM RATES SUn I P. ' Ctt IX CONNECTION, GOOD FOOD AS YOU 11K II. Breakfast. Dim tr ar Supat-r 2t In c. Comer Luckie & Cone Sis. ATLANTA. GA. Low As 1 Per Mile EFFECTIVE JANUARY 26. 1934 New Low Bus Fares To All Points LOWEST IN HISTORY 1 2C CHEAPER THAN YOC CAN DRIVE YOl'R CAR TRAVEL I HI'S THE MODERN WAY 7 From Your Door To The Heart Of The City MODERN EQCII'MENT CONVENIENT SCHEDl l.KS Leave WAYNESVILLE For Asheville and Points West, North, and East. S: J0 A. M. ;'' " 11:00 A, M. "..-4:00 P. M. 7''; 8:10 P. M. . ';,' -7 ; Leave WAYNESVILLE for Sylva and Franklin ii'.' ,12:10 P. M. ''','.,' 7:45P. M. '' Leave WAYNESVILLE for Cornelia, Atlanta, and Points South and West. 12:10 P. M. The Greatest Bargain In Transportation History For Further InformationCall Bus Station Phone 70-.! '. -'77 I'V;-:."'' Or Write . '.'.7 Queen City Coach Company, Inc. 417 West Fifth Street Charlotte. N. C

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