THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 19M THE VVAYNESMLI.E MOUNTAINEER Pare fc LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 HERE AND THERE IN SPORTS IN HAYWOOD COUNTY By THOS. REEVES lVuc.-tiian do hoy leadir. ny mongr a .-kin- l. :k(. a V."a Wilt'ord Kay C K Mi-s T:', i;..t Ilepuruntni aiciv- anu .uis. mwoi rrel are leaving Louis, Missouri, where th y vi" m Mi nna, rchie Boineau. manager or the piece Monk Corner. South Carolina, when ods department left Sunday for they will visit Mis.- Rotha's sister- nana j H fur ! da i 1 win air - "K1 spring mer- K nd a week purchasing ,:;di-e a. H I'b-'U i't't l-.-t Ftauy State -villt. to spend several day.. .,, guest of Mr. and Mr. Roy She was accompanied by her --eg -jn Homer, who wil! spend .,, nu- i:: Sanitarium X. C.. le-.'.aii;1-,' from an extended illness tiariett left Monday for W:" am erlv. :m!vi id M r. Mi . M It. Howie.- Mis. Robert Stretcher and Misses Maud ami Margaret Terrell attended the ei r.cert piven by the Minneapolis Symphor.y orchesum at '.he hijrh .-cheo! audito rium in A-hevil'e Monday nijrtv. !,- X.V . eii.-t ore dauahters. Mis. tiariett whe , -ashore Collegt pond a fi w days with . dau r.una and r.tiza ii re .students a' an,; Mis. Walter FeUs.-n. Kyr-eit Mel cod and infant U'l. and Xed Ferguson leturn- FTiday from Lakeland, Florida where they h.ive been visiting- rela tives tor t'ne past few week.. Valuations fo, IWm-sle, VI , J-, ( Disposed i ikv JunaJuska Hein.u -.Sought i 1 in in v oun. AiiKTi (rant ham is Carnjht :,i a.n.em-ent was .ilad,. yesterday : aali.-ations for postmaster ai , i.naluska would be reeeive,i al post, office here until Febiu !i;n. Complete information van :a.i a, th,. VVaynosville Post office, I . K. (Teen, civil -ervire Veatftcry Mcuntuim.,.-!-. out : -header with the Sylvu s.rv, mi on tht. local court Tue--1 I . t-. '. ht the Waynesville g'il'l- ' wili an e sy jrame ;W' whib ! Ttf.o the I'oys another game "J -1 4 With I I'lieiwoeJ, l'hilhps and late l r s.oring a' most at will the ..-irU had ; an nu trouble in scoring ugaint ach ; of : Sutton's r'r!'s team. YU-h ami ,.!:.: MeCia.-k- n wete out tar.dilijr at guard j !,;,.), positions 'l'h y held the Sylva for- : wioo's to -in points ;n the lii'st half, i ; . In tile feature irame the S'l ' ; tean ' V defeated the W.iynosvilie lad Hist s ,as'.!y a- the Wayne -villi nls Win the. i sh:ik. With, t'.rovvr tar Sylva Kaurd iiaudelino- ; he had and (.hooting- in excellent fashion the Sylva he- pulled away from tl'.e -iew moving- .Mmuitai... er.- in th, -e.-.n I half ..nd were never -cr.ou-h- threat en. J. Wapenfeld and Morn- we.-, elei.ily th,. out -! a ndi n-j, Wanesii:,-player-. l.ilie-up and .-umma - : WavnesMlh- (isrl- 1 Mvster C1 thf fii!nnrMtirnrj m.t pup): "Wha rind i.f aitourists An w-iiino ,rK. i that, my boy?" W.k'ly, the biK magae "lh : a police d.otr ' ! hirh m.. uitl, ik. it. I, Hii ... -. v., I,-.. ii ti . ... .. i . i i . i u j mi inp Irui.i icur fattirite newsdealer ; r new -hn , tram: "Th pohv-e log- " y nes iln- i .-( :-. o; - nei .-i!i be a ooutvic-!!. j.dei- ..;. the c yrt with Uosnutn. Tin- name i play.s) Frid iy beiiiitnii; at Oaske c, ant team that has The i'.ethe! o W. via svillt t;r. ;i. .vrdinjt to tt: I! w eer ea ili team I know can defeat - ;-. io in the th,. ne. i . J won a r. ! ,-i ! i l'.ethei i excellent .-nance to win , an Im. I senn K U.. rd.s th, Complete Stock of I '..- sit, u mi;' 1 '. ie . I tb Rosnian lads ;.m,i o in determining tie ' ea in - ' ''.a : u il i pa . ; ; '.. wh.-e : o-ii rnament M : d 10 M ''..'iitiinied f'-om fion; ..eoriaid .s;iiitu liaoe I d 1 u n , i . pre- sel. 'i ' ' j .(oun ri le,-, laneiiy eontimn ,! .-- I l oluinhiis Hannah ' and Flee Ha!!. I esn-.-dei-.a will bo a piipulai- clop on: hircenv, continued - oo.tain faims of Al leg-hany ( dmnty i Walter Hannah, laieenc ,-oiitinued , -.- filing according- to order- no.vj Vance 1'irker. lareenv.' euntinued. , u;g placed, , Arthur Singie'on and .lohn Chap - ' . man, break i inr . nd vnierint' om iiRDlN'AXCF Al'THOKllXC i tinned- nil'" IKSt'AXCK OF SIX TIHU'S-' Wiil.i.. i, ..-!: A.!: with .ieadK N1 THKFF Hl'XDRFIl IOL- weaje.n. ,-iniinued. ! Mil' (b,:t(H) (MM RFFl'-XKIXt; .lame- !;,,!, ;. I-J,,, : a, k,,.,! i-i IMi r.OXKS OF T 1 1 F TOWN- 0Flitt hoir-ebi caking ;;r,-env. and iv )! AZF1AVOOI XORT1! CA RO- , eei ing, nt iiiru d. ! i.XA- I 'ohn (irigsby- housebreaking, lar S,-i-i ! l'or-uant to the .Muni-U-eny and receiving', continued. ,,! Fin Ac; , f Xorth Carolina, j l.uey Williams and .Sewell Me, I . aim !W;vi;. pi'.ad- U' the Town of! ford. and A. continued. -. -W. 'd ale hereby- authorized to he. .lame- Sheila Id and Leonard Shef .-- , foe the purpose of ret" unding' j field, ;t--,uiil oi'h inienj t,, L;M Ciun rve,-o l'hiilin- (! T to i 1 1 i We. oil (iaddi- ," Wink!, ; liovs .l .:- (tli ,;i;t it! i Ko'ss r 1 1 Wagvnf, hi 111 idee-- Svlv i tin is 1 Mouiii.iau-er lovs wii! 'i.'. , L ... i 1 1 I viiu His;h in A.-!ie ill. mglT. . on (11) ( risp. Sutton Davis llrewn i ' linmer i , Co.--dill Rohin.-on i. ... '. y T'O 1 gilt- ' :, t he , di '- :..iled, and the pa ncvvti into confusion. " May' 1 id, y, u a .-: rap'"' i ... . v lh: aio'i a oune , Sellers. H.( 7) I 11 ; -Sellers. .1. i.'il Thank o,i" ' f,.j,!!r. rnimp- 1 ntly ' :-. 1 1 Krvson lirewn (HM (! recti Vi) 1 ' '.'a- ii . ;ngvr- Jl.-l lolHVO olle. ! " - a'd he 'Then perhap w-'',l!dl;'; iiiin.l ii-.ttil'LJ- Co of nr i a Medals Ieinj Offered Students , Of -Hiffh Schooli Sl A I'M HI XORTH (A R( U d X A 1 M'l' A RTM FXT OF STATF Al. T. the time of payment oft linued. .-, itain valid :oiuied hide'bt: , Inxie . j the Town of HaV.ehvoOil. in! - au'.-. ,- . piior to July 1st, 1 !.'! 1 , and pio--i d oor.ded indebtedness will be (ii.ul;, 'duiinir the years lSCl-l .mil lh.'lo , -: i t in l of Filing holder, t,, Whom The. ' ir. ei me : ol t onsen! liy I bssolut ion e . m. .,- : i - I 111 0,-ad!y III el , a i ii. il "(i(((l ( ltienship .Mt'dtd" Will lie Awarded to A IJov And (ni l At ( (unnu'iuHMiient 1, : ,1,. cf which indel'tedness l!i!li be' cancelled piior to or al its tinned natuptv ami simulianeou.-iy with the U r. Jiiy ...n lid-e ,,ete -.-tiaae of the bonds to refund eucli pr, j. eht. The indebtedness hereby re- Hew-ey Cliamlier- driMii; unileii was created for -necessary : i-lruiik.- eitntiniii-d. 1 : .. i : n .. .... . ... xnenscs ana lor special puipiM.-.s in nuius r ntuiman puoiii stli.t compliance with th( provisions ness an I ..lest i -oyiiig imblb f the Municipal Finance Act and contir.r.ul. ' ' ' , o;v:i act.s qf the - General; Assembly AVoiximu Smathci- and Fil Smit! S the State ol Aorin ( aroJina in toice uouselireaking-, larceny and .-receiving at the ume ol ine issuance ol - SUMl llyatl .Ies-er. Ka'rl 1 1 radio v. 'lit' .jtid.s. chnh iiKlel.) .is inure ti-ularlv described, as i'olluws, a a n Mllllll.ell. prpert v. Town of Haxclwood. North Caro l:;t. Street Improvement . ii'.'t Bond,.-, dated March 1st, 1f)2. due- March 1st, -!'.;i. ij.OOO. Town of Huzelwood, North Oaro di.i Street Improvement. (Vr Bonds, ta'.etl March 1st, 1D2. due March 1st, !::?.. S-'l.OOO. Town of Hazelwood, North Caro :iia Street Improvement (i'v bonds, iated M iv 1-t 1 due May 1st. !'"!, $ 1 .000. T,-wi o, ll it'eiwood, North Caiu .ma Stieet Improvement. O'c Bondii .ii M i 1-t ') ,, dm M t 1-1 ' l,(i(t( Town of Hazelwood, North Caro :na Water 0ri bonds, dated May 1st, '-' era May 1-t, 1911 ?")00 Town of Hazelwood,' North Caro ;na Water 6'. bonds, dated- May 1st, 'i'-'.". due Mav 1st. IH.'lo, ?50(i. Total amount ?9,000. Section2.. A tax suftieient to. pay le principal and interest of the re-dinding- bonds hereby authoi'ized -hall he annually levied and collected during' each year that any of said "tids are outstanding and unpaid. -'Section o. A statement of the debt t the Town of Hazelwood has been led- with the Clerk of said Town anil s r tien . to public inspection. ' 'tion -i. This ordinance ..-.hall ,t.abf !L i t upon its passage :ind shall not e - -'d-mitted to the voters of suid ton Kathnone. and Mi dl'ii,-, Parkin ssimlt with detiilly. weapon, con tinued. John Rhodai mci:. cmbezzb mi tit. continued Jack Obey, violation of proh iliit ion law. continued. Sieve Ledford. a-saii!t With deadly weapon, continued. Amo- Copney, embezzlement, con tinued. Junaluska School Hears Health Talk 1 the WllMie -!l..ol who be.-1 n!'.by iiiii'cie d !n- ' iio id !al" In the 1 loioa- Ho!l ef lile 11. A, 1 1., at th,, iresenl school year, il I ycs(oi'd,y !ev Mr-. X. eiiapci i ria i-: The j ' id,-. 1 ,. ,v;- inn my i! 0, , 10 lie , V, 111 11 WII ' ,- till l.i -hip 'Aid ! i i"'o;ihi;i Vl I. , v ..', l ! e -till Was 0 llllolllie II. Mow-H no Hals are t.,roiizi , c! -e check has been made and wii! continue to be 'made on tin- stu (ieii; b.uly id' ;ht, bigh school until commencement.- at which time tile records will be compiled and the or g'anizat ion will . det eimine he 1 wo w'imiei The uualiiicat ion- as set forth 1 V lh,, organization are a.- follows: First, honor: honest, high prin ciples, trustworthiness, loyalty truth-i'lilnes.-. -punctuality., moral - strength and stability, cloanlness n mind and body- See.olt.-i, service: cooperation... meri torious oehaior bringing honor to .-i-hool C- community ; kitullimsss, un-schi-kr. -- true Americanism; indi vidual responsibility ito home, to country and to God. Thiiil, courage: mental and -physical- detei initiation to overcome oh- stae'e-. l-'oiir'1 . Jeader-hi; pel son , lit y. or iginality, ability to lead . and ' hold oher-. G. nd. -ports man-hip a epin- As a fitting culmination of the state-wide observance of Health Week, the Junaluska '-school,- n Fri day morninjr, heard a very -interesting; and helpful addros from Dr. S P. Gay. Hr. tiay emphasized the impnrialice oi correcting-, jitiysn.l ((elects an; 1- t Mi -eh-dai - nip.: .otto. ; app aid to better behavior in svhool, audi t M-n .in i andiiijon. better school work. He .stressed the need for establishing- certain health! halm- While children, as an a.s-iiranee "I. ag- inst diseasi. and' defects in later life. Such practices as. eating- proper fioids. and getthig pl.t'iity of sleep t'resh air, and exercise, ate e-sir.'iul to growing .children.- ("are of the teeth wa- outiiiie.i. and l" "nl " ;'r- 1 M.e Mints ,1 lh, I rui.l. Poll. '""N,I"'- ' taiu, ,.ii , . r ,, ,i,i . , ,, ,, lit lien! i, a! ed re, oi d for 1 he v .Uinta i y l' di p. --.Mod i,n in- mar. I -en -.1 long ami: tiring join Ir an Fiig!;t-hman to a Scot-, t'ne Lnndon-Aberiioeii i rut it- di -tiualio". Wilelea- t'.n-I 'on ' .j -,iij of the pi oot --dm ,1 i.-solui ion then odice the I'nagusi.i Manufai luring . nip. my a parol don ol ,, his Si .te, wlio-e pi nn i.,lj o lb, ,- i sj -Hole, I ;u tile town of II ael wood l oun ( of HiiyWi od Slate of North ( 'a Pl ana, t R, L. P c o-t being- 1 h,. .-igent I he i em and 1 1 clia ! hen of upon W in in process in , be served I has .einpl;ed with the Veiph -,-nieii... n! bhaplir of th,. ( 'orisol ida t ed .Statute-, preliminary to the i-suing- ,.f l-l'i- ( ertifieate thai sueli consent ha beeii filed: Now, Tiieiefoie. 1. SUiC'ey W. ad. , Secretary of the State of Xorth Car olina, do hereby certify that the said coiporation did. on tile (itii day of February, lSId I, file in my oflii'o a duly executed and attested "consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by mor,. than two thirds in interest of the .stockholder; thereof, which said certificate and the record of the proceedings aforesaid me now on lile in niy said otheo .as provided by law. in Testimony Whereof,. I have hereto set my hand and altixed my ollieial seal, at Raleigh, this (1th day of Feluimry, HO I. STA( FV W. WADF Secretary of State. Nn loll id b.S-i:,-2-Mar. I. Use This Laxative made from plants Tli.'dl'ol d' l Ml M K - 1 1 1 1 V HI! I. -Is iii. id : . inn plan.; ; i hat grim; in the gr"!ii(!, iike ll'e .ii'den vegelnhlo'C - -, ,01 a. e, :i a, al. . A "11. It! 1 ' i --, f , - i Uit-1 ; '- -. -;a ', ii-h a a .,, a v. -a ,1,. ii e (lull a a' 0 tl,--; th' ' 1 . v. al for Deeds ol Trust Civil Summons Siaiv S arrantr Warranty Deeds Chattel Mortajes No Tresspassinji" Sibils The Mountaineer i.i limn Hum ii.niiiii m.uitjiii..i.iiiini i w, piiiirin.ii.iiiiiiiw. mini ni. ,w wmjT n iX 1' " ''' 'hTimitr ir- -limiini wr lifi lnirnin m inniir1 I in I 'Avt :,g l . I the - 0 I oi ls man niono'; ;'cut much pi-iiii and son:'.' Dr.. Gav's talk, t i prourani what dii.s been ' doro i:a ;! healtii.-' hist ruction 'hviR.u four , month.-. ; A nunioer of patent - in at . tilt' !' o!o.y ao :; pro; in : utm'i . 1 tii.tii ninl ion ,,f T v i' idi,,.:oo see-1 j-i'rades put .y M r. Fisher- the foregoing rd'.aa'jce Was adopted by the follow ng ,nl call, to-wit : Slayer J. P. Scai,,,. Aldermen Richeson, Fi-ber, ' i'revost, - - .A hlel men vntim.' in favmanf salii dinance are as follows : Rir hi son, ,- "J,u ' t t hinlc. Au i vi.-her- and Prevost. I ! :" ,fl Hamburg ; Wo alderman voting' against iid. W iiM mpm rdinan-ce.. 1 hftoregoihg -ordinance Was pas- ,d on the. 6th '-"day of .Febraury. 19:) 1 and was first published on the Sth. day I i i urn m An action or proceeding iiuestion the validity c-t said bonds mu -1 bd oinmeneed within thirty day ts hist publication. pi. tective sistcm. One of nianv leal a tew " i t n Smtfla, ' l-ehruar II. in f Ann riciiii eeklw the magazine winch 1 I cnie- even Siimlax with the Halli : ir. (ire ::'. rirtin. I5uv our copy I rnm . , r mir laiorne newshov or-new-dealer, j - - i.lahl,. ', .' "a HI ,al, I e .r I 1 t a I '. . I - : o I, - -,a , t,i ,1. i,.-i, l i of IO. P. '--. :a ar jr ( 'nn ONE WAV FARES ONI. anJ OcxJlZ-IIALF CF.NTS I'l R MILL" far one wjv ticket- -.Mod in COACHES THRU U NTS PER. MILL for one wir tickets t',o,J in slccpuij; and parlor cars nosurchargi:-- ROUND TRIP FARES TWO CLNTS IT.R MILE for each mit (ravclcj for Round Trip Tickets, with 15-day limit - NOSURCHARGi: - 1 W O and ON.I--I IALF CI: NTS PER MILE for each mile traveled for Round Trip Tickets, with 30-day limit. - NO SURCHARGE- (Ood ia Sic pirif tvl l4rttr in. Comfortable Economical, Safe i - .i Cllatl Pmnftf Trfli Rrprr-riti.Ki liikd Agtmu tor full iitlor'ii m., fRVIK U JENKINS, Paismxr Trill mfalnflon, ll. 1 . SOU T'-t RAILWAY N J TEH 1-TO-Mam wi.TWiiaillli tlIIMIIIIliMMB -1, .1 a-. Xow, ir.v -child-,.' 'ich-t' . think I'll ever. Iviicv,, that .they: .cap dtlici-r g : l ivs on that votvtraptii 1 4 - ' (IF XORTH ( K()I IX , ' X H QI H W OOP ;. i Jk Sturkey Chamber.-. Clerk, of o- '--a., of Hazelwood. North Car :dma: do. hereby certify that the fore going a true and correct, copy Of i!J wlinance uuthorizinrr the issuance .'t $.0,0(10, 'retu'ndirig bonds passed at -' mooting' of th,. Ib-ard of Aldermen thg town, held on the 6th day: of i'eiiruary, 1904, all of which, appears 'a record in the minutes of -aid Board a rnv office 1 further certify that the Board of ide:n.n is compesedaof. three r.,ci:; w rs and that all members we re ,pres at ; at .said . ftieeti'fig; and. that all .members Voted in fav;h of the ad.' -':' . f'r i of said ordinance. IX Ui ss WHI KI rL I 1 netc-unto- set' my hand and ' the , sv-e ;o, "' 1 town i, .hereur.-.o offix-d, th:; "ta day f February- lf3 13 SU KkL ( .1 ,' 1 own-.. .Clerk.: .Haz'tflvKood'. ' ' X-vuh-'- ' arolina. , x ri- f c , s Spies without a country. Hiveaimgi story 'if hotv nulitarv serrets were, lolen and sold to enenn countries. I if Lijr ' me oi man v lascmatmi: -lories on i r ehruarv II in T he Airieric iti v eekl . . i lie niarnzine whim cames tarh Sun lav vntli the Baltimore-American. Iiiiv voiir -copy, troni vour. tavorite r.ews 'eii'i - or tie -bov. Relieved By Taking Cardui "I d1''1" 1'i'iiV ami i liiedow n fftiij Suiffrt-n c'tito a hit with pains in in , If -," writes Mrv -'i k Har ration, q! Hiaiur lopt, Texas. "I 5v;i;,. toT-.oas, . :! - di-) not rc-sl .-well a; Elgiit.. an.f rny aai'.-tit" : a: '' ;: "M-v motJier hid ,x-'e;i 'Cardui. ,-:r!l f-,0'1 l,-i;ll arlt, o i (!eci,r,,,i to it f a h '- -ly. am giaci i; i'in..'- 'r d -to: ; ''i tho .nam-in I'l'- side aoid. ;;:.i:t'; Up ii y -gi-ii-iro; tiait'i. 1 to- r s- an ,bot'les ..hi a";" Caodji is' sold ut all drug etortia. A New Wa To Sa e Montn J ? ririi our shoes In i s to He Kt paucti. 1 ho Way Rc;)tr Shoes They Last Lonirer and Feel Better..'-;- SiKiN-i Is H)l K OLD SHOES AM) WE'LL KK1 1 R THCM I IKL NEW "'";'".; ; -."';; I .'. ."- ':' -'-''-."- ..':-'.'- '.- fHK (ia3:pion shoe shop h V. Jr(hElT, Prop ., ,s , I I XIA1 Wr,-TLR I Mi) W A ;ni lune frequent fainting or di.. -peiL. :iccn)iii!ied by chills, cramps, corns bunion?., chilbams epilepsy and jaundice, il is a swn tkui you are mi well, but are liable to die any ininuio. Pay your subscription in advance and this jr. ike yourself solid for an obituary notice." I r. ai'iiM- notice wa- )U )li-lied m an v.char.g,. '.hat conic-. tt t'i iilji.-e . , a Hi OKIiri iltnii ih r.i.nffl l injiilffl ihiii in mi i1iMiiii''liiiii,intiJ- -- iiftiin-t i-iiiii ,.t V - - jf.'ZjJ

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