in m The liest Advertising .Medium In H:iyood Count Published At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky .Mountains National Park Head by Thinking People . MAI NO. 10 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THI TiSDAY. I E1UU Ain l!t f i Pari;-To-Park Road ; impresses. Oiticials t!l!h Carolina Delegation Asks That Koad Come Via Haisams to Park ..' Nor n i tiolinu Tues- ivc .showing ;nl of Public n Baltimore. tlio park-to Headed by ghaus. Sena. Uv nUl,e h " u - M in' Regional Bo; ministration i jr a claim foi highway, i '. U. Klirin Tf. liuvc: ! K rii'vin iKts, l.ulev. together i Senator ith mem- -iah W. 1 c North t arohna mgnway i, f which Frank Miller, yiile. Ls a member, the del s,d their pk-a --lmost en-i the -Kite's possession of -eenrv through the Blue . .w dap at the Virginia . Cup in the Smoky Moun Mial Park. Reu'oen B. Rob-(-.intoii. was also present, mission heard on Monday ; ; unun:. Wa ttrelV The .gation ided as :) vv a . ';i r. ili na IK ', hod Their from V lrg-nua, wno to where they wanted The used in info!-! delegation from an entirely dif sonting their1 iiasion w.i- sys h and in sharp 1 dv the Yirgin- io:egatkm was cuHsulting land-. t'ter the hearing 1 a jiresentat ion . -interesting. lvvtkmal 'advi-or. ini'.ire.-sed." nothing definite. cd the delegation insnected lie f ore . i- 'The eommis- t horoug that usei 1 ennc.-.-t ne.-i I) :.i et !ay- 'hrk daid b :..-a:i- raphic .-litfe. was " c re is : advis Id be s t he ; leanng said they ,de-l over th .routes and get ia:id ;nto: illation. i,;!,n a- presenud to .the com .alls tor the highway to ie' (im-go, Little Switzerland, Mitchell. ( ruggies. Mount PLs Balsams, and on into the hi svuco - The proposed "ay would likely follow the old r.;,: (Hm Balaam Gap to Soco i this jeouftty. technical -as. tor the state wa,? i'.ed i.v ill". Jeffreys and R, G. i 1 Mv.U! I ir.ih.- f park m h - f " 1 Th. I Tr- BiuwmiiL-. location ngineer. who strewed UK fact that the North Car eiifia route follows the of the h!ue Ridffi- and mamtriias a hiph alti tude for its entire length. whil the renrres... e route1. whK-h voull leave the Bhit Ki'ipe at Grandfather .Mountain.- would necessarily have many dips ;nt v.iiWvs between peaks. i' al.o was Ftressed that the route would invite eom- T-nrit .-see nif'reial tr; nau trial ( . j - i iffk- and would pas through center.", while the North outo would bo .purely, a ft'i-mc route. Governor Khnnghaus has bt'en crit ui2ei :n western North Carolina on thi pround that he devoted his at tention tco much to eastern North ( iiiolina, hut he went to bat for west ern North Carolina, which under the IVnr.essee route would lose the high way through the sections of Linville Gorfre. Little Switzerland, Mount M.vhe'l and the Bal-am Mountains- North Carolina's effort was by no "an sectional. The State was unit. d and one of the strongest arguments was jiiiole by Representative Dough ton, w hose district would be 'served by 'it her route. A scenic highway without those mountain. would Ko lileo a fnnnral ttlOU. the cninso." floflal-nJ Pronl- 'V'U. eall't carrv thd srenet-v trt thp fad, y.iu must carrv the road to the enprv." obsei-vod Mr rnr.-hfn R.MLKY'S ARGUMENT ' Th'..-e two statements summarized 1 , m-un argument of each speaker, tJt s.-Tuitor Bailey added another argument. . .. . P11'' '-thn'one opportunity of a 'tetmie." said the Senator. "The i rn.'L; Stato-5 now spending its billions and anvone who does not 'new is a fool The spending can not continue nt rvi-cot n-A '"h 'Carolina doe. not get this , oot highway sy now it will never t'et it Anting out that the State 'pays l'rc than in n'n -ii ii. . .. . 0 - - -v ui-i mm ul an tne taxes Jr "l- , " f pdeTal government, he 1 V 'o rthnaLNort h Carolina is pay- f s0Oo0000 of the public works VjmI.oVa b;isH of population and IMoonOoO on the bai of actual n:iand hd ived only i wh m,o eclusie of "the .monev ;m"- for roads and the CWA." , 1 im not basing the State's " n things," asserted the .orr T i. hu road should be real 'n fha nnd should be located hJVL m' alonc If we do not I, v. f u("or .-cener do not give K "r -j1,03 ' "ut (io not compromise m rr ir, 5" not a matter for ' WipromiPf.. v tin ,. : nur r oute f,r tnu,., nd Wg V"ur ludgment." "... lrcad aa Iable S16.000.- "'fthwav ''1 park "i .k- 'hih;.r., btUetn Sha landoah nation- Virginia and the Great Mountains national p.ivk, partly , North Carolina in Tennessee. Did Groundhog See Shadow, Or Did The Snow Keep Him In? I' I;!,, anyk-. -. lu'liel' that when tin v : lundhog -ir- his shadow on -. i-niul means six nit'i weeks ul winter is true ther Hay wood cm my is in for .-oiih pnoe cold weather Mr. tiiouiiiiog eould have seen his . hadow lat Frioay if he had come (u:. of his hole, but - w hether the mk.'.v kept him back ot not is not known. Si :ne who claim to know say that ti-e snow kept the animal weather prophet from coming out and that we are in for spring weather instead of six more weeks i'!' winter. Othei.s who claim to know just .is much about it ay that the seven iiK'hcs of snow on the ground had nothing to do with the predicting- So there. Services Are Being Held Daily At Court House At Noon Time Ministerial Association 01 Coun ty Has Charge Of Services Oailv At 1:1.) :ay t-r ices .1 rc. "beinj; hekl a; one o'clock at the- court the main court room by the ' 1 Mil 1 it y .M inistei ial . As.-ocia-!. nieetinus will voiitiniU' for each ilou.-e Hayw- tlOl ... I'M 'iu- .umt erimiru.i n ot the present term oj UM a;:d will In- held by !' : he ';; sm i it ;on whith i !' the iniiiisU'is nf the cnnity. The .-erviccs ai',. urief, hot being ' iihov tiian forty-live minutes long. Gene1::) topics are being discussed by the .-reachers and -regular; sermon sub.itvts a re. being avoided, it. .-was an-' noil.;; ij. The following pastors will have, charge of the services for the coming ; nine day.s : Thursday. Feb. S. Rev. U. ('. kan- drum. Hardwood. ' Friday, Feb. !, Rev. C. N: Clark,, Canton. ' Saturday. Feb. 10, Rev- II. C. Free-, man, Clyde. Monday, Feb. 12, Rev. Paul Hardin. ) Jr.. Waynesville- Tuesday, Fb. Hi. Rev. George H. I Hamaimd. Canton. Wednesday, Feb. 14, Dr. U- 1'. Walk. er. waynesxille. Thursday. Feb. lo. Rev. C ( Bcn- ton. Canton. Friday, Feb. Pi, Rev. R. V. Mc- Craektn. Clyde- Saturday. Feb. 17. Rev. A.V. Ju ner. Canton On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes. day of thfs week, Rev. H. W. Baucom- Waynesville, Rev. F. O. Dryman. I .nlfV .liinAhmka. and Rev. T- J. Tvineer. Clyde, led the services in 1 the order named. Franeis Is Now New Assistant Attorney 'AW -Roy. Francis, local attorney, was sworn in as senior assistant district attorney, last Thursday at Asheville by Marcus Erwin. recently appointed United States district attorney. The junior iissistant is William M. Nicholson, of Lincolnton. The offices of Mr. Marcus is in the Federal Build-' ing, in Asheville . Mr. Francis will maintain his office here as usual. New Grand Jury Named For County At the opening of court here Mon- day -morning, the following were , named on the Haywood county grand iurv for the cominir vear: ! D. A. Howell, foreman, O. F. Gillis. M. A. Poteat. O. T Ferguson. W. W. Lowe. TV. H. Kinsland, Wni, Robin son. Jess Hardin, D. L. Dean. Orin Davis. Jas. A- Miller. L, G. Pruett, O. T- Arrington.' Lester A. Smathers. Virgle Singleton, G. W. Terrell, and J. V. Carson. Legion To Meet Thursday Night ' The regular meeting of .'the 'Amer ican Legion will be held tonight. Thursday, Feb, 8th. at the Masonic Temple. ' .." ' . Tom Lee has promised good enter tainment in addition to an important business session, and it is hoped that a large number will be present. Two Boys Sentenced i For Stealing In Canton After pleading guilty to charges of breaking and entering a sandwich shop in Canton last Saturfay at mid night Fred Roper, 20, of Gastonia, and Paul Warden, 21, of Mui-phy, were sentenced to the Craggy prison camp Buncorobe county, for 12 month each by judge Chester A-,-. Cogburn in' eity court .Monday morhing. Citizens Sunday School Class To Beirin Here Sun. It. .Morgan To Teach Class Of .Men In His OHite Each Sun. Day. Heginning At 10 O'clock l!v-gin'.u'g Sunday 'morning ,it ten n'ciocK J K Morgan will teach the newly oignni-.-.eil t'itizens Sunday School class, which will meet in the l.iw .llice of Morgan Stanley and Ward in the building just opposite '.hi' court hou-e. Mr. .Vioigan has tx-eri te..ching the .Men's - liible class at the First Bap tist church, but the tact that there were so many men who were not af filiated with any church, and who said they were interested in attend ing a class of this kind without hav ing to go to church Mr. Morgan, af ter making a survey of the town, de cided to begin tile c'as. M r. .Morgan sa.oi " 1 0 tended to reach men w tending Sunday S.-i,. A cordial invitat tmi is all men to join 111 the less of church atli :.! '.mi The class will adjmin 'lie members to attend Cl i.-s l.s 111- aio not at ; el ewhei'e. eteinK'd to .-la.-s regai il- j .: tiin,. for i anv church I service that they ile.sue, it was said. Oho of the features of the cla-s will be the informality. A number of men who w rk 011 Sundays will attend in their, working clothe . and. those who do ir it fee! Iliat tie .'; 'dress i- Milli, lent I'm eluuch "..tleii.d. allce will lind a'c.oidial weleoine at tin. I'itizmis Sunday - School da. .v i.v Sunday morning ai u-n o'clock The b sson t "pic t-r di--. u -siop Sun day moining wil! ie "Time Uaiir 'ings " A11 article on thi.- slii.lect will . . e found elsewher,. 111 this pap r R. L Justice Gets Average Of 1 8 Cts. For Tobacco Crop "Don't Crowd Tobacco, Give It Plenty Of Room," Is Advic Given By Local . Farmer. R. I.. Justice, of Waynesville route three showed The Mountaineer re ceipts Tueslay for $208.32 for the 1116 pounds of tobyiicco that he. sold Monday on the Asheville market. This is a average of little more than 18 cents a pound. Mr. Justice received as high as 2o cents a pound for some of hia load, and the, minimum of fivc cents trougn ms average uown. ue i iiviru 11 bu".r Bt,hf ,nner re' a.s Mying that, "This is the ftftest 1 woacco lie cen. . , J. neiwias, vuvvu x umpwil o f tw. .... i bought the entire load The crop was grow-n on land which for 19 years, with the exception of three, had been planted in corn. When a-ked to what did he attrib ute such tine tobHeco, Mr. Justice re plied: "Careful handling and giving: it plenty of room in the barn has al ways paid me," was the reply, "I use the loft of my barn und allow plenty of room between the tobacco. 1 never crowd.;" The crop, was 'grown by Van A-he, under the supervision of Mr. Justice. It is .said that Mr. Ashe ha- receiv ed more money for his crop than any man in his community. 1 Last week an article was carried about Howell McCracken, Waynes ville. receiving an average of over 14 cents for his crop. Is there anyone who can beat the record set by Mr. Justice? ; . Lincoln Day Meet Plans are being made by several Republicans of Haywood county to at tend the annual Lincoln Dinner at Greensboro next Monday night, which is one of the main events af the Re publican party. Advance notices sent out say that ' Congressman McGugin of Kansas will be the principal speaker of the occa I sion and that he will give some "Real j information about the activities of j the administration in Washington." ; Guy Hipps. of Canton, is a mem : ber of the committee of three in the state that are making final prepar ations for what It expected to be a record breaking crowd at the meeting- J. H. Howell SlaU rl To Be Postmaster J. H. Howell received a telegram from' Congressman Zebulon Weaver this week that his name had been submitted to the postmaster general urging that he be appointed post-ma-ter of the Waynesville post office. Mr. Howell's name l scheduled to be sent to the Senate within the next few days for confirmation The general belief is, that the form-1 al appointment will be made within 1 the next few days. is ei ror ivionaay ong Only Two Routes From Waynesville After March First Routes One, Two Anil Three Will lie Consolidated. W. A. (irahl and T. L. ltram. let Retiring March will have (.uily twi instead of 1 hree a Grahl aiid T. 1.. Lirsi -.yn, .- ike lUial mail routes. at )iecnt. V. A. Hiainii'tt veteran mail carriers will utile on tiial n-.te and a consolidation m the i.'.iUs will be' matlc with Way -e i jtc-i 111 carrie'' mi t ransfel red one and C. rier mi thi The Hoi taiiee of ..t Clyde 1 ..uie He heiiig t.i ayii' .- . il'c 1 "lite W. Minuet!, piescn; cal i- tal.,ng over loute 1 Wo. 1 1 alt w ill over 1 di -ui! '..' '11. Ii s eih'h it w a- learned. The two 1 1 '. 11 in:.' caii:ei clitcio. th,. mail .-erxice en lKeemlx i 1 ltlel and are being reined with a pcn.simi etl'ective Maico !ii-i. I)i'cailM' .1 iiKmn ' e'e 1 11 1 " 1 mat i m 1 from Wa.-h :n. a- 1 : linit,. announce ic cii ;ng- t ha t asaiialili .1 will mad the post ,.tli,', tori'i'.m'y ;i will be .1:01 l.a-t y. .. four w... c lOUte "I'e . I three . w iu n WiH; n .. .ii' w 1 1 . 1,. evac e two 1. Ulti lir.-t, unit. with Cly.l,. , ville 1 mite ;giu lelired. 'outes from . on.lidat.'d .1:'. . half. Fairly ( ertain That Park Will He Open By The First Of July AVa.shin.nton Newspaper man Sees Possibility Of (ireat Smoky Park IJeiny In Operation Bv Julv "It Hiiv. seems fairly certain, thai the tirvat. Smoky Mountains National I'ark wil! be in full fledged opera tion as a national park J-ty July 1. thua tnding seven years of effort which tejran with the appropriation of two million dollars by the State of North Carolina in 1 127. together with similar action by the State n Tenncwee and the raising of one mil lion dollars -by private .subscriptions in th,. two States, the entire .sum be ing matched by a five million gift from Laura .Spxdlmun RcH-kefJT Foundation " writes KoUrt K Will liams for the Raleigh News and Ob. server from that paper bureau 111 ir,, v,,v( Th,. article continues: Tho stt.u. of North Carolina; re t, abanck,n(.(1 iu .,pp,.ul from 1 ! II ,m,.iim u, ,w.iiiiitv !M. perior court Mwai-ding Jl.057.000 lor the 112,000 acre Ravensford lumber, tract and there also remains to be paid ?;500,000 for thr 'Suherest Lum ber Company trail of the siime Risse. Funds are available to pay for these tract.--, which together with small i tracts yet to be acquired in Tennes-j see will give the 428000 acres r- j quired as a minimum for the nation-, J park. ; A delegation from North Carolina! was here today, composed of AV. W. Neal, chairman of the park commis sion; T. W. Raoul. a member; Harry Saunders, secretary and J. Wallace Winborne and A. Hall Johnston, at torneys for the commission. Together with Representative Zeb ullon Weaver they conferred with of ficials of th inberior .department. The only hitch now in the way is pas sage of a bill introduced by- Mr. Weav- r. which would clarify the right to use lunas aireaoy unoiieu jor inai purpose for the national park ;ress Passed A Bill For Cattlemen Appropriation of $200,000,000 Provided. Low Producing Cattle Would lie Purchased . Haywood County farmers will be interesting in knowing that Congress on Monday passed a bill which made cattle a basic commodity and provid-! ed an appropriation of 200,000.000 with an agreement that not more than 60 nercent of that amount shall be expended for either beef or dairy cattle. It is understood that a portion of the money will be used to carry out the plan presented to the Agricul tural Adjustment Administration by Representative Hancock and which or iginated with Robert M. Cox, of For syth. Under the plan the government will through the surplus corporation buy up' low producing cattle and dis tribute them through the relief orga nization to needy farmers, thus put ting the dairy cattle where they are nteded and keeping them off the beef cattle market. More cattle than be-i I fore are being raised in eastern North Carolina and the industry has- always been important in the mountain coun. i ties. , Wins O. Henry Prize ii'.-.v J Mi-- Niiny lliiie. a :;i auoilaugbt 1 ol I dw.iiil Kverelt I lale and daughter 'J l.'bi'ip Hue. painter, is Un winner . I 1 '.e .-'. ial prize of Slixi for the lie-l -lory "I Ibe jmr. fliis is one 01 1 lie three o. Henry Memorial !-ie. Miss Mule's slory is "To the Invailm," pnblished in .Modern Vmilli. she 1 11 u . 1 11 wrilinu a few years ago ami is .m ;i -soi i.'ile eililor ol Vogue. Hijh Milk-Sanitation Ratings Are Given To Waynesville - Canton Canton Is Third In Slate, And Waynesville Is Hanked At fifth .Place Of Twenty, r our out ot tile t VSellly-l our vltje- ill North Carolina .with milk-sanitation rat ings of :mi jwreeiit or. more, Canton mid Waynesville were third and fifth respect ivdy, it was learned yesterday from K. L llinton county saniUiry ofllcer, who luis just received the re port ffonv The United States Public Health Service in Washington. Canton has, a rating- of tS percent, while WiayiicsviHe's rating was set at !Hi percent. Hope .Mills and Mt. Airy were first and second, rcsortivcly. Iu a letter to Mr. Hinton, Ir. M. V, Zeigler, of R.'ilMgh. and State ll:-ilth Officer said, in pari : "1 wish , to take this' .opportunity.-to congratulate you on the splendid ratings for the -ities of Canton and Waynesville, both of which: are .under your supervision.' A recent survey made of 'the dairies of th- county showed the following otHcial ratings ' as mad-e public by Mr. ' Hinton. Waynesville, grade A. Swift's Dairy Ferguson's Dairy Moody 's Dairy Allison's Dai'-y. Grade "15": . McCiaeken's Da,ir.y Canton. Grade. A. -Osborne's Iairy Smathers' Dairy' Mann's Dairy Henderson's Dairy Seller's Dairy Worlcy's Dairy. Plans Underway To Begin Boy Scout Movement Soon Three Civic Clubs To Sponsor Troops In, This Community Under District Organization Present nlans are that work will begin within the next few weeks with the organizing of several lioy Scout troops in this 'community', under . the general supervision of a district scout committee together with the National Hoy Scout Organization which is rep. resented in this section by '-A.' ' W.Allen,--of Asheville. Th,., American lycgiori and Rotary Club have formerly accepted the prop osition and together. -with the Booster Iub ol HazelWood, who are to vote i the matter tonight, it is expected jthat the organization will get under .way at an eany oate it. is i ne man oi tne district commit tee to begin with abtmt four troops, with ."2 boys to each '-troop 'Tor -the present and then as the troops get to where they are functioning properly other 1 1 oops will be organized. By joining in with the national and district group, the local scouts would have the use of 'the council camp in Pisgah Forest and the leaders here would be given a special training course before taking over a group of the Ikivs. Presilent Roosevelt will .spt'ak over the radio Satuiylay at noon to the Roy Scouts of the nation. Mr- and Mrs- L. B. Haves and son. Leon. left Friday to spend a month visiting in various citie.s in Florida. Many Cases Disposed Of In Court. Albert Trantham Is Caught. Defendant In Murder Case Is Captured After 12 Hum Chase bv Officers Albeit T 1 ant ham. charge. I w :th tin m.t'd'i- of Clill'or, Swanger. l'-ye.u obi Canton school boy u'as brouit'nt back to- the Haywood County jai' :ib: ut J o'clock Wednesday morninc :;l':let being capturel by SbCrill' l.,ni. -ml his .ieputie- after .1 twelve limn ..liase.. 1'iaiitham wa out mi bond, ar I when hi.-; ;ise w:;- ialle, for m lb Superior Con it here Tue-day about 1 noon, which is being presided over by j.ludge 1". A. McMlrny, it was said that iTiantha.m was ill and not able to at tend. Thi' court instructed Sheril! I. owe to lake the county phy.-iciaii to see the defendant. I'pon reachin.e the place w here . Trantham was .stay inc.. it was sai, that he tied, taking Ito the woods. He was caught neai .Cove Cieek. Hi- wa- ui: on a .1.(H)H , bond. lit is likely that in.- .;;i.m' will lii .alled sometime today. , According to testimony at the heai j ing. Trantham, was riding in a truck and when he pai"scd the Swanger boy h,, reached, out and grabbed the boy I by the shoulder as he was 'walking along the highway and pulle I him le, .n ath t iie . mov mg 1 1 u k which jua- loaded with wood em oute to Can . 1 1 "ii. A'oiiii"; Swanger was. instant lv killed. I'mmv Ol-pii-e.l In our!. I'lie.- day illiain Kaiiie.-', id by I lie four! night included: public d i-uiikioii" .- .. ,cnti ined days, William' (Coot : Raines, pubhi li iinkeiines- senteii.-.ed ;!0 days.- Clove: ' Trail! ham, juiblic diiinlon lles's, i o-l . Charli,. Kaiiie- p'liidic .Ii uu-kr-mies.-. two ihai'fM.-. . 'ill days each. Marie Wright an, Sluder l-'ui nit to e I ( 'oliioany. I.n .. ()f Canton, comnromis. eil on .-i dtumige -ui". Tor $.1 ,2aU,l() for damages all'eged. to have been loceiv tl when a truck driyen by the fumi t in tsimpariy struck M iss Wright on December 17, HVW. Killesf West, "violation prohibition law. nteied plea of guilty. .ludg ment .-u-)ended n payment of cost. Roy. Phillips and Arthur Warren, di.-tiliing. Plead guilty. Kach to pav half of io-t. : Harry Snyder. .sentenced lotn montbs for violation (irohibition kiw. Wo.idrf'.w Smith, entcilced to roads I'm , twelve iliont lis for violation pro hibition' law. laude Hoyie. sentenced s: month -. en r.iails I'.o-, sale of liuor. John 1'. Kiirdarid, . , entenred .-i.v' months I'll ro .1 fur iolat ion jn ohi -bition law- ' J. H. I ll:,hl ) Clark. i m.mth on read- for sal,, of liquor. Hairy .bihii on. foi.ii moinh.- mi I 'i.i'i- 1 or -oiling Hipinl . R. K. Taylor, '.driving auto drunk: tilled lo ..i.d cost. Cbirenci' Wither.-, to '.remain . put of North Curolin . for v iolation f prohibition law. ' Paul ('tirtis violation piohibition !Siw,.. 'continued.' Thurnian" .lone.-, assault, continued: ,les., Vatts. distilling, .continued. ' David Ily,.tt, inari.-1 i.lighter, con tii.ued. .1. F. l-'ieshour, '-('Uing in-uraiue Without license. '.continued.. N'ornian and Charlie Pi e--ley as sault, continued, John Kvans and Joe. Kvaiis.-etting out tire, continued. J. D. Heatherly, Inez lie .1 h rly, and Les Cox. continued. Fred Tipton., nol prosscd. W. G, Ford, worthle. ehei k; - cntr t in ued- (ieorge Love, as auit with intent : to kill, continued. Charli,. Rose, Jr.. l-'ittiik KeatoiV R. S. Lenoir. William I'attou, .-iinl Jim Pat toil, accessoi y a Iter the f ct . murder. X. P. W. L. Hugh Russell, reekle.-s. clr;l v iny, cull tinued. Vaughn I'.'ott.. assault with deadly- weapon, etintinued. . .Sevier Anders 'and' -I. -.- ':det fal e iireti rise,, continiied. J. K- Dot-on. w tinued. . . F.rwin I'biflips contihued. Vrtllle-.; cm.rk, c.'ili i eckle.-.- iirivimr . IC. K. t ailipbell 'piosecu- l.milieii.ii.i- ' pi tion, continued. ("has, , Oswald., hou.-eli, e.tijug, ril-tinued- Lp.-tei' Cox, a.-sault e'm.tinue.'l. Steve. Suttle . ill ivli : ; u' di ''.ink':. continued. ; , '' ''.'.' ; Mrs. Roosevelt .loiie.. perjury, c'irr, tinued. Hugh Wan en. iio-ault wit h liieadiy weapon, eoritiilued . . Audrey Bowen -violatiiei proh'iyi; tiiin law,, continued. ; Ralph Ilightower and -I, A. I lied I Anderson, ,,.s-ault, eoiitiiuiel;- . .. F. A We-t, cai ryirig ,'; voncetilci; W'eaponl c lit itiU' d. ' ; Ci-"V( r .Tov.'!- i: i '..!:, eiiness. continued- ' 1.: - Ui'onson Hall. 1 levvlin. 'C.a.'-'v, , atld (ilen HJlaekb I W. !' ;'sn,!'!:;;i! ' con tinued. . ,' ' Arthur' Ai'rintoii - laM'er.y 'at!.!,' :ti;''; eeiving. continued.. .' .... Fred .Miithtws, as-. iiil; -v'. :! '';'.:;..' weipon, continued,, ; . fCftntitmed om .1'' 1- ; ':' 1 "-

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