THE WAYNESVILLE MOINTAINEER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 19.5 , I'age W. T. Lee Is Back, But Is Not Retir ing At The Present Some Outstanding Things In The Life Of Mr. D.M. Killian ! Modern Quarters Provided For City Fire Department (( :;: i:i a: . ail I w:.- omrii;-.-: it-ovr.; i- t-:i: st a: U. t 1 he th.,: 1 u tu th. p;o. tr.i- I tht liv ,1. A FHANl. I 1 In 1. I i'lu , January. -ii'i . :'th tr.i- p I !V.t- c r. i!h ti a me to 1;11. 1 a m :,pJt V! nr.- in r ('U'.il ni1 n a:-. a iht- pe irriat .-upp -.pirt-d my I if I Mv 1-1 n-.- of i 1 m 1 :h- tut v uf ap- t.'lc '!. K: 111-- V ; ill, I t- pa-int: jrcat he yon ! Way Wuovi (.'ountv n;ii- :h !. :r.ii h:t;hlv I otioreii e:i citizen. His pa-sin.; -i: reive more tiian im-'e oa-siii Cominjr from Traii-yhani; to Haywood in 172. voting mariied, Mr. Killian -oon idi-n; ilii-ci with iro- best iiiu c.-... i o- . ;.,n !'; and on.- !' JM ! I' ll) it ire. i- iUn'.y i'1-i u'n- b' 'a mi- it---v county. Hi- untt-: t with J. L. Morgan entire interest of .a- ni:l.:rii; an. I :neioiiiUi!e -, bu-i- n piiYh:i.-inn I. (,. S mat her on - c: nir uu-.r av, I was 1 1 :v:ui: .-,! : them. illK Ha iU;k m v iom ui if. ser i 'I want u th eijrn fur their 1 I have ix-en iter Ut be real ieoj: very much "I hav,. 1 as io mv this time" I to return tc where 1 sh attention t hJ i i year.--. Tile Mounailleer a.-ketj Mr I.eL abvut politics. Ho refused to iticu.-s politics other than to say he was .-till vitally interested. It. was learned, however, that there is a possibility he will in- a candidate for either thhe legislature or congress . in the primary. ill he people- u ndnesses to tile 1 have found L- and I have b K-tl to them, number of ino tor the luture. A nly say that 1 expec' nome at avnc.- ;ltc i1 able to jrive niort matter.- which 1 havi nunii' June Farmers Federation, Inc., Begins Opera tion In County Today hu ,.1,1 : cv , .;, ra . riiidinr. u h a:. lea:, ail i . 'tr.c:- Li'iain ! -. in I hun ire.K of b ti c-N ivcif hu!ed on uae...!'.- t liu-iii S'.ath Carolina, and other points . where tile Killian-.Morgan brand f a ready cash market. In connection with their aidiin meiantiie im-iile.-- Mr. K: Mr. Mortran opera'.ed a aw mil!. ; in it" lumber into building materia thy paai;,1, tht. market '"' !:.. unusually H'ooil at that time, later installed the first circu! used in the county, an iiiipiow, lie'1- lerai l.-ui iiie, uth u 1 1 . 1 I and arm ;,...': i. church :. t.e' jc Clyde cut. tie :.) . re : i kn-own ; Killian .r ! i 1 in i'H 1' hauled, sawed and i! from one re. e-.i r i r . e:. lie p:cpared ai! mate la !..!,aty;i by (i. M. (: ,'.) fr the . . mi '.iet ion of t he . aurc h. V. th Ir. H. . Wells a a partner, entered into the (roods business n ( lyde. remaining in this about tw... yet i'-. After selling oat his busine -in Clvde, he moved to his fai'ni near Waynesville. With T. Y. liridfr-.- a a pal-tner he instalied maciiinery fi :nt:'. spir.r.'.!), coi.-.i-!nj; anu wti.v wovl and cotton .nt,i yarns, blan ai. 1 did a uvne'-a! exchange b.i-i. ai' .-a ; a "i. :hv.r " c-'iivenii nr. .abie to the !e IVilie- in in ciiaivi- - t'er. M . Ki l.) tile people all1, lira:. A. t:a- same manuf.'e.-f.irin bu-i-.:' Mr, IP Mires, his iian and Mr. Creen !' LLiin1- ijU-ille.-, ily dispo-eJI . except buy- hr acci.m.i- t!) - ' ! ou--i.l. - and TJ', I:. a a i n.f . 1 JU-'t 'll , Ir"; a har.d n- fall -' m.' t'! . He ;i :i:tc: i -.-.Ill- f" u.:-. ie tr.,. . m-? to the iire-ent equipment w..- cor. ice!. !:.-e and back- lii ut if--, thi- depart- ve.i in th,. buiidint; uC- Wel K. At the time tht :.."e was m .df. an old Reo truck wa- made into a tir.- truck by 0- I.. Uriffgs. The old Reu is now -be i re used by thP strtet e'e piirtmer.t. 'I he ,! Jiie that Wayne.-vilie has I'.aJ was on May 2. 1027. when a drug store, cafe, theatre and five and ten cent .-tor,, were destroyed. The total damage was said to have i-en around $75 00ii. The tire depai tnier.t fr..m Canton came to the re-cue. The ) .uiidiitfrs that were de-troye 1 were where the Wavnesville Pharmacy. s Hardware and V W. X. C. e ri'-w located. W.-.-.ra -v .i, i a r: ;ind , 4 " i mm k Want I l 1 1 i( i! e.-t. Bidd- rs must present with ti-. bids a cenitied check upon an irscjp. .' ated bank or tiust company, pjy..'. unconditionally .o the order . : State Trea-uter for one-half o: pel cent of tiu face amount ..: n-.'c oll'erer:. Th.- i 'liht t , -e'. -- :.- : cs". ; . ei. LOCAL COY !'. K M K N 1 MISSION' W K. Last i.. 1. .OTKK UK RKSAJ. WAN'i'Kl i f. . ir Wavn :i - ..! f.o ..u -income for ; day for full particulars. Tog-tad C'.mpan-.' K'.k or .liana Coffee Route man d vicinitv. Good.s wliicn mean a steady hu-tler. Write to- C. D. In- 1 t D(l 11 A YF. en:iij;- loi ell beautiful ailoied to meastr ra! coir.mis.-ioi! 10 l.eo w urn lly-Maid irar'nor.:- Knit pd i taincd : i. n : to :ht June S ' lice of , wood LtoOk .No. tio j c.f a;i urdt !' I ed by V. (, ntUe oi me power ..; .-aie in a deed i.t trust ,-xecu: .: t laii; and wife. Lenie L'ia undersigned Tru-tee, M. lP't' and lecrdej in tia til,. Regi.-ter of Dex-dj of H Countv. N'uith Carolina. , ---..I , . it-sale made and i-r'.. I' vers. Clerk of the Ibntc Cafe The water rrier ', FOR RK.N'T-Hou-wood known as ' house. Apply to The' M. T. Ii wllice, in Hazel Al bright :i;!2e-. ;t !cHi: ilCCf to l style, .winch attra.-' of in'ere.-t among t!:e. tils; fatal a.i ident baa Louis Cunningham was ,-aw in operation .and be. lost hi- ballance, fell in saw, and was in-tantly later in.-ta'led machinery and preparing Li"nbcr purposes. fhc-ul-i r.iio'v their- .-riier- '.in. ugh fit hi r t:i. Way'" .-v;'le or CaMon war"i"iiri (iili'.ier: scs.1- ;:) ar'eti.- sUl'.ed to tr- in-. Mi.t.iin region will be carried in argc . ...liitity ! y th,, Ilayw.-xi tV.unty 'A:.i'-r .i-e-r .Seed' .bin.- are ikju i :rii ,-i-t .;!cd to handle ' thi-s tin- which .- ''..attii - d at a!! Fedein tivir 'warehouse.-. Other farm suppiy lilh.- to in- iia.'id!-. 1 include lU"!d sefed feeds for -tc-ck and ' poultry', ferter-lizer.- impb-nu'it- ari l mi-cell momi farm itemi.'' Oeorire Hrr-,vn will c-.nti::ue a.- man ager .: the inc-il!e warcnousi. whi:..- I!-, r Terrell will continue a manager ir. antn. X . 1 . Kmnc iuirt will c. r.tinue with the larger orgarit'iiatioii while .11. A. "..-borne, jiresaier,'. t!ie Haywood Countv Ka riser- F. d. 'ration.' will go in as a direct..!- tne Farmers I-ederavioi in.-, undo!' :':ie. iharter provision which pi -..'. ri.-.- that each county shall be reprt ---ir.e.i by at b'ast two mem-tKT.- rn ti e ' -.urd of .iirector- a.-ivi'il-,n : . Mr: McCIure. over tne ok quite a bit people. The jiened while wutrhing the came dizzy, front of the kilbd. Th.-y fo, d iv-sing tor buildir Sometime after coming to this coun. ty Mr. Killian was united in marriage to Haseltine, the accomplished and highly respected daughter of Walter Hrown. who. proved to be a compan ion of preat met it. They located at Clyde where Mr. Killian ua- p .: onlv interested in his busim-ss affairs but devoted a portion of his time . and means to the cau-e of l.-iiioe-an e. h.ducat ion. an, ( huren K-. r-or. omm'.mic;..nt o! vi.- I'-e-n: . . . ir --. . r II- '. . - .. . iy . t be -'da -oi i ) del ill ioe P. e-bo, ri e actiw in bui!'i:tL c.'iu.vri io aTie .'hat'.h w.. in- All- a e tiiia an 1 m a- -uocrin't a!! : inti rest !.- - . ;-.!' life tha- a iead'-r in :h .'ii ::- ,i!a iy. .:tei. 'u-er. -ai.: a -so -:a'i-- and use- lanfmape a-i- ;n the are-eir-i an i ! I ': ". v.i.. a r. nl matte -; county, i ... mi'er in I : rg r.:de . He wa e-byteria: when th r.e peU-i :-!; .leoart light d e'ed in ai ::m-n: .".mer.t.-. great that they t in clo-t of the mer.t. pii't.; Way-1 !; art Th?: id to ! lead COti- - town I organized in H.t7e!woo.i ii'ti r 'nK'Hibcr and .-(.er.: in- in it - i r-eet ion. acted 'it il'., and v.! ;u t ;, e ii; l..b'.;.' ,.! Mr. fo'-. I'.unt in-c. F. : Hunting ,. gentleman. Ki!:-i;' He w:: Club b,r It :ta- 1C. "it t.T.-e wil-.i Wei e l:e er Uvame i lose his M If l'e.-pev i tJltit he would ne-1 of ins mother, -wit- 'lio.iriv of cm.d-en. W. L. the lii'e dc : ar.i of a The fire 11.. ii : p' I'sor i:es. i chairman of mmittee on the nt hi : eac:. O.K. J... ; nient :.'! men. department is under the i rection of S. H. Stevenson, chief; o L. Briejr.-, a-.-is-ant chief and ' r.ce Kerley, driver and dayman. Tne department has the following vol unteer firemen: ('. Y. Hill, John West. John Uovd, Paul Walker. Bill Cole. Zeb Brackett J in Ray. Will Strange. Francis Mas. MohafTey, and Bradlev PLANTS i rjR SALK C A BRACK PLAXTSChariesU.ri. ler-ey. Succes.-iun. ar.d Co)Hnha geii Mirk-:. Onion Plant White and Yellow Bermuda. All 75c per ! 001 1 . ,".ouu i..t.- bOc per 1000. Send Remittance f..r prompt shipment I ...!: is Plant Co aldosta, (la. s.- Walter MehafTey. -I. H. W y . , pai-tnient . n i . .'If 1 I J ' From (In Hies 7V Fores I In 12 )(ars the fire i abue note, i, ated February 1. 19M-! ! maturing April 1. 19-'M. without up ' tion of prior payment. There will j be no auction. Interest rate not to exceed b'o per annum. The note will I be awarded at the highest price of ! fered, not les.s than par and accrued iiitere-t. Bidder? must pre-ent with their bids a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company, payable unconditionally to the order of the State Treasurer i'.r one-half of one per cent of the face amount of the note offered. The right to re ject all bids is reserved. LOCAL GOYFR.NMF.XT i'OM MISSION, Bv: W . K. Kastcr! :i. ci.rctarv: N.. 15V- I-Vb. 1. XOTICK -.imn-..r 1- i rx n OF NOTE NORTH Clyde News Tr,. '1 ' Ho P.- Br.,w Ju . De, Mr-, Su! vec? ef R. Ki 11 ! He other.- K T. : Sup' T H. Mr..-. recent' te ( lvde f PJol: , ;i--t Hurst B rook-. . il'0e R.H'gr r i ( Lea thei wood, choir-,in-on. assistant chotv. d Sanford pianist assi-tant pianist beers.; General diree associate . directo! genera! -ecretar choins.ter. (. rawfojd nt. Loi - Met ravkt n, Downs. as-istamt y. Kath secretary, To.i: ister. .lerrv Ro! ister. ( rawfn Mrs. F. M. Gree Ijndii Havnes Teachers, J. H. Haynes. Mrs. J. IL Havr.e-. 1. H Roger-. S. M. Conn it sei. Mrs. K M. Green. Mrs. T. II Koger-. tarter Osborne, Mr.-. Jei r Rob: n. on. Mrs. Ida Bveis. Gknn Brown. M:- Mattie Leathenvood. Lois Me l acKen. Bomne I' r.mcis Mr-. -P. H. Havnes. Mrs. Wai . i West. MoMithv Walker Mr-. K. T Brooks. B PL Lmda Havnes, Wflvne Ivogers, Lois Havne-, Santord. assi.-ta pianist, ldela r ranees- I" incher. Bcirinners leader, Doruthv ,ikn. Junior leader, h. M. Green. Interme diate leaner. Brent Angel- Senioi president. Lenoir Setnelle, B. A. president, dlenn Brown- . M. L piesioent. .Mrs. Pat Cole, vice pre i- Hen;. Mrs, L, M. Green. -ecretar Mrs. T. H Rogers i Mr. and .Mrs. Will Beard and family oi Asht-ville spent the week-end in ( ivde as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. t atnev were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley Sunday. Jeffrie T r, eman spent .t lie weeK-enn in asheville. .Miss Dons .Mc(racktn of Lake Junalu.ska, spent the week-end . in ( lvde with Miss r rance.s t incher. Mis? Catherine Collins. (Mi-s Mai v Kate Penland. Mr. Roland Leather wood, and Mr. Hugh Rogers were vi.s iting in Weavervillp and Mars Hill Sunday. Rev. ami Mrs. II. (.. h reenian wei e called to l-rankhn on last 1-ridav to attend the funeral of Mr. Jonatnan 'Phillips. ' Mr- Phillips was one of the leading citizens of Macon countv. "Wifey: What is thP difference be tween direct taxation and indirect taxation? Huboy: 1 ne same, as the differ ence between your askmjr mo for money and proinR through mv pockets 1 ! 1 Lit muMmk iUiiiiii.iiwii co. in- i - iines.-ee !sr . aoi op apli s. I ' en in West ,i:i ii. in some in-j nessce. prove what erin be don lie, k, a lor ueiiei .i-1 snelr methods.- ; ire o. 1 -in -.'.tiih... .. .I In- iar..l- i-uirmt r 'alowni): down a b.idlv v: .11. Ill coop- I .11 ion pioep : ''Ii . Ml l ie I en- son . rn v. ,ii Pot n i voids ! jobs mo.: e . i :. ii; and j e; :,: nni:,, i ,,, . V : i'tis'l.O!' I ;.,,' 1 w o I i ' ' i ii a i i V TIC I I! NOTF. i K .OF S J OOO Oil t NTY nh H A YWooj). s-TATK y NORTH CAROLINA KKV- M H A NT1C) !'A TION NOTK .a..., :;...i- i-.r ac '.e note will he :eiA , until Io : oo ,. cb'-ck "; m . oaiii v o. I;,,, i. ,-,v trie l.Aiil jvV .:n,r.t i :r,m-si.,:! N-dth tar-' : .., at l's othce P.aleigh. lor the OF SAL Solid. (HI op HAYWtK CAROLINA .o is tor the aoove note will . d until 10:011 o'clock a. m.. o. 1 L' j t , bv the Gov ( emmi.-sion ot Narlh I a ro ts, otlice. in Raleigh lor the te dated February 1. 19J4. .liny 1, PM-J. without option payment. Lucre will lx no 1 "e ' l , to icCtd . iinum. Tne not0 will be at the- highest, price offered titan par and accrued lnter- pei'ior ( ujit ot Haywood Lount.. , the 15th cay uf November. l'j;!o d-.lault having 1 een beer, .made in "i payment if the indebtedness the:, .secured, wln-ieby the power of became ipeiative, the undersigr. trustee w,!l. on Moiidav. Febiu.c 12 1!'.'.4 at eli veil o'clock, A. M. the coin: iiuu.-e door in Waynes v:;. Haywioii Cunty North Carol:, sell for ca.-h at public sale, to 'r highi st bidder, a one-half undivi-i.-interest in and to -the following , scribed parcel or tract of land to-',., r Situate, lying arid being in t:. town of C.iitton. Haywood Count. Noith .(,'arolina, and more particul.-. ' Iy bounded and descciibeci by m, . and bounds as follow-: BEGINNING at a -take in t:, coiner of North Main .,iid Xewf-.jr... Streets, and runs with the Ea-t ma; gin of North Main Street, 100 fe,: to a stake; theuce S. SC 20 1-i !r feet to a .-take in West margin a 20-foot alley; thence S- 1H' 45' W. with ma i gin of said alley 64 feet ti a .-take in Northwest margin of New found Street; thence S. 06 ;j0' W. : feet to the BEGINNING, togetia with the right to the mutual use of 20-foot alleyway as .shown on ma; made by J C. Haynes. C. E. date! October. Iit2d, uid recorded in Ma;. Book !." page "P " with the fr, , ami unrestricted right of egress an. i egress over and across and alorv with the alleyway. to which .-aic Map and record referencce i.s hereh;, made for a full and complete'-;:.. tion of said ullevway. This 25th day'Jaunaiy, libM. GEO. H YARL) Tins, No. 15i- -Feb. Buy ajiplying for position: Ai you a football fan'.' Employer:' Why do you ak. siu-n inipei tinent ejuestion? Boy: 1 want a bos- who can : u-asonable when. I tell him 1 have go to my gr.indmother'.s funeral. I he w, is in ua .i m TI lie V B lopsoil A .sirtiicps almost iti. t ion?, is now h, owners o' tu, jci wit ll I lieir ( ounl v .. nesee allev Auili and forests l,v Hie economic:.! ni- i!:,,ii po ei nniem xp , . arfare on son , forni: readiu.- ini.-r,! tires, and ' lieno o' methods. I he in . erof ion i. sinnl.-irlv the farmers standpovne. nrosion repre sents a consiiirr.ihle ainuial loss of the fertility of Uie so.l rroiu which lie draws his living. En?mors ar concerned with the problem of erosion because deposits oT silt reduce the usefulness of reservoirs created by such structures as Wilson dam at Mus cle Shoals, Joe "W heeler dam 151 miles above it, and the Norrts dam near Knoxville the latter two now under construction by th? Tennflmee Valley Authority. Knginers estimate that storaRe ca pacity of the Wilson dam pool has been reduced 10 per cent in less than a decade. At euch a rate. the invest nieht in ftoraze reservoirs would be wiped out in the , course ; yf-ars. whereas, the datns themselves are eonstruftpd to stand ifor many rn tip. New Methods U$d The methods of combatting erosion perliaps most familiar to farmers are the . bniUlin? of terraces, on sloping lands and tlio piling of brushwood in Rallies. Nowadays,, farmers of tlie Tennessee Vallpy are making addi tional ivs? of vines, bushes and sap linss by praeticin-t forestry niet hods of erosion. The' '.aceompanyjn'g "btloic umi jf- I ii- nows a ed t.inu durins tne wmti r sea n. lie nas lime for s;: ii odd erosion control. P.-iUdc o -1 wss liikf-n 12 .vears later. :l:r v;,mo spot now scow,,, irsu-ad of Ii.,-,. sub soil -i: capable of iirixlucmir anvthi'mr, a fine stand -ot -black bicnst whi -iv will he eiit for feme r.ots in n f, i,.w tea! foresfrv-.-ln .iililitiori.M.-.r:v l.ners o' fnibn ,iV lor eiiocKing j if Cii aio, oimr deciving vie., p.f'nrt to-;old. 1-roni iare bnildnie - up a new and foi liir lop. soil so that future- tre prowfh nitl be' speeded Successful Projects Visited These photoeraphs were exhibited during: a recent conference at Jackson, Tennessee, of foresters from Tennes see, Kentucky, Indiana. Ohio, .Missouri and Mississippi winch wan attended bv Edward C. M. Richards, . chief forester of the Tennessee Valley Authority, The subject of the meeting was the 'part that practical forestry plays in check ing soil erosion; A two-day field trip, including such successful projects as the one pictured, demonstrated con clusively that the forester is a valu able ally of the farmer. Forestry methods similar to those employed by the West Tennessee farmer will be used where appropriate by the Tennessee Valley Authority on approximately H6.000 " acres of land surrounding the Nbrris dam reservoir. Already .those methods are b -inc pruc t iced, by ennt ract wit ir. t h cm. :; er. on 2'3.006 acres of such -lands'.,'.'.. ; ' In addiiioii. the Authority i.. u: l!i:c fanhcr.s of the X'orris' daiu wa'pr.-hed to build t'M i'.tees. fi!! in wi'ih ...' and plant . sod-formitvK.. crops not to. pre.. Vent the Nort'is iiatir pool from f :.:!.;';? with -i.i bat lo improve . aj::i t :::iril tijeir oa iar.di. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Famers Fedeiratiomy m Bejrinnin": todav. the Waynesville warehouse of the Hay wood County Farmers Federation will become a part of the Farmers Federation, Inc. It will offer Haywood County farmers the services of a marketing department, hatche ries, etc, and offers the advantage of combined buying power of twelve warehouses for rock-bottom prices o n farm supplies. George Brown will continue as Waynesville warehouse manager. Stock and Poultry Feeds Fertilizers 'Guilt Edge Field Seeds-Garden Seeds, high Quality Cement, Hardware, Garden Tools at railroad siding prices Plant Haywood County Certified Potatoes Through cooperation of county farm agent W. D. Smith and the Haywood growers of certified seed potatoes, this warehouse will handle these pota toes and recommends them to the farmer. Poultry buying days: Tuesdays, Fridays (Highest market prices paid) EGGS BOUGHT EVERY DAY Baby Chicks from the Federation Hatcheries Place your order at this warehouse for purebred chicks Fairmnieirs FederatBinv. NEAR DEPOT Asheville. Canton Craggy, Newbridge, sonviUe, Forest City, Fariview Siding, Tryon. Spindale. Morganton. WAYNESVILLE Fretcher. Hender- when 1 m asieep. 1