THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAIN EER Pag 7 I- 1 v re-,' u It R THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1951 -fMmmM tarn iuiMm x i fn aw .-w ru k l mmam. V.J 1 ) 0 r4 I I COUNTY AGENT W. D. S MITH'S c o 1 u m n Timely Questions And Answers On Farm Problems ut'1 the township fujiu bur ley sign-up was A number of commit- rr.eii hud previously told tne county ..' thev would not be able to at- Tr.- meeting !!! for thi ill attended. - Jt r.ditifr to previou: attention. engagements dr 1 Mieees- of thf. jdjjn-up it' the r,.K j due to the wholehearted ,ri. the committees. After all it the tirm conviction of the tobacco .v.ccr.- that farm conditions must and to do this we must eo lith the cnorts ot the go h'ach ot these eonimittees chairman. Some of the uphills are signed lw per cent. i)h,.r-- will he completed within a few v- The marketing cards are be rii" t W- returned to the office, r'bw who have not gotten their cards .. h.uid do so at once. It will be nec ,..,rv ', have these cards signed at a n- ii k'e-t l.lf.i jh.'ta'oi - plant .-ee I duct ion. seed !il:,. two year: ' !v known U'f. en. 'U''.l. ,! yield of all muni.- Que.-tion or blinks poult rf :lo An-wer: 1 impi oven;e::i are I ui n.'iK d I an 1 i;e: .-omc 'vV heepil IVd-'l'ds i k? r'oniis for keeping production : he Kv.ensum mv i'.d Ma - sl it' Ur.e .VI! Thee that ago to the n .: 10 who -.writ cared 11 slioilld let tin counts agent 1 v :,r.ts mice ory 1 loni St 1 1 e : "Son, so vnu ollcgc ou have liicf t g radii much yet i hing you .l-uTMtt' Y'-lll'i: IeCtt'0 Heie L a t J-'ather Tom I an agrieultuval ! That i,s line- hut I to h am. What i.- th have learned any way'."' i Sun Tom: "I guo.. : 1 taught me heloie 1 went t Had; "I'm gl id to hear that, make-, ni,, think th t we will along, in spite of your probable ories. However; 1 know the thing you learned at college. It to think quieklv and toasonablv ege. now to. : i y man tiymen who w:l! agree t. rec-'l'ii' and make month:; his titlict. The record.- tin month are figured at the a report made to each t.gether with suggestions to imiir." lot mat ion may Fa; m Agent Stat, CoHe-e dock ;o all I'oul keep ueh reports to tied in each college and cooperate! as to how P. lie (lock. I Mailed in ire secured trom your , from l . F. lirri"h, Ualeigh. part .-ollog. h, warchous .ivmi'Ht.- can he brfor made. djtistme !H A. A emit raels in this county I'erhaps some understand the Tlio next of the A. receive attention ;) be the corn-hog. our neooki do not n-pose of thi cotitiaet- It is not for erybody to -ign. It is not for every inner to .-ign any mole than the r . : e . . 1. , i'.. y cnr.r el. 1. is lor lIe lawu- r who need help with their eorn ...t prog rani. Our meeting for thi. uniose had to be called off this week . the man trom Washington could ... i t, A date will no set later ;ir veil It get was . as i well :is to know wheie to get infor mation til .t you may need later. YoUi real education is ahead, for expe-ri-i nee is always- ;i gemd if often an expensive teacher. I'erhaps 1 may help you with the practical idea.", even if you have mt' beat on the scientific point-. What is your tir.-t 'Uggestion for our farm needs';'' Sin.: "That we get the Countv Faim Agent out !'i ie and go all over the place and discus- with him what wh w,. are doing and the improve ments needed. II. can recommend several free publications that we may read to advantage.'' 1: me shi wlio ar,, interested in using aid let their wants he-known he available within the lays. rill anv cod f our farmers are overlook ash clop in potatoes, make a . good cash crop at per bushel if the yield per (uel c o; : Can a com-hog contract if tend to plan', com o year'.' A nswvr : Y and hogs ucic in ivi;;2-:!::. cannot receive payment iltiction in excess .( .'( the l'.'-ll'-:;:; production t ie vf h"g.- may also 1. a- th.i' 'j rower larmer -ign the he doc- not in- raise hogs this Real Farming Fl he liasU'ir..i lia, etn . i i' 1 in '.Me Maram i S. i St; i v. e io : i.e following: "lit-: r.ow. eVen ih M. u, on counts are larme:.- u no nave bank sutlicieut foi all of theii a:.d with fill! stole- e! f oOi! and -upplies. I lie price ot and tobacco .- not all-inipor- them, as t in- farm for a ii: solely for meiiev. We mi t He- acc need-, taut !:v imr, talked I !- 7 and leeoldtj. i:. ''eok 71 a: p.igi , : ' .- . '. ' ; . 'Id. ollc-e ,; the Kegister ' I ' .-.i-:';':, . -A ;, ;, ;,.,. ., ; ,,-. i .!' llaood Founts to ssh..h V.ok '-'' '- ': ::'.: -- ' - j l::ect-ien . re! pae.- a m re oa r: .eilla r .ie e: ;o'. ., Hh feel t- t ile 'ir.mii '-o: 'ots nay be liad. Fl 1 ," and lo of l'i-gaii Fa'k p,-r SFl I'M' Tk i T: lVgnoii!.g ' i sun es and plat . ' .1. K lU-.-g.i:.. . V.. take . the S. W. id,, of lai-y ve 'of Aiigu-t IM'i and nv-t. ii'ap rue. t ei ni r oi loi- j..ann i i .inc. i nr.-i ('.' . .) , .,;V;ee of t hM:.-- with .-aid aseatii N, .'. 'VO I tlu- Ueg--!er ! : ll.o.svoo.l to one ot hi more than o Is lecently ; In poult i.v and oth and other veal ei them Saturday He S-J00 worth id cvd ha - iii:ii keled t ruck side-line- all of this There is not one W. I t li la e i u 1 1 1 i:;mc w . 1 nuts. ;ii N. :!: we-: '' i,., . lee' to a -'. '.o ; t ilelVe SVlttl t lie I :1c j 1 t : eel! lot - . o a lid 1 . ill a -olltll sse-tt .Is d;iec;io', 1 '.' tie; to a -'.ice: :lcT,. with the t i -1 ma: c : n oi - : -:.: l4.s ;" .).; :;.; . tv U .i t d r Sr.ei it! ..: 1 1. is sv i. ' : i ' f.. Ne. IM Fio 1 1 l -;'!; ; es preside pi educed However, that orn on the farm the grosvei for fins le per cent of The produe cut as much lit but lie will only leceiv.- payment lor "J5 percent of the 1 1'.';'.'-.;:; productn.ii which claim .should ho -upportcd by sale.- reeoipts : by signed statements from per sons or agencies busing -oiling or con-igning the hogs. (Juestioii: (loss much space .shoiiKl i o allowed U'tsvceii terraces'.' Answer: 'l'lii- depend- upon the f II or .-lope of ;he hind to V tei rae. .1. l'!ii slope is figured foj u.cli tile distance I'l'tWtell - a- the --'-ope varies. 1011 fe ten ;ici i Full ithc F right. 1 but r.of i next' tinii svith him -oils aims, pa roil m;i ke -h. m Id Tom : . "l'ei ha ps y. u ;u c have .-cell him many times, i the way you stigge-t. The you go to town, talk it ovt i (liv,, Ii i in vour idea of oin . rop.- buildings, and genera! o that he may bo better pre to help us. You, too. should ome notes of thine- th: we discuss with hint " .V Foil, ami s al ie diivetio:: .ohiailli d 1 7.1 c.ipw -i by ss i in co, Kaleif lUlildlt'.g lilei:.-io;i which ma F IF I.' Firciilai 'money crop fainier in the county as well tixid as this man -u ho works his own land and lives, a; the -ame place." It ha.- been said often m the pa.-l. two or three years that the most for tun'te man in the country today is th,. farmer who is compa rat ivi ly free fiom debt, and who i. a good fanner. He is lucky in that what he m::kes he can keep for his own; it does not go cut iji ir.tciest and payments on mortgage.- If he has enough to feed him-elf, family and live-tock. together s :th some sin phis cash products to .-ell. he is sitting on tdi. of the ssoi'ld. We kr.ev.' of a number of farmers in (la-ton county who turn in a pretty p( nny every week from the -ah' of pu'ely by-products of their farm. One farmer told u.s the other ihiy thai he had sold $oP worth of sattsagi- ip one morning at the curb innrket. There arc many more who jiilk up coiAMiiem bit-, fir c:..-li from tl. -al- ot' other things. The man who m'.ide a good crop of Ssvoet iotatoi'- and has had them 'cured in some .c;ioi) curing house, stands to make a fair plotil on them duriiiK the next thiae ,.r four months. And .- on. Many ,-ueh lllust r it ion.s could be u-ed lo .-how thai the farmer who the initiatis, the farm. ar. make money i s 1 1 h '.held' Tin ce pure bled He! i ;Yi have Ih-iii purcli:i-ed by the ('.utity Livestock c .mmitu fre.n eeeiis of tll .-11! ' Id 1'e.iVltlv.. 'dills Aveis " ! inn iee-t "It ii'e : f Sun l.'.n 'Mil I OK Mil li I .ul . inu io diiicd a.s execiiKd' of the I nomas I'l'ice, deceiu-ed, o notify all persons having . .: linst the estate of the de o exhibit them to the under imi ot- nefort' th(. Avd dav ol ... . 1 :!.!.-. or thus not'ee will be d in liar ot such claim persons indebted to Paid estate o.i.-e make payment immediate- lliis tnc .id dav ot January. Hkil. I'idejity Fnion 'Frust Coinpany. c Newark. New Jersey. Kxocu ! ol Ihoiiuis I'rice I'.state- o.v ! Ii. .Morgan, Airent urn) Atty; N. -M9 Jan. Fll-lS-2.YFcb. r nLL Club Members Are Offered Awards f 'id'.' tat the i Do'ult ry than 1 1 ocelli show Oilo bird-, wi re Meekier.buru Tim exhibit '.i ai i lyia.Uth iiix k," sea.- v in the. histors cl tl'-v ;how. oun.s I'eds l.eeest AND PLANT CATALOG & Guide "J" llx. illustrated 1!)3-J Cataloc "f l-t-oil-. Plants, etc., with ln--tructlons for successful Garden ing and farming, nqw ready. 10 ""Ifs of useful Information. 'n be sure you get a copy, send us ur name and address on a pos ' il rard Immedialcly. ASIIEVIM.E SEEB CO Consolidated With EARLE SEED S CO. 1 N. LcJington Ave. AshevtMe, N. t. North (,'arolina l-l clui) mcnllK't's aie. olb n-d another valuable award in an announcement made recently from Washington that the Payne Fund of New York City has made available two .STOOP fellowsips for nine months study at Hie .Federal Oepartmcnt of Agriculture. 'These tsvo fellowships provide lor nine months residenc0 and study at Washington and are to be divided so that one will go to a former club girl and the other to : foi nier club boy, " s :y.s L. Ii. llarrill club leader at State College, "lair u club member to be. eligible for one of -the awards. I he Payne, fluid .requires a rolllege ilcgre,, in agriculture or home eco- ' nomn s, lour years participation in club work prior, to entering college, a (letinity interest in extension work, shall not lie over 2." years of age. and on,, or tsvo yi iiis of experience afU'i graduting from college." Harrill says each .state ha- tin privilege; !' nnminiititig one Voi'.r.u man and one young '.woman, though no state can have both tellow.-hip. Dean I- O- Schauta director of hx teiisioii and Mr. llarnll will certify to the cliiP members selected in this state, ami will tile the two nomina tions with th,, I'avnc I'unil pnor t'.i March 1- 1!):!-J. Therefore. Mr. Har rill sin-, it is imPonant for all club nioiiibi is dosirilii: to be cori-idclcd get in touch with A cl tl'iiSS ItlCt Mle f ?'llo.4"l ll- -C- I by Paul l.yr!y. 4-H club boy of Cranite Quarry, Rowan County, from o00 haiiy chicks purchased lust winter. in. i mil. gili'dt;.: ieiig of WiS.i,.-Vile a. .,'urvey el AllgUst. ll'l,: ; , ,i leColde, bo.k "A" at page to in the the iiigi.-ter of lieeiis for vuuiuy, e.xci1 oiimli' ivii.'ini :!! lUl-li -said not h lands conveyed by !!, .Munvll.' diu.ed 1st 1st e s. i;r. 10' thence with et senue. int. to the irii. anil Ii7 of tile City IH.. J'.... iii map 'Mice of as wood lolls vf Kl 1 KCTIVK .IAM AKY 2(i. New Low Bus Fares To All Points LOWEST' IN HISlX)in K O 1 N 1 T K I l' V AUKS Low As 1 2c lr.Mile ( MivVPKU than Yor Van dkivk vorit i ak SAVE TUAV KI, 15Y HI'S THK U)IKKN WAY From Your Ioor To The Heart Of The Cit MODGKN FQITHMKNT t'OXVENlKNT SCHEIHT.KS Leave WAYNF.SVILI.K For Asheville and Points West. North, and, Kjixt, m , x S:0 A. M. ' 11:00 A. .31. 1:00 P. M. S:ltt V. M. Leaxe AYNFSYll.LK lor Svlva and Franklin 12:10 P. M. - ' 7 : iTA. M. Leave WAYNF.SVILI.K Cor Cornelia. Atlanta, and Point South and West. . 12:10 P. !. The (ireatesl Ktiigain In TraiisjHUtation HLstorv 1'or Fiii'lhtT lnloi -mat ion Call JUis Station Phone ,70. .1 Or Write liol . ieed to Ken-, lib K u gust (Jueen City ( oath Company, Inc. 117 West Fifth Street Charlotte, N. C Ileaufort Couty farmers u.-n-d IioiiikIs of the governnient pn-scri red u re squill-.buit a.s a rat control in the county lust week. ii H :e(l lli'lUS- Wheat growers belonging to the llurke-Caldwell Association received checks foi- over a thousand dollars from their. .-is.siM'iation treasurer bust week for reducing acreage last fall. A I M l I STRATUM S X( flU" th.;--' he I- :.g U f Ci '0 le again alified a - e. . Dillwyi. Cue . ify ii!! jut': -t :i . --;:.'. eil i home one. aw nt.- s h heir .M ' to farm and Harrill at ci.y. All dav ssitl ' IV. tel. ea : uiei -i l: ' Jar. lile.l. t: .i.-t i. irs t ir : -ed. 'ilig -i l.t : in thin " .1 itr. I-t iuy ' J.i.'.urv- 'lt.4' .1; !:. POVI, Ad"'i:ir.istrao f. tin- estate . f C. li''.vy ireer, o-eea'Ml.-. 4fJ-Ju. -1 ll-is jo-Ktb 1- MiTh'K ok KXF.i !'TI" SM !1 ' ft'' TOBACCO GROWERS In spite of the glut which is about over, the market is higher than at any time. Now that you can get on at our houses ( ome right ihead and pet more money on a competetive market to dl Rrades. Greeneville will be tseHinjr long after other places have closed- We advised you to .hold back and we Rlud you will make money by doing so. ell at HEAD. K ARTERS. Mlirril CAROLINA HAVWOO!) Ct.iCNTV, - : J TI!K SI I'Kl'.luK .1 MII.KV .1 A MI'S . ' Y. .'. ; J. '.-.-' V. A. l.-futr ' I By virtue of a". eX- cutii ri dir'-cted to th'. under.-.igriei from the Superior Ckiurt of HaywoOd.Ou'hty in the above entitled action. I will on Monday tht day ..!' Fetiruiry, l!' at li!:l'0 M at the court house door of said Cointy sell to the highest bidder for cash to eatkfy- the said execution all thP right, title and interest Which the mid W. A. iH-fla'r. the defendant, has in the. f.f!owir:g U'-si.'nbed rf-al estate, to-ui.: FlitST ItlXi T: Uegir.ning ut ai stake sr. the wst rn.irgin of Sunset Avenue, of .Lit numbers '37 ar.ri and run th' tice With thes line botvv sal t lot- X Cd'-W west UK) :i Pi for U BILIOUSNESS Sour sfomacFi g as and headache S ' , tlue Jo CONSTIPATION S Bernards Warehouse-1 -2-3 & 4 GREENEVILLE. TENS. ifalotabsi 10 35 II Flashes from Hyatt and Co, v congratulate Mr. C. I.. Hill, of ( raltlree. on his 7H7 pound hog. Thi is die kind of slock we like o hear ol in llaj isood ( oun! v. Ne tidd you List week that ll.e Ness LuiiiImt and inld iii'.; Material Code would jo into elTecl after I'ehrimry :trd, and we wish lo remind ymi auain that t his week will lie the last eiMrl unity ol buy, ini; helore the code noes into ellecl. which will mean an m in price Mesl of you will be in I own during Criminal Court, which begins next Monda Febru ary "ith, why not stop in our store and talk hut wur riowiiij, Ss:ss problems. iind Fertilizer We hue, at all complete line of pumps and sprays ),. clad-to -how them to vim. tunes, a l VKJiS and will iti-7d THE OUVER FLAG ) . Why not let us deliver a ton of that good YIRGLOW Coal before another cold spell comes. Ion't wait for cold and bad weather to order, it may lf impcssible to set i truck in to your place.- Mr. . I). Smith, our Coun ty Agent, is doing a wonder ful piece of work and we be lieve it would pay to take advantage of his help. e w ill pay you the mar ket price for good sound white milling com. ENHIX1 What the Oliver Name Means on a Walking Plow For ovex seventy -four years, Oliver CKilUd Plow i have bttn famous among farmers famous (ot the kind of work they do a-id for their long lift. For gritty or gravelly soils, Oliver Chilled Walk ing Plows can't be beat They will give you tht finest service for many years. In many catet, Oliver chilled moldboards have lasted twenty years and more. The Oliver name on a chilled plow aisure yoj of the best in design the lighteit draft, h easiest handling and the most perfect plowe j. Come in and see the Oliver line. Hyatt & Co. i J . rvr.e.a i nit, L'rit J 'I- ''.. V: .i: '.'"': . '.'.'" ft I I r r i ,i I 1 'A

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