THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ahr iflmmtainrcr HIE WAYNESYIU.K PRINTING CO. I'm. -it- i::: -1. ., M.n i I . I . ; . Kii-.Hf U . i M . T. Ill i.iir.-. l'u!i::er. I'uhlishecl Kwr I hur-d;i SI HSUJIITION I l.S J . .. . Ij! i 'iiuniy ; l. . .-. lr c.,u,i-. ! , : n;i- uf H., .-, i c.uir.y SI. 1 1" : a-ivai Kin-.ed a' th.- tti . a' 'u !iev;lle, N. '. SK.i.,j f '!a M:ti: JhilUo . ; provided uml.-i , V : Ma-rh :;. 1.-.7!'. . embr 'JO. Hil ) I ill RSI) AY. i KHKI ARY N. TAKING THE ATTITUDE OF "KKi I AND LITTLE YOU" IS EXPENSIVE Several days ago we were in one of the leading stores of this county when a traveling salesman who thought he. had the world by the tail, displayed what h:. lwlieved was super sales, man-ship, hut it was nothing more than rude ness and a had business policy for him. The buyer of the store was busy at the time this super salesman got ready to display his merchandise, but without waiting until the merchant could complete his business with the person whom he was serving. .Mi". Traveling Alan steps in, introduces himelf. hands out .1 sample of Ids merchandise and starts telling what wonderful stuff it U. The merchant, being a man who gives t-trvbody due consideration when his time comes, politely, but sternly, told the salesman that he was busy. and. would be with him in a minute. We looked on the entire atl'air with 'much interest. Of course, it was just a small thing in one sense of the word, but just the .-ame it elearly shows that the salesman ''thought he -hould have first preference with the merchant, although someone else had lirt turn at the sam -prospect. The expression on the face of the merchant .prut rayed a feeling that even though' the sale.-man had just the merchandise he might need for his stock, he did not feel inclined to deal with a "big I and Little everybody else person." U'e do not know, but there i- doubt in our mind that the man sold a dime's worth to the merchant, and even if he did we are sure of one thing, that he had to use every sales talk and every method he knew of to complete the sale, all because of his haste and inability to recognize the right of the other fellow. When men and women get to the place where they feel that they should be given first preference above all others, they should be crowned not. 'with a gold crown, but with a baseball bat. THE FIRST SNOW That subject sounds like those we had write a two hundred and fifty word essay on when in the fifth and sixth grades in school, doesn't it? Even if the title sounds the same, there are many thoughts that, we have now that we didn't have then not because we thought Jhem out ourselves, but have been told of then!. Farr.H-iv .,UuM. by all mean.-. !. mo?t Xtiankful for the snow that fell -'last. week. Whet her t hey know it r not, a blanket of snow is the same as a blanket of fertilizer. That i noi our statement, but 11. X. Ilarber s who own eleven thousand apple trees in this county.; "There is a Jot of air in snow, and the most "f it is nitrogen which is one. of our best f.-r:!. lizers." he said. "In New, England when it snows, the old time farmers will say. 'Well, there is mv tVri llzer, ". '".';,;.' Other than being native's lx'-t fertilizer, snow 'h T5 to retard the sap in trees, together with making the ground moist. With all these things aken into considera tion, "rt seems that the farmer has been blessed by nature to begin the new year off right. It i. THE STATE'S BLACK EYE ; a piett.y good prospect that this is to ODD THINGS AND NEW-B L? T1 de be the last year of high-cost automobile tags in North Carolina, for the existing situation is giv ing the state a "black' eye" which is being dis. cusst d abroad, and which is operating as a worn, ing to keep out. The Hendersonville Times. News relates an incident that goes to show how the high tag is being viewed by outsiders. A winter visitor to that city, with an eye to Id eating there, is "delighted with Hendersonville" he likes the people, the town, the country, the climate and all other natural advantages o,'' the section and while his decision as to selec tion of a home will not be controlled by the sizj of the North Carolina automobile tag tax, he points out to The Times-News that decisions in such cases frequently turn on comparatively trivial matters. The stranger believes that one coming from California and having to pay eight times as much for automobile license here as was paid in that state, gets a bad impression of North Carolina in addition to the conviction that the automobile license taxes here are inde fensibly high. That's just a sample of the talk that is go ing to be heard all along the line, and it is one reason why, next year, we are going to have a. revision downward of the tax on automobile license plates. Charlotte Observer. BIO FIGURES If you like big figures, take a look at the Reconstruction Finance Corporation's first com plete report to the public. Between Februaiv 2. HK52, and December l'JM.'i, it has disbursed or authorized disbursement of $6,000,000,00!) to ,S..")11 institutions. In K:!2, $1,500,000,000 was distributed 55 per cent to banks, 20 per cent to railway.-, the balance to insurance com-, panics, building and loan concerns, relief agen cies, etc. The RFC was due to pass -away on January 22. '10:5-1. But it was given a new lease on life -bills . went smoothly through Senate and House extending its. activities until February 1, ID-'So, permitting it to sell another $850.000.. 000 of debentures to the treasury with which .k finance future operations.- Fx. CM kU J yw , J f$& Cosmic Rays bombard the earth ' I A WITH ENERGY" OF 40 BILLION VOLTS, im rv' "It 40 TIMES THE HIGHEST EWERGr OF OTHER f ' PENETRATING RADIATION! j , I . jittL- - High notes need j , C . M y POWER- ( iL,P XVlV-A (TREOUIRES 25 J PR0OrV-J k. Jgj TIMES AS MUCH N- I C (CjUc CERgy tomake a ! I A trang7eT' vr NOTE FIVE OCTAVES I OF C0RR0- ) HIGHER HEARD WITH I GATED RUB- EQUAL FORCE. sl( BER SEWN -V yo' UNDER EACH I CORNER WAKES S Vp ilfl ?3 F RUGS SLIP-PROOFjt p 22 Years M in i HAYWOOD i ( Kixm the tile of Fehru.u , ,. , Several new feature. " library tfu to be h(-l(t Sa'ee. " U-rnoon. which will h,. j;! "'. Miss Molly Ketor. ' The V. I). C'.s ni-i . .. at tht,- residence of .Mr.-. S : '' Mr- Thorn, who has b,-,.- .several wtuki with relative- j-!.."!'ls' livt'retl an iutei wtiny talk ,; . ' ' injr at the IJresbytei-ia:i .-' i ',','"' the Pan.. m:i Canal. The grand jury of th. ,.. j... demned the public school bj'.., a serious tire trap. Thi-y '.' 1 commendation.s to y;ur .-ch tecs and your aldermen to lives of your children. It i ,' to you to ste that they delay '- J'' The Methodists are making 7t, for a new church in ku-pt: their strength and Wayne.-vii:,.'; dvlonmnt..- Th V.ll ;.. " t .... ,h appointed a committee wit1 Random SIDE GLANCES Uy VV. CL KHS Kl'SS Today this column will bcsin with u-hlessinir as said by a littl boy. aeeiirdiitir tu a pi eminent Haywood county Methodist - paster: (iood bread, (lood , : (Joed (iv)d Let's vn. 1'irhap. its not as in sueh llowery term.-. le:isi In the point. UK but and it i :ant at An (diieial statement from the treasurv-' of the Cnited States shows that last year the total amount of revenue collected from ciar. rette .smokers ly way of the manufacturers was ' .Soo-")."o l.ti22 which was 25 million more ' than in i;i:;2. In other words, the tuition made over '!o" miliions from what went up in smoke. It must have been the same, boy that said the blessing piinted above that -.'when returninjr from Sunday school w;.s asked lie his father what 'he . learned that moi nir.ff from his .teacher. Promptly the littl,. 'fellow beaming over with 'nthusi;-..m re plied : " 1'he date of tl:,. jiienic' Lare Crowd Heard "Lord's Acre" Work Plan Discussed Wed. ! Last Wcdiiesd iy eveniny a, '.he Fine- tieek Methodist ehureh, the Rev. I'umant Chirk, head of the Lord's I Ati'e Work, spoke to a cer.grt Ration ' run i fines ( reek an I u nt.v tluK r, .the work, which is under the aus pices ol the Farmer- Federa the enuntv. fiesides th,. -ilt'S. Mr. 'l.,ik the.-v j anixe. rinsr on the program and makina'i short t, Iks were James (',. K. M:-l ('lure Jr.. pre- ident of the Fede'ra? I tion. Iiev U. f. I.andruni, pa,-'.er if' th,. Whitp Onk rivsbyteriar. chuiehf and Mev. Ilyion Shankle, pa-t-r of the Creek M( thodist ch.uruli. i "lie ui Die teatuie.- nf tne pri.cram vets the showiny; "f slide.- pei";a!!.u:u to the work, by Kev Mr. Clark. A H'oi d audivrci. was preser.t ". .. the prograin. B. J. .Sloan J. K. Boone. R H Jl u.ll r. i '. 7,'ul r ooche. The Dorcas Iiell Love ( luipu , 'j A. R. will hold an old time mulial at the Suyeta I'ark Hotel on Thar, day evening. All the Iaug-hU,rs',, appear in the costunu s of y.- , !.,., ,i times. CanYouImacihe! "-1 ft- & licnics a It in t h,, SIM HIT OF THE TIMES I'm out of work, I'm out of dough, Thing-.s for me seem kind of slow, Cut its not for me to weep, you know, ; So I'll borrow a dime and ko to the show. and this weather don't run same line of thought , ( Fl iday ntion. ) Speaking of this weather and sit tin.u: down too quickly, brings to mind the stunt .1 pulled for the benefit of Tom Lee l ist Thuisday morninfr in the snow. Wonder what would happen if more farm, e is would turn the handle of a filling station pump loose and take hold of the plow hancflesV'. 'For soine reasen no ent. had ?een tit to clean oil' the sidewalk, so I divided to take to the street where walking would bc. better. The highways of Xorth Carolina would resemble a '.battlefield if all the persons killed on them last -year were placed at the fatal spo" at one time. . . . That something must be done about it cannot be denied, but it appears that we are helpless. Perhaps the safest thing to do is to stay at home with barred doors. Stanly News and Press. Hefoie ttettuifr to ;he rut where cars had been running:, my feet went off the frozen assets "of Walnut street and shot sky-ward. I landed on the liack of 'my' lap in the snow. I looked around and there Tom was tiyinp to make up his mind to see if he could do it. but I had done it with such ease and grace that he was afraid to imifite my performance and departed Job Printing EXPERT WORK The Mountaineer I'HONi; L CAN YOU IMAGINE - f . - the ddiqhtof th mua ,i toyisvil!e,Ky., who, offer suffered tram slomoch disorders for 15 yrs gamed l3Hlbs. in two months by' usmg 8ISMA-REX He Wtor better and now enjoys three squat j meals a day. EXPLANATION Bisma-Kex a new antaew treat, nient that is bringinj!: MTlvome re lief to thousands everywhiw who suffer the aponies of indipvitipri and other acid stomach ailments. Hisma-Kex acts four ways to pivt lastinif relief in three minut?. It neutralizes excess acid; reJieves the stomach of as; soothett th? in it at ed membranes; and aid. digestion f foods mos-t likely t ferment. Bisma-Rex is - sold ofily at I leva 11 Drup Stores. Get a jar to lav at Smith's Cut Rate Ums Store. (Adv.) The yea. !M;V establish a new high reeonl ::. iiihway Kn.ii:r. In 19) when there woe o20.0('0 ears licensed in North Carolina. t!90 p. rs.r..s were killed. In 19:52. with only 400.000 t ar.-, there wtre SoO killed, or an increase of 2G pefoenf . The automobile mijrht be termed the i'.iivanee agent ' eotlin trade. Rockingham I'' -Dispatch. Other, than Kvtt.nK tiie pocket ' of I my trencii coat lull ot snow which 1 did not know until reachihir the office and standing over the radiator, everythimr leaked out tine. .Mtuiy "fellows were seen throwing .sr.ow. i oalls last week, which -was the first thing that I 'looked like work that they had attemptc-o for months. ;, ' It i1s i-eported that the League Of Nations cost $6,750,000 last year rather an expensive debating team, we'd say. If pe)ple spent as much time living their religion an they do arguing it, wouldn't thia be n diiTerent world? BRIEF REMARKS The best pull is push. Our wants far exceed our needs. A love game is apt to end in a tie. Men fear shame more than guilt, ; A glad welcome makes a glad feast. The half of genius is hard work. Who holds his tongue can hold his temper. Fortune smiles on the man who goes out to meet it. '' One orange is plenty for ,100 barrels of ortitigeade. Vice is most dangerous when it is made respectiible. Temperate climates develop the best type of people. " From Lincoln: "Whisky has many defend ers, but no defence." Dreaming of finding money is a sign you'll be disappointed when you wake up. Jonah to the whale: "If you had kept your mouth shut, this wouldn't have happened." Snowy weather Is oyster weather. That can't be disputed. Beinn' rather fond of oysters. I ordered a dish of raw one's (there is not hi nu bet t;r. ). I eat them, and was doiiur nieely w hen into the cafe walked a boy who had not been taujrht to eat all the jivd thin)rs of life. He quickly reemnuzed vh'.tr 1 was deve-uriny- itreedily. and after eye ihg. me for a minute and seing- a choice oyster disappear from sifrht, lie jtave a; trulp-ar.d made for. the front door of; the cafe in n hurry; : MUST YOU Diseonnect the Radio to use the Vacium Cleaner'.' It's a downright nuisance not having enough electrical out Ms in your home. -Isn't it 7 This is the ideal time to hive a licensed electrical contractor install the extra outlets duplex out- switches ou need. Such work may never be as inex pensive attain. MARTIN ELECTRIC GO JCadio Service I Jione :'l Blectriv Service : Poor fellow. I hope today, atid that his tied. ' he fet Is better toniaoh is set- Albert Abel can rightly be ac claimed the ''speed king of the hill?." Hp carried Tom Rainer. Henrv Ford's agent here, to Atlanta, which is 187 miles hence, in exactly 195 minutes, including two stop for Coca Colas. A hen Tom Rainer was telling of the incident, he mentioned the fact that as long as he coulddn't see the speed ometer he didn't mind driving SO miles an hour, but when he knew he was doing 80 he just naturally tok the weight, of his foot from the iras. Speaking of speed, its my desire to make the curve at Enka. "where a 20-mile speed limit is enforced, at sixty miles' an hour. That is a per feet curve (highway) and fit for speed. The other perfect curves in that particular vicinity makes it rather dangerous for a man to speed however. To be a succes in life: "Work Like Helen B. Happv." (Read fast.) Which Is Your Favorite Store? Among the places you patronize there is a certain establishment for which you have a particular preference. .Maybe you .have never stopped to analyze the reason, but we'll hazard the guess that it is the personnel of that store the warm, friendly, atmosphere that make you feel at home as soon as you enter the door. Anyway, we know that this is one of the most valuable assets a business can have, because so many people have told us it is one of the strongest ties that binds them to ALEX ANDER'S. Eagerness to serve you is as outstanding: a feature of this drug store as ability to serve you. ASK YOUR' DOCTOR ALEXANDER'S D R UG ST O R E Phones 53 & 54 Opposite Post Offic

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