THE WAV-NKSVILI.E MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8, ly.j 31 Store Chats from C. E. RAY'S SONS WII.I. ROGERS is credited wii!) -aying that-the less a woman wt ir-.. the more ai tractive the more a man v.ears. the m 'i a -I rart,' .-. Nobel Prize W nne. Nelly Don WOMAN never hurt hovsvvei by slipping from her Uib into a . k l n n ensemble. A snap bit of nothing make- a hie; (lifTcr-n.-c. Nelly Don NEJ.H DON Spring I ...-, wc. presented in a big way by an Ashevillc store Sunday. The (itizrt-n tarried a bifjr "d of illui i rations. It was not overdone. Com' and -ee them at ur Store. They art- beauties- and suct v t! HPS. N.ily Don ").N with the new, by Ntily !" is the Caption of an attractive folder we mailed to our custo mer friends Tuesday. Seven numbers are colorfully illustrated at $5.1T. Others at l.i5 --".'-. ..'.'.5 and up. Nellv Don i A I ' it v . r - . J r. II BRIEF ITE31S X E W S Junaluska News Ship Hits Whale -h, Ind - said men and two iio. in the:.'' hv'.i in Indianapolis Sun ,ie murder of Hi v. Galloid :'. f i inner j-.a-t,,r of a Wa. . Methodist church, and offi- thev had confessions fi"m a of the quartet. One n was ' i ai her. the widow f tilth.- wo-slain Th,. congregation it Loup'. Chapel celebrated "Ju.)ik-e" last Sunday, Feb. -1 because the church benevolence and Children's Home Assessment have 1 een paid in full fur the .war 1934. The pa-tor the Ilev. F. O. lry nut.t, p!w...heii a very lilting ci !i,i,n t-o' tr.e occ -ion. using a.- his. text 1 aiaii 2: 10. Hi- them,, was "f '".i t ? -nr.. f, uniia'ion," em-p:ia-z. .g the tcachng i-f .Jesu.s es- tie 'littat oin mandnn r.t." jma.'i's Mi--ii, nary Society February ln'-oting -it the Feb. ti. peel;. by t Tile V held the parsonage I A i.n I'iiiraui! ...! w i l c of t h i 1 - : i parted t" ; Sr. : ,ngs, A i kan ' on I di ori-e in f om F. IJran ion 'bate, .-u'cording ' Reynolds Smith late Smitii Rey !,e e!l:OU.e to a.- in obtain hei wo vears- this .-sinim, ,lr.. of har- The Con.-ord Tri- for- Hot o .i- II il M'ig-ui. noted 1 1 i ! and :: : 1 1 ' I- .if ilie Cali 1'iri.i' In-lllNI.- ,C Toelin.iliigy. who :o awarded I In- l!t:::: Nobel prize :; ineijieiiie. 'I lie a w.ird i - a 1 1 in i , ii : 1 1 j;. (!, Km. I', Ml ill Lexiimloll, K.V., nil September J.'i. si;r,. Murjan has held many iriiporlaiit .noIoLiral pn-ts m m,i ersities and Jalioraturies and is Ihe antlmr of a number ..r tetliooli! mi lieredity and f-volntinn. His heme is in I'a-iidemi, ( 'a!if. Bootleggers Plan To Pay Taxes And Continue Operation bane. The I'.i-y ear-old textile heiress planning- to establish residence under the Arkansas W-day divorce law, expecting t-, eml I'.hlib toi'k nlace Mav Illnwin- Ho, i:. marna; lf.'!L, ; p L. a ,-o;i;,on-dn n: ,'eticit was tut ni ni at.U biilion t e.l. i a d into ; dollars sur. and 1. liUlte till I . n me cast! i ' raised to :-l;alf billions when the i o.-.k i')cr. nlei'ed the ie alttat ion profit on the t:ea.-iiry'. Iin.ks. The 1 1 iinsactioii was nteu-ly a paper- opeiation made pos sibi by the administration's H'old re serve bill enacted earlier, under which t!ie nold content of the dollar cut In irrains !1- I'rc-alt iit Roosevelt frmii J.i.s re;usn. Her dresses are style,! Enforce lis Uquor 1.,'iw and tailored ! i afford that -wanK:; j cr. Hill Not .( Procill. of fo! n i tu -t I nine-U'iith-tl' lis line. to 1.". '-'I L' Nellv Don 'fill .i-,-ii Nelly I - n af.ein- ;('.- prcttifi - ate more a)",- i tocks t fn! ii: I the effect nune deva-t- I .Iiminat atiirir. N ut h ire bettt .- t , iioiiie. j '-t!j. ivl. .-! - ati-1 -street. I be la:').! Ualeih, .Now that d blo.-kad.-r-- niav lev -.f .2 i i-.-ri. n ' ;,. j I K.lm-a! it'". , r liipinr j n ira mi and y : 1 1 :nr the .hanii:--e-nplat an I wil tlli; Ilex ..f thi- n ' i in t an) o y structure m .J'liiior Ordei i;..:i- !' a iiandsonii .Mordant n to h of American -i;t ( oun. il, is Mc 01) -d,te d by mi'-mU-i-.s .,f th. h presented lot apP'il'al . meet in" . I'iciudinu t iie prj. t. an e p.-nii it a: t- of !'.'. m very iiittn.i;- tiiK and inspirational program was, Itiven. Mis, Miiuiic Vil!:3 made a talk on th,, strides that were jiiude in j the I .-t year They were the build ing of the parsonat;.- and how the! women hail helped- It mijjht-b.' in-j ten-tiny; tu u'.heis know how the; women helped. 1 he parsonage was piactically built by free" labor, and the women b. Kan by meeting in the basement of the church, ,-,nd cooking hot dinners fur the men working on the parsonage. They caught a vision of (luitting- fvr ptiy. First some (food 'women from Waynesville furnished the tjuilU and later they j came liiini ..tiier ,-i i-tions of the i state and .r,..n i -'.e -,; uther st ite.s. ' Ow-i -l'!U.nii was realized this was and applied .-ii material and furnishing- for tu,.' parsniiaitc, The lower lloor is completed . ;:u very comforta ble and attractive, but the rooms above are unfinished. At the February meetin- Mr... Carl Med ford was elected chairman of a w lys and means committee to raise fund to finish one room upstairs before Faster, $30.00 was pledged befm,, the meeting- ad journed with part of it paid. We nope to Ket funds -uffirient within tiie next few days. ...:'. th,'' February meetinn Miss UiIJu-- ai.-.j pin-,, some very interest- nr niLssionary news- Miss Kliza-h-th H,-jps gave, in her interesting w,'i-, a puper, "The world move.-; for th,, Dollar liner President Taft. bound from San Francisco to New V"tk. struck a jfiant ,whale 1,!2T miles, nerthwe.-t of hAiyii-j.. "th" impact was tei i iiii " the lit er's wiie!e-.s operator messaged. "I th' ujiht we'.l liit a rock. The boat trembled violently and the pas.-etiKers all ran out "ii deck " He -aid the whale appeared stuti n. d after the -hock and remained on '-tie .-u.-facc forcing the President taft t 1 M-vois,- and detour a round it: ii. . F! .yd .! I-.-.) spiciali.-t id-commend- scattering oU pounds if clean oat, wheat or rye straw u vet each 10(1 yards of tobacco beds. The straw seems- to have a beiielicial ef fect in coj.trnllimr dov.rty mildew Want Ads LOST A black jrlove. in-vr p.-, terian church, Tuesday alien Finder p!ea-e return to M'- Stamey. FOK UK. N'T- House and !.,t ,., j;. wood known as the Frank Ai U house. Apply tu M. T. 1! id's, -The Mountaineer ofiice. warn on the feet of little childr. n."' -Mis Randolph Lrown gave a report on children's work ami Mrs. J. Dale Stentz yive the ilevotional. L'sinu; 1st Samuel 1-10 a- the basis of her talk which was vrrv inspirational. MP.S. T. J. FINCH KR. PLANTS FOK SALF i ABliAd K PLANTS rhan.--Jersey, Succes-sion. and Copet.t . trei, Mai ket. Onion Plants- . . and Yellow Bermuda,' All 75. ; 1000. ".000 lots bOc )er 1000. S r. IJemittaiice for prompt ship Dorris Plant Cm. Valdosta, (la. DOGWOOD WANTED Will pay $14.00 per cord delivered at Waynesville for the next thirty days. I. B. HYDER BBB1 U' Mountaineers Get i Football Letters: N. STATISTIC .-i vera ire women - - 2 inunia! 2 h:i'e an i between 2' Don iw that of 100 sietid. heav v. .1-. out Am. ai am a ni 4." :i wi nieasui nient . inches. Nelly Don HLOl SKS" - -core aitain your new spring; suit brighten-" tip' last year's Iflouses with skirts have been more popular. Our : - with )r to suit, never print; shipment is complete, white- prg shell stripes or -olid ?lad to show jdu. Nelly Don I'TTLKH kautil'ul is a term un avoidably applied to the drosses received this week. Print-- es pecially are impressive' and sop histicated. Nelly Don ('OATS and suits for spring- present'' a variety ot smart styles. -Utility makes coats a necessity in every woman's wai-drobe. . Smartness demands that you have a .suit -and they are more important tins year than ever. Colors--navy, blues, prays and tweeds. (."'ha we n who ol-li-H lb '"ii.i ', l lllll-thev imptinjr. 1! lute-1 to pav i-eevipt- without , ti'Ul- s'iuee a- f.-.r , is i-oiVcei-ned tliere law in North Car however- he believe : an. I skill, s th. is III 'liiut. tha t llel .pie: Koveniment will ive the assistanci' in enforcing its law. "Hut ritrht in 'vernmcnt is .-aid fiat tax from iriv:nk' anv K'Vernnient prohibition Later on. tiu- federal stat,. .-oiiie prohibition I . i I W 'Mil cat : is. . -qt; scho- l'arjre d F Hash t I-. foil wen th lectin, liquor and a lei may issc, fiobensoi) Some of are -tbl t paying the pallo them soin,. "f th w, the only thinir th interested in is col .. pallon on ev.s ot wtio ' made it t': tax of S2 )ol, reirard s it or fif wh said- the b(H)t lejifter.-. of coursi ymp to pi-t by without povcrnmcnt fax of $2 a inct. the tax naturally forces increi-e their prices.'' But irpei- and liiorc ex Nelly Don ('OATS and suits beinp received each day. F.ach packape '.makes us happier because it presents a work of art shortly to make some women th,. more beautiful and pier. some husband- the hi Nellv Don ip- :ve liquor dealois aie quoted as sayinc: that they -are payine; the pov- ernment tax as jirotection from fed eral mterlerelice and takinp their criani-es with state and county officers. Several bootlep lnjuofj dealers in thif -VV..1UN art understood to tx payinp uie tax Jim aosorbinp half of it .themselves and --.infrreasinfr their prices to their customers, onlv SI a pallon. thus bootjep Ki.jjo'r that formerly sold for $3 a pa!lon is oo, s.-iiinK nir...yv a pauon, an.i so loi :n. At the prc-cm time no -tamp i Jcquircd to be afllxed to the shew that the tax has -been paid. But later on. it is understood, all containers will hue to carry a sua nip .showinp the federal t.ix "has been paid. CHJLDKEVS riothiap will .'be eni phasizexl at C. E. Ray's Sons this sprinp. Preparinp for your needs wc arc selecting' a larpe variety of dresses and coats sizes up to 14 and they are more attractive than anythintr ever before "in -this section Nelly Don (.'I StOM tailorinp service is now available with Joe Howell specia luinp to pive you satisfaction. We have both the Enplish Ameri. can and the Storrs Schaeffcr lines with (100 patterns tor your choice. Nelly Don MKKTO.N is a name associated the world over with better caps fur men and boys. Wc are pleased to announce the addition of thir line the first shipment havinp Iwen received this week. Fines Creek News HONOR ROLL FOR .1 A N FA K Y Eleventh piude Lucy James. Eiphth prad. Edna" James. Seventh prade Ferpi J m Duck ett. and Minda McElrath. Sixth prade Susie Kirkpatrick. ilma Holder, and Marv Fisher. Fifth pradc Hilda James. Ruth Oreene, Lura Mae Croene. Cave Oieene. and Anne Riithbone. 1-ourtli pradc Lorena McCrarv. Geter McElrath, Lura Fi-her. Edna Ortepe, Edith Lowe, and Elizabeth Ropers. third prode Bly Rogers, N C. Jame.s. Jr.. Edd McCracken. . Second pradc Edith Rathbone, H -.-it-tie Justice, Dorothy Kinpsmorc, Henry Greene, Frances Ropers, Wal ter James. M- L. Green, William Jus tice, Dorothy Lee Shankle. and oDr o'.hv Greene. Fiist prade Charles Justice, - Mar pa ret Ferpuson. and Tom McCrackcn. a; 'members f the P.C; team were awarded letters; Yancy Hridpcsc captain. Dewey Patton- Jen--uti lia--, Nathan Hill, -Gordon Wyatt, M.iek Garlano- Roy RufV, Ken Phillips, Edwin Poteat. Arthur. Francis, Janu -Liner Horace Hurress. Ray Kuririn John Sik-r, Homer Justice. Lewis Sorrvlls, liobert. Wapenfeld. Alfred Khun. Joe Jack Atkins. Lachlan Hyatt. Scott lieeves. Iiwson Summe row. and R. i t Hendnx. Hi.ll and RoU rt Helidrix received let eis as managers:. Three ticket seller.- were awarded prizes as follows: . Douphl-s -Moore, first prize; Myra Phillips, second; and Joan Phillip?, third. The Rev. Piu! Hardin. Jr.. pastor of the Fist Methodist church, delivered 'he address. Hurley growers m Haywood County- are sipninp the tobacco reduction contract- ivports the farm apent. and i-a it is somtthir.p that should b done een thouph the irovernnunt had uot aided them. A -uealtny A est erner, tniancral and social leader in ills locality, was a.sket) by a visitor: W hy do you re main in a one-horse town like tills' The man replied: Perhaps it is be cause. J am the horse. NOTICE OF RESALE Nelly Don CAPS for the younpei- men have been '.scarce, in Waynesville but we now have some snappy models. They were boupht in keepinp with sprinp styles and patterns and will po well with the suit? wc will show for sprinp. CfO) AY'S Sons EE Dept.Storek Varicose or Swollen Veins Ulcers Vou poor' sufferers from bad lep.i W hat mis'ery you have endured! What crippimp discomfort: Hut here at last is help for vou! io operations nor injections. No eniorced i-cst nor time off from work. A simple home treatment, with Emerald Oil heals your sores like mapic. reduces swelling, ends pain, and makes your leps as pood as new whilp you po about your daily rou tine as usual. the easy directions you arc sure to be helped" or monev' hack SmithV ("nt Rate Drup Store and drup pists everywhere. Adv. I l!y virtue of the power of sale con tained in a deed of trust executed bv I. 11 (lark and wife. Ccme Clark, to the undvrsipned Trustee. datd June 20, 11129, and recorded in the of fice of th Hepister of Deeds of Hay wood County. North Carolina, in Hook No. 26. page 120, .and by vtrtuc of an order of resale made anil enter ed by W. G. Hyers. Clerk of the Su perior i.ourt ot iiaywood County on the loth day of November. 1933. and default having b.-en been nude in the payment of the indebtedness therein .secured, whereby the power of sale became operative, the undersigned trustee will,, on Monday, February 12. K:i4. at eleven o'clock, A. M.. at the court house door in Waynesville, Haywood County. North Carolina, sell for cash at public sale, to the highest bidder, a one-half undivided interest in and to the 'following de scribed parcel or tract of land, to-wit: Situate, lying and being in the town of Canton, Haywood County. North Carolina, and more particular ly bounded ami dcsccribcd by metes and bounds as follows; HEGINNIMf at a stake in the corner of North Main and Newfound Streets, and runs with the East mar pin ot .North Main Street, 100 tcet to a stake: thence S KC 9(1' V. J f5 feet to a stake in West margin of a zu-ioot alley; thence S- 18' 4,V W. with margin of sviid alley 64 feet to a stak0 in Northwest margin of New found Street; thence S. tM 30 W. 87 feet to the BEGINNING, together with the right to the' mutual use of a 20-foot alleyway as shown on map made by J. C. Hayncs. C. E. dateij October. 1 92(5, and recorded in Map Book "B." page "P" with the free and unrestricted right of egress and regress over and across and along with the allevwav. to which said I Map and record rcferencce is hereby maqe lor a lull and complete desenp. tion of said allevway. This day'Jaunary, 1934. GEO. H WARD. Trustee. No. l.Vi Feb. 1-8. ffected .-The Walane Will still bring you The Mountaineer each week packed with timely fea tures and local news about people and things in which you are interested. SUBSCRIBE NOW 1 year $1 6 months 50c rrra Tl ii ii we ameer "Publishes The News Of Haywood County Weekly"