The lJet Ad ertisint; . Medium In Haywood County Published At The Eastern Entrance of The (ireat Smoky Mountains National Park Head l Thinking l'eople 0I.. XLVI NO. 11 WAVNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA nU USDAV. 1 KliUl' AKV i.-,. lb:!l ikntai Survey To Be Made In County, Be ginning Tuesday, 20 five Haywood Dentists Will Visit Schools of County And Report Conditions Average Of 20 Cents Officers Destroy Outfit Of A i0v37 Ier Cent()f Received For 1290 r tt j nwn Families Of Countv Pounds Of TobaccoiBra WW HayWOOd Distiller Are Farm Families Contract To Be Let Todav For Widening No.lOToIIazehvood )lc.iM'i' of the -North Carolina I j. ntal Society will make a Mouth kPealth Survey of the public .schools, of tr.e State on Tuesday, February 20t). auj Thui.-day, February 22nd. Tnese jrvntlemci are giving their time-, with , ut a::y remuneration but as their con ir.bu'.i'on '.award improving the health i,.'uiitio,'i- of our children. Xhis survey 'will be conducted in tiaywo,.! county school by Doctors S. aid ." M. Med ford, of AVav- i!lV; and A. 1'. ('line. Carey Wells , Charles llo'.toms, of Canton. j i- i-xpeeted that TOO dentists will t e -.-hools on these two days anj r..: '.hi.- time they will inspect t.h(, ;( .-j at lca-t two thousand rhil- r'oi dental defect-. This is the -: Cor: ever to oc undeitaken w .lay'.- time in the health annals a- -tate - lepo'ted that umlernourish : ..iks lir-i i" th,. physical dc . ; ..ur -chool children, and ina-- I. , n.l-Jl'll. til i- r.-thi-r.-li u;h of the child bv improper the teeth, the dentist oon. ir: unity to iind if -ail. HCind to hav'e o H' out will lie notilied It is hoped that th -:,i!-l' :., their re-ul e .(.-,.. -mdition- e: (tirand Jury Makes Report To Court iteconnnendations Are -Made As 1 1) Repairing several Scjiool Uuildrngs In This Count v The Haywood county jL-rand jury i lu.oie lolluwinjr reKt to Judge h. A- McKlrov last week, who was i pre.-idrn&'uvcr tiie February criminal; N-rrn of Superhir Court'; in part; The Kl.enientary school, tia- an over he id heatinp systi-m which ! is loose in on,, room and is very dan-: Cvrous. It is recommended that this ' he rep tired a- -oon as possible,1 This building ha.- some broken .-witch- ! s on ti.e light system and ip a dan-1 Kerou- ci.'ttdition. Ihvr,, are a lew uiino- halts on' the water ystetn. It 'i re.-imniended that an outside drink-j T-c fountain -be. in.-tallod. H:h -ehool building id good condi tani .eept ;i few leaks in the roof- lai-t ayiHvville school m excellent' V -.'iiiition- - ll; chool Iki uii.-atisfaetory plant I- urnai PUh-.s should :- covt i with u-'-ic-to Rof has -everal haks. Canton hifch chool in excellent :t;on, nnsvlvani Avenue school in ex- e'li-nt condition. North Canton school has poor water -ystem. Clyde school nas no firp system of any kirl. Haywood county pri-oii cainp in ex e edent condition. .Haywood county hospit d in excel' 'i;t condition. . ountv home at present has 1; men and 14 women, tottether with lo chil dren All comfortable and well cared for 1-oilowinj)- supplies on hand; -.1,006 pounds bacon. 700 bushels of ccirn. la botes. . 1 1 cows, lall chiCiten-a - nuile-s plenty of feed for all livo nock ; 1.2." bushels of wheat '125 bush els of potatoes. 500 caps, of fruits; and vegetables and other , miscellaneousi -'.;!'t':;i s ''ur.ty jail a-i-n will ki'it. . .. .. Records in office of clerk of court .' 'Hi register of; deeds well kept, ,;, ; The report is Signed by D.A.- Howell. foii-man of the 'Brand'. jury. V, ARE YOU BLUE? DISGUSTED? DOWN AND OUT Then turn to page 7 and Read Gee MeGee's Column undr the Heading, "Nobody's Business' Tne writer ls recognized as ne of the outstanding human mterest writers in the South. Begin today and read his dev. er phrases. H. C. Chambers, of Cove Creek, (Jets Highest Price Yet Re ported. Crop Hring-s In Over Sr00, I c':t:ary to genera! reparl-, -oiu,' Haywood county farmcr. ivcchcd go.d money for their '. o;ko this year. Last week, H. C. Chambers, of Cove Creek .old lL't'll pounds on the (ircelic vil'e Teim.. market and uv ived '2r t.i7, or an aver..gc '-' cents a pound. Tne remainder of Mr her-' , rop averaged 1 1 1 if about . Cham j celf,.. tobacco Hi- total for the entire was more than S-'bOO. : nan - lid A if- tivatt .rt f hi i w a - ti W it'll loot t'O pound .: tract" of lan an a en it. he a- c a n. I v. d 1 Hit IHlvir I lie I ew w ei k.- M.e.i:it linei ha-- j a rim or th. k til,, quest! w a - an lih John M. Miller, 7", Passed Awav Fridav At Ilazehvood Home Was Retired Lumberman Audi Had Heen In III Health For Past r ew .Months .1, M. Mi'ler. 7 it his h. ick last: ) 'retired lumber me in lltUe! WOoil 111 ill. cr.e at five o follow izis Friday afternoon j ol si weeks. He i if. apop!ey la-! an 11 II ess suffered a -strki Deeemrn r. ur.eral service were held Sunday, va.- made at Shoal Creek' aftemoosi. Interment the (. amp d round at near W nittief. .Mr. Mdlcr was a .nat vounty. He -was .born nlOW-d to HaielWt'od ve ol .lai in IMJI.. in litis hu-iness ksoli He Hid ro erica; d in the lumbei tirinp t.y.o j'ears up.'. At : one time, while li.vins' in Jackson county, he served .: a school . committeeman H,, 'was interested in politics- but nevir aspired to public ollice. Surviving are his widow, three sons T. G. of Brevard. .1. K.. of Robbins ville. and Fred .1 )d' Canton; two daughter-.- Mrs. I'enrl I oleman. 'if Anderson, SC.. and .Airs. F. A- Ashe, of Whirticr; on,, brother. .1. L.. of Wavnes-villc: two sisters, Mrs. h. T. WixKi- of Uhittier- and Mrs- taiey Allison, of Syiva; and several j;ranil children and great i;-i-andehiliiren. Grocerymen To Meet In Asheville On Next Tuesday Klection of Administrator ol Na. tional Food And (.Irocery Dis. tnhutor's ( ode to be Named A R Turn'fuii eh ,n nian of the, XRA compliance board, announced vesteroav there would be a meet nig calk d for. Tuesday. l-ebruPiy 0, at S o'clock at the Iiattery l'ark: Hotel,: in Asheville, for the. purpose of elect, inp jf local food and gTpcery distrib utor's authority, to be in charge of th,. administrati..ii: of the cod; in -this tu-ea. '-': All wholesale and retail food di.-ti ib utors and grocery - .'distributors;, are' covered by the Xational Food and Grocery liistfibutor's Code Author ity, and r- is very important that ev -erv retail and wholesale establish ments, be represented- Mr. 1 urbull said. Bishop To Preach Here Sunday At 11, Word was received late Wednesday n gh t-a.he R ght Rtv R b Onb bin. newlv elected of the Western distrKt of the hpiscopal churcn. will preach at Grace Lpisco pnl church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. He will administer the sac rament of Holv Communion. Prisoners Carried To State Prison i that all TVA-C WA health project? Sheriff J. A. Lowe left. W ednesdaj j ire to be closed, effective Thursday moiTiine carrying three prisoners :to I night, February lath, the tat..--jjenitentjary in Raleigh. The mesrsagp did not state how long .- Tv. ..-nt-i ---.ip c-'irr'ed were Daveitne projects would be closed. The A."rt -Trsntharo ( ior- W - " a eel tain Haywood will be more careful . he talks, especially he loth beeaus,. his him his 40-gallon copper Ions of outfit eight ' merchandise and a half gal ' and 1SU gallons of beer. Monday afternoon in the court S'.ousc this around that him. "' and Deputy Shi Canton, an. I dis the it tiller was U'llmj;' "law was afraid of wasn't long Jtefore ritt' ,1. Cronie Cole, oi I'owriship Constable .1 C. Kci'lcv got together and made ai rangcineiit- for the show down. Tile-day the two otliccrs went to the vicinity where the bragging distiller lived and .ftir a. search found 120 gallons of beer on the side of the Three Schools Are Closed In County Because Of Measles liethel, Cruso ;:nd Cecil Schools ill He CloM'd Two Weeks While Kpidemic Is Rasiin fh ..I The': I l rn- I:.- I.. I . I: ua "ill. i-a e eet Ion l l-: i- I.- far a ..ennui!.) re ell'e. The If f It'll I !k... , the. and , i tun. ..I 1 11. I on, iKiaie Itethel - coll i If: t'O thel upiN ,1 b, hat' it.ii :h. ha.- Iinelll 1 Is : .lid C I Tiic ,-i lea.-t two made up hoof.- w eek at the Osed fo t Oil) V. ) te! m. Th. end .. io-i 1 1. Kotarv Ladies Night Will le Held Fridav li'. S. 1'. (iay pre sident xi . the avnesville Rotarv- tin- aunounced ye.-terd iy that -ladie.i' -nijrht would Ih observed by the club Friday nipht at seven o'clock. All mionbers are urged to'be present and brinj: their wives. .Vbout 6,000 ( alls Are In th,. futuie county distiller when and wher, the d.,y be Co i e t carelcs.-nes .cos: Over 500 Local Telephones. Other Interesting 'Phone Facts Revealed , i Bvers To Address P. T A. On Tuesday At East W. School W. ;.. flyer-, elelk of court and iuvenil,. judne tv. will give, the first b t! ' .--ii lienor f t hL- cmiil ure it the I uesdav 0 i ilxt I i t W i hast Wavnesville school evening, February 20. at 7 under the auspices of the i iiesville V T. A. Mr. liyers will speak mi I'rotection" arid will d'f-cu.-i ','.1 uvea ife til -t .-ah ject in full -: OMicials of th,. i . 1. eMeiiile.t au d invitation to anv member of a I'. I A- and alfothers who are not member of a P. T. A. to he. present and he;' this vital ipiest ion discussed. Mrs. Sarah White, 97, Passes Away Mrs. Sar Ii Kh.abvth- White,, p i m rl iw i She was the Saturday., l-'ebriia i y -' widow1 ef the late .'. White The deceased lived to . -ee the tii.n of twentv-five president-. She is surviyeo ty 0 children Brand children; X0 great ' grjnd (Iren tind. 10 great great grand : 17 dren. .She was: a nieniber of the Cove Creek liaptist church. Hurial was at tiic arimrough' .--eenieterv,. .with Rev. horest Ferguson- assisted bv odor Davis and Rev. Kennedy Mes scr conducting the ,-ei vice-. 16 Haywood Men On TVA-CWA Work Are Given Stop Order Mr. McDaruel, assistant district .su. ptrvisor of TVA-CWA sanitary pro jects while in Waynesvrlle Wednesday afternoon received a wire from TVA headquarter? in Knoxville. stating orclel' wood will eiTect, s:teen men in Hay- county. mountain. A contain, i -. a,c:i ie. sealed another lot " gallon- a short .distance : w ." After tle-tio ing the nee; the ollic, i -searched the man'- house and found the -nil together with eight and a iialf pall'"- of ljii'uor all of which wa brought to tile court house. Whil,. th,. otlicers were m the house the owner of the beer, still and lupioi appeared on the scene, but when he .-aw the otticers h,. immediately "took to the till timber.-" one of the raid ois said. All tin- took pi:;--.- on the Katies No t Koad. Friday the loth is geliciaUy looked upon as unlucky but no doubt tlu. particular distiller will lizard Tiic day the 1 -'dh 1 i n .iu-t a- unlucky- it' not more -o Trantham Sentenced 7 To 10 Years For Killing School B o y Delhvood (.uill Man Filler; of Killiii'' Plea Of Clifford M anger At Fast I II f-raeti.a:. ( anion ill i i he Hi II - if nuiily I t olll1. with the of Wi .o lie Tiei. day lift a i(...t.l: I 'anto Tin .lud- yliall. It h bl and ndei . AI. si. line -1 - i-i t 'from .-eveii Kh ellel to y of Alar I . Trant ha in 10 years at on. Unlcinh the plea of JudHc AI.--se - . hcfoiv w itiic-ses- I .-. I Ve ml lab) After o in Stat l'l i-- l'l at lia in nleroil niali-laiiithter, :ii il t h i ee w itm .-entence. Thesi , cu.ity ,e it i Kli iiv la passinn all schi Sw injj'ei' I t i 11 i bri a i- tii I i rt'ii . were.: (ilc.nn llier of Clifton SwaPtfi'i' ; ami Alma 'Robinson, witnesses testified they The three waie waikiiiK' with Clifton Svanj;ei on a sidewalk near the West Canton; .-ehool last October 1 when a truck i drove up. They -aid tint Trantham.1 who was sitting' on the -eat "H thel: truck,, reached out ailil seized Clifton Swantfvr by the arm and shoulder j ami pulled him under the truck, i The boy. va- killed instantly. Made Daily Wavnesville Onlv Had One Tele, phone . I ears Ao. Opera tors Handle As Hiuh As L'0 ( alls An Hour 'I'hiily fiiui years ag tiler,, wa.-: only "in' teli',h',ne in Wnyiie.-ville-Today -there- .are 'approximately 500, with eaia: phone averaging twelv,, iix'al calis da.ily about C (Kill times :! day that the six operators, say -"number, please.;"" The long distane,. .calls are, sepai ate, but necessitate th,. operators- completing about -1 . iMtli -urh calls; per mouths. The nvi'rage pel sm does nut. i-ealize just what, takes place when they tike the rer-eivt r from the hook, i Little tlo they think of the many operations that mush lie completed before their line is connected with, the party to whom they wi h to speak. It is only after a visit to the ' hical tele)ihi)iii' exehangei which is maii igeLi by- W. I,. Lampkiii, who for the past 2 years ha- li-en With .Southei u Hell Tcleiihar.e t'oiunany. Mnd. for 1st years in. Waynesville, that oin,, can get ;i clear conception of, what takes plac. to riiaki! a jihone call. It Would be almost . impo.-.vibie lo desi-i'ibe tne switch board and the manner in which it work-i : . Aftci. .spendiug thirty .-.'minutes at the ex change -,one is impressed with the ease and systematic Way in which'the woi k is; handled. W'heii the - customer' lifts the receiver, 'a" .small light indicates on the board who is calling. I he operator promptly connects her beau phone with the customers number and receives thP call. The caller and the party wanted arc connected and the operator does the ringing herself, this being one of the few things that is ' not done automatically. 1 IJesides the local switch board- there i is- the long distance panel, w hich is I perhaps, the most interesting of the! entire outfit, that is from the stund-1 point ol the operator. It was cx plained how accurate time is kept on long distance calls. When the call is placed, a time clock stamps the time on the slip, and when the call is completed another clock check is made and the time consumed is easily checked, One of the longest long distance con versations ever held through the local exchange took place several months ago when a local party talked to New York- for U0 Minutes. . The charged (Continued on nage eight) Statistics Reveal That No Negro Farmers Own Their Farms In Count v Haywood county i three counties in tin ,Ik , not have a hcr ily ownini;- their tar to th,. I'nivm sit , : I in jt -News l.ettei. The same sonic, '.ion reveals that i.'.'., one of tin state which i f 1 1 in fa in 1 a. .r.hlie t '.,! o- iil.inri.i : he k Into faun ow n their ow a ll .I1C; Oil 1, thil,. i ail th, 11 1 w . taim l.i: ll -, 1 ili- a.i:k , ban 1 Ilea The tie low '.' I ai m . el ac, r in t he - h u h ine am will i not h ow in in. I a w .'. :.'! f. Criminal Court Adjourned Tuesday Many Cases Heard Smallest Number ol ( ases On Dot kel in N ears Does No' ( onsume I wo eeks mil l TI r I till I v ' "ii i '. I 1 ll 1 1 ii a I ol i a U I lie I h ill' d ;k'- lerin 1 lalllilx : lllillllii I'. i 'I II :'N - ' .-up afle -eh, da 'he hl'eil Th W i I I I. held. mi I In made inc. of The eases do It p. the' doe tin I I li.le imp. .1. 1 lie ea k. 1 ire. cut) wa- a i beiiip; di fend l a 'pie inl tr. i.i or Ti an w hich case a ml t h m: Albert U'tiilty lhani- ente i a- a n lal not llece-sit time to hear tin he to tu trial, i iii-uming ot The l erin oi' couit Iiv Judge I' A Mel The ea-e di-oo-i res id of AI ior i ,11 1 1" ,nd t' icnce-: ;, i ( a- follovv-s : Carter Itooiic abaialainn, ' teii.ced nin,. ni)'ii:h- in jail. I-Toyi'i Hightowei-, violat.ioi I hit ion . law. Iiol puis -e,l. l'i' .In laiva lien .mi, a -a ".Weilpnn l ulil illUcl. Tom .--.Just ice, ;ii, pros-ed. lit with ileadlv dollDH'll! . Te I Kill Ion iVd i I . latjoii of pi .'hi let ioa A 1 1 nil T . a ii: ha in tellred .-.even lu tell ! i oil. Milliard Kaniett Kill in It. a-sault with arid i e,-i-l ing i Mice . In ille If. ad haw,, nion: h- I'm unlaw fill Chili lie Woodward rk I- ,i- ,H. Vol III 11 I'd .; a I - iii stale nid deadly w eniitiiiiied. sent' lice po.-is.- ion . .a-; : ape -IX With work ounty . .1 ed it and deadly. Weapon. sentenced to nine '.months umli idinetion of ( I'miani-. loner-. ; .'., Howard C'liildcis ;,il l';:ul foul, '.affray, one third of the co.- Mll tach. Fr ank Si ay- iiKaaking and . entei ng, lai'ceny and receiving. 16 uroliths on road, : Dorothea Wilson gi.anted. ahsolii.te divorce from Solomon Wilson. liilj .M ull. . assault wit h deadly Weap on at def eiidaiit to pay co.-t and n-poi t j July lei m ,.f eour t. . I " A lg ie. solute , C'lure. : II. K 'llV i,t ( i-li vul '(. I eel til l iice -Met lure, grantor ah- liviioee from II. a man Ale- ' . J'lessley froin V In, r, (iineii: f I'ljin Dollii granted U ulutt ill i gi aiiie I ali (Jill. t.. illlti Wit on, maiirlau liter t two years. In -tat prison, in pri.-on letting out Dave II. Clark, m; teheed four t six ye Itobcr t ("aldweii payment of cost. (In d Mi dt id continued. Claud -Movie.; sale and halt of cost lire .-ale of i, of li.pioi , lined I. L tinned. Dock (having Council'..- embezzlement, corr- Messer ; and Albert Me. ear drunk, conti nued. Green, assault with 1l -weapon. Dewev granted dealy continued . linger- and Lear! I absolute divorce. igei Special Prayer Ser vice To Be Observed! World Day of IVayer for I'eace. will be observed here Friday afternoon at .r o'clock at the Episcopal church with Rector, Albert New. assisted bv the pastors of the .'community taking part. i This is an interdenominational! event, and the public. is. invited to I attend and take pin t in this service. I It was announced that the service 1 would not be long. ; Sidewalks To le P.uilt I'.etween Wax nesville And Ilaelwood. Curve T I5e Fliniinttted I Me .-tate higl.v;n e l ''.!--ieii .. oay wi! let th,. ioir.1 ;e on w i .U ,i 1 1 1 ; of highway No. 10 i. c.vcou Way.te vili. I Hazelw .si an.: th i.ui'l l n e. a sidewalk i.e.nieii 'I... t",,, i .v n.- I in' highway will le widened to the same width as Main tleet at the cemetery entiaiice The sharp curve on thai palticulai slreUeiof .oarl will al.-o b,. eliminated. The . . t ,'.i- t cai. for I' 1)2 miles of p .vinj;, I'he heavy tialh. between a., la -, villi- and ila.eiw.iiiil and the narrow highway tlk-e two pom;., ni.ikcs tiaclin; rathe- danc..'roii- ,-. I"'eiali lor pedes! nap-. Several '"H o: accident- have occiiiied n i:ia, t la i i a I i . -a - i d a i : ; 'i. pa a f . w oioeih- ' ; , pe, :, , : , di-,;,.', l-'iaak , 1 : 1 ; , - ne.,,1,, r ,.f tin h:c!;u ;.y , U,ia;.:-Me:. .. f ., , .e) da. ''' :l 1 'IP.' "!' 1, e boar. I 1 I Kalcio-ll ' ' w op a t one . out rai t - w II ly let . He local plojei I ., oil., ef I wilier. ;l!' b lei. The , .-timated co-t for ! he ! ) project.- j- aOolIt Sa,,l.l OHO, ll ll i E F 1 T E M S X E W S N"' ' 'i ( arolui ; poliliciait. .'lou :n W a-hiii.'toii think ther,.. will Ii,- ,',-, 'delini!,. line up la I lie- .-j;a in;, ' !". an; d t i d,. i; ., Shell. iin. -i w li.-l h.-. - ... i a '; n, "ill ne a candidate Co! .-Charles A. I.and-at.-i nu- Suliilav liir ht telegraphed I're.-ideiiL I! lose . velt th it "th,. coiiileinnafion of coin itiercial aviation by .ian.cllat ion of mail contracts and the u.-e ,.f the Army on eonnnercial a r lines will unnecessarily and greatly ,1 linage all American aviation.'1 The telegram added that "vour oi.lei. f caiiiella "1 all air- ni d , .iin.uic.l-' eon dii, ill.- the larget portion , c'liiniei cial aviation' uuhout ., ju: I tiial," arid "your pres. n: a, 'ion ,oe. 10 'I 'li-cl'imiiiate iM juee'i i nnocci;, , an I guilt ... rui place.- ro premium "n boll, -t Ijll.-llles-. l'ii iiiii-1 (..i. ton I lotinii i ; ii,- a--iir, ii tin wr.UI ih:- w,-,-K ihai ill, re wa. dang! ) o r- y .union ai l-'iancr. II' 'led.,, o that he wa cm, ideal I hj f lencl) prop!- would pi. he .the Re I'll 'be'- ", iiii.iion nncre,- i a in i a ev il t Mini; ,1 -,.' I loiiim rem called 1 l oin i el 1 1 1 mi nt in the .-, .iitli i,; I ran i th,. einnilij'.- "-iiotir. man " t'.i w llnlll the people i oiiid t U' ll for conlidein-e and good goveunii, nt -aal h,' w a.- ci-itaii, ili,- w.iul.l , lai! line nun. I lepar', lllent ol"- .1 u.-t 1 j i .-. t Iga.t'h . ..lo w ..Iclniie. foi I M. hand ui khhia! ei.- ii-,pon ihh - for tin- ; ,n ,. ..; Kduaril A',, liieiiii-r to .-tail l.inu down a': trail .-.,( lis, Kit) c)ui ;- tin--L'liiMiiiii i..,n-oin 'paid lo, hi- r eiea-e. Adolf l!i en hi 1..- aiding .the niljienn . mg panel cl.a -. ;lat nlay re-ult in appieh. iisioii ot tile -outlaw-. Tin-Ha-yeai -old brewer-, ciinvinced no hi hi -or- .ioi quaitcr ,-hould , b, extended , r iniiiials, made it no. sible f..i th feiieial agent.- to diiiain the -e-i iab numheis of all the tel Ita I,- a nil s I o bills in the 1 1 ..ii si im . '':"' W II " bilge , il , U I loll l'l llg ill !"' I a i I l oad cai s. , io.-oiu. il l e-, ein i (in ri ;-. and lad-, and -tead .-upport l oi'thN iiing fioiii autnniolide tai.t"! - '; steet iiidu try Hell WctiD-i" , f, AiiDo lean .!! fia- .(iKIeri'd " -;. ! eiWwi! "" i"!).- '-wsuu. The -onibir,e,i r.;i 1 road. . ..; i'-' .Cr,:.d.. li'-.-eived and ! in ,-e j ni-t ' ait ' 'a.' 1 a virtually, riiutiiie aiipioVah a;-: e-" inaieil at than -Sail oon ,iii,n. ii tin., w ide-iri ad inthieiae ui, t la y r. er d "steel improVemehi iiuin, lha mills aii- iiiciejlsing oper..iTon Dol ls Duke, w rdelv punliczena - ran "Tuchest girl in the w"tad- i- n- i:.: . annoyed by kidnaping threat.- . Mi:-.-Duke is closelv guardi'o i.e-'prvv.-ir..-possiuiiv (if her being kinnape.;. I' day -he is almost a -self-exiled pri,-j otK-r dii her ."i,0O(l-acre: csUite a' Somei yille, X. J.. ar.d the ";' ; ht:!.': rich girl'' has n't. been aide to a.'" alKiut ineiignito as she u- ) to.' ., Sp .In. one of the laige.-t vi:o - ': ' ducing countries, is .-nioyir.g. a r. . ticeablc boom in viticulture-; due 'c anticipated ., large. eNp'-'i t incr' as. with the re-openir.g ,of "it- ).l.l I n ' ." Suites market. Play To Ite Given At Clvde Tridav Night. 7: ' The .Civile Chant) i' or - Ii---;;1;" Star will . -pfe'serrt a', "'a - .". ' 'lave- of I..,ve" at tiv .-' : iv,; --t i e" ;. v 1 h I- I v 1

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