! i Tr,.nAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1934 (go tu CEltitrrb nuimii mi.. ii-o;hvteri;in I! I' Waike, P:.-f'. " c -., ,, ; 1") ;t. in- ' 'i.:',S,.avi.r ,;::;u P- " ' ' ' m. ami 7:::0 y. ni. ,i'.u!v. 1" a- in- and (i!lf l irt baptist i! w Hauconi. Pastor I ::. Mi"-' i-n t . . , " ', v , ... jkji. 1 1 :0U o clock. 'I'.'y 1'. IV of . burch mec l! '.' '.dp 7::i0 H. iii-'J,'U"-.ra- -M'vice 7 ::!- W.-. Vit,nesville First Methodist Vaul Hardin. Jr.. Pastor ,.au: Hardin. Jr., Psustor . . ....... School at 9:4.. a. m.. Hugh . .,),,. :;T, urch service at U . flor'U 4ni m bv the pastor. Text: ..-lock. -,V o Nlv Way-s" ' 'n'-, l l , le rnat 6:45 p. m. YounK P?JU-...?'V , 7:110. ti Kvcnmg Vnurcn "-, . . ... . he . pastor. uoj.H . 1 1 J Sermon .;, - ; VA.ith. I Tbrirt's Chains I V, welcome you to al 1 pi,.,t M-thodiit. USl. Johns Catholic Christ'- I. na.a-iHic vs. . v.! ,:.J,mf you to all services at Wavnesvilki K, v. Micftaei -. v -." ; ,.. .a 11 Sunday. wci-k days at 7:30 a. m. Hazelwood Baptist I. Woodward. Pasloi ; - ,i;r- School, J): 15. S.rnu-a 11:00 and 7 :' and :Jrd Vi;nday. H V P. U.. ti::i0. l..,rl- ni..ctinR' 7::: fvcry W.'dt.ts- ,!... -.;yt I Hcthcl Charge M. E. Church, .,, vl.,.KN-,N(:s A T i.o.m; .s i h,1' I Uh ' Kl. i'HCKCH. l.AKK Jl'NAl.l'SKA I. I : llou.k. l-Uhtor ay rhuol tnei'ts at 10 a. in., imday's: Ci-tlu-l 11 a. in., Lung-'s Mi ..jrnv (iiHive 7 p. m. hocond v i i. Ml 3 ' -: ..Pistfa-h, 1 I a-. m-. H'tho :;o r,l Sundays: t-ieutei Ji a. in., ii. m. Koui-th Sunday: I aunt's Pi-.ir.Ui ' l. m-. ll''thel 7:.'!u. ; s , HAPKL MKTHOMST tTll'RCH 1 lurialusk:!.: X. C. - 1 1 lirvman. Pastor. i 'ill U 11 I i e'h-i al Suiieriritcmient. it; i W.,1 ,h!p. and .Pteachinjt at 1 I :MI a.- ::.'i i). ni . MVotiUR of Yuui:,v "eoplea ..'7:00 pi in. ii; Night Pi'iver Meeting each ' iv: at 7:::n . m. ' ' ft .'Nif ht Prayi" Meetinu' e-'-h at 7: ".o p. ii-. ..nil. li .aid ni. eliiii- r-uiiject 1 i a. Y , ' a f i iendly spirit here. -allv worship. 15oth the w: (iar nopli i.warri.ir'it: i cm, veil. minister wel- ' Canton Presbvtemu i l.iori;.. II. Hammond. Pastor i Surj-lay liiorninft- at II. 4 v.inl:iv eveninj;: at 7:.)0. wliM-silay ovenincr at 7:.s0. Viaodiiy Scho.l f. Stinday morninf; at 10. j t tins; Kin hndoavor I Sunday eveninif at 6;4. f.KAi K CHL'RCH IN TH K MOUN TAINS" EPISCOPAL Wavnesvillc. N. C. Ilev. Alhert New. M- A.. Rector, tu A M Church School. 11 A. M. Morning sorvteeand sermon tanton !VL E. Church, South Dr. C N. Clark. Pastor ! Sucdav .ST.'l ai. Sunday .School. O. Sut- i l's -Sunt, All doartmcnts compJefte. $ l organized and graded in keeping wi.lj- best educational .standards. Ill a. ru. ami 7:;50 p. m. 'Woj-ship Son k-os with sermon by the pastor. i:o0 p. m. lioth Intermediate and X Year;;; I eople meet in special service. j- Canton First M. E. j Af found St.. C. C. Benton. Pastor s '.hjiH-n school meets at 10 a. m. . Mrnmg worship 11 o'clock. Epworth ) U.KiUP n.ets at b:30. Evening wor . P ' oclo.k. A genuine welcome j : ' : eveiybody, i, i t anton F irst liaptust A. Y. Joyner. Pastor Suauay schorl . meets at 10:00 ' Morning worship at 11 o'clock. J- i- P. U me:ts at 7:00 o'clock. J-ToiiK- worship at 7:30 -o'clock. i - meeting W ednesdav evening North Canton Baptist P. ( . Hicks. Pastor Suariay school at 10 o'clock- cveiv "d.v tnvited 4 i t;.. . ,..-nnr;nf ' l'We' class every -Wednesday r ,Chi IVoaching each 2nd Sunday. i ( I.Vde. Charge M. E. CJiurch, l South i C hreeman. Pastor Su.Kjv i-chool meets at 10 -a. m. L . VUnia (hde Chur h 11 a m t 7?, M P-.m- Second Sundavs Clark's a: m.; Liberty. 3 p. m.: Har- I W.:. " jV-m- and 8:0 P- m. rurth ' , Harmony. H a. m.; Liberty. I, 1 m C 'ark 8 00 p m r "h Uaues "meet at Clyde. ! ryn Harm'ny each Sunday .M. K. Church. Canton Circuit W . II. 1'lf-v astor Fi: -uiiil.i1-. j 1 a. A; nui PI:. in.-: 7 j.. m., Mi-v:s:t- S.vond ISa'ulay. 11 a. ni.. i.ung-: jj. m., M.ni;::i; Star.' Tiiirj Sunday 11 i. m. Mo.irng Sta. ; l':.'!U p m. HeaV .lam; 7 i. : Aiih.ii Plain-. 1 :h jiuiay. li a i!. Morning S;ai; 7 ;. a.. Heave -dam. SusMuy School a.v:nb.es at lo a. mi. r.nv.or'.h Ua.iK- niu'.s at Anion Plain-. M.-tinr.g Sta'' an i L..ngN ea-h S'.in-I.i; - !.:.- :.t 7 .'. " v. Jonathan ( harjit. M. K. .Church South lUv. W. M. Kublnns. fa.-lor shady livi-: Sunday SoVino' In a. :v. . ilU-un A. Poyd. Sap-.. Morning w-o:-h;p at 11 a. ni. every sunuav c.voih -econu .--iima;. s. Hemphill: Sund-.y School every Sunday 2 P-' n.. Preaching first Sunday at :! p. m. Davi- .'rap,!; IVea.-hine- ev.-.v cond Sunday at HAZKL WOOD WKSLKY AN MKTH. tiMST CHL'Rc ll K.- . Mr-. is Bean, PaMor Su:-..iay Schoui 10:00 a. m. Proa, hinjr Sorvioo 11:(K) a. in. You- p Ptspli.-' Sorvk-e.- 7:00 p m. Psva.-hinir Sirvu-o 7:;!0 p. m. Pr.'.vor Meeting oa.-h- -Thm -day v.-inV a;' 7:30. Haelwood Presbyterian Us. it. f. l.andrum, l'a.tr Su .? a , School, 10 y'.-Ioi-k- l' ,-.-rv;o, id: in -c:-vkv, : -1 -7 . nit-ctintf i'vr 7-.:i o'cli-k. .iv i. V. - ni-'.v. Mv Mvrt'.o .;ill t. .y nijjht I-' e.t with a idn-teil l.v I . i ua rv I We -plen.Pd -one;! Mi .1. Halei e 1 y i ii- pirinir I writ ratM y II. v. i- . O. I ; Mi n-,.- ' hat : i-iaPy th. w .-.ml iM.-lor ! St, n: Dry: i 11 o; ; ihL' -' not . and nil: i.iruct in; or -ervie. V alway, in fin niatii K N f ason forty ' Wei; at uM of cedii.j: Kaster. ivjins.. ne.l iv ri-hruarv Llih. 1 I lr irr;..v Kpi copal church the Holy i 'afimunion will he administer ed a" 3 (:'(( A. M.. and vesper .service at o P M., when the Rector will sp,.-,t a-.: "Ihe Iov,, oi CikI. : S.i!,iay murniliK, Kebrtiary ,11th-. the IN .tor will preach "n: ' The dele.;!- mi'dorn social life " This is one '.'t a ..scries of six addres.ses n the jrrra! theme of "(iod's Kferntil I'linjiM.'' The .series will ! contin- arinir Lent )y is cordially inv:ted. New spaper Praises Judge F.E.AHe's Charge To G. Jury Reidsville Review Terms It Most "Eloquent And Iteautiiullv S rjtten ( harjre To Jury ( lieidsvill,. Ri vn-w.l . As the January teini o th,. Rock ingham ciuiny Superior Court tor ihe trial ot criminal '-caws' proceeds con ditions may bo described in the dis patch: All quiet on the Went worth front. The motley crowds which stir about, potir in. pour out of the court room and -corridors are there. . Some case of considerable- interest are on the calendar but thus far there is nothing sensational to .report. Nothing, that is.: save Judge Kelix Alley's charge to the grand jury: a siiper-cnarge that shook the dust otf the rafter. of that old court house and ..started, buzzing wht.-pers 1:1 ..the legal ante-rooms and among the dinn ing boos who hive the edifice' of jus tice during that exciting village hoH dav .toa-on known as court ivcen. (This -term, however.- is for two weeks- . Probably . the most olofiuont and beaatifutlv written charge to ihe grand jury ever indicted was that of Judgf Kelix Alley. Wavnesville tribunal- to the jurors at Wentwoith Monday when the January term of criminal court -opened. Judge ALey is -i scnolar and orator of ihe old si-hool" with a rare gilt for the golden word 'and'-wlver tongue. Kvon his gent',, dignity,: touched with frosting hair. U-ars out the picture In contrast to the prosaic cut-and dried dmuments common to ihe pres ent dav temples of the Llind C.odd-.-.. his charge was filled with impassioned phraser; flerv- colorful prose, i It .set the rock -'and rills' of the little com-rnu'iit'- Wentworth ringing. K i-s a clSs'ic of the court room, a veritable belle 'ettre "f the bar. A Kiyiow ro-tor- a en mid lb ju't wh)fj grack'Usly consented to our printing it jnj an ,rpd the in f 'r-'"J scr-r-; irom his brief book- THE WAYNESY1LLE IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL UNDAY I chool Lesson Lesson for February 11 TIMELY WARNINGS (Temperance Lesson; i i : s : . , -' I... !!.' .-.Vl' I '1'I.T II r- ' .,..!.( i''i ...iu r. ii. I. Concerning Censorious Judgments 1. I l.o - n and lnll 'f Ivr 1 ".). I l. s pi i ! . i . . i mil sliiMlkl not In' so oon--'rii.'ii :i h lnrhiil our making an os- I. n.Ki' "' i;.. lives ot ihosi. ahout us. tor l.v iln'.r fruits yo s-liiil 1 know I I. 1 in." Ni ulu r -hoiihl it prevent us In uliiiliii-teniij: relitikc In' those .i (ii-er.e ii. It i not wrong to ii.i!)".t'ii llii orrorx and laults of those lio are pra.-t iein sin: neiilior does it tt.c.t ii I ha I in -ll. H l.i i:n iiinelniked nnlil we iiui -i-Im'- are perti'i I It docs !.'tir.';!cl and vinrnasly rehrke readi nets in hlamo otliers and lo iii.'iiiil.v their eakneses und error. J. Tin' duty .if illsi riniinai ion in ilealiiijr out holy things (v. 0). The J.ipe) sl'ollld he pri --a lied to nil. Till" urd of Cud shii'nid he ; a. mod lo all. Inn at the .;... tin.' .i vliould lie I...' re ill mind tl.;,: "e-mil swino" I :. no eomprehi ii- el he' thinps. " On.'ditieal am 'ni' I -. r.iiiiiia! ion i v 7 r.'i. a hie ..f ,-:' 1 7 111, in!. :ln'-e are able rightly In di.ide Mi Wnl'd of tllllll who live ill eln-e . iii:;,iimiil v:ill I lull. Ii iti i! i-i ii 1 ii ' ii iii iri-al ni her-; n-.i he I ' e..i i-il l ..I ia - Ii. fj. I I .- Y..it! ..! i;... ai I i .' . . pi ... II. Enti Urocd In i:,-!.i, , v. ay - :.. ' ' 1 oalli. hi. -ice Intq '". I n. Kingdom i Tin 1't.e. . - 1 1 -t Fa I..'. 1 . : r". ... a - -ol'-aM In e III. T tie W.i i ping Tl .u-htis i . . , I '- 'J'.h; I he... a,- I v .... . I . :.l I Ii .11.1--; - o; Si.lcli I lie hi- llle-T Slleei -. fill ,, . P. .. adine as an antel n! ii- hi III ', HUeraihae 11:1 1.. lol Ml ihi'iiMh Iht iTiiiun Salan's i.'mh ess ' h.a . i-mi I hi-iiiiKh Ins ahihn l o de. ei' h lit-T are ilesl ruel n e viU'goslcl in Ihiar he.nj; w oh .-!-. I me leiiehers I I in their loos' lieac'.v work while ) i i.-i in- lo hi Ipyal to Ihe Table .-.u.l I .lesii- ri.i ,-t. .'!. The . Jinlailiiij: lesl i v .. lit IS). ")!y 1 heii Irilils ye -hall know Ihein." Kvery I ree hears n own kind of iriiit. N'alt.ne is ineoriible in tier laws a to Hi is. It is i'inally Iriii in Ihe spii il la) WTirhl. I. 'I'lieir llllilHMIe end (v. I'.n, All. false leachers shall iiltiiiiateiv be pun Hdieil- liv- being east uiTn Ihe lire. Al ttinuli Cod has infinite patieme and lieiirs luiig. he will see lo n Hint Hiis e d work (loos nut go on forever. IV. The Dangers of Empty Profe? tion I vv. T ,1).. 1 Merely cnlliiig i hn-l "Lord' wilt lint answer tor lining Ins will (v. ;1 . 2 one mav do supernatural woriis ami siili he lost (v. l','! I . Not all supernatural works are ilnine. I he oevil is a .supernatural hi-my. Ml evtJ dners are under his sway :; A eiiimiig reparation fruin Lod (v "'."t)- Or.e mav have been a sun lav school teacher or iiniiisier and Iiate performed, inanv iinghtv works nnd et hear froiri Christ Ihe awful lieelarntioii. "I never knew you: d part from we ve that work-iniquity. - V- The One and Only Safe Way fvv. " l-'-fH I Hear tin- saviii-s of ( hn-t It. -M). " m what ( hr.sl eonunniiiK In. JI Jt'l : When We Are Dead We inav live when ne are dead : not oiilv. as we trust. In Heaven, hut ni-" bv the Impress we maoe in ansi s rnme upon otliers. A Prayer Aimililv ;od. we open our luaris in praver that thou lead us more int tl truth as il is in Jesus. We ward to serve thee in it: and we desire the davs to come when the truth will be lived and followed In earth even j; P Js in heaven, Cod s Grace Uod s jirace is God s 1'ivc in' it.' quest for loveless children. wIiofo .n are scarlet and wtose iinqui les are red like crimson. 'While we were re- I Inntrs Christ died for its. Mui NTA1NEER Transportation -i i.iiMMi ir. w(wT( , ' lit- P1 s WR 2J - . f "I ' " M.iay lar seeing olutiii . la -nui I ho railplane a- ihe . hiel tranioi lation in urban iil,r ft 'lie liniiiv. Here i a uorkniu the latest type of railplane lo he pel e. led in 1 aiu la ml. N..I. wheels of .he "plane'' are lerin .1 .iih Hie r.eim(. while -' i horizontal with I lie. around. V ju-opi Her lore and a.t v..:. - v, inouienluni. The War of 1861-65 The States" And Va. Note- Not on,, -person out t)f fifty yvill refer to the war of ISM -'.' corivctly. most of them saying "The Civil War. ' Wc wcie taught to -ay War lietween The States, and sVon found it unw is,. to - ay anythint; else, Mrs. John Husk. adersoii, of R d - eoijtn. historian j;.-n. '.: of the I'uit.d ItauKliters of the Confederal y, lias included the f.dlow;ii- in the hi-tory of the dopan ment of ; ae oi ani.t ion which wc tru-t will i nvince some of tho-e wli i ia-i-t n i. i lie; t he e. rave I a- Civil War" a , 'lie "Wai Pe mistake .' -ayinc. " when 1 hey re illy in : t w i en the Stale : A w a ' w :ip d I i .'i twieii l'a I'nite.i St and tin ( 'oiil'eiici'ate n a. 1 he-,, were 1 lie t he cm !eiti::nr pa rt ii h ;!.. ihe War .1.. b. ..-an-,, ;'n iion -, i ,' war unn'1 t he 11 . fill co llleill hack lint 1 Mil f America . of Alllel il titles of t he Slate: ates uiadi tat..- to I ' ii toft of It- w a.- a w ai lei ween two 1 "g. .T I UlUelll s, lh,, solll he 1 11 ;ht i ill.'-, to I e.Pel invasion, to o can tat. protect the nobis 'as granted by (he ConsiUiitioii of the I 'lilted State- of Aiperica. to each -'file which ratified t In- ( 'on.-1 it lit ion It w as not a Civil. Wai a it w a: not fought '.lelw'ecu two piities Within the saini- g.-ivei liment, as was th' case of iiic Civil War in l-iiuiland. : It Ma.- no! a war .of ,-eeessmti lor the -nill iiori) ' -'. a!es ...ceded without a I hoiii'M: of w.a r. I'hc i ie bf of a -t .ite to -eceih had neyei been .pie-. tioned. In IS';,; John Quiliiy Adams of Ma -achil-otts. -pnke of ..cce.-sion w hich had been 1 hi i atoned by . nine inn thei il as well as ot her ,-t :les iii lh,. following word.-: "Wluneu-r the lini" coin s for-s. ceding it wele iictter for the peonle of Ihe-e I lis Knited Stati s to pan iii friendship' from each other than t" In togelhel by restraint." It w is; not a Wai of Rebellion for Sen .-vieign independent -fafe- co -equal, eaiinot rob.-!, against each other. W'Imu the II cotton stales seceded they , et uji an 'independent government of their own- with no declaration not in. tent of war. They did ' nn light to overthrow the KedcV I gnvei nilienl but to .-et up a foieininent of tin'.. WIT. The pi inciples I'.JI w ilich ! he .-out fi ern stale- wore standing bad been ill finitely (leclaiod in the Constitu tion ('(invention that framed the Cnited States Constitution. Judge William Knwle. of I 'onus vl va ll la one of American's mo-t able authorities on the Constitution,, bad do lined his, Views of the C'nitod States Cnmti- ,.n;..u i,i l.,.,,L i.-.s sl.inliei at West Point. We quote partly 'If the states are intorli rred with they may wholly withdraw t rum the I uioii and their secession depend- on the will of their neonle. Ihe I hi ion wa; foimed bv voluntaiv .'.greemeiit ol states- and the Federal government would have no means ot maintaimiii.' its claim against sece-sion. either by force or bv right " Many authorities might be given to show th,. right of a state to decide its own destiny. How over, by the arbitrament of. the sworn and superior force, after the surren der of IHba. secession was decided 1" be unconstitutional, Prom that, learned hi.-tonan and Confederate soldier. ( apt. A. S. Ashe. fNOW. HAVtNT HAD A SIGN OF UPSET NERVES X1 iiii-ii--l"r "r-i"r 1 1 fiSK? of the Future? , ,. , ..r miilel id ..' Upper leu IT Was "War Between Not A Civil War of North Carotin i we find a wai j time reference to the conflict of lSlil to 'Oa, in a case of the Supreme Court : of t h.e I'rited States. Vol. t)7, pane ! 7.'! The t'ourt say-: "We have j show n that a war such as is beinK ( wafTed between Northcn and Southern -tatcs i.s properly conducted." It. noes , on to .state that "scveial id these .t..te.- have continued to form a new ( on fed. rai . ' So here the hiuhe-t tribunal of the I'niteil States refers (during this war itself! to it as "a war between the .states." The very term which should bo contained in use as historically correct. In England's declaration of neutrality .she recog nizor! that this war was being fought between two governments, not between two -parties of the same State. Every loyal member 'of the Daugh ters of the .Confederacy -htiuld be ou Ihe alett to tail fully and courteously endeavor lo have the "War lietween the Stale- " u-cd instead of "Civil War," for il- conectnes' is absolutely important to a truthful pri sentat ion of .hi-i..ry. .Many w i ,1 ei s ; ami hi---torian- of nolo ai. now recngi.ing tln; tllllll ol this teiin and' adopting it If t ho t In nk nig publn i- 'o rough t 'fa. c to face ll h he "facts I lie col lect ilallie wold, I be mole peiie , a I ly 11,-ci I Only ice. ntly radio auiioiiu el;- ol our national y. ieius. have o pressed (heir w ilinpne lo cjoperale w ith the I . I' C . in tin ..'ll'.oi ' lo "leep hi dory -1 1 aiphl .'' In the words of .Mis- Uiiili' rl'oid: "Our friend- Iv.ini ihe Noi ;h d.. not object lo i'le li lit Ii of hi. toil, pro yide.il' we ;ii ,. f ii and U-I W hat ev'er is done.' lot it be done 111 the spirit of t i in h and peace and -Into' and good will. Today we aland, and do ire to stand, a lelllllted people, ail sections at peaie -lid united. Tbi centimelit linos echo .'in the In. art of every I cue I laughter of the 1 oiifeiJeraey- '' Former Citizen Is Making Good (he in any I la ini here of W'alt.'l Klio- foiinoily of this city, will bo inter.'.-fed in the follow ing article which apjieiiiid leeeiitly in a Cinrin. nat i new -pa pel : Walter Klio,, chief ciei k to the A sistalit Passenger - Agent of the Chesapeake A Ohio Railroad, was eleetod Pie-nleiil of the Pas.-eiiger I 'radio ' lub ol Cincinnati last week. Mr kituv. came to ' iiioinnati I rum II lint ingtoii, two years ago, at U r a score of years 'a. ticket agent theio 1 a v ing a Imbhy was admit ted by t h,. 1 new 'rpsnent. lie saVs tie con.-m- himself the "grand .stand coach" of .foothill games., a- he is an. enthu siastic footballer.. Author: Thi.s i- the plot of my now story: .A miiinigrii scone, bandits creep rtealthily towai w o the house- I hoy . calo a wall and loice open a window A.- they slip in, the clock st rikos one. Thrilled One rhreat lib ssly ) ; " W hich one .' I-nnd h a1 her: "Come, lummy, even if 'hii liavo .hiiit youi self a bit . y ou shouldn't ,1 y." fniiimy: "What'- c'ryjng -"-for. -then?'' '. SINCE j J M Page S NEW BOOKS FOR HOYS AN.1 1'ilKLS The tirst lot of now honk-, diiuat-o.v I by the Woman's Club, the 1. A. R . ' and th,. Community Club ha- .eine j and will h. found on a .-paraie ,-heh ..i i ne linrary i: mn- 'no tm lowing titles: Yountr Tu ( tin- 1 . per Yanefe -.he Newb. riy p; e .'.' inf ; Mutit.v th IS.-mtttv : -lui Oavi- : Swift Kia r-; Aiv., A!:v. . .lane Hope; laui;h. It'.y l.auiih. Ho. k . f W oedei a!': : S m,' - Yea : P.ook : S: ranjr.' Ai'ta.a!.- I Ha-.. Khfw n : Xnnui; an Two -. "i !". Ka pii,-!, and Kti.U.-tte .1 1 . How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat i; iv.. -i, Vie, ..... I'lUt!-, It y.m'ie tat :ii. i - tin a . Tak one-ball !e.i- nl'u! KKl S. II K.N SALTS in a ula-.- ot hot water ev. ry in... nine in ; weeks jjet on the s.ale- and note h"W iiiiny pound- of tat have ..nisho.i. Notice also that you hae n'tiinod u. enorjr.v your -kin is clcaroi von feel younu-er m Ixulj- KKl'SCHKX will give an fat pef-on a joyou -in prise i Let an .n- bottle ul MvlM Hr.. J SALTS from Smith's Cut Pate I true; Store or any leading ilruw'-'-t any whet'o in America (lasts 1 week.s). 1: this tirst bottle dm-sn't cojivimv you this is the' easiest., safest and surest way to lo-e-fat your money gladly, l-et'uu'e!. 'hh. YOU CAN BE 3 TIMES SAFER ..AT NO EXTRA COST tl MiSl'li)i.sjK iw 18 1.50-20 $ 7.60 1 4ni.:.o-2i 7.90 i7.n 8 40 .oo is 9 00 . 21 18 10 00 .-.oil 11.50 YOU may have been lucky so far but tomorrow is another day. Investigations show that the chances arc better than even you 11 have a blow-out some day. Per haps when you least expect it. That's whv every car needs the vital protection of the new (,xd rich Silvertown with the Life-Savei Golden Ply. This amazing inven lion doesn't cost you a single penny more than any standard tire. i t it protects you from blow -outs--: makes you 3 times safer al to day's high speeds. So why delay? Come in and take advantage ol thr money-saving prices now in i-fTe. t Goodrich Silvertown WITH UFE SAVER COLDE. P1A DAVIS-BOYD MOTOR COMPANY Phone H -Main Mrect i 0 tl ' l v

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